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Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
2008, No. 23, 1-14;

Abstract. We demonstrate how the method of auxiliary (’reference’) equations, also known as N. V.
Azbelev’s W-transform method, can be used to derive efficient conditions for the exponential Lyapunov
stability of linear delay equations driven by a vector-valued Wiener process. For the sake of convenience the
W-method is briefly outlined in the paper, its justification is however omitted. The paper contains a general
stability result, which is specified in the last section in the form of seven corollaries providing sufficient
stability conditions for some important classes of Itˆ
o equations with delay.

1. Introduction
Stability of solutions to delayed systems with random parameters is a popular topic in the mathematical
literature. A rather complete, but definitely not exhaustive, list of publications can e. g. be found in [7],
[8], [9], [11]. Most authors apply the method of auxiliary functionals (the Lyapunov-Krasovskii-Razumikhin
method). On the other hand, an alternative method (Azbelev’s W -transform method) to study asymptotic
properties of linear functional-differential equations, based on auxiliary equations and developed in [2], [4], [5],
[6], proved to be efficient as well, especially in the case of non-diffusion equations driven by semimartingales.

While in the case of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii-Razumikhin method a successful stability analysis depends
on a skillful choice of an auxiliary functional with certain properties, the W -transform method is very much
dependent on a suitable auxiliary equation that has the required asymptotic properties. The auxiliary
equation gives rise to a certain integral transform which is applied to the equation in question, and the
challenge is to find conditions under which the latter equation would inherit the asymptotic properties of the
auxiliary equation. By this reason the auxiliary equation may be called a reference equation. Some hints on
what kind of reference equations can be suitable for certain classes of linear stochastic functional differential
equations, are discussed in [2], [4], [5], [6].
In the present paper we use the W -transform method to study the exponential Lyapunov 2p–stability
(1 ≤ p < ∞) of the zero solution of linear and scalar differential equations with bounded delay, which are
driven by a vector-valued Wiener process. We apply the general framework developed in our previous papers
[2], [4], [5], [6]. The framework provides sufficient stability conditions in terms of the parameters of the given
Note that all the results of the paper are new (the only exception is the lemma in Section 4, which was
proved by the authors in [6]). We found it difficult to compare our stability results with those proved by the
Lyapunov-Krasovskii-Razumikhin method (see e.g. [8] and references therein), as in most cases the results
are almost independent of each other. We feel that a combination of these two methods will give better
results, but this was beyond the scope of this particular paper.
2. Notation and definitions
In this paper we always assume that the real number p satisfies 1 ≤ p < ∞.

Below we introduce some basic notation to be used in the sequel. Let (Ω, F , (Ft )t≥0 , P) be a given
stochastic basis consisting of a probability space (Ω, F , P) and an increasing family (a filtration) (Ft )t≥0 of
complete σ-algebras on it, satisfying the usual assumptions (see [1]). By E we denote the expectation on this
probability space. The stochastic (m − 1)-vector process B consists of jointly independent Wiener processes
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 34K50, 34D20.
Key words and phrases. Stochastic differential equations, aftereffect, exponential stability, integral transforms.

EJQTDE, 2008 No. 23, p. 1

Bi , i = 2, ..., m w.r.t. (Ft )t≥0 . The linear space K consists of functions η : Ω → R ≡ (−∞, ∞) (random
variables) which are F0 -measurable (in our previous papers we used the notation k for this space).
In the sequel we will also use the universal constants cp (1 ≤ p < ∞), which come from the celebrated
Burkholder-Davis-Gandy inequalities and help to estimate stochastic integrals. These√constants are involved
in the stability conditions of Sections 4 and 5. From [10] it is known that cp = 2 12p. However, other
sources give other values (see e.g. [1]). All these values are not optimal. For instance, in the results
presented below we may assume that c1 = 1. Indeed, we estimate sup E|x(t)|2 and not E sup |x(t)|2 as in the


