Vol.13 No.4 Oktober 2012

ISSN: 1412-968X
Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012


& Business
The Development of Employee at Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe


Pengaruh Manfaat Relasional terhadap Keputusan Berbelanja Secara Online
pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe


Analisis Kluster Komoditi Karet di Kabupaten Aceh Utara
Jullimursyida, Mawardati, Mariyudi dan Yulius Dharma


Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Dana Alokasi Umum terhadap
Pendapatan Daerah Kota Lhokseumawe
Khairil Anwar


Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pasar,
Kebersihan dan Pertanaman (DPKP)Kabupaten Aceh Utara
Marbawi Adamy dan Eddy Mulyadi
Pengaruh Tingkat Pendapatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil terhadap Permintaan
Kredit Konsumtif di Kota Lhokseumawe


Nilai Perusahaan dan Hubungannya dengan Kepemilikan Manajerial,

Set Peluang Investasi, dan Dewan Komisaris
Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Muhammad Arfan dan Azimah Dianah


Teaching Management for The Lecturers of Economics Faculty of
Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe
Sayni Nasrah


Perilaku Konsumen, Keputusan Pembelian, dan Kepuasan Konsumen


Dampak Dana Bergulir BRR NAD–Nias terhadap Pendapatan Penerima
Manfaat pada Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Provinsi Aceh
Yeni Irawan


FakultaS EkONOmI
universitas malikussaleh


& Business


ISSN : 1412 – 968X

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Jurnal E-Mabis Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Malikussaleh diterbitkan sejak tahun 2000 sesuai dengan
Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas Malikussaleh nomor SK. No.34/UM.H/KP/2000
Jurnal E-Mabis diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe,
Dekan : Wahyuddin, Pembantu Dekan I : Khairil Anwar, Pembantu Dekan II: Iswadi,
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Jurnal E-Mabis terbit 4 kali setahun pada bulan Januari, April, Juli, dan Oktober.
ISSN : 1412-968X. keputusan terbit 4 kali setahun mulai Edisi Vol.13 Nomor: 1, Januari 2012

Daftar Isi
The Development of Employee at Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe


Pengaruh Manfaat Relasional terhadap Keputusan Berbelanja Secara Online
pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe


Analisis Kluster Komoditi Karet di Kabupaten Aceh Utara
Jullimursyida, Mawardati, Mariyudi dan Yulius Dharma


Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Dana Alokasi Umum terhadap
Pendapatan Daerah Kota Lhokseumawe
Khairil Anwar


Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pasar,
Kebersihan dan Pertanaman (DPKP)Kabupaten Aceh Utara
Marbawi Adamy dan Eddy Mulyadi


Pengaruh Tingkat Pendapatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil terhadap Permintaan
Kredit Konsumtif di Kota Lhokseumawe


Nilai Perusahaan dan Hubungannya dengan Kepemilikan Manajerial,
Set Peluang Investasi, dan Dewan Komisaris
Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Muhammad Arfan dan Azimah Dianah


Teaching Management for The Lecturers of Economics Faculty of
Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe
Sayni Nasrah


Perilaku Konsumen, Keputusan Pembelian, dan Kepuasan Konsumen


Dampak Dana Bergulir BRR NAD–Nias terhadap Pendapatan Penerima
Manfaat pada Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Provinsi Aceh
Yeni Irawan


Of Economic
& Business - Volume
13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012
of Economic
& BusinEss
Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012
ISSN: 2301-4717
Hal. 395-410


tHE DEVEloPmEnt of EmPloYEE at
maliKussalEH uniVErsitY of lHoKsEumaWE

Student Program Graduate Studies Master of Education Administration Syiah Kuala

Employee development is one of factors that inluences organization productivity
and can improve the quality of university. This research objective was to igure out
employee development program, employee development process, and obstacles
faced in employee development. This research used qualitative approach and
descriptive approach. Data collection technique used was observation, interview,
and documentation study. Subject of the research were rector, vice rector for general
and inance affairs, head of general and inance administration bureau, head of
personnel division, staff of personnel division, Dean, vice dean II, head of faculty
administrative ofice, and administration staff. The result showed that: 1) employee
development program was good and service procurement training, laboratory
training, computer training, inancial training, archive management training, and
leadership training. Malikussaleh University of Lhokseumawe also gave study

permit to take undergraduate and post graduate program for the employees who
wanted to improve their competence. There was also a training program that is
a follow-up of the ministry of national education. 2) The employee development
process was through education and training, that is granting permit to the
employees to take undergraduate and post graduate program, computer training,
was good and service procurement training, inancial training, archive management
training, and leadership training, laboratory training, and also prajabatan training
(a training for civil servant candidates before appointed as permanent employee).
The promotion was based on the length of service, rank, and the performance of
employee. Job rotation was not performed in order to make the employees become
more professional in their own ield and the discipline should be improved. 3) The
obstacles faced in improving the competence of the employee were internal and
external factor. Internal factor was the low of work motivation of the employee,
the low of coordination with vertical organizations and the ministry of national
education, Internal factor was there was government’s regulation that only employee
with superintendent rank can take the leadership training, and there was lack of
budget due to no cash injection from the vertical organization (Province, Regency,
Keywords: employee, development, management



Development of the global world of today
has made the need for education as well as
a measure of the level and quality of human
resources (hR) of a country. along with
increased public awareness of the importance
of education, the more days the institutions
of education providers is growing rapidly of
course with different qualities.
Education is an important part of the
national development process that will
determine a country’s economic growth,
as is investment in hR, which is believed
to increase the quality of the ability of
human endeavor as a contributing factor
in living life better. Vision and mission
of universities in Indonesia focused on
optimizing the contribution to the nation’s
quality improvement efforts, development
of science, technology, culture and identity
of the nation as a whole.
Universities have emerged as a reliable
leader in the development and progress of
civilization a competitive nation. Besides
college has a national mission and the
infrastructure to deliver the next generation
of graduates or qualiied and virtuous.
by the government for the development
of educational personnel charged to the
government as implementers (both national
and local) to facilitate it. This is as set forth
in Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National
Education System Article 44, namely:
1. Government and local government to
foster and develop the educational staff
at the educational unit organized by the
Government and local governments.
2. Community education providers obliged
to foster and develop the educational
staff at the convocation of the educational
3. Government and local government to
help education personnel training and
development in formal educational unit
organized by the community.
Educational staff/employees in charge

of matters relating to share with the
achievement of organizational goals, both
short-term goals, medium and long term, by
creating an effective and eficient effort in
completing every job.
The gap between the capabilities of the
employees with the desired organizational
causes the need for an agency to bridge the
gap, one way is by training and education,
so expect the full potential of employees
can be improved, which in turn can reduce
faulty work.
New employees usually have to have
basic skills proiciency in the form of a
product system of education and experience
acquired from other organizations. however,
it is not uncommon that new employees have
not received an adequate ability to carry out
their work.
Employees who have experience should
also learn to adjust to the organization, its
people, its policy and procedures. They
also require the development to carry out
these tasks successfully. Although the
development program to drain energy, time
and money, but still do because it is part of
the hR.
Types, forms and methods of employee
development is highly conditional, meaning
that should see the relevance and priority in
order to accelerate the achievement of the
vision, mission and goals of an institution of
higher education.
Employee development is very useful,
in addition to the institution or organisi
of course, also useful for the employees
themselves. Increased work and less waste,
because employees are more careful in the
work and the increased willingness to reach
a predetermined target organization. Good
morale is expected by any organization that is
always trying to improve labor productivity
with the competitive quality of service.
Development staff also assist employees
in achieving the standard of a better working
relationship between management and
employees as implementers of activities.
Conducive working relationship will be a

Journal Of Economic Management & Business - Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012

positive impact on employees in carrying
out their work.
as noted Siagian (2008:184) regarding the
beneits of employee development, that:
1. Help employees make better decisions;
2. Enhance the ability of the workers resolve
various problems.
3. The emergence of internalizing and operationalization of motivational factors;
4. The emergence of a boost in the workers
to continue to enhance its capabilities;
5. Increased ability of staff to cope with
stress, frustration and conlict that in turn
increase self-conidence.
6. Availability of information about the
various programs that can be utilized by
the employees in their respective order of
growth, both technically and intellectually;
7. Increase job satisfaction;
8. The growing recognition of the ability of
a person;
9. The growing determination of workers to
be more independent;
10. Reduce the fear of facing new tasks in the
From a variety of proposed beneits can
be explained that, the implementation of
employee development as an organization’s
investment will not only reasonable but
an absolute necessity to do, so that the
administration of education, especially
efforts to achieve eficiency and effectiveness
of the process of achieving educational goals
in college can be done as it should.
Malikussaleh University is one of the
few universities in the province that their
work in order to educate and enlighten
the life of the nation. It certainly requires
employees to perform their duties optimally
and work better from day to day. intentions
of these expectations is highly dependent
of the University of effort in this decisionmakers (stakeholders) to guide employees
to improve work skills and a good morale
and sustained continuously.
Repair work activities can be done through


training, coaching, workshops, continuing
studies, seminars, and others. However,
the phenomenon in the ield showed that
not all employees have the opportunity
Lhokseumawe Malikussaleh University is
an optimal, this is probably due to years of
service ranks or are still relatively new, so
the non-fulillment of the requirements to
be developed that meet these conditions, it
could be because of the priority needs and
inancial capability factor.
Based on the above description of the
background of the authors are interested
in doing research under the title: Employee
Development at the University Malikussaleh
theological Problem
Based on the background of the issues that
have been described, it is the main subject in
this study is: How does the development of
employees at the University Malikussaleh
methods research
This study uses a qualitative research
approach with descriptive methods. The
subject of this study are those contained
in the agency Malikussaleh University
Lhokseumawe, the rector, assistant rector of
the ield of public administration and inance,
personnel bureau chief, dean, assistant
dean of academic affairs, and personnel
administration. Techniques of data collection
was done by using observation, interviews,
and study (analysis) the document.
Employee Development Program
From interviews with the Chancellor of
researchers showed that: a lot of employee
conducted by the University Malikussaleh
form of training made by the minister himself
to perjenjangan employees and leadership
programs and there are also training the
procurement of goods and services. Apart


from that held by the Ministry of Education,
University Malikussaleh also attempted to
carry out the development of employees, but
limited, due to lack of funds. But there are
at least two trainings per year conducted by
the University itself.
Rector also said that the procedure adopted
in employee development programs relating
to the development model implemented.
Program development is mainly in the form
of inancial training, including training on
procurement of goods and services.
according to the Rector of the form of
staff development evaluation conducted by
the University Malikussaleh tupoksi (duties
and functions) performed by the quality,
but because of the existence of quality
is still new, so its implementation is not
maximized, but we’ve led in that direction.
Then we also conduct an annual evaluation
to see the performance and so that coupled
with the stimulus for an increase in the
future and warned that the future does not
happen again those things which are not
With regard to the evaluation for the
task of learning/study permit is usually
performed by the Vice Rector I to do their
own monitoring and employee shall give his
report. Then if it passes rank which we have
speciied time, then will we ask for in return,
so do not drag on.
Related resources towards the cost of
employee development program there that
comes from angaran Revenue Expenditure
(Budget) and Budget Expenditure (Budget),
both the provincial and regency/city as well
as from our own form of Non-Tax State
Revenue (non-tax revenues).
According to interviews with chief
investigator General Bureau and Finance
University of Malikussaleh related to
employee development program, the
program increased employee competence at
the University have conducted a workshop
Malikussaleh of the Ministry of National
Education. as for the inventory speciically
no, but the data can be checked in the civil


General and inancial bureau chief explains
that: Related to the selection procedures for
staff to be trained or developed, are not
all made the selection, but rather the basic
tasks and functions to offer a workshop of
the Ministry of National Education. While
the sources of funding and costing process
in the development of varied, there are from
the Ministry of Education and part of the
University. Subsequent to the placement of
employees at the University Malikussaleh
conducted in accordance with the expertise
and ield formations keahian owned.
Interview with the Dean of the Faculty of
Social and Political Science that the program’s
on University, just lacking in the distribution
for Faculty. employee development program
to increase the number of employees, and
the addition of science education or training
of academic and administrative capabilities.
Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture,
explained that with regard to inancial
resources and employee development
costing a result of a limited development
program, faculty seek other opportunities
to receive from other agencies such as the
World Bank. Granting conditional relief
from this institution, which must have two
majors (the State Administration and electro
technique) with accreditation B. most of the
grant was also used for the development
of faculty and administrative staff to get
too cipratannya, more dominant for the
honorary staff incentives. While Dean FH,
which occurred at the University persolan
relating to funding for honorarium is an
internal problem, where the source of grant
funding from the government amounting to
12 M TK I and TK II was stopped by 8.4 M,
due to the circular of the minister of inance
to pay the salaries should not be University
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering,
explained that the development model
in the form of training conducted in the
laboratory Improving staff morale for

Journal Of Economic Management & Business - Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012

regarding the management of institutions,
both domestically and abroad to a special
electro Prodi EmhERE project. With regard
to the source and costing: the proposal to the
Bureau, sources of dIPa funds, grants and
projects BNBP (Non-Tax State aid).
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Economics of the model of
employee development in the form of
permits and no selection is made as long as
there own accord and does not interfere with
job duties, but is always directed to take the
appropriate department. Further evaluation
form is in the form of monitoring during the
study and requesting permission KHS. To
count the number of job evaluation work
with hours of work done every month, if
there are violations then it will be penalized
from a wet to a dry place no funds tau.
While the sources of funding and costing in
development comes from non-tax revenues.
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Law that there is no planned
program, but because there is usually
associated with universities and institutes
there are circulars from technical relationship
with then sent by the faculty, its incidental
and dependent funds. While the model
development is to permit study of their own
initiative and affordable to the workplace.
While there are leadership training as well,
but that gives the portion of the rectorate.
Dean of the Faculty of law describes
the procedure for selection of training:
the selection is done and coordinated the
university if there are certain conditions
depending on their training, training
examples prajabatan. While the evaluation
form with monitoring during the study
and requesting permission KHS. As for the
placement to placement of honorary workers
with university cooperation. Civil servants
from the chief of General and Rector of
Finance through mutation.
assistant dean of Faculty of reinement
II describes the development of selection
procedures for staff selection that there is no
study permit provided there are no obstacles


to work. permission from D3 to learning
based on their own S1, S2 yet to exist.
While the task of learning for education
personnel are not required. Training from
outside the University by a circular from
the organizer/Events Calendar. While the
source of funding for training grants from
the faculty there sometimes, especially in
the form of block grand funds. Grant funds
from various sources can be from the budget,
etc.. Regarding stafing, division of tasks
according to their area of expertise, since the
time of admission according to the needs
and areas of expertise and qualiications.
The interviews with the Head of the
Faculty of Administration related to the
level of compliance Fisipol training followed
by work mentioned that there is compliance
with the training and assist in the work. For
the evaluation of the faculty can take a look
at the time an employee works.
The interviews with the Head of Civil
Service Law School said that it never went in
the training and also mentioned that it was
compatible with his current job. Work carried
out concurrently as well as administrative
personnel as well as a technician for the
formation of receipt of that time as a power
technician graduate. Associated with the
development model implemented in the
form of computer training.
The interviews with the Head of
Administration at the Faculty of Engineering
on an inventory of achievement of the
program, explained that the development of
employees carried out annually, the number
of participants is determined by the agency
and implemented in the rectorate. Usually
there is a circular from the Minister of Higher
Education and on the task of learning but
there is no one to follow.
Interviews with administrative staff at
the faculty of Agriculture found that the
development program of computer training
is very supportive of his work. Training is
easy to understand because in accordance
with previous expertise. about the beneits
of research to be mentioned that the


performance of computer training is much
needed as it pertains to the preparation of
student affairs program.
Interviews with staff of the University
personnel malikussaleh loating with respect
to program, explaining that the form of
training and staff development workshops
also never get.
Employee Development Process
The interviews with the Chancellor
of the employee development process:
Target achieved for the training has been
implemented, although not all, the program
does not continue. Tercapaipun not caused
by a condition, but we replace it with another
To the incentives provided to employees,
according to the Rector with the increase
in employee education is also increasing
class (rank) and its end is certain to increase
revenue as well.
Rector also said that the supervision of
the work done against an employee based
on the results of research that is usually the
discipline that a lot of training opportunities
that would perform better.
according to interviews with Purek II:
division of tasks or delegate any authority
to do Malikussaleh University. Meanwhile,
for the realization of the achievement levels
of employee development programs are
not one hundred percent implemented the
impact on performance.
Purek II explained that efforts to improve
the welfare of employees through incentives
in the form of allowance, welfare beneits.
however, none of its non-inancial rewards.
Level of employee discipline related to the
supervision of the work, which reached 90%
level of discipline, while others who lack
discipline due to the location of residence
with the main campus, including the
inluence of distant trnsportasi substandard.
Purek II also explains that in order
perjenjangan ofice staff then conducted a
promotion for an employee who is eligible,
the promotion is done in accordance with


ability, length of work and expertise. Job
rotation also performed.
According to interviews with purek
II that for the provision of incentives,
according to the available budget, but for
those who have a position in accordance
with the duties and functions, are given in
the form of allowance. while the supervision
over the work of employees can lead to
pattern formation to the level of discipline.
Employees at the University Malikussaleh
not fully discipline.
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Economics of the supervisory staff
that work there are no operational standards
(SOP) lead to less discipline, because there
is no sanction anything that works here and
a lot of family relations, so dificult to take
action. But absent a little after 8:15 minutes
if I take it, someone asked what his actions
after being taken out, I say for the moment
there is no sanction anything, maybe if there
fore it is necessary.
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of law regarding the division of
tasks or delegate authority employee was
not optimal due to insuficient technical
pertaining to peberian incentives mentioned
that the provision of incentives based on the
togetherness, the family’s commitment to set
aside allowances from the deans and their
colleagues for the common welfare of each
month which is applied during the holidays
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Law Concerning the supervision
of civil work is mentioned that the level of
employee discipline is still lacking, especially
the presence of late because there are no gifts
or sanctions. But in terms of responsibility, all
are fully responsible for the work. Emphasis
here is more exemplary of the dean and his
colleagues, although not exactly as well.
While the inluence of environmental factors
working ore to the atmosphere or working
The interviews with the Dean of the

Journal Of Economic Management & Business - Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012

Faculty of Agriculture that the provision of
incentives to employees or non-tax revenues
derived from student tuition is usually given
before Eid.
The interviews with the Vice Dean II
of the implementation done at the Faculty
of Agriculture regarding the provision of
incentives for employee beneits such as
job title and rank given, whereas for job
performance has been no budget. ThR is
still tentative and held usually centralized /
university. Honorary staff salaries sourced
from student tuition. About the level of
discipline because it is mentioned that
the discipline is constrained further by
residence and place of duty, but no picket
which we arrange for timely attendance at
college, they irst present to deal with urgent
matters. A night watchman. For those who
lack discipline will be given guidance and
The interviews with the Vice Dean II
explained that the implementation of a
promotion is said that a promotion to it
the power is still limited, but we encourage
employees to take care of their rank. Limited
civil servants who staff many honorary.
The interviews with the Head of
Administration Fisipol of incentives to the
employee mentioned that PIm 4 If it will get
allowances from the State amounting to Rp.
550 000 / month and the allowance given
to the example put forward by the KTU
faculties Rp. 350.000/bulan.
The results of research interviews with
staff associated with the welfare of staff
personnel that: there is given an allowance,
but for other beneits in the form of ThR
(holiday allowance), allowances and beneits
held no job performance.
Barriers to Employee Development
The interviews with the Chancellor of the
University Malikussaleh say many factors
affect, among others, regarding the budget
and staff limitations at the University
Malikussaleh for training, because training
is not conducted in accordance with the


formation of our employees to meet the
qualiications formation. While the inluence
of political factors in the development of
employees there is no intervention from
the outside, because it more autonomous.
Inluence of government regulations in
the development of a service personnel
employee that for (educational staff) no
charges have S2, except for professors. There
also are pursuing S2 but of their own accord
on the importance of education.
Rector also pointed out that socio-cultural
factors, the existence of their own accord to
take part in education and training. Their
own employees who feel the importance of
education and training.
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Social and Political Science
that because of funding constraints are
centralized at the university, following
political and environmental factors work are
also slightly affected.
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Engineering that the limiting
factor for the development of employees
faced due to limited funding coupled with
socio-cultural factors as language skills are
limited to training outside the country.
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Economics that the limiting factor
is also the budget and other inhibitors are
not true employees rekruiment process.
The interviews with the Dean of the
Faculty of Law that there is a circular
from the Ministry of the Interior about not
bolehnya vertical organizations (provincial
/ district / city) to help the university, as
a result of honorary workers typically lack
the inancial resources of any organization.
While the honoree who helped the course
faculty and the university.
The interviews with the Head of
Administration Faculty of Engineering, the
constraints of government regulation should
be a III / c off PIm, if under the III / c there
is no PIm training. Owner is under III / c
of faculty who carry out a computerized
training. Constraints faced by staff in the


Faculty Pertaniaan based on interviews
conducted that training time was not
Discussion of research findings
1. Employee development Program
Employee development programs at the
discretion of the Rector of the university
malikussaleh. Rector of the policy are
provided to aide in charge of Rector II of the
Public administration and Finance, including
the carrying out personnel management
tasks referring to the central government
regulations or the Events Calendar. Staff
development program has been established
by the Chancellor in Starategis Plan (Strategic
Plan) of the university. model of employee
development undertaken in the form of
perjenjangan like leadership training,
computer training, inancial training,
records management, including training on
procurement of goods and services.
Achievement of program evaluation
is given authority in the ield of quality of
the University, but not maximal because it
was still new. With regard to the evaluation
of employees who follow the program the
task of learning or learner’s permit and
monitoring of their own employees are
required to submit reports on their learning
achievement. While the selection of oficials
who will follow the development program
is not all done, if the permits who do not
disrupt the activities of the employees work
is ine for employees to follow and there are
no binding obligations of the University to
help inance. however, it is directed ield
which will be followed by employees.
Dependent development of the Ministry
of National Education Program offers based
on employee work areas. The source of funds
for employee development comes from nontax revenues or fees, but the numbers are
limited. So that the faculty also seek funding
from other parties such as the World Bank,
EmhERE with a number of requirements
that must be met by the Faculty. Placement
of employees in accordance with the ield


of expertise. Faculty of the University to
coordinate with the placement of honorary
workers. As for the civil power is determined
by the rector in this case the Head of General
Affairs and Finance, including mutations.
Personnel management in an organization
is not an easy line of work in addressing
issues related to employees, where the man
as the object of all backgrounds and abilities
of different potentials, such as the needs of
employees every day in work, not the same
level of emotional control, power is not the
standard one another, style and a different
lifestyle, individual problems are manifold,
so the role of personnel management is to
manage the disorder so that the achievement
of organizational goals will be done well.
It has been generally known that the
larger an organization, the greater the
role of personnel management that play
a role because of the large quantity of
personnel involved in it. This is certainly
a growing need for quality management,
a steady policy, labor administration and
well organized so it is easily accessible
whenever needed. One role that should be
implemented so that employees have the
competitive ability is through the provision
of education and training. According
Sastrohadiwiryo (2005:198-199):”Education
and training should be organized in addition
to workforce management is intended to
reduce the problem as mentioned above,
is also intended to obtain the added
value of labor is concerned, particularly
those associated with the increase and
development of knowledge, attitudes, and
skills of labor are concerned. Thus the goal
of workforce management is creating a set of
labor eficient and effective manner that the
maximum can be terujud “.
Descriptively potential possessed by an
employee in an educational institution has
qualiied administrative work carried out,
but actually have to balance the development
of scientiic staff.
according hamalik (2005:3) “That the
development of qualiied human resources is

Journal Of Economic Management & Business - Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012

a principal or even the point of development,
and in which case, the ield of education and
training also contributed”. Education and
training is useful for improving the quality
of employee work should be one target or
focal point in the program’s strategic plan of
educational institutions.
The other good effects of the program
increased employee competence is the
increased productivity of labor organization
characterized by decreased or faulty work
more closely in carrying out the task, thereby
reducing the waste of resources. Decisionmaking process will also be more quickly and
precisely because it involves employees who
have suficient ability in the position which
carried with a sense of great responsibility.
according to Sutrisno (2009:66-67): “human
resource development objective to improve
the quality of professionalism and skills of
its employees in carrying out its duties and
functions optimally. By increasing the skills
of employees is intended as an attempt
to increase the leadership skills of each
employee so that in carrying out their tasks
more eficient and productive. “
Experience in working to increase
the expertise and skills of employees in
completing the work, otherwise the limited
experience of the level of expertise and
skills of employees are also low. Experience
is the best teacher. Experience in working
capital is the primary staff to engage in
certain occupations. Physical and mental
health factors also need to be a management
concern, particularly for employees who
work in the ield of direct service work.
Consideration of the physical and mental
health is very urgent so as not to create a
negative image in the service of the parties
interested in the organization.
according Sastrohadirwo (2005:164)
“The labor weak physical condition, should
be placed on the parts that do not require a
powerful force and not on the operation of
production machinery. Instead, work hard
for the physical labor is really strong. “
The age factor in job placement will


be other considerations that are not less
important. Due to employee productivity
is also inluenced by factors of age, There is
no single human being can predict when he
was about to end, which obviously has no
provisions regarding the death of Allah or
the end of the age, can not be accelerated
or slowed sedetikpun. Granting of study or
learning tasks to employees on the basis of
selection is mainly related to the educational
background that will be followed later
affect the burden of work that must be
accomplished employees. Skills of employees
in work inluenced by the education and
training appropriate to their ield of work.
according to manullang (2006:71): among
the followers of good practice there are
differences in educational background,
experience and desire. To keep the difference
is not too large, then the prospective trainee
must be selected. Exercise should be given
to those who are interested and willing to
follow the training successfully.
Educational background of employees
will affect their willingness to follow the
development process so that the results
varied diperolehpun. The selection of this
interest is important to avoid ineficiency.
Disampaing also, the selection can lead to
self-perception of good employees that only
competent people who can attend training
or education.
Education and training programs should
be carried out analysis of the determination
of funding needs for the future targets to be
achieved both in terms of technical as well
as in the form of behavior expected of the
organization through a learning technique
that is considered appropriate. Terhdap
employee development programs should be
clear objectives to be achieved, so it was not
the origin but no one is developed mapping
the development of clear and measurable. As
said administrator (2006:147) “developing
criteria for the training and to achieve better
results, an evaluation is needed so that
effective training program is known or not”.
One of the targets to be achieved for


example associated with the new skills
that have not owned by the workers when
necessary for the implementation of the
tasks can be run well. Implementation of
development programs is the fulillment
of the two interests, which interests the
organization is relected in the organization’s
ability to achieve its goal, if it is less precise
in determining the possible presence of
errors so that the program has implications
for overall organizational performance.
The next interest is the development of
employee participants which if not met will
have an impact on their motivation for the
lack of training or education following the
implementation of tasks assigned to him.
2. Employee development Process
Level of employee discipline is still
lacking, in this case the University is always
to provide guidance on an ongoing basis.
While the rotation position is done so that
employees can be more professional in the
ield of their respective duties. For promotion
in accordance with the performance of a
given employee in the period of the main
duties and functions provided.
Any activity that involves people and
the need for cooperation to solve them.
Such cooperation is an integral part in an
organization and it is deinitely full of the
need for management to regulate activities
that have been previously programmed.
Delegation of authority is vital in an
organization, so that employers need to
do that task to an employee dbebankan
according murniati (2008:48) “In the
context of the organization, empowerment is
an authority given to the units or staff so the
organization can develop its full potential
with its capabilities.”
As the leader of higher education as the
reference of local government policy should
embrace the principles of delegation in order
to become more productive in performing
other management functions for the
allocation of authority given to subordinates


to make employees more established in the
Cooperation is an indication of the
division of tasks within an organization and
characterized by a clear assignment of each
unit of work. murniati say that (2008:55) “a
collaboration with the powers possessed by
each employee in the organization, identify
the occurrence of employee empowerment”.
But surely not all delegated tasks
work just like that without calculation,
especially work that involves trust and
requires specialized knowledge and skills.
Delegate tasks and responsibilities can cause
employees to assume that the manager is
not able to handle the responsibilities of
leadership. Therefore, choose carefully and
wisely subordinates who deserve to receive
the delegation.
Consequences of delegation of authority
is an attempt to develop subordinates. These
include the demands of subordinates to
actually responsible for the authority given
to him.
Improving the welfare of employees at
the University Malikussaleh expected that
employees can focus more in carrying out
duties as a public servant. Incentives or
compensation provided to employees can
also serve as a stimulant morale. Incentives
will increase the income of employees and
is expected to increase also the competence
of their work. Employees will feel valued
and diligent in work when their needs met
and the bonus of additional revenue this will
spur high spirits.
according Sastrohadiwiryo (2005:181)
“Compensation is a payment for services
or fringe beneits provided by companies to
workers, since labor has contributed energy
and thoughts for the betterment of the
company to achieve its intended purpose”.
Compensation is the remuneration
received by employees as a trigger for the
spirit in the work. In an organization the
issue of compensation is very complex, but
the most important award of compensation
to employees who have a logical and rational

Journal Of Economic Management & Business - Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012

basis, however the emotional factors and
sense of humanity to its attention.
Organization requires adherence to
the applicable provisions of its members.
It takes discipline employees in a work so
what the objectives and expectations of
the organization. Organizational goals will
be unable to be obtained when there is no
discipline employees.
Discipline is an employee adherence to
the rules agreed upon or determined by the
head of the organization in efforts to improve
adequate services for the work that is the
responsibility of each employee. Hasibuan
(2006:70) “The onus (responsibility) is
the necessity to perform all duties / tasks
assigned to him as a result of the authority
One of the relatively dificult task for
leaders is how to properly enforce labor
discipline. If the employee violates the rules
of order, as is too often late or absent from
work, ighting, dishonesty or other act that
may damage the smooth working and the
image of the institution, employers had to
Any offenses committed such an
employee must have clear rules of sanctions,
both administrative sanctions and cutting its
number of allowances, any efforts to repeat
the work of such behavior does not happen
again. Although it is undeniable that the
intention to adhere to the rules established
organization became an integral part and
even tended to give a big hand to the deviant
behavior or discipline.
Each employee in an organization have
the same opportunity to get a promotion.
Promotion is the movement of jobs associated
with this position one to position the other as
a form of appreciation of the achievements
of the labor supplied by the employee to
the organization. according to hasibuan
(2005:108) “Promotion is the movement
of the zoom authorty and responsibility
of employees to higher positions in an
organization that obligation, the greater the
status and income”.


In the work of each employee requires the
promotion of transfer of title, which means
that one in another position that is higher
than the responsibilities and rewards are
more appropriate as a form of their career
advancement in the work. Besides it is also
useful for promoting the growth of a more
responsible personality as well as increased
social status. However, in carrying out the
promotion of course there are conditions
that must be traversed to determine who is
entitled to get it.
Employee work experience factor
was highlighted important leaders of
the organization to get qualiied staff in
completing work tasks, because with the
experience that many expected to contribute
a greater effect on the organization of work
with minimal error rate. As Manullang
(2006:162-163) “That the assessment of
skills held within the organization which
the employee obtained the information that
can be promoted and transferred employees
where appropriate”.
The next thing that is deemed necessary
is the education level corresponding to the
areas of work that will be occupied, loyalty,
honesty and most importantly, the fulillment
of rank. These issues inluence the employee
in order to provide adequate job quality and
emotional maturity in dealing with an issue
with a better way of thinking.
3. Employee Development Obstacles.
Government regulations that for service
personnel or the staff’s no need to pass the
Graduate different demands by lecturers.
But still provided an opportunity for those
who want to follow their own volition.
Another constraint is related to government
regulations require that an employee has a
rank III / c to be able to follow the leadership
training, if under the III / c is not justiied,
except in the form of computerized training.
To technological factors, the effect is
so small there was no signiicant effect on
employment. In terms of socio-cultural
factors, the willingness of employees to


follow its own development, they themselves
felt it was important to get education and
training. While the work environment factors
and employee motivation to work still needs
to be improved.
Inhibiting factor in the development
of a funding of limited staff development
program also causing limited, more on
what is provided by the Ministry. Budget
constraints is one of them due to the
circular of the Minister of Home Affairs
that the organization should not be vertical
(provincial/district/ city) to help the
university as previously continuously.
While political factors had little effect, but
no intervention from the outside as the
University more autonomous.
pengembangan pegawai tersebut akan
menjadi penghambat bagi kelancaran
organisasi, karena pegawai mengalami
kesulitan dalam mencapai hasil kerja yang
In general, the factors that inluence
employee development process is divided
into two factors, namely internal and external
factors. The second factor is exactly what
color the employee development process.
1. External factors
External factors are factors that originate
from outside the individual but the affect
employee performance in work. These factors
include technology, government regulations,
conditions, working conditions, etc., thus
affecting the growth and development of
Such inluence can be good or otherwise
to the employee. By Siagian (2008:49): “is
the external challenges are many things that
the growth and development are beyond
the ability of organizations to control, but
must be taken into account for the growth
and development is deinitely positive or
negative effect on the organization”.
Organizations need to control the negative
impact brought about so that the effects can


be generated can be reduced and employees
are directed to the good work. If an error
occurs the work can be minimized. In efforts
to increase the ability of the employee lot
ang related part contributed to an adequate,
so the necessary arrangements, including:
a. Source of funds
Development of employees within an
organization to achieve a better work would
be supported by suficient funds to inance
programs that have been established, to be
achieved without the vital issues related
obstacles, namely the budget. Sources of
inancing for government agencies including
universities existing budget items each
based on dIPa (Budget Planning Form)
is sourced from the state budget, non-tax
revenues or fees, including student grants
provided by other agencies. However,
sometimes the amount of funds given the
limited scale so that the need for priority in
determining which programs are urged to
be accomplished.
b. Governmets regulations
It is common knowledge that the survival
of an organization or institution is determined
by their adherence to various rules and
regulations. Provisions in force concerning
certainly should be a concern for the run.
All rules are expected to be implemented, as
relected in human resource planning.
c. Tehcnology
Rapid technological developments require
an organization to increasing the capacity
of quality employees in order to carry out
work in accordance with the development of
these technologies. Technology becomes an
important part in helping to get the job done
quickly and precisely, but the operational
effort required to understand and can also
run perfectly on the device-Siwak Siwak
is standard. By Siagian (2005: 101): “In
operating the computer, the software has
at least three functions, namely: (a) manage
a variety of computer resources owned
by the company, (b) develop a variety of
means used by human resources to achieve

Journal Of Economic Management & Business - Volume 13, Nomor 4, Oktober 2012

optimal utilization., and (c) bridging role of
information as a result of the data processed
by the user “.
The ability of employees to operate
the computer in the form of information
technology is critical to manage with a
maximum range of data. Proper management
of technology resources will impact on the
achievement of the processed data to the
maximum anyway.
d. Socio-cultural
attention and guidance to organiz