Gayatri Chaerani, 210111060502, Padjadjaran University Faculty of
Communication Sciences. The study title is from "the relationship between
listening motives to program" Selamat BeGi "and the information fulfillment
needs of Radio Prambors listeners", with the subtitle Correlational Study
Regarding the relationship between listening motives to program" Selamat BeGi
"and the information fulfillment needs of Radio Prambors listeners.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between
listening motives to program" Selamat Begi "and the information fulfillment needs
of Radio Prambors listeners. This study rests on the uses and gratifications theory
that discusses the use of the mass media by the active audience
Methods This study uses a quantitative approach with correlation analysis
is a method to find the relationship between two or more variables. The
population in this study were all listeners that have as many as 243 people
Prambors ID with simple random sampling technique obtained 72 samples.
Test the validity of a score with a degree / ordinal using Spearman
correlation method, the correlation coefficient shows the relationship between two
variables X and Y, both of which have a scale of at least ordinal measurement.
Reliability test using Cronbach Alpha calculation formula. Reliability values
between 0.00 to 1.00. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires,

observations, interviews and literature study. Analysis using descriptive analysis
is done by analyzing the data in the form of questionnaires and inferential
analysis that presents respondents using statistical calculations.

Results of this study indicate that the listening motives of program
"Selamat Begi" has a relationship with the information needs of listeners Radio
Prambors. The conclusion from this study is that there is a significant relationship
between motives listening program "Selamat Begi" motif consisting of
information, personal identity motives, motives iintegrasi and social interaction
as well as the entertainment motive fulfillment Prambors Radio listeners
information consisting of information satisfaction and satisfaction entertainment.