




Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Education Department Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya













Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Education Department Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya













Akustia, Aisa (2015) The Correlation Of Self-Assessment and Achievement in

Learning English at SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya.A thesis English Education

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor 1.M Hanafi, MA.2. Rikat Eka,M.Pd

Key Words:Self-Assessment, Achievement in learning English, Correlation.

Self-assessment is the ability to self-assess effectively, to identify strengths and weaknesses and to implement identified improvements. In many research told, self assessment as good variable to improve English skill. This research wants to investigate the correlation of self-assessment and achievement in learning English. This uses secondary data of achievement in learning English such students score in final exam in first semester. The sample consisted of 84 students in seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya. This research is quantitative research and analyzes the data using SPSS. score in learning English indicate the level of English learning achievement among the students of seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya is in good qualification. Since most of them or about 66,7% of the students got very good qualification in 81-100 range score. Then, students lead to fill the Self-Assessment questionnaire. The result indicates t -assessment at seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya is high self-aseessment level. Most of them or about 69,1 % of students got high self-assessment in 61-80 range score of Likert Scale. From the calculation of those data, it can be seen that -assessment and the English learning achievement at the students of SMP Pawiyatan. It means that the better the students have high self-assessment, the better they are in English learning achievement and the correlation was very significant with the score 0.857.



Aisa Akustia1 1

English Department Faculty, Tarbiyah

Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Surabaya. Indonesia.


Self-Assessment adalah kemampuan untuk menilai kemampun diri sendiri dengan efektif untuk mengidentifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan belajar. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, self-assessment adalah variable yang baik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini untuk meneliti seberapa tinggi korelasi antara self-assessment dan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris. Data yang digunakan adalah hasil belajar siswa pada nilai akhir semester 1. Sampel yang digunakan terdiri dari 84 siswa pada kelas 7 SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan analisis datanya menggunakan SPSS. Nilai hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini menunjukkan kualifikasi yang bagus. Skor yang mereka dapatkan terletak pada angka 81-100 yang dikategorikan 66,7% dari

This research is quantitative research and analyzes the data using SPSS.

achievement score in learning English indicate the level of English learning achievement among the students of seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya is in good qualification. Since most of them or about 66,7% of the students got very good qualification in 81-100 range score. Then, students lead to fill the Self-Assessment questionnaire. The result indicates t -assessment at seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya is high self-aseessment level. Most of them or about 69,1 % of students got high self-assessment in 61-80 range score of Likert Scale. From the calculation of those data, it can be seen that there is a positive correlation -assessment and the English learning achievement at the students of SMP Pawiyatan. It means that the better the students have high self-assessment, the better they are in English learning achievement and the correlation was very significant with the score 0.857.




Cover Page

Title Page ... i

Approval Sheet ... ii

Examiners Approval Sheet ... iii

Dedication Sheet ... iv

Motto ... v

Abstract ... vi

Acknowledgement ... vii

Table of Contents ... ix

List of Table ... xii

List of Appendices ... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study ... 1

B. Statements of The Problem ... 3

C. Objective of The Study ... 4

D. Hypotheses of Research ... 4

E. Significance of The Study ... 5

F. Scope and Limit of The Study ... 6




A. Self-Assessment ... 8

1. Definition of Self Assessment ... 8

2. Types of Self-Assessment and implementation Guidelines ... 14

3. Self Assessment and Learning ... 18

B. Achievement in Learning English ... 27

1. Definition of Achievement... 27

2. Achievement in Leaning English... . 28

C. Correlation... ... 29

D. Previous study... ... 31


B. Research Location ... 35

C. Data and Source of Data ... 36

D. Research Procedure ... 36

E. Data Collection Technique ... 37

F. Data Collection Instrument ... 38

G. Data Analysis Technique ... 39


-Assessment ... 42

... 43

3. Normality Test ... 45



5. The Correlation of SA and Achievement in Learning English ... 47

B. Discussion ... 52

-Assessment ... 53

... 54

3. The Correlation of SA and Achievement in Learning English ... 54


B. Suggestion ... 57

Bibliography Appendices



This chapter presents background of the study which explains the reason of conducting this research. Research questions come up from some case and the aim of conducting this research will be explained in the objective of the study. Besides, significance of the study explains theoretical and practical benefit. Then, scope and limitation of this research is also presented. The last, variable used in this research will be explained in the definition of key term.

A. Research Background

Therefore, many studies have been conducted to investigate variables which can affect learnersin learning process.

Recently, the research grew out of a concern about what progress in developing language skills students make and how they evaluate their achievements themselves. Assessment is defined as the process of gathering and integrating information whereas evaluation is the process of making a judgement of a performance based on criteria1.Assessment becomes a diagnostic vehicle for providing the effectiveness of the teaching methods. Furthermore, it helps students to demonstrate that they are making progress in




foreign language development, which can encourage their motivation to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and promote autonomy and independent learning skills.

During the last 30 years there has been a surge of interest in methods for self-assessment of foreign language proficiency. Self assessment is needed to The main potential for self-assessment, however, is in its use as a tool for motivation and awareness raising: helping learners to appreciate their strengths, recognise their weaknesses and orient their learning more effectively.

According to Black and William, the aim of learning is for students to develop increasing responsibility for their learning. These aims align with -assessment of their works is arning gains. 2 Hattie found that when students and teachers have a shared understanding not only of when goals are reached but also of which goals to work toward next, learningimproves.3

-assessments being expressed as a goal inSwedish education and despite these assessments having been documented as beneficialfor student learning, teachers still express doubts about both their


Black & William, 1998; Boekaerts, 1991; Gielen et al., 2010,pg181 3

Hattie, J (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London, UK: Routledge,pg44



accuracy and use.4 One of the main concerns focuses on how self-assessments correlate toother measures of achievement, such as teacher judgments and tests.

Related to academic research before about the reliability, validity, and utility of self assessment, and the result indicated if self-assessment is very good to other measures of achievement. This study leads the researcher to investigate the correlation between self-assessment and achievement in learning English.

Based on the reason above, the researcher chooses SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya. This is one of private school in Surabaya which has good record in achievement in English. That fact indicates that the students of SMP Pawiyatan have good skill in English. Thus, through this study, the researcher wants to investigate whether there is a significant correlation between -assessment and their achievement in learning English or not. In addition, this research is new research and because of the recommendation from the teacher, the participants of this study are seventh grade.

B. Statement of the Problem

Through this research, the researcher wants to investigate: a.

and achievement in learning English?


Ross, JA (2006). The reliability, validity, and utility of self-assessment. Practical Assessment Research &Evaluation, 11(10), 1 13.



To get best result for that investigation above, researcher needs additional data such:

b. What is the level of self-assessment among first grade students of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

a. To find out whether there is correlation between -assessment and achievement in learning English at first grade of SMP Pawiyatan or not.

b. To describe the level of self-assessment among first grade students of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya.

