2013-present : Tim Manajemen Jurnal Imanensi (Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi dan


R i w a y a t H i d u p

Personal: Nama : Ari Kamayanti Jenis kelamin : Perempuan e-mail : kamayanti.ari@gmail.com/arikamayanti@ub.ac.id Tempat/Tgl lahir : Surabaya, 16 Juli 1976 Pendidikan: 2010-2012 : Magister Sains Akuntansi, Universitas Brawijaya 2008-2011 : Program Doktor Ilmu Akuntansi, Universitas Brawijaya

  2002. : Magister Manajemen STIE Mahardhika 2000. : Akuntansi (S1)-Bachelor, Universitas Airlangga 1997. : Akuntansi (S0)-Diploma, Universitas Airlangga 1994. : Braeburn High School, Nairobi Kenya, West Africa, O- level, AO level in English Literature.

  1993-1995 : Lebanese International School, Freetown, Sierra Leone, East


  Profesional: 2000 : Gelar akuntan

  1 Okt 2012 : Sertifikat NIRA no 991110730041543108985 2013 : Sertifkat CA Pengalaman Kerja/Organisasi:

2015-sekarang : Mitra Bebestari Jurnal Ilmu Akuntansi dan Bisnis (JIAB),

  Universitas Udayana


2014- present : Reviewer of Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Akuntansi dan Manajemen

  (JRAAM) Politeknik Negeri Malang

  2014-sekarang : Mitra Bebestari Jurnal BPPK, Jakarta

2013-present : Sekretaris Masyarakat Akuntansi Multiparadima Indonesia



2013-present : Tim Manajemen Jurnal Imanensi (Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi dan

  Akuntansi Islam)

  2012-present : Dosen tetap Universitas Brawijaya

2012-present : Hubungan Internasional, Forum Dosen Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam



2011-present : Reviewer of Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Malang.

2012-present : Reviewer of Jurnal Akuntansi dan Investasi, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. 2013-present : Reviewer of Jurnal Eksos, Politeknik Negeri Potianak.

2010-present : Management/Editorial team of Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma

  Jurusan Akuntansi FEB-UB 2002-2003 : Second Assistant to Dean II, STIE Mahardhika.

  2000-2002 : Head of Accounting Department, STIE Mahardhika. 2000-2011 : Dosen tetap STIE Mahardhika Published Research;

  1 The Use of Strategic Cost

  Management Framework in The Balanced Scorecard Perspective Measures

  Media Mahardhika Vol.3 No.2.

  Januari 2005

  2 P e n g a r u h K u a l i t a s L a y a n a n Te r h a d a p t i n g k a t K e p u a s a n k o n s u m e n u s a h a w a r a l a b a minimarket X Sidoarjo. ( J o i n t R e s e a r c h w i t h R i k a Yuliastanti)

  Media Mahardhika Vol.4 No.2.

  Januari 2006

  3 Kajian Teoritis Pengaruh Sistem Ekonomi pada Kerangka Konseptual Akuntansi: Akuntansi Syariah Versus Akuntansi Konvensional

  Media Mahardhika Vol.6 No.1.

  September 2007

  4 Persepsi Nasabah Bank dalam Memilih Bank Syariah atau Bank Konvensional di Sidoarjo.

  (Joint Research with Parwita S Setya)

  Presented at a seminar with Bank Muamalat Surabaya Februari 2008

  5 I m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f R e f i n e d

  6 Exploring Accounting and Its

  through Beauty and Love

  8 Inserting Balance in The BSC

  Media Mahardhika, Vol 7, No 2, 2009

  7 S e j a r a h d a n P e r k e m b a n g a n Hermeneutika serta Perannya dalam Riset Akuntansi

  Presented at SNA 12 Palembang, 2009

  (Slametan) (Joint Research with Nurmala Ahmar)

  Perseverance in Javanese Ritual

  6 Menggugat Ontologi Akuntansi dalam Membangun Teori Akuntansi Media Mahardhika, Vol 7, No 3, Mei 2009.

  Hyperview of Learning (rHOL) on Management Accounting Learning Process- An Ethnographic Study

  Presented at First ProsperNet- Scopus Symposium Thailand, 2009.