Burkholder-Davis-Gandy inequalities.
The following scalar Itˆ
o-type equation with delay and the ’prehistory’ condition is considered in this
m X
dx(t) =
aij (t)x(hij (t))dBi (t) (t ≥ 0),
a1j (t)x(h1j (t))dt +
i=2 j=0


x(ν) = ϕ(ν) (ν < 0),
where ϕ is a measurable stochastic process, which is independent of the vector-valued process B = (B2 , ..., Bm )

and which almost surely (a. s.) has trajectories that are essentially bounded, i. e. belong to L∞ . The
functions aij , hij , i = 1, ..., m, j = 0, ..., mi are Lebesgue-measurable on [0, ∞) and satisfy the following
1) a1j , j = 0, ..., m1 are locally integrable functions;
2) aij , i = 2, ..., m, j = 0, ..., mi are locally square-integrable functions;
3) hij (t) ≤ t for t ∈ [0, ∞) a. s., vraisup (t − hij (t)) < ∞ for i = 1, ..., m, j = 0, ..., mi .

In what follows these hypotheses are always assumed to be fulfilled.
A solution to the equation (1), (2) is a stochastic process x(t) (t ∈ (−∞, ∞)) satisfying (1) and (2). This
means, in particular, that x(t) must be (Ft )-adapted and have continuous trajectories for t ≥ 0. We observe
also that varying x(0) (which is not fixed in (1), (2)) we obtain different solutions.
It can be proved (see [3]) that the assumptions 1)-3) above guarantee that for any given x0 ∈ k there
exists a unique (up to the P–equivalence) solution of (1), (2). We will denote this solution by x(t, x0 , ϕ).
Remark 1. Unlike most works on stochastic functional differential equations, we do not require here that
the trajectories x(t) (t ≥ 0) should be continuous extensions of the trajectories of the ’prehistory’ process
ϕ. This allows for use discontinuous ϕ. But the solution may even make a jump at t = 0, when the initial
function ϕ is continuous. This property seems to be more natural in the case of discontinuous stochastic
processes. But even in the continuous case it may be convenient to allow jumps at t = 0. For instance, in
the conventional framework it is sometimes desirable to extend the set of initial functions from the space of

continuous functions C to the space of square-integrable functions L2 (see e.g. [9]), which necessarily requires
a new, extended phase space L2 × R (where ϕ ∈ L2 and x0 ∈ R = (−∞, ∞) can be chosen arbitrarily).
The stochastic process

ϕ(ν), if ν < 0,
x0 , if ν = 0,
will be conventionally addressed as the initial function for the delay equation (1).
The equation (1), (2) is called homogeneous if ϕ(ν) ≡ 0 (ν < 0):
dx(t) =


a1j (t)x(h1j (t))dt +

m X
i=2 j=0

aij (t)x(hij (t))dBi (t) (t ≥ 0),

x(ν) = 0 (ν < 0).
Remark 2. It is important to stress that our interpretation of homogeneous delay equations is different
from the conventional one (see e.g. [5]). Usually, one calls the equation (1) homogeneous, while (2) is
interpreted as the initial condition. Our definition (see e. g. [5]) is more restrictive, as we in addition
require that ϕ(ν) = 0 a. s. for all ν < 0, so that the only initial assumption left is x(0) = x0 . The reason
EJQTDE, 2008 No. 23, p. 2

for that is technical: it gives us an opportunity to treat the homogeneous equation as finite dimensional, and
thus exploit the most essential features of the W -transform. The ”prehistory function” ϕ(ν) (ν < 0) does
not disappear, but becomes a part of the (inhomogeneous) equation (1), (2). This will be demonstrated in the
beginning of Section 4.
In any case, the final output in our approach - the exponential estimate (EXP) - is the same as in the
conventional theory. This is summarized in the definition below.
Definition. The zero solution x(t, 0, 0) ≡ 0 of the homogeneous equation corresponding to the equation
(1), (2) is called exponentially (Lyapunov) 2p–stable w.r.t. the initial function, if there exist positive numbers
c¯, β such that
E|x(t, x0 , ϕ)|2p ≤ c¯(E|x0 |2p + vraisup E|ϕ(ν)|2p ) exp{−βt} (t ≥ 0)

