An analysis of Ever Bloom’s personality in Alyson Noël’s Evermore.


An Analysis of Ever Bloom’s personality in Alyson Noël’sEvermore.


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Silviana Martha Yunita Reg. Number: A33213074










Yunita, Silviana Martha. 2017. An Analysis of Ever Bloom’s personality in Alyson Noël’s Evermore. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic and University (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor. Wahju Kusumajanti. M.Hum NIP. 197002051999032002

This thesis attempts to analyze a fictional novel by Alyson Noël under the titledEvermore. This novel tells about sixteen years old girl who has a traumatic experience after getting a tragic car accident leaves her orphaned from her parents, younger sister and the family dog. Ever has lost everything, but gained a psychic ability to hear people’s thought, see visions of their lives, and the color of their aura. This thesis focuses on analyzing the personality of the girl who has traumatic experience and psychic ability. The aim of this thesis is to describes the girl’s personality after getting a traumatic experience and overcome her psychic ability. Then, by all of her psychic ability, she battle to reduce her psychic power and behaves like a normal human being in her life first. Based on the focuses of the study above, this study uses some theories to help in the process of analyzing the main character’s personality in this novel. The first is personality theory, this theory is used to analyze the girl’s personality which is discussed through psychological approach. Furthermore, to support the analysis the study also uses the anxiety theory, this theory is used to reveal the influences of the excessive anxious feeling in the girl’s mind so that influences her behavior. Then, the study found that,Ever’s desire to get a better life and to behave like a normal human without psychic power is very strong.

Key words : Psychology, Personality, Anxiety, Traumatic experience, Psychic ability



Yunita, Silviana Martha. 2017. An Analysis of Ever Bloom’s personality in Alyson Noël’s Evermore. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic and University (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor. Wahju Kusumajanti. M.Hum NIP. 197002051999032002

Skripsi ini mencoba untuk menganalisa sebuah novel fiksi dari Alyson Noël dengan judulEvermore .Novel ini menceritakan tentang kisah seorang gadis berusia enam belas tahun yang memiliki pengalaman trauma setelah mengalami kecelakaan mobil yang tragis yang menewaskan orang tua, saudara perempuan,dan anjing keluarganya. Ever telah kehilangan semuanya, tetapi dia memperoleh kemampuan spiritual untuk mendengar pikiran, melihat kehidupan dimasa depan, dan melihat warna aura orang disekelilingnya. Skripsi ini focus pada analisa kondisi kepribadian seorang gadis yang mempunyai pengalaman trauma dan kemampuan spiritual. Tujuan dari skripsi tersebut yakni untuk menggambarkan kepribadian seorang gadis setelah mengalami pengalaman trauma dan mengatasi kemampuan spiritualnya. Dengan semua kemampuan spiritualnya, dia berusaha untuk mengurangi kekuatannya dan berperilaku seperti manusia normal seperti di kehidupannya yang dulu. Berdasarkan focus diatas,maka skripsi ini menggunakan beberapa teori untuk membantunya dalam proses menganalisis antara lain : teori kepribadian. Teori ini adalah untuk menganalisis kepribadian karakter utama pada novel tersebut yang mana akan diuraikan dalam sudut pandang psikologi. Selanjutnya untuk mendukung dalam peroses menganalisis skripsi ini juga menggunakan teori pendukung yakni teori kegelisahan. Teori tersebut digunakan untuk menyingkap pengaruh perasaan gelisah yang berlebihan pada diri gadis tersebut, sehingga bepengaruh terhadap kepribadiannya. Kemudian kajian tersebut, menemukan bahwasanya keiginan dalam diri Ever untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik dan berperilaku seperti manusia biasa tanpa kemampuan spiritual sangat kuat. Maka dari itulah kekuatan id Ever mengambil peran penting dalam diri Ever dan mengusai egonya sehingga ia mengesampingkan superego.

Kata kunci : Psikologi, Kepribadian, Kecemasan, Pengalaman Trauma, Kemampuan spiritual



Inside Cover Page...i

Inside Title Page...ii

Declaration Page...iii

ThesisAdvisor’s ApprovalPage………...iv

ThesisExaminer’s Approval Page...v


Dedication Page…………...vii


Table of Contents...x




1.1. Background of the Study...1

1.2. Statement of the Problems...3

1.3. Objective of the Study...4

1.4. Significance of the Study...4

1.5. Scope and Limitation...4

1.6. Method of the Study...5

1.7.Thesis Organization...6


2.1 New Criticism...7




2.2.1. Id...13

2.2.2. Ego...14

2.2.3. Superego...14

2.4 Review of related study………...15


3.1.Ever Bloom’s physical appearance...16


3.1.2. EverBloom’s speech and behavior...18 Stubborn...19 Faithful...20 Anti Social……….………...21 Introvert...21

3.2 Ever Bloom’s Personality...23



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1.1 Background of Study

In daily life term personality is commonly used by people with different meanings. InTheory of Personality Eight Edition, Schult explains the word

personality is derived from the Latin wordpersona, which refers to a mask used

by actors in a play (Schult&Schult 27) It is easy to see howpersonacame to refer

to outward appearance, the public face display to the people around us. Based on the derivation, then it can conclude that personality refers to our external and visible characteristics, those aspects of us that other people can see. Our

personality would then be defined in terms of the impression we make on others that are appear to be (Schult&Schult 28). Today the term of personality is explained and defined by different psychologist in different ways. Personality according to Warren is the integrative organization off all the cognitive. Personality is the science of describing and understanding persons. Clearly, personality is a core area of study affective, conative and physical characteristics of individual as it manifest itself in focal distinction from others(Warren&Wellek 88).

Personality is the totality of somebody attitude, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional response, social rules, and others individual traits that endure over long periods of times (Alfa 7). Allport defines that personality is the dynamic organization, within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment. So, there will be flexible adjustment with the environment (Allport 28). Eysenck defines that personality are the more


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or less stable and enduring organization of a person’s character, temperament, genius, which determines his unique adjustment to the environment (Eysenck 75). Most of the definition of personality tried to consider the totality of the person, it means all the abilities, tendencies and other characteristics, both inherent as well as acquired which are more or less consistent, and distinguishable from the people included in the personality.

Everyone shares many things with others. However apart from

commonalities and also find that people are different in the way they appear and behave. The study of personality deals with issue of human individuality. It has attracted the attention of common man as well as academic psychologists. The term personality is used in a number of ways including the apparent features of a person. However, psychologists use it to refer to the characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting. By characteristic pattern we mean the consistent and distinctive ways our ideas, feelings and actions are organized (Eysenck 42). When we talk about personality we usually refer to the totality or whole of the person. The unique impression that a person makes on others is equally important in understanding personality. However the concept of personality has been defined by psychologists in many ways and it is the theoretical perspective or position which directs our attention to particular aspects of personality (Eysenck 45).

