Submitted in Partial Satisfaction of the Requirement for Strata One (S1) Degree

Written By


Dedicated for: My Beloved Parents, Wahidin and Ratimi

And my cute sister Iin Haryani my cool Brother Idan and Ilhan

This thesis special I dedicated to my family, especially to my parents (Wahidin and Ratimi) who have been giving all my strength and energy to be a smart and knowledgable person. And then they also always give their moral, material support and edless prayers for my succes, because there is no word as bautiful as chanting prayer and no prayer is the most solemn than the prayer that is spoken from the parents.

I just want to say big thanks to my paresnt, who have been always give love for their childreen and the important things for them just how to make their children succes in education. Stay healty mom and dad we always love you,

I promise to make your dream will be come true mom and dad, because you are my hero in the world, I will hard work and never give up to get my succes. I want to say thanks to my beloved sister and brother , For my sister “iin haryani” I hope you get good job and always healty everytime. For my brother “Muhammad Idan Syah” I hope you always succes in your education and always healt y too. And the last for my young brother “Muhammad Ilhan Syah” stay with your family and stay healty always ok.


A Dreamer

Ira Mediawati


Hereby I declare that this thesis entitled “The Effect of presentation technique toward students’ speaking skill at state islamic senior high school padusunan pariaman ”, is true my own work. I quoted some theories of this

Padang, August 2017 Researcher

Ira Mediawati 1314050156


“In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” “In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”

The title of this thesis is “The Effect of Presentation Technique Toward students‟ speaking ability at state islamic senior high school padusunan pariaman. This thesis is writen to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree (S1) from the program study at the English Department in Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang.

This thesis was impossible to be completed without helps and supports from many people. So that, the researcher would like toexpress her sincere gratitude and great thanks to the following persons:

1. Dr. Hadeli, MA, M.Pd as the first supervisor and Haryudi Nizar, M.Pd as second supervisor who always contribute intellectual advice to me, and had given helps, guiding, valuable suggestion, command, correction, and times to support me in completing this thesis.

2. Dr. Darmayenti, M.Pd and Dra. Elismawati, M.Pd as examiner who have given comments, suggestion, and constructive feedbacks in improving this thesis.

3. Besral, S.Pd, M.Pd as a chairman of English TadrisDepartment who has helped me during my academic year.

4. The lecturers of Tadris Department, all of English Lecturers for giving precius thoughts, knowledge, and motivation which are really useful in facing my future.

5. Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang and all staff members of the faculty for their appreciation and supports.

6. Headmaster and English Teacher of MAN Padusunan Pariaman for their permission and opportunity to conduct the research.

7. The students of MAN Padusunan Pariaman, especially class XI IPA 1 and IPA 2 who have given their time in occupation in doing this research.

are my reason to keep up the achievement.

9. My friends, my lovely CC Comel (Cute, Si au, Mare and Bubud) thanks for our moment every time , my friends of pondokan fika ( sesepuh akak Noris, Dina, Muzi, Emil, Wira, Iwid, Mona, Rina, Merry, Ani, Vira, Dila, and Riska), there are some friends that have called by special name, TBI

A, my team in KKN and PPL, and all of my friends in ETD that cannot be mentioned one by one. The researcher is very grateful for the support, motivation, and always being in my side during the study.

10. my Oppa-oppa Handsome (BTOB oppa, VIXX oppa, SUJU oppa,) thanks for your song that make me happy when I Listen your song, for B1A4 oppa thanks for your song (only one) I very love this song. And the last for Minhyuk Oppa saranghae.

At last, The researcher realized that this thesis is not perfect yet and has several weaknesses. Therefore, any comment and suggestion, and criticism are expected to come up from the readers in order to make a great one and this thesis is more useful.

Padang, August, 2017 Researcher

Ira Mediawati


Ira Mediawati. 2017: The Effect of Presentation Technique Toward Students’ Speaking Ability At Islamic Senior High

School Padusunan Pariaman School Padusunan Pariaman

This reseach was true experimental research. The population of this study was all of the students at class XI of Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Paariaman that consist of five classes with total of students 158 people. This research was started from May-July 2017 lasted for six meetings. For getting the sample, the researcher used cluster random sampling which was got two classes as sample. The students consisted of 22 students as experimental class and 22 students as control class. Total numbers of sample were 44 students. This research had a speaking test as an instrument to get the data.

