The Efforts Of Sukoharjo Tourism Office To Develop “Batu Seribu” Tourist Attraction Final Project


  Submitted as a partial fulfillment of requirement in obtaining The English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University by: Dhalil Surya Mas Fitri C9309031 ENGLISH DIPLOMA PROGRAM FACULTY OF LETTERS AND FINE ARTS SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY 2012 commit to user ii

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  MOTTO Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to ( Mahatma Gandhi )

  ( The Writer ) The best things in this life are peace ( The Writer ) commit to user iv


I dedicate this Final Project Report to:

  My beloved Mom and Dad My big family She All My best friends My Lecturers All Sukoharjo Tourism Office Staffs

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  report. First of all, I would like to express my highest gratitude to Allah SWT who makes everything possible. During the process of finishing this final project report, I get many supports and suggestions from many sides. Therefore, I would like to give my deepest thanks to:

  1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.ed, Ph.D, Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts for approving the report.

  2. Mr. Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA, Head of English Diploma Program, for all his kindness and wisdom.

  3. Dra. Susilorini, M.A, my Supervisor, thank you so much for all guidance. I love you Mam!

  4. Ida Kusuma Dewi, S.S, M.A, my Academic Consultant, thank you so much for the advice and for all the guidance.

  5. All my lecturers in the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Thank you for the guidance and knowledge that have been given to me.

  6. My beloved Mom and Dad SH. Thanks for the support, advice, pray and for all have been given to me, I love you so much.

  7. All of the staffs Sukoharjo Tourism Office, thank you so much for all assistances, supports and guidance. commit to user viii

  ABSTRACT Dhalil Surya M F. 2012. The Effort Of Sukoharjo Tourism Office To Develop

  . English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project report was written based on the job training which was done in Sukoharjo Tourism Office within a month in February. The writer took one of the sections in Sukoharjo Tourism Office, the marketing and promotion sectors as the object to observe. The marketing and promotion section is a division that handles the problem related to marketing and promotion of tourist attractions. This report discusess about the efforts used by Sukoharjo Tourism Office and also the problem Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction. There are two kinds of promotion media which are used by Sukoharjo Tourism Office namely printed media ( brochures, leaflets and catalogue ) and electronic media (radio, and internet). This final project also describes the promotion efforts which have been done by Sukoharjo Tourism Office, such as holding Tourism Ambassador event. From the discussion, it can be concluded that the promotion strategies done by Sukoharjo Tourism Office are improving the promotional tools to develop Batu Seribu by using printed media, electronic media, outdoor advertising and tourism ambassador event at Sukoharjo every years. In order to increase budget, Sukoharjo Tourism Office has sent proposal to Center Tourism in Jakarta to ask for development and renovation budget. In order to add staff, Sukoharjo Tourism Office has been cooperated with local civilian and adds more staff in Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

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  COVER PAGE.................................................................................................i APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT..................................................................ii APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ......................................iii MOTTO .........................................................................................................iv DEDICATION................................................................................................v PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................................................vii ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................x

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .....................................................................1 A. Background..................................................................................................1 B. Objectives.....................................................................................................2 C. Benefits.........................................................................................................2 CHAPTER II LITERATU


  4 B. Classification of

  5 C. Sukoharjo Tourism Potentials

  7 D. General Description of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office .8

  1. Profile of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport


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  3. Vision and Mission of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture ......................................................................12 A.

  B. Description of The C.

  CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION and SUGGESTION........................................17 A. Conclusion ............................................................................................18 B. Suggestion.............................................................................................19 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Indonesia has become a country that is famous with its beautiful tourist

  attractions. In Indonesia there are many tourist attractions and cultures that are very unique and beautiful. If the government can manage the potential, Indonesia will get much national income. Therefore, the government has to do something that is significant to develop the tourist attractions.

