Konstruksi Makna Rat Scooter Modification.

Angga Karsa Gumilar, 210111100121.2013. “Konstruksi Makna Rat
Scoter Modification”. Dibimbing oleh Drs. Slamet Mulyana, M.I.Kom. selaku
pembimbing I dan Agus Setiaman, S.Sos., M.Ikom. selaku pembimbing II.
Jurusan Manajemen Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas
Padjadjaran Bandung.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap motif pengendara rat
scooter modification, serta makna rat scooter modification menurut para
pengendaranya, dan mengetahui gambaran konstruksi makna rat scooter
modification. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dari pemikiran
Alferd Schutz, yang menjelaskan bahwa tindakan manusia dapat digambarkan
melalui dua tipe motif yaitu because of motives dan in order to motives. Teknik
pengumpulan data penelitian yang paling utama digunakan adalah wawancara
kepada 8 (delapan) orang informan yang merupakan pengendara vespa rat scooter
modification yang berdomisili di Kota Bogor.
Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat bahwa motif dari informan pengendara rat
scooter modification yaitu, because of motives mereka disebabkan


lingkungan dan pergaulan dan in order to motives mereka dikarenakan untuk

mengeksplorasi bakat dan hobi. Kemudian makna rat scooter modification bagi
mereka yaitu meliputi fungsional kendaraan, harapan-harapan emosional yang ada
pada diri mereka, dan intepretasi mereka terhadap nilai solidaritas, persaudaran,
serta kebersamaan diantara pengendaranya. Makna tersebut dikonstruksi oleh
motif-motif mereka untuk menggunakan rat scooter modification yang kemudian
terlihat bagaimana cara mereka menafsirkan tindakannya menjadi dua tipologi
yang ditemukan yaitu, tipe pengendara rat scooter modification (penjelajah,
pehobi, pengkreasi dan motir) dan kategori bentuk penampilan kendaraan rat
scooter modification (panjang, sidevan, rembol, ceper dan chopper).


Angga Karsa Gumilar, 210111100121.2013. "Construction of Meaning
Rat Scooter Modification". Under Supervisor by Drs. Slamet Mulyana, M.I.Kom.
as First Academic Advisor and Agus Setiaman, S.Sos., M.Ikom. as Second
Academic Advisor II. Department of Management Communication, Faculty of
Communication, University of Padjadjaran Bandung.
The purpose of this study was uncovered action motive of the rat scooter
modification riders, with meaning of rat scooter modification by the riders, and

know construction of meaning description from rat scooter modification. This
study method uses phenomenology by Alferd Schutz idea, that’s human action can
be explained by two types of motives which because of motives and in order to
motives. Primary data collection techniques research used that is in-depth
interviews from 8 (eight) informants who were also the riders rat scooter
The results of this study was the informant motive of the rat scooter
modification riders that’s, because-of-motive are caused by their environmental
and socially and in-order-to-motives are to explore their talent and hobby. Then
the meaning of rat scooter modification for their as include vehicles functional,
their emotional expectations that exist in themselves, and their interpretation of
the values of solidarity, brotherhood and unity among the riders. That meaning
constructed by their motives using rat scooter modification which then visible into
how they interpret their actions into two typologies are found that’s, the riders
types of rat scooter modification (viz: explorer, hobbyists, creators and mechanic)
and the appearence form categories of rat scooter modification (viz.: length, side
van, trash, flat and chopper).