The result of this research showed that in post test, the researcher found that mean score of experimental class (74.95) was higher than mean scores of control class (65.05). Therefore, t calculated (4,796) was bigger than t-table (2.021). It meant that the hypothesis was accepted. Statistically, it showed that teaching by using Presentation Technique gave improvement for students speaking ability at class XI State Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Pariaman.

It can be concluded that Presentation Technique is effective efective in improving students speaking ability. It implies that English teacher can use Presentation Technique to teach speaking in order to improve students speaking.


Ira Mediawati. 2017: Efektivitas Teknik Presentasi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa di sekolah menengah atas (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman.

menggunakan teknik presentasi dan dengan siswa yang di ajarkan tidak menggunakan teknik presentasi di MAN Padusunan Pariaman.

Penelitian ini adalah Experimen. Populasi dari kelas XI terdiri dari 5 kelas dengan jumlah keseluruhannya 84 siswa. Penelitian ini dimulai pada bulan Mei sampai Juli 2017 selama 6 kali pertemuan.Untuk mendapatkan sampel, peneliti menggunakan Cluster Random Sampling (sampe lacak kelompok) yang didapatkan 2 kelas sebagai sampel.Siswa pada kelas experimen terdiri dari 22 siswa, dan 22 siwa pada kelas control. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel yaitu 44 siswa.Penelitian ini mengambil sebuah tes berbicara sebagai sebuah alat untuk mendapatkan data.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam tes akhir peneliti menemukan bahwa rata-rata skor kelas experimen adalah( 74.95) lebih tinggi dari rata-rata kelas kontrol (65.05). selanjutnya t-hitung (4.796) lebih besar dari t-tabel (2.021). dengan ini berarti hipotesis dapat diterima. Secara statistik menunjukkan bahwa mengajar berbicara bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan Teknik Presentasi meningkatkan kemampuan siswa kelas XI MAN Padusunan.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Teknik Presentasi adalah teknik yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Guru bahasa inggris bisa menggunakan teknik presentasi untuk mengajarkan berbicara agar meningkatkan berbicara siswa tersebut.



APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………… ....................... i

performance activities

Table 3.1 Reseach Design

Table 3.2 sample of instrument in giving speaking scores …………………………………………....................

Table 3.3 Indicator of speaking based on hughes scale 1-

35 Table 3.4

Procedures in teaching speaking.................................................................................

38 Table 4.1

students‟ spaking score of post-test of experiment class

Table 4.2 students‟ speaking score of post-test of control class................ 46 Table 4.3

Description of data post-test....................................................

48 Table 4.4

The interval data of experiment class post-test score................. 51

Table 4.5 Calculation process of mean and standard deviation of

52 speaking test experiment class................................................. Table 4.6

The interval data of control class post-test score....................

Table 4.7 Calculation process of mean and standard deviation of speaking test control class.......................................................

Table 4.8

The calculation of comparison of mean post-test of

58 experimental and control class in pronounciation, grammar,

Table 4.10 The result of testing homogeneity speaking post-test................ 62


Appendix 1 Students‟ Speaking Score at Class XI of State Senior High

School (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman …………………………………………..............

Appendix Students MID term class XI first semester academic year

74 2016/2017 MAN Padusunan Pariaman.........................

Appendix 2 Analysis SPSS of Normality test and Homogenity Population …………………………………………

Appendix 3

Post test score of Experiment class and control class

Post test scorew of control class.................................

Appendix 4 Analysis SPSS test of normally and homogenity of control

87 class and experiment class …………………………………………..............


Appendix 7 Speaking Test


Appendix 8 Model of Students Scoring Sheet of speaking post test for control and experiment class...............................................

94 Appendix 9


Scoring criteria of speaking ability performance...............

Appendix 10 Surat Penelitian..................................................................... 221 Appendix 11 Photo of the Research .............................................................. 222

Appendix 12 Lesson Plan........................................................................... 223


Figure 1 Conceptuak Framework ................................................................... 30


A. Background of the Problem

One of the ways to express ideas, feelings, experiences and knowledge is by using language, either in written or spoken from, formal or informal situation. Human beings as a social and individual people always communicate with the others. For communicating, someone uses and needs language. Moreover, communication is needed in human daily activities, because without communication, human will not be able to interact each other. They also will not be able to share hopes, opinions, ideas and etc.

