


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Zakiyah Novi Asri Reg. Number: A73212110










Asri, Zakiyah Novi. 2015. An Implicature Analysis of Motivating Words Used in Demi Lovato and One Direction’s Songs. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State of Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Muhammad Thoriqussuud, M.Pd

Key words: Implicature, Motivation, Song

This study is conducted to analyze the implicature of motivating words that is used in Demi Lovato and One Direction’s songs. There are two research problems in this study. First, what are the level of the hierarchy of motive in four of Demi Lovato’s songs and three of One Direction’s songs. Second, what are the implicature of motivating words used in four of Demi Lovato’s songs and three of One Direction’s songs. Those songs are Skyscraper, Let It Go, Warrior, This is Me, What Makes You Beautiful, Little Things and Drag Me Down.

In this study the writer used theories from Maslow (1970) of motivation and Grice (1975) of implicature. The writer found that there are 24 implicature of motivating words used on the seven songs. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this research, because the data consist of words instead of number.

The writer found the hierarchy of motive that occur in four Demi Lovato’s songs are sellf actualization, physiological, safety and esteem. Meanwhile in three One Direction’s songs are social needs, esteem, and self actualization. Then the researcher found the implicature on four Demi lovato’s songs are show about the girl who motivating herself. Then in three One Direction’s song the implicature show that the man is motivating his girl and being mootivated by his girl.



Asri, Zakiyah Novi. 2015. An Implicature Analysis of Motivating Words Used in Demi Lovato and One Direction’s Songs. Skripsi. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Muhammad Thoriqussuud, M.Pd

Kata Kunci: Implikature, Motivasi, Lagu

Studi ini membahas tentang implikatur yg terdapat dalam kata-kata motivasi yg di gunakan dalam lagu Demi Lovatodan One Direction. Terdapat dua pokok masalah dalam studi ini. Pertama, apakah tingkatan hierarchy motivasi (kebutuhan) yg terdapat dalam empat lahu Demi Lovato dan tiga lagu One Direction. Kedua, apakah implikature dari kata-kata motivasai yg di gunakan dalam empat lagu Demi Lovato dan tiga lagu One Direction yaitu Skyscraper, Let It Go, Warrior, This is Me, What Makes You Beautiful, Little Things dan Drag Me Down.

Dalam studi ini penulis menggunakan theori dari Maslow (1970) untuk menganalisa kata-kata motivasi dan theori dari Grice (1975) untuk menganalisa implicature dari kata-kata motivasi tersebut. Penulis menemukan 24 kata-kata motivasi yg mengandung implicature didalam tujuh lagu tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, karena data-datanya banyak menggunakan kata dari pada angka.

Penulis menemukan hierarchy motivasi yang muncul di empat lagu Demi Lovato yaitu self actualization, physiological, safety dan esteem. Sementara itu di tiga lagu One Direction yaitu social needs, esteem dan self actualization. Kemudian peneliti menemukan implicature dalam empat lagu Demi Lovato menunjukkan tentang wanita yang memotivasi dirinya. Kemudian di tiga lagu One Direction implikaturnya menunjukkan bahwa lelaki dalam lagu tersebut memotivasi perempuannya dan juga termotivasi oleh perempuannya.




Inside Cover Page……… i

Inside Title Page……….. ii

Declaration ……….. iii

Advisor’s Approval ……… iv

Examiner’s Approval ………. v

Motto………... vi

Dedication ………... vii

Acknowledgement………... viii

Table of Content……….. ix

Abstract………... xi

Intisari……….. xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Backround of the Study………. 1

1.2 Problem of the Study………. 5

1.3 Objective of the Study………... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study……….. 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation………. 7

1.6 Definition of Key Terms……… 8

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Pragmatics..………... 9



2.2 Implicature……… 10

2.3 Conventational Implicature….………. 11

2.4 Conversational Implicature……… 11

2.5 Cooperative Principle………. 13

2.6. Motivation………. 17

2.7 Previous Study………... 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design……… 24

3.2 Data and Data Source…….……… 24

3.3 Research Instrument………... 25

3.4 Data Collection……… 26

3.5 Data Analysis……….. 26


4.2 Discussion ……… 65


5.2 Suggestion ………. 69





This chapter discusses about some points related to the introduction in the thesis. The points include background of study, problems of the research, objectives of the research, significance of the research, scope and limitation of the research, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Song is poem set to music, intended to be sung, it also the combination of words or lyrics and the musical instrument. In other hand song is also a short importance given to the music and to the words, written in one or several voices, performed with instrument accompaniment (The Oxford Learner Dictionary). Lyrics in songs are not only the arrangement of words into sentences, but also the interpretations of the song writers intention to describe their feeling, such as: motivation, love, struggle, trouble, jealous, peace and so on. There are some messages sent by the singer or the song writers to the listener with specific content in song lyrics. The song’s lyric indeed always have a theme as in poem to show the central idea, topic, or point of the works and they also have the meaning behind the entire story. Meanwhile theme is basic idea of the written text or an image created. It is the author`s central or general idea reflecting on the public.

The lyric of song became a way of communicating, many people experience songs coming on the radio or television at the appropriate time and usually what people experience are same with the song. Sometimes in



communication process, people have their language choice to express what they want to show. Holmes quoted by Haryanto (1993:2) explains that people choose their words carefully according to whom they are talking to. Because of their language choice, people use different language. In order to understand the meaning of the language we need to learn about linguistic so we can know the reason why people use those language.

In linguistics, a study about language which analyzes both spoken and written text is called discourse analysis. According to Paltridge (2006:2) quoted by Wahyu, discourse analysis is an analysis which focuses on knowledge about language beyond the word, clause, phrase and sentence that is needed for successful communication. Meanwhile communication is called success if the hearer understands the aim of what the speaker said. According to Brown and Yule (1983:27) discourse analysis is describing what speakers and hearers are doing, and not the relationship which exists between one sentence or proposition and another.

Aspects of language use that are discussed in the area of discourse analysis are also discussed in pragmatics that discusses about meaning of language. Pragmatic is concerned with how the interpretation of language depends on knowledge of the real world. In other hand pragmatic is interested in what people mean by what they say, rather than what words in their most literal sense might mean by themselves (Paltridge, 2007).

In pragmatics, the study about intended meaning is explained in implicature. Grice’s work on implicature has provide a useful framework for



thinking about this important contribution to meaning by emphasizing the distinction between conventional and understood meanings, and sketching out a set of communicative principles through which understood meanings might be derived on the basis of conventional meanings. A critical feature of Grice’s conception of conversational implicatures is the notion that they are calculable (Sedivy, 2007). Implicatures are a massive component of our everyday talk. It is very rare that will are fully explicit (Murphy, 2013).

Grice’s notion of conversational implicature requires that speaker meaning be calculable on the basis of sentence meaning, and presumptions about the speaker’s adherence to cooperative principles of conversation and the ability of the hearer to work out the speaker’s meaning. However, the actual real time consideration of cooperative principles by both the hearer and speaker runs up against severe temporal constraints during language processing (Julie, 2007).


Levinson claims that to account for generalized conversational implicature (GCI) (and other types of presumptive meanings, or preferred interpretations), it is necessary to distinguish a new level of utterance-type meaning from sentence-meaning and speaker-meaning (Green, 2000).

Furthermore, the implicit meaning of an utterance is able to produce by saying motivation in songs. Motivating words is the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something. The act or process of motivating someone, a force or influence that causes someone to do something.

Concerning to this study, the writer uses the songs as her source of data from the entire object such as movie, novel, poem, and etc, because song is one of



a good object of linguistic research. The song provides the language phenomena in its lyric such like motivation and implicature. The songs chosen by the writer are ever in Billboard chart song and the singers are famous and have many fans that most of them are woman so they can get motivation by listening to their songs. Those songs are “Skyscraper”, “Warrior”, “Let It Go”, “This Is Me” by Demi Lovato and “Drag Me Down”, “What Makes You Beautiful”, “Little Things” by One Direction. Those songs have a theme about woman in different way, One Direction describe how important and beautiful woman in their songs because woman easy to feel unconfident when people say a bad thing about herself and meanwhile Demi Lovato describe the struggle of woman when they got underestimate and bullying. In her life Demi Lovato got bullied by her friends in the school as fatty girl, bitch and ugly after that she got physical and emotional issue until she has an eating disorder and depression. Finally she decides to take rehabilitation after that she move on and give motivation to people through her songs.

Thus, this research is intended to analyze the motivating words on four of Demi Lovato’s song and three of One Direction’s songs because those songs have similar aim in motivating words. In order to analyze the motivating words the writer uses Maslow’s theory because this theory is very influential in psychology as theory of motivation. Wison (2006) stated that Abraham Maslow has had a significant impact in motivation theory, humanistic, psychology, and subsequently, adult learning in the workplace. According to Maslow the needs of human as motivator to make hierarchy, there are four types of needs that must be



satisfied before a person can act unselfishly. The needs are arranged in a hierarchical order. The upward climb is made by satisfying one set of needs at a time. The most basic drives are physiological. After that come the need for safety, then the desire for love, and then the quest for esteem.

This research fills the research gap from the previous research like in Xiaoliang Zhou (2013), a study more focused on implicature in drama. In the research, the researcher examined how implicature means for play. Meanwhile in attempts of investigating songs, Logan, Kositsky and Moreno (2004) did Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) to find out the polysemy and synonymy. So this research is analyze the songs by attempting to describe indirect meaning so we can know what the songs are about and also to know the motivating words through songs.

1.2 Problem of the Research

Based on the background stated above, this study is conducted to answer the following questions:

1. What are the level of the hierarchy of motive used in four of Demi Lovato’s songs and three of One Direction’s songs?

2. What are the implicatures of motivating words used in four of Demi Lovato’s songs and three of One Direction’s songs?



1.3 Objectives of the Research

In relation to the problems of the research is attempting to answer those problems. In other words, this study is aimed to:

1. To reveal the level of the hierarchy of motive used in four of Demi Lovato’s songs and three of One Direction’s songs

2. To describe the implicatures of motivating words used in four of Demi Lovato’s songs and three of One Direction’s songs

1.4 Significance of the Research

This research will be useful either theoretically or practically. The significance of this research as follows:

1. Theoretically

The writer expects this study will be able to contribute an understanding the reader’s knowledge how to investigate implicature in motivating words used on songs which to describe the function of implicature in motivating words and also the way of implicature in motivating words which occur in motivating words.

2. Practically

2.1For Researcher

The writer expects this research is able to be a reference to increase the knowledge understanding indirect meaning which usually exist in songs. Hence, the result at



this study is expected to help language learners in study of implicature.

2.2For Education

In education, the writer hopes this research is able to be uses as reference for the teachers of Indonesian language and letters who will be able to use for linguistic materials, especially to teach their students either formal or non-formal.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Research

As there are many working through about pragmatics, the writer makes limitation of discussion to assure the theme of thesis analysis. This research will discuss about implicatures in the four songs of Demi Lovato are “Skyscraper”, “Warrior”, “Let it go”, and “This is me” because those songs have some similarity and in some aspect can be connecting each other. Those songs are about woman who got bullied and underestimate until she become unconfident by herself then one day she move on fight for her life. Three songs of One Direction are “What makes you beautiful”, “Little things”, and “Drag Me Down” are songs that also have similarity

and about woman through man’s perspective. On those songs the woman

also feels unconfident with herself but there is men who cares and give her motivation to be brave realize that she is beautiful just the way she is.



From the topic that is chosen, the researcher focuses on the seven songs lyric of Demi Lovato and One Direction to clarify the problem above.

1.6 Definition of Key Term

1. Implicature is meaning behind the words or sentences that can referring something or conditions without directly expressing and have different meaning from the words literal meaning. It can be found in motivating words that usually use other words to imply something rather than use the directly words.

2. Motivating Words is the sentences or process of giving someone a reason for doing something and a force or influence that causes someone to do something. Usually by hearing the words we can get the motivation which we listen through song, that’s why most of the songs have motivating words. Furthermore, motivating word can be use to motivate our self and other people.




Literature review consists of some theories, and the previous study related to this study. The main purpose of the existence of literature review is to strengthen the arguments through some theories. In this chapter the literature review is divided in two general discussions. First, it is about the theory related to this study itself, and second, it is about the previous study inspiring of conducting this study.

2.1 Pragmatics

Pragmatic is a study that concern about meaning of the word or sentence which relating to the context in spoken and written. The contexts that include in pragmatics are social context, situational context, textual context, or background knowledge in context. According to Paltridge (2007:53) pragmatics assume that when people communicate with each other the normally follow some kind of co-operative principle, that is, they have a shared understanding of how they should co-operate in their communication. Meanwhile Yule (1996:3) state that pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by speaker and interpreted by a listener.

The advantage of studying language by using pragmatics is that we can talk about people’s intended meaning, their assumption, their purposes and also the kind of action. Therefore, pragmatics concerns about the function of language in communication and the speaker’s intention or meaning while stating the



utterances toward hearer. Meanwhile, in pragmatics, the study about intended meaning is explained in implicature.

2.2 Implicature

When the speaker and the hearer are doing successful communication it is mean there is no misunderstanding. It occurs if the hearer is able to catch what the speaker mean correctly. Understanding meaning of speaker’s utterance is not sufficient by using syntax and semantic since the meaning of an utterance is not only stated but it is also implied.

Implicature is the aspect of meaning that a speaker conveys, implies, or suggests without directly expressing. Grice (1975) in Brown and Yule (1983:31) the term „implicature’ is used to account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or mean, as distinct from what the speaker literally says. Grice (1975:43) was first introduced the term implicature whose makes two distinction between what is said by the speaker of a verbal utterance and what is implied. In other hand, Levinson (1981:98) in Wahyu adds the notion of implicature promises to bring the gap between what is literally said and what is actually said.

In implicature Grice distinguished two kind of implicature, those are conventional implicature and conversational implicature (nonconventional implicature). In conventional implicature, no particular context is required in order to get the implicature. Meanwhile, in conversational implicature are derived from a particular context.



2.3 Conventional Implicature

Conventional implicature is implicature that is part of a lexical item’s or expression’s agreed meaning, rather than derived from principles of language use, and not part of the condition for the truth of the item or expression (Levinson, 1983). The difference between conversational implicature and conventional implicature lies in the fact that what a speaker conventionally implicates by uttering a sentence is tied in some way to the timeless meaning of part of the sentence, whereas what a speaker conversationally implicates is not directly connected with timeless meaning.

Grice quoted by Murphy (1975:44) “in some cases the conventional meaning of the words used will determine what is implicated, besides helping to determine what is said. If I say (smugly), He is an Englishman; he is, therefore, brave, I have certainly committed myself, by virtue of the meaning of my words, to its being the case that his being brave is a consequence of (follow from) his being an Englishman”. This implies a consequence link between the two sentences. Grice makes it clear that what a speaker conventionally implicates by uttering a sentence is part of what the speaker means in uttering it, and that it is also closely connected to what the sentence means.

2.4 Conversational Implicature

Conversational implicature are pragmatic inferences: unlike entailments and presuppositions, they are not tied to the particular words and phrases in an utterance but arise instead from contextual factors and the understanding that



conventions are observed in conversation. The theory of conversational implicatures is attributed to Paul Herbert Grice, who observed that in conversations what is meant often goes beyond what is said and that this additional meaning is inferred and predictable. According to Paltridge (2006:70) conversational implicature refers to the inference a hearer makes about a speaker’s intended meaning that arises from their use of the literal meaning of what the speaker said, the conversational principle and its maxim.

Of much greater interest to the discourse analyst is the notion of conversational implicature which is derived from a general principle of conversation plus a number of maxim which speaker will normally obey (Brown and Yule, 1983:31). To working out a conversational implicature, the hearer will rely on the following data: (1) The conventional meaning of the words used, together with the identity of a reference that may be involved. (2) The cooperative principle and its maxims. (3) The context, linguistic or otherwise, of the utterance. (4) Other items of background knowledge. (5) The fact (or supposed fact) that all relevant items falling under the previous headings are available to both participants and both participants know or assume this to be the case (Grice, 1975:50).

Grice introduce a distinction between two types of conversational implicature, those are Particularized implicatures and Generalized implicatures. Paltridge (2007:71) states that most implicatures in fact, are particularized conversational implicature. Particularized conversational implicatures, however, are derived from a particular context, rather than from the use of the words alone.



In other hand Levinson (1983:126) defines Generalized conversational implicatures occur without reference to any particular features of the context. In other words, special background knowledge or inferences are not required in calculating the additional conveyed meaning.

Paltridge states in Wahyu that implicature can be created in one of three ways.

1. A maxim of cooperative principle can be followed in a straightforward way and the hearer implicates what the speaker intends.

2. A maxim of cooperative principle might also be flouted because of a clash with another maxim.

3. A maxim of cooperative principle might be flouted in a way that exploits a maxim.

Therefore, flouting a maxim of cooperative principles is as a way to produce conversational implicature.

2.5 Cooperative Principle

When the hearers and the speakers speak cooperatively and mutually accept one another to be understood in a particular way successful communication occurs. The way in which people try to make conversation work is called the Cooperative Principle.

Grice (1975) in Paltridge (2007:61) argues that in order for a person to interpret someone else says, some kind of cooperative principle must be assumed



to be in operation. People assume, he argued, that there is a set of principles which direct us to a particular interpretation of what someone says, unless we receive some indication to the contrary. Grice (1975:45) states “make your conversational contribution such as is required, as the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or the direction of the talk exchange which you are engaged”. In other word, cooperative principle must be assumed to be in interaction in order for person to interpret what someone said is appropriate with the speaker said.

In order to fulfill the cooperative principle, Grice divides cooperative principle into four basic conversational maxims.

1. Maxim of Quantity (informativeness)

Maxim of quantity is primarily concerned with giving information as it is required and not giving the contribution more informative than is required. Below are the examples of an utterance that obeys the maxim of quantity and one that violates the maxim:

Example of obeying: A: Where are you going? B: I’m going to the post office.

In the example, B gives comments to A’s statement without adding other information.

Example of disobeying / violation: A: Are you going to work tomorrow?



B: I am on jury duty, but I’ll have to go to the doctor in the evening. I have asked the manager for permission.

In this example, B’s reply violates maxim of quantity because B does not give information as required by A like yes or no. Instead, B gives more information which is not required or expected at all.

2. Maxim of Quality (truthfulness)

Maxim of quality purposes that the speakers should only say what they believe to be true and have the evidence. Below are the examples of the utterance that obeys the maxim of quality and that one violates the maxim:

Example of obeying:

A: Why did you come late last night?

B: The car was broken down

In t he example, B gives the truth that his car was broken down so that he came late.

Example of disobeying / violation:

A: The Teheran’s in Turkey, isn’t bob?

B: And London’s in America I suppose.

In the example, B’s reply is supposed to suggest that A is incorrect and B violates the maxim of quality.



3. Maxim of Relation (relevance)

Maxim of relation required the speaker to be relevant. The utterance of the speaker must be relevant with the topic discussed. Below are the examples of utterance that obeys the maxim of relevance and that one violates the maxim:

Example of obeying:

A: Where is my box of chocolates?

B: It is in your room.

In the example, B’s reply relates to the question, not talking about something else. Example of disobeying / violation

A: Where’s my box of chocolates?

B: I don’t know mine either.

In the example B’s answer is not relevant to A’s question. B says something else which is not about A’s problem at all.

4. Maxim of Manner (perspicuity)

Maxim of manner requires the speaker to avoid obscurity of expression, ambiguity and demands the speaker to be brief and orderly. Below are the examples of utterance that obeys the maxim of manner and that one violates the maxim:



Example of obeying:

A: Where was Andi yesterday?

B: Andi went to the store and bought some coke.

In the example, B’s answer obeys the manner maxim: be orderly, because she gives a clear explanation where A was.

Example of disobeying / violation:

A: Why was he arrested?

B: He stole the money from the bank.

In the example B’s statement is ambiguous. It can be interpreted that B didn’t steal the money which is stored in the bank. He had gone the bank first and he stole the money in another place. Another interpretation is that he stole the money stored in the bank. He got the money by robbing the bank.

2.6 Motivation

Motivation is the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something and also a force or influence that causes someone to do something. Furthermore, motivation involves a constellation of beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions that are all closely related.

According to Lai (2011) in her research report, motivation refers to reasons that underlie behavior that is characterized by willingness and volition. Intrinsic motivation is animated by personal enjoyment, interest, or pleasure,



whereas extrinsic motivation is governed by reinforcement contingencies. Motivation involves a constellation of closely related beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions. Meanwhile, Lahey (2007:365) stated the term motivation refers to an internal state that activates and gives direction to our thoughts.

In other hand, Dirguanarsa in Sobur (2003:270-271) states motive in psychology means stimulating, urge (motivate) or something that cause an action and it is called “motivation act”. That act happen because of needs and aim to a goal, so the need is fulfilled and the desire is satisfied. Motive is not only a physic urge but also orientation cognitive elementary those purpose to satisfaction of needs, which is why there is a central concept in psychology called “Needs”.

We have touched on only a few of the human motives, but it’s already obvious that we are creatures of many and variety needs. Abraham Maslow (1970) put forward an interesting theory about our many motive. According to Maslow, we are not a crazy-quilt confusion of motives; rather, our motives are organized in a hierarchy arranged from the most basic to the most personal and advanced (Lahey, 2007:379). In motivation there is hierarchy of motive (needs), Mashlow hierarchy of motives in which the needs at the bottom are the most urgent and need to be satisfied before attention can be paid to the others. According to Maslow’s theory, there are five levels of need that must be satisfied before a person can act unselfishly. The needs are arranged in a hierarchical order. The upward climb is made by satisfying one set of needs at a time. The most basic drives are physiological. After that come the need for safety, then the desire for love, and then the quest for esteem. Note the softening of terminology used to



describe the move up the ladder. We’re driven to satisfy the lower needs, but we’re drawn to meet the higher ones (Alex Sobur, 2003). Maslow's hierarchy of needs categories is the most famous and to make it clearer the writer put it in table:

self-actualization Esteem

Belongingness Safety


The needs here are in the order of importance in life.

Physiological needs: this are needs which according to Abraham, consist of the basic need of life such as food, shelter, clothing, rest, water. They are the first level of needs for human in life, without which it would be difficult for man to live. Thus failure to satisfy this need will make an individual locked up in that level, but ability to satisfy this need will make an individual move to the next level of needs which is safety and security.

Safety and security: These needs according to Abraham are security from physical attacks, protection from danger. Basically they are the need to know that you are physically protected and your job is secured. According to Abraham once this



needs are satisfied they no longer motivate you instead the next level of need keeps motivating the individual.

Social needs: it is the need to interact and mix up freely with people and have a warmly relationship with people, it also include the need to belong to an organization. After this according to Abraham the next motivating need is esteem needs.

Esteem need: this need is egoistic in nature, it consist of needs such as prestige, status and achievements. That is, it is a need where people want to be recognised wherever they are. They are basically needs for self respect and being valued by others. After this the next is level of needs which continues to motivate the individual is self actualization.

Self actualization: this is similar to becoming what one wishes to become in life, this is a feeling of satisfaction, and it is a feeling that you have done a good job and totally achieved your objectives positively. This however is a difficult stage to achieve; even so Abraham argued that everybody is capable of attaining self actualization. Therefore considering the views and augment under Abraham Maslow level of needs money does not motivate.

2.7 Previous Study

The writer uses four research papers consist of two theses, one journal and one article which correlate with implicature and song to develop her thesis.



1. Research by Rudy Haryanto (2008) entitled “A Pragmatic Analysis of Praise Expression Used in English Love Songs”.

The study focuses on analyzing song using the theory of implicature. The problems of this study are what are the forms of praise expression used in English Love Songs and what are the implicature.

The different between Haryanto’s research and the writer’s are located

in the object that is being analyzed. The researcher only focus on English loves

song without focusing on certain singer. However, the writer chooses the object

with two certain singers who have similarity and theme in their songs.

2. Research by Adhi Hangga Nurzani (2015) entitled “A Pragmatic Analysis of Conversational Implicature in English Zone Coursebook for Senior High School Students Year XI”.

The study focus on analyzing English coursbook using the theory of implicature. The problems of this study are identifying the types of conversational implicature that is used in English Zone Coursebook for senior high school year XI and describing the implied meanings of the conversational implicature that is used in English Zone Coursebook for senior high school year XI.

The different between Nurzani’s research and the writer’s are located in the theory that is being applied. The researcher used conversational implicature proposed by Yule and Levinson and the theory of cooperative principle proposed by Grice. However, the writer only focuses on implicature that shows in songs.



3. Journal by Xiaoliang Zhou (2013) entitled “Implicature: A Significant Feature in Liu Mazi’s Lines in Lao She’s Cha Guan”.

This journal discussed about implicature that show in drama. The aims are to find out the significance of implicature as a feature in the lines of Liu Mazi, a character in Cha Guan (Teahouse). To offer an objective perspective on this issue, the researche narrow the research object to one character Liu Mazi and statistically analyzes the use of this pragmatic means in the corpus of those lines.

The differences of Zhou’s research and the writer’s is located in the method, the researcher use quantitative research specifically a corpus study, that will be carried out on all the conversations conducted between Liu Mazi and other characters in Cha Guan. However, there is a similarity of research which located on the workings of implicature.

4. Article by Beth Logan, Andrew Kositsky and Pedro Moreno (2004) entitled “Semantic Analysis of Song Lyrics”.

This article discusses about song analysis by used semantic to characterize the content. The aims are to explore whether the application of text analysis techniques to song lyrics provides meaningful information. Of especial interest is whether such analysis can help determine music similarity and whether it augments other, particularly acoustic, information. They therefore apply a standard semantic text analysis technique to a collection of lyrics to investigate the properties of such data. We explore the



use of this analysis to determine artist similarity, comparing the results to a state-of-the-art acoustic similarity technique.

The difference of Logan, Kositsky and Moreno’s research and the writer is located on the theory. They use semantic to analyze the object. However, there is a similarity of research which located on the workings of song.




This chapter discusses the methodology of the research. It consists of research design, data source, research instrument, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The writer uses qualitative descriptive as the research design in this research because she conducted to describe and interpret the data to find answer of the condition of the songs. Descriptive research attempts to describe, interpret and explain the condition. According to Litosseliti (2010:52) qualitative research is concern with structures and patterns and how something is. This research uses qualitative approach because the data is analyzed in descriptive phenomenon such us words, phrase, clause, sentences and utterance. In this case, the researcher shows the implicature of motivating words in the songs of Demi Lovato and One Direction.

3.2 Data and Data Source

According to Lofland and Lofland (1984:47) in Moleong (2009), data source in qualitative research are words and act, other than that is addition of data such as document and etc.

The source of the data of the research is four of Demi Lovato’s songs “Skyscraper”, “Warrior”, “Let it go”, and “This is me” and three of One Direction



“What makes you beautiful”, “Little thing”, and “Drag Me Down”. Then, the data taken from lyric of four of Demi Lovato’s songs and three of One Dorection’s songs that representative of motivating words and contains of implicature.

3.3 Research Instrument

In qualitative research, the main instrument of this study is the researcher herself. According to Lincoln and Guba (1985) in Predaryenko and Krauss first introduced the concept of the human being as research instrument to stress the uniqueness of the researcher’s role in the process of scientific inquiry. This uniqueness lies in the notion that only people construct and bring meaning into the world through their qualities of sensitivity, responsiveness and flexibility, making them the most appropriate instrument for inquiries aiming to arrive at understanding, meaning, the promotion of critical awareness, emancipation, and movement toward deconstruction or decolonization. In other hand according to Creswell (2014), Qualitative researchers collect data themselves through examining documents, observing behavior, or interviewing participants. They may use a protocol an instrument for collecting data but the researchers are the ones who actually gather the information. They do not tend to use or rely on questionnaires or instruments developed by other researchers. The other equipment used to help her in analyzing the data are the songs, the lyrics, a laptop, papers, and a pen.



3.4 Data Collection

The data collection steps include setting the boundaries for the study, collecting information through unstructured or semi structured observations and interviews, documents, and visual materials, as well as establishing the protocol for recording information (Creswell, 2014).

The writer collects the data by using these following steps such us: 1. Listen the songs

The writer listen the songs by streaming in YouTube and paid attention to the lyrics in order to understand the content of it.

2. Read the lyrics

The writer also reads the lyrics by taking the lyrics in some website to get the truth of the lyrics and look for the motivating words utterance in the lyrics.

3. Underline the data

The writer underlines the motivating words utterances which found in the lyrics of the songs.

3.5 Data Analysis

Qualitative researchers typically gather multiple forms of data, such as interviews, observations, documents, and audiovisual information rather than rely on a single data source. Then the researchers review all of the data, make sense of it, and organize it into categories or themes that cut across all of the data sources (Creswell, 2014). Meanwhile, inductive thematic analysis is probably the most common qualitative data analysis method employed in the social, behavioral, and



health sciences. The process consists of reading through textual data, identifying themes in the data, coding those themes, and then interpreting the structure and content of the themes (Emily, Mitchel, 2013)

After the data are collected, the writer analyzed the data with the following steps:

1. Identification

The writer begins the data analysis by identifying the motivating words based on the hierarchy of need by Mashlow and then identifying the implicature of the songs. The writer uses tables for this identification to make the reader easier to understand.

Table 3.1. The Sample table of indentifying the level of hierarchy of motives (needs) of motivating words.

No Motivating Words

Hierarchy of Need

Ph Sf Bl Es Sa


Ph : Physiological Sf : Safety

Bl : Belonginess Es : Esteem



Sa : Self-acualization 2. Classification

The writer classifies the implicature of motivating words based on the level of the hierarchy of need by Mashlow and also the way implicature used of motivating words.

3. Analysis

After the writer identifies and classifies the data, she analyzes, describing, and interpreting the data after knowing the motivating words one by one based on the level of the hierarchy of need and implicature used in motivating words. It is important to know what the songs want to tell us through their songs.

For example:

Data 1.1

Lyric : I will be rising from the ground

Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper

a) The Motivating Words

Words : Rising, Skyscraper

The hierarchy of needs : Self Actualization

Explanation: Sentence of the lyric “I will be rising from the ground” it is indirect motivating because the writer does not say that she rising from the ground



directly. It says something powerful in order to motivation herself. There is a key word “rising” which represent that she is fight and change become a strong person. And then the sentence of the lyric “Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper” it is also indirect meaning because the writer does not say that she is like a skyscraper directly and it says something inspire in order to motivation herself. There is key word “skyscraper” which represent that she is standing powerfully to fight everyone.

The word “rise” and “skyscraper” are self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

(b) Implicature


Speaker : A girl

Hearer : Everyone around her that bullied and mocking her.

Time : When the girl in depression condition.

Topic : Self motivating

Explanation : The purpose of the lyric above is to covey her feeling to everyone that she will fight for her life and dream. The background of knowledge of the lyric is if the girl will reach for dream and everyone around her defeat her so she



will fail. When the girl is struggle for dream, everyone defeat her. She let everyone to defeat her because she will rise. The implicature of the lyric is show the girl is rise and standing powerfully because she fight and defeat them.

4. Conclusion

Finally the writer is making the conclusion as the result of analysis and findings.




This chapter presents the research findings and discussion. In this chapter, the analysis of the data is in line with the formulated research questions. The data analysis investigates the implicature of motivating words and the hierarchy of motives (needs) in motivation appears in motivating words. The discussion part will generally explain after presenting the findings.

4.1 Finding

The findings is derived from the research problems in which the first question concern on the level of the hierarchy of motive in motivation based on Abraham Maslow (1970) and the second concerns on the form implicature of motivating words based on Grice (1975).

In this part, the data and findings are put into one table to make easy to understand. The motivating words as the data is signed in bold and underline words in motivating words column. The complete explanations are elaborated in table 4.1.



Table 4.1. The level of hierarchy of motives (needs) of motivating words.