(EXP )
ν 0, γi > 0, i = 1, 2, T ∈ [0, ∞) such
m P
P1 Rt
|a1k (t)|[
a1k (t) ≤ −a0 ,
a1k (t),
(aij (s))2 ds)0.5 ] ≤ −γ1

|a1j (s)|ds + cp

m P

i=2 j=0

(aij (t))2 ≤ −2γ2



j=0 hT (t)

i=2 j=0 hT (t)


a1k (t) for t ≥ T a.s. If now γ1 + cp γ2 < 1. Then the solutions to the equation

(1), (2) satisfy the estimate (EXP) for some β > 0.
Corollary 2 follows directly from Theorem 3 if we put I = {0, ..., m1 }.
Corollary 3. Assume that there exists a number T ∈ [0, ∞) such that the coefficients in (1), (2) satisfy
a1j (t) = A1j r(t), k = 0, ..., m1 , aij (t) = Aij r(t), i = 2, ..., m, j = 0, ..., mi ,

r(t) ≥ r0 > 0 (t ∈ [T, ∞)) a.s.

A1k < 0 and γ1 + cp γ2 < 1 are valid, where
Assume also that for some I ⊂ {0, ..., m1 } the estimates

γ1 = lim sup [


|A1k [

t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t k∈I
P Pi 2
Aij )/(−2
i=2 j=0

1k (τ )




|A1j |+cp (



1k (τ )

m P

i=2 j=0

|Aij |]+



|A1k ]/(−


A1k ), γ2 =


A1k ). Then the solutions to the equation (1), (2) satisfy the estimate (EXP) for some

β > 0.
The next two corollaries provide sufficient stability conditions for a particular case of (1), (2) given by
the following scalar stochastic differential equation
dx(t) = (−a(t)x(t) − b(t)x(h(t)))dt + c(t)x(g(t))dB(t) (t ≥ 0),


x(ν) = ϕ(ν) (ν < 0),


where ϕ is a stochastic process which is independent of the standard scalar Wiener process B and which a. s.
has trajectories from L∞ . The functions a, b, c, g, h in (6) are all Lebesgue-measurable, a, b are, in addition,
locally integrable, c is locally square-integrable, h(t) ≤ t, g(t) ≤ t for t ∈ [0, ∞) a.s., vraisup (t − h(t)) < ∞,

vraisup (t − h(t)) < ∞.

Corollary 4. Assume that there exist numbers a0 > 0, γi > 0, i = 1, 2, T ∈ [0, ∞) such that for the
equation (6), (7) one of the following conditions holds:
1) a(t) ≥ a0 , |b(t)| ≤ γ1 a(t), (c(t))2 ≤ 2γ2 a(t) (t ≥ T )

EJQTDE, 2008 No. 23, p. 11

2) a(t) + b(t) ≥ a0 , |b(t)|[


(|a(s)| + |b(s)|)ds + cp (

hT (t)


(c(s))2 ds)0.5 ] ≤

hT (t)

γ1 (a(t) + b(t)), (c(t)) ≤ 2γ2 (a(t) + b(t)) (t ≥ T ) a.s.

If, in addition, γ1 + cp γ2 < 1, then the solutions to the equation (6), (7) satisfy the estimate (EXP) for
some β > 0.
Corollary 5. Assume that there exists a number T ∈ [0, ∞) such that the coefficients in (6), (7) satisfy
a(t) = Ar(t), b(t) = Br(t), c(t) = C r(t), r(t) ≥ r0 > 0 (t ∈ [T, ∞)) a.s.
Assume also that one of the following conditions holds:

2) A + B > 0, lim sup |B|[
t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

1) A > 0, |B|/A + cp |C|/ 2A < 1,

r(s)ds(|A| + |B|) + cp (

hT (τ )

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|]/(A + B) + cp |C|/

hT (τ )

3) A > 0, B > 0, lim sup B[
t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

r(s)ds + cp (

hT (τ )

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|/(A + B)] + cp |C|/

hT (τ )

2(A + B) < 1,

2(A + B) < 1.

Then the solutions to the equation (6), (7) satisfy the estimate (EXP) for some β > 0.
Finally, we consider another particular case of the equation (1), (2) given by
dx(t) = (−a(t)x(t) − b(t)x(h(t)) − d(t)x(l(t)))dt + c(t)x(g(t))dB(t) (t ≥ 0),


x(ν) = ϕ(ν) (ν < 0),
where ϕ is a stochastic process which is independent of the standard scalar Wiener process B and which a.
s. has trajectories from L∞ . The functions a, b, c, d, g, h, l in (8) are all assumed to be Lebesgue-measurable,
where a, b, d are, in addition, locally integrable, c is locally square-integrable, h(t) ≤ t, l(t) ≤ t, g(t) ≤ t for
t ∈ [0, ∞) a. s., vraisup (t − h(t)) < ∞, vraisup (t − l(t)) < ∞, vraisup (t − g(t)) < ∞.



