Pencegahan Fibrosis Hati Pada Model Mencit Dengan Konsumsi Ekstrak Cendawan Ulat Cina (Cordyceps sinensis).


Regina Harsanti1,Bethy Suryawathy2,Achadiyani3

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran

Bagian Patologi Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran

Bagian Biologi Sel Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran

Regina Harsanti,dr. M.Kes


Fibrosis hati adalah proliferasi jaringan ikat yang abnormal disebabkan oleh berbagai
macam cedera hati kronis akibat infeksi virus dan paparan kimia. Terjadinya komplikasi karena

proliferasi jaringan ikat yang abnormal yang seringkali berujung pada kegagalan fungsi hati.
Pada penelitian ini menguji konsumsi Cordyceps sinensis, sebuah cendawan ulat, yang
mempunyai aktivitas biologis dan farmakologi yang luas yang mungkin mampu melindungi
fibrosis pada cedera hati yang sedang berlangsung. Hingga akhir penelitian, mencit Swiss
Webster diinduksi pemberian intermiten Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) secara intraperitoneal.
Kelompok perlakuan hanya diberikan Cordyceps sinensis 5,6 mg/20 g berat badan secara oral
dari hari 1 hingga hari 28, sedangkan kelompok negatif diberikan hanya CCl4 tiga kali per
minggu dari hari ke 7 hingga 28. Mencit dari tiap kelompok dikorbankan pada hari 14,21, dan 28
untuk dinilai fungsi hati dan gambaran histopatologik. Gambaran histopatologi derajat inflamasi
dinilai dengan skor dengan melihat intensitas infiltasi sel leukosit, skor fibrosis dinilai dari
luasnya fibrosis. Konsentrasi Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) dan Serum
Glutamic Piruvic Transaminase (SGPT) diukur untuk nilai fungsi hati.
Didapatkan bahwa skor inflamasi rendah secara signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan
dimulai hari 21 dan setelahnya dan hal ini didukung dengan skor fibrosis, meskipun perbedaan
hanya terlihat pada hari 28. Hanya SGOT terbukti berhubungan dengan perbaikan gambaran
histopatologis, namun tidak pada SGPT.
Simpulan dengan pemberian ekstrak Cordyceps sinensis mencegah peningkatan inflamasi
serta mencegah pembentukan fibrosis hati pada model mencit, dan kadar SGOT merupakan
indikator yang lebih baik untuk menilai fungsi hati.
Kata Kunci: Cordyceps sinensis, CCl4, Fibrosis Hati

Protection Liver Fibrosis mice by Chinese Caterpillar Fungus Mushroom
(Cordyceps sinensis) viewed Histopathological and liver function

Liver fibrosis is a condition of abnormal proliferation of connective tissue due to various
types of chronic liver injury often resulting from viral infection and chemical exposure. Serious
complication caused from abnormal proliferation of fibrous tissue frequently lead to failure of
liver function.
In the current study, we would like to test the consumption of Cordyceps sinensis, a
caterpillar fungus ,which exhibits a broad biological and pharmacological activity may offer
protection against fibrosis in an ongoing liver injury. To this end, we have induced an ongoing
liver injury in Swiss Webster mice by means of intermitten intraperitoneal exposure of carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4). The treatment group only, were given 5,6 mg/20 g body weight Cordyceps
sinensis orally from day 1 to 28 of exposure, while the negative group was given only CCl 4 three
times per week from day 7 to 28. Mice from each group were sacrificed on day 14, 21, and 28 to
be assessed their liver function test and histopathological feature. Histopathologically
inflammation degree was scored by judging the intensity of leukocyte infiltration, fibrosis was
scored based on the extent of fibrosis. Serum concentrations Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) were measured to test the liver function. We found that

inflammation score is significantly lower in the treatment group from day 21 on ward and this is
accompanied by a better fibrosis score, although the difference was seen only on day 28. Only
AST is proved to be correlated with the improvement of histopathological feature, while ALT did
We concluded that the administration of Cordyceps sinensis extract protects against
inflammation and fibrosis development in an ongoing liver injury in mice model and that AST
level is a good indicator to measure liver function.
Key words: Cordyceps sinensis,CCl4, liver fibrosis