There are four basic skills that have to be achieved by the students, namely: Listening and Reading as receptive skills, and Speaking and Writing as productive skills. Speaking is helpful in learning English such as speaking helps students to be active learner. It can be seen when students express their ideas. It can also help students to ask questions, answer questions, and give suggestion or opinion in learning process. It is also useful for communication with the teacher or other students. Briefly, speaking can give significant contribution to be active learners.

students in communication with others and they have something to speak. Second, it can support other language skills, such as listening, reading, and writing. In other word, speaking is crucial for the learner.

In addition, speaking is used to convey ideas, arguments, opinions, or thoughts to other people in speech. Speaking skill also can be defined as oral communication that shows how well a speaker is able to arrange the words in order to express his or her thought and can be understood by listener.Speaking as productive skill expresses person idea and feeling by using spoken language, it means that everyone will express their own ideas to other people through speaking performance. Through the speaking, everybody wants to express their idea, what they think and what is in their mind. Showing the idea may oral and written, and in speaking, express the ideas can do spontaneously but in writing we should think first to arrange the words.

Based on the preliminary observation at State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman, speaking English was still big problem for the students. There were some problem that were faced by the students in Speaking. First, the students thought that speaking English was difficult. The students thought like that because they had lack of vocabulary and they do not know how to pronounce words well in speaking. That is why the students think speaking English is difficult. see on students speaking test below:

Ok, I will tell you about life moment, aa~ last week I wake up at five morning and next I pray subuh and after that at 7 morning I Ok, I will tell you about life moment, aa~ last week I wake up at five morning and next I pray subuh and after that at 7 morning I

Second, the students do not know the way to use grammar effectively in speaking and theycan not express their ideas, opinions, feeling or tell something orally even though in simple sentence. The students were afraid to speak English in front of the class and they feel shy because they were afraid to make mistakes.

Aa~ my name is Hafidzah, you can call me fiza. Aa~ five years ago I go to Yogyakarta for study in pesantren ihtisan gunung kidul, I am very happy because I get fun there or other citizent. Aa~ mau belajar disana I get mendapat kesulitan , I get problem because kompetesi hard high, I always think it and I study dengan rajin but not get prestasi. I am very sad, aa~ setelah lama

I get sick, sick tipus and my family move, memindahkan saya in back Sumbar and saya melanjutkan sekolah and I in pariaman sekaligus berobat. Aa~ but I am very happy because I am get prestasi in pariaman and I get many friend back, just that.

Finally, the technique that used by the teacher for speaking class not interest by the students, and the teacher itself who gives the material of lesson focused more on reading, and writing class than speaking. That is why their speaking ability is still low. While us now that product of teaching English is Finally, the technique that used by the teacher for speaking class not interest by the students, and the teacher itself who gives the material of lesson focused more on reading, and writing class than speaking. That is why their speaking ability is still low. While us now that product of teaching English is

Furthermore, teaching and learning process did not encourage the students to speak. The technique which is used by the teacher did not make them active in the teaching and learning process. Teaching and learning process still focused on teacher centered. The teacher dominated classroom activities meanwhile the students were passive. As the result, the students never had opportunity to practice their English. Furthermore, the teacher also focused the teaching and learning process on the usage of the language. It made the students think much about structure when they wanted to speak English. They were afraid to make a mistake.

Refer to preliminary research in Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Pariaman, theresearcher found that Senior High School students still face many problems in mastering English. Most of students have lower grade of speaking ability than other subject particularly on spelling, structure, word choice and so on. After evaluating students English competency, the researcher found that the achievement of student speaking is not better than

Table 1.1 : The Mean Score of Students inSpeaking at Second class in Islamic Senior High School (Preliminary Observation)

Total of Class



G V F C Score

XI IPA 1 29 78 2,10

P : Pronounciation

G : Grammar

V : Vocabulary

F : Fluency

C : Comprehension

Based on the fact of the score, the writer can conclude that the students‟ abilities in speaking are still low. So, the teacher needs help in

teaching speaking. A Technique is important thing in teaching and learning speaking activity. One Technique is presentation. Presentation does not only encourage students to participate in speaking class but also increase students confident when he speaks with his friends. When he needs some help, his friends always are there for him. He will not be shy to ask something to his friends. So, he can solve his problem.