There is a close relationship between psychology and literature. Psychology deals with the study of observable patterns of human behavior. Literature exhibits how human beings behave in dealing with their problems and environment (Holland 3). Generally, there is a relationship between literature and


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psychology. By psychology of literature, it mean the psychological study of creative process and the study of psychological types and laws present within works of literature (Wellek & Warren 75). This thesis focus to analyze

characterization of Ever Bloom as the main character of the novel. This research only concerns on the main character. The main or major character is an important figure at the center of the story’s action or theme (DiYanni 54). The analysis of the main character tends to be effective to get a deep understanding on the novel since the main character is the important figure that develops the story from the beginning until the end. Study of characters refers to the study of psychology. Literary works whether novel, poetry, or play contains psychological aspects as the result of the psychology of the author, the fictional characters, and the readers (Minderop 53).

In this thesis the study aims to analyze the personality the main character of Evermore novel by Alyson Noël through psychology field such as personality, anxiety and human behavior. Ever Bloom’s problem is basically a problem of personality. The writer interested in studying the main character’s changing

personality because it has not been studied by others. The writer chooses this issue because she wants to study psychoanalysis of characters in a literary work.

1.2 Statements of Problem

Based on the background of study the statements of problems are formulated as follow:

1. How is the character of Ever Bloom in Evermore ?


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Freud concept of id, ego and superego ?

1.3 Objective of The Study

1. To describe how the character of Ever Bloom in Evermore

2. To elaborate the development of the main character’s personality which is viewed based on Freud’s id, ego, and superego.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Since the research must have significance, the writer hopes that this research will give the readers significance that is useful or give benefit. Theoretically, it is hoped that this research gives a contribution to the

development of the larger body of knowledge, especially for other researchers who want to analyze the same subject with this study, that is about personality and anxiety in novel.

Practically, the study is dedicated to the development of literary study in State Islamic University Sunan Ampel, especially in English Department and hopefully this research can give better understanding in literary field as the reference for other researcher in analyzing this novel into different perspective, issue and theory.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

As there are many aspects inEvermoreby Alyson Noël, the writer makes

a limitation of discussion to assure the theme ofthis thesis’ analysis, namely personality analysis of the main character.


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This research applies qualitative research method. It means this writing describes and analyzes the data which are not numeral data but they are taken from words and sentences. Then, in this research there are several steps used, they are data source, data collection and data analysis.

1.6.1 Data Source

The writer has the primary and secondary data in this study. The primary source is form the novelEvermoreby Alyson Noël the secondary source is from

the books and online resources.

1.6.2 Data Collection

The writer uses qualitative research method. The research follows the following steps :

a) Reading the novel as the primary source to get the complete and well understanding on the whole story.

b) Reading the secondary source which related to the problem.

c) Selecting and collecting the data in form of narration and conversation from the novel related to the problem.

d) Analyzing the data collected by categorizing them into two points, dealing with the statement of problem.

e) Making conclusion based on the result of data analysis.

1.6.3 Data Analysis


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a) Reading the whole story and deciding the topic to research problems. b) Analyzing some data that have been collected based on the statement problems.

c) Giving the best conclusion based on the analysis.

1.7 Thesis Organization

This thesis consist of four chapters and each of them is subdivided in subsequent divisions. It arranged as follows :

Chapter one is introduction. It consist of Background of choosing the subject, Scope of the study, Problem statements, Objectives of the study,

Significance of the study, Method of the study and Thesis Organization. Chapter two presents some intrinsic aspects consisting of the theory of new criticism, the character and characterization, psychoanalysis. Chapter three presents the analysis ofthe main character’s personality that influenced by her anxiety and three

Freud’s structures of personality, the id,ego, and the superego. Chapter four provides Conclusion.


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In conducting this study the writer needs to use some theories. In order to know who Ever Bloom is, this study tends to use New Criticism which talks about intrinsic view about character and characterization. It aims to dig up the

personality of Ever Bloom. This study also uses theories based on Freud’s concept of psychoanalysis. As been mentioned in the previous chapter, the writer does not use all the Freud’s theory, but only selects some of the theories, which are related to this study. They are the organizations of personality, such as id, ego and superego and also some types of anxiety. It is considered that Psychoanalysis can explore the personality disorder that is caused by the experience in the past .

In order to make this chapter more organized, the writer divides this chapter into three parts. The first part is about New Criticism to know about Ever Bloom’s character .The second part is about the theories, which contain Freud’s organization of personality.. Those intrinsic view and theories are explained as follows:

2.1 New Criticism

From twentieth century, New criticism came to be applied in American literary criticism. It is only focus on the text itself, and how reader interprets the text which can call as a close reading. In close reading, one examines a piece of literature closely, seeking to understand its structure, looking for patterns that shape the work and connect its parts to the whole, and searching for uses of


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language that contribute to the effect (Gillespie 172). New criticism is distinctly formalist in character. It stresses close attention to the internal characteristics of the text itself, and it discourages the use of external evidence to explain the work.

New Criticism is quite well connected with the term ‘close reading’, which means the careful analysis of a text with playing attention to its structure syntax, figures, of speech, and so one. In this way, New Critic tries to examine the ”formal

elements” of the text, such as characterization, setting of time and place, point of view, plot,…(Tyson 119).

The terms close reading it means that the reader would like to focus only in the text or literary work. Steven and Stewart also argued if new criticism is marked by focus attention to the text and the form of literary work (Steven&Stewart 13). In

Literary Criticism : An Introduction to Theory and Practice, New Criticism

provides the reader the readers with formula to get a correct interpretation of a text itself using the method called close reading (Bressler 56). This method helps the reader to understand the formal elements in the story by reading closely without seeing the author’s ideology and personal background.

From Tyson’s starting point, the writer decides to explore the thesis analysis by applying new criticism theory which is focused on the character and characterization.

2.1.1 Character

Character is personality or traits. Character is ones who are involved in the story .If we talk about personality or traits, it is meant we will know the method of


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characterization. Method of characterization is the techniques an author uses to reveal the personality and character of a fictional person an author reveals a character’s personality. Character are the person represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with

particular moral, intellectual and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it, the dialogue, and from what they do (Abrams 33). In the literary work there is character that never develops until end. It is called flat character. There is also character that develops or changes. It is called round character. InAspect of the novel, Forster defined two

basic types of characters, their qualities, functions, and importance for the

development of the novel (Kenney 20). Kenney continues saying about characters that she is adopted by E.M Foster that characters in fiction are divided in to two: “flat” and “round” characters. “Flat (simple) characters: thesimple, or flat, character is less the representation of a human personality than embodiment of single attitude or single attitude or obsession in a character. Foster calls this kind of character flat because we see only one side of him. The simple characters can perform much important function in the work of fiction. Simple character many appear in minor role in serious fiction, but will a major part in interior fiction.” (Kenney 20). By contrast, round characters are complex figures with many different characteristics that undergo development, sometimes sufficiently to surprise the reader.

However the minor character is also important figure in a novel and usually appear a lot in a story, the major character is the important part in a story


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that make story more interesting. So, this study focuses on the major character as the object of analysis, the major character named Ever Bloom.

2.1.2 Characterization

Characterization as one of the elements structure of fiction is a part of intrinsic, elements that has relation with other elements to make totality in a story. Characterization is a clear image about someone that appears in a story

(Nurgiyantoro 165). Characterization also suggest in a technic realization and development character in a story (Nurgiyantoro 166). It is the important element in a fiction and has big role in determine totality and value of art in fiction (Nurgiyantoro 172).. Characterization is a representation of persons in narrative and dramatic works. Actually characterization have widely meaning than the term “character” itself , the meaning of characterization is including who is the

character, how the nature, how the placement and depict story in a story so clearly that can give image to the reader. The purpose of characterization is to help the reader to understand more about character’s strength and weakness. It is easy to suppose that successful characterization involves taking the reader to the heart, the inner core, of an imagined person (Mullan 84).

In terms of characterization ,Jones says that characterization is the depicting of clear imagines of person. According to Jones, characterization has two kinds of methods as follows: “ There are two methods of characterization: The dramatic and the analytic. In the dramatic we form our opinion of the characters from what they do and say, from their environment and from what other characters think of them. In the analytic method the author comments upon


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the characters explaining their motives, their appearances and their thoughts.” (Jones 84).

In other words the writer can say that the characterization is showing a clear imagination of a person or something that has a relationship between literary works in this case a novel and nature of characters. Really, it does not matter who or what the characters are, so long as we can identify ourselves with them. Such as how they live where they live, how their relationship with another character and in another ways. There are two different approaches to characterization, they are direct characterization and indirect characterization. In direct characterization the author tells the readers what the writer wants the readers to know about the

character. With indirect characterization, the writer shows the readers things about the character to help us have an understanding of the character's personality and effect on other characters in the story (Terry 5). There are five different methods of indirect characterization: speech; in this case the author wants to the readers know the each character from the conversation or dialog between the characters. Thought; here the writer wants to the readers understand what the character is expressed through his or her mind. The effect on others of the character; In this part, the writer wants to explain the characters to the readers through a character's behaviour as a reaction to other characters. Action; the writer describes the characters to the readers through the actions or attitudes caused by character. Looks; the writer describes the characters of the story to the readers in terms of the appearance of the characters (Terry 6).


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Characterization is very important since the reader can explore the novel by paying attention on the character’s speeches, actions and comments of the other characters in order to understand more about the idea of the story (Holman 2). The statement above indicated that the quality of character is based on the reader’sinterpretation from the literary work that has been read. This

characterization is aimed to know the detail of Ever Bloom character. Thus it is important to know Ever Bloom based on his physical appearance, speech, other people saying and her action too.

2.2 Psychoanalysis

In this thesis, the writer uses theory of psychology as one of the tools of analysis besides theory of literature. The word “psychology” is actually derived from two Greek words “psyche” means soul, which is translated as mind, and “logos” or discourse, psychology or mental philosophy is a study of the soul or mind. Sometimes people mean it as the science of behavior (Munn 5). In order to analyze Ever Bloom’s psychological problems, the writer uses psychological theory to back up her analysis on character traits. Human personality is never be separated from his psyche. The psychological approach is used to find the

psychological background of the character’s action, motives, and the factors of the actions and its effects also.

Psychoanalysis theory proposed by Freud divides personality into three parts, id, ego and superego. InAn Outline of Psychoanalysis, Freud explains the


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explanation of the three forces of the psychical apparatus : the id, the ego, and the superego. The id has the quality of being conscious and contains everything that is inherited, everything that is present at birth, and the instincts (Freud 14). The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling the demands of the id and of the instincts, becoming aware of stimuli, and serving as a link between the id and the external world. In addition, the ego responds to stimulation by either adaptation or flight, regulates activity, and strives to achieve pleasure and avoid unpleased (Freud 14-15). Finally, the superego, whose demands are managed by the id, is responsible for the limitation of satisfactions and represents the influence of others, such as parents, teachers, and role models, as well as the impact of racial, societal and cultural traditions (Freud 15).

2.2.1 Id

It is the unconscious, irrational part of personality. Id is the representative of the unconscious or the source of all aggressions and desires. It is the primitive part immune to morality and demands of the external world. It operates on the pleasure principle. It seeks immediate satisfaction. Id in short sentence could be called as the source of all human desire (Guerin et al 157). Because the id is the reservoir of the instincts, it is vitally and directly related to the satisfaction of bodily needs (Schult&Schult 72). The id is a powerful structure of the personality because it supplies all the energy for the other two components. The id strives for immediate satisfaction of its needs and does not tolerate delay or postponement of satisfaction for any reason. It knows only instant gratification it drives us to want what we want when we want it, without regard for what anyone else wants. The id


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is a selfish, pleasure-seeking structure, primitive, amoral, insistent, and rash (Schult&Schult74). Unchecked, it would lead us to any lengths to destruction and even self-destruction to satisfy its impulses for pleasure. Safety for the self and for others does not lie within the province or the id; its concern in purely for

instinctual gratification heedless of the consequence (Guerin et al 120-122)

2.2.2 Ego

The ego is the rational part of the personality that must control and postpone the id’s demands, balancing them with thecircumstances of the real world. The ego does not prevent id satisfaction. Rather, it tries to postpone, delay, or redirect it in terms of the demands of reality. According to Freud, ego is media of communication between psyche and reality. It always develops the strategy during human live in order to control the id desire (Jess Feist& G J Feist 29). The main functions of the ego are : to satisfy the nutritional needs of the body and protect it against injure: to adjust the wishes of the id to demands of the reality ; to enforce repression; and to coordinate the antagonistic strivings of the id and the super ego (Freud 185). The ego thus exerts control over the id impulses

(Schult&Schult55). The ego is never independent of the id. It is always responsive to the id’s demands and derives itspower and energy from the id.

2.2.3 Superego

According to Freud, largely unconscious, the super ego is the moral agency, the repository of conscience and pride.. The superego serves to repress or inhibit the drives of the id, to block off and thrust back into the unconscious those


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impulse toward pleasure that society regard as unacceptable, such as overt aggression, sexual passions, and the oedipal instinct. So, it could be concluded that the id is the energy source of the ego, and the superego is its moral censor (Guerin et al 131). Superego is moral censoring agent, while id is controlled by desire, ego is controlled by reality, superego is controlled by morality (Guerin et al 158).

The correlation between id,ego and superego in human psyche is bounding each other. The relationship between id, ego and superego could be described into three example. The first one is person, who is seeking for pleasure which is dominated by id, then someone who felt guilty or inferiority because of superego dominated, and the last ideal psychological condition that is dominated with ego (Jess Feist&G J Feist 30).

From the explanation above, about id, ego and superego that will do in Ever Bloom, it can be known about her characteristic with analyze her id, ego and superego.

2.4 Review of related studies

After searching for some previous research which relates to the topic on the internet and libraries, the writer did not find any researches that study about


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In this chapter the writer wants to analyze according to the statement of the problem. The first part is about the characterization of Ever Bloom, the researcher tries to analyze characterization of Ever Bloom as the main character. She

becomes the center object of the story. Along the story build, she is a main character who has big role to build the story up. Ever become a narrator and the one who tells about what she does, speaks and thinks and also limits the reader’s perspective to what she sees. According to Forster, about the kind of character, Ever Bloom belongs into round character. From the previous chapter, it has explained that round character has any side of its life, personality, and self-identify. It is the same like Ever Bloom who has those elements.

3.1 Ever Bloom’s Physical appearance

This part explains about Ever Bloom character. The story in this novel is delivered using first-person point of view which Ever itself appears as the narrator who narrates all events and experiences she has. The usage of first-person to narrate makes readers to feel really involved in.

In this sub chapter, the writer will discuss one of the literary works elements called characters and characterization. As explained in the previous chapter, the writer does not discuss the whole characters in the novel chosen but only the main character, Ever Bloom. Ever Bloom is described as follow:


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Physical characteristics can include a variety of things. Hairstyles and facial features play a big role, but are not the main ones. Physical characteristics are what you see with the naked eye. Physical characteristics are defining traits or features about your body. The first thing you see when you look at someone could be their hair, clothes, nose, or figure. These are all examples of physical

characteristics. Physical traits are given by the author to ease the reader fully imagine the character. It is also aimed to ease the reader to differentiate each of the character because in a written prose, the only way to describe each character is by using written description without illustrated by pictures. Beautiful

In the Evermore novel, Ever Bloom is depicted as a good looking girl. Ever is 16 years old when the story begins. She is the typical beautiful beach girl with long blond hair that is straight and waist long.

and was so vain about my long blond hair. (chapter 1:3)

Ever is beautiful and gorgeous girl with white tone skin though she rarely touch her face with any make up.

taking inventory of my long blond ponytail, dark blue sweatshirt, and

makeup-free, clean scrubbed skin. (chapter 3:26)

“For one thing, you’re completely knock-down, drag-out gorgeous-….” (chapter 6:36)


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The quotation above did not directly show that Ever is beautiful, but implicitly, the quotation above aimed to tell the reader that Ever is beautiful.

Anyway, I don’t think you have to be clairvoyant to know that when people dream of having kids they’re usually thinking in term of a pastel-wrapped, tiny bundle of joy, and not some five-foot-four, blue-eyed, blond-haired teenager with physic

powers and a ton of emotional baggage. (chapter 3:16)

From the quotation above, it is show that Ever has a beautiful deep blue eyes, tall and lean ,a girls with 163 cm.

3.1.2 Ever Bloom’s Speech and Behavior

Through Ever Bloom’s speech and behavior the reader can see how the Ever Bloom’s characteristics is. The environment is one of the major factors in the development of human behavior. The unpredictability of human behavior tries to show that people are unique and operate on different ideas and backgrounds. In addition, the brain of a human being is independent to that of another person, therefore, this creates a diversity of how people think, act and make decisions. In this case, traumatic experiences is influence Ever’s behavior and speech.The speech and the behavior of each character should represent their moral qualities because in the real life, individuals may be judged their personality through their speech and behavior.

Through Ever bloom’s speech and behavior, Ever Bloom’s characterized as a strange, faithful, stubborn, indifferent ,introvert and anti-social group. The following quotation proved that Ever Bloom’s is strange person.


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Ever Bloom is described as a strange person. It can be seen from the following sentence:

Poor hot, sexy, gorgeous new guy, having to sit next to freak ! (Chapter


According to the quotation above explained that Ever Bloom called as a freak because she has a strange way to dresses. She always wears a sunglasses, loose hoodie, and earphone to listening loud music although in the class. It also indicates that Ever Bloom has uncommon behavior in using dress,she does not like people as usual. Thus, from her difference, she categorizes as strange girl who is shown in her style in using cloth. Stubborn

Ever Bloom is described as a stubborn person. It can be seen from the following sentence:

But no way was I taking part in that. No way would I sit in a circle with a bunch

of anguished people, waiting for my turn to share the story of the worst day in my

life. (Chapter 3; 19)

Besides proving that Ever Bloom is a strange girl, the quotation above is also implied that Ever Bloom is a stubborn girl. The quotation above implied two meaning, first, Ever is really depressed and guilty with her traumatic experience. Second, Ever is a stubborn girl.


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Although is recommended from doctor, Ever would not join in grief counseling. Ever cannot tell about her old life, she did not see the point in relaying all the gory details because Ever think that it is completely her fault. Ever does not believe that grief counseling it is possibly to make her feel better. The writer said that Ever is stubborn because her stubbornness is not only happen once, it happen many times. A person who is acting stubborn will cling to their decision regardless of the consequences. It is an attachment to their decision, and a

tendency to resist change in general. Stubborn people are driven by a resistance to being forced into doing or experiencing anything against their will. Faithful

Based onEver’s speech, it also can be implied that she is faithfully girl especially with her friends. The following quotation proves that Ever is a faithful girl.

“I won’t risk hurting my friendship with Haven, and I can’t risk getting too close” (Chapter 5 : 34)

Based on the quotation explained above that Ever is a faithful girl. The quotation above is portrayed that Ever is faithful in her friendship. She wills to stay away from Damen. Because for Ever, having their friendship is one of the few good things in her life. Having their friendship makes she feel almost normal again.


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Ever Bloom is described as an Anti-social person. It can be seen from the following sentence:

Why is a guy like Damen hanging with us? The three biggest misfits?

(Chapter 5;30)

Since Ever move to her new high school, she becomes an antisocial and she prefers to stay away from everyone in her school. She only has two friends, Haven and Milles who probably look pretty strange on their appearance. From the

quotation above is portrayed that almostof Ever’s classmate does not want to make a friend relationship with Ever and two her befriend. So, they are startled when a gorgeous new boy in their class wants to join with the three misfits.

Antisocial behavior can be broken down into two components; the presence of antisocial (angry, aggressive, or disobedient) and behavior and the absence of prosaically (communicative, affirming, or cooperative) behavior (Evans 32). Factors that contribute to a particular person’s antisocial behavior vary, but usually they include some form of family problems or traumatic experience. Introvert

Based on vocabulary dictionary, an introvert generally prefers solitary activities to interacting with large groups of people. If you would rather work


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through your feelings in you diary than have a conversation, then you are an introvert. Ever Bloom is described as an Introvert. It can be seen from the following sentence:

Haven and Miles are my best friends, my only friends. And I feel like I’m keeping enough secrets already. (Chapter 2;8)

I know better than to push it. It’s not like I’ve confided my new

aura-spotting/mind-reading abilities, or how much it’s changed me, including the way I

dress. (Chapter 4;22)

No one’s knowabout her spiritual ability, because Ever decide to keeping her secrets and does not tell anyone, though her younger sister or best friends.

Person who being an introvert are who tends to turn inward mentally. Introverts sometimes avoid large groups of people, feeling more energized by time alone. Ever Bloom is called as a introvert person. It can be described from the following sentence :

“You could’ve told me about all the psychic stuff. I feel bad about making fun of your clothes” (Chapter 22;172)

Thesentence explains that Ever Bloom, in Rilley’s opinion is introvert person. Like the explanation above, she can be said a introvert because she never telling Rilley about her psychic ability.

Human beings usually have a tendency to judge other people. Some of the judgments are valid and some others arenot valid. According to Encyclopedias,


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human beings are defined as organisms having human attributes which are the representatives of the sympathies of human nature. We know from the studies that human beings somehow have identical genetic coding as great apes, which clearly raises a point that our human form is not the reason and definition of human being. The definitions in the encyclopedias also mention that human beings have ability to express emotions, love, hate, care. Therefore, it shows that having the ability of showing emotions such as love, hate, anger and care does not define us entirely as human being.Therefore, one of the methods of characterizing

characters is by presenting other character’s opinion toward the character characterized. Ignoring the validity of the human being’s judgment, here the writer providedsome characters’point of view toward Ever Bloom.

3.2.Ever Bloom’s Personality

In this part of this analysis ,the writer want to apply Ever Bloom’s

personality concerning of Freud’s theory in human personality. It is contained the mental condition of Ever Bloom after getting traumatic experience. The process of getting trauma begins when Ever and her family in their car and she realizes she’s forgotten a Pinecone Lake Cheerleading Camp sweatshirt. Her father turns around in response to her pleas and has a wreck when a deer steps out in front of their vehicle, forcing her dad to swerve, fly down the ravine, crash into the tree. Her parents,sister,and the family dog are all killed. Ever also dies but lingers and is revived. She always thinks that it is all her fault.

After getting a car accident, Ever has lost everything, but she gained a spiritual ability to hear people’s thoughts, see visions of their lives, the color of


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their aura, and know someone’s entire life story by touching them. Going out her way to avoid human contact and suppress her abilities; she can’t tell about her psychic ability, not even her closest friends, which has left her angry and confused.

Before the accident, Ever didn’t even know about things like that. And she is definitely wasn’t able to see everyone’s aura. But from the moment Ever woke in the hospital, she’s noticed color everywhere. And now she’s believed that Everyone’s has an aura. Every living being has swirls of color emanating from their body. A rainbow energy field they’re not even aware of. And it is not like it is dangerous, or scary, or in any way bad, it is just part of the visible magnetic field.

“Are you feeling okay ?” The red-haired nurse asked, gazing down anxiously.

“Yes, but why are you all pink ?” I squinted, confused by the pastel glow that enveloped her.

“Why I am what?” She struggled to ride her alarm.

“Pink. You know, it’s all around you, especially your head” “Okay, sweetheart, you just rest and I’ll go get the doctor” She’d said, backing out of the room and running down the hall.

It shows that after getting a car accident, Ever has an ability to see what other’s aura, their previous life and in the future. From that experience, after being a horrible accident, Ever change her personality towards other people. In her former life, Ever was popular and fun, but she now hides under a hoodie , black sunglasses with headphones plugged in at all times to protect herself from


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her secret and the freak she feels she has become. Despite making a new friends, Ever becomes depressed, hiding her thoughts, shutting everyone out, afraid to be near anyone or touch them for fear of the consequence when she does. She

distance herself from others in an effort to insulate herself from their thoughts and feelings. Ever was the epitome of popularity , she was a part of the popular crowd, where most of a teenager were cute, talented, smart, wealthy and easy going. She was a smart blond and bubbly cheerleader. Ever was very vain in her previous life, and eager to kiss with her boyfriend, Brandon. She cared only about being a cheerleader and was very content with her place in her high school caste system. While she didn’t outright bully the less popular students, she never gave them much notice.

I was part of the popular crowd, where most of us were cute, athletic, talented,

smart, wealthy, well liked, or all of the above. I went to school dances, had a best

friend named Rachel (who was also a cheerleader like me), and I even had a

boyfriend, Brandon who happened to be the sixth boy I’d ever kissed (the firstwas

Lucas, but that was only because of a dare back in sixth grade, and trust me, the

ones in between are hardly worth mentioning). And even though I was never mean

to anyone who wasn’t part of our group, it’s not like I really noticed them either. Those kids just didn’t have anything to do with me. And so I acted like they were

invisible.(chapter 5:33-34)

But, her almost perfect life is totally change when a tragic car accident on a bridge leaves her orphaned from her parents, younger sister, and the family dog. When her family in in their car and she realizes she’s forgotten a favorite sweatshirt. Her


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father turns around in response to her pleas and has a wreck when a deer steps out in front of their vehicle.

I had what they call NDE, or “near death experience”. Only they happen to be wrong. Because believe me, there wasn’t anything “near” about it. It’s like, one moment my little sister Riley and I were sitting in the back of my dad’s SUV, with Buttercup’s head resting on Riley’s lap, while his tail thumped softly against my leg, and the next thing I knew all the air bags were blown, the car was totaled,

and I was observing it all from outside.(chapter 1;4)

After the accident Ever became an extremely depressed and guilt-ridden young woman, she lives with the guilt that the accident was her fault. She is forced to moves in with her paternal aunt, a wealthy attorney who is lonely and worries that she’s leaving Ever alone too much.Ever move from her home in Eugene, Oregon to live with her distant aunt Sabine who works as an attorney on the California coast. And after the horrible accident, her personality is totally change. She become a strange, stubborn, introvert and anti-social.

In this case, Ever’s personality is change influenced by three elements of personality, Id, Ego, Superego. However in this case, Ever cannot balancing among them. That is why Ever Bloom’s personality lives in freak style, strange and in uncommon way. And Ever thinks it is only the way to denies her spiritual ability. The Id of Ever Bloom’s, strongly takes control of all the thing in her mind and behavior. Based on Freud, he states that Id is the very important part which


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has as one its characteristics a sensitivity to the organism’s needs and translated the organism’s needs into motivational as instincts (Boeree 5) .

I reach inside the iPod pocket I’ve stitched into all of my hoodies, concealing those ubiquitous white cords from faculty view, then I hand it over and watch her

eyes bug out when she says,

“What the? I mean, can it be any louder ? And who is that ?”

She dangles the iPod between us so we can both hear Sid Vicious screaming

about anarchy in the UK. And the truth is, I don’t know if Sid’s for it against it. I just know that he’s almost loud enough to dull my overly heightened senses. (chapter 1;2)

From the quotation above, it is conclude that Ever always listen music very loud to on her iPod. Ever uses the loud music to help drown out the constant stream of noise from her psychic ability and could care less about the topics of the songs. She hides the iPod cords with hooded sweatshirts.

The first time Riley appeared, she was standing at the foot of my hospital bed, in

the middle of the night, holding a flower in one hand and waving with the other.

I’m still not sure what it was that awoke me, since it’s not like she spoke or made any kind of sound. I guess I just felt her presence or something, like a change in

the room, or a change in the air. (page 16)

It is portrayed that now Ever also has a new ability to communicate with death people. After the horrible accident, she talk with her dead little sister almost every


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day. Riley Bloom is twelve year old sister of Ever Bloom. After dying in a car accident, she visits Ever. The first time was in the hospital.

It was Riley who helped Ever recover her memories. Guiding her through

childhood stories and reminding Ever of the lives they used to live and the friend their used to have, until it all began to resurface. And Riley also helped Ever to appreciate her new Southern California life. Because seeing her get so excited by Ever’s cool new room, her shiny red convertible, the amazing beaches, made Ever realize that even though it wasn’t the life her preferred , it still had value. And even though Ever and Riley still fight and argueand get on each other’s nerves as much as before, for Ever, she now live for her visits. And being able to see Riley again gives her one less person to miss and the time they spend together is the best part of each day. Ever prefer to communicate with Riley than with other people.

“How’d you end up here?” He leans towards me.

I stare at the table, pressing my lips together in my usual nervous habit. I don’t want to talk about my old life. I don’t see the point of relaying all the gory details.

Of havingto explain how even though it’s completely my fault that my entire

family died, I somehow managed to live. So in the end I just near the crust from

my sandwich, and say

“It’s a long story” (chapter 5;29)

The dialog above indicates that the relationship between Ever and other people is less. She still feeling guilty and anxiety to tell about her traumatic experience. She stays far and takes a great distance among people.


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After some visits, Riley realizes that Ever has change in the way her dresses. And she always tries to remind her sister.

“You’re never gonna get a boyfriend dressed like that,” she says, lounging on my bed…(chapter 4;23)

But Ever always ignores what they think about her way to dressed. Because only with this way, Ever can reduce all of her physics abilities. She crank her iPod and listening music very loud , wearing black sunglasses , and stretched out hoodie to avoid knowing parts of people’s life at touch and avoid her head spinning from the crowd-generated energy, all of the aura colors, sounds thought swirling around her. She is feel disturbed with her ability, she wishes her powers gone and to go back to the normal life she had before.

Until one day, a new student in Bay View High School comes on her class. Damen Auguste is undeniably beautiful, with his shiny dark hair that hits just shy of his shoulders and curves around his high sculpted cheekbones, and his lips are ripe and inviting with a perfect Cupid’s bow. But it is not his complete

gorgeousness that has Ever so transfixed. It is mainly the way the entire area surrounding his body, starting from his glorious head and going all the way down to the his black motorcycle boots, consists of nothing but blank empty space, no color, no aura, no pulsing light show. For the first time she meets, Ever

immediately realizes he has no aura at all and is puzzled by that fact. She also soon realizes that with one touch, Damen can eliminate the overwhelming influx


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of thoughts and emotions from Ever psychic ability. And the body that holds it all up is long, lean, tight and clad in all black.

“I don’t live with my family either,” Damen says, his voice quieting the room, quieting my thoughts, (chapter 8;48)

He removes my sunglasses and ear buds and sets them on the entryway table.

“Trust me, you really don’t need all those defense, “he says, lowering my hood, tucking his arm through mine, and leading me out the front door and over to his


(Chapter 19;135)

From the quotation above, indicates that only Damen who has a warm tingling touch, deep smoldering eyes, and the seductive sound of a voice that can silence the world. Everyone’s talking about Damen and they can’t believe if the gorgeous new guy hanging with the three strangers. Though Ever tries to ignore him at first, but her friends realize that Damen likes Ever.

Until in one night, Ever design a Halloween party in her house. In her party, Ever decide to dressed as Marie Antoniette. Then she’s wondering possibly moments could happened. Damen come in her house came as Count Axel Fersen, the secret lover of Marie Antoniette. He dressed in what is clearly the other half of a

couple’s costume well, through she does not invite him. Damen comes and bring a flower bucket with twenty-four tulips. Ever is unsure of how to pursue her


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ignore him when meets him in the school. But Ever cannot hide her feelings about Damen and secretly admitting Ever like him.

I mean, I really like him. I can’t help it. I just do. And no matter how hard I try to pretend otherwise, it doesn’t make it any less true. (chapter 12 ; 78)

And finally, she decides to be Damen’s girlfiend and begins to take her out on various dates though she much less known about his lives.

The Id that Ever has, is strongly takes control all the things in her mind. As the Freud states, that Id is the most elements which always demands, impulsive, asocial and do anything to get the pleasure (Hall 29). In this case, Ever beliefs that only Damen who is can reduce her spiritual ability that is so great about Damen. He is like an off switch. He is the only one who can silence the sound of everyone else and also he can fulfill her will, her Id to deny her spiritual ability.

But apparently, Damen give a bad effect to her academic. She become an arrogant student and doesn’t come at school often. She always follows to Damen’s need. Through she realizes is an obstacle to her achievement academic. The Id is the unorganized part of the psyche that contain a human’s instinctual drives. The Id is the only part of the psyche that is present at birth and it is the source of our bodily needs, wants, desires and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives. The Id is an entirely unconscious aspect of the psyche and, according to Freud, is the ‘source of all psychic energy’ ; thus making in the primary

component of personality (Siegfried 1). On their first date, the two skip school and he takes her to Disneyland.


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“And what about our classes ? Wejust blow off the rest of the day

?” I fold my arms across my chest, though it’s mostly for show.

He laughs and leans toward me, his lips grazing the side of my

neck as they from the word ̶ yes .(chapter 15;102)

For their second date, the two skip school again and to go to lunch at a race track, where they use their psychic powers to bet on the winning horses. After she wins an eight hundred dollar bet, Damen buys her a crystal horse-shoe bit bracelet to commemorate their date. Ever realizes that her feelings for Damen are deepening, but she is still reluctant to fully open up to him and feels guilty as Haven, her best friend, is also attracted to him. On their third date, the two skip school again and he takes Ever out to the beach. It is here that he shows her a cave where he keeps many of his things, such as a surf board, wet suits, and towels. Ever starts to feel incredibly comfortable with him, to the point where she almost sleeps with him; she stops herself not wanting to loose her virginity in such a rushed way. Ever is till unsure about how true Damen’s feelings are for her.

One day, Ever goes to the parking lot and desperately asks Damen to leave her alone in the beach. Ever angrily tells him that she hates him and that she never wants to see him again. She once again yells at Damen to leave her alone and hatefully flings off the bracelet he bought her and throws it on the ground. Deeply upset, but obeying her request, Damen disappears.

Even announces to Haven and Miles that she and Damen broke up and that he is gone. Miles and Haven want to accompany her and invite to the Winter


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Fantasy that weekend and she accepts though she is so uncomfortable in crowds. After comes on the Winter Fantasy, Ever decide to invite her friends to celebrate her broke up with Damen. She realize that only alcohol can make her feel better , taking her pain and anxiety with it. Ever soon turns to vodka to block out not only her psychic powers but her pain over breaking up with Damen.

Because of her reluctant of her psychic power is gone, she uses her ego to think a realistic way to fulfill her will. With her ego, it will stimulate the growth, elaboration of the psychological processes of perception, memory, thinking and action (Hall 29).

I stare at Haven, my body growing cold, despite the alcohol

blanketing my insides. But when I take another sip, the chill slips away, taking my

pain and anxiety with it.

So I take another.

And the another. (Chapter 27;216)

She uses her brain to thinks makes her will come true , she really want to disappear her psychic power. The id is not rational it imagines, dreams, and invents things to get us what we want (Freud 284). The desires of the Id give rise to the Ego, which is generally the component of the psyche that ensures that the impulses of the Id are expressed in a way that is acceptable to the real word. The Ego operates according to the reality principle (Freud 38 ). With that ego,she drives herself in a wrong way. She denies her Superego by doing something wrong. She decide to invite her friends to spend the night with vodka. Ever think


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that her psychic bonds have broken and she wants to ensure they stay broken. She is feel excited become normal again, without her powers psychic.

The new, improved, nonpsychic me ! (Chapter 28;218)

Free of her psychic baggage Ever becomes much like the person she was in Oregon and she also changes her way to dresses. Her friend however become worried about her especially Miles, Ever not willing to yet part with her new addiction ignores Miles’s concerns. Her ego realizes that using vodka is possible way to disappear her psychic power but she also knows that this way does not true. Id can be represented as an impulse the human to get satisfaction without thinking and using logic. It means the human is in form of unconscious (Weiten 331)

Ever’s drinking problem soon becomes very serious, she takes a water bottle full of vodka to school.

“Hold it-smile-no ? That’s okay, I still got it.”

And I watch in horror as Stacia approaches, camera held high, an image of me,

guzzling vodka, clearly displayed. (Chapter 28;221)

The most popular and ruthless girl in scool, Stacia Miller catches her she takes a picture of her drinking and send it to the principal because of this Ever is


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wants but she cannot reject the consequence that she almost get drop out from her school about this trouble.

“Expelled ? How do you go from honor roll to expelled ? Can you please explain that to me ?” (Chapter 28;225)

Knowing that alcohol is not an answer for her to quiet her abilities , and she knows that it is not a good way to satisfied her will. Ever decide to travels to Ava’s house. Ava is a psychic. Ava graciously helps Ever create a psychic shield, it works instantly and she is thrilled that she can be normal again.

I’m still glad I came. It’s the first time I’ve felt completely normal, without the crutch of alcohol or Damen, in a very long time. (Chapter 33;274)

Ava quickly tells her that she may want to be able to restore the shield. However Ever is so happy that she is no longer burdened by her powers sheleaves Ava’s home without a second thought determined to live a normal life. Ever regrets what she have done before. She is hugging to Ava in order to get her forgiveness. This is when her Superego takes control of her action. Superego is controlled by

moralistic and idealistic principle which contrary to pleasure principle from id and reality principle from ego. All of what she wants does not give any satisfaction. Moreover she feel guilty and anxiety over and over.

The Super-Ego reflects the internalization of cultural rules, mainly taught by parents applying their guidance and influence. For Freud, the Super-Ego can be described as a successful instance of identification with the parental agency. The Super-Ego aims for perfection. It is made up the organized part of the personality


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structure which includes the individual’s Ego ideals, spiritual goals, and ones conscience. The Super-Ego works in contradiction to the Id because it strives to act in a manner that is socially appropriate. As a consequence of the Super-Ego conflicting with the demands of the Id, the Ego often has to mediate between the two (Siegfried 2).

Therefore, by explanation above we might say that the id would make us as devils, the superego would make us as angels, and then the ego, it was balance between the id and superego, and it will keep us as human who has a good and bad behavior.


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After presenting the result of analysis in the previous chapter finally, the conclusion is taken in this part. This conclusion refers to answer of the problems of research that has been presented by the writer in the previous chapter. This chapter also contains the suggestions that the writer gives for the future researchers and readers.

Ever Bloom is one of the main character inside of the novelEvermore.She

appear along the story and has big role to build the story. She also belongs to be

roundcharacter because her story has significance changing from the beginning

until in the end of the story. Ever Bloom is a sixteen years old girl, she has a beautiful deep blue eyes, tall and lean ,a girls with 163 cm. First, the writer concludes that Ever Bloom is a beautiful girl. The other characters described her as a beautiful woman.Damen and also her best friend’s ,Haven and Milles has a same opinion about Ever Physical appearance. Ever change her personality towards other people. In her former life, Ever was popular and fun, but she now hides under a hoodie , black sunglasses with headphones plugged in at all times to protect herself from her secret and the freak she feels she has become. Despite making a new friends, Ever becomes depressed, hiding her thoughts, shutting everyone out, afraid to be near anyone or touch them for fear of the consequence when she does. She distance herself from others in an effort to insulate herself from their thoughts and feelings. Ever was the epitome of popularity , she was a


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part of the popular crowd, where most of a teenager were cute, talented, smart, wealthy and easy going. She was a smart blond and bubbly cheerleader.

The first characterization of Ever Bloom is strange. Her decision to change her way to dress influence a view of people around her. She did not want to wear a clothes like people as usual to avoid a contact with others because with her psychic ability, only in one touch she can feel is what others thought. The other proofs that Ever Bloom is strange is when she in the class, and almost all of her classmate calls her strange. She never changed her mind about her way to dress that make her does not have any friends.

The next is stubborn. It can be proved when she gets a tragic car accident and she is really depressed and guilty with her traumatic experience. Though recommended by a doctor, Ever does not want to join in grief counseling. She is does not believe that this therapy can reduce her traumatic. Not only in this case, but it can be proved when Ava, her aunt’s friend that has a psychic ability tells that she can help Ever to lost her psychic power. But Ever was very stubborn and does not want to believe her. The next is faithful. It can be proved when there is a new gorgeous boy join in her class. Her best friend, Haven and Milles realize that Damen like Ever but, She trying to ignore him because she knows that Haven already in love with Damen.

Second, the writer concludes that Ever Bloom has some reasons to

changes her personality. First is, Ever Bloom wants to have a better life like in her previous life without a psychic ability. Her personality is totally changed. She


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feels disappointed because her life is not like the other people that can do anything like their want. She hopes find something better than before, like her life before the accident. For Ever, her psychic ability is very annoyed her so she can not behave like normal human being. She has a power psychic, Ever Bloom can see people’s aura, hear their thoughts, and know someone’s entire life story by touching them. The glow that surrounds every living person and changes color in response to health and mood. So, Ever battle to get her normal life and really wants to reduce her psychic ability with every way. Her desire is strong and override her superego. She become a girl with bad personality. Actually her personality is dominated by her aggressive drivewhich is known as id’s instinct. Id’s instinct driver her into a bad person. She wants to do anything that she wants to reduce her psychic ability without thinking the things that she has done may causes bad effect for her. She decide to date with her new classmate, Damen Auguste. Even she does not know him already and she only knew him for a weeks, without knowing where the boy came from. She decide to be a Damen’s girlfriend because she realize that only Damen can reduce her psychic power. Damen is only person that has no aura and the only person that can touches without feel his thought. But, for a weeks Ever changes her personality because she always accept all of Damen’s needed. She become an arrogant girl, always come late in the class, does not join some classes, then all of it to accompany her boyfriend. She also become a drunk, after her relationship with Damen is break up. Ever thinks that only vodka that can disappear her psychic power.


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The third, the writer concludes that her traumatic experience also

influenced her to change her personality in to bad girl. She has some anxiety. The first is because of her psychic ability. She often get offend mind that her body cannot control it. This anxiety is caused of spirit anxiety. She feel disturb with all the people auras. She feels too anxious with all the generated energy, colors, sights and sound swirling around her. In this case, Ever think it was her fault and she feeling guilty all the time. Because a car accident is caused by her, when she and her family wants to go to holiday, and she realize that her favorite sweatshirt was leave in home. Her father turns around in response to her pleas and has a wreck when a deer steps out in front of their vehicle.


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Abrams, M.H. 1957.Glossary Literary Terms Third Edition. New York : Holt Rinehart and Winston

Abrams, M.H and Geoffrey Galt Harpham.A Glossary of Literature Terms : Nine

Edition, Boston : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009

Allport, G.W (1937).Personality : A Psychological Interpretation. New York :

H.Holt and company

Boeree, C.Goerge. Personality Theories :Melacak Kepribadian Anda Bersama

Psikolog Dunia. Yogyakarta : Primasophie, 2010

Di Yanni, Robert.Literature, New York : Mc Graw-Hil Companies, 2004. Print

Eysenck, H.J. (1952). The scientific study of personality

Eysenck, H.J. (1966) Personality and experimental psychology. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society

Forster, E.M. Aspect of Novels. London. Harcout incorporated, 1985. Print

Guerin, Wilfred, et al : 1999.A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature.

New York : Oxford University Press

Hall, Calvin Springer. 1954.Primer Freudian of Psychology. USA : The World


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Mullan, John.How Novels Work. United States by Oxford University Press. Inc.

New York, 2006

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan 2010.Teori Pengkajian Fiksi Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada

University Press

Tyson.Lois.Critical Theory Today : A user friendly guide. Second edition. New York :Routledge, 2006.pdf

Wellek. Rene and Austin Warren.1956.Theory of Literature.New York :

Harcourt, Brace and World.Inc (Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Melani Budiyono. 1989. Teori Kesusastraan, Jakarta Gramedia)


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After presenting the result of analysis in the previous chapter finally, the conclusion is taken in this part. This conclusion refers to answer of the problems of research that has been presented by the writer in the previous chapter. This chapter also contains the suggestions that the writer gives for the future researchers and readers.

Ever Bloom is one of the main character inside of the novelEvermore.She appear along the story and has big role to build the story. She also belongs to be roundcharacter because her story has significance changing from the beginning until in the end of the story. Ever Bloom is a sixteen years old girl, she has a beautiful deep blue eyes, tall and lean ,a girls with 163 cm. First, the writer concludes that Ever Bloom is a beautiful girl. The other characters described her as a beautiful woman.Damen and also her best friend’s ,Haven and Milles has a same opinion about Ever Physical appearance. Ever change her personality towards other people. In her former life, Ever was popular and fun, but she now hides under a hoodie , black sunglasses with headphones plugged in at all times to protect herself from her secret and the freak she feels she has become. Despite making a new friends, Ever becomes depressed, hiding her thoughts, shutting everyone out, afraid to be near anyone or touch them for fear of the consequence when she does. She distance herself from others in an effort to insulate herself from their thoughts and feelings. Ever was the epitome of popularity , she was a


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part of the popular crowd, where most of a teenager were cute, talented, smart, wealthy and easy going. She was a smart blond and bubbly cheerleader.

The first characterization of Ever Bloom is strange. Her decision to change her way to dress influence a view of people around her. She did not want to wear a clothes like people as usual to avoid a contact with others because with her psychic ability, only in one touch she can feel is what others thought. The other proofs that Ever Bloom is strange is when she in the class, and almost all of her classmate calls her strange. She never changed her mind about her way to dress that make her does not have any friends.

The next is stubborn. It can be proved when she gets a tragic car accident and she is really depressed and guilty with her traumatic experience. Though recommended by a doctor, Ever does not want to join in grief counseling. She is does not believe that this therapy can reduce her traumatic. Not only in this case,

but it can be proved when Ava, her aunt’s friend that has a psychic ability tells

that she can help Ever to lost her psychic power. But Ever was very stubborn and does not want to believe her. The next is faithful. It can be proved when there is a new gorgeous boy join in her class. Her best friend, Haven and Milles realize that Damen like Ever but, She trying to ignore him because she knows that Haven already in love with Damen.

Second, the writer concludes that Ever Bloom has some reasons to


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feels disappointed because her life is not like the other people that can do anything like their want. She hopes find something better than before, like her life before the accident. For Ever, her psychic ability is very annoyed her so she can not behave like normal human being. She has a power psychic, Ever Bloom can see

people’s aura, hear their thoughts, and know someone’s entire life story by

touching them. The glow that surrounds every living person and changes color in response to health and mood. So, Ever battle to get her normal life and really wants to reduce her psychic ability with every way. Her desire is strong and override her superego. She become a girl with bad personality. Actually her personality is dominated by her aggressive drivewhich is known as id’s instinct. Id’s instinct driver her into a bad person. She wants to do anything that she wants

to reduce her psychic ability without thinking the things that she has done may causes bad effect for her. She decide to date with her new classmate, Damen Auguste. Even she does not know him already and she only knew him for a

weeks, without knowing where the boy came from. She decide to be a Damen’s

girlfriend because she realize that only Damen can reduce her psychic power. Damen is only person that has no aura and the only person that can touches without feel his thought. But, for a weeks Ever changes her personality because

she always accept all of Damen’s needed. She become an arrogant girl, always

come late in the class, does not join some classes, then all of it to accompany her boyfriend. She also become a drunk, after her relationship with Damen is break up. Ever thinks that only vodka that can disappear her psychic power.


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The third, the writer concludes that her traumatic experience also

influenced her to change her personality in to bad girl. She has some anxiety. The first is because of her psychic ability. She often get offend mind that her body cannot control it. This anxiety is caused of spirit anxiety. She feel disturb with all the people auras. She feels too anxious with all the generated energy, colors, sights and sound swirling around her. In this case, Ever think it was her fault and she feeling guilty all the time. Because a car accident is caused by her, when she and her family wants to go to holiday, and she realize that her favorite sweatshirt was leave in home. Her father turns around in response to her pleas and has a wreck when a deer steps out in front of their vehicle.


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