No Motivating Words

Hierarchy of Need Ph Sf Bl Es Sa

1 “you can take everything I


you can break everything I am” v

2 “I will be rising from the


Like a skyscraper, like skyscraper


3 “All my windows, still are broken, but I’m standing on my feet”



“But I’m closer to the clouds up here”


5 Turn my back and slam the door”


6 “And the fears that once

controlled me can’t get to me at all





You won’t find me, the past is so behind me

8 “I gotta get this off my chest to let it go

I need to take back the light inside you stole”


9 “Now I’m a warrior now I’ve got ticker skin”


10 “And my armor, is made of steel, you can’t get in”


11 “Out of the ashes, I’m burning like a fire”


12 “I’ve always been the kind of girl that hid my face”


13 “This is real, this is mev

14 “Gonna let the light shine on me”


15 No more hiding who I wanna be”


16 Don’t need make up, to cover up



Being the way that you are is enough”

17 “Baby you light up my world

like nobody else”


18 “You don’t know you’re



19 “Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me

But bear this in mind, it was mean to be

And I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks And it all make sense to me…”


20 “I know you’ve never loved the

crinkles by your eyes when you smile

You’ve never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But I’ll lovethem endlessly”


21 “I know you’ve never loved the

sounds of your voice on tape



You never want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans

But you’re perfect to me” 22 “I’ve got fire for a heart”

I’m not scared of the dark”


23 “If I didn’t have you, I’d never see the sun

You taught me how to be someone, yeah”


24 “All my life You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me”



Ph : Physiological Sf : Safety

Bl : Belongingness Es : Esteem



After presenting the findings of data, it is necessary to discuss each data of implicature that produced by motivating words which classified based on hierarchy of motives (needs) in motivation.

Data 1 : “Skyscraper” by Demi Lovato 1.1 “you can take everything I have,

you can break everything I am” a) Motivating words

Words : take everything, break everything Hierarchy of motive : physiological

Explanation : sentence of the lyrics “you can take everything I have” it is motivating words because when the speaker said the words it is mean that she is not afraid anymore of people who hurt her and it is motivated herself. The words “take everything” represent that she is brave to face people who will do something bad because she do not afraid to lose what she has. Then, the sentence of the lyric “you can break everything I am” it means that she also not afraid of physic abuse that people do to her. The words “break everything” which represent that she dare them and let them to know she is not scare anymore.

The words “take everything” and break everything” are physiological of the hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has felt shelter, insecure, and depression because of people hurt her so it is difficult for the girl to live. Then the girl satisfies those needs to make her move on.



b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who bullied and mocking her  Time : when the girl feel depression

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation: the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling to everyone that she is not afraid anymore what people do so, she dare them. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl always get bullied and also physical abuse from her friends, after she has a brave to face them and she dare them to take everything she has and break her like always. The implicature of the lyric is show the girl is dare everyone because she want to face them.

1.2 “I will be rising from the ground, Like a skyscraper, like skyscraper” a) Motivating words

Words : Rising, Skyscraper Hierarchy of needs : Self Actualization

Explanation: Sentence of the lyric “I will be rising from the ground” it is indirect motivating because the writer does not say that she rising from the ground directly. It says something powerful in order to motivation herself. There is a key word “rising” which represent that she is fight and change



become a strong person. And then the sentence of the lyric “Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper” it is also indirect meaning because the writer does not say that she is like a skyscraper directly and it says something inspire in order to motivation herself. There is key word “skyscraper” which represent that she is standing powerfully to fight everyone.

The word “rise” and “skyscraper” are self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who bullied and mocking her  Time : when the girl feel depression

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : The purpose of the lyric above is to covey her feeling to everyone that she will fight for her life and dream. The background of knowledge of the lyric is if the girl will reach for dream and everyone around her defeat her so she will fail. When the girl is struggle for dream, everyone defeat her. She let everyone to defeat her because she will rise. The implicature of the lyric is show the girl is rise and standing powerfully because she fight and defeat them.



1.3 “All my windows, still are broken, but I’m standing on my feet” a) Motivating Words

Words : Standing

Hierarchy of Motive : Safety

Explanation : Sentence of the lyric “All my windows, still are broken, but I’m standing on my feed” it is motivating words because the speaker said something that motivated herself. The word “standing” represent that she is strong although other people already break her but she don’t give up.

The word “standing” are safety of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song get physical attacks but she protect herself so, she can secures.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who bullied and mocking her  Time : when the girl feel depression

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling to everyone that she is strong. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl’s defenses are already broken but she holds out from bullied she get from them and she keep stay strong. The implicature of the lyric is show that the girl is strong because she hold out all the pain she get.



1.4 “But I’m closer to the clouds up here”

a) Motivating Words

Words : closer to the clouds

Hierarchy of motive : self actualization

Explanation : Sentence of the lyric “But I’m closer to the clouds up here” it is motivating words because the speaker said something to motivated herself. The words “closer to the clouds” represent that she almost get what she want to reach for herself.

The word “closer to the clouds” are self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who bullied and mocking her  Time : when the girl feel depression

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling to everyone that she will get what she want. The background of knowledge of the lyric is after the girl fight and through the hardest time in her life, she



finally closer to reach what she wants and dreams. The implicature of the lyric is show that the girl is almost get her dream that hard to get.

Data 2 : “Let It Go” by Demi Lovato

2.1 “Turn my back and slam the door”

a) Motivating words

Words : turn my back

Hierarchy of motive : safety

Explanation : sentence of the lyrics “turn my back and slam the door” it is motivating words because the speaker said it to motivated herself to do something. The words “turn my back” represent that she don’t care anymore with what people think about herself because she is being confidence.

The word “standing” are safety of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song feel insecure because of her power so people intimidate her but she protect herself with being confidence so, she can secures and feel safety.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who mocking and underestimate her



 Time : when the girl feel confidence with herself  Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling that she feel free and let everything go. The background of knowledge of lyric is the girl is not care anymore with what happen and people do because of the power she has that make her different from other. The implicature of the lyric show that the girl won’t look to what happen behind and make herself out of the issue because she don’t care.

2.2 “And the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all” a) Motivating words

Words : can’t get to me at all Hierarchy of motive : safety

Explanation : sentence of the lyrics “And the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all” is motivating words because the speaker said it to motivated herself so, she can change to be better, the words “can’t get to me at all” represent something that always make her scare is can’t affect her anymore.

The word “can’t get to me at all” are safety of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song feel insecure because of her power so people intimidate her but she protect herself with being confidence so, she can secures and feel safety.




 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who mocking and underestimate her

 Time : when the girl feel confidence with herself  Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her good feeling and relieve over her. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl has fears that make her down and affect her over something but she make feeling gone so it can’t affect herself. The implicature of the lyric is show that she is move on and defenses herself from the fears.

2.3 “Standing, frozen in the live I’ve chosen You won’t find me, the past is so behind me” a) Motivating words

Words : I’ve chosen, past is so behind me Hierarchy of motive : self actualization

Explanation : sentence of the lyrics “standing, frozen in the live I’ve chosen” it is motivating words because it said something powerfully that motivated herself that the speaker has what she want and make a decision for her life. The words “I’ve chosen” represent that she has make a choice and decided the good and want for her life. Then the sentence of the lyric “you won’t find me, the past is so behind me” it is also motivating words



because the speaker motivated herself by said that word, it is mean that everyone who underestimate, intimidate and expel can’t make her down because she leave her past live and won’t care anymore.

The word “I’ve chosen” and “past is so behind me” are self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who mocking and underestimate her

 Time : when the girl feel confidence with herself  Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling to everyone that she stay brave and strong in her live she choose and make sure everyone can’t threatening her because she left her old life. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl got a bad life before from other people but she make a move to get a better life with forgetting her past. The implicature is show that the girl becomes strong and brave over her new life and leaves her problem behind.



Data 3 : “Warrior” by Demi Lovato

3.1 “I gotta get this off my chest to let it go I need to take back the light inside you stole” a) Motivating words

Words : get this off my chest, light Hierarchy of motive : self actualization

Explanation : sentence of the lyrics “I gotta get this off my chest to let it go” it is motivating words because when the speaker said the words make she feel relieve and motivated herself to do something good. The words “get this off my chest” represent that the girl want to let everything that hurt her feelings go so, she can be happy. Then the sentence of the lyric “I need to take back the light inside you stole” it is also motivating words because it motivated the speaker, the words mean that she want to take back something good she ever had that people take it from her. The word “light” it is represent to her happiness she has in her heart meanwhile when that happiness is stolen she feel vulnerable.

The words “get this off my chest” and “light” are self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

b) Implicature Context:



 Hearer : everyone around her who beat and bullied her  Time : when the girl feel brave to fight

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling to everyone that she know what she has to do to make herself be better and out of the problem she has. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl will throw away the bad feeling and sorrow she feel in her heart and she will to take back her happiness again from people who hate and hurt her. The implicature of the lyric is show that the girl is fight and for her happiness.

3.2 “Now I’m a warrior now I’ve got ticker skin”

a) Motivating words

Words : warrior, ticker skin Hierarchy of motive : self actualization

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “now I’m a warrior” indeed a motivating word because the word Is motivated the speaker to make her be strong . The word “warrior” is represent that she is not weak anymore, she become a strong and brave to fight her problem and face whatever happened. Then the sentence of the lyric “now I’ve got ticker skin” is also motivating words because when the speaker said that words she motivated herself to be strong. The word “ticker skin” represent the she is not afraid with people who always hurt, beat, and bullied her anymore also they can’t effect and make her vulnerable.



The words “warrior” and “ticker skin” are self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who beat and bullied her  Time : when the girl feel brave to fight

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to declare/convey her feeling to people who hurt her that time that she is change become a strong and brave to face them. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl becomes a different person from the past she got brave and defense to fight her problem. The implicature of the lyric is show that the girl is strong to fight back and also she has a power that everything people do to her can’t affect and hurt her anymore.

3.3 “And my armor, is made of steel, you can’t get in” a) Motivating words

Words : my armor

Hierarchy of motive : safety

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “And my armor, is made of steel, you can’t get in” is motivating words because the speaker said something



powerfully that motivated herself to be strong. The words “my armor” represent that she has a powerful defense that make people who hurt her can affect her because they can’t get her nerve.

The word “my armor” are safety of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song fell insecure because of bullying by people and they attack her physically then she has a braveness to defense herself and fight them back so, she is secure, physically protected and safety.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who beat and bullied her  Time : when the girl feel brave to fight

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to declare/convey her feeling to everyone that now she is strong and make sure people can’t hurt her again. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl make a move to fight people who hurt her at that time and she become optimize that she is strong, and people can’t hurt her. The implicature is show how the girl is believe in herself that she is strong and shows her power.

3.4 “Out of the ashes, I’m burning like a fire” a) Motivating words



Hierarchy of motive : self actualization

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “Out of the ashes, I’m burning like a fire” is motivating words because the speaker said something in order to motivated herself to be better and more powerful. The word “burning” represent how great or strong her spirit just like a fire to fight her lame life.

The words “burning” is self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who beat and bullied her  Time : when the girl feel brave to fight

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to declare/convey her feeling to everyone who bullied and hurt her at that time that she has a great spirit to fight them. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl that always scares and keeps silent over bullied she got before then she fights them because she can’t endure the pain anymore. The implicature of the lyric is show how the girl change and become strong.



Data 4 : “This Is Me” by Demi Lovato

4.1 “I’ve always been the kind of girl that hid my face” a) Motivating words

Words : hid my face

Hierarchy of motive : self actualization

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “I’ve always been the kind of girl that hid my face” it is motivating words because the speaker said something in order to motivated herself to change to be better than before. The words “ hid my face” represent her life back then who always shy expel herself from society because she feel desperate and unbelief in herself.

The words “hid my face” are self actualization of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song has feeling of satisfaction that she becomes someone who wishes to be in life. She also has done a good job and totally achieved her objectives positively.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who underestimate her  Time : when the girl has the confidence

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling that she realize what is wrong with herself that make her can’t reach her dream



and want to change it. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl becomes the kind of girl who shy and didn’t want to mingle or socialize with the other then she realize. The implicature of the lyric is show that girl realize how her life is not good if always shy around and isolated from social life.

4.2 “This is real, this is me” a) Motivating words

Words : this is me

Hierarchy of motive : esteem

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “this is real, this is me” is motivating words because the speaker said that word in order to give support or motivated herself. The words “this is me” itself represent she is convincing about herself.

The words “this is me” is esteem of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song want to be recognized and being valued by others. b) Implicature


 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who underestimate her  Time : when the girl has the confidence



Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey herself to everyone, to people who don’t know her before. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl who shows herself and wants everyone to know. The implicature of the lyric is show that she is believe in herself and wants to show to everyone who she is.

4.3 “Gonna let the light shine on me”

a) Motivating words

Words : light

Hierarchy of motive : esteem

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “Gonna let the light shine on me” is motivating words because, when the speaker said that words it is motivated herself to do something and has some support. The word “light” represent the popularity and people’s attention on her that she does not used to because she was shy and introvert, now she let people to know about what she is capable of and show her talent because she has confidence to do it.

The word “light” is esteem of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song want to be recognized and being valued by others.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl



 Time : when the girl has the confidence  Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey herself to everyone that she is not shy to show herself and get people’s attention. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl who change and be confidence with herself to do what she love which is singing, then automatically it get people’s attention to recognize her present. The implicature of the lyric is show that the girl let the popularity and people’s attention on her because of her dream become a singer.

4.4 “No more hiding who I wanna be”

a) Motivating words

Words : no more hiding

Hierarchy of motive : esteem

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “No more hiding who I wanna be” is motivating words because the speaker said it to motivated herself to do something for herlife. The words “no more hiding” represent that she don’t want to keep her talent for herself, she will show it to everyone.