Based on the above phenomenon, the writer tries to use presentation technique tomake the students more interesting and enjoy in speaking lesson.

beneficial to develoving and organizing the ideas into good arrangement. By presentation also can add students‟ vocabulary and can achieve the goal of

learning. presentation can improve their motivation and attention to be more active and creative in learning process. presentation play an important role in motivating the students to speak. The presentation can help students to gain ideas during speaking. It is for this reason that a teacher should be able to select a suitable Technique for teaching speaking. Chamot (1984:71) says that strategy in teaching learning is techniques, approaches, or deliberate actions that teacher and students take in order to facilitate the learning and recall of both linguistic and content area information.

Based of the phenomenon, the writer is interested to use PresentationTechnique in teaching Speaking at State Islamic Senior high school (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman. The main problem of this research is how to impr ove students‟ speaking ability through Presentation. So, the writer does the research with title:The Effect of Presentation Technique in Improving Students‟ speaking Ability at Islamic SeniorHigh School padusunan pariaman.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem in this research, there are some problems found in teaching speaking at islamic senior high school (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman the problem may come from both sides either the Based on the background of the problem in this research, there are some problems found in teaching speaking at islamic senior high school (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman the problem may come from both sides either the

Then, the last problem come from the students themselves;First, the students thought that speaking English was difficult. The students thought like that because they had lack of vocabulary and they do not know how to pronounce words well in speaking. That is why the students think speaking English is difficult. Second, The students do not know the way to use grammar effectively in speaking and they can not express their ideas, opinions, feeling or tell something orally even though in simple sentence. The students were afraid to speak English in front of the class and they feel shy because they were afraid to make mistakes.

Therefore, it is need a technique which can prepare the students for real world activity. Presentation Technique is one of the technique that can prepare the students to do activity like a real situation.

C. Limitation of the Problem

(MAN) Padusunan Pariaman.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problems of the research is formulated as: Does Presentation technique give significant effect toward students speaking skill at State Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Pariaman?

E. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the research is to find out effectiveness of students speaking skill at State Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Pariaman by using presentation technique.

F. Significance of the research

This research is expected to give positive contributions not only to the researcher but also to English teachers and students who are studying English especially at State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman. For the students, they will have the information on how to use Presentation in speaking skill. Teachers will be able to know the effectiveness of presentation as technique to improve their students‟ in speaking skill.

G. Definition of Key Term

1. Speaking :speaking is using a language actively to gain the meaning of other people and have a sense. (Lynne,2002: 40)it means that speaking will help everyone to express their feeling whether they are happy, sad, interest, and many more in order to make a good interaction in daily life.

2. Presentation : presentation is a short talk by one person to a group of people introducing and describing a particular subject( Essberger in Trila 2010) So can be conclude that Presentation is the act of showing or giving something; the way in which something is offered, shown, explained,etc

3. Speaking skill is a complex skill to acquare. The components of speaking are generally recognized in analysis of speech process such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Therefore, the goal of teaching speaking is to improve students communication skill (Nunan, 2003: 57),


A. Review of Related Theories

1. Speaking Skill

a. Definition of Speaking Skill

According to Lynne (2002: 40) speaking is using a language actively to gain the meaning of other people and have a sense. Naturally, speaking as means of communication is the process of transmitting the message from the source to target language. Beside that Scott (2005: 1) states that speaking is a part of daily activity that we doin our communication. Additionally, Harmer (1998: 88) says that good speaking activities should be highly motivating.Based on the definitions above,it means that speaking will help everyone to express their feeling whether they are happy, sad, interest, and many more in order to make a good interaction in daily life.

According to Nunan (2003: 57), speaking skill is a complex skill to acquare. The components of speaking are generally recognized in analysis of speech process such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Therefore, the goal of According to Nunan (2003: 57), speaking skill is a complex skill to acquare. The components of speaking are generally recognized in analysis of speech process such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Therefore, the goal of

From the theories above, it can be concluded that speaking is a way of communication that used the speaker to express their opinion, feeling and idea. Speaking is very important to communicate with others.

b. Component of Speaking

Based on some opinions above, the most important aspect of speaking skill that must be considered by the students especially the foreign language learner is the component of speaking skill, the component will affect the way students speak English. According to Brown (2003: 140) there are five component of speaking, they are:

1) Pronunciation 1) Pronunciation

2) Grammar The grammar of a language is the description of the ways in which words can change their forms and can combined into sentences in that language Harmer (2001: 12). Besides, it is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. If grammar rules are too careless violated, communication may

suffer, although, creating a „good‟ grammar rules is extremely difficult. According to Richard (1986:8) the rule of grammar

should to thought only after the students have practiced the grammar point in context that is grammar should be thought inductively. In short, while speaking, someone can construct the rule of word inductively in order to give meaning for all the words.

