Uji aktivitas ekstrak rimpang lengkuas merah (alpinia galanga l. Willd) Terhadap Jamur Pityrosporum Ovale Dalam Sediaan Sampo Anti Ketombe

galanga L. Willd) TERHADAP JAMUR Pityrosporum ovale DALAM
Ketombe adalah bentuk kering kapitis seborea yang lazim dikenal
sebagai seborea sika (kering), yakni sisik kering berlapis-lapis yang rapuh
mudah terlepas yang melekat menutupi epidermis kulit kepala. Selain
penggunaan zink pirithion, ter batubara, asam salisilat, selenium sulfida, dan
ketokonazol, juga dapat dimamfaatkan bahan-bahan alami yang bersumber dari
tanaman untuk mengatasi ketombe. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan rimpang
lengkuas merah (Alpinia galanga L. Willd) di masyarakat desa Gonting Julu,
dengan cara mengggosok-gosokan rimpang lengkuas merah pada kulit kepala
yang telah diolesi minyak terlebih dahulu. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah
untuk mengetahui karakteristik; golongan senyawa kimia; aktivitas anti jamur
terhadap jamur Pityrosporum ovale; apakah ekstrak etanol rimpang lengkuas
merah dapat dibuat dalam sediaan sampo dan stabil dalam penyimpanan pada
suhu kamar, serta aktivitas anti jamur dari sediaan sampo ekstrak rimpang
lengkuas merah terhadap jamur Pityrosporum ovale.
Tahapan-tahapan penelitian meliputi pengumpulan dan pengolahan
sampel, karakterisasi simplisia, skrining fitokimia, pembuatan ekstrak etanol,
uji aktivitas anti jamur ekstrak dan sampo anti ketombe ekstrak rimpang

lengkuas merah secara in vitro dengan metode difusi agar menggunakan
pencetak lubang (punch hole) terhadap jamur Pityrosporum ovale, pembuatan
sampo anti ketombe ekstrak rimpang lengkuas merah, serta uji mutu fisik
sampo, meliputi: uji tegangan permukaan, uji pH, uji kestabilan, uji viskositas,
daya pembasah, uji daya pembusa dan kstabilan busa, uji daya pembersih, uji
bobot jenis, dan uji iritasi.
Hasil karakterisasi simplisia rimpang lengkuas merah diperoleh kadar air
5,99%, kadar abu total diperoleh 2,96%, kadar abu tidak larut asam diperoleh
2,02%, kadar sari larut air diperoleh 18,53% dan kadar sari larut etanol diperoleh
11,94%. Hasil skrining fitokimia pada serbuk simplisia rimpang lengkuas merah
mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti: steroid/triterpenoid, glikosid,
flavonoid, saponin, dan tanin. Hasil uji mutu fisik sampo bahwa ekstrak
lengkuas merah dapat diformulasikan dalam sediaan sampo dan memenuhi
persyaratan. Hasil penelitian uji aktivitas anti jamur dari ekstrak rimpang
lengkuas merah, sediaan sampo, dan Zinc dapat menghambat pertumbuhan
jamur Pityrosporum ovale, dimana sediaan sampo yang mengandung ekstrak
rimpang lengkuas merah 1% (sediaan C) mempunyai daya hambat yang
Kata kunci: ekstrak rimpang lengkuas merah, sampo, Pityrosporum ovale, anti

Universitas Sumatera Utara

L. Willd) AGAINST Pityrosporum ovale FUNGI PRODUCED

Dandruff is seborrheic capitis dry form what is commonly known as
seborrheic sicca (dry), the dry scales layered fragile easily attached cover
detached scalp epidermis. In addition to the use pirithion zinc, coal ta , salicylic
acid, selenium sulfide, and ketoconazole, they also used natural ingredients
derived from plants for handling dandruff. One is them is Java Galangal
(Alpinia galanga L. Willd) that is used by Gonting Julu- North Sumatera
society , by way of red galangal rhizome is rubbed to the scalp which has been
spread with oil first. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
characteristics ; class of chemical compounds ; antifungal activity against the
fungus Pityrosporum ovale ; whether the ethanol extract of Java Galangal can
be made in the preparation of shampoo and in the stable saver at room

temperature, as well as anti- fungal activity of the preparation shampoo
galangal rhizome extract of red against Pityrosporum ovale.
The stages of the research involves the collection and processing of
samples, the characterization of crude drugs, phytochemical screening , the
manufacture of ethanol extract, testing the antifungal activity of extracts and
anti-dandruff shampoo Java Galangal extract of red secarain vitro by agar
diffusion method using the hole punch to the Pityrosporum ovale, making
anti-dandruff shampoo from Java Galangal extract , and quality testing of
shampoo include : the testing of surface tension, pH testing, stability testing,
viscosity testing, wetting power testing, testing of foaming lather stability,
cleaning power test, specific gravity test, and irritation test.
The characterization results obtained simplicia Java Galangal water
content of 5.99%, total ash content of 2.96% was obtained, acid insoluble ash
content of 2.02% was obtained, the levels of water-soluble extract obtained
18.53% and the content of ethanol-soluble extract obtained 11 , 94%. The
results of phytochemical screening of crude drugs in powder containing Java
Galangal secondary metabolites such as steroids / triterpenoids, glikosid,
flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. The test results of physical quality shampoo
that red ginger extract can be formulated in a shampoo and meet the
requirements. The results of the study of the antifungal activity testing from

Java Galangal extract, preparation of shampoo, and Zinc can inhibit the growth
of fungus Pityrosporum ovale, which shampoo preparation containing Java
Galangal extract 1% (preparation C) had been an effective inhibition.
Keywords: Java galangal rhizome extract, shampoo, Pityrosporum ovale, antidandruff.

Universitas Sumatera Utara