Difference of the orphans in Ar-Rohman Foster Home Bandung oral health status before and after three times of oral health education | Hapsari | Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry 14321 33237 1 PB

Diference of the orphans in Ar-Rohman Foster Home Bandung oral health (Nurayni Tri Hapsari et al.)

Diference of the orphans in Ar-Rohman Foster Home Bandung
oral health status before and after three times of oral health
Nurayni Tri Hapsari*, Anne Agustina Suwargiani*, Cucu Zubaedah
*Department of Community Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Introduction: Oral hygiene status is a condition of a person’s oral cavity. Oral hygiene status can be
assessed using the Oral Hygiene Index Simpliied (OHI-S) by Greene & Vermillion. The education given
regarding oral health is one of health promotion with the purpose to increase the ability of children in
terms of maintaining and improving their oral hygiene. The purpose of this study was to determine the
diference of the orphans in Ar-Rohman Foster Home Bandung oral health status before and after three
times of oral health education. Methods: The type of this research was a pre-experimental study with
one group of pretest-posttest design with total sampling technique. Subjects of this research were orphans aged 13-15 years old. The respondents got the clinical examination of OHI-S before and after the
oral health education was given for three times. The data obtained then tested using normality test,
if the data were normally distributed, then analysed with a paired t-test, and if the data was not normally distributed, then will be analysed with a Wilcoxon test. Results: The results showed a signiicant
decrease of plaque index after oral health education was given to the orphans. The examination of the
calculus index (CI-S) did not show any change before and after oral health education. OHI-S of children,
however, showed a signiicant decrease. Conclusion: There was a signiicant increase in the orphans in

Ar-Rohman Foster Home Bandung oral health status after given three times of oral health education.
Keywords: Oral hygiene, oral health education, orphans
P-ISSN 1979-0201, e-ISSN 2549-6212 Available from:http://jurnal.unpad.ac.id/pjd/index
Submission: Aug 2017 Publishing: Nov 2017

Oral health is one of the most vital components
of human bodies. The poor degree of oral health
can disturb the quality of a human’s life.1,2
Based on Indonesia Household Health Survey in

2001, the oral problem was reported to be sixth
of the most common disease that the society
experienced. According to Riskesdas in 2013,
this problem increased from 23,2% to 25,9%.3
According to WHO in 2003, dental treatment is the
fourth most expensive health therapy.4 Evidently,

Corresponding author: Nurayni Tri H, Department of Community Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry Univ. Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Jl. Sekeloa Selatan No. 1 Bandung, West Java-Indonesia, Email:nuraynitrihapsaripratiwi@gmail.com


Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry 2017;29(3):178-181.

education and a demonstration on the right way
to use a toothbrush and dental loss was done. The
education was done in several times at the 7th, 14th,
and 21st day by presenting the same topics. At the
28th day, another OHI-S examination prevailed as
a inal inspection. The data was analyzed by using
normally test if the data is normally distributed
the used a T-paired test and if the data is not
normally distributed, the Wilcoxon test is used.

dental problems are avertible and their initial
occurrences are reversible. Thus, it is preferable
to maintain good oral health to avoid having an
expensive dental treatment.

Based on many research, the pattern of
foster home living is diferent from family living as
it provides physical security, food, and shelter but
is devoid of psychological security. Often these
foster homes can only barely meet the needs of
their inmates because of poor funding and the
low caretaker to child ratio. These children form
a population at risk with reference to abnormal
psychosocial development.5 Research showed that
the oral health status of the foster home children
hasn’t been able to be classiied as good.2 The
knowledge of the children and the caretaker at this
foster home on how to maintain oral health is still
lacking. Furthermore, dental health education is
still rather neglected. Generally, orphans acquire
dental health education needs to be delivered
to the children and the caretakers in order to
achieve a better dental and oral health status.6
The purpose of this study was to determine the
diference of the orphans in Ar-Rohman Foster

Home Bandung oral health status before and after
three times of oral health education.

Based on Table 1 below showed that before dental
health education, most of the orphans have a
moderate category of plaque index, which is 26
children (83,9%). Most of orphans calculus index
at the moderate category, which is 16 children
(51,6%), and most of orphans OHI-S is in the
moderate category, which is 22 children (71%).
At the last clinical examination show, the
most of orphans calculus index change into good
category, which is 25 children (80,6%). After dental
health education, most of orphans OHI-S score is
in a good category, which is 23 children (74,2%) as
presented in Table 1 below.
The inal result of the 28th day, after three
times dental health education and demonstration,
showed signiicant decreasing OHI-S score from

1,7742 to 1,0742, and also decrease on the plaque
index score from 1,1129 to 0,4129. However,
the calculus index was found to be persistent
with a score of 0,6606. The Wilcoxon analysis
showed a statistically signiicant decrease in the
plaque index (p