  Indonesia has many tourist destinations in its region. One of them in Sukoharjo, Central Java. There are many tourism places and attractions in Sukoharjo than can be developed into many types of tourism: religious tourism, cultures tourism, natures tourism, etc. And there are potential tourism places, an example is Batu Seribu, which is located 12 miles in south Sukoharjo regency, precisely in Gentan village, Bulu, Sukoharjo. Sukoharjo Tourism Office is developing Batu Seribu to be the main tourist attraction in Sukoharjo and its surrounding.

  The writer did the job training in Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office for 3 weeks and it was done from January 16 to February 4 2012.

  The job training was done in tourism sector. During the job training in the Tourism Office the writer did things like visiting the tourist attractions, writing the letters, and collecting the information about tourism.

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  2 The writer would like to know about Batu Seribu tourist attraction that is

  developed by Sukoharjo Tourism Office, for that reason the writer was interested in describing the efforts of Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  This report is entitled THE EFFORTS OF SUKOHARJO TOURISM describes the strategies of Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  B Objectives .

  The objectives of this report are:

  1. To describe the efforts of Sukoharjo Tourism Office to promote and develop Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  2. To describe the problem faced by Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  C Benefit .

  This report is expected to give benefit to: 1.

  The Public

  To give information so that public knows many potential tourist attractions in Sukoharjo. Therefore, it can help the Sukoharjo Tourism Office to promote and keep the tourist attraction in Sukoharjo.

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  2. The Writer The writer can gain more knowledge about Tourism Office and can learn about the effort of Tourism Office in developing tourist attraction.

  3. The Students

  To give references to the students so that they can improve the knowledge about English for tourism.

  4. The Staff of Sukoharjo Tourism Office

  To give information for Staff of Sukoharjo Tourism Office so that they can get some ideas to develop the potential tourism places in Sukoharjo.

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW A. Tourism Tourism is an activity which is most easily done by people so that they get

  entertainment or recreation. According to World Tourism Organization is in very simplest term refers to the industry that provides travel and entertainment facilities for people away from the So, the industry that provides travel and entertainment is also help government in increasing income because they have a role in increasing tourism interest.

  From economic point of view, tourism is one of the sectors and it improves the income of the regency and its economic growth. capability to produce a fast economy growth. This industry can increase income, (1975:9). So, tourism as a industry that can pushed fast the economic growth.

  Tourism contains many aspects. There are several things that support tourism to become successful, those aspects are:

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  a. Tourist Attraction Tourist Attraction refers to kinds of attraction that are namely natural, cultural and manmade. The examples are: Batu Seribu, Balakan and Wirun

  Tourism Village.

  b. Transportation Transportation is one of main factors that pushes tourism development.

  Every tourism object needs it to give service to tourist in surrounding place and enjoying attractions well.

  c. Accommodation Accommodation refers to facilities that are provided for tourists while they are in tour or tourism places.

  d. Interpretation Interpretation is the process of explaining to people the significance of the place or object they have come to see so that they enjoy their visit more, understand their heritage and environment better and develop a more caring attitude towards conservation.

B. Classification of Tourism

  Ilmu Pariwisata, , Tourism can be divided into several classifications.

  Based on the l which are long period and short period. Long period is a visit to many tourist attractions for

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  several months and then Short Period is a visit to one tourist attraction for several days or weeks.

  Based on the number of tourist, tourism can be divided into two, namely group tourism and individual tourism. Group Tourism is a tour of people in one group consisting of twenty people or more, individual tourism is a tour which is conducted by family or person.

  There is another classification of tourism by World Tourism Organization (, which are;

  a. Heritage tourism A branch of tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the location where tourism is occurring. Culture has always been a major object of travel.

  b. Cultural tourism Generally focus on traditional communities who have diverse of art

  (Dance, Gamelan, etc.)

  c. Agrotourism A style of vacation which is normally on farm, this may include the chance to help with farming task during the visit, tourist can pick fruits and vegetables ride horses, taste honey, hand-crafted gifts, and much more.

  d. Adventure tourism A type of tourism involving exploration or travel to remote areas, it may include the performance of acts that require significant effort and may also involve some degree of risk.

