The influence of Willy Wonka`s traumatic experience on his personality in Roald Dahl`s Charlie and the chocolate factory.








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


PANJI PUTERA BAKTI Student Number: 114214091











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


PANJI PUTERA BAKTI Student Number: 114214091






Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis







PANJI PUTERA BAKTI Student Number: 114214091

Approved by

Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A. 15 November 2016


E. Arti Wulandati, Ph.D. 15 November 2016



A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis






PANJI PUTERA BAKTI Student Number: 114214091 Defended before the Board of Examiners

on November 28, 2016 And declared Acceptable


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Member 1 : Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd.,M.Hum. Member 2 : Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A.

Member 3 : Elisabeth Arti Wulandari, Ph.D.

Yogyakarta, 30 November 2016 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University





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I dedicated this

thesis to My Lord

who has blessed me

with beautiful people

in my life.

My parents who give



love for success in my





I would like to express my gratitude to God and my savior, Jesus Christ, for His never ending love that strengthens me to go through this process in my life. I also thank Mother Mary for Her encouragement when I felt hopeless and desperate. Thesis writing is one long process for me and in this process I am blessed with these following kind people who were never absent in helping me get through this process. My deepest gratitude goes to my humble advisor, Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A. and E. Arti Wulandari, Ph.D. for their patience and tolerance during the consultation time.

I believe that I would never accomplish my thesis without the help from others. My warm gratitude also goes to my parents, especially my mother for her trust and for always putting up with me. I know this expression of gratitude would never replace her love in return. And to my sister who always supports me no matter what happens. I am also grateful to my family for always giving me the power when I was depressed and always giving me strength to finish this thesis even though it took me a long time to finish this thesis. Also for my Grandmother who gives me all the support that I need even if she is far from me.

I would like also like to thank all of the lecturers and staff of English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University for helping me through this learning process and also my friends C Class batch 2011, especially Rian, Willy, Gavin, Andrew, Tata, Piwi. I would like to thank them very much for being part of my learning process. I am surely going to miss our time together in class.

Last but not least, I give thanks to all the people who give me thoughts, advice and awareness for this life.









MOTTO PAGE ... vii





ABSTRAK ... xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objective of the Study ... 4

D. Definition of Terms ... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Review of Related Studies ... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ... 10

1. Theory of Character and Characterization ... 10

2. Theory of Psychoanalysis ... 12

3. Theory of Trauma ... 14

C. Theoretical Framework ... 17

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ... 18

B. Approach of the Study ... 19

C. Method of the Study ... 20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS A. Characteristics of Willy Wonka ... 21

B. The Cause of Willy Wonka’s Traumatic Experience ... 26

C. The Influence of Wonka’s Traumatic Experience On His Personality ... 30






BAKTI, PANJI PUTERA. The Influence of Willy Wonka’s Traumatic Experience on His Personality in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Psychoanalysis Study. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

The object of this study is a novel entitled Charlie And The Chocolate

Factory. It is one of the famous works of Roald Dahl and it was first published in

1964 in America. The original book sold over 20 million copies worldwide and translated into 55 languages.

There are three objectives of this study. The first objective is to depict the characterization of Willy Wonka as the main character in the novel. The second objective is to analyze the cause of Willy Wonka’s traumatic experience. The third objective is to find out the influence of Wonka’s traumatic experience on his personality.

The research method applied in this study is library research. The primary source is Roald Dahl’s novel entitled Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. The

secondary sources are taken from books and thesis that are related to the theory applied in this study. Theories which are applied in this study are the theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of trauma and defense mechanism theory. Psychological approach is used to analyze the influence of traumatic experience on Wonka’s personality.

The result of the study shows that the characteristics of Willy Wonka are intelligent, creative, reliable, and affable at the beginning of the story. He has sociable personality. Willy Wonka experiences an interpersonal traumatic experience. This traumatic experience makes it hard for him to communicate with other people. The influence of traumatic experience is obviously seen through the struggle done by Willy Wonka against his stimulation of his traumatic experience. The traumatic experience changes Willy Wonka’s personality. In the end he becomes rude, selfish, and sarcastic.




BAKTI, PANJI PUTERA. The Influence of Willy Wonka’s Traumatic Experience on His Personality in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory: Psychoanalysis Study. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Objek penelitian ini adalah novel Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. Novel ini merupakan salah satu karya terkenal dari Roald Dahl dan pertama kali dipublikasikan pada tahun 1964 di Amerika. Novel ini telah terjual lebih dari 20 juta kopi di seluruh dunia dan diterjemahkan dalam 55 bahasa.

Penelitian ini bertujuan: pertama, menggambarkan penokohan dari Willy Wonka sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel. Kedua, menganalisis penyebab terjadinya pengalaman traumatis dari Willy Wonka. Ketiga, menganalisa pengaruh pengalaman traumatis terhadap kepribadian Willy Wonka.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian pustaka dengan sumber utama novel karya Roald Dahlr berjudul Charlie And The

Chocolate Factory. Materi penunjang adalah buku dan makalah-makalah yang

berhubungan dengan teori yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini. Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut, teori tentang tokoh, teori penokohan, teori trauma, dan teori mekanisme pertahanan. Pendekatan psikologis digunakan untuk menganalisa pengaruh pengalaman traumatis terhadap kepribadian Willy Wonka

Hasil dari studi menunjukan karakteristik Willy Wonka di awal cerita adalah kreatif, dapat dipercaya, ramah, dan pintar. Willy Wonka memiliki kepribadian yang bersahabat. Willy Wonka mengalami pengalaman traumatis interpersonal. Pengalaman traumatis ini membuat dia sulit berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Pengaruh dari pengalaman traumatis dapat dilihat melalui perjuangan yang dilakukan Willy Wonka melawan stimulus dari pengalaman pribadinya. Pengalaman traumatis mengubah kepribadian Willy Wonka. Pada akhir cerita ia menjadi kasar, egois, dan sarkastik.




A. Background of the Study

In literary works, especially novel, characters are one of the most important things in a story. Characters are similar to human in real life; characters in literary works have their own characteristics. Characters are divided into antagonist and protagonist. The protagonist characters are described by the author with all the positive personality. On the other hand, the antagonist characters are described by the author with negative personality.