3) Vocabulary One cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas both oral and written form if they do not have sufficient 3) Vocabulary One cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas both oral and written form if they do not have sufficient

4) Fluency Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not have spend a lot of time searching for the language items needed to express the message.

5) Comprehension Comprehension is someone understanding about the message or information that delivered by speaker to the listener.

In conclusion, there are some components of speaking skill that must be understood and considered by the learner to improve their speaking skill. The students have to know thoses component as stated before.

c. Teaching Speaking at Senior High School

Teaching English at Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman has some rules based on Indonesian government in educational side which consists of the content standard of course, the standard of teaching process and the competency standard of Teaching English at Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Padusunan Pariaman has some rules based on Indonesian government in educational side which consists of the content standard of course, the standard of teaching process and the competency standard of

Since speaking skill focuses on students‟ performance, it is important for the teacher to prepare the procedure of teaching well. It can be said the teachers must involve the students in those process well. Briefly, teacher has to be able to motivate the students to speak

English in daily class activity in order to improve students‟ willingness to speak English, furthermore the teacher has to build good class

atmosphere within learning process, as a result students enjoy speaking English. To activate students speaking skill, it begins from the teachers. They have to be a good model and must use English in the class consequently in every class activity whether a command, reinforcement or so on.

As we know, speaking is very important in our life. If we want contact other people, we can speak directly. It means that we can communicate with people through speaking. Speaking is an ability to interact with other. Speaking is performed face to face to make use of oral production.

In teaching speaking, teacher should provide materials that is related to student`s, the teacher must prepare the materials based on In teaching speaking, teacher should provide materials that is related to student`s, the teacher must prepare the materials based on

In teaching speaking process, the teacher should pay attention on the technique that they used. The technique that they used should be suitable for the students. In addition, in order to make the students are able to speak fluently, the teachers need to play the number of different roles. Harmer (2001:275) He said that there are three important roles of teachers in teaching speaking. First, the teacher is as prompter. It means that the students sometimes get lost, cannot think of what to say next, or in some other way lose the fluency we expect of them. We can leave them to struggle out of such situation on their own. However, the teacher may be able to help them and the activity to progress by offering discrete suggestion. If this can be done support it will stop the sense of prostrations that some students feel when they come to a dead end of language or ideas.

Second , the teacher is as participant. It means that the teacher should be good animators when asking the students to produce the language. Sometimes this can be achieved by setting up an activity clearly and with enthusiasm. However, on such circumstances they have to be careful that they do not participate too much. Thus dominating the speaking and drawing all the attention to them.

considering carefully the effect of possible different approaches. In conclusion, teaching English in Senior High School is based on curriculum and syllabus available. It is needed good classroom management to recall the students doing activity that has been asked. Then, the purpose of the lesson should be achieved by the students and they are expected to achieve the maximum achievement.

2. Presentation Technique

a. Definition of Presentation Technique

According to Essberger (2010) states that presentation is a short talk by one person to a group of people introducing and describing a particular subject (for example: a new product, company figures or a proposed advertising campaign). Presentation is a teaching Strategies in w hich one or more students are required to “act” a part (Killen, 1998:160). They may be very formal activities (such as scripted play), very structured activities (such as debating), free flowing activities (such as role play), or a mixture of structure and freedom (such as simulation games). All of these activities have one very important common feature: the students who are participating are required to take a “role” and to behave in ways that may

not be natural to them. A second important feature is that the activity will usually involve just a few „active‟ participants, with remainder of the class

being required to learn through observation (and later discussion).

a. Written presentation It is kind presentation by using written media such as: story, newspaper, articles, pamphlet, document letter book, etc.

b. Oral Presentation Presentation orally used in formal situation such as report, discussion group, debate, talk show, speech, etc.In particularly, "oral presentations are a face-threatening activity" and "speech anxiety and limited presentation skills are the major problems that lead to learners' oral presentation failures" (King in Webster, 2002). Certainly having learners share their worries and concerns before tackling their oral presentations has proved a useful step, as has eliciting from the learners prior experience of presenting to a group.

c. Visual presentation Presentation, which is done by using visual aids including: Diagram, photograph, model, display and others Successful presentation requires students to perform different skills and different levels of self confidence, both of which might need to be developed before they can learn effectively in this way. The diagram below by Killen (1998) summarizes some of these skills and the level of self-confidence they require.

Level of Self Performance Activity Performance Skill Required

Confidence necessary

haring ideas in

istening, asking question,

Low friendship groups

answering question As above plus explaining,

Discussion in teacher-

Moderate formed small group

demonstrating, expressing

opinion As above plus reaching

Discussion in large

Moderate group

consensus, challenging and

defending views As above plus planning question,

hole-class discussion Moderate

defending points of views resentation of reasoned arguments, rapid formulation of response to arguments of

ormal debate High

other, ability to present a cohesive set of ideas over several minutes

Miming (possibly with

Ability to take role or pretend to

use of character High

be engaged in an activity


As above, but using voice for

cripted plays High

added effect As above plus ability to think

Unscripted plays (role

Very high play)

rapidly and respond rapidly

to inputs from others

Performance or presentation activities can be used as a means of achieving a wide variety of educational outcomes, including acquisition of knowledge, application of knowledge to develop further understanding and skills, and attitudinal change (Killen, 1998:161).In addition, Besral (2010: 6) states that presentation must be regarded as a

bridge to express one‟s idea freely before it is put into print.

In presentation, there are presenter, known with presenting student, and the audience, that is the other students. Oral presentation In presentation, there are presenter, known with presenting student, and the audience, that is the other students. Oral presentation

a. It gives the presenting student a good opportunity to practice unaided speaking

b. It gives the other students good listening practice

c. It increase the presenting student‟s confidence when using English

d. It can be a good practice for the real situation for those students who may actually need to give presentations in English in their professional lives

e. It is an excellent generator of spontaneous discussion Those advantages will not be reached maximal without well preparation and will be explained through the next point below.

b. Some Influential Factors in Oral Presentation

Delivering oral presentation is not a simple one. There are so many factors should be thought about. They might come from choice of subject, preparation, equipment, and time allocation.

1) Choice of subject 1) Choice of subject

a) It must take into account the audience‟s background knowledge, interest the audience and the presenting student (to avoid boredom)

b) It must be suitable for the type of the presentation-a how-to speech

c) It must require visual materials that are readily available

d) It must fit into the time limit Students, no doubt anymore, will have a great willing to present something interest, curious, fun, and fit with their capability. This may be hobbies, personal activities, past holidays, or something even more odd than usual (new invention or innovation for future needs). Here some possible interesting subject.

2) Preparation Preparation is the key element of any presentation. In preparation, give the students plenty of time to prepare will give them confidence on the day. Good organizing of presentation also part of well preparation.

part of oral presentation.

1) Introduction

a) Capture the attention and interest of the audience, perhaps with quoting a proverb or statement.

b) State the topic or aim of the presentation (e.g., “Today I will discuss a primary school classroom”).

c) Give any relevant background precisely.

d) Give the audience a plan of what is to be discussed (e.g., “I will first consider two points in favor”).

2) Body

a) Develop each point according to the plan

b) Use connectives that can help the audience has a sense of structure (e.g., firstly, secondly). This is more frequently and more emphatically than in essay or written

presentation because the audience cannot “see” when a new point begins

3) Conclusion

a) Give signal to the audience that the talk is almost finished: “In conclusion….”

b) Restate the main points.

c) Evaluate the importance of the information.

Students should be guided by teacher so that they can learn “do‟s and don‟t “of presentation. Writing out guidelines

and giving each student a copy of them can helpful. Below is such a list, which could be used to guided students:

1) Before speaking, Presenting Student should prepare handouts for classmates.

2) While speaking, presenting students should stand up, not sit down. Maintain eye contact with the audience (listener) smile, speak clearly not overrun time (5-10 minutes).

4) Time allocation It is commonly agreed that an ideal presentation should last about 5-10 minutes plus question. Students should learn not to overrun this allocated time and prepare their task accordingly.