Corollary 6. Assume that there exist numbers a0 > 0, γi > 0, i = 1, 2, T ∈ [0, ∞) such that for the
equation (8), (9) one of the following conditions holds:
1) a(t) ≥ a0 , |b(t)| + |d(t)| ≤ γ1 a(t), (c(t))2 ≤ 2γ2 a(t) (t ≥ T )
2) a(t) + b(t) ≥ a0 , |b(t)|[


(|a(s)| + |b(s)| + |d(s)|)ds + cp (

hT (t)



(c(s))2 ds)0.5 ] ≤

hT (t)

γ1 (a(t) + b(t)), (c(t)) ≤ 2γ2 (a(t) + b(t)) (t ≥ T ) a.s.,
3) a(t) + d(t) ≥ a0 , |d(t)|[
(|a(s)| + |b(s)| + |d(s)|)ds + cp (
(c(s))2 ds)0.5 ] ≤
lT (t)

lT (t)

γ1 (a(t) + d(t)), (c(t)) ≤ 2γ2 (a(t) + d(t)) (t ≥ T ) a.s.,
4) a(t) + b(t) + d(t) ≥ a0 , |b(t)|[
(|a(s)| + |b(s)| + |d(s)|)ds + cp (
(c(s))2 ds)0.5 ]+
hT (t)



lT (t)

hT (t)

(|a(s)| + |b(s)| + |d(s)|)ds + cp (


(c(s))2 ds)0.5 ] ≤

lT (t)

γ1 (a(t) + b(t) + d(t)), (c(t))2 ≤ 2γ2 (a(t) + b(t) + d(t)) (t ≥ T ) a.s.
EJQTDE, 2008 No. 23, p. 12

If, in addition, γ1 + cp γ2 < 1, then the solutions to the equation (8), (9) satisfy the estimate (EXP) for
some β > 0.
Corollary 7. Assume that there exists a number T ∈ [0, ∞) such that the coefficients in (8), (9) satisfy
a(t) = Ar(t), b(t) = Br(t), d(t) = Dr(t), c(t) = C r(t), r(t) ≥ r0 > 0 (t ∈ [T, ∞)) a.s.
Assume also that one of the following conditions holds:

2) A+B > 0, lim sup |B|[
t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

1) A > 0, (|B| + |D|)/A + cp |C|/ 2A < 1,

r(s)ds(|A|+|B|+|D|)+cp (

hT (τ )

3) A+D > 0, lim sup |D|[
t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|]/(A+B)+cp |C|/

hT (τ )

r(s)ds(|A|+|B|+|D|)+cp (

lT (τ )

lT (τ )

4) A + B + D > 0, lim sup |B|[
t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|]/(A+D)+cp |C|/) 2(A + D) < 1,

r(s)ds(|A| + |B| + |D|) + cp (

hT (τ )

lim sup |D|[

t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

lT (τ )

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|]/(A + B + D)+

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|]/(A + B + D) + cp |C|/

lT (τ )

5) A > 0, B > 0, D > 0, lim sup B[
t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

r(s)ds + cp (

hT (τ )

t→∞ T ≤τ ≤t

hT (τ )

r(s)ds(|A| + |B| + |D|) + cp (

lim sup D[

lT (τ )

r(s)ds + cp (

2(A + B) < 1,

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|/(A + B + D)]+

hT (τ )

r(s)ds)0.5 |C|/(A + B + D)] + cp |C|/

lT (τ )

2(A + B + D) < 1,

2(A + B + D) < 1.

Then the solutions to the equation (8), (9) satisfy the estimate (EXP) for some β > 0.
Acknowledgments. The authors thank an anonymous referee for the valuable comments and suggestions
which helped us to improve the paper.
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EJQTDE, 2008 No. 23, p. 13

(Received January 30, 2007)

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EJQTDE, 2008 No. 23, p. 14