The words “no more hiding” is esteem of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song want to be recognized and being valued by others.



b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a girl

 Hearer : everyone around her who underestimate her  Time : when the girl has the confidence

 Topic : self motivated

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey her feeling about herself to people that she is being confidence to make her dream comes true. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl who not scares and shies anymore about herself. The implicature of the lyric is show that the girl is being confidence with herself.

Data 5 : “What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction

5.1 “Don’t need make up, to cover up

Being the way that you are is enough” a) Motivating words

Words : don’t need make up Hierarchy of motive : esteem

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “Don’t need make up, to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough” it is motivating words because the speaker said that words to motivated his girl to being confidence with herself. The words “don’t need make up” represent the beauty that



identical with make up. The speaker give motivated to his girl that she don’t need to be beautiful to impress other people.

The word “don’t need make up” is esteem of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song need for self respect and acceptance of self as she is.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a man  Hearer : his girl

 Time : when the girl feel self conscious/ unconfidence  Topic : motivation

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey his feeling to his girl to cheer her up and being confidence. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the girl who used make up because she feel unconfidence to be around people without make up. The implicature of the lyric is show that the men love his girl although without any make up.

5.2 “Baby you light up my world like nobody else”

a) Motivating words

Words : light up my world

Hierarchy of motive : social needs (love and belongingness)

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “Baby you light up my world like nobody else” is motivating words because the speaker said that words to



motivated the girl. The words “light up my world” represent that the girl make the man’s life happy because of her existences so, the girl is not feeling self conscious and respect herself.

The word “light up my world” is social needs of hierarchy of motive because the man in that song loving his girl and the girl being loved by the man and have a warmly relationship.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a man  Hearer : his girl

 Time : when the girl feel self conscious/ unconfidence  Topic : motivation

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey his feeling to the girl in order to respect herself. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the man who feels the affect of the girl existence in his life. The implicature of the lyric is show the happiness of the man to have his girl.

5.3 “You don’t know you’re beautiful”

a) Motivating words

Words : beautiful

Hierarchy of motive : esteem

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “You don’t know you’re beautiful” is motivating words because the speaker said something in order to make the



girl to be confidence in herself. The word “beautiful” represent that the girl is beautiful the way she is not only her face but also her act and character.

The word “beautiful” is esteem of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song need for self respect and acceptance of self as she is. b) Implicature


 Speaker : a man  Hearer : his girl

 Time : when the girl feel self conscious/ unconfidence  Topic : motivation

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey his feeling to the girl to make she know and realize how beautiful she is. The background knowledge of the lyric is the man who stating the fact that the girl is beautiful. The implicature of the lyric show how the man wants his girl to be confidence, has self respect and to not feel self conscious.

Data 6 : “Little Things” by One Direction

6.1 “Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me But bear this in mind, it was mean to be

And I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks And it all make sense to me…”

a) Motivating words



Hierarchy of motive : social needs (love and belongingness)

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was mean to be. And I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all make sense to me…” is motivating words because the speaker said what he feel to motivated his girl to could love herself. The words “mean to be” represent that everything the girl has evens her flaws are indeed for him.

The word “meant to be” is social needs of hierarchy of motive because the man in that song loving his girl and the girl being loved by the man and have a warmly relationship.

b) Implicature Context:

 Speaker : a man  Hearer : his girl

 Time : when the girl feel self conscious/ unconfidence  Topic : motivation

Explanation : the purpose of the lyric above is to convey his feeling about his girl, how he love everything about her especially her physic that she hate. The background of knowledge of the lyric is the man who takes positively of his girl flaw to be the reason to love his girl. The implicature of the lyric is show the man accept the flaw she has in face because he



think that they are indeed meant to be together and it doesn’t matter for the man.

6.2 “I know you’ve never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile You’ve never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But I’ll love them endlessly” a) Motivating words

Words : I’ll love

Hierarchy of motive : esteem

Explanation : sentence of the lyric “But I’ll love them endlessly” is motivating words because the speaker said that word to motivated his girl so, she can be confidence and can accept herself the way she is. The words “I’ll love” represent that the man will accept and loving his girl unconditionally.

The word “I’ll love” is esteem of hierarchy of motive because the girl in that song need for self respect and acceptance of self as she is. b) Implicature


 Speaker : a man  Hearer : his girl

 Time : when the girl feel self conscious/ unconfidence  Topic : motivation



“ O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule (another) people; perhaps they may be better than them; no let women ridicule (other) women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by (offensive) nicknames. Wretched is name of disobedience after (one’s) faith. And whoever does not repent-then it is those who are the wrongdoers” (Al-Hujarat/49:11).

That verse explain, from Abu Jubair is Dlahhak that a man has two or three names. That man often calls by certain name (nick name) that he does not like. This verse descends as a prohibition to call people name they do not like. (HR. Abu Dawud)




This chapter provides the conclusion of the findings and suggestion for the study. It included what have been discussed in chapter IV.

5.1. Conclusion

After discussed the data, the writer found some conclusions to answer her research problems. The implicature is the important thing in songs. The implicature carries the imply meaning with it.

5.1.1. The hierarchy of motive in “Skyscraper” are physiological, self actualization and safety. In “Let It Go” and “Warrior” are self actualization and safety. Then in “This is Me” are self actualization and esteem. That songs are from Demi Lovato. Whereas in One Direction songs, “What Makes You Beautiful” and “Little Things” are esteem and social needs. Then in “Drag Me Down” are self actualization and social needs.

5.1.2 Based on the analysis implicature in “Skyscraper” is the girl who rise and stannding powerfully because she fight and defeat them. In

“Let It Go” the implicature is the girl showing her power to



show the girl believe in herself, being confidence and wants to show to everyone her talent. Whereas in the implicature in One direction songs, “What Makes You Beautiful” and “Little Things” the implicature show the man motivated and wants his girl to be confidence by herself. Then in “Drag Me Down” the implicature show the man is motivated by his girl so he can be strong.

5.2. Suggestion

For the next researchers who wants to understand about the implicature of motivating words. The researcher has some recommendations as follow:

5.2.1. Motivating words not only occurs in the songs but also in drama, movie, speech and print book, such as comic, novel and other. The language is the main communication to each other. So, for the next researcher can use other object to finds the level of hierarchy of motive or find the other aspect of motivation such as the intrinsic and extrinsic element.

5.2.2. For the next researcher, to find the meaning it can used many kinds of dictionary or interpret the meaning by look back the background of the songs or other object, the writer and the singer of the song by finds the biography of them, and also what is the era of the song or other object to make the image or get the imply meaning of



implicature. The next researcher must read regularly the object so can feel the meaning or what the message of the object.



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