5) Visual Aids It is very helpful to use visual aids such as overhead, slides, photograph, model, diagram, etc as they make it easier for audience to understand the presentation. In addition, says Zeyrek‟ (2004), students should be encouraged to bring in some

purposeful material such as map, real object, posters, flashcard, internet documents, painting, etc. teacher guidance is essential

6) Teacher‟s role in-class presentation Working with students on oral presentations is a time- taking and challenging job for teachers because students need a lot of help and guidance from topic selection. In other words, as King (2002) puts it. The teacher is the guide, organizer, consultant, resource person, and supporter.

c. The Stage of Presentation Technique

In addition, King (2002) wrote an article under title preparing EFL learners for oral presentation. The article covered some procedure in doing oral presentationl, there are:

a. Handout guidelines Since oral presentations involve multi-skills, a carefully planned and constructed guideline will help develop students‟

receptiveness to oral presentation. The teacher needs to give them time to prepare their talks and help in preparing if necessary. The students should be guided by teacher so that they can learn “do‟s and dont” of presentation.

b. Grouping learners Before doing the presentation, the learners divided into several group. Every group have three or four members.

c. Choosing topics and gathering information c. Choosing topics and gathering information

d. Handling technical problem It is important for students to know in advance how to handle theequipment themselves. A discussion about the equal importance of both the rehearsal and the performance will prevent students from technical surprises and panic on the day of the presentation. Usually, students concentrate all their energies on performance and forgot to check machines in advance and assume everrything will happen as they plan or expext.

e. Holding Question and Answer sessions Oral presentation also enables the students to do Question and answer section. The other group should give the Question to the group that presented, so it can improve the students participation in the classroom.

f. Preparing peer and teacher evaluation form f. Preparing peer and teacher evaluation form

d. Advantages of Using Presentation in Teaching Speaking

Al Issa and Al-Qubtan (2010:228) states that there some advantages which can be gotten from oral presentation technique. First: integrating language skill,Oral Presentations help integrate the language skills, which are all equally essential and important in the global village. The literature on teaching English has emphasized integrating the four skills and giving them equal weight. they can develop their vocabulary and pronounciation by sharing with their classmate and under the guidance from the

teacher. We know that the limitation of the students‟ competence so as a teacher we must help them in developing their vocabulry

and pronounciation to produce good speaking. Second: practicing speaking,Oral Presentation is an efficient way to encourage the presenting students to practice meaningful oral English and the rest of the class to practice listening.Through presentation students will get some comment, critique, or and pronounciation to produce good speaking. Second: practicing speaking,Oral Presentation is an efficient way to encourage the presenting students to practice meaningful oral English and the rest of the class to practice listening.Through presentation students will get some comment, critique, or

challenging because it requires confidence and couragePresentation also engages students actively in learning, so that they appreciate the value of participation, rather than just hoping to learn by absorption. Providing students with opportunities and a safe environment in which to experiment and take a risk in their interactions with others and, through these experiences, to gain a better understanding of their own value and attitudes (Killen, 1998: 162). Positive feedback doesn‟t just raise self-esteem; it helps students develop a fuller awareness of their competences as speakers. Fourth: Acquiring knowledge through language. Languages in general, and English in particular, are powerful tools for acquiring infinite knowledge and information. When students are asked to research a topic and search for particular information or data in English, they are using the language meaningfully and purposefully and are varying their exposure to sources of knowledge via the genuine use of the target language, which has its implications for their language improvement.

authority over as well as transmitting and controlling knowledge, information, and classroom activities.

B. Relevance the Studies

The research that relates to the researcher‟s study has been done by several persons. First, based on Zerek‟s research (2004) in What Oral

Presentations Bring into Efl Class , founded that the Student Talking Time increased by oral presentations, which were both a good speaking opportunity for the presenting student and the listening opportunity for audience.

Second research is conductsby Suyanti (2005). She conducts a research entitled “Increasing students’ vocabulary through the presentation of story

words". Here, she said that the use of presentation of story words, could improve the students‟ ability to gather vocabulary significantly.

The different between this research to previous researches is that in this research the researcher tried to emphasize on the teaching English through

oral presentation technique to promote students‟ speaking ability and to improve the researcher‟s ability in teaching English in form of classroom.