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  7 C.

   Sukoharjo Tourism Potentials

  There are many tourist attractions in Sukoharjo regency that is created as the main attractions by Sukoharjo Tourism Office. Here are some examples;

  1. Batu Seribu Batu Seribu is included as natural tourism. It is located in Gentan Village,

  Bulu Sub District, and it becames the main tourist attraction of Sukoharjo Tourism Office. It is famous for the beautiful scenery making the loveliness of this resort. It is also completed with various facilities such as swimming pool, view point, camping area, playing ground for children and stage.

  2. Balakan Balakan is a tomb of Ki Ageng Balak that is included in religious tourism in Sukoharjo. It is located in Mertan Village, Bendosari Sub District. Every

  Sunday the last week of Syura, Pulung Langse ritual is held to replace the old tomb cloth with the new one on this occasion. And the old langse which was washed and people compete to get a piece of cloth of the old tomb cloth.

  3. Wirun Tourism Village Wirun Tourism Village is included in manmade tourism. It is located in

  Wirun Village, Mojolaban Sub District. If tourists want to see the process of making Gamelan, Keris, Jumputan Cloth, and Furniture, they can visit this village.

  The people in this village care about tourism.

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  8 D.


General Description of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture


1. Profile of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office

  Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office is located in the central of Sukoharjo regency, that is on Jl. Veteran No 9, Sukoharjo. The function of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office, are:

  a. To formulate of the technical policy in the field of Youth, sports, tourism and culture b. To organize of Government and public affairs services in the field of

  Youth, sports, tourism and Culture

  c. To coach and implement the tasks in the field of youth, sports, tourism and Culture

  And the main duties of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office are; ing out the affairs of local governments based on the principle of autonomy and assistance tasks in the field of youth, sports, government, tourism

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  9 2.

   Organizational Chart

  Chief of Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, tourism and Culture office

  Secretary Programer Treasure Public and

  Personnel Youth Sport Sector Tourism Sector

  Culture Sector Sector

  Development of Perception Development of Art and

  Tourism and Youth Sport Sector Culture Sector

  Production Tenacity

  Sector Sector Youth Role of Society in Marketing and History and productivity Sport Sector Promotion Archaeological Sector sector Sector

  Youth Management and Energy Attraction of Tourism Entrepreneurship of Sport Sector Sector


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  10 3.

   Vision and Mission of Sukoharjo Youth, Sports, Tourism and Culture Office

  a. Vision To create qualified human resources, who are committed, responsive nationalities, cultured, smart, and creative.

  b. Mission 1. To develop the potential of youth, sports, government tourism and culture.

  2. To preserve, nurture and develop the historical relics and archaeology, cultural values, art and film

  3. To improve the quality of human resources areas of youth, sports, tourism and culture.

  4. To build the image of the Sukoharjo Regency in the field of youth, sports, tourism and culture.

  5. To improve and build youth, sports, tourism and culture.

  6. To improve cultural attraction, objects and tourist attraction and tourist market.

  7. To enhance empowerment and utilization of the potential of youth, sports, tourism and Culture for well-being of the community.

  8. To enhance cooperation areas of youth, sports, tourism and Culture among perpetrators, between sectors and between actors, between sectors and between regions.

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  9. To improve empowerment and utilization of the potential of youth, sports, tourism and Culture for the welfare of society.

CHAPTER 3 DISCUSSION A. Activities the writer during job training in Sukoharjo Tourism Office In implementing the job training in Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office, the writer as the trainee was assigned in the tourism sector. He

  th th

  started to have the job training on 16 January 2012, and it lasted until 4 February 2012. Besides, the writer was also trained to practice and take part in all activities in Sukoharjo Tourism Office. There were several activities done by the writer during the job training, they were: typing, participating in observation of tourist attractions and event held by tourism office and copying important documents.