D. Hypotheses of Research

In hypotheses there are two probability. The first is Ho: r = 0 (having null correlation), this means that the researcher will not find correlation. The

find correlation.

The hypotheses of the study are:

-assessment and achievement in learning English at seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya.



-assessment and achievement in learning English at seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya.

E. Significance of the Study

The researcher hopes that this study has some benefits:

a. Theoretical Benefits

1) The researcher hopes that the result of this study can give description about the level of self-assessment SMP Pawiyatan and its correlation with achievement in learning English.

2) The result of this study can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a study about another case of self-assessment, or

even implementing an approach to -assessment

in improving their achievement in learning English.

b. Practical Benefits

1) For the students, the result of this study can motivate them to enhance their confidence when doing task, especially learning English.

2) For the teachers, the result of this study is hoped to help

assessment of their abilities and encourage them to expend greater efforts and time when facing failures rather than to attribute all their failures to their lack of abilities.



3) For curriculum designer, the result of this study can give an input to design a student-centered language curriculum. It may help language learners develop their strength and overcome their weakness in learning.

F. Scope and Limitation of the Study

As the researcher has mentioned above, people with high self-assessment would expect to have higher achievement in doing task. To narrow down the focus of investigation, this study is aimed at exploring the -assessment and achievement in learning English. Besides, the participants of this study are VII grade of SMP Pawiyatan based on the result of lottery the researcher will choose VII-3 and VII-5.

G. Definition of Key Term

The key terms of this study are self-assessment, achievement in learning English, and correlation. To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher will give the definition of key terms, they are:

a. Self assessment is reviewing how well ourselves doing and what we need to improve. Puhl said, Assessment is defined as the process of gathering and integrating information whereas evaluation is the process of making a judgement of a performance



based on criteria.5According to LSC, Self assessment is the ability to self-assess effectively, to identify strengths and weaknesses and to implementidentified improvements is critical to the development of a continuously improving sector.6 By knowing the strength and weakness, learner able to set goals and to monitor and evaluate their own learning.

b. Learning achievement is the result of an activity that has been done, created both individually and in groups.7 Meanwhile,

that the achievement is what has to be created. As a result, learning achievement is the result of an activity that has been done in the learning process. Such as the midterm score of the student is a kind of achievement.

c. Correlation is analysis that measures the strengths of association between two variables. In this research will use Pearson r correlation which is the most relate with this research. In Leonardo journal of science, Sorana and Lorentz said that the definition of Pearson r correlation is a measure the strength and direction of the linear relationship between twovariables, describing the direction and degree to which one variable is linearly related toanother.8


Puhl, A 1997, Develop, not judge, pg. 2-15, ELT Forum Journal, Vol. 51/ 4. 6

Brooke,R.2006.Effective Self Assessment of key skill,pg. 1 7

Djamarah, Saiful Bahri. Learning And 19 8





This chapter consists of theories that underline the research topic and the previous study. Theories underlying the research topic explain what self-assessment is, what the Types of Self-Assessment and Implementation Guideline, Self-Assessment and Learning and achievement in learning. Meanwhile, the previous study contains some studies which are related to the research topic.

A. Self-Assessment

1. The Definition of Self-Assessment

Self-assessment has long been used in the fields of second and foreign languages as part of the decision making procedure for placement purposes by requiring learners to evaluate their own language proficiency.9

According to Srimavin & Pornapit in Didi Sukyadi, Self-Assessment refers to autonomous learning which enables learners to set goals and to monitor and evaluate their own learning.10 Self-assessment


Strong-Krause, D. (2000). Exploring the effectiveness of self-assessment strategies in ESL placement.

In G.Ekbatani & H. Pierson (Eds.), Learner-directed assessment in ESL (pp. 49-61). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.


Didi&Fiftinova.2009. -Assessment Using Systematic Functional Grammar Approach(A case of study in Higher Level Education.pg7



accuracy is a precondition for learner autonomy.11 Students need to be able to appraise their performance accurately for themselves so that they themselves understand what more they need to learn and do not become dependent on their teachers.

Student self-assessment may seem like an extravagant addition to the assessment system. However, both scholars and classroom experience suggest that it is an important piece of the puzzle. Students who are engaged in self-assessment do not become dependent on teachers to determine how well they are doing or where they need more work.12 They see learning as within their control and gain a sense of responsibility and ownership. They move from passive learners13, unengaged and uninspired, to active learners. As a result, these students become more focused on their work. They learn the qualities of good work, how to judge their work against those qualities, and how to assess their own efforts and feelings of accomplishment. They are more likely to set goals and to accomplish them, and consequently, their learning improves.14 These students are also more likely to share common goals and expectations with their teacher. It means that teacher and students can work together, because they have a shared understanding of what they


Blanche, Patrick & Merino, Barbara, J. (1989). Self assessment of foreign language skills: Implications for teachers and researchers. Language Learning, 39,pg 313-314


Rief, L. (1990). Finding the value in evaluation: Self-evaluation in a middle school classroom. Educational Leadership, 47(6), pg24


Johnston, P.H. & Winograd, P.N. (1985). Passive failure in reading. Journal of Reading Behavior, 17(4), 279 301.


Andrade, H.G. (2000). Using rubrics to promote thinking and learning. Educational Leadership, 57, 13-18.



want to accomplish. The evidence from classroom teachers suggests that when students and teachers share goals and values, there is less conflict over grades and better communication among teacher, parent, and student. Naturally, this leads to improved learning.

Self-assessment can take several forms. First, students can use samples of their work as a sample for self-assessment. For example, they can reflect on their learning preferences and skill by reviewing their achievement. Second, they can judge the quality of their achievement by analyzing strength and weakness. Third, they can evaluate their progress over time by comparing their achievement in learning English in first semester and second semester Forth, they can even engage in self-assessment as part of a more formal self-assessment such as a theme test.

Reviewing English learning on classroom is helpful because students can arrange next plan to enhance and their skill in English in order to improve the achievement score in their work. In the process, students are encouraged to think about what went into that work and what strategies seemed most useful or problematic. Knowing strength and weakness also makes it easier to think about work that was completed in the past.

Engaging students in assessment is also useful to make assessment as a natural part of classroom conversation. All too often, self-assessment takes the form of written reflections rather than discussion. Although written reflections are useful and can encourage a bit more



reflection time, discussions help students become part of a reflective community whose members are willing and able to talk about their strengths and needs. This is an important way for most of learner.

Taking an example from learning in class, such as after listen a story, students can discuss what parts they found personally engaging and what sections were particularly difficult or confusing for them. They can also help one another develop strategies for clarifying anything that confused them. Other times, it is helpful to think about work while in the midst of doing it. For example, while in the process of creating a piece of speaking, students can step back from speaking and discuss how the process is going and what they are learning about themselves as speakers. While the students are listening, teachers can stop them briefly to discuss how they understand or suggest them make a notes to mark spots of confusion.