  (Joint Research with Aji Dedi Mulawarman)

  Management Accounting Curriculum in Love Based Accounting Education

  6 P re l i m i n a r y C o n s t r u c t i o n o f

  Best Paper SNA 11, Pontianak.

  The Indonesian Journal of Accounting Research (JRAI), Vol 12, No 3, Sep 2009.

  (Joint Research with Aji Dedi Mulawarman)

  Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma , Vol 1, No 1, 2010. Presented at SNA 12 Palembang 2009..

  9 Unmasking CSR Through Extended Presented in

  Hegelian Dialectic The First

  (Joint Research with Nurmala International Ahmar) Conference in

  Business and Banking,23-24 Feb 2010.

  Published in online journal at:


  10 Liberating Accounting Education Presented in

  rd Through Beauty and Beyond The 3

(Colloquium) International

  Accounting Conference and


  the 2 doctoral colloquium, 27-28 Oct 2010

  11 Remarrying the Rational and the Presented in


M y t h : A n I n v e s t i g a t i o n b y International

Baudrillard Order of Simulacra Seminar on

  Islamic Epistemology and Knowledge Integration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, 12

  12 Exploring beauty cage in accounting Accepted to be


education: evidence from Indonesia presented in

(Joint research with Triyuwono, SNA 14, Aceh, Irianto, Mulawarman) 20-23 Juli 2011.

  The Indonesian Journal of Accounting Research (JRAI), Vol 14, No 3, Sep 2011.

  13 Immersing Accounting education in Accepted to be

  Beauty: A class research action presented in the

(Joint research with Triyuwono, 12th AAAA

Irianto, Mulawarman) (Asian

  Academic Accounting Association) – UI, UGM, Unud, Bali October 2011.

  14 Dramaturgical Interventionism in Accepted to be

  Accounting Education Research presented in the

(Joint research with Irianto and Qualitative

Rahman) Research

  Convention Malaysia, 2012, published online at


  15 Pancasila as Accountant ethics Presented at the

  Imperialism Liberator Global

(Joint research with Unti Ludigdo) Accounting

  Finance and Economics Conference, Melbourne Australia, 20-21 February 2012, World Journal of Social Science, Vol 2 no 6, 2012

  16 Liberating Accounting Education Presented at the

  through Beauty Global

(Joint research with Triyuwono, Accounting

Irianto, Mulawarman) Finance and

  Economics Conference, Melbourne Australia, 20-21 February 2012

  17 C S R : S i n e r g i P e r u s a h a a n , Buku terbitan Pemerintah dan Masyarakat FISIPOL UGM, (Bunga rampai tulisan CSR) 2012, ISBN:

  978-979-8147-2 6-5

  18 Liberating Accounting Educationn Publisher: LAP


through Beauty and Beyond LAMBERT

  Academic Publishing (March 20, 2012),


  3848440970 ,



  19 Mendobrak Reproduksi Maskulinitas Dipresentasikan dalam Pendidikan Akuntansi: Suatu di Konferensi telaah internalisasi Pancasila dalam Nasional Pembelajaran Fraud Accounting Pendidikan (Joint research with Achdiar Redy Akuntansi Setiawan) Indonesia

  (KNPAI), FEB UB, 18-20 April 2012

  20 Akuntansiasi atau Akuntansiana? Jurnal Memaknai Reformasi Akuntansi Akuntansi Sektor Publik di Indonesia Multiparadigma

  , Volume 2 nomor 3 Desember 2011, pp 531-540

  19 Philosophical Reconstruction of World Journal

  Accounting Education: Liberation of Social through Beauty Science, Vol 2

  ( J o i n t r e s e a r c h w i t h I w a n no 7, 2012 Triyuwono, Gugus Irianto, Aji Dedi Mulawarman)


