Pengaruh Pencabutan Premolar Terhadap Overall Bolton Ratio Pada Maloklusi Klas I di RSGMP FKG USU


Pendahuluan ; Dalam perawatan ortodonti, untuk mendapatkan oklusi yang baik dan stabil
diperlukan keharmonisan ukuran lebar mesiodistal gigi-gigi maksila dan mandibula. Pencabutan gigi
premolar, umum dilakukan dalam perawatan ortodonti, namun pencabutan gigi tersebut dapat berpotensi
menyebabkan perubahan overall Bolton ratio, dan perubahan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh pola pencabutan
yang berbeda. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui pengaruh pencabutan gigi premolar terhadapoverall Bolton
ratiopada maloklusi Klas I.Metode : sebanyak empat puluh (40) model studi malokluai Klasi I diukur
lebar mesiodistalnya dengan kaliper digital (akurasi 0.01mm).Overall Bolton ratio ditentukan sebelum
dan sesudah pencabutan. Subjek dibagi atas kelompok Bolton kecil, normal dan besarberdasarkan nilai
rata-rata dan standar deviasi Bolton. Kemudian dilakukan hypothetical extraction dengan empat
kombinsai, yaitu (1) pencabutan 4 gigi premolar pertama, (2) 4 gigi premolar kedua, (3) premolar pertama
maksila dan premolar kedua mandibula,dan (4) premolar kedua maksila dan premolar pertama mandibula.
Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Oneway ANOVA dan uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank. Hasil
: overall Bolton ratio mengalami penurunan setelah pencabutan gigi premolar pada semua kombinasi
pencabutan. Kelompok Bolton kecil akan tetap menjadi kecil. Kelompok Bolton normal ada beberapa
subjek yang merubah menjadi normal dan kecil, sedangkan kelompok Bolton besar hampir semuanya
menjadi nilai Bolton normal. Kesimpulan : ke-empat kombinasi pencabutan premolar berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap overall Bolton ratio. Nilai overall Bolton ratio berkurang setelah dilakukan
pencabutan pada semua kombinasi pencabutan.
Kata kunci; overall Bolton ratio, maloklusi Klas I, hypothetical extraction

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Introduction : In orthodontics treatment,to obtain a good and stable occlusion, there should be an
harmony between the combined mesiodistal widths of maxillary teeth and those of mandibular teeth.
Extraction of premolars is routinely carried out in orthodontic treatment, but the extraction can lead to
the changes of the overall Bolton ratio and the changes are influenced by different extraction
combinations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of premolar extraction on the overall
Bolton ratio in Class I malocclusion patients. Methods : mesiodistal tooth widths are measured on 40
pretreatment dental casts of subjects with Class I malocclusions with 0,01 mm accuracy digital caliper.
The overall ratios and tooth-size discrepancies are determined before and after hypothetical premolar
extractions. Before and after extractions, the subjects were divided into small, normal, and large overall
ratio groups categorized by the Bolton ± standard deviation definition. Extractions are performed in the
following combinations: (1) all first premolars, (2) all second premolars, (3) maxillary first and
mandibular second premolars, and (4) maxillary second and mandibular first premolars. Statistical
evaluations are carried out using analysis of Oneway ANOVA , Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. Results: The
overall ratios decreased after extraction in any combinations of premolars. The subject in Bolton small
group are still in small group. Some of the patients in the Bolton normal move into Bolton normal and
Bolton small. And most of the Bolton big move into the Bolton normal. Conclusions: The four premolar

combination extractionshave significant impact on the overall Bolton ratio. The overall Bolton ratio is
decreased after extraction premolar in any combinations extraction.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords ; overall Bolton ratio, maloklusi Klas I, hypothetical extraction

Universitas Sumatera Utara