In addition, Andrade said, a final strategy for engaging students in self-evaluation is to involve them in developing and using rubrics or criteria for their work. For example, process writing instruction can be more effective if students have models and if the criteria for good work are presented using student language. Such models give students an idea of how to go about their work and what a high quality product will look like when they are finished. Too often, these criteria become clear only at the end of a project, as students



are more likely to understand the value of self-evaluation and transfer this understanding to other learning situations.

The caution is that self-assessment can sometimes overemphasize , efforts, or unexamined feelings. In fact, studies suggest that without support to go beyond the superficial, students tend not to develop a more reflective and analytic stance toward their learning.15 An addition, Valencia said a related caution is that self-assessment can easily become routine and uninspired if it is overused or used in the same way regardless of the kind of work. Students can grow as weary of self-assessment as any mundane activity. The preventive for such problems is to provide instruction in self-assessment (modeling, guidance, practice), time (self-assessment cannot be rushed), and many opportunities for students to discuss insights about their own learning. Like any skill or strategy, self-assessment needs support to develop.

7John A Ross claimed in his journal if many teachers use self-assessment because these reasons, such as 16:

Most frequently heard is the claim that involving students in the assessment of their work, especially giving them opportunities to contribute to the criteria on which that


Valencia, S. W. & Place, N. (1994). Literacy portfolios for teaching, learning, and

accountability: The Bellevue literacy assessment project. In S. W. Valencia, E. H. Hiebert, & P. P. Afflerbach (Eds.), Authentic reading assessment; Practices and possibilities, . Newark, DE: International Reading 120


Ross, A.John. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation. Volume 11 Number 10, November 2006, pg 7



work will be judged, increases student engagement in assessment tasks.

Closely related is the argument that self-assessment contributes to variety in assessment methods, a key factor in maintaining student interest and attention.

Other teachers argue that self-assessment has distinctive features that warrant its use. For example, self-assessment provides information that is not easily determined, such as how much effort students expended in preparing for the task.

Some teachers argue that self-assessment is a more cost-effective than other techniques.

Still others argue that students learn more when they know that they will share responsibility for the assessment of what they have learned.

A fundamental reason for self-assessment is then to help the learner become aware of achievement reached at any given time and over a longer term, and in this way enhance learning.17 Reif on Valensia Understanding Assessment told if students who are engaged in self-assessment do not become dependent on teachers to determine how well


Oscarson A, 2009. Self-Assessment of Writing in Learning English as a Foreign Language. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.pg38



they are doing or where they need more work. They see learning as within their control and gain a sense of responsibility and ownership. They move from passive learners to active learners. As a result, these students become more focused on their work. They learn the qualities of good work, how to judge their work against those qualities, and how to assess their own efforts and feelings of accomplishment. 18

A number of researchers such Bachman, Haughton & Dickinson, Oscarson have attempted to define the term by identifying two types of self-assessment according to their purpose, such as ;performance-oriented self-assessment, and development-oriented self-assessment. A major distinction between performance-oriented self-assessment and development-oriented self-assessment is that the former typically samples

latter assesses the participants for an extended period in order to detect changes and patterns of development over time. The following will discuss the two types of self-assessment and their implementation guidelines.

2. Types of Self-Assessment and Implementation Guideline

Yoko Saito in the research of self-assessment writes two kinds of self-assessment as follows:


Valencia, S. W. & Place, N. (1994). Literacy portfolios for teaching, learning, and accountability:The Bellevue literacy assessment project.Newark, DE: International Reading



1. Performance-oriented Self-assessment

Performance-oriented assessment measures the outcomes related to selection,certification, placement, achievement, diagnosis, etc. For instance, if self-assessment is used as a placement exam in a university ESL program, it will be administered to the students only once prior to program entrance. In this case, students are asked to evaluate their language ability on whatever is being assessed. Many researchers have investigated whether self-assessment instruments accurately sample the time. Although there remains

objectivity and capacity to view their achievements, the use of self-assessment for the purpose of the performance-oriented self-assessment has various advantages. First, it eliminates concerns with cheating and security issues.19 Second, it is cost and time efficient.20 These advantages are often attractive enough to induce test administrators to implement self-assessment into their language programs. However, these test administrators need to be aware that


LeBlanc, R., & Painchaud, G. (1985). Self-assessment as a second language placement instrument.

TESOL Quarterly, 19, 673-687. 20

Strong-Klause, D. (2000). Exploring the effectiveness of self-assessment strategies in ESL

placement. In G. Ekbatani & H. Pierson (Eds.), Learner-directed assessment in ESL (pp.49-73). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.



self-reporting is affected by many factors including the wording of the questions, the assessed language skills, the proficiency level of the students, the cultural backgrounds of the students, and so forth (Strong-Klause, 2000). Most importantly, self-assessment is severely influenced when there is a perceived advantage to a higher rating. Many test administrators are hesitant to use it in situations where the consequences of the self-assessment seriously affect the

self-ratings are greatly affected by subjective errors, the results must be interpreted with caution when used for the purpose of placement, certification,diagnosis, and admission.

2. Development-oriented Self-assessment

Development-oriented assessment measures the process of learning (usually in a classroom environment) in which self-managed activities are incorporated. It is used as an

order to detect changes and patterns of development over 21

Bachman said that, this type of assessment began to receive attention as the result of an increasing interest in the learner-centered approach. In a




learner-centered curriculum, learners are encouraged to not only be test takers, but also to be active participants in the assessment process.22 By incorporating self-assessment into classroom learning, students as well as teachers acknowledge assessment as a mutual responsibility, and not as the sole responsibility of the teacher. Furthermore Dickinson tells, a number of empirical studies indicate the presence of increased productivity and autonomy, higher motivation, less frustration, and higher retention rates among learners when development-oriented self-assessment is utilized.23 Though the findings of these studies make the implementation of self-assessment sound plausible, issues regarding the validity and reliability of the assessment need to be addressed. For example, when self-assessment is implemented in a portfolio project, the students engage in multiple assessments, a cycle of self-assessment and feedback, throughout the semester. Because the final product is influenced by feedback from a teacher, a peer, or even a parent, the completed portfolio might not be an accurate measure of the


Bachman, L. F., & Palmer, A. S. (1996). Language testing in practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press




language ability, the validity of the portfolio is severely affected by a confounding variable such as feedback. Furthermore, the complexity involved in grading a portfolio exacerbates the reliability of the assessment. Although the issues of reliability and validity remain the primary concern for development-oriented self-assessment, many studies have focused on how the implementation of

self-language learning. This approach not only promotes autonomy in student learning, it also helps the teachers

measur in the course.