  20 Cinta: Tindakan Berkesadaran Presented at the Akuntan (Pendekatan Dialogis SNA 15 dalam Pendidikan Akuntansi) Banjarmasin

  2012. Best Paper Award

  21 The Relevancies and Applicability of Presented at the

  Human Resources Accounting SNA 15

Implementations under Hegelian Banjarmasin

Dialectic 2012 (Joint Research with Marsha Baniita


  22 Delivering Multiparadigm Research Presented at


P e r s p e c t i v e : M a n a g i n g F o r AUT- UAIC


Diversity And Sustainability

  (Joint Research with Gugus Irianto, conference, Iwan Triyuwono and Eko Ganis Malaysia 17-18 Sukoharsono) November 2012

  23 P e n g a k u a n D o s a [ S o p i r ] Presented at A[ng]ku[n]tan Pendidik: Studi SNA 16 Solipsismish Manado, 25-26 (Joint Research with Achdiar Redy September Setiawan dan Aji Dedi Mulawarman) 2013. Jurnal

  Pendidikan Akuntansi, Volume 2 Nomor 1, 2014, hlm 5-14.

  24 Exploring the interpretation of Balik Presented at

  Modal as “the other” Break Even SNA 16 Point: A Hermeneutics Romantic Manado, 25-26 Study (joint research with Dimas September 2013

  Ramadhan Putra)

  25 Menggeser paradigma stock concept Presented at menuju flow concept: Kritik atas net Silatnas 3


revenue sharing pada akuntansi FORDEBI,

  mudharabah (joint research with UNS, 26 Virginia Nur Rahmanti, Aji Dedi November Mulawarman) 2013, Review

  Ekonomi dan Budaya Islam, 2013, Volume 1, Nomor 1, hlm 8-22.

  26 Keragaman Pemaknaan Murabahah Jurnal Ekonomi (Joint research with Lies Ernawati dan Keuangan and Unti Ludigdo) (EKUITAS) Vol

  16, No 4, 2012, hal433-457.

  27 Riset akuntansi kritis: Pendekatan Jurnal (non) feminisme Tjoet Njak Dhien Akuntansi

  Multiparadigma , Vol 4 No 3, 2013, hal 361-375.

  28 Determinan efektifitas sistem e- Jurnal b a n k i n g d i M a t a N a s a b a h : Akuntansi pendekatan model kesuksesan sistem Multiparadigma informasi (Joint research with , Vol 4 No 1, Latifah Hanum and Ali Djamhuri) 2013, hal 1-13.

  29 Gugurnya Petani Rakyat (Vaisal Buku terbitan Amir, Aji Dedi Mulawarman, Gugus UB Press Irianto, Ari Kamayanti)

  30 Development of Sustainability International Reporting: Case Study in PT. Timah Journal of Persero (I.A.Budhananda Munidewi, Research in E k o G a n i s S u k o h a r s o n o , A r i Commerce, Kamayanti) Economics and

  Management, 2014, Vol 4., No 7, pp 15-21

  31 Melucuti Kerudung Manajemen Prosiding Keuangan Syariah (Pembelajaran Seminar Dialogis berbasis Kesadaran Kritis Ekonomi Islam, Islami) Universitas

  Halu Oleo 11 (Joint research with Virginia Nur Oktober 2014, Rahmanti)

  ISBN: 978-602-71776- 0-4

  33 I n t e g r a s i P a n c a s i l a d a l a m Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi melalui Pendidikan Pendekatan Dialogis Akuntansi,

  2014, Volume 2 Nomor 2, hlm

  34 Biological assets valuation reconstruction: A critical study of


  IAS 41 on agricultural accounting in Indonesian farmers. (Joint Research with Rendra Kurniawan dan Aji Dedi Mulawarman)

  Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, pp 68-75. (Elsevier, Scopus-based journal)

  35 Islamic Values Islamic Bank Underlying Performance Assessment (joint Reseaech with Niswatin, Iwan Triyuwono, Nurkholis)

  Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2014, Volume 5 Nomor 24, pp 106-113

  • Best Lecturer 1, Program Doktor Ilmu Akuntansi FEB UB Semester Genap 2014/2015
  • Best Supervisor 2, Jurusan Akuntansi FEB UB Semester Genap 2014/2015
  • Best Lecturer 1, Jurusan Akuntansi FEB UB, Semester Gasal 2014/2015
  • Best Lecturer 1, Jurusan Akuntansi FEB UB, Semester Gasal 2013/2014.
  • Wisudawan Terbaik Magister Akuntansi 2012, IPK 4,00
  • Best Paper Award, SNA 15 Banjarmasin 2012, kategori kualitatif
  • Best Lecturer 3, Jurusan Akuntansi FEB UB, Semester Gasal 2012/2013.
  • Best Paper Award, SNA 11 Pontianak, 2008

  Trainer/Guest Lecture:

  • Kuliah Tamu Metode Penelitian Kualitatif di Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, 8 Oktober 2015
  • Pemateri Metode Penelitian Kualitatif di FEB Universitas Brawijaya, 2-3

  Oktober 2015

  • Pemateri Metode Penelitian Kualitatif di Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta,

  25-27 Agustus 2015

  • Kuliah Tamu Metode Penelitian Kualitatif di STIE Perbanas Surabaya, 1 Juni 2015.
  • Pemateri Workshop Nasional EndNote dan Metode Penelitian di UMM, 12-13 Mei 2015.
  • Trainer Perubahan Paradigma Pengelolaan Jurnal di Fakultas Ekonomi dan
  • Pemateri Pelatihan Menulis Jurnal Pendidikan di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 3 Malang, 25 Januari 2014.

  • Pemateri Accounting Research Training Series Paradigma Kritis: Tjoet Njak Dhien, Vol 5, 22-23 Januari 2014
  • Reviewer Workshop Publikasi International Journal of Accounting and Business Society, Malang 26 Desember 2013.
  • Pemateri TOT Teori Akuntansi Syariah Level Dasar, November 2013
  • Pemateri “Jamal Berbagi”: Kiat Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah dan Substansi Akuntansi. Savanna Hotel November 2013.
  • Pemateri Accounting Research Training Series, Vol 4, Juni 2013, Paradigma Interpretif •

  Pemateri Sosialisasi dan Diseminasi Pengelolaan Jurnal, 3 Mei 2011, FEB-UB

  • Pemateri Accounting Research Training Series, Vol 2, Desember 2011,
  • Guest Lecture di Program Doktor Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya, November 2012
  • Juri Temu Ilmiah Regional 2012, Center for Islamic Studies (CIES), Sabtu 13

  Paradigma Kritis

  Oktober 2012

  Pelatihan yang diikuti:

  • Pelatihan Open Journal System Nasional, 27-29 Mei 2015, Atria Hotel Malang.
  • Pelatihan Pengelolaan Jurnal oleh DIKTI, Bandung, November 2013
  • National Symposium of Journal’s Quality. 3-4 Okober 2013, Prasetiya Mulya dan Interrnational Journal of Business Studies, Jakarta.
  • Pelatihan Penulisan dan Publikasi Artikel pada Jurnal Internasional. 16-17 Juli 2013 di Uiversitas Brawijaya.
  • Penataran Lokakarya Nasional Pengelolaan dan Penyuntingan Jurnal Ilmiah yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Negeri Malang di Klub Bunga Butik Resort, Jl. KartikaNo. l, Batu padatanggal 14 s.d. 17 Maret 20l2.


  • Drama Akuntansi “Menyan Pembebas” dipentaskan oleh Teater EGO pada

  Pertemuan Masyarakat Akuntansi Multiparadigma Indonesia 1 (TEMAN1) dan ARTS 5 Paradigma Kritis-penulis skrip (22-23 Januari 2014)

  • Puisi Akuntansi “Sshh...” disampaikan pada The Fourth UB International Consortium on Accounting (November, 2012)