While the previous research focused on the following result. First research focused on the implementation of using oral presentation teaching. While the second‟s, focused on the vocabulary improvement by using the presentation of story words While the previous research focused on the following result. First research focused on the implementation of using oral presentation teaching. While the second‟s, focused on the vocabulary improvement by using the presentation of story words

Presentation technique. The use of this technique in teaching speaking is hoped to increase their ability in speaking than students without using this strategy (conventional) after doing six times treatment. In teaching and learning process students are hope speaking skills

This research is going to find out the differences of Presentation technique in improving stud ents‟ speaking ability at Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Pariaman in experimental class and the differences of teacher technique in improving student‟s speaking ability at Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Pariaman in control class. In the last meeting, the students will be given posttest.To make it clear, the conceptual framework is made a follows

Figure 1

Conceptual Framework


Teaching Speakingprocess


Experiment Class Control Class

Presentation Technique Teacher Technique

 Handout guidalines  The students read  Grouping Learnes the text  Choosing Topic  Discuss with their  Handling Technical


Problem  Perform in front of  Holding Question

the class and Answer

sessions  Preparing peer and teacher evaluation Result

Result form


D. Hypothesis

Based on the review of related to literatures above, the researcher formulate the hypothesis that students in presentation technique have higher performance than students in the non-presentation technique.

A. Research Design

This research was an experimental research because it will find out the effect of PresentationTechnique improve students‟ speaking ability at Islamic Senior High School Padusunan Pariaman. According to Gay, Mill, and Airasian (2009: 240) experimental research is the only type of research that can test hypotheses to establish cause-effect relations. The experimental design must have two groups: an experimental group and control group. The students was treated in different ways, the experimental group was taught through Presentation technique, and the control group was taught through teacher technique. This research was use post-test only design. The posttest scores are compared to determine the effect of the treatment. According to Gay, Mill, and Airasian (2009: 257) this design takes the following form:

Table 3.1 Research Design

Ex= experimental class

C = control class

X 1 =treatment through simulation technique

X 2 = treatment through teacher technique O = posttest.

B. Population and sample B. Population and sample

1 Padusunan Pariamanis158 consist of five classes (XI IPA 2 , XI IPA , XI

1 IPS 2 , XI IPS ,and XI PK).

2. Sample Gay, Mill, and Airasian (2009: 124) state that sample is a group of individuals, items, or events that represents the characteristics of the large group. This research was cluster sampling technique. Arikunto (2010: 180) states that cluster sampling is randomly selected groups, not individuals. Moreover, Gay, Mill, and Airasian (2009: 129) state that cluster sampling is intact groups, not individual are randomly selected. Shortly, this research was cluster random sampling to select the sample in which it was used lottery to decide experimental class that treated by using Presentation technique and control class will be treated using conventional technique.

C. Instrumentation C. Instrumentation

ability, knowledge, or performance in given domain. Speaking test is used to collect the data. This test is conducts to know whether there is significant the using of presentation technique improve students‟ speaking skill or not.

In order to get students‟ speaking scores, oral proficiency scoring is categorized byHughes (2003:131-133)criteria 1-6 in scoring test, such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Those criteria can be seen from table below:

Table 3.2 Sample of Instrument in Giving Speaking Scores:

Total Score 100

Table 3.3 Indicator of Speaking Based on Hughes Scale 1-6

Speaking No

Score Component

Level Description

1 Accent

1. Pronunciation frequently unintelligible.


2. Frequent gross error and a very heavy accent

1 make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.

3. “Foreign accent” requires concentrated

4. Marked foreign accent” and occasional

2 mispronunciation which do not interfere with understanding.

5. No conspicuous miss pronunciation but

3 would not be taken for native speaker.

6. Native pronunciation with no trace of

“foreign accent”.

2 Grammar

1. Grammar almost entirety inaccurate phrases.

12 few major Pattern and frequently preventing communication.

2. Constant errors in showing control of very

3. Frequent errors showing some major pattern

18 uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.

4. Occasional errors showing imperfect control

24 of some pattern but no weakness that causes misunderstanding.

5. Few errors with no pattern of failure.

6. No more than two errors during the interview.

3 Vocabulary

1. Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest


2. Vocabulary limited to basic personal and

8 survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc)

3. Choices of words sometimes inaccurate,

12 limitation of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics.

4. Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss