Using as a Material to Te

Using as a Material to Teach English
Vocabulary Course at Senior High School


Wisuda Periode September 2012



Abstrak Berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan salah satu materi pengajaran
Vocabulary di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dengan menggunakan situs Situs ini menyuguhkan fitur-fitur menarik dalam
mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris. Di awal pelajaran, guru menarik

perhatian siswa untuk belajar dengan memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan
mengenai penggunaan internet bagi siswa terutama di bidang pendidikan.
Selanjutnya, guru mengenalkan situs dan mengajarkan siswa
tentang fungsi serta cara-cara mendaftar sebagai anggota di situs ini. Guru
membagi siswa ke dalam beberapa kelompok dan menunjuk seorang ketua
pada setiap kelompok. Guru menciptakan sebuah kompetisi dimana setiap
kelompok diberikan tantangan untuk mendaftarkan semua anggotanya ke
dalam situs ini dan menjawab sepuluh pertanyaan bagi setiap anggota. Katakata baru yang anggota dapatkan, dicatat dalam buku catatan masing-masing.
Di akhir pelajaran, guru menyuruh siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan serta
melaporkan kosa kata yang didapat di dalam situs di rumah secara individu.
Tentu saja, dengan menggunakan situs ini dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris,
siswa akan lebih termotivasi dan menghilangkan anggapan bahwa belajar
kosakata bahasa Inggris itu membosankan dan sulit. Guru juga akan terbantu
dalam menciptakan suasana belajar yang lebih menarik.

This paper is aimed to explain one of the vocabulary learning materials in
Senior High School by using site. This site provides some
features in learning English vocabulary. Learning is begun by giving some
questions to the students about the internet’s functions especially in

education. After that, the teacher introduces all about site the
students. The teacher asks the students to make some groups with a leader per
each group. Each group should register all of the members into the site and
answer ten questions per each member. New vocabulary items should be
written in notebook. At the end of the learning, the teacher asks the students
to answers the rest of the questions at home and reports them in the next
meeting. The students will be motivated to learn English and the teacher will
be helped to create a fun English learning.


A Game for Young Learners


Nofrival Aditya, 2Refnaldi

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
Artkel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan salah satu materi pengajaran
Vocabulary di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dengan menggunakan situs Situs ini menyuguhkan fitur-fitur menarik dalam
mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris. Di awal pelajaran, guru menarik
perhatian siswa untuk belajar dengan memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan
mengenai penggunaan internet bagi siswa terutama di bidang pendidikan.
Selanjutnya, guru mengenalkan situs dan mengajarkan siswa
tentang fungsi serta cara-cara mendaftar sebagai anggota di situs ini. Guru
membagi siswa ke dalam beberapa kelompok dan menunjuk seorang ketua
pada setiap kelompok. Guru menciptakan sebuah kompetisi dimana setiap
kelompok diberikan tantangan untuk mendaftarkan semua anggotanya ke
dalam situs ini dan menjawab sepuluh pertanyaan bagi setiap anggota. Katakata baru yang anggota dapatkan, dicatat dalam buku catatan masing-masing.
Di akhir pelajaran, guru menyuruh siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan serta
melaporkan kosa kata yang didapat di dalam situs di rumah secara individu.
Tentu saja, dengan menggunakan situs ini dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris,
siswa akan lebih termotivasi dan menghilangkan anggapan bahwa belajar
kosakata bahasa Inggris itu membosankan dan sulit. Guru juga akan terbantu

dalam menciptakan suasana belajar yang lebih menarik.
Kata kunci: site, vocabulary, group, questions.


The writer, English Department’s student of Padang State University, Graduation of September 2012 Period.
advisor, lecturer of Padang State University



A. Introduction
Vocabulary as one of language components is important for the students to be
learned. Hornby (1986) states that vocabulary is the word in a language, in which all
the words are known by someone and used in the books, subject, and so forth. It
means that limited vocabulary impairs personal ability in using language. In addition,
Richard and Renandya (2002) state that vocabulary is a core component of speaking,
listening, reading, and writing. Thus, it shows how important vocabulary is.
The students can get many advantages by building and improving vocabulary.

First, they can improve their speaking skills. If they speak with the limited
vocabulary and use the same words repeatedly, the listener will be very bored, but if
they have much vocabulary, speaking in English will be interesting for both of them.
Second, many students find it easier in getting ideas on reading because they
understand the meaning of the words that they read. Third, the students can find it
easy in listening English because they have much vocabulary, so it can make them
understand what the speaker says. Last, they can write well because with much
vocabulary they can develop their ideas.
In Genre-based approach, teaching vocabulary is integrated in teaching
language skills; reading, speaking, listening, and writing. In this paper, the writer is
going to teach vocabulary in reading skill. Based on the Curriculum 2004 which was
developed into curriculum KTSP 2006 of English at Senior High School, the students


need to know various genre or kinds of text (procedure, descriptive, recount,
narrative, report, news item, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, spoof,
explanation, discussion, and review texts). The students should master all of the
kinds of texts by learning in the classroom.
In fact, learning those kinds of texts is difficult for senior high school’s

students. The problems in learning vocabulary happened because of some factors. It
can happen because the students seldom read English or do not read English a lot and
they did not want to find the meaning of the vocabulary items. On the other hand, the
students said that learning new words in English are not interesting because the
teacher tends to use translation method. For example in reading, the teacher asks the
students to translate words from L2 (foreign language) to L1 (first language) while
reading the text. It is not good for them because it just makes the students bored and
passive because they just have to memorize the words and the meaning.
The media is also one of problems in teaching reading. It plays an important
role to the students in reading. However, the teacher still uses a traditional media in
the learning process. The teacher just gives some explanation from the textbook or
LKS (Lembaran Kerja Siswa) and distributes pieces of paper to the student. The
teacher only distributes the texts and askes the students to read silently for several
minutes, and then do some exercise by themselves. Finally, the teacher checked the
answer together with the students and collected the exercises. As a result, they cannot
explore the text too much. The media are not varied, activity is monotonous, and
there is no aids to help the students to comprehend the text easier. Because of that,

the students do not understand a passage very well. They do not understand what

they read because of lack of vocabulary. This causes the students do not get good
mark at the end of the lesson. It can be concluded that the media do not give good
The other problems come from reading materials. The teacher should choose
the materials which are relevant with the students’ need and interest to understand a
reading passage well, but the teacher does not do it. The teaching materials given to
the students are not appropriate to the students’ level, need, and ability. Even, it
contains new difficult vocabulary that cannot be understood by the students.
Therefore, the students will be difficult to understand the text.
To overcome these problems, the teacher should give an interesting media
and material in their teaching, in order to make the students get a good
comprehension in reading. It is important to introduce them about using a new
material like sites on reading activity in order to make them easier to learn
vocabulary. The site is it will help them in understanding
vocabulary. This site provides the users especially for the teacher and the students
some features in learning vocabulary which are easy to understand and fun to do. It
makes the vocabulary learning become more interesting, fresh, and fun.
Language has three components. They are structure, pronunciation and
vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the components of language. According to
Richards and Renandya (2002), vocabulary is core component proficiency and


provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. In
addition, Thornbury (2002) states that without grammar, very little can be talked and
delivered but without vocabulary, nothing can be talked. It means that vocabulary is
a very important thing in communication. Without vocabulary, it is impossible for
someone to master the language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
Vocabulary is the collection of words that individual knows, but there are
many linguists offer different definitions of vocabulary in different views. Marsheffel
(1969:25) states that vocabulary is the total number of words individual knows. It
also helps students to improve their background knowledge and comprehension of
academic content.
Hornby (1986:419) states that vocabulary is the total number of words which
(with rules for combining them) make up a language. According to Templeton
(2004:1) vocabulary is the sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command
of a particular person or group. Vocabulary is not only sign of symbol for ideas but
also a part of how to improve language skills in the target language. The more
vocabulary students learn the more ideas they should have, so they can communicate
by using their ideas more effectively.

Furthermore, Gutlohn (2006:1) explains that vocabulary is the knowledge of
words and word meanings. Vocabulary is not something that can ever be fully
mastered. It is something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime.


Instruction in vocabulary involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary
and using the words in a sentence.
Before teaching vocabulary, the material of vocabulary given to the students
should be suitable with their condition. It depends on students’ level and specific
purpose of teaching. In teaching vocabulary it is hoped that the four skills; writing,
reading, listening and speaking can be improved because the purpose to improve the
students vocabulary is to develop or improve the four skills.
In the senior high school English teaching, vocabulary learning is an
important component. According to Bauman (1991:7) words are the tools we use to
access our background knowledge, express ideas, and learn about new concepts. The
students’ word knowledge is linked strongly to academic success. Specifically, word
knowledge is crucial to reading comprehension, and determines how well students
will be able to comprehend the texts they read in the upper elementary grades in the
middle and high school, and in college.

According to curriculum KTSP 2006, teaching English at senior high school,
the teacher teaches transactional, interpersonal, short functional text, monologue and
essays of certain genres. The genres for senior high school’s level include:
procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, report, news item, analytical exposition,
hortatory exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, and review texts. In order to
understand the texts, the students need to have more vocabulary. Vocabulary learning
is integrated into four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)

6 is a site that is made by Ben Zimmer. He is executive producer
of the Visual Thesaurus and Ben Zimmer made to
provide the users whom have problems in learning vocabulary at school, daily life
and also in work place. It is also useful for the teachers to help them in teaching
vocabulary at school. There is no limitation of age to register into this site. Everyone
who has problems in vocabulary and need something fun and more sophisticated,
they can sign up or make their own account in it. This site is an appropriate way to
solve people’s problems especially for the teacher and students in learning
vocabulary (vocabulary, Feb, 2012). has some interesting features to interact its users. According
to Zimmer (2011), there six main part of this site, they are:


The Challenge
The heart of The Challenge is more than 40,000 vocabulary questions that are

designed to evaluate and teach vocabulary words. Each question tests a particular
meaning of a word, provides helpful hints, and is followed by an explanation of the
correct answer. Many studies have shown that the best way to learn is through
multiple exposures to a word, with challenging questions that make the users think.

When the students answer questions, this site begins to compile a list of words
to learn. If they get a question wrong or choose to use a hint, the word is added to the
list. Once it adds a word to this list, it keeps working with the user until the students

have mastered that word. If the students answer enough questions correctly on a
word that they are learning, it means that they have mastered it. They can see the
progress on one of the words they are learning in the small bar graph next to the
word. Once you’ve mastered a word, the bar turns
After the students answer questions correctly and learn words, they earn
points. And as they earn more points, they are assigned a badge that represents their
level. The students can find out more about how they are doing by clicking on the My
Progress tab. From there they will see charts on overall progress, as well as progress
on any individual word.

The students can choose the level in this site. There are some levels from the
lowest until the highest level. The lowest level will provide the students with easy
questions to be answered. it will be more difficult if the students choose the next
level. It is appropriate for the Senior High School students to choose “novice level”
because the questions are not too hard and not too easy to be answered.


The Dictionary

The dictionary is designed to be the fastest, most useful
English dictionary in the world. Unlike most online dictionaries, it wants the students
to find their word’s meaning faster. It does not matter how many ads the students see


or how many pages they view. In fact, they always find the word that they need after
typing it only in one or two letters.


Vocabulary List
A Vocabulary List is what it sounds like, a list of Vocabulary words. It’s easy

to make them, share them, and comment on them. It is contain with the words that the
users get from the challenge that they did before.


My Profile
From the “My Profile” page, other users will see all your comments, any

vocabulary lists that you’ve made public and various personal items that you provide
when you edit your profile. These include a personal description as well as your most
and least favorite word. You'll also see a list of all of your achievements.


My Progress

In the My Progress section, the default view shows all of the words you are
learning. These are all words that you are making progress on in The Challenge
game, sorted by progress. You can also sort by reverse progress, date started,
alphabetical, reverse alphabetical, and last played.


My account.


Go to the My Account page. Under the Account Information tab, the users can
change their email address, password, and name and any other personal information.

In addition, Zimmer (2012) mentions there are some advantages of first, takes cue from vocabulary education experts,
good teachers who know how to introduce their students to words that are not only
interesting and challenging, but that are also likely to appear in texts students read as
they proceed through school. Teachers chose these words to give students the most
bang for their buck. Second, seeks out these bang-giving words as
well. It trawls newspapers, the internet, and contemporary and classic literature
looking not just for which words appear, but for how often. From these words, it
creates a pool to teach on the site. Then, it uses the technology behind it to create a
customized subset of that pool. These are words that the users do not know, but are
likely to see repeatedly out in the world.

B. Discussion
In order to achieve successful in teaching vocabulary using this site, English
teacher should do some preparations. They are:
1. Material
The teacher has to prepare the material that is going to be taught because
material is fundamental component in teaching. The material should be appropriate
with students’ level, knowledge, and situation. It should motivate student and


suitable with curriculum. In this case, as a website is used as
material in teaching vocabulary.
2. Media Preparation
Using media in teaching and learning process really helps teachers. The
media should be appropriate with material and interesting for students. Here, using as a material in teaching vocabulary uses personal computer that is
connected with internet service as a main media. The learning process can be done in
computer laboratory or classroom. If the teacher choose classroom as the learning’s
location, he or she must ask the students to bring their own personal computer
(laptop) at least five units in one class. They can use school’s internet wireless
(WIFI) or using internet modem in order to connect to internet access. Other kinds of
media in learning process are screen and infocus. They will be used to display all the
processes related to in power point form.
3. Lesson Plan
The teacher needs to make lesson plan after preparing material and media in
order to guide them during teaching and learning process. When creating the lesson
plan, the teacher should write subject, school, class and semester, the skills to be
taught, topic and time.
The lesson plan should also include standard competence and basic
competence. Furthermore, there are three stages in teaching activities: pre teaching,
whilst teaching and post teaching.

1. Pre Teaching
In this phase, the teacher greets students, checks the student’s readiness to study,
checks attendant list and builds knowledge of the students. The teacher activates their
background knowledge of the students by asking them some questions about their
experiences on using internet. The teachers can ask these following questions:
1. Have you ever used the internet?
2. What sites do you open when you use the internet?
3. Have you ever used the sites to study especially English vocabulary?
4. Have you ever heard about
5. What kinds of site it is?
6. Do you want to know how this site helps you to learn about
The questions above can be supported by showing the students some pictures about
popular sites like facebook, twitter, etc. Those questions will activate their
background knowledge about using the internet and gain their interest in answering
the questions given to them. The students will feel curious and want the teacher
explain it to them.

2. Whilst Teaching
There are some activities that the teacher does in using as a material
to teach vocabulary. They are:
a. Explain what is

In this step, the teacher explains all the things about the site. The teacher tells
the students about the creator, functions, features and the activities they can do in this
site. The teacher can open link and display it on the
screen. The students can see how the site looks like while listening the teacher’s
explanations about it.
b. Making an account in
When a new user signs up to, he/she has to fill the form with
some items. The items contain the new member identity, and email address. The
most important thing that anyone wants to have account is having
an email address. It means that, everyone who wants to have an account on this site
have to make or have e-mail address before registering into it. After signing up, the
site will automatically send verification to the new user’s email. Next, the new user
has to verify his or her account from email for the first log in.
After the teacher demonstrates to the students the way to sign up and log in,
he or she makes a competition in the classroom. There are two main activities on this
competition. They are:
1. The teacher divides the students into some groups which contain 5
members per each group with one leader. Each group should sign up all
the member into the group and the leader write the username and the
password of each member in a piece of paper. After all of the members
has their own account the leader of group collects his or her friend’s
account list to the teacher.

2. The teacher asks each group to answer the questions on the challenge
Every group answers at least ten questions and pay attention to the
meanings of the new word from the site. They should write them into their
notebook. The group which can answer the questions and write the
meaning faster will be the winner of the competition. The competition is
ended by discussing the new words that the groups got from the site.
The teacher’s role is to guide, control, and gives the score of the competition.
He or she walks around the classroom and checks the students’ work. The teacher
creates a competition by using the site without decrease the function of the teacher
itself. In short, the teacher has the biggest role of the lesson activities. He or she
explains all the information about the site, creates the competition, gives the
instructions of the competition, controls and also gives the score of the group’s work.
3. Post Teaching
In this phase, the teacher asks students to answer the questions in “the challenge”
individually, but it will be homework for the students because of the limited time in
teaching and learning process. The teacher asks every student to answer 20 questions
at home and report all of the new words they get in the next meeting. It will make the
students continue to learn about English vocabulary and understand the new words at
home. The teacher summarizes the lesson and closes the class.

C. Conclusion


Based on previous discussion, it can be concluded that in order to help the
students to enrich their vocabulary, the teacher should pay more attention to material,
media and activities in the class. The teacher is expected to be a good teacher in
facilitating the learning process. He or she should be able to create some activities
that can help students to understand what they are learning. with its features can be used as a material to teach
vocabulary at senior high school. This choice aims to find a new and interesting
material to teach English vocabulary. It helps the students to learn new vocabulary
items through The Challenge feature as the main part of this site. They can answer
some questions based on their level which provide some new words to be learned.
Therefore, is one of alternative material that can help either teacher
in teaching vocabulary or students in enriching their vocabulary.
In order to make the students eager in studying English, especially in
vocabulary, writer would like to give some suggestions that may be useful for
English teachers. Writer wants to recommend English teacher to use appropriate
methods in teaching vocabulary than the traditional one (the teacher only teaches the
students by English textbook and later ask students to answer those questions, which
relate with the topic that is being taught) because today’s education demands the
teacher to be attractive and creative in learning process. In addition, the teacher
should encourage themselves to create new and creative ways of teaching by using
various material and media, so that the students more interested in learning English


vocabulary. It is suggested using as one of material that can be used
in teaching English vocabulary. It can be implemented out of classroom by using
computer desktop, laptop connected to internet, or certain type of hand phone.
Hopefully, the teacher would use this site to increase the student’s interest and
motivation in learning English vocabulary.

Note: this article is compiled based on the writer’s paper with his advisor Dr.
Refnaldi, M.Litt.

Bauman, J. F. 1991. Research on Vocabulary Instruction . Mahwah, NJ:
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Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Sekolah
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Gutlohn, Linda. 2006. Teaching Vocabulary. University of Florida Press.
Hornby, A. S. 1986. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current
English. New York: Oxford University Press.

Marsheffel, J. 1969. Vocabulary. Columbia, Journal of Reading.
Nation, ISP . 1983. Teaching Vocabulary. Longman. United Kingdom.

Richard, J. C. And W. A Renandya. 2002. Methodology in Language
Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.
Templeton, Shane. 2004. Teaching and Developing Vocabulary. Litho in U.
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Thornburry, Scott. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. London: Longman
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Zimmer, Ben. 2011. What is Retrieved on February. 2012 from

Zimmer, Ben. 2012. Finding the Right Words to Learn. Retrieved on April. 2012