Supply Response Analysis Of Paddy In Kediri Regency | Choirina | Agro Ekonomi 23013 68927 1 PB

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016


Analisa Respon Penawaran Padi Di Kediri: Implikasi Manajerial
Vii Nurul Choirina1, Slamet Hartono2, and Any Suryantini2
Student of Magister Manajemen of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Lecturer of Social Economic of Agriculture Department, Faculty of Agriculture
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl Flora, Bulaksumur, 55281 Yogyakarta

Diterima tanggal : 5 April 2016 ; Disetujui tanggal : 13 Juni 2016
Research of farmer’s response analysis to price is important to increase paddy production
in Kediri. Farmers are conducted as the object of the research because they are the decision

maker on all of farming activities. This study is aimed to know the effect of harvest area
response, productivity response, supply response paddy, and managerial implications in
Kediri. The analysis method used the Nerlove approach through harvest area response and
productivity response. Data were collected annually from 1992 to 2015. The result showed
that harvest area in previous year was the signiicant factor to the harvest area. Grain
price, fertilizer price index, rainfall, harvest area in previous 2 years and 3 years had no
signiicant effect. Factors which had signiicant impact for the productivity were grain price
and productivity in the previous year, but fertilizer price index, harvest area, and rainfall
had no signiicant effect. Paddy supply-elasticity in short term and long term was inelastic
so that supply paddy was unresponsive on grain price changing. Managerial implication
formulation consists of procedural implications and policy implications. Procedural
implications included the use of a transplanter, jajar legowo system, use of fertilizer in 6
right-ways completed with a demonstration plot. The policy implication is was composed by
price and non-price policies. Price policies were showed by costs of good sold which was
supported by coopertaion between farmers and BULOG and the use of combine harvester.
Non-price policies were embodied with the increasing of cropping index and wetland
transformation into settlements.
Keywords: elasticity, managerial implications, paddy, price, supply response
Penelitian analisis respon petani terhadap harga penting untuk meningkatkan produksi padi

di Kediri. Petani diperlakukan sebagai objek penelitian karena mereka adalah pengambil
keputusan pada semua kegiatan bertani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
respon panen, respon produktivitas, respon penawaran padi, dan implikasi manajerial di
Kediri. Metode analisis menggunakan pendekatan Nerlove melalui respon areal panen
dan respon produktivitas. Data dikumpulkan setiap tahun dari tahun 1992 sampai 2015.
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa luas panen tahun sebelumnya merupakan faktor yang


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

signiikan terhadap luas panen. Harga gabah, indeks harga pupuk, curah hujan, luas panen
pada 2 tahun sebelumnya dan 3 tahun tidak berpengaruh signiikan. Faktor yang memiliki
dampak signiikan terhadap produktivitas adalah harga padi dan produktivitas pada tahun
sebelumnya, namun indeks harga pupuk, luas panen, dan curah hujan tidak berpengaruh
signiikan. Elastisitas penawaran beras dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang bersifat
inelastis sehingga penawaran padi tidak responsif terhadap perubahan harga gabah. Formulasi
implikasi manajerial terdiri dari implikasi prosedural dan implikasi kebijakan. Implikasi
prosedural termasuk penggunaan transplanter, sistem jajar legowo, penggunaan pupuk
dalam 6 cara benar dilengkapi dengan plot demonstrasi. Implikasi kebijakannya disusun

oleh kebijakan harga dan non-harga. Kebijakan harga ditunjukkan oleh biaya barang yang
terjual yang didukung oleh kerjasama antara petani dan BULOG dan penggunaan pemanen
gabungan. Kebijakan non-harga diwujudkan dengan meningkatnya indeks tanam dan
transformasi lahan basah menjadi permukiman.
Kata Kunci : elastisitas, implikasi manajerial, harga, padi, respon penawaran


by the width of the wetland but also the

Food is the most basic requirements

large of population which are relied on

for human resources of a nation. Food

agriculture for livelihood (BPS, 2015). The

security requiresavailability of food in

problems are luctuation of productivityand

suficient quantity and quality, distribution

declining of land area harvested from 2010

ways in affordable prices and food safety.

until 2013.

Food safety means they are safe to be

The rapid growth of the population

consumed for people to support their daily

of Kediri demands the availability of

activities.(Purwantini, et al., 2002).

rice on a local scale. Kediri government

East Java is one of the cetral of rice

should achieve food security and food

productions and contribute for national

self-sufficiency. One way to make it

spare. East Java is able to supply more than

happened is to make agriculture on the top

17 percent of national rice and provides

priority in development plan. Food security

rice for 15 others provinces through Bulog

can be done by some programs such as

(Deptan Jatim, 2014). In order to strengthen

the intensification of seeds, balanced

food security towards national food self-

fertilization, pest and disease control, and

suficiency, the government of East Java

utilizing marginal land.

province focuses on excalation production

The expansion can not be done easily

of staple food crops. One of them is paddy.

because one of the main characteristics

Kediri is the one of rice crops,

of agricultural products is the lag time

especially paddy in Jawa Timur. In the

between planting and harvesting which

other hand, Kediri is supported not only

is called as gestation period. The results

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016


obtained by farmers based on estimation

will make decisions on production and

of future periods and their experiences

business activities.

in the past. When a commodities price

Hutaharuk (1996) showed a response

of agriculture increase at a certain time,

to the price of rice acreage outside Java

the increase is not followed automatically

was greater than in Java that indicated

by productivity and areal increasing. It is

that there were any limitations acreage in

beacuse resource allocation decisions have

Java. Response acreage outside Java was

been set at the previous time. The farmers’

responsive to the price of rice. It showed

responses occurred after the time difference

that price increasing wasfollowed by an

(lag) as the impact of changes in input

increase in acreage. This was a reason for

prices, output, and government policies.

farmers to plant the commodity. The price

If the price is estimated higher, farmers

was so important for the consideration of

will continue their ways and change their

farmers in planting a particular commodity.

ways at the next period by altering the

The problem of this research were: 1)

composition of the resource, so that in the

the factors that affect in response harvest

short term price elasticity is inelastic.

area; 2) factors that affect the response of

Improvement and sustainability of

productivity; 3) Paddy supply-elasticity

rice production is largely determined by the

in Kediri; 4) To describe the magerial

farmer’s participation in the government’s

impication of supply response result.

programs. Efforts to increase production

Then the study was conducted in

will not be achieved if farmers do not

order to: 1) determine the factors that affect

give any supports for the programs. In

the response harvest area and productivity;

this condition, farmers is the critical

2) determine the elasticity of supply of

success factos of agricultural production

paddy in Kediri, both short term or long

improvement program so goverment needs

term; 3) Determine magerial implication

to run incentif systems for those who

of supply response.

increase production sucessfully.
Farmer decisions in allocating


resources, whether land, labor, and funds for

The basic method which was used

a variety of land-use options is determined

in this research was quantitative (statistic

by the response of farmers to price,

descriptive analysis and statistic inferential

government policies and other factors.

analysis) and qualitative. Qualitative

Supply response research determines the

method is a research methode based on

success of the price increase in production

positivisme, which is used to describe a

in Kediri, because in the end farmers who

natural object (Sugiyono, 2014). In this


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

research, the method is applied to know


manajerial implication from paddy supply


response. Method for determining the

HRGt = grain price in t year(Rp/Kg)

location was purposive method, that was

indeksHRGPPKt= fertilizer price index



= rainfallin t-year(mm/th)


= harvest area in the previous

The data used in this research was

= harvest area in t-year (ha)

secondary data. Data were collected
annually from 1992 to 2015.To guess the

year (Ha)

= harvest area in the previous 2

harvest area response and productivity
response, the resarche used the grain

years (Ha)

= harvest area in the previous 3

price, fertilizer price index, harvest

years (Ha)

area, productivity, and rainfall.All of


data related to rupiah were delated by

b1,..,b6 = coeficient of regression

= error

the consumer price index by using the
base year 2007. Delation was needed

To facilitate the estimation using OLS,

to eliminate external factors, such as

the response equation harvest area was

inlation. The data were taken from Badan

transformed into a linear form as follows:

Pusat Statistik Kediri, Dinas Pertanian

LnAt = Lnb0 + b1LnHRGt +

Kediri, and BULOG Kediri. Both primary

b2indeksHRGPPKt + b3LnCHt+ b4

data and indepth interview were used

LnAt-1 + b5LnAt-2 + b6LnAt-3 + ut

in this research in which agriculture
departement, rice miller, and farmers

2. Productivity Response

as the subject of research. To determine
the factors that affect the response,
partial model Nerlovedeveloped by Marc

Partial adjustment models for
productivity response in this study as
follows :

Nerlove was adapted.The rearch used
harvest area response and productivity


= d0 + d1HRGt + d2 indeksHRGPPKt
+ d3CHt + d4At + d5Yt-1 + ut

response approach and regression
1. Harvest Area Response
Partial adjustment models for harvest



area response in this study as follows:

= b0 + b1HRGt + b2 indeksHRGPPKt +
b3CHt+ b4At-1 + b5At-2 + b6At-3+ ut

= paddy productivity in t-year

HRGt = grain price in t-year (Rp/kg)
indeksHRGPPKt= fertilizer price index

= rainfall in t-year (mm/th)

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

= harvest area in t-year (Ha)


= paddy productivity previous

Supply elasticity deals can be
formulated as follows :

year (kw/ha)


ԐP = ԐYP + ԐAP (1+ԐYA)

= error

d1,..,d6 = coeficient of regression
To fulil the estimation with OLS,
then the response equation productivitywas
transformed into a linear form as follows:


= supply response commodity,


= productivity elasticity to the


= area elasticity to the price, and


= productivity elasticity to the

LnYt = Lnd0 + d1LnHRGt +

harvest area.

d2indeksHRGPPKt + d3LnCHt +
d4LnAt + d5LnYt-1 + ut

3. To know managerial implication
To ind the managerial implication,

To analyze the supply elasticity
of short-term and long-term used the
following formula:
Elasticity area on output prices in the
short term (ԐAP ( sr )) and long term (ԐAP(
lr)) on the average value and the price of
each area were :
(ԐAP(sr)) = b1 (P/A)
(ԐAP(lr)) = (ԐAP(sr)) /(1-b4)
Elasticity of short-term productivity
of each of the output price (ԐYP (sr)) and
area (ԐYA(sr)) were :
(ԐYP(sr)) = d1(P/Y) dan (ԐYA(sr)) =
Long-term elasticity of output and
productivity on the price of harvest areas
(ԐYP(lr)) = (ԐYP(sr))/(1-d5) dan
(ԐYA(lr)) = (ԐYA(sr))/(1-d5)

we used:
a. Data reduction, the methode which
guided us to concern in choosing,
focusing, abstaracting, and also
transforming row-noticed data.
b. Data arranged in a logic way so that the
conclusion could be showed.
c. Conclusion was stated to ind the data

1. Researsch Area Describtion
The total area of Kediriare 138 605
hectares and divided into 26 districts
scattered from the slopes of Mount Kelud
to the west,splited by the Brantas River
up to the slopes of Mount Wilis.There are
many rivers or natural channel, where the
fairly large water discharges and lows
throughout the year. Ground water of
these rivers is exploited by people for


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

daily needs and irrigation before it reachs

2. Supply Response Analysis

Brantas river.

a. Harvest Area Response

In the structure of the economy

The results of the analysis of the

Kediri, agriculture still had an important

factors that affect the harvest area were

role. Agriculture sector contributedabout

presented in Table 1.

26.94 percent and came as the irst position

The value of F arithmetic was 2.639

among all sectors to the GDP in 2014.

with a probability of 0.063. The value

Contribution of the agricultural sector was

was signiicant with an error rate of 10%.

dominant and absorbent employment in

The results showed that all independent

this sector was high enogh, the agricultural

variables (the price of grain, fertilizer

sector is still the prominentsector for its

price index, rainfall, the harvest area in the

economic condition.

previous year, harvest area in the previous 2

Kediri is known as one of the

years, and the harvest area in the previous

agricultural center in East Java province with

3 years) had significant effect on the

an area of 47.786 hectares paddy ields and

dependent variable (harvest area).

90.819 hectares areothers. In 2014, Kediri

R2 values of 0.53 or 53% indicated

tried hard to extense farm area to anticipate

that independent variables such as the price

its declining.As a result, the area of wetland in

of grain, fertilizer price index, rainfall,

the year increased by 0.14 percent. Although

harvest area in the previous year, harvest

the increase there were a few, but such efforts

area in the previous 2 years, and the harvest

should be continued to improve. It also need

area in the previous 3 years gave effect

any appreciationsto suceed food security.

of 53% the harvest area, while 47% were

The decline in rice production in 2014
was caused by irrigation possibilities that

influenced by other factors outside the

already need to be repaired and upgraded, the

Signiicance test of the regression

harvest area was decreasing, and pests (BPS,

coeficient or t test in the study was held

2015). As a result, stems and grains of rice

by looking at the α value stated in the

which were produced no longer contained

column probability (prob.). and analyzed

solid, and a decrease in harvested area of

coeficient regression to determine short

195 ha or 0.38 percent. In 2014 Purwoasri,

term and long-term elasticity which

Plemahan and Kandangan district werethe

variables inluenced the harvest area. In

biggest three which contributued much in

the short-term elasticity changes to long-

rice production in Kediri. Beside that, districts

term elasticity there was the time to make

with a high production were in Kunjang,

adjustments or referred to the adjustment

Badas, Papar and Plosoklaten.

coeficient (δ). Adjustment coeficient (δ)

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016


Table 1. Results of regression test harvest area
Ln C
Ln Grain Price
Ln Fertilizer price index
Ln Rainfall
Ln Harvest area in the previous year
Ln Harvest area in the previous 2 years
Ln Harvest area in the previous 3 years




F hit= 2.639Prob = 0.063
R2 = 0.530

Source : Secondary data, 2016 (calculated)

= signiicant in error 1%


= signiicant in error 15%


= signiicant in error 10%

derived from 1-regression of coeficients

indicated the short-term elasticity means

harvest area in the previous year (1-b4At-1),

that if the harvest area in the previous year

that was 0.567.

increase 1 %, the harvest area in the current

Table 2 showed the elasticity of short-

year will increase by 0.433 %. In the short

term and long-term variables inluencing

term elasticity was inelastic which means

the harvest area.

that changes in harvest area in the previous
year larger than the harvest area. Long-term

Table2. Elasticity of short-term and longterm variables influencing the
harvest area
Ln Harvest
area in the
previous year


Long Term

elasticity of 0.763, which means was inelastic
too, if the harvest area in the previous year
increase 1%, the harvest area now would
increase by 0.763 %. The elasticity could be
seen in Table 2.


Source: Secondary data, 2016 (calculated)

Factors that had no sidnniicant effect
were grain price, fertilizer price index,
rainfall, harvest area in the previous 2 years,
and harvest area in the previous 3 years. The

Factors that affect the harvest area was

grain price were not statistically signiicant

the harvest area in the previous year with

effect on the harvest area.According to Lipsey

marked positive and regression coeficient
0.433, signiicant at the 1 % error rate. Value

(1995) in Oktavianto (2009), the relationship


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

between the price of a commodity by the

of fertilizer decrease, farmers can not add

amount of the offer was positive, so the

acreage because of limited land. This also

higher the price of a commodity, the greater

happens with rainfall does not affect the

the amount of the commodity supplied,

harvest area. Increases or decreases in

and ceteris paribus. In this study were not

rainfall does not make farmers increase or

statistically correspond to the theory, this

decrease the acreage because of limited land.

is caused by the increase or decrease price

The harvest area in the previous 2 years

of grain does not make getting up or down

had no signiicant effect on the harvest area.

harvest area because doing extending very

It showed harvest area in the previous 2 years

dificult in the area of research. Beside that,

did not increase harvest area. The harvest area

the area in Kediri islikely to decline due to

in the previous 3 years had no signiicant

land conversion to residential.

effect on the harvest area.

The price index of fertilizer had
no signiicant effect on the harvest area.

b. Productivity Reponse

Subsidized fertilizer urea is a major fertilizer

The results of the analysis of the

in rice cultivation. In real condition the

factors that affected the productivity

increase or decrease in fertilizer prices

response were presented in Table 3.

will not make farmers reduce or increase

The test results F, R2, and the mean

acreage.In the research area, rice planting

of the regression model were shown in table

season has been scheduled so when prices

3. The value of F arithmetic amounted to

Table 3. Result of regression test of productivity
Ln C
Ln Grain Price
Ln Fertilizer price index
Ln Rainfall
Ln Harvest area
Ln Productivity in the previous year


F hit= 11.331Prob = 0.000
R2 = 0.769

Source: Secondary data, 2016 (calculated)

= signiicant in error 1%


= signiicant in error 5%


= signiicant in error 10%





Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016


11.331 with a probability of 0.000. The value

Factors that significantly affected

was signiicant with an error rate of 1%. The

productivity was the grain price, harvest area

results showed that all independent variables

and productivity in the previous year. The

(price of grain, fertilizer price index, rainfall,

price of grain was statistically signiicant

harvest area, and productivity in the previous

effect on the productivity with marked positive

year) had signiicant effect on the dependent

and regression coeficient 0.037, signiicant

variable (productivity). R2 values of 0.769 or

at 5% error level. This value indicated the

76.9% indicated that independent variables

short-term elasticity means that if the grain

such as price of grain, fertilizer price index,

prices increase 1%, the productivity current

rainfall,harvest area, and the productivity in

year will increase by 0.037%. In the long

the previous year had the effect of 76.9%

term elasticity was 0.0748, if the grain prices

the productivity response, while 23.1% were

increase 1% the productivity increased by

inluenced by other factors outside the model.

0,0748%. In the short term and long termprice

Signiicance test of the regression

of grain inelastic, that means the change in

coeficient or t test in the study was held by

productivity greater than the real grain prices.

looking at the α value stated in the column

Nevertheles the increase grain prices made

probability (prob.). and analyzed coeficient

farmers more intensive to manage rice crops

regression to determine short term and long-

in ields.

term elasticity which variables inluencing

Productivity in the previous year

the productivity response.Adjustment

affectedstatistically signiicant with a positive

coeficient (δ) derived from 1-regression

regression coefficient of 0.50in 1% error

of coeficients productivity in the previous

level. It showed every 1% productivity in

year (1-b5Yt-1), that was 0.498.

the previous year could increase productivity

Table 4 showed the elasticity of short-

0.50% in the short term.In the long term

term and long-term variables inluencing

each 1% of productivity in the previous year

the productivity.

would increase 1,009% productivity (Table
4). Increased productivity in the previous year

Table4. Elasticity of short-term and longterm variables influencing the
Grain Price
in the
previous year

Short term

Long term



Source: Secondary data, 2016 (calculated)

made farmers more intensive to improve the
productivity of rice.
Factors that had no signiicant effect
werefertilizer price index, rainfall and harvest
area. Fertilizer price index did not signiicantly
affect to the productivity and negative market.
The increase in fertilizer price index did not
reduce the productivity of rice. It showed


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

that farmers would continue to produce rice

Table 5 showed that elasticity of

as possible as the increasing or decreasing in

harvest area to grain price was inelastic,

fertilizer prices. For farmers, fertilizer was the

0.0009 for the short term and 0.0016 for the

most important requirement of rice so that the

long term. The analysis showed that if the

price increase caused nothing.Rainfall was

prices increase by 100%, it would increase

also not signiicant effect and positive marked.

the harvest areaof 0.09% in the short term

It showed that increasing rainfall did not

and 0.16 % in the long term. Elasticity of

increasing productivity. Water requirements

productivity on the prices was inelastic for

for rice cultivation in the study area was illed

the short term that is 0.012 and 0.026 for

by irrigation, mostly taken from the Brantas

the long term. If the prices increase 100%,

River . When rainfall is low, farmers will use

it would increase productivity 1.2% for

the irrigation so that the decline in rainfall

the short term and 2.6% for the long term.

did not affect the productivity. Harvest area

Research conducted by Leo (2000), the

statistically had no signiicant effect on the

elasticity of harvest area and productivity

productivity of rice. According to Kepala

response of the rice price in Java was also

Dinas Pertanian Kediri, condition does not

inelastic both short term and long term.

occur in this research because extensiication

Productivity elasticity to the prices

can only be done in marginal areas and needs

was greater than the elasticity harvest

some adapatation techniques.

area to the prices, in the short term and
long term. It showed that the contribution

c. Supply Elasticity

of increased production due to increased

Supply elasticity results were

productivity was greater than the increase

shown in Table 5, which included elasticity

in harvest area. Increased productivity is

area, productivity, and supply.

done with the use of improved seed that
has a high yield.

Table 5. Area Elasticity, Productivity, dan
Paddy Supplyin Kediri
Harvest area
on prices
on prices
on harvest



0,0009 0,0016 Inelastic
0,0126 0,0268 Inelastic

Elasticity productivity to the harvest
area was elastic, 4.72 in the short term and
10.04 in the long term (Table 5). Table 5
showed that the increase in the harvest area
of 100 % would increase productivity by 472
% in the short term and 100.4 % in the long

4,7212 10,0452 Elastic

term. Although it was elastic, increasing area

0,0731 0,2981 inelastic

the study area of the narrow and converted

Source: Secondary data, 2016 (calculated)

was dificult because the condition of land in
into a settlement.

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016


Paddy supply elasticity in Kediri was

to sell to middlemen because farmers get

inelastic, 0.073 in the short term and 0,298 in

cash immediately without delay. BULOG

the long term. It can be argued that the change

uptakes in minimal quantity .Based onRice

of supply not responsive to changes in the

Productivity Index coeficient, BULOG only

price of grain. If the price increase 100%, the

absorbs below 70% of global production

supply would increase by 6.6% in the short

produced by Farmer (Citra Indonesia,2015).

term and 19.9% in the long term .

Besides that, Firdaus (2008)

Paddy supply elasticity was less

mentioned that agricultural commodities

responsive because farmers could not

was seasonal and dependent on nature.

immediately adjust their production activities

Seasonal nature of agricultural commodities

in response to price increasing because

made farmers less responsive to the price.

farmers will adjust price forecasts in the future

The higher prices raisesafter the harvest

in the form of the difference between the

time. Kediri planting pattern is paddy at the

estimated proportion with the reality. Gujarati

irst season and followed by other crops.

(2005) , mentioned three main reasons
underlying it, namely 1) psychological; 2)

Table 6. Respondents percentage.

technical; and 3) institutional.


Psychologically farmers were often


reluctant to make changes because it
is generally fixed on the old traditions.
Technically, the agricultural production
process needs lag time in between planting
and harvesting. Similarly, the introduction


of new production techniques requires time
to be adopted by farmers and growers adapt
new production techniques before it could
eventually increase the production.
Institutional change could not
happened because there were rules, such
as the existence of a contractual agreement
binding on production time. Farmers in
Kediri sell their grain in the middleman
with the prices below the loor price set by
goverment. Though BULOG provides grain
prices above the base price, but farmers prefer




The widht of
width of area dificult to
- Limited area
to be rented.
- Housing
- The price
did not give
some effect
to change the
kind of plant.
- The price
gave no
effect in term
of the wide o
planting area.
Fertilizer The luctuation
of fertilizer
price did not
affect farmers
to change their
plant and also
give no effect
in the width of
farming area.






Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

So, the price-response of paddy happened

beire The jajar legowo system was compared

after the other crops harvested.

with tanam tegel system—the conventional
system one. This note was used in evaluatin

3. Managerial implication

meeting in farmers organization.

Mnagerial implicationis divide into

The fertilizer price index did not

two terms : procedural implication and

signiicantly give effect in widht area and

policy implication. Procedural implication

productivity. So the additional subsidized

relates to the way and procedur in increasing

fertilizer was no need to do. To make sure

the rice production. Policy implication

that the fertilizer was proper enough, the

is the right policy to motivate farmers in

soil test should be taken to konow that the

increasing production result.

use of fertilizer was in a right kind, in a

Table 6 showed the result of indepth

right way, in a right time, and also in a right


matter. The demonstartion plot was neede

a. Implikasi Prosedural

to show that the right use of fertilizer colud

Respondents stated that

lead us into the high productivity.

extensification manner by increasing
farming area was imposible (Table 6).

b. Policy implication

Respondents said that there were so many

The main objectives of Policy

farm area which was repalced into the

implication was to make the productivity

housing area. Extensiication could be done

higher and harvest area getting wider. The

by renting the farm area but there wre a few

policy impplied in price and non price

chance to rent because the land owner was


less than those who wante to rent.

Rice harvest index was the solution

Intensiication process was used by

of non-price policy. Harvest index was the

getting the wider farm to increase produtivity.

average of harvesting produced in a year.

Jajar legowo and the using of transplanter

Farmers planted rice in twice or ifth times

were used in Kediri to support intensiication

in a year because water irigation was served

system. In the other case, some farmers did not

properly. Departement of agriculture and

follow thistechnology because they assumed

farmers organization made a regulation in

that their conventional way of farming was

planting pattern to ind the certain harvest

beneficially enough. Some demotration


plots were build by using transplanter and

The location which was choosen

jajar legowo system and the harvest index

as the demontration plot to get a higher

signiicantly higher. Others things whih was

harvest index were: (a) The planting time

important to do was recording the production

was more than 12 months and equally with

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016


fourth season; (b) The water irigation was

previous year with the positive marked.

available a year long; (c) Each farming

Grain price, fertilizer price index,

activites was held quic and fast and

rainfall, harvest area in the previous 2

overlapped in some process; and (d) The

year and 3 year had no signiicant effect.

rice was plated in the same times.

Harvest area afected significant and

Brantas river was the source of Kediri

caused positive effect; productivity in

water irrigation but to deliver the water

the previous year afected signiicant and

to farm, the legal regulation and social

caused negative in productivity response,

regulation were needed.

but fertilizer price index and rainfall

Other policy was also needed to

had no signiicant effect. Supply paddy

state the regulation in replacing farm into

elasticity in short term and long term

another function such as housing and

is inelastic which means supply paddy

industrial area. All of this was regulated in

unresponsive on grain price.

UU num. 41 2009.

Procedural implication which was

Price policy is done by increasing grain

choosen in this way was to arrange jajar

price When government attempt to increase

legowo planting system, to use fertilizer

the price of rice, the productivity will higher

in certain doze and to build a laboratorium

because farmers will more interesting in

ield as this demonstartion plot. Non-price

their farm activities. They know that they

implication was applied by increasing

will gain the higher beneit. The price policy

rice plant index and regulating 0ver land

was regulated in Inpres Number 5 2015 by

function. The price imlication could be

determining the grain price.

followed with increasing the rice price

The use of rice corporation as the

and binding a good linkage with BULOG.

center of rice market was also a good policy

Suggestion for this research are

to apply. Farmers, land owner, and everyone

1) to gain the significant variables

who had relationship in agriculture activity

which give effects in productivity and

were binded in this cooperate. In Kediri, the

harvest area, it needs the longer periods

agriculture cooperate has the same function

of research as its following research;

with farmers organization. To sell their rice

2) the policy in adding harvest area is

to BULOG, farmers organization hold an

more important than the policy related

important role.

to price intervention due to its impact
in productivity; 3) goverment should


apply both price policy and non price

Factors affected significantly

policy appropriately so that costumer and

harvest area response was harvest area in

farmers get the optimum beneit.


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 27/No. 1, Juni 2016

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