Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana





The greatest thanks to Allah SWT, the most merciful for the opportunity
and life given to the writer in accomplishing this thesis. This thesis cannot be
completed without any guidance, suggestions, comments, and supports from
several persons whom the writer would like to present special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. the Head of English and Literature
Department and the academic adviser.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A. the Head of Applied Linguistics Program and the thesis
adviser, for her advice, constructive comments, times, and revision that she
gave to complete this thesis and all beloved lecturers in English and
Literature Department.

Mam Eis, Mam Enda and Mam Indri for their kind help in providing
academic administrations to the writer.

Her beloved family, her father, Drs. Antonis, her mother, Suryah Aini, her
dearest sister, Desi, and also her brothers, Rizkan and Teguh. Thanks for the
understanding and the big support in prayer, love, motivation and financial
while accomplished this thesis.

Her closest friends, Tari, Sani, and Uje for love, happiness, and friendship
that we have been through together. Her seniors, Amri, Adhy, etc.. for their

helps. And to all her friends in Applied Linguistics A and B 2010 and many

others that she cannot mention one by one.

All others whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their helps and
supports. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless us. Aamiin.
Finally, the writer admits that this thesis still far from being perfect.

Therefore, the writer would like to invite the readers to give suggestion for the
improvement of this thesis later on.


April 2014

The writer,

Indah Julia Fitri


Julia Fitri, Indah. Turn-Taking in ‘Hitam Putih’ talk show. A Thesis. Faculty
of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.
The study deals with the types of overlaps as a part of turn-taking that
occur in conversation in ‘Hitam Putih’ talk show. The study aims to identify the
types of overlaps that occur during the conversation in ‘Hitam Putih’ and to
analyze the effect on that programme. The data were the dialogues spoken by the
host and guest stars. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative
design. The result shows that the total occurence of overlaps is 190, consists of
competitive overlaps (52.63 %) and non-competitive overlaps (47.36 %). It also
shows that the effects of competitive overlaps in the conversation of ‘Hitam
Putih’ talk show are to provoke laughters from the audiences and to create new
ideas for the speakers.


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ........................................................................1
A. The Background of The Study .......................................................1
B. The Problem of The Study ............................................................ 4
C. The Objective of The Study .......................................................... 4
D. The Scope of The Study ................................................................ 4
E. The Significance of The Study...................................................... 5
CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................... 6
A. Communication ............................................................................. 6
B. Interaction ......................................................................................7
C. Pragmatics ......................................................................................8
D. Conversation and Preference Structure ..........................................8
E. Conversation Analysis ...................................................................9
F. Floor ............................................................................................ 10
G. Turn-Taking ................................................................................ 11
H. Overlaps .......................................................................................13
1. Competitive Overlaps...............................................................14
2. Non-Competitive Overlaps ..................................................... 14
I. Transcription of Conversation Analysis...................................... 15
J. Television .....................................................................................19

K. Talk Show ....................................................................................20
L. ‘Hitam Putih’ ...............................................................................21
M. The Effects of Interruption .......................................................... 21
CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...........................................23
A. Research Design ...........................................................................23
B. Time and Location .......................................................................23
C. Data ..............................................................................................23
1. Data ..........................................................................................23
2. The Source of Data...................................................................23


D. The Technique of Collecting Data ...............................................24
E. The Technique of Analyzing Data ...............................................24
CHAPTER IV : DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ............................................25
A. The Data ..................................................................................... 25
B. The Data Analysis .......................................................................25
1. Competitive Overlaps...............................................................26
2. Non-Competitive Overlaps ......................................................29
3. The Effects of Competitive Overlaps .......................................30

a. Competitive Overlaps Provoke Laughter .............................31
b. Competitive Overlaps Create New Idea .............................. 33
C. Research Findings and Discussion ..............................................37
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ....................................39
A. Conclusion ................................................................................. 39
B. Suggestion ...................................................................................40
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................41


Appendix A The Analysis of Types of Overlaps.....................................................................43
Appendix B The Transcript of ‘Hitam Putih’ Conversation....................................................59


A. The Background of The Study
In daily activity, people do not separate with form of interactive

communication between two or more people called conversation. Conversation
happens in social life as the part of human life. Conversation is not only an
activity but it is also learned and analyzed. In linguistic study, conversation is
learned in many aspects of lingusitic branches especially Pragmatics. As one of
linguistic branches, pragmatics study about the speaker’s meaning include Deixis,
Reference and Inference, Politeness, Speech Acts, Conversation and Preference
Structure and the other subjects.
Yule (2000), proposed that Conversation and Preference Structure studies
about Conversation Analysis. In conversation analysis, spontaneous action that
happens in some ways spontaneously where the speaker controls and decide who
will speak next called Turn-Taking. But sometimes, conversation does not run
well as the speakers want because the participant may start talking while others
have not even finished their sentence yet, this is called Overlaps which included
into the part of turn-taking.
The writer inspired by three previous researchers. Taboada (2006), stated that
turn-taking in conversation does not happen freely, but it is controlled by the
interlocutor. The result in this study is that a speaker can take the turn only if the
interlocutor gives it. And overlapping can be seen as self-selection by interlocutor
and it indicates that the current speaker is not ready to give the turn.



Rahman (2006), stated that in conversation participant should apply turn
signal as indication of a willingness to take, hold, or pass the floor. There are four
types of signal include turn-claiming, turn-yielding, turn-taking, and turn-holding
signals. The result in this study is most of turn signals applied in order to imply
that the speakers are aware of the importance of signaling one another so that
there will not be an overlapping.
Stolt (2008), stated that avoiding overlaps is very important in a conversation,
even to the extent that waiting for one’s turn when talking is one of the first things
that small children are taught at home. In normal every day conversations, there
seems to be an unwritten rule that one person is to talk at a time and that the other
should wait until the first speaker has finished his/her turn. Especially in a formal
comunication like seminar, interview, etc. Overlaps divided into Competitive and
Non-Competitive Overlaps. Competitive overlaps are produced when the current
speaker has not finished his/her turn. While non-competitive overlaps refers to
overlap when speaker does not aim to take the floor from the current speaker.
Stolt observed about the occurences of overlaps in face-to-face interaction

between Finnish and English native speakers by giving them some questions. And
the result is both of the speakers avoided overlaps and the type of overlaps that
mostly occur is non-competitive overlaps.
Overlaps are considered to mess the rule of conversation because the speaker
starts talking while other has not finished yet. In some television programmes
which use formal communication, overlaps use to be avoided. Especially for
programme which discusses about religion, the speakers in that programme


usually wait for the first speaker to finish his/her turn before they start talking.
Most of cultures in this world also consider overlaps as an impolite behaviour
because interrupting people when they are speaking can disturb the conversation.
But the contributions of overlaps can be different based on the context. In
previous research overlaps can spoil the conversation in interview context. But as
we usually observe in talk show, overlaps are part of of the entertaining factors.
Because it provides laughter and the creativity on-the-spot of thoughts and creates
more ideas for the host. This makes the writer wants to conduct a research in
analyzing the effect of overlaps in talk show conversation.
Talk show includes a television or radio show in which various topics are

discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the studio audience are invited to
participate in the discussion. In this thesis, the writer focuses on talk show
programme ‘Hitam Putih’ because in an informal conversation the speakers
usually speak naturally what comes from their minds and overlaps are often found
in the conversation of television programme especially a talk show. The theme in
‘Hitam Putih’ talk show is ‘Question of Life’ which talks about the life of
Indonesian diva Krisdayanti. The writer chooses the episode of Krisdayanti and
Iis Dahlia as the guest stars because women are more likely to talk to other people
when they have a problem or need to make a decision while men keep their
problems to themselves and do not see the point in sharing personal issues. In
‘Hitam Putih’ programme, the speakers do not just give or take their turns while
doing a conversation but also interrupt each other, which we also know as


So, from the conversation that is done in ‘Hitam Putih’ talkshow the writer will
analyze the types of overlaps that are competitive and non-competitive overlaps
and the effect of overlaps to that programme.

B. The Problem of The Study
The problems of study are formulated as follows:
1. What types of overlaps are found in ‘Hitam Putih’ talkshow?
2. What are the effects of overlaps to the conversation in ‘Hitam Putih’ talk

C. The Objective of The Study
The objectives of the study are:
1. To find the types of overlaps in ‘Hitam Putih’ talk show.
2. To find the effects of overlaps to the conversation in ‘Hitam Putih’ talk

D. The Scope of The Study
The study is limited on analyzing the types of overlaps in ‘Hitam Putih’ talk
show and the effect of overlaps to the conversation in that programme. The types
of overlaps are competitive and non-competitive overlaps.


E. The Significance of The Study
The writer awares that the benefits on analyzing the conversation can affect
to the students especially for those who study about linguistics. So the writer
expects this study will:
1. Theoritically, give new information and understanding for the readers
about the effect of overlaps in conversation that happens in different
context, especially in television programme.
2. Practically, provide more information for those who want to conduct the
same research.

A. Conclusions
The data had been analyzed and conclusions are, firstly, two types of
overlaps occur in the conversation of ‘Hitam Putih’ talk show, they are
competitive and non-competitive overlaps and total of occurences is 190, consist
of competitive overlaps with 100 occurences (52.63 %) and non-competitive
overlaps with 90 occurences (47.36 %).
Secondly, the occurences of overlaps has good effects on the conversation
in that programme to provoke the laughters and to create new ideas/topics in the
conversation so that the conversation will not be monotonoes and competitive
overlaps contribute more than non-competitive overlaps also cause the occurences
of non-competitive.



B. Suggestions
Based on the conclusions above, the writer proposes suggestions as
1. Theoritically, the reader can get new information and understanding about
the effects of overlaps in conversation that happens in different context,
especially in television programme like talk show that overlaps have the
different contributions to that programme by provoking laughters and
creating new ideas.
2. Practically, the reader can get more information to conduct the same
research in analyzing overlaps.

The writer’s name is Indah Julia Fitri, born in January, 31 1992 in
Takengon, Aceh. She is the second child of Drs. Antonis and Suryah Aini. Her
brothers are Rizkan Musafa and Teguh Ardianda, her sister is Desi Munawarah.
She went to Sekolah Dasar Negeri 10 Takengon (graduated in 2004), then
entered SMP Negeri 1 Takengon (graduated in 2007), then continued to SMA
Negeri 8 Takengon (graduated in 2010). She started undergraduate study at State
University of Medan in 2010, majoring in Applied Linguistics and is graduating
in May 2014.