  The schedule of work activities at Sukoharjo Tourism Office is as follow.

  1. Mondays to Thursdays : 07.30 am to 01.30 pm.

  2. Fridays : 07.30 am to 11.00 am.

  3. Saturdays : 07.30 am to 12.00 pm.

  Sukoharjo Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture Office is a government institution that organizes Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture of Sukoharjo regency. The writer was as assigned in the marketing and promotion tourism sector that is handled the marketing and promoting of tourist attractions in Sukoharjo Regency. The writer was not only doing the job of staff in marketing and promotion sector, but sometimes the writer helped the coordinator of tourism ambassador in Sukoharjo regency.

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  1. Welcoming the guest who visit tourism office

  2. Typing a invitations letters and proposal letters

  3. Typing list of heritage asset in Sukoharjo regency

  4. Learning the effort or strategies of Sukoharjo tourism office The writer had tried to do the best for the job, but there were still some difficulties and mistakes. To minimize it, the writer always tried to ask some questions related to the job and learned from the senior staff of Sukoharjo Tourism Office.

  B The Efforts of Sukoharjo Tourism Office to Promote and Develop . Batu Seribu Tourist Attraction.

  Batu Seribu is tourist attraction that is popular among the people of Sukoharjo Regency. There are strength and weakness in Batu Seribu tourist attraction. The strength of Batu Seribu tourist attraction are beautiful scenery, resh air, swimming pool, ect. And the weakness of Batu Seribu tourist attraction are broken facilities, broken road, unclean, lack of staff, ect.

  However, there are still many shortage which have to be corrected so that Batu Seribu becomes more attractive and Sukoharjo Tourism Office has a several ways or strategies to develop Batu Seribu tourist attraction. They are;

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   Improving the Promotional Tools to Develop Batu Seribu

  In promoting Batu Seribu, Sukoharjo Tourism Office should use several instruments, they are as follow: a. Printed Media

  Sukoharjo Tourism Office tries to attract foreign and domestic tourists by using Brochure, leaflet and catalogue that have pictures and description about the specified objects so that it is easy to be understood by tourist.

b. Electronic media In modern era there are many ways that can be used to promote something.

  Sukoharjo Tourism Office also using electronic media to promote Batu Seribu tourist attraction. They use website in and radio or local television to give information for public.

  c. Outdoor Advertising The outdoor advertising media is installed on several public places and side of the road. Sukoharjo Tourism Office also choose outdoor advertising as media for promoting Batu Seribu tourist attraction. They use poster and baliho.

  1. Poster Poster is a large printed notice or picture that is often placed at several public places to announce or advertise something such as tourist attraction.

  2. Baliho Baliho is installed on the side of the road and expected to attract both the tourists and guests to visit tourist attraction in Sukoharjo Regency.

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  d. Tourism Ambassador Event at Sukoharjo Every Years Besides promoting through printed media, electronic media and outdoor advertising, Batu Seribu is also introduced by tourism ambassador. And

  Sukoharjo Tourism Office every year selects tourism ambassador. The requirement to be tourism ambassador of Sukoharjo Regency are attractive, confident, innovative, experienced, and sympathetic. They are young generation to promote tourist attraction in Sukoharjo regency.

  2. Increasing Budget

  Budget is the one of problems in Sukoharjo Tourism Office to develop tourist attraction. It is important thing in developing tourist attraction in Sukoharjo regency. In developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction, Sukoharjo Tourism Office needed more budget to complete or repair facilities and promotion. Because there are facilities that has been broken and not complete, and must promoting Batu Seribu tourist attraction. But Sukoharjo Tourism Office has problem related to limit budget for implementing it. So, Sukoharjo Tourism Office has sent proposal to Center Tourism in Jakarta to ask development and budget renovation for developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  3. Adding Staff Staff also became the problem in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  Batu Seribu is a favorite tourist attraction in Sukoharjo regency. And at weekend many visitors that visit this place. But, the staff is not enough to handle the visitors. So, Sukoharjo tourism office should be cooperated with local civilian to help the staff of Batu Seribu or add the staff in Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

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  16 C The Problems Faced by Sukoharjo Tourism Office in Developing Batu . Seribu Tourist attraction.

  1. Problem Related to Promotional Tools

  Promotional tool is very important in developing and promoting Batu that can be used to promote Batu Seribu to public. Therefore, the limited promotional tools become problem in promoting Batu Seribu tourist attraction. It is because in tourism, the function of promotional tools is to publicize the tourist attraction so that local or foreign people know and visit it.

  2. Problem Related to Budget

  Budget is the most vital obstacle faced by Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction. The writer said that it is the most vital obstacle, because budget has a very tight connection with the other problems in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction. The budget can support the activities in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  3. Problem Related to Lack of Staff

  Lack of staff is one problem that influence tourist attraction that is developing such as Batu Seribu tourist attraction. In tourism, the function of staff is giving good service to visitor. There are problems related to lack of staff in Batu Seribu tourist destination. An example is the lack of staff in sanitary and security sectors, because the cleanliness and safety in Batu Seribu is not good. If the problem is not handled, it will become problem in developing Batu Seribu. Sukoharjo Tourism Office can cooperate with civilian to keep and develop Batu

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  17 Seribu or held open recruitment to add new staff in Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  By adding staff, it will increase the service, so that the number of visitors will be increased.

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CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusion The writer did the job training at Sukoharjo Tourism Office for 3 weeks in February, 2012. The writer was practising and taking part in the work activities in Sukoharjo Tourism Office. There were several activities done by the writer during

  the job training. Therefore, the writer knows all the job at Sukoharjo Tourism Office. The activities which had been by the writer in Sukoharjo Tourism Office are welcoming the guests who visit tourism office, typing a invitation and proposal letters, typing list of heritage assets in Sukoharjo regency and learning the strategies of Sukoharjo Tourism Office.

  From the discussion in the previous chapter about the efforts or solutions by Sukoharjo Tourism Office and the problems faced in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction, the writer finally finish into the conclusion which is drawn as follows:

  The efforts or solution by Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction are:

  1. Improving promotional tools such as printed media, electronic media, outdoor advertizing and tourism ambassador.

  2. Increasing budget by send proposal to Jakarta Tourism Center to ask development and renovation budget for developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction and repairing the facilities that is broken in Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

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  3. Adding staff by cooperate with local civilian to help the staff of Batu Seribu or add the staff in Batu Seribu tourist attraction.

  The problems faced by Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction are:

  1. Problem related to promotional tools

  2. Problem related to budget

  3. Problem related to lack of staff B.


  Based on the conclusions, the writer has some suggestions for:

  1. The Sukoharjo Tourism Office

  a. To reach the missions of Sukoharjo Tourism Office to develop Batu Seribu tourist attraction, the office should realize the strategies which have been planned.

  b. To support the effort of Sukoharjo Tourism Office in developing Batu Seribu tourist attraction, the office should create the good relationship with other tourism institutions, the local societes, and also the tourists to keep the facilities in tourist attractions.

  c. All of the staffs in Sukoharjo Tourism Office should appreciate the Sukoharjo tourism more and keep their attribute of the Sukoharjo tourism.

  d. All of the staffs have to cooperate well between staff of Sukoharjo Tourism Office.


  2. The Public

  a. To support the efforts of Sukoharjo government, both of local society and tourists should keep the environment.

  b. The local society of Sukoharjo should take part in the efforts for develop tourist attraction which are plans by Sukoharjo Tourism Office.

  c. The local society of Sukoharjo should appreciate Sukoharjo tourism more.

  d. The local society should proud with their regency that has potential tourist attractions.

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