Development-oriented self-assessment may best serve as a complementary instrument to traditional assessment presently; however, it may become a more viable part of the assessment process when more research has been conducted to investigate its validity and


3. Self-Assessment and Learning

Pupils need to look for information about how well they are doing and search for what steps to take next in order to improve. Clarity of action depends on feedback from the teacher and also on what they discover themselves about their own learning. The encouragement of life-long learning requires pupils being skilled at



applying what they know about their current learning to future events.24

Assessment in learning will how the strength and weakness of the student. Therefore it will able to lead the student for making best step for future in learning. As cited in Brown, Self-assessment is likely to be part of adult learners learning. Adult learners are not in the process of acquisition like those of young learners or of elementary students so that they are believed to be incredibly capable of knowing the framework for self-monitoring their own learning. Besides, adult learners are among others who are very successful

presence of a teacher or a tutor, autonomously mastering the art of self assessment.

There are basically three ways in which descriptors can be presented for use as assessment criteria as cited in Common European Framework of References for Language, such:

Firstly, descriptors can be presented as a scale often combining descriptors for different categories into one holistic paragraph per level. This is a very common approach.

Secondly, they can be presented as a checklist, usually with one checklist per relevant level, often with descriptors grouped under




headings, i.e. under categories. Checklists are less usual for live assessment.

Thirdly, they can be presented as a grid of selected categories, in effect as a set of parallel scales for separate categories. This approach makes it possible to give a diagnostic profile. However, there are limits to the number of categories that assessors can cope with. There are two distinctly different ways in which one can provide a grid of sub-scales:

Proficiency Scale: by providing a profile grid defining the relevant levels for certain categories, for example from Levels A2 to B2. Assessment is then made directly onto those levels, possibly using further refinements like a second digit or pluses to give greater differentiation if desired. Thus even though the performance test was aimed at Level B1, and even if none of the learners had reached Level B2, it would still be possible for stronger learners to be credited with B1+, B1++ or B1.8.

Examination Rating Scale: by selecting or defining a

descriptor for each relevant category which describes the desired pass standard or norm for a particular module or examination for that category. That descriptor is then named -referenced around that standard (a very weak performance



other descriptors drawn or adapted from the adjacent levels on the scale from the appropriate section of Chapter 5, or the descriptor may be formulated in relation to the wording of

Very effective assessment for learning was usually supported by detailed and constructive marking of written work. In the best examples, pupils were made aware of what they had achieved, what they needed to do to improve and how to go about this. They were also and their own assessment, and to act on the advice to improve their work. The middle school referred to earlier ensured that there was regular written comment for pupils but also time for them to reflect and respond.25

How Self-Assessment Contributes to Learning

Table 2.1 Ross concept of self-assessment in learning


NCCA National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.2007. Assessment In The Primary School Curriculum.Merrion Square:Dublin 2.pg5



Schunk said in John A. Ross research if Self-assessment embodies three processes that self-regulating students use to observe and interpret their behavior. First, students produce self-observations, deliberately focusing on specific aspects of their performance related to their subjective standards of success. Second, students make self-judgments in which they determine how well their general and specific goals were met. Third are self-reactions, interpretations of the degree of goal achievement that express how satisfied students are with the result of their actions. Training in self-assessment has an impact on -assessments by focusing student attention on particular aspects of their performance (e.g., the dimensions of the co-constructed rubric), by redefining the standards students use to determine whether they were successful (e.g., the levels of the rubric), and by structuring teacher feedback to reinforce positive reactions to the accurate recognition of successful performance. These influences of self-assessment training increase the likelihood that students will interpret their performance as a mastery experience, the most powerful source of self-efficacy information.

Self-assessment contributes to self-efficacy beliefs, student perceptions of their ability to perform the actions required by similar tasks likely to be encountered in the future. Students who perceive themselves to have been successful on the current task (i.e., who recognize it as a mastery experience) are more likely to believe that



they will be successful in the future.26 Self-assessment training also contributes to self-efficacy through vicarious experience (i.e., classroom discussions of exemplars provide examples of successful

to share control of assessment const

information that the teacher perceives students to be able and responsible, an important source of positive efficacy information.27

Students with greater confidence in their ability to accomplish the target task are more likely to visualize success than failure. They set higher standards of performance for themselves. Student expectations about future performance also influence effort. Positive self-assessments foster an upward cycle of learning, as demonstrated by the studies that found positive outcomes for self-assessment. But the processes in Figure 1 can generate negative outcomes, as found in J.Ross. A stream of negative self-assessments can lead students to select personal goals that are unrealistic, adopt learning strategies which are ineffective, exert low effort and make excuses for performance.28


Bandura, A. 1997. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W. H. Freeman. 117-148


Usher, E. L., & Pajares, F. (2005, April). Inviting confidence in school: Sources and effects of academic and self-regulatory efficacy beliefs. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal.pg15


Stipek, D., Recchia, S., & McClintic, S. (1992). Self-evaluation in young children. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 57, 1-84



Teachers who are concerned about the inaccuracy of self-assessment may be partially reassured by the research evidence about the psychometric properties of self-assessment. The concern is likely to remain. Improvement in the utility of self-assessment is most likely to come from attention to four dimensions in training students how to assess their work.

As cited in Journal Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, there are some reasons to make self-assessment more useful in learning.29 Such as:

1. First, the process for defining the criteria that students use to assess their work will improve the reliability and validity of assessment if the rubric uses language intelligible to students, addresses competencies that are familiar to students, and includes performance features they perceive to be important. Rolheiser (1986) suggested several strategies for engaging students in the construction of simple rubrics. A key mess

manual is that teachers should not surrender control of assessment criteria but enact a process in which students develop a deeper understanding of key expectations mandated by governing curriculum guidelines. Offering to expand the rubric to include


Ross, A.John. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation. Volume 11 Number 10, November 2006, pg 8-9



addition to focusing student attention on specific aspects of a domain, the construction of a rubric also provides students with a language for talking about their learning. In some instances, a process of progressive revelation of the rubric may be appropriate, if students lack sufficient experience in the domain to be able to identify dimensions of mastery.

2. Second, teaching students how to apply the criteria also contributes to the credibility of the assessment and student understanding of the rubric. Among the more powerful strategies are teacher explanations of each criterion, teacher modeling of criteria application, and student practice in applying the rubric to examples of student work (including their own). Within-lesson comments that link instructional episodes and student tasks to assessment criteria reinforce student understanding of the criteria. 3. Third, giving students feedback on their self-assessments is a

process of triangulating student self-assessments with teacher appraisals and peer assessments of the same work using the same criteria. Conferencing with individuals and groups to resolve discrepancies can heighten attention to evidence, the antidote to lying and self-delusion. A key issue is to help students move from holistic to analytic scoring of their work. For example, student self-assessments are frequently driven by their perception of the



effort expended on the assignment, an important criterion but it should not swamp attention to other dimensions of performance. 4. Fourth, students need help in using self-assessment data to

improve performance. Student sophistication in processing data improves with age. For example, J. Ross et al. (2002-c) found that when discussing assessments with parents and peers, grade 6 students were more likely to focus on evidence of achievement and how to improve performance, whereas grade 2-4 students focused exclusively on the overall grade. In addition, older students were more likely than younger to compare current to past achievement on similar tasks. Teachers can provide simple recording forms for tracking performance over time to compensate for memory loss. Teachers can provide games, conferences, and menus of examples to support goal setting. Goals are more likely to improve student achievement if they are set by students themselves, are specific, attainable with reasonable amounts of effort, focus on near as opposed to distant ends, and link immediate plans to longer term aspirations. Recording goals in a contract increases accountability. Teachers can also address student beliefs that contribute to higher goal setting, such as attributions for success and failure and seeing ability as something that can improve rather than as a fixed entity.