The reason why people have personality is the experiences that they had faced in the past. Experiences have big influence to the character’s emotional development. The emotion of people or character will be developed under an unconscious mind and then it creates personality of the characters. Among all of the experiences there is an experience that strongly affects someone’s personality called Trauma (Feist and Feist, 2006:3-4).

Trauma is a bad event that people experience and distract people’s mind condition. According to Mendatu Trauma is in his book Pemulihan Trauma: Trauma is an event which is threaten or caused death or serious wound, or a threat toward people’s psychological integrity. People who experience traumatic event tend to try to forget their traumatic memory. Their unconscious mind will



construct defense mechanisms in order to protect it from traumatic stimulation (Mendatu, 2010:16).

The researcher chooses one of Roald Dahl novel entitled Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory to be analyzed in this study. The researcher uses this novel

because this novel has many characters that have complexity in their personality and life. In Charlie and Chocolate Factory, the researcher believes some characters who act spontaneously are controlled by unconscious mind. The researcher analyzes those characters that act spontaneously based on

Psychoanalysis. Those who act spontaneously here are children who get the

golden tickets. And also do some researches further more from the Mr. Willy Wonka’s perspective as the owner of the Charlie and Chocolate Factory.

The first character in this novel is Augustus Gloop, one of the children who come to Wonka’s Factory. He is a kid with a big fat body. He has an eating syndrome. The only thing that he knows is only eating. The second character is Violet Beauregarde. She is a girl with pride and has a chewing syndrome. She likes to chew her bubble gum for a long time even when she is asleep. She is a very active and ignorant girl. The third is Veruca Salt, a rich girl who wants everything she wants to be fulfilled no matter what. She is a rich, selfish kid who always gets everything from her parents and will be mad if she cannot get what she wants. The fourth is Mike Teavee, the boy who spends most of his time in front of the television. He is a bad tempered kid who just enjoys the life when he is watching television. The fifth is Charlie Bucket, the protagonist in the novel. Charlie Bucket is a poor kid who can eat chocolate only on his birthday. Next is


Willy Wonka, the owner of Wonka’s chocolate factory. He is an eccentric person who keeps himself out from the society. The researcher uses Willy Wonka as his object of the study because Willy Wonka is a round character in the novel. His personality is different from the beginning of the story until the end of the story.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of the greatest Roald Dahl’s

works. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tells about the genius in sweets and chocolate production, Willy Wonka. Willy Wonka is friendly and kind to his workers. Every worker loves to work with him and sees the magic in candies happen. He is a great and good person until someone betrays him. Other companies that look upon Wonka’s success start to send their spies to steal Wonka’s secret recipes. Every company starts to sell candies and chocolate like Wonka’s company. Willy Wonka does not trust anyone because of this betrayal. He fires all of his workers and closes his factory from outsiders. Even shuts down his factory for several years. His factory finally starts to work again but his workers remain unknown from the people around the factory. Willy Wonka does not have good relation with other people because of the betrayal. In the end, he has to open his factory for five lucky persons who have a golden ticket to have a tour for a day in his factory. He finally opens his factory in order to find his heir. This novel shows how Willy Wonka has to face other people in order to get his goal.

As a social human being, someone usually needs other people in order to live in his society. Willy Wonka does not have communication with other people for a long time, which is why he becomes introvert. He does not become a gentle



person because of his past experience. Experiences have a role in people’s personality development. The side effect of Wonka’s past experience makes his personality become negative. Willy Wonka is the ego of the story when the other characters become his id and super ego, to use Freudian Theory.

The researcher uses psychological approach to analyze Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory. Psychological approach is rarely used to analyze this novel.

Other researchers often use Marxist approaches to analyze this novel. They focus on the hierarchy of the social status in this novel. While in this study, the researcher focuses more on the character’s mental development. The researcher analyzes Willy Wonka personality’s development in this thesis. This study on Willy Wonka can show the reader how one’s experience can develop people’s personality in people’s unconscious mind.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is the personality of Willy Wonka in the novel?

2. Why does Willy Wonka’s traumatic experience happen?

3. How does Wonka’s traumatic experience influence his personality?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study in this thesis aim to find out the effect of Willy Wonka’s traumatic experience toward his personality. His personality changes at the end of the story. First, the researcher explained the character and the characterization of Willy Wonka in the novel. Second, the researcher analyzed


traumatic experience which Willy Wonka has faced in the past. Last, the researcher identified the cause and effect of Willy Wonka’s experience on his personality.

D. Definition of Terms


Based on the definition of Trauma by Achmanto Mendatu in his book

Pemulihan Trauma: “ Trauma is an event or events which threaten or cause death or serious wound, or is a threat toward people’s psychological integrity” ( Mendatu,2010:16). Trauma is subjective because people have a different perspective of threat. For example: A and B have a bad experience with a knife. A had been stabbed by people with a knife while being robbed; B is experience cut himself with a knife while chopping fruits. Both of them were hurt by a knife, but A has a great impact in memory. A’s mind will interpret knife as a dangerous threat because it almost takes his life, while B’s mind will not interpret a knife as a dangerous threat because it never gives him serious wound. Because of this experience A’s mind may develop a trauma.


According to Oxford Dictionary personality is “the various aspects of a person’s character that combine to make them different from other people” (Hornby, 2006:1084).





This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is for review on related studies. The second part is for review on related theories. The last part is for theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Studies

The researcher uses Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, one of the famous works of Roald Dahl, as his analysis object. The researcher uses Freudian theory to analyze the object. Donna Lynn Moder (1977), Jane Chui Chun Lai (1966), and Edward Lewa Usu (2009) also use psychological approach to do their thesis andWan Syakira Meor Hissan (2012), and also Marianne Eik (2011) use Roald Dahl’s novel Charlie And The Chocolate Factory as their object of the study. In her thesis Lai Chui Chun uses Charles Dicken’s works as her object of analysis. She says:

Although the psychoanalytic approach to literature cannot explain the mystery of the artistic gift, it may, nevertheless, help us in the investigation of that part of the artistic technique — the creative transformation of experience (Lai, 1966:07).

She tries to compare the author’s background with his works. She says that psychological approach is applicable in Dicken’s works. Using psychological approach, she finds out that there is a connection between Dicken’s past and his works. She uses the intrinsic elements in novels as her focus. She focuses on the names, nameplace, the description of places, and characters traits. She writes that these elements are the form of unconscious process of Dickens. She shows that


Dicken’s past with his father, who is irresponsible, makes him always create the character of a weak father and responsible child in his works. Experience has influence on the character personality. When someone has a good or bad experience, this will give influence to his personality development. This is what people call unconscious. According to Lai Chui Chun:

The battle of Life is a good example of his kind of writing, and is not taken seriously by literary critics. But when the neurosis is finally resolved in a writer, and he can use the frame work of his own conflicts to present conf1icts which exist in objective reality without involving the neurotic defense mechanisms as associated with his own conflicts but follows the logical development of a situation or idea, the work promises to be more valuable than just a by-product of neurosis- (Lai, 1966: 192).

Donna Lynn Moder uses other woks in order to apply Psychological approach. She uses The Great Gatsby as her analytic object. Almost like Lai Chui Chun, Mode wants to compare the past experience and the works, but Moder compares the character’s past and with his personality. Moder focuses on the characterization in The Great Gatsby. She uses Nick the detective in The Great

Gatsby as her object to apply psychoanalysis. She uses psychological approach in

order to reveal Nick’s ‘true’ identity. She states:

Nick hides, or at least displaces, the truth about his problematic growth to emotional maturity and independence in Gatsby, a human being separate from himself, yet with whom Nick grows out of admiration to be spiritual-actually intimate (Moder, 1977 : 90).

The other object that she observes is Gatsby. She observes Gastby’s past. She writes in her thesis:



Gatsby's major oedipal wish is to win the affections of the "good" mother, Daisy, from the rival father, Tom. Tom is not only the victim of Gatsby's rivalries aggressions, but the personification of a twofold projection by Gatsby (Moder, 1977:93).

Gatsby in this novel is trapped in Phallic Stage. Phallic stage is when the boy develops his sexual desire with his closest parent or we can call it as Oedipus complex.

Edward Lewa Usu uses Dracula by Brams Stoker and Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. He applies psychoanalysis in order to compare the two characters of Dracula from two different authors. Same as Moder, Usu focuses on the character of the two novels. He describes the two characters into id, ego, and superego. He said that:

According to Sigmund Freud, a human’s personalities constructed from the interaction between three forces, namely the Id, the superego and the ego. This part discusses how the characters of Count Dracula and Edward Cullen and their society reflect the three forces in Freudian structures of personalities (Usu, 2009:46).

Different from the other two, Usu uses the structure of personality as his method to describe the characters in his thesis. He focuses on how the characters stand themselves in the society. How the society builds their personality, so that their personality is like what the authors have described. In addition, Wan Syakira Meor Hissan in Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 2 No. 1, July 2012, pp. 83-92 writes an analysis called “An Analysis of the Children’s Characters In Roald Dahl’s Novel: Charlie And The Chocolate Factory”. In this analysis Hissan focuses on the development of children personality on the novel.


The analysis of the characters in the novel has also contributed to the children’s literature studies in which, despite the criticism on Roald Dahl’s works, it proves that moral values presented in these two novels are expressed through the children’s mature and immature morality examined in the text (Hissan, 2012: 91).

Hissan uses moral value appoach in order to find the development of children personality in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. She tries to find the link between children personality in Roald Dahl’s work and the impact of these personality toward moral values for the reader, especially for kids.

A bit different from Hissan, Eik wants to describe the differences between three adaptations of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. She uses adaptation theory in order to observe her objects of the study. In her thesis “One or Three Wonkas? A Comparative Study of the Adaptations of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, she says:

All in all, whether the changes made to Wonka have enhanced the story or not, is again a highly subjective question as the reviews illustrate. Through the macrocosmic and microcosmic character analyses it is clear that the change of medium presents three different.Wonkas are presented in three different texts (Eik, 2011:94).

She uses adaptation theory in order to find the differences between Wonkas that were made in 1946, 2005, and film adaptation. She finds that every adaptation has different picture of Willy Wonka. This will make the reader confused in order to find Wonka’s personality, according to her.

Using psychological dimension, people must read carefully to find any symbols that appear in the text in order to find the psychological condition of the



character. This psychological dimension is built from the intrinsic element of the literature such as setting, circumstances and plot.

Those theses mentioned above show how personality can be changed by one specific event, such as traumatic experience. The researcher believes that the character’s past life have an effect to the personality of that character. This helped the researcher to defend his opinion about personality and psychological approach. The researcher provided something that is different from the other theses, even though there are some other theses that analyze the same object, which is Dahl’s

Carlie and the Chocolate Factory, and use the same method like the researcher

does, the researcher is confident that he does it without doing any kind of plagiarism. The researcher observes Willy Wonka from Charlie and Chocolate

Factory and he will focus on his interaction with other people. The researcher uses

the psychological approach on the conversation of Willy Wonka with other characters.


Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is an important element in the story. According to Abrams in his book A Glossary Of Literary Terms

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it (Abrams, 2009 :32).


Character is also the representation of ‘real’ people that the authors create in their works. The imagery character in literary works has the same characteristic with ‘real’ people. Bannet and Royle in their book Introduction to Literature, Criticism,

and Theory Third Edition say:

There is a similar enigma about the word ‘character’: just as the word ‘person’ hasa double and paradoxical signification, so ‘character’ means both a letter or sign, a mark of writing, and the ‘essential’ qualities of a ‘person’ (Bannet and Royle, 2004: 63).

Characters also can be divided into flat and round characters. A flat character is the character that has simple characteristic. This kind of character has one characteristic so that reader can easily understand him. Round character is a complex character. He can have many characters in one person so that the reader needs to read carefully and do an analysis to understand the character.

Beside character, the other element that is important is characterization. Characterization is how the author shows the characteristic of the character. According to M.J Murphy there are nine ways to make character understandable and alive

First is personal description. It is how the author describes the characteristic through the appearance and the clothes of the character. Second is character as seen by another. Instead of describing a character directly, the author chooses to describe the character through the eyes and opinions of another. Third is speech. The author describes the character through what they say, their conversation with another and how they put forward an opinion. They give the reader some clues to their character. Fourth is past life, by letting the reader learn



something about a person’s past life, the author shows the clue about the past event that affect the character. The past life can be shown through the character’s thought, narration, or conversation with the other. Fifth is conversation with others .The conversation of other people and the things that other characters tell about him/her give a clue to the reader about the character’s characteristics. Sixth is reaction. The author can give a clue about the characteristic through the action of the character when they face problem or event. Seventh is direct comments. It is when the author describes the characteristic directly. Eighth is character’s thinking. The author gives the clues through the character’s think about himself or another character. Ninth is mannerism. The author gives the clue about characteristic of the character through the manner of the character.

2. Theory of Psychoanalysis

According to Freud in Barry’s book Beginning Theory An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory, psychoanalysis is “A form of therapy which aims to

cure mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious element in the mind” (Barry, 2002:96). In psychoanalysis by Freud, the focus is on the character’s mind. The character’s mind can be divided into ego, id, and super-ego. Freudian focuses on unconscious mind rather than the conscious. Dream Work is the condition when desire or will in reality is transcribed into our dream images. Dream Works includes displacement and condensation. Displacement is the condition when one person or event is linked to another. It can be caused by the similarity of sound, word, or symbolic representation. Condensation is the condition when a number of people, events or


something reality is combined into one images in a dream. The purpose of displacement and condensation as Freudian has said are:

Firstly, as we said, they disguise the repressed fears and wishes contained in the dream so that they can get past the censor which normally prevents their surfacing into unconscious mind. Secondly, they fashion this material into something which can be represented in a dream, that is, into images, symbols, and metaphors (Barry, 2002: 99).

And what Freudian psychoanalysis does are: First, they focus on the distention between unconscious and conscious mind. Second, they pay attention to the unconscious mind of the author or the character. Third, they demonstrate the presence in the literary work of classic psychoanalysis symptoms, condition, or phrases. Fourth, they identify a ‘psychic’ context for the literary work.

According to Freud there are three levels of mind. First is conscious which is the first level of human mind, when everything that people do is based on our will. Second is preconscious. It is the second level of human mind when everything that we do is not really we aware. Third is unconscious. It is considered to be the last level of human mind. Everything we do is completely out of mind and we are not aware of it.

Defense mechanism is one way of protection of mind from stress. People’s mind will activate their defense mechanism unconsciously when it is in danger.

We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise because we feel threatened, or because our id or superego becomes too demanding. They are not under our conscious control, and are non-voluntaristic. With the ego, our unconscious will use one or more to protect us when we come up against a stressful situation in life. When they get out of proportion, neuroses develop, such as anxiety



states, phobias, obsessions, or hysteria (McLeod, 2009,, July 11, 2015).

Defense mechanisms will provide defending systems in people’s mind in order to keep it from harm. According to Freud in Jess Feist and Gregory J. Feist’s book

Theories of Personality there are eight kinds of defense mechanism. First is

repression. Repression is an unconscious mechanism that represses the ego to be conscious. Second is displacement. Displacement is an act that satisfies him/herself with substitute object. Third is reaction formation. Reaction Formation is the condition when someone disguises what they really feel. Fourth is fixation. Fixation is the condition when someone is trapped in one of stage of development. Fifth is regression. Regression is the condition when someone only acts when they feel it is safe for them. Sixth is projection. Projection is the condition when someone projects their desire toward other people. Seventh is introjection. Introjection is the condition when someone tries to mimic other people’s positive behavior. Eighth is sublimation. Sublimation is the condition when someone does something positive in order to let out their desire (Feist and Feist, 2006: 34-38).

3. Theory of Trauma

Trauma had been investigated in the study of hysteria at the Paris hospital La Salpêtrière with French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, with whom Sigmund Freud and Pierre Janet studied in the 1880s. At that time Freud developed the traumatic theory by treating cases of hysteria in mostly female patients. He tried to indicate that the event or the memory of the experience becomes traumatic only


the second time around, after it has become internally revivified (Freud and Breuer, 2001: 20).

Trauma comes from people’s minds. People’s mind will develop or interpret the dangerous event unconsciously. “the psychical trauma – or more precisely the memory of the trauma – acts like a foreign body which long after its entry must continue to be regarded as an agent that is still at work” (Freud and Breuer 2001: 6). Memory as the core of trauma will act unconsciously after it gets triggered by something that is interpreted as harm. Trauma will occur when the event, which is stored in the individual, is re-enacted at a later time when the people is confronted with a similar occurrence.

According to Mendatu, trauma can be divided into three kinds. First is physical trauma. Physical trauma is caused by physical injury that is dangerous because of physical changes. For example: amputation, fracture, and severe bleeding. Physical trauma is used in medical terms. Second is post-cult trauma. Post-cult trauma is caused by emotional problems experienced by the member of cults when they think they are not one of them. Third is psychological trauma. Psychological trauma is caused by psychological injury as a result of experiencing events that depress or endanger people’s life. Psychological trauma is the most common in people’s life (Mendatu, 2010:14). So, when people talk about ‘trauma’ they usually talk about psychological trauma, as the researcher used in this thesis.

According to Mendatu, based on the event, Trauma can be divided into Impersonal Trauma, Interpersonal Trauma, and Attachment Trauma. Impersonal



Trauma is the traumatic event which does not involve the people’s feeling directly as a person, for example: holocaust and accident. Interpersonal Trauma is the event which involves people directly as a person. In this kind of trauma people are experiencing the traumatic events that involve other people, for example: betrayal, abuse, war, and criminal. Attachment Trauma or usually called Development Trauma is a trauma which is experienced by children. This trauma involves the person who is really close to the victim, for example: children abuse by their parents (Mendatu, 2010: 22-25).

Freud and Breuer (2001) said trauma is divided into several steps. First is the traumatic event. In this step, people experiencing the event which has a great impact to his mind. Second is Trauma. People’s unconscious mind starts to interpret the event which they have before into threat. The unconscious mind starts grow awareness to stimulation that involves the traumatic event. Third is stress response. At this moment the unconscious mind reacting to the any stimulation from the outside which is interpreted as threat. The unconscious mind build systems called defense mechanisms to protect itself from the threat. Fourth is Post-Traumatic Disorder or PTSD. At this moment people’s mind has been hurt by effect of traumatic event. People can have several symptoms when they have PTSD. Not all people who are experiencing traumatic event ends in PTSD. It can be seen through this chart:


C. Theoretical Framework

In order to answer problem formulation, the contribution of theories is needed. Thus, the review of related study is needed to add more information, critique, and comment towards Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. The review of related theories along with the review of related studies gives deeper insight about the study.

Since the focus of the study is psychological approach, several psychological theories will be used to analyze the study. Those theories are psychoanalysis and trauma theory. To analyze the novel and to answer the problem mentioned in the first chapter, the character and characterization are analyzed using theories of character and characterization by M.H. Abrams. Later on, from the analysis of the character and characterization, the writer analyzes the cause of Willy Wonka’s traumatic experience. In this step, theory of trauma is used to see how the event which was experienced by Wonka becomes a traumatic experience. Theory of psychoanalysis is used in order to see the influence of Wonka’s traumatic experience on his personality.




A. Object of the Study

This thesis deals with Charlie And The Chocolate Factory as the object of the study. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory is one of the famous works of Roald Dahl and it was first published in 1964 in America. Charlie And The

Chocolate Factory celebrated its 50 anniversary on the 1st February 2014. This

novel has been printed since 1964 and still continues to be printed until now, 2016. In many ways, the most astonishing thing about Charlie And The Chocolate

Factory is the fact that it has been a bestseller since it was published 50 years ago

and it is also adapted for stage and film. The original books has sold over 20 million copies worldwide and translated into 55 languages. In 1972, this novel wins New England Round Table of Children's Librarians Award and in 2000, Millennium Children's Book Award and Blue Peter Book Award. In 2010 The Golden Ticket - an opera based on the novel, composed by Peter Ash, first acted in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. And, in 2013, a new musical production opened in

London’s West End (, November 17, 2016).

This novel tells about Charlie, a poor boy who is really curious about mysterious chocolate factory made by Willy Wonka, the genius of sweets. This novel shows the struggle of Charlie to get into Wonka’s factory by winning the lottery that Willy Wonka gives to people.


The researcher focuses on the second main character which is Willy Wonka instead of Charlie. This character has unique personality from the beginning until the end of the story. That is why Willy Wonka has been chosen as the object of the study.

B. Approach of the Study

Psychological approach deals with human’s unconscious mind just like what Freud's theory has said in A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature “The psychological approach tell us more about the unconsciousness and consciousness aspect of the human psyche” (Guerin,2005:122-123).Psychological approach tries to find the hidden desire of a human being by analyzing the unconscious mind. Psychological approach began to be used as an approach to analyze literary works in 1920s and 1930s. The researcher chooses the psychological approach to analyze this study. Psychological approach comes from the field of psychology. It is relevant to use psychological approach as an approach in literary works because psychology and literature are closely related. Lindaeur in his book Psychology and its Discipline says that literature is the best at describing human behavior in dramatic form (Bornstein, 1984:144). He also states that psychology studies characteristics systematically both in real life as well as literature, which is the projection of feeling, experience and human life. Thus, both psychology and literature study about human personality or condition. In this thesis, the researcher deals with psychological problem that Wonka experiences. This thesis only focuses on Willy Wonka and his personality. Because of that, psychological approach is used to analyze Wonka's personality.



C. Method of the Study

This research used a library research as the method of the study. The primary source which was used in this research was Charlie and The Chocolate

Factory, a novel written by Roald Dahl. All of data that was used by the

researcher was based on the novel itself, while the secondary sources were books, articles, and theses.

In order to know deeper how Wonka's personality developed, the researcher needed more information about psychology. Because of that, some psychoanalysis books were needed. This thesis wanted to know deeper about Wonka's personality development, so Freud's psychology books were used to solve this problem. Meanwhile, the other book about characterization was needed in order to know how Wonka's personality was described in the novel.

To interpret this novel some steps were taken. The first step was reading the novel. Reading the novel closely was very important in order to know more about the problems that were exist in the novel. Reading the novel repeatedly was important, so that problem formulations could be developed. Collecting references was the second step. References were needed to strengthen this thesis. So, this thesis became objective not subjective. The third step was compiling the data that were gathered from those references. The last step was classifying the data that have been found out, according to its arrangement in the problem formulations. This classification was prepared to answer the problems of the study. That was how this study was finished.




This chapter discusses the questions that appear in the problem formulation in three parts. First part discusses Willy Wonka’s personality which is described in the novel. This discussion answers the first problem formulation. The second part discusses how Wonka’s traumatic experience happens. The third part discusses the influence of traumatic experience on Wonka’s personality.

A. Willy Wonka’s Personality in the novel

This part discusses Willy Wonka characteristics as seen by other characters and descriptions by the author in Roald Dahl’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The discussion is based on the comments of other characters’ point of

view and other characters’ conversation about him in accordance to Murphy’s theory of characterization.

a. Intelligent

Willy Wonka has a lot of great innovation in sweets and chocolate industry. His greatness in making chocolate and sweets is described by the author in the novel. It is proven in the page 6 of the novel where the author said “Mr. Willy Wonka, the greatest inventor and maker of chocolates that there has ever been.” It means that he is the only one who has the skills to make great innovations. Wonka’s greatness also can be seen from other people who talks about him. People’s arguments in this novel also give information about his power



in chocolate industry. Like one of the characters in novel, called Grandpa Joe, in the novel said ”Mr. Willy Wonka is the most amazing, the most fantastic, and the most extraordinary chocolate maker the world has ever seen! I thought everybody knew that!” (Dahl, 1964:7). Other chocolate makers grow jealous toward him.

Yes. All the other chocolate makers, you see, had begun to grow jealous of the wonderful sweets that Mr. Wonka was making, and they started sending in spies to steal his secret recipes. The spies took jobs in the Wonka factory, pretending that they were ordinary workers, and while they were there, each one of them found out exactly how a certain special thing was made (Dahl, 1964:14).

Other makers even try to steal his secret recipes; it means he has something that other people do not have. He can make other makers feel jealous because of him. People around him start to grow envy because of his intelligent and his creativity. In order to make people jealous on others; it needs something special that he or ordinary people has. Willy Wonka has his intellectual which people do not have, so based on that, he is an intelligent person.

b. Creative

Willy Wonka can make everything made of chocolate. His creativity in chocolate inventions is showed on Grandpa Joe description how great Willy Wonka is:

My dear boy,' said Grandpa Joe, raising himself up a little higher on his pillow, 'Mr Willy Wonka is the most amazing, the most fantastic, the most extraordinary chocolate maker the world has ever seen! I thought everybody knew that!' (Dahl, 1964:7).


Grandpa Joe gives a lot of comments about Willy Wonka characteristics. The reason is Grandpa Joe is a worker in Wonka’s factory. Other proof that shows Mr. Wonka is an extraordinary chocolate maker:

And, by a most secret method, he can make lovely blue birds' eggs with black spots on them, and when you put one of these in your mouth, it gradually gets smaller and smaller until suddenly there is nothing left except a tiny little pink sugary baby bird sitting on the tip of your tongue. (Dahl, 1964:9)

This statement comes from Grandpa Joe, he shows that Mr. Wonka has creativity beyond ordinary people. He can make ice cream that supposes to melt when it is lying in the sun keeps in shape and chocolate egg that can turn into baby bird and gradually get smaller the longer you eat it. All of his inventions look irrational for some people to be fulfilled, with his imagination he can make something impossible into possible. He can make his inventions because of his creativity and skills. The last proof is when he gets letter from Prince Pondicherry to build him a colossal palace made of chocolate.

The bricks were chocolate, and the cement holding them together was chocolate, and the windows were chocolate, and all the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate, so were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture and the beds; and when you turned on the taps in the bathroom, hot chocolate came pouring out (Dahl, 1964:11).

He can make a palace full of chocolate. All the furniture and even the water that flow inside the palace are made of chocolate. His creativity has been shown in the novel by showing all these comments.



The data above shows that the capability of Willy Wonka in inventing enormous sweets. Based on the proof provided, the researcher concludes that Willy Wonka is creative.

c. Reliable

Reliable means that he wants to help and take care of other people by fulfilling people request. He accepts a request from Prince of India, Prince Pondicherry.

‘Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Willy Wonka,’ said Granpa Joe,’ and asked him to come all the way out to India and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate.’

‘Did Mr. Wonka do it, Granpa?’

‘He did, indeed. And what a palace it was!’… (Dahl, 1964:11)

He comes far from his factory to India just to fulfill Prince’s letter. Besides he wants to accept Prince Pondicherry insane request, Mr. Wonka is reliable because he has a thousand workers in his factory. Mr. Wonka has a thousand workers in his factory. They works in Wonka’s factory to help him built his sweets industry. “You see, Charlie,’ he said. ‘not so very long ago there used to be thousands of people working in Willy Wonka’s Factory…” (Dahl, 1964:14). Mr. Wonka trusts people to work in his factory. He even has thousands of people working for him and helping them to have a work. Based on those proofs, Willy Wonka is reliable before he experienced his traumatic event.

d. Affable

He isaffable in the perspective of people in general like what the elder of Bucket family said “Poor Mr. Wonka. He was so nice. And he made such marvelous things. But he’s finished now. It’s all over” (Dahl, 1964:15). The


statement that comes from the elder of Bucket Family means a lot, because they know Mr. Wonka for a long time. They know how Mr. Wonka before. They know him when he trusts people and wants to open himself to stranger. Another proof besides the elder’s comment, Mr. Wonka is affable because he cares about other people. When he received a letter from Prince Pondicherry to build a colossal palace made of chocolate, he builds the palace. He knows that something wrong happens to the palace. Prince Pondicherry does not hear Mr.Wonka’s words. Mr. Wonka warns “I warn you though, it won’t last very long, so you better start eating it right away” (Dahl, 1864:11). Mr. Wonka knew that the weather was not suitable for his chocolate to stay in shape.

Prince Pondicherry lives in India and the weather in India is hot enough to make chocolate melt. He gives the prince advice about his palace even though the prince does not hear his advice because he cares about the prince’s safety.

Willy Wonka is intelligent, creative, reliable, and affable. Willy Wonka’s intelligence is showed by his creativity in chocolate industry. He can make thousands of enormous chocolate inventions. Willy Wonka is a reliable person because he likes to help other people. Willy Wonka gives jobs to thousands people to work in his factory. He helps them to have a constant income by having a job. The last characteristic of his personality is affable. Willy Wonka is an affable person, because he wants to fulfill someone dreams. He fulfills Prince Pondicherry’s insane request by building him a palace made of chocolate. Willy Wonka accepts requests from others and tries to make them happened. Based on the characteristics; Willy Wonka is categorized as a sociable person.



B. The Cause of Willy Wonka’s Traumatic Experience

People who have a bad experience might have a chance to have traumatic experience. Sigmund Freud and J. Breuer in Studies on Hysteria.The Standard

Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud said:

In traumatic neuroses the operative cause of the illness is not the trifling physical injury but the affect of fright the physical trauma. Any experience which calls up distressing affect such as those fright, anxiety, shame or physical pain may operate as trauma of this kind”( Freud,& Joseph Breuer,2001:8).

When trauma comes to people who has experienced dangerous event, it makes their nerves system over-stimulate and make an unbearable fear or threat.

From Willy Wonka’s case, he faces an enormous event that changes his life. Willy Wonka is a successful entrepreneur in chocolate industry. He takes control of chocolate industry as Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine says:

‘Did you know, for example, that he has himself invented more than two hundred new kinds of chocolate bars, each with a different centre, each far sweeter and creamier and more delicious than anything the other chocolate factories can make!'

'Perfectly true!' cried Grandma Josephine. 'And he sends them to all the four corners of the earth! Isn't that so, Grandpa Joe?'

'It is, my dear, it is. And to all the kings and presidents of the world as well… (Dahl, 1964:8)

He can manage to sell all of his products to the four corners of earth, which means he is a very successful entrepreneur. Everyone looks for his inventions, not only ordinary people who wants to eat his sweets but also kings and presidents from all over the world. Prince Pondicherry the prince of India, for example, acknowledges his wonderful idea of sweets. He sends Mr. Wonka a letter to build him a colossal palace made of chocolate and Mr. Wonka makes it. As a successful entrepreneur he also gains a lot of rivals in this industry.


Wonka’s chocolate factory is the biggest sweets factory in the town. It produces thousands of sweet everyday and delivers them around the world. As a big company, it needs so many workers to do the jobs. Wonka’s chocolate factory has thousands of worker in the factory, like Grandpa Joe says when he talked to Charlie “ You see, Charlie’ he said, ‘not very long ago there used to be thousands of people working in Mr. Willy Wonka’s factory” (Dahl,1964:14). People in the towns used to work for him to make sweets and see the process of how it works. He trusts other people or strangers to work in his factory. He opens himself to other people. Because of his success history, other sweets companies start to grow jealous upon him.

Other sweets factories in the town are jealous of Wonka’s success. They are jealous because Wonka can make enormous inventions of sweets.

And, by a most secret method, he can make lovely blue birds' eggs with black spots on them, and when you put one of these in your mouth, it gradually gets smaller and smaller until suddenly there is nothing left except a tiny little pink sugary baby bird sitting on the tip of your tongue. and when you put one of these in your mouth, it gradually gets smaller and smaller until suddenly there is nothing left except a tiny little pink sugary baby bird sitting on the tip of your tongue(Dahl,1964:9).

From the statement of Grandpa Joe above, the inventions seems magical and only Willy Wonka knows how to make it. Other sweets factories think that they might not be able to catch up with Wonka’s inventions starts to grow jealous upon Mr. Wonka. By using the workers of Willy Wonka’s factory, they sent their spies to get Wonka’s secret recipes “Yes. All the other chocolate makers, you see, had begun to grow jealous of the wonderful sweets that Mr. Wonka was making, and they started sending in spies to steal his secret recipes” (Dahl, 1946:14).Grandpa



Joe says that he is the worker in Wonka’s factory. This plan goes smooth for the rival. His rivals start to attack Wonka’s business from the inside. They know Wonka’s secret recipes. They begin to produce the recipes as soon as they got it. People start to buy the sweets from them and they start to catch up with sweet factory. This event shows the point when Willy Wonka feel less comfortable with people.

Willy Wonka is depressed at that time. His trust on his workers begins to fade away. He fires all of his workers, not a single person that he keeps to work in his factory.

And Mr Willy Wonka tore his beard and shouted, "This is terrible! I shall be ruined! There are spies everywhere! I shall have to close the factory! 'But he didn't do that!' Charlie said.'Oh, yes he did. He told all the workers that he was sorry, but they would have to go home. Then, he shut the main gates and fastened them with a chain. Even Mr Willy Wonka himself disappeared completely (Dahl, 1964:14-15).

Willy Wonka cannot handle the situation and close himself from the world. His factory does not work for a period of time. His business becomes a mess and people begin to think his career is over.

This event has a great impact on Willy Wonka’s life. He is at the top of his career and people begin to try to knock him down from his position. He experiences a dangerous situation because of this event. He does not encounter physical abuse, but psychological abuse. Trauma does not happen only because of people being hurt physically but also mentally. In Wonka’s case, he is abused psychologically by being betrayed by his workers. Wonka’s mind cannot accept the reality for being betrayed. He does not think that people who he is believed in


began to work against him. His trust toward people has been abused by the spies. It is normal for a person who believed in others, get hurt when people lied to them. Because of this, Wonka’s mind interprets the event as threat for his life. It becomes dangerous because the betrayal starts to harm his business.

Willy Wonka’s psychological condition is at the first state of Trauma. His mind starts to interpret the event that he faces as traumatic experience. In Wonka’s case the traumatic experience is betrayal. The event when his workers start to betray him and steal something important for him becomes a trigger on his mental stability. Betrayal is one kind of Interpersonal Trauma. Interpersonal means, traumatic event which involve other people as the cause of his/her traumatic memory. Wonka’s traumatic experience involves other people in it. The people who involves in Wonka’s traumatic experience are his workers. Every time he encounters other human being, his mind starts the alarm and tries to protect itself from getting hurt.

Wonka’s interpersonal trauma is made by people whom he trusts in and they become the cause of Wonka’s trauma. After he knows he is betrayed by his workers, Wonka’s mind starts to react more intense toward this event. His psychological condition at this point is on Trauma section. His mind starts to react toward the event by releasing his spontaneous anger. This reaction comes from comment in the novel “And Mr. Willy Wonka tore his beard and shouted. ‘This is terrible! I shall be ruined! There are spies everywhere! I shall have to close the factory!” (Dahl, 1964:14). He is angry at the time; by looking the punctuation mark that Dahl used to express Wonka’s feeling. Exclamation marks are used



every time Wonka’s ending his sentences to show the feeling of Willy Wonka at the time he knows he is betrayed. His mind begins to build its defense to protect Wonka’s psychological condition. The betrayal has been interpreted in Wonka’s unconscious mind as something that could disturb his mental condition. The betrayal is the source of Wonka’s traumatic experience and people becomes the trigger of his trauma. People can be the trigger because Willy Wonka is experiencing interpersonal trauma, the trauma that involves other people in it. This moment is the time when the betrayal begins to make Wonka afraid to face other people. Willy Wonka’s mind starts building anxiety. His unconscious mind makes betrayal experience as triggered to his trauma. Whenever Willy Wonka has to face other people, this memory comes out of his mind.

C. The Influence of Wonka’s Traumatic Experience to His Personality

Willy Wonka’s mind starts to give responses on his traumatic experience. At this point his unconscious mind wants to stop his depression to go to Post-Traumatic Disorder. His mind starts to build defense mechanisms, in order to protect Wonka’s mind. According to Freud in Theories of Personality, defense mechanisms were the act of denial. Defense mechanisms try to avoid the chaos that Id might react toward dangerous situation. Instead of facing the problem, defense mechanisms try to stabilize the mind from over-stimulate by denying the realty. In Wonka’s case stimulation comes from other persons. His mind tries to protect itself every time Wonka encountered other people. As the triggered toward over-stimulate, the stranger or other people is interpreted by Wonka’s mind as a


threat. His mind tries to avoid the Id taking control of his Ego by avoiding the danger stimulation. Instead of facing the problem directly, people who use defense mechanisms tried to deny reality.

Willy Wonka has several events that triggered his unconscious mind to protect him from other people. First is his decision to fire all of his workers. In order to keep himself out from the public, Willy Wonka isolates himself alone in his chocolate factory. Second is his decision to make a contact with people for the first time after isolating himself for ten years. He has to face his fear after isolating himself in his comfort zone when he was in his factory. Third is Willy Wonka’s reaction to problem that happens in his factory. One by one the children start to get accidents and Willy Wonka as the owner of the chocolate factory has to get an action to help them. The last is a decision to bring people close to his secret recipes. These events show how Wonka’s mind struggle from traumatic experience.

The first event is Willy Wonka has to face his Trauma toward stranger after the betrayal. In order to keep his nerve system not over-stimulates, he shut him down from outside world. He keeps all his workers away and shut down his factory from other people.

He told all the workers that he was sorry, but they would have to go home. Then, he shut the main gates and fastened them with a chain. And suddenly, Wonka's giant chocolate factory became silent and deserted. The chimneys stopped smoking, the machines stopped whirring, and from then on, not a single chocolate or sweet was made. Not a soul went in or out, and even Mr Willy Wonka himself disappeared completely (Dahl, 1964:14).



Willy Wonka isolates himself from the outside world as the unconscious reaction of denial. He denies or tries to escape the reality without hurting the people who triggered his trauma. Instead of attacking the core of problem which was the spies, he chooses to keep the emotion inside him. His mind tries to repress the feeling, so that the Id inside him does not burst out. Wonka’s traumatic case is an interpersonal trauma. Interpersonal trauma happened because of the involvement of other people. By repressing himself from the outside world, Willy Wonka starts to change his personality. As a social creature, human being needs to communicate with other people. Human being cannot live alone in this world. Willy Wonka who closes himself from outside world starts to encounter personality changing. This change happens because his mind tries to protect itself from something that it interprets as dangerous. Wonka’s mind remembers other people as a threat for his psychological condition, every time he wants to encounter with other people his defense mechanisms would appear spontaneously.

Because of the defense mechanism which is repression, Willy Wonka became selfish. He does not want to open himself to other people. He keeps himself in his own world where there is no interaction with other people. After his factory magically worked again, Willy Wonka does not appear in the public.

Nobody sees him anymore. He never comes out. The only things that come out of that place are chocolates and sweets. They come out through a special trap door in the wall, all packed and addressed, and they are picked up every day by Post Office trucks (Dahl, 1964:16).

Willy Wonka is avoiding an interaction with outside world even after his factory worked again. He locks the factory from the inside and never shows up. Willy Wonka never recruits people from the outside again. This was the way


Willy Wonka keeps his life from betrayal. He success in keeping the secret for his own.

And of course now when Mr. Wonka invents some new and wonderful sweet, neither Mr. Fickelgruber nor Mr. Prodnose nor Mr. Slugworth nor anybody else is able to copy it. No spies can go into the factory to find out how it is made (Dahl, 1964:15).

Keeping the spies away made him more comfortable to do his job. By isolating himself in the factory he minimized the chance to encounter stranger while he is working. Being self-centered was how Wonka’s mind protects himself from traumatic stimulation. He does not have to communicate with other people. Because of that Willy Wonka has to deal with personality changing. He is now a different person from him before the betrayal.

People who attempt to repress their emotion inside suffer from social-awkward. They habitually keep their thought inside their head. They do not like to express their feeling and let the people knew what their ideas were. When they have to talk to other people, it will be hard to them to do it. They prefer to keep silent and listen to other people. Willy Wonka suffers from social-awkward when he encounters people for the first time after a long isolation.

The second event happens when his guest started to make a mess in his factory. The lucky guests are Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, Mike Teavee, and Charlie Bucket and also their parents. After seeing them in person, Willy Wonka’s mind starts to protect itself from the betrayal memory. He must encounters with people he do not know and might steal something again



from him. First encounter he is so nervous. At this point his mind is on struggle to keep away his traumatic memory to reach his ego.

… He kept making quick jerky little movements with his head, cocking it this way and that, and taking everything in with those bright twinkling eyes. He was like a squirrel in the quickness of his movements, like a quick clever old squirrel from the park (Dahl, 1964:45).

His movement is so funny when he encounters with other people after for long time he does not see stranger in his life. His unconscious minds start to work again as soon as he encounters with people. Because of Wonka’s interpersonal trauma, the lucky guests become his trigger for traumatic memory. The strange gesture at the first time he meet with the lucky guest showed that he is not ready to encounter with stranger again. His mind starts to repress the fear that comes out from Wonka’s deepest mind. He is in struggle to keep them away from him, but in fact he cannot do it. That is why he acted strangely when he sees people finally step inside his factory, his comfort zone. This reaction comes from people who have lived alone for a long time. He feels awkward because he spend a long time without making a conversation with people outside his factory. His mind is getting confused and it affects the way he moves. His mind is on the struggle whether he faces the other people or not. That is why his movement is a bit strange.

Willy Wonka starts to deny the fact that he has to make a contact gain with people. In order to keep his mind to recall his traumatic memory, he keeps his distance from his guests. He tries to make less communication with people. In order to do that his unconscious mind make stimulation on his ego to protect itself.


This stimulation is interpreted by Wonka’s mind and makes his manner on people became rude. Veruca tries to introduce herself to Mr. Wonka:

My dear Veruca! How do you do? What a pleasure this is! You do have an interesting name, don't you? I always thought that a veruca was a sort of wart that you got on the sole of your foot! But I must be wrong, mustn't I? How pretty you look in that lovely mink coat! I'm so glad you could come! Dear me, this is going to be such an exciting day! I do hope you enjoy it! I'm sure you will!

(Dahl, 1964:46)

When Veruca starts to talk to him, Mr. Wonka wants to avoid the conversation with her. He becomes sarcastic by insulting Veruca’s name and not let her to talk to him again. Mr. Wonka even talks to Mr. and Mrs. Salt, but he does not give them chance to answer his question. When Veruca makes a conversation with Willy Wonka, Wonka’s unconscious mind starts to make stimulation to his defense mechanism. The fear and anger that have been buried inside Wonka’s mind begin to burst out from his repression. He represses his anger and fear long time ago, his fear and anger reacts with Veruca as the stranger to Wonka’s mind. As a stranger and a trigger to traumatic memory, his defense mechanism starts to protect Wonka’s psychological condition. His action toward Veruca is a displacement to his anger to the spies because he cannot let the emotion out to the spies who betrayed him in the past. His desire to let the fear and anger out make him unconsciously get angry with other people.

The third event happens in chocolate processing room. Augustus Gloop who is the fattest of the kids starts to drink directly from the chocolate river. Mr. Wonka who sees that warns him, not because he think it is dangerous for him but it is because he does not want his chocolate to become dirty. ” When Mr. Wonka



turned round and saw what Augustus Gloop was doing, he cried out, 'Oh, no! Please, Augustus, please! I beg of you not to do that. My chocolate must be untouched by human hands!”(Dahl, 1964:56).

Augustus Gloop becomes a displacement of Wonka’s feeling same as Veruca’s case. Wonka’s hatred to people appears unconsciously toward stranger. Augustus Gloop triggers Wonