



Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number 209520014








Pratiwi, Siska. Process of a Schizophrenic’s Dialogues in a Beautiful Mind

Movie. Faculty of Language and Art. State University of Medan. 2013.

This study concerns with the analysis of transitivity system which focusing on the types of process uttered by the schizophrenic character in A Beautiful Mind movie, John Nash. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. There are six types of process in transitivity system. The results of data analysis show material process 44.67%, mental process 18.83%, relational process 28.03%, behavioral process 1.17%, verbal process 4.53% and existential process 2.77%. The most dominant process is material process, that is the process which indicates action; activities and events, things happen and people or other actors do things or make them happen. The indication reflects Nash’s activities with real people and hallucination people especially when his hallucination friends: Charles, Parcher and Marcee. Nash intensively met them so that he talked much with them and kept their memories in his mind.




Alhamdulillah, all the praise, honor and power belong to Allah SWT for giving the writer blessing, love and mercy in accomplishing this thesis. In the process of accomplishing this thesis, the writer was helped by many people who have participated in giving helps and supports and she would like to express the greatest gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si as the Rector of State University of


2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum as the Dean of Faculty of Language and Art.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd as the Head of English and Literature


4. Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum as the Secretary of English and Literature

Department and also as her thesis adviser, for the guidance, comment, and precious time in supervising the draft of writing.

5. Dra. Meisuri, M.A as the Head of Applied Linguistics Program and also Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed as the Head of Educational English


6. Drs. Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum as her academic adviser

7. All lecturers at English and Literature Department for giving the writer


8. Enda Rahayu S.S who has helped her in providing academic administration

9. Her beloved parents, Edi Supriyadi and Julhana for their prayer, love, attention, motivation and financial support. They have given a lot of things the writer needed in accomplishing this thesis

10. Her dearest sister and brothers, Sari Rahmadini, Firmansyah and

Muhammad Al Hafizh for giving motivation

11. All uncles and aunties who have given her supports during accomplishing



12. Her beloved friends, Winda Abdianti Hsb, Suci Retno Utami, Elisa

Perdana,Vany Tarsidasari, Muhammad Luthfi Shandy and many others

who can’t be mentioned one by one

13. Her classmates in Applied Linguistics 2009 class A and B for all the sweet memories especially for them who would like to graduate in April 2013 14. Ali Fikri Hsb, S.E, M.Si for his love and support. He helped the writer so

much in accomplishing this thesis

15. All people whose names can’t be mentioned. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless us.

Medan, March 2013

Siska Pratiwi The Writer




Table 2.1. Examples of Material Process ... 14

Table 2.2. Examples of Behavioral Process ... 16

Table 2.3. Examples of Verbal Process ... 17

Table 2.4. Examples of Existential Process ... 17

Table 2.5. Participants ... 18

Table 2.6. Types of Circumstances ... 19




Appendix A. All Dialogues ... 46 Appendix B. Nash’s Dialogues ... 77 Appendix C. Table of Analysis ... 92





A. Background of the Study

Language plays an important role in human life. Language indicates the existence of human being. As human being, we do need language to express our emotions, ideas, feelings and thoughts to other people by using sound, gesture, and signals. Language is fundamentally an instrument of communication (Clark and Clark, 1997:7). Communication exists because of language, that’s why human being can’t be separated from language.

In the last few decades, language has been studied in scientific way. Many linguists appeared and interested in analyzing how language is structured by applying a theory which is called Systemic Functional Linguistics. In this theory, language is said as a resource for making meaning which is situated in a context of situation and a context of culture (Halliday, 1994: 16). This theory also stresses on communication. In other word, it concerns with relation between language and context used.

Saragih (2010:1) states that functionalism refers to an approach to languages studies with reference to roles or functions played by language in human life as social beings. One of the application of functional approach to study of language results in functional grammar. Experiential function is a part of functional grammar which is also called as transitivity system in which the main point of its is process. The process consists of six types, they are material process



(doing), mental process (sensing), relational process (being), verbal process (saying), behavioral process (behaving), and existential process (existing).

There’s unusual language impairments which are uttered by patients with schizophrenia. These unusual language impairments are highly variable and often hard to characterize (Covington et. al, 2005). Schizophrenia is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal thinking, hallucination, delusions, and social withdrawal. Formally, schizophrenia can be meant as one of psychosis types that causes mental severe disorder that disrupts thought, speech and behavior.

An example of schizophrenic can be watched in a movie which titles A Beautiful Mind. A movie, also called a film, is a story conveyed with moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras or by creating images by using animation technique or visual effects. Movie uses spoken language which shows the power of communication in which the movie need dialogues between two or more people.

Considering the relationship among language, schizophrenia and movie, the writer would like to analyze the process of transitivity system in A Beautiful Mind movie in which the main actor is a schizophrenic, John Nash. This movie was produced by Universal Pictures in 2001. It has received four Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress. The unique phenomenon that makes the writer feels interested to analyze the transitivity process is because of the speaker who has has mental disorder, schizophrenia. The writer would like to pay attention to types of process



uttered by schizophrenic and whether it has relation to the schizophrenic’s psychology or not.

Before this thesis, there are some theses which also analyze process of transitivity system. Some of them which relate to this study title “Types of

Process in Asterix and the Great Divide Comic” by Stephanie Wally in which Material Process (28.04%) is the dominant process, “Transitivity System in

English Text Book of Senior High School” by Nora Januarti in which Relational Process (40.74%) is the dominant process, and “Transitivity in Mario Teguh

Golden Ways Show” by Priska Sandi Sinurat in which Mental Process (47.08%) is the dominant process.

There are also some journals such as “Using Transitivity as a Framework

in Stylistic Analysis of Virginia Wolf’s Old Mrs. Grey” by Bonifacio T Cunanan, student of Bulacan State University in Philippines which the dominant process is Existential Process (35.49%) and “Process of Transitivity System in Weeping for

My Smoking Daughter” by Wang Caili from Sozou University which gets Material Process (44.17%) as the dominant process.

B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the research problems as the followings:

1. What are the types of process of a schizophrenic’s dialogues occurred in A Beautiful Mind movie?



2. What’s the dominant process uttered by a schizophrenic character in A Beautiful Mind movie?

3. What relationship is made between the dominant process and schizophrenic’s psychology?

C. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the process of schizophrenic’s dialogues found in A Beautiful Mind movie text. In this movie, the schizophrenic is played by John Nash as the main character.

D. The Objectives of the Study

Dealing with the analysis of process of schizophrenic’s dialogues found in A Beautiful Mind movie, the objectives are stated as:

1. to find out the types of process in the statements which are uttered by John Nash as a schizophrenic character in A Beautiful Mind movie.

2. to find out the most dominant process uttered by John Nash as a schizophrenic character in A Beautiful Mind movie.

3. to find out the relationship between the dominant process and a schizophrenic’s psychology.



E. The Significance of the Study

These findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. the students especially linguistics students to increase the understanding about the process in transitivity system.

2. the researchers to use them as reference to conduct other related researches. 3. to all readers who’d like to increase their understanding about transitivity






A. Conclusions

After identifying the process in transitivity system and analyzing them, some conclusions are made in the followings:

1. All types of process occurs in Nash’s dialogue in A Beautiful Mind movie, namely material process, mental process, relational process , behavioral process, verbal process and existential process.

2. The dominant process in Nash’s dialogue from A Beautiful Mind movie is

material process (306 clauses, 44.67%), that is the process which indicates action; activities and events, things happen, and people or other actors do things or make them happen. Then, it is followed by relational process (192 clauses, 28.03%), mental process (129 clauses, 18.82%), verbal process (32 clauses, 4.53%), existential process (19 clauses, 2.77%) and behavioral process (8 clauses, 1.17%)

3. The reason why material process is the dominant process because it reflects

Nash’s activities with real people and hallucination people especially when

his hallucination friends: Charles, Parcher and Marcee. Nash intensively met them so that he talked much with them and kept their memories in his mind.



B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions given, the following suggestion are needed to be considered:

1. It is suggested for those students who are studying language and discourse analysis to use transitivity theory in observing further study.

2. It is expected that the future research can analyze other aspects of transitivity system such as the participants and circumstances.




Bloor, Thomas and Bloor, Marier. 1995. The Functional Analysis of English. London: Edward Arnold

Bogdan, Robert C and Biklen, Knopp Sari. 1982. Qualitative Research For Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. London: Boston Caili, Wang. 2005. The Process of Transitivity in Weeping for My Smoking

Daughter. CELEA Journal: Vol. 28 No. 1

Covington, M,A, 2005. Schizophrenia and the Structure of Language: The

Linguist’s View. Schizophrenia Research: 77, 85-98

Clark, H.H and Clark E.V. 1997. Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Sandiego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc.

Creswell, John W. 2001. Research Design: Qualitative & Quantitative

Approaches. Thousand Oaks, London and New Delhi: Sage Publication Cunanan, Bonifacio T. 2011. Using Transitivity as a Framework in Stylistic

Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Old Mrs. Grey. Asian EFL Journal: Vol. 54

Enggins, Suzanne. 1994. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistic. London : St. Martin.

Eggins, Suzanne.2004.An Introduction to Systemic Functional LIngguistics, 2nd Ed.London : Continuum

Halliday, M.A.K. 1978. Language as Social Semiotic: The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning. London: Edward Arnold

Halliday, M.A.K. 1985. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold

Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold

Halliday, M.A.K. and C.M.I.M. Mattheissen. 2004. An Introduction to Functional

Grammar (3rd ed.). London: Edward Arnold

Haycock, Dean A. 2009. The Everything Health Guide to Schizophrenia. New York: Adams Media



Januarti, Nora. 2010. Transitivity System in English Textbook of Senior High School. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2000. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press

Rahmah. 2012. Functional Grammar. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished) Saragih, Amrin. 2004. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic

Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2005. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2010. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2010. Introducing Systemic Functional Grammar of English. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2012. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Sinurat, Priska Sandi. 2010. Transitivity in Mario Teguh Golden Ways Show. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Wally, Staphanie. 2009. Types of Process in Asterix and the Great Divide Comic. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Veague. H.B. 2007. Schizophrenia. New York: Chelsea House Retrieved December 4, 2012; 7:47 p.m. a_minor_character. Retrieved February 26, 2013; 01:07 p.m racter.htm. Retrieved February 26, 2013; 01:12 p.m Retrieved February 26, 2013;


2. What’s the dominant process uttered by a schizophrenic character in A Beautiful Mind movie?

3. What relationship is made between the dominant process and schizophrenic’s psychology?

C. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the process of schizophrenic’s dialogues found in A Beautiful Mind movie text. In this movie, the schizophrenic is played by John Nash as the main character.

D. The Objectives of the Study

Dealing with the analysis of process of schizophrenic’s dialogues found in A Beautiful Mind movie, the objectives are stated as:

1. to find out the types of process in the statements which are uttered by John Nash as a schizophrenic character in A Beautiful Mind movie.

2. to find out the most dominant process uttered by John Nash as a schizophrenic character in A Beautiful Mind movie.

3. to find out the relationship between the dominant process and a schizophrenic’s psychology.



E. The Significance of the Study

These findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. the students especially linguistics students to increase the understanding about the process in transitivity system.

2. the researchers to use them as reference to conduct other related researches. 3. to all readers who’d like to increase their understanding about transitivity






A. Conclusions

After identifying the process in transitivity system and analyzing them, some conclusions are made in the followings:

1. All types of process occurs in Nash’s dialogue in A Beautiful Mind movie, namely material process, mental process, relational process , behavioral process, verbal process and existential process.

2. The dominant process in Nash’s dialogue from A Beautiful Mind movie is

material process (306 clauses, 44.67%), that is the process which indicates action; activities and events, things happen, and people or other actors do things or make them happen. Then, it is followed by relational process (192 clauses, 28.03%), mental process (129 clauses, 18.82%), verbal process (32 clauses, 4.53%), existential process (19 clauses, 2.77%) and behavioral process (8 clauses, 1.17%)

3. The reason why material process is the dominant process because it reflects

Nash’s activities with real people and hallucination people especially when

his hallucination friends: Charles, Parcher and Marcee. Nash intensively met them so that he talked much with them and kept their memories in his mind.



B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions given, the following suggestion are needed to be considered:

1. It is suggested for those students who are studying language and discourse analysis to use transitivity theory in observing further study.

2. It is expected that the future research can analyze other aspects of transitivity system such as the participants and circumstances.




Bloor, Thomas and Bloor, Marier. 1995. The Functional Analysis of English. London: Edward Arnold

Bogdan, Robert C and Biklen, Knopp Sari. 1982. Qualitative Research For Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. London: Boston Caili, Wang. 2005. The Process of Transitivity in Weeping for My Smoking

Daughter. CELEA Journal: Vol. 28 No. 1

Covington, M,A, 2005. Schizophrenia and the Structure of Language: The

Linguist’s View. Schizophrenia Research: 77, 85-98

Clark, H.H and Clark E.V. 1997. Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Sandiego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc.

Creswell, John W. 2001. Research Design: Qualitative & Quantitative

Approaches. Thousand Oaks, London and New Delhi: Sage Publication Cunanan, Bonifacio T. 2011. Using Transitivity as a Framework in Stylistic

Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Old Mrs. Grey. Asian EFL Journal: Vol. 54

Enggins, Suzanne. 1994. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistic. London : St. Martin.

Eggins, Suzanne.2004.An Introduction to Systemic Functional LIngguistics, 2nd Ed.London : Continuum

Halliday, M.A.K. 1978. Language as Social Semiotic: The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning. London: Edward Arnold

Halliday, M.A.K. 1985. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold

Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold

Halliday, M.A.K. and C.M.I.M. Mattheissen. 2004. An Introduction to Functional Grammar (3rd ed.). London: Edward Arnold

Haycock, Dean A. 2009. The Everything Health Guide to Schizophrenia. New York: Adams Media



Januarti, Nora. 2010. Transitivity System in English Textbook of Senior High School. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2000. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press

Rahmah. 2012. Functional Grammar. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished) Saragih, Amrin. 2004. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic

Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2005. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2010. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2010. Introducing Systemic Functional Grammar of English. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Saragih, Amrin. 2012. Discourse Analysis: A Sysyemic Functional Linguistic Approach to the Analysis of Discourse and Texts. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Sinurat, Priska Sandi. 2010. Transitivity in Mario Teguh Golden Ways Show. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Wally, Staphanie. 2009. Types of Process in Asterix and the Great Divide Comic. Medan: UNIMED (Unpublished)

Veague. H.B. 2007. Schizophrenia. New York: Chelsea House Retrieved December 4, 2012; 7:47 p.m. a_minor_character. Retrieved February 26, 2013; 01:07 p.m racter.htm. Retrieved February 26, 2013; 01:12 p.m Retrieved February 26, 2013; 03:17 p.m