Teachers can further support self-assessment by creating a climate in which students can publicly self-assess. Strategies for creating trust in the classroom are readily available.30 The usefulness of self-assessment is likely to be enhanced by strategies that shift students toward learning goals students approach classroom tasks in order to understand key ideas and away from performance goals students approach classroom tasks in order to demonstrate they are smarter than their peers.

B. Achievement in Learning English 1. The Definition of Achievement

Achievement is the result of an activity that has been done, created both individually and in groups.31 Gage said, Achievement is considered as the drive and energy students bring to school work in desire to make progress in their learning and achievement.32 It is important thing to measure how far our effort and skill can be reach.

Meanwhile, according to A

book stated that the achievement is what has to be created. It means achievement in learning English is the result of an activity that has been done in the learning English process in certain period of time. Such, the concept of


Johnson, D. W. J. R., & Holubec, E. (1990). Circles of learning: Cooperation in the classroom. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company.


Djamarah, Saiful Bahri. Learning And 19


N.L Gage and David C. Berliner, 1988.Educational Psychology 4th edition, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company pg 335



assessment is important because self-assessment can serve as both an objective in itself and means for furthering achievement of other educational objective.

So that, achievement means a results of learning that indicate by the

followed teaching and learning process in particular period.

The shapes of achievement in learning here are daily test, weekly test, middle test and also final test. This research uses final test score as an indicator of achievement in learning English.

2. Achievement in Learning

As an objective, self assessment becomes one of supporting skill to improve achievement in learning. Teacher make assumption about what supports or improves achievement based on what students do in the classroom, their performance, their behavior, how they respond to the teacher and classroom task. Achievement in learning is usually showed in test score.

Kevin and Len in their theories of achievement cited: 1. The

self-judgments of how well or not so well they will perform a task given the skill they have and the circumstances they face. Students become highly motivated to achieve when they believe they can perform a task or an activity successfully. 2.



highly motivated to achieve when they attribute success mainly to ability and failures mainly to lack of effort. The attribute theory suggests that the explanations people give for behavior, particularly their own success and failures, have strong influences on future plan and performance.33

learning process in the classroom, environment, etc. Students lead to assess themselves to know their progress n teaching and learning. While assessing their selves, they will know their strength and weakness to make decision in next learning to improve skills. Students will success in learning if they have achievement, so all parts which can improve achievement is importa

learning with effort and skill.

C. Correlation

Correlation is a measure the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables, describing the direction and degree to which one variable is linearly related to another.As cited in Nian of

Continuous Data said t

measure of association between two continuous variables. It is defined as




the ratio of the covariance of the two variables to the product of their respective standard deviations, commonly denoted by the Greek letter.34

The sample correlation coefficient, r, can be obtaining by plugging-in the sample covariance and the sample standard deviations into the previous formula:

rxy = xy

2 2



rxy :the correlation coefficient

:the sum of multiplication between variable X score and variable Y score


:the sum of standard deviation of variable X 2

:the sum of standard deviation of variable Y

-1 to +1. A positive monotonic association (two variables tend to increase or decrease simultaneously) results in > 0, and negative monotonic association (one variable tends to increase when the other decreases) results in < 0. of 0 corresponds to the absence of the monotonic association, or absence of any association in the case of bivariate normal data. However, for bivariate distributions other than bivariate normal distribution, the


Chok,Nian Shong.2008.



-monotonic relationship, such as: Y = X2, (x (-1, 1)). The absolute value of indicates the strength of the monotonic relationship between the two variables of 1 indicates a perfect linear relationship, such as: Y = a+bX.

Pearson r correlation is widely used in statistic to measure the degree of the relationship between linear related variables. Such as in this study, researcher wan to measure how self-assessment and achievement are related each other. Pearson r correlation is used to measure the degree of relationship between these variables. The following formula is used to calculate the Pearson r correlation:

D. Review of Previous Study

As cited in Didi & Fiftinova subjects involved in this study were three graduate students of English Education Program of Indonesia University of Education who have had SFG course. They were interviewed using open-ended questions and then were asked to fill in the adapted Amadeus questionnaire. The findings show that when asked to self-review their writings, students see their writing products differently before and after learning SFG. The study implies that using SFG, the

2 2 2 2








i i i i i i i i xy















subjects were able to self-assess their writing independently. However, as the subjects involved were limited in number, further studies with significant number subjects were required to have a more reliable conclusion. The result of self-assessment is extremely authentic. Students become aware what happen to their learning and then find out solutions to the learning problem. Self-assessment leads to the reflection of learning progress. Finally, students make improvements to the way they learn and set new learning goals or plans.

Anne Dragemark Oscarsoon -Assessment of

Writing in learning as a Foreign Language. Then the results of the study showed that at the group level students were well able to assess their general writing results. At the individual level the results were more variable, partly depending on the type of writing activity assessed and on the amount of practice students had had of self-assessment. The results also showed that the specific writing skills that students focused on in their writing are spelling and grammar rather than other skills such as vocabulary and punctuation. Students and teachers were positive to the incorporation of self-assessment activities in the EFL writing classroom. They regarded self-assessment as an important skill. This study leads the researcher to investigate the correlation between self-assessment and achievement in learning English.





This chapter provides the design used in this study, population and sample, data collection technique and the instrument used, and the technique of analyzing data.

A. Research Design

Since the research design determines of making statistical decision, defining it in advance is the most essential part of conducting a research. As the topic indicates the correlation -assessment and writing skill achievement at first grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya, so this study is aimed at finding out the possible relationship between the two variables. In other word, this study is correlational study. This research uses quantitative method with the analysis of product moment.This type of the research is one kind of method to look for correlation and born out hypothesis of two variables if both of them are interval and source of data are same.35

According to Karl, it is usually used to correlate two variables or more based on its correlation coefficient value.36 It is beneficial to find out the


Sugiyono.Statistika untuk 133 36



significance of the correlation between those variables, that is variable X and variable Y.

Correlation coefficient (usually represented by r) is index indicating both the direction of the correlation (either positive or negative) and the degree of the relationship between variables. Correlational coefficients can rangefrom -1.00 to +-1.00 with positive numbers used to identify a positive relationship and negative numbers being used to identify a negative relationship.The following table can be used todetermine the strength of a relationship:

Table 3.1

Simple Interpretation of Correlation

Rxy Interpretation

0.00 0.20 There is correlation between X variable and Y variable, but it is very week or very low. So the correlation is rejected. In other words, there is no correlation between X variable and Y variable.

0.20 0.40 There is week or low correlation between X variable and Y variable but it is sure.

0.40 0.70 There is an enough correlation between X variable and Y variable.

0.70 0.90 There is a strong or high correlation between X variable and Y variable.



0.90 1.00 There is a very strong or very high correlation between X variable and Y variable.

From the explanation above, we can identify that the first variable is -assessment level which is taken by distributing questionnaire; it is considered as independent variable (variable X). The second variable is English learning achievement score which is taken by collecting secondary data of final test score in first semester; it is considered as dependent variable (variable Y).

In this study, the researcher cannot directly manipulate the independent variable because there is no control group as in experimental research and also no treatment given since the independent variable occur naturally.

B. Research Location

This research was conducted at SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya. Because of the recommendation from the teacher, the population of this study was VII grade. The VII grade consists of 8 classes and each class consists of around 40 students. So, the total of population was 320 students. The researcher used cluster sampling technique in which the population consists of groups which is equivalent37 and the result of the lottery were VII-3 and VII-5. The research conducted at SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya. Because of the recommendation from




the teacher, the sample of this study will be VII grade. The researcher uses cluster sampling in which the population consists of groups which is equivalent38 and the result of the lottery are VII-3 and VII-5.

C. Data and The Source of Data

In this research, the researcher will gain the dat

test score which have collected by the teacher as the preliminary research. The

English. Then, the researcher will collect the data from questionnaire of Self Assessment to know their Self Assessment level in learning English. The last is all data will collect which are from secondary data of English test score as

It will show how the correlation of self Assessment and achievement in learning English.

D. Research Procedures

1) Documentation

The preliminary research will do on 11th of May 2015 to get the information about the situation and condition of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya. The researcher also asks the information about the




English achievement. Then, researcher collects secondary data of the students score in learning English which has collected by the teacher. 2) Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Since the researcher wants to investigate the correlation -assessment and their achievement in learning English, after doing preliminary research the researcher will conduct

a survey by

-assessment level in learning English. This technique is used to answer the second research question..

3) Analysis the Data

After getting all the data, the researcher will analyze the data to know the correlation of self assessment and achievement in learning English.

E. Data Collection Technique

For collecting the data, the researcher uses some techniques: 1) Documentation

which has collected by the teacher. The score are about final

2) Self- Assessment Questionnaire

After collecting data, then researcher will do a survey. In this case, the researcher will use self assessment questionnaire.



Questionnaire is used to find the valid data and the questions should be related to the self assessment in learning English.

F. Data Collection Instrument


achievement. This is final English score in first semester. There are 44 students in VII-7, and from their score will take as variable Y in the correlation.

No Nama Final Test Score

1 X X

2 X X

Table 3.2The interpretation of final test score 2) Questionnaire

Questionnaire is used to investigate first research question that -assessment level in learning English. The researcher will use questionnaire adapted from Learning Outcomes and Self-Assessment of Baccalaures Students on journal of International Conference IMLA 19 Optija 2011.



G. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, the researcher obtains the data through observation and interview. The data will beclassified from those techniques are described as follows:

1.) Classifying the data

a) Self-Assessment Questionnaire

As stated before the researcher will use questionnaire which is adapted from Learning Outcomes and Self-Assessment of Baccalaures Students on journal of International Conference IMLA 19 Optija 2011(see on

self assessment : 1. strongly disagree2. Disagree3. neither agree nor disagree4. Agree5. strongly agree.

Based on the sum of their answer which will be explained as follows:

1 point (strongly disagree) = never or almost true of me 2 points (disagree) = usually not true of me

3 points (neither agree or disagree) = somewhat true of me 4 points (agree) = usually true of me

5 points (strongly agree) = always or almost true of me The higher score indicates the higher self-assessment level.



2) Interpreting the Data

In interpreting the data, some statistical procedures will be carried out in this study: (a) Descriptive statistics including Cronbach alphas, means and standard deviations (b) Product moment correlation (c) Paired sample T-Tests will be done to explore the effects of high and low self-assessment on achievement in learning English.

a) Descriptive Statistic

Descriptive statistics including Cronbach alphas, means andstandard deviations will be computed to summarize the students' responses to the self-assessment questionnaire and achievement in learning English.

b) Product moment correlation (r test)

Data have been collected will be interpreted using SPSS product moment correlation. This research uses quantitative with the analysis of product moment. This type of the research is one kind of method to look for correlation and born out hypothesis of two variables if both of them are interva

self-assessment as variable X and achievement in learning English as variable Y.



The formula of correlation product moment is described as follow:

rxy = xy

2 2



rxy :the correlation coefficient

:the sum of multiplication between variable X score and variable Y score


:the sum of standard deviation of variable X 2 :the sum of standard deviation of variable Y

c) Paired sample T-Test

Paired sample T-Test will be done to explore the effects of high and low self-assessment on English achievement.

3) Conclusing the Data

After interpreting the data using SPSS, the researcher can draw -assessment and achievement in learning English based on interpretation of correlation coefficient and relationship degree.





This chapter presents the research finding and the discussion. It provides the data found from the research. In addition, it discusses data description and presentation, analyzes self-assessment level and English learning achievement, and -assessment and English learning achievement.

A. Research Findings

From the research found, it was got some data. There are two kinds of data source which was found; the data from

Self-achievement in learning English. The data was in the form of score, so it was included of interval data. After the data from Self-Assessment and achievement score were found, it was used to calculate the correlation both of them.

1. -Assessment

The data classification of self-assessment score from the table presented in the Appendix A, based on the Likert scale that have been arranged:



Table 4.1



It could be seen from the table that the score range 81-100 was -assessment, in which 5 students or 5,9 % of the students belong to this level. There were 58 students whose qualification between the score range 61-80. It means that 69% of the students had -assessment level. Besides, there were 21 students have

which was between the score range 41-60, in which there are 25% of the students or 21 students were included into this level. However, there was no f-assessment whose score range was between 21-40 and 0-20.

2. The Level Achievement in Learning English

Besides the -assessment which was found out, it was also carried out the secondary data from final test score in first semester

ment in learning English. No. Range of score Level Frequency Percentage

1. 81 100 Very high 5 5,9%

2. 61 80 High 58 69,1%

3. 41 60 Average 21 25%

4. 21 40 Low - -



Here was the data classification based on the data presented in the table of achievement score of seventh grade students. (see appendix 4)

Table 4.2 Level

The table showed that there were 56 students or 66,7% of the students had tion, in which the score range was 81-100. 33,3% of the students were between the score range 61-80. It means that there were 66

students we Besides, there was

-60. There was no student which was between the score range 21-40 and 0-20.

