Penentuan Kadar Minyak dan Kadar Air pada Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) dan Copra Expeller


Telah dilakukan penentuan kadar minyak dan kadar air dari Palm Kernel
Expeller (PKE) dan Copra Expeller (COPEX) di PT. Palmcoco Laboratories.
Penentuan kadar minyak digunakan metode ekstraksi sokletasi selama 4 jam dan
penentuan kadar air digunakan metode pemanasan pada suhu 105oC. Didapatkan
kadar minyak untuk PKE dan COPEX adalah 7,44 % dan 6,20 %, sedangkan
kadar air untuk PKE dan COPEX didapatkan 6,45 % dan 9,07 %.
Untuk menentukan kualitaas dari suatu minyak salah satu parameternya
merupakan penentuan kadar asam lemak bebas. Selanjutnya diukur kadar asam
lemak bebas dari PKE dan COPEX dengan metode titrasi asam basa. Diperoleh
hasil kadar asam lemak untuk PKE dan COPEX adalah 4,23 % dan 7,17 %. Dari
penentuan kadar asam lemak bebas didapatkan PKE masih memenuhi syarat
Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI), sedangkan COPEX sudah tidak memenuhi
syarat Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI), dimana syarat kadar asam lemak bebas
pada Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) nomor 01-2901-2006 adalah 5%.

Kata Kunci: Palm Kernel Expeller, Copra Expeller, Kadar Minyak, Kadar Air,
Asam Lemak Bebas

Universitas Sumatera Utara



The determination of oil content and moisture in Palm Kernel Expeller
(PKE) and Copra Expeller (COPEX) at Palmcoco Laboratories. Had been done
the determination of oil content with soxhlet method for 4 hours and the
determination of moisture with heating method at 105oC temperature and gotten
result the determination of oil content in PKE and COPEX were 7,44 % and 6,20
%, while the determination of moisture in PKE and COPEX were 6,45 % and 9,07
The determination of oil qualities, one of it’s parameters was the
determination free fatty acid. After that, determinied the free fatty acid of PKE
and COPEX with based-acid titration method, getting the result of free fatty acid
in PKE and COPEX were 4,23 % and 7,17 %. From the determination of free
fatty acid was gotten that PKE still fulfilled the specification of Indonesia
National Standard (SNI) while COPEX didn`t fulfill specification of Indonesia
National Standard (SNI), while the maximum of free fatty acid content of

Indonesia National Standard (SNI) number
01-2901-2006 was 5 %.

Universitas Sumatera Utara