Preventing Back Pain

Preventing Back Pain
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Statistics show that back pain still plagues many of us and

remains a leading cause of days o

Back ache, back pain, vibration training, flexi-bar, inversion table

Article Body:
Statistics show that back pain still plagues many of us and

remains a leading cause of days o

Conventional Approach
In most instances the conventional approach seems to consist of a prescription for pain killer
What Causes Back Pain
Our spine is an amazing structure made from 33 small bones called vertebrae, that are


Back pain can be due to a muscle strain or spasm, it can be due to decreased space between the

Preventing Back Pain
Preventing back ache begins by encouraging strong core muscles. By ensuring the muscles suppor

Reducing Back Pain
It is not surprising that back pain is something that often comes with ageing. Not only do our

However, studies have shown that being safely and comfortably inverted on an inversion table r
This is the most effective position for releasing pressure on the discs between vertebrae [3]

Being inverted for just 10 seconds can result in 35% less back pain. The good news is that thi
Combining a routine to strengthen core muscles using the FLEXI-BAR and spending a few minutes


Kane, M, et al: Effects of Gravity-facilitated Traction on Intervertebral Dimensions of th
Nachemson, A and Elfstrom, G: Intravital Dynamic Pressure Measurements in Lumbar Discs. Sc
Nosse, L.: Inverted Spinal Traction. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 59: 367-370, Aug 78.
Meshino, J.: The Role of Spinal Inverted Traction in Chiropractic Practice. ACA Journal of

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