No. Range of Score Level Frequency Percentage

1. 81 100 Very good 56 66,7%

2. 61 80 Good 28 33,3%

3. 41 60 Average - -

4. 21 40 Bad - -



3. Normality test

Before it was decided to use parametric statistic to calculate the correlation, it should be tested by the normality test.39 Therefore, it has been tested for the normality. Here was the result :

Table 4.3 Test of Normality


Sugiyono, St at ist ika unt uk Penelit ian... 75.

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


Achievemen t

N 84 84

Normal Parametersa Mean 66.9524 85.9286

Std. Deviation 9.03128 7.85376

Most Extreme


Absolute .097 .168

Positive .097 .168

Negative -.093 -.138

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .893 1.537

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .402 .018



It could be seen from the table, based on the calculation of SPSS 16 by using kolmogorov-smirnov test, the data distribution was normal since the value of sig. presented in the table is more than 0.05

4. Descriptive Statistic

Descriptive statistics including Cronbach alphas, means and standard deviations was computed to summarize the students' responses to the self-assessment questionnaire.

Table 4.4

Descriptive Statistic of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire


of items Alfa

Mean Standard


Self-Assessment Questionnaire

20 ,914 66,95 9,031

As it was shown in table,the reliability of the self-assessment questionnaire designed for this study was 0,914. It means, this reliability of research instruments was satisfactory. Means of self-assessment questionnaire was 66,95 so it was respectively.



5. The Correlation between -Assessment and English

Learning Achievement

Data from the -assessment and English learning achievement was used to answer the last research question. It was used to analyze whether there was correlation between -assessment and achievement in learning English.

Table 4.5

Self-assessment and Achievement Score

No. Name Self Assessment


Achievement Score

1. Ahmad Zainul Amin 75 79

2. Akbar Ramadhan Nurviyanto 79 85

3. Aldo Niaga Setyabudi 68 77

4. Alfan Nurmansyah 65 75

5. Anas Ilham ramadhan 55 75

6. Angga Adi Sancoko 50 75

7. Aurelia Putri Salsabila 52 76

8. Ayu Firnanda 60 79

9. Azalea Roshan Oletha Trisna Aureli 72 90

10. Devana Apreliani 72 80

11. Devian Dwi Triyanti 58 75

12. Dia Puteri Abadi 62 79

13. Dicky Noegraha W. 68 80

14. Dido Agil T. 64 80

15. Dimas Rachmadani 66 80

16. Fery Purwanto 56 76

17. Gilang Kurnia W. 55 75

18. Hermanto Dwi K. 52 75

19. Irgi Dwi Permana 54 78

20. Ivan Ariestha P. 50 75

21. Ivan Cahya F. 51 79

22. Moch. Safir M. 59 80



24. Mohammad Wahyu Akbar 55 79

25. Muhammad Rizky F. 70 90

26. Mutimah 66 82

27. Nourredine Naibet 64 85

28. Nurul Mareta R. 82 98

29. Pebri Slamet Santoso 70 90

30. Raafi Rachmadan 79 92

31. Rachmad Darmawan 80 94

32. Radiyan Kusuma W. 71 90

33. Rangga Fitra Ramadhan 72 92

34. Rido Ariyantama 73 95

35. Rizky Dwi Prasetyo 68 88

36. Rossita Arbianti 66 85

37. Sari Febiola M. 68 86

38. Sarif Hidayatullah 65 84

39. Siti Chotijeh 65 82

40. Vieranti Widyastuti 64 82

41. Viona Devi Salsabila 71 91

42. Yudhistira Aji P. 63 84

43. Yusa Alvin N. 65 86

44. Yustina Romadhoni 77 98

45. Adinda Prameswari 76 95

46. Alifia Putri R. 77 98

47. Ariq Riyan P.H 73 95

48. Bayu Tirta Yamanto P. 82 98

49. Bintang Sahtria 80 95

50. Dewa Ramadhany Ilham 78 95

51. Dewi Anjani 79 96

52. Dian Tirta Nada 78 96

53. Dinik Andriati Prameswari 64 82

54. Dwi Sapitri 62 81

55. Hilmi Firdaus 61 81

56. Ilyas Ardiansyah 59 79

57. Krisdian Haryo Widodo 60 80

58. Mashita Putri R. 60 81

59. Maulidatul Isnaini 61 80

60. Mohammad Ricky Maulana H. 63 81

61. Mohammad Febryanto 65 82

62. Mohammad Firmadhan Z. 73 95

63. Mohammad Lutfi Figo 79 98

64. Mohammad Rizky Akbar 77 98

65. Mohammad Rohim 79 98



67. 74 85

68. Natasya Meytha Salzabila S. 60 85

69. Noer AffandiTrisirwanto 60 87

70. Nur Maria Eviyanti 77 98

71. Nuriyani 83 95

72. Octavia Windarti 69 90

73. Putri Anisa 63 90

74. Ramadhani Ardi Nugraha 62 78

75. Ranum Aprilia Nur A. 57 78

76. Regita Putri Asmara 59 75

77. Retno Sri Lestari 55 96

78. Rifatul Hasanah 73 82

79. Rizky Nanda Pratama 65 82

80. Sandy Setyawan 65 79

81. Shinta Dwi Wulan Cahya 59 95

82. Sony Dwi Jaka Putra 80 90

83. Suarjaya Indra Pratama 61 98

84. Yoga Setiawan 82 98

From those data found, it was calculated by using SPSS 16 to know whether there was correlation between students Self-Assessment and English Learning Achievement. The result of the calculation was as follows:

Table 4.6

The Value of Correlation

Correlations SA Achievement

SA Pearson Correlation 1 .857**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Sum of Squares and



Covariance 81.564 60.756

N 84 84

Achievement Pearson Correlation .857** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Sum of Squares and

Cross-products 5.043E3 5119.571

Covariance 60.756 61.682

N 84 84

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

According to the table, product moment correlation between

self-assessment and English Learning Achievement was 0.857. Meanwhile the value of sig. presented in the table is 0.000. Furthermore, there were two stars at the value of correlation in which it showed that the correlation was significance at the level 0.01.

Besides calculating the correlation by using SPSS 18, it was also calculated manually. Here are the calculations:

Assessment = X Learning English Achievement = Y



r = 84 x 538747 7086 x 7435____________________


r = 0,87512

Because r = 0,875124 close to the significance test.

After the value of the correlation was found out, then it was calculated the significance of correlation coefficient test. The steps were:

1. Developing hypothesis Ho : r = 0

Ha 2.

The alpha used is 0,05 (5 %). 3. Statistic test

The formula of T test:

2 2 2 2








i i i i i i i i xy













) 1 ( 2 2 r n rxy t



t = -2

- 0.7141212) t = 7.420063

t 0.05/2, (98 1) = t 0.025 ; 97= 1,984 t table = 1,984

Because t test > t table, so Ho is rejected and Ha is received. 4. Conclusion

Based on the calculation, it could be concluded that there is -assessment and English learning achievement.

B. Discussion

The seventh grade students of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya were used as the population in this study. Substantively, there were 334 students of seventh grade. The researcher took cluster sampling randomly and there were 84 students who were divided into 2 classes; VII-3 and VII-5. The students joining self assessment survey of VII-3 class were 44 students and 40 were from VII-5 class. Each class was in different time when the test held, but they were treated equally.



Based on the research finding obtained from the test, then it was discussed the result of the finding. It covers the f-assessment and English learning achievement, and the correlation between those two variables.

1. -Assessment

Based on the result of research finding on the -assessment, it could be seen from the table that the score range 81-100 was

-assessment in which 5 students or 5,9% of the students belong to this level. There were 58 students whose qualification between the score range 61-80. It means that 69, 1% of the students had -ass

which was between the score range 41-60, in which there were 25% of the students or 21 students were included into this level. However, there was no f-assessment whose score range was between 21-40 and 0-20. In othe words, most of the students had high self-assessment i.e 69,1% of the students or 58 students.

The questionnaire used in this study consists of 20 numbers which was divided into 4 clusters. There were 5 numbers about reading self-assessment, 5 numbers about speaking assessment, 5 numbers about listening self-assessment, and 5 numbers about writing of self-assessment.



assessment came from their previous experience in learning English. As explained before, 66,1% of the students had good self-assessment.


As stated in research method, this data was collected from secondary data of achievement, in which from final test score/rapport of first semester. Teacher collected the data from some test, such; daily score which was taken from students performance in class, middle test and final test.

3. -Assessment and English Learning


After calculating the normality test, in which it showed that the data distribution is normal, it was calculated the correlation between self-assessment and English learning achievement.

From the data calculated, it was found that the value of product moment correlation between -assessment and English learning achievement was 0,857. It means that the change of self-assessment level was positively followed by the English learning achievement. Furthermore, after testing the significance, the correlation between those two variables was significance since

the value of sig. is 0.000 or l It

was also shown by two stars (**) at the value of correlation. The table below can interpret the correlation both of them.



Table 4.7 Correlation result between stude

R Interpretation


0,01-0,20 0,21-0,40 0,41-0,60 0,61-0,80



No correlation Very weak Weak Rather weak Enough


Very strong

-assessment and English learning achievement as it was obtained was 0.857 positive. However, based on the table above, this correlation was strong.

As results showed, the more students self-assessment, the more their English learning achievement increased, it showed that self-assessment had significant effect in English learning achievement. It has been demonstrated by other researchers Bozana and Irena that self-assessment is one of the main determining factors of success in getting good learning outcomes.

The finding also supports previous research by Huzein and Zainab. They found that self-assessment was si






Based on the research finding and discussion resulted from the research conducted to the seventh grade students of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya, it can be concluded that:

1. -assessment at seventh grade of SMP

Pawiyatan Surabaya was high self-aseessment level. Because most of them or about 69,1 % of students got high self-assessment. 2. The level of English learning achievement among the students of

seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya was in good qualification. Since most of them or about 66,7% of the students got very good qualification.

3. From the calculation of those data, it could be seen that there was a -assessment and the English learning achievement at the students of SMP Pawiyatan. It means that the better the students had high self-assessment, the better they were in English learning achievement and the correlation was very significant in score range 0,857.




Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestions as follows: 1. For the students

For the students, the result of correlation between self-assessment and English learning achievement showed high range correlation. After knowing

-make plan in their study to enhance their achievement especially in learning English.

2. For the teachers and the curriculum designer

Since studying the relevant literature shows us that self-assessment

to help learners assessing their knowledge and skill using self-assessment and encourage them to expend greater efforts and time when facing failures rather than to attribute all their failures to their lack of abilities.

For curriculum designer, the result of this study can give an input to design a student-centered language curriculum. It may help language learners assessing their skill range to solve their weakness and improve their strength. 3. For the next researcher

For the next researchers who are interested in the same topic, it is suggested to conduct a research about



1. Examining the assessment of learner achievement with other variables such as cognitive styles or learning strategies to better understand why and how these variables have an impact on language learning.

2. Exploring sources of negative self-assessment about EFL/ESL learning. The results of such studies can help teachers and strategy trainers to assist students in overcoming these learning more feasibly.



Table 4.7

Correlation result between stude

R Interpretation

0 0,01-0,20 0,21-0,40 0,41-0,60 0,61-0,80 0,81-0,99 1 No correlation Very weak Weak Rather weak Enough Strong Very strong

-assessment and English learning achievement as it was obtained was 0.857 positive. However, based on the table above, this correlation was strong.

As results showed, the more students self-assessment, the more their English learning achievement increased, it showed that self-assessment had significant effect in English learning achievement. It has been demonstrated by other researchers Bozana and Irena that self-assessment is one of the main determining factors of success in getting good learning outcomes.

The finding also supports previous research by Huzein and Zainab. They found that self-assessment was si






Based on the research finding and discussion resulted from the research conducted to the seventh grade students of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya, it can be concluded that:

1. -assessment at seventh grade of SMP

Pawiyatan Surabaya was high self-aseessment level. Because most of them or about 69,1 % of students got high self-assessment. 2. The level of English learning achievement among the students of

seventh grade of SMP Pawiyatan Surabaya was in good qualification. Since most of them or about 66,7% of the students got very good qualification.

3. From the calculation of those data, it could be seen that there was a -assessment and the English learning achievement at the students of SMP Pawiyatan. It means that the better the students had high self-assessment, the better they were in English learning achievement and the correlation was very significant in score range 0,857.




Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestions as follows:

1. For the students

For the students, the result of correlation between self-assessment and English learning achievement showed high range correlation. After knowing

-make plan in their study to enhance their achievement especially in learning English.

2. For the teachers and the curriculum designer

Since studying the relevant literature shows us that self-assessment

to help learners assessing their knowledge and skill using self-assessment and encourage them to expend greater efforts and time when facing failures rather than to attribute all their failures to their lack of abilities.

For curriculum designer, the result of this study can give an input to design a student-centered language curriculum. It may help language learners assessing their skill range to solve their weakness and improve their strength.

3. For the next researcher



1. Examining the assessment of learner achievement with other variables such as cognitive styles or learning strategies to better understand why and how these variables have an impact on language learning.

2. Exploring sources of negative self-assessment about EFL/ESL learning. The results of such studies can help teachers and strategy trainers to assist students in overcoming these learning more feasibly.



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