Vol.12 No.3 Oktober 2011


& Business
ISSN : 1412 – 968X

Arkansas Juvenile Justice, Behavioral Health And Child Welfare:
Systems Collaboration And Integration
Oleh : Ichsan

Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan
Departemen Produksi PT ABC Sidoarjo
Oleh : Sri Langgeng Ratnasari

Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Motivasi, Persepsi, Pembelajaran, Dan Kepribadian Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Laptop Di Kalangan Mahasiswa
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Syiah Kuala
Oleh : Khairina AR

Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas

Karyawan pada PT. Meidiatama Indokonsul Banda Aceh
Oleh: Nur Faliza

Pengujian Fenomena Monday Effect, Week Four Effect, dan Rogalski Effect
pada Return Saham di Bursa Effect Indonesia
Oleh : Nikmah dan Pratana Puspa Midiastuty

Analisis Potensi Pendapatan Asli Daerah Pemerintah Kota Lhokseumawe
(Suatu Analisis Trend)
Oleh : Hendra Raza

Penggunaan Aplikasi Enterprise (Enterprise Application) Sebagai Sistem
Informasi di Organisasi
Oleh : Neni Sahara Noerdin

Volume 12 Nomor 3, Oktober 2011


& Business


ISSN : 1412 – 968X

Diterbitkan Oleh :
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Malikussaleh
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Rektor Universitas Malikussaleh
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Prof. A. Hadi Arifin, Jullimursyida, Ph.D (Unimal) Isnurhadi, Ph.D (UNSRI),
Erlina, Ph.D (USU), Adi Afif Zakaria, Ph.D (UI), Muhammad Nasir, Ph.D (USK),
Sofyan Syahnur, Ph.D (USK), Jeliteng Pribadi, MA (USK),
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Jurnal E-Mabis Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Malikussaleh diterbitkan sejak tahun 2000 sesuai
dengan Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas Malikussaleh nomor SK. No.34/UM.H/KP/2000
Jurnal E-Mabis diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe,
Dekan : Wahyuddin, Pembantu Dekan I : Khairil Anwar, Pembantu Dekan II: Iswadi, Pembantu
Dekan III : Anwar Puteh, Pembantu Dekan IV : Ichsan
Jurnal E-Mabis terbit 3 kali setahun pada bulan Januari, Mei, dan Oktober.
ISSN : 1412-968X. keputusan terbit 3 kali setahun mulai Edisi Vol.6 Nomor : 1, Januari 2005



& Business
ISSN : 1412 – 968X


Seiring perjalanan waktu, kini E-MABIS telah sampai pada Volume 12
Nomor 3a terbitan bulan Oktober 2011. Dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan
penerbitan E-MABIS dan upaya untuk akreditasi, redaksi mencoba melakukan
beberapa terobosan baru dalam rangka mengumpulkan artikel-artikel yang
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Redaksi mengharapkan partisipasi aktif dari rekan-rekan untuk mengirimkan
hasil penelitiannya. Agar bisa dimuat dalam penerbitan selanjutnya. Kepada
semua pihak kami ucapkan terima kasih


& Business


ISSN : 1412 – 968X


Arkansas Juvenile Justice, Behavioral Health And Child Welfare:

Systems Collaboration And Integration
Oleh: Ichsan .................................................................................................

288 – 298

Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan
Departemen Produksi PT ABC Sidoarjo
Oleh: Sri Langgeng Ratnasari .................................................................
299 – 306
Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Motivasi, Persepsi, Pembelajaran, dan
Kepribadian Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Laptop di Kalangan
Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Syiah Kuala
Oleh: Khairina AR ........................................................................

307 – 317

Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas
Karyawan pada PT. Meidiatama Indokonsul Banda Aceh
Oleh: Nur Falizaii .........................................................................
318 - 328

Pengujian Fenomena Monday Effect, Week Four Effect, dan
Rogalski Effect pada Return Saham di Bursa Effect Indonesia
Oleh : Nikmah dan Pratana Puspa Midiastuty .............................

329 - 340

Analisis Potensi Pendapatan Asli Daerah Pemerintah Kota Lhokseumawe
(Suatu Analisis Trend)
Oleh : Hendra Raza ......................................................................
341 - 354
Penggunaan Aplikasi Enterprise (Enterprise Application)
Sebagai Sistem Informasi di Organisasi
Oleh : Neni Sahara Noerdin .........................................................

355 - 363

Pengaruh Modal dan Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Efisiensi
Industri Kecil di Kota Banda Aceh
Oleh : Aliasuddin dan Ikram Abdul Baari ....................................

364 - 372

Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Penduduk dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
Terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran di Provinsi Aceh
Oleh : Fikriah dan Husniza ..........................................................

373 - 383

Pengaruh Faktor Kebudayaan Terhadap Keputusan Menabung Pada
Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Lhokseumawe
Oleh : Rahmaniar dan Nur Azidah ...............................................

384 - 395


& Business


ISSN : 1412 – 968X

Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi
Kemiskinan Rumahtangga di Kabupaten Aceh Utara
Oleh : Muhammad Nasir ..............................................................

396 - 409

Analisis Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah
(Studi Pada Kabupaten/Kota Di Pemerintah Aceh)
Oleh : Rita Meutia dan Farhan Hady ...........................................
410 - 428
Analisis Determinan Pendapatan Usaha Kecil di Kota Lhokseumawe
Oleh : Nazir ...................................................................................

429 - 438

Pengaruh Laba Terhadap Pengembangan Usaha Perabotan

di Kabupaten Aceh Utara
(Studi Kasus Di Kec. Lhoksukon, Kec. Samudera dan Kec. Tanah Luas)
Oleh : Husaini ...............................................................................
439 - 451
Pengaruh Loyalitas Konsumen Pada Keputusan Pembelian
Produk Pasta Gigi Merek Pepsodent di Swalayan Sejahtera I
Kota Lhokseumawe
Oleh : Syamsul Bahri ....................................................................

452 - 466

Pengaruh Pengalaman Terhadap Peningkatan Keahlian Auditor
dalam Bidang Auditing pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Jawa Barat
Oleh : Murhaban ...........................................................................

467 - 479

Pengaruh Job Relevan Information Terhadap Hubungan Antara
Partisipasi Penganggaran dengan Kinerja Manajer
(Studi Pada Manajer Perbankan Syari’ah Di Kota Banda Aceh)

Oleh : Rahmawaty dan Evi Mutia .................................................

480 - 488

Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (Money Loundring) Sebagai
Kejahatan Ekonomi Gaya Baru
Oleh : Yusnanik Bakhtiar ..............................................................

489 - 497

Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran Terhadap Kepuasan dan Hubungannya
dengan Loyalitas Pelanggan Produk Kartu Halo pada
PT. Telkomsel di Kota Lhokseumawe
Oleh : Mariyudi .............................................................................

498 - 513

Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Konsumen Membeli
Susu Procal Gold pada PT. Wyeth Indonesia Cabang Medan
Oleh : Sapna Biby .........................................................................
514 - 522

Jurnal E-Mabis FE-Unimal, Volume 12, Nomor 3, Oktober 2011…………..………...... 287

Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi …….... 288



Abstract: This study aims to examine the potential of systems
integration between agencies and organizations working in the areas
of juvenile justice, child welfare, and children’s behavioral health in
Arkansas. A specific focus is to build an understanding of how
agencies work together, and to identify areas that make intra-agency
collaboration difficult. To help understand this potential, interviews
with stakeholders in many of the agencies involved with juvenile
services were conducted. The stakeholders were asked questions about
how associated agencies work in serving the youth of Arkansas and
what barriers may exist. This study finds that while some evidence
exists that policy makers recognize that collaboration is important and
some level of cooperation and collaboration is occurring, youth
service integration is still more at the discourse rather than at the
practice level. In order for meaningful integration to occur, two things
must happen. First, more research into systems integration and
collaboration is necessary. Second, a champion must emerge who can
help push the agenda forward. This champion must be able to get
agencies involved to collectively determine a course of action that best
meets the needs of children and families in Arkansas.
Keywords: system collaboration, integration, management, policy

Ichsan, Lecturer at Faculty of Economics, Malikussaleh University


Jurnal E-Mabis FE-Unimal, Volume 12, Nomor 3, Oktober 2011…………..………...... 289

Research, at both the national and state levels in the U.S. shows that child and
adolescent systems have common problems in dealing with numerous youth issues
(Greenbaum, Dedrick, Friedman, Kutash, Brown & Lardieri in Howell, Kelly, Palmer
& Mangum, 2004; Child Welfare League of America, 2004; Howell et al., 2004;
Arthur & Roche, 2008; Skowyra & Cocozza in Arthur & Roche, 2008). Efforts to
collaborate and integrate those service systems, therefore, have been seriously viewed
as a proper and sound solution to achieve better outcomes.
In response to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act and the
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, starting in 2002 and later in 2003, federal
grant support for proposals involving integrative practices between youth-serving
systems began being funneled. in Arkansas, youth service collaboration and
integration is still at the discourse level than the practice level. Some agencies and
institutions seem to have a strong awareness of the need for integration, with various
forms and scopes of integration indicated by their reports or studies. This can be seen,
for instance, in an Arkansas Legislative Task Force on Abused and Neglected
Children’s report (2007) and an Arkansas Division of Youth Services study (Arthur
& Roche, 2008).
This study will examine the potential of systems integration between agencies
and organizations working in the areas of juvenile justice, child welfare, and
children’s behavioral health in Arkansas. In this regard, children’s behavioral health
is also considered to be integrated in the system since it is closely linked to the two
other systems. Specifically, this study will address several questions. What
collaborative and integrative practices currently exist between those agencies? What
is the institutional “will” of the agencies involved? What are barriers to service
integration? What initial efforts should be taken towards service integration? To
answer these questions, this study will be supported by empirical and theoretical
analysis based on observation, interviews, document analysis, and relevant literature.
Artifacts and Communities of Meaning
The first steps in an interpretive policy analysis are to identify the
stakeholders involved who might have differing interpretations of the policy and
identify the artifacts by which those interpretations are expressed (Yanow, 2000). As
part of this research, a group of stakeholders were identified and convened for a panel
discussion during a previous research phase conducted in the summer of 2008. The
findings from this study formed a basis for the current research. Because the current
research team had limited knowledge of the issue and agencies involved prior to the
study, a snowball approach was used to identify additional stakeholders and artifacts
based on observation, document reviews, and interviews with stakeholders.
Researchers attended and recorded observations of the grand opening of the
Northwest Arkansas office of Advocates for Children and Families, a Behavioral
Health Care Commission meeting, and a pre-legislative conference on children’s
issues. Document reviews included information found on agency and organization
websites, reports, news articles, and other sources. Five stakeholders were

Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi …….... 290

interviewed. Two were involved with juvenile justice, including a law enforcement
officer and management-level agency representative. Two people interviewed
represented behavioral health, including a service provider from a privately-owned
mental health facility and an administrator with an agency which serves in an
advisory role to private providers and agency personnel. An interview was also
conducted with a DHS administrator representing child welfare policy. 1 Anecdotal
evidence based on conversations conducted at chance meetings with individuals
familiar with children’s services was also considered during analysis.
Data coordination
Data coordination involves procedures established to support joint data
collection and distribution. During interviews conducted with representatives within
each area of service (juvenile justice, child welfare, and behavioral health), evidence
was found that those involved in all three areas have established procedures for
getting and giving data, but those procedures do not always work well. One reason is
that procedures vary from agency to agency, and sometimes even within departments
of an agency. Differences in goals were also identified as a barrier to effective data
Linkages between agencies are also dependent on relationships between
agencies and relationships between individuals within and across agencies. For
example, one person interviewed indicated that there is no data sharing between
mental health and DYS. Another indicated that the mental health agency shares little
information with the education system because of a goal that schools treat the
juveniles in treatment like all other juveniles in the schools. All interviewees
indicated that data coordination worked better with one agency than the others.
However, it was not the same agency in each case; each situation is relationship
dependent. One other finding related to data coordination is worth noting. The agency
representative who reported the most success indicated that because of adequate staff
resources, it has purposefully created linkages and coordinated services with other
agencies. The issue of resource availability will be addressed in more detail later in
this section.
Information management
Information management refers to the extent to which one agency lets other
agencies know what it is doing through such actions as distributing written reports,
holding coordinative meetings, or setting up information units. As found with data
coordination, this is very much relationship driven. An individual who works in
mental health indicated information management depends on locating an individual
with the authority to communicate. Similarly, a law enforcement stakeholder reported
that it depends on locating an individual who is willing to share information. A key
finding across all areas is that adequate communication is dependent upon getting to

Note that one of the individuals interviewed who is involved in behavioral health serves in an
advisory role. As a result, that person elected not to respond to questions that were more clinical in
nature such as case planning and management.

Jurnal E-Mabis FE-Unimal, Volume 12, Nomor 3, Oktober 2011…………..………...... 291

the person with whom an established relationship exists. One person stated, “With a
personal relationship it is easier to get the information you need because that person
has learned to trust you, and might bend the rules a little.”
Case planning and management
Case planning and management identifies the extent to which the related
agencies have the intention to work together at the planning level of programs or
activities. Numerous obstacles to this idea were identified. For instance, an individual
involved in law enforcement indicated that he supports the idea of working with other
agencies to plan cases, but fears that DHS will refuse to give law enforcement the
information that they need because of a lack of shared goals.
A mental health care provider reported that supervisors have discussed
integrated case planning in negative terms. He felt that providers will resist
consolidated case management because of organizational self interest. In other words,
a lack of communication serves the interests of the agency. Information might be
withheld from DHS and the courts that might result in a reduction in placement and
According to a stakeholder in juvenile justice, having people from many
different agencies in one building helps to support coordinated services. They meet
together regularly to ensure that everyone, within legal limits, is working for the same
goals. Despite this, concerns were raised as illustrated by the following quote: “The
problem with DHS is that they work on government time, and after 4:00 there is no
one to talk to about a child, and law enforcement problems happen around the clock.
Sometimes by the time you find the person you need to talk to it is too late to change
what happened to the child.”
One of the individuals interviewed alluded to a potential solution: “The
legislature decides on what the mission and goals are, and also what resources are
available. If the legislature wants integrated case management, it will have to provide
the resources.” The issues of resources and legislative empowerment are described in
more detail below.
Consolidation of resources
Consolidation of resources relates to how one agency shares its resources with
other agencies. Resources may include personnel, contracts, and funds, among others.
Both people interviewed who work in juvenile justice and the representative from
child welfare indicated that a lack of resources limits the ability to provide adequate
services within the agencies or organizations themselves. This is particularly true in
rural counties, a sentiment echoed by individuals involved with behavioral health.
Those involved in both areas (behavioral health and juvenile justice) feel there is a
lack of out-patient mental health resources and that the mental health needs of the
juveniles are not being met outside of custodial situations. “There needs to be more
treatment options for juveniles, and the resources are not there. Juveniles need more
options than just going back to the situation that got them in trouble in the first place.
For that, more resources are needed.”

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Two interviewees felt that supervisors would resist resource consolidation.
Despite this, one in law enforcement person supports resource consolidation,
especially at the street level. That person hopes that the connection with child welfare
becomes stronger. All interviewees who responded to the question about resource
sharing agreed that limited resources are a major factor that limits collaboration and
integrated practices
Statutes and policies
An examination of existing statutes yielded several instances in which
legislators appear to provide direction that coordination and collaboration be
employed in the provision of youth services. The DYS appears to be charged with
providing leadership to integrative efforts, holding “responsibility for coordinating,
sponsoring, and providing services to Arkansas' youth and to create a structure within
state government that will be responsive to the needs of the state's youth” (Arkansas
Code § 9-28-201). Pursuant to this, several specific duties are prescribed including:
– Coordinate communication among juvenile justice components,
– Oversee juvenile justice reform,
– Provide services to delinquent youth and in-need families,
– Conduct research regarding juvenile justice and related problems,
– Develop programs for early intervention and prevention of delinquency,
– Maintain information files on delinquents,
– Pursue maximization of federal funding for delinquency and related programs,
– Evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of programs and services (Arkansas
Code § 9-28-202).
The law also establishes that sharing of juvenile records is permissible with
several entities, including but not limited to, the juvenile division of circuit courts,
law enforcement, service providers, and government entities with a need for
information to carry out its responsibilities under the law to serve or protect
(Arkansas Code § 9-28-217). In addition to the creation of the Division of Youth
Services, Arkansas Code also provides that the Arkansas Department of Human
Services “consist of and be operated under an integrated service system” which
includes a Division of Behavioral Health and a Division of Children and Family
Services, among others (Arkansas Code § 25-10-102).
Individuals interviewed were also questioned about legal and policy issues.
All respondents indicated that agency representatives and families must sign a
privacy statement. Those involved with juvenile justice and behavioral health cited
legal restrictions on what can be shared. Individuals representing juvenile justice felt
that “too many rules get in the way of communication.” This sentiment was echoed
by other area representatives who agreed that there are too many conflicting criteria
for everyone to meet. One individual from juvenile justice said, “Sometimes the
agencies resist information sharing, but they can’t hold out long because of the legal
requirements that agencies cooperate with juvenile justice”.

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An individual involved with behavioral health identified another legal issue of
concern. “There are problems sometimes working with Medicaid because of the way
the Medicaid laws are written. When a juvenile enters this facility Medicaid is cut off.
Sometimes the child goes days without medicine because we cannot get it for them.
The social worker on staff works to solve this, but it is not easy”. Obstacles such as
this make it difficult to provide effective services and care.
Communities of meaning
A number of words and phrases related to systems integration were identified
in analyzing the data collected as part of this research. In describing the problem,
terms such as “system fragmentation,” communication and coordination challenges,”
and “served by multiple systems” were used. These recurring themes suggest
recognition that the provision of complementary services through multiple providers
and multiple agencies can create problems in effective service delivery.
Discourses and Points of Conflict
Inter-organizational participation may be characterized as a continuum related
to the level of interdependence between agencies (Intriligator, 1990). In this model,
cooperation represents lower levels of participation, coordination a more moderate
level, and collaboration representing the highest level. In this study, several different
phrases were identified with respect to the discussion of potential solutions. These
include phrases such as “coordination of services,” “coordinated model, “must come
together,” “need for interagency collaboration,” and “coordinated network.” Other
terms that surfaced to describe relationships include “coordinating,” “sponsoring,”
“oversee,” “sharing,” and “collaborative.” Examining this range of responses with
respect to Intriligator’s model illustrates the differing perceptions surrounding the
level of inter-organizational effort that exists or should exist. Although it appears that
most stakeholders lean toward the right end of the continuum focusing on
coordination and collaboration between agencies, there is still potential for conflict as
solutions emerge and are implemented.
In this study, several explicit points of conflict were observed. First, despite
discourse that suggested that the need for coordination and collaboration between all
three types of agencies and service providers (juvenile justice, child welfare, and
behavioral health), juvenile justice is often omitted from potential solutions. For
example, in a children’s mental health system listening tour initiated by First Lady
Ginger Beebe initiated a children’s mental health system listening tour, a primary
issue raised is that children are served by multiple systems—mental health, juvenile
justice, and education (The Arkansas mental health system for children… a family
perspective). However, the recommendations that came out in the final report focused
on health and education providers, with no mention of juvenile justice.
Another example in which juvenile justice stakeholders seem to be minimally
involved involves the proposed system of care policies. There are clear links
delineated between child welfare and mental health services, but little discussion of
the role for juvenile justice representatives. An interview with one of the behavioral
health stakeholders highlighted regular meeting to explore ways of reducing the time

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between case referrals by DYS and obtaining an appointment with a mental health
care provider. The interviewee couldn’t think of any meetings on any topic in which
juvenile justice was represented.
Turfism is another source of potential conflict. In observing the Children’s
Behavioral Health Care Commission meeting, a somewhat heated discussion
developed between commission members and DHS personnel regarding what, if any,
oversight or authority the commission had regarding the SOC RFP to be re-issued.
Several commission members expressed an interest in approving the final RFP before
it was issued. DHS indicated that this would not be possible since once an RFP was
released to the commission, it become public record. DHS also expressed some
concern that individual commission members might have a conflict of interest
because of relationships with potential program applicants. There was no agreement
on a final solution to the problem.
Finally, the researchers in this study found it extremely challenging to
determine whether barriers were real, perceived, or simply excuses for why agencies
don’t do a better job of working together. Limited resources and legal restrictions
regarding information sharing seemed to emerge frequently as a problem. However,
state law is clear that information sharing is permissible. Although there could be
problems at the policy or procedural level on how this is accomplished, it could also
be that it is an easy excuse to hide behind.
With respect to the possibility of working together among juvenile justice,
child welfare, and children’s behavioral health systems, there are a couple of possible
forms and approaches that can be adopted. The forms include integration,
coordination, and collaboration, while the approaches refer to various efforts to
achieve one or more desired forms.
Integration, Coordination, and Collaboration
In a broad sense, integration means a new system of managing issues that
cross over related previous systems (Wiig & Tuell, 2004). Specifically speaking, in
the context of integration of juvenile justice, child welfare, and children’s behavioral
health systems, it means the new system created to deal with, for example, juvenile
delinquents who have histories of maltreatment or have mental health issues. The new
system should also function to take care of children who have been maltreated or
have mental health issues and are at very high risk of becoming juvenile delinquents.
The emergence of the new system is marked by such things as “the development of
an integrated management information system, blended funding and flexible
programming for children and families crossing the existing systems, policy and
program development that emphasizes prevention, results-based accountability that
includes performance and outcome measures, statutory and other policy frameworks
that support systemic change, and reliance on evidence-based practices.” (Wiig &
Tuell, 2004, pp. xii)
Coordination is also part of integration. It encompasses the efforts of
managing issues that cross over related previous systems to improve specific points in

Jurnal E-Mabis FE-Unimal, Volume 12, Nomor 3, Oktober 2011…………..………...... 295

the process of managing those issues in one of the systems. Examples of these efforts,
among others, are: “communication between systems when children and families are
involved in both systems, shared caseloads when related systems are involved with
one family, programs targeted to specific categories of children such as child
delinquents, and programs or procedures targeted to specific points in the case
process to improve case handling or attain improved case outcomes.” (Wiig & Tuell,
2004, pp. xii)
Collaboration is more complex than integration. It is defined as organizations
or people working together where their organizational and inter-organizational
structures enable them to share resources, power, and authority, and where they
embrace common goals that could not be achieved by only relying only on a single
individual or organization (Kagan in Daka Mulwanda, et al., 1995). This approach is
quite complicated to put into practice since it requires common goals which are
basically very difficult to achieve. According to Bruner (in Daka-Mulwanda et at.,
1995) collaboration demands three components: “a) jointly developing and agreeing
to a set of common goals and direction; b) sharing responsibility for obtaining those
goals; c) working together to achieve those goals, using the expertise of each
collaborator.” (pp. 219).
How to Achieve Coordination and Integration
Wiig and Tuell (2004) propose five phases that state and local jurisdictions
need to go through to achieve useful coordination and integration. The first is
mobilization and advocacy. In this phase, jurisdictions supported by strong leaders
must establish a strong foundation to support the initiative through political will and a
commitment to maintaining the planning process, producing sound action strategy,
and achieving the sought outcomes. The second is data collection and information
sharing. In this phase, the involved parties determine data elements for collection and
its management to support coordination and integration planning. One of the
important issues in this phase is decisions about confidentiality issues and the legal
aspects of information sharing. The third phase is inventory and assessment. Issues
that need to be handled here include: duplication of services; contradictory case plans,
costly repeated interventions; and lost opportunities to plan for a continuum of
service delivery focused on success with long-term outcomes. The fourth is action
strategy. At this point, steps for coordination and integration are formulated. It is also
important to determine how to respond to potential problems, maintain partnerships,
make decisions, and sustain support for implementation. The fifth and final phase is
implementation. In this phase detailed planning is formulated to implement the action
strategy. This process requires clarity of purpose, an understanding of goals and
expected outcomes, timeliness, clear assignment of responsibilities, evaluation, and
strong leadership.
Information exchange is essential for coordination, control, planning, and
client assessment purposes. To overcome confidentiality issues involved in
information sharing, agencies need to identify legal and policy obstacles. Cross
agency client referral can be accomplished if each agency sees a return on investment
in the form of service resources for referred clients. Networking protocols are

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associated with agreements between agencies in terms of exchange of information
and cross-agency client referral conditions and procedures. Integrated councils will
enable agencies to find out other agencies’ services which may be needed by their
clients, thereby resulting in more referrals. Integrated services are vital for
comprehensive, objective assessments of treatment.
Prior to building the interagency infrastructure, several steps need to be taken.
Formulation of a comprehensive strategy to integrate youth service systems is an
initial step. This comprehensive strategy contains a continuum containing the
following aspects: prevention of delinquency and problem behaviors; intervention for
pre-delinquency and first time and non-serious offenders; sanctions for first time
serious offenders and chronic offenders; and aftercare. The next step is to form a
community planning team that includes representatives from all sectors of the
community (education, mental health, substance abuse treatment agencies, child
welfare, law enforcement agencies and prosecutors, other social service agencies,
youth development agencies, private organizations, courts and correction agencies,
civic and faith organizations, parents, and teens). The community planning team then
appraises youth and family treatment needs and negotiates an interagency networking
protocol for information exchange and cross-agency referrals. For a treatment
continuum, the team can also prepare a long-term strategic plan, guided by the
comprehensive strategy.
In order for significant progress toward implementing systems integration and
collaboration between agencies and organizations working in the areas of juvenile
justice, child welfare, and children’s behavioral health in Arkansas to occur, the
agencies involved need to collectively determine common goals and platforms and
develop a comprehensive strategy to collaboratively address those goals. This
strategy should include a determination of the resources needed to implement it and a
plan to engage a legislative champion to help elevate it to the legislative decision
An important part of the next phase of this study should be to identify
successful integrative policies and practices in other states that can be useful in
developing a policy solution for Arkansas. Examples of such models could include
Baltimore and Florida as described in the previous section. This recommendation is
similar to an action step suggested during the first phase of research, except that the
research would be conducted by the researchers rather than a subcommittee of agency
representatives and stakeholders. Ideally, this research will include interviews with
individuals familiar with the developmental process for those practices and policies
that can help identify some of the problems encountered during that process.
Another model worth investigating would be the creation of the United States
Department of Homeland Security. Although outside the realm of children’s services,
this is a recent example of the creation of a new agency that pulled in multiple
existing agencies which were pursuing similar or related goals. The failures and
successes encountered during this process and the resulting outcomes may provide

Jurnal E-Mabis FE-Unimal, Volume 12, Nomor 3, Oktober 2011…………..………...... 297

useful lessons for Arkansas should the policy solution proposed follow a similar
In this study, the potential for systems integration between agencies and
organizations working in the areas of juvenile justice, child welfare, and children’s
behavioral health in Arkansas was explored. While some evidence exists that policy
makers recognize that collaboration is important and some level of cooperation and
collaboration is occurring, youth service integration is still more at the discourse
rather than at the practice level in Arkansas. In order for meaningful integration to
occur, two things must happen. First, more research into systems integration and
collaboration is necessary. Second, a champion must emerge who can help push the
agenda forward. This champion must be able to get agencies involved to collectively
determine a course of action that best meets the needs of children and families in

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. The Arkansas mental health system
for children… a family perspective.
Arkansas Code, Arkansas General Assembly (Retrieved November 18, 2008, from
Arkansas Department of Human Services Division of Youth Services. Agency
strategic plan for the fiscal years 2005-2009.
Arkansas Legislative Task Force on Abused and Neglected Children. (2007). Final
report and recommendations of the Arkansas Legislative Task Force on
abused and neglected children. Little Rock: Bureau of Legislative Research.
Arthur, P., & Roche, T. (2008). Juvenile justice reform in Arkansas: Building a better
future for youth, their families, and the communities. Little Rock: The
Arkansas Division of Youth Services.
Child Welfare League of America. A policy brief: Dual jurisdiction youth.
Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America Inc.
Cobb, R. & Ross, M. (eds.). (1997). Cultural Strategies of Agenda Denial. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas.
Daka-Mulwanda, V., Thornburg, K. R., Filbert, L., & Klein, T. (1995). Collaboration
of services for children and families: A synthesis of recent research and
recommendation. Family Relation, 44, 219-223.
Davis, C. (2007). Building and Arkansas system of care: Making all the pieces work.
Human Service Collaborative.
Diallo, A., Fitzgerald, B., Giardino, P., Kenner, A., Moyer, M. & Hunt, V. (2008).
Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems coordination and collaboration
exploratory panel. Fayetteville: PUBP 604V Crime and Public Policy.
Heldman, J. K. (2006). A guide to legal and policy analysis for systems integration.
Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America Inc.

Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi …….... 298

Howel, J. C., Kelly, M. R., Palmer, J., & Mangum, R. L. (2004). Integrating child
welfare, juvenile justice, and other agencies in a continuum of services. Child
Welfare, 83(2), 143-156.
Intriligator, B. (1990). Designing effective inter-organizational networks. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration, Minneapolis.
Kingdon, J. (2003). Agendas, alternatives, and public policy (2nd ed.). New York:
Nelson, Douglas. (2008). The Annie E. Casey Foundation 2008 Kids Count Essay
and Data Brief. The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore MD.
Tuell, J. A. (2006). Building bridges to better outcomes for children: The link
between juvenile justice and child welfare (Final draft). Washington DC:
Child Welfare League of America Inc.
Wiig, J., & Tuell, J. A. (2004). Guidebook for juvenile justice and child welfare
system coordination and integration: A framework for improved outcomes.
Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America Inc.
Wilson, James. (1989). Bureaucracy: What government agencies do and why they do
it. Basic Books.
Yanow, D. (2000). Conducting interpretive policy analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage
Publications, Inc.

Jurnal E-Mabis FE-Unimal, Volume 12, Nomor 3, Oktober 2011…………..………...... 299


Sri Langgeng Ratnasari
Abstract: This research objective is to find out the impact of training
to performance. Performance functions as a dependent variable on this
research. Training is variable function as independent variable. The
sample of this research is included fifty permanent worker at
Production Departement of PT. ABC Sidoarjo, acquired by purposive
sampling. Data is collected through questionnaire method and
analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
Keywords: Training and Performance

Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Batam


Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi …….... 300

Globalisasi pada saat ini mendorong perusahaan responsif dalam
meningkatkan ketrampilan dan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya agar
bisa bersaing dengan perusahaan sejenis lainnya. Kemampuan sumber daya manusia
dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas perusahaan harus diperhatikan, salah satunya dengan
cara meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dalam menjalankan tugastugas perusahaan melalui pelatihan atau training. Melalui pelatihan dan
pengembangan diharapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sumber
daya manusia dalam menjalankan tugas yang dibebankan perusahaan (Handoko,
2001: 104).
Pimpinan perusahaan seharusnya menyadari bahwa pelatihan yang dilakukan
perusahaan bagi karyawan sangat penting, meskipun untuk memberikan pelatihan
tersebut membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar tetapi akan memberikan manfaat yang
lebih besar untuk meningkatkan prestasi kerja karyawan yang akhirnya akan
meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan.
Program pelatihan adalah suatu program yang membantu karyawan dalam
membentuk, meningkatkan ketrampilan dan tingkah laku agar dapat mencapai standar
yang sesuai dengan tuntutan jabatan dan juga akan dapat memperbaiki sikap serta
pengetahuan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan perusahaan.
Karyawan yang telah berpengalaman mungkin memerlukan latihan untuk
mengurangi atau menghilangkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan kerja yang jelek atau
mempelajari ketrampilan-ketrampilan kerja baru yang akan meningkatkan prestasi
kerja mereka dalam mencapai sasaran-sasaran pekerjaan yang telah ditetapkan
(Handoko, 2001: 107).
Prestasi kerja menurut Gomes (2000: 195) adalah ungkapan seperti output,
efisiensi serta efektivitas yang sering dihubungkan dengan produktivitas. PT ABC
Sidoarjo merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang otomotif yang
memproduksi spare parts mobil. Untuk menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat,
maka perusahaan berusaha untuk tetap menjaga kualitas produk yang diproduksi,
salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah meningkatkan kemampuan kerja karyawan
dengan cara melakukan pelatihan. Program pelatihan karyawan ini dapat
menggunakan pelatih dari dalam perusahaan sendiri dan dapat menggunakan jasa
pelatihan dari luar perusahaan seperti konsultan manajemen, tenaga pengajar dari
perguruan tinggi atau lembaga-lembaga pelatihan dan pendidikan. Pelaksanaan
program pelatihan ini dapat dilakukan langsung dalam perusahaan dan di luar
perusahaan. Setelah karyawan mengikuti pelatihan maka dilakukan penilaian
terhadap hasil pelatihan yang disebut dengan evaluasi. Evaluasi dapat dilakukan oleh
atasan langsung sehingga dapat dilihat apakah program pelatihan yang telah diikuti
bermanfaat dan dapat meningkatkan prestasi kerja karyawan atau tidak. Evaluasi
yang dilakukan harus melihat faktor-faktor dalam pelatihan seperti pelatih atau
instruktur dan metode pelatihan.

Jurnal E-Mabis FE-Unimal, Volume 12, Nomor 3, Oktober 2011…………..………...... 301

Kepuasan Kerja
Program pelatihan merupakan suatu program yang membantu karyawan dalam
membentuk, meningkatkan ketrampilan dan tingkah laku, memperbaiki sikap serta
pengetahuan sesuai yang diharapkan perusahaan. Simamora (1995: 287) pelatihan
adalah serangkaian aktivitas yang dirancang untuk menngkatkan keahlian-keahlian,
pengetahuan, pengalaman ataupun perubahan sikap seorang individu. Pelatihan
berkenaan dengan perolehan keahlian-keahlian atau pengalaman tertentu. Program
pelatihan berusaha mengajarkan bagaimana melaksanakan aktivitas atau pekerjaan
Nitisemito (1996: 53) pelatihan adalah suatu kegiatan dari perusahaan atau
instansi yang dimaksudkan untuk dapat memperbaiki dan mengembangkan sikap,
tingkah laku, ketrampilan, dan pengetahuan dari karyawan atau pegawai, sesuai
dengan keinginan dari perusahaan atau instansi yang bersangkutan. Dalam sebuah
perusahaan, pelatihan akan sangat berguna bagi karyawan dalam mengembangkan
kemampuannya agar karyawan dapat bekerja dengan lebih baik sesuai dengan standar
yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan.
Handoko (2001: 104) pelatihan adalah perbaikan penguasaan teknik
pelaksanaan kerja tertentu dan ketrampilan, terinci dan rutin. Latihan menyiapkan
karyawan untuk melakukan pekerjaan sekarang, di lain pihak apabila manajemen
ingin menyiapkan para karyawan untuk memegang tanggung jawab pekerjaan
tertentu di waktu yang akan datang. Dengan diadakannya pelatihan, akan sangat
membantu perusahaan dalam mengatasi adanya keusangan karyawan yang dapat
mengganggu efektivitas kerja dalam organisasi.
Dari berbagai pengertian pelatihan seperti yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya
maka dapat ditarik sebuah simpulan yaitu pelatihan merupakan suatu proses
pendidikan dalam jangka waktu tertentu yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang
bertujuan untuk dapat memperbaiki dan mengembangkan keahlian, ketrampilan,
kecakapan dan pengetahuan karyawan dalam menghadapi pekerjaan sesuai dengan
jabatan mereka pada saat ini yang sesuai dengan keinginan perusahaan.
Prestasi Kerja
Gomes (2000: 195) mengemukakan definisi prestasi kerja karyawan adalah
ungkapan seperti output, efisiensi serta efektivitas yang sering dihubungkan dengan
Soeprihanto (2000: 7) memberikan batasan mengenai kinerja sumber daya
manusia yang dilihat dari sudut pandang prestasi kerja yang dicapai oleh seseorang.
Prestasi kerja adalah hasil seseorang pegawai dalam periode tertentu dibandingkan
dengan berbagai kemungkinan, misalnya standard, target atau sasaran atau kriteria
yang ditentukan lebih dahulu dan telah disepakati bersama.
Prestasi kerja dapat diartikan sebagai hasil kerja secara kualitas dan kuantitas
yang dicapai oleh seseorang pegawai dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai tanggung
jawab yang diberikan kepadanya, dengan demikian prestasi kerja dapat diartikan
sebagai hasil yang dicapai oleh seorang pegawai menurut ukuran yang berlaku untuk
pekerjaan yang bersangkutan dalam waktu tertentu.

Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Pelatihan Terhadap Prestasi …….... 302

Dharma (2001: 1) menyatakan bahwa prestasi kerja adalah sesuatu yang
dikerjakan atau produk atau jasa yang dihasilkan atau diberikan oleh seseorang atau
sekelompok orang.
Menurut Hasibuan (2001: 105) bahwa prestasi kerja adalah suatu hasil kerja
yang dicapai seseorang dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang dibebankan kepadanya
yang didasarkan tugas-tugas kecakapan, pengalaman dan kesungguhan serta waktu.
Samsudin (2005: 159) mendefinisikan prestasi kerja adalah tingkat pelaksanaan
tugas yang dapat dicapai oleh seseorang, unit, atau divisi dengan menggunakan
kemampuan yang ada dan batasan-batasan yang telah ditetapkan untuk mencapai
tujuan organisasi atau perusahaan.
Daft (2006: 13) mendefinisikan kinerja adalah kemampuan organisasi untuk
mempertahankan tujuannya dengan menggunakan sumber daya secara efektif dan
efisien. Kemampuan ini merupakan prestasi yang telah diraih oleh para pegawai
tersebut secara akumulasi menjadi suatu prestasi kerja. Kemudian prestasi kerja akan
menjadi tingkat efektivitas suatu organisasi atau kinerja. Semakin tinggi efektivitas
kerjanya maka semakin tinggi kinerjanya.
Pengertian prestasi kerja menurut Mangkunegara (2009: 67) adalah hasil kerja
secara kualitas dan kuantitas yang dicapai oleh seseorang pegawai dalam
melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan tanggung jawab yang diberikan kepadanya.
Berdasarkan beberapa uraian diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa perusahaan perlu
memandang kinerja sumber daya manusianya sebagai persoalan strategis sebagai
sarana membantu dalam meraih keunggulan kompetitif bagi perusahaan.
Rancangan Penelitian
Penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling, penentuan sampel
berdasarkan tujuan tertentu, dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel dari anggota
populasi dan menggunakan kuisioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Penelitian
disebut explanatory research karena bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh antara
variabel melalui pengujian hipotesis. Penelitian berkaitan dengan perilaku manusia,
dimana psikologi memandang bahwa perilaku manusia (human behavior) merupakan
reaksi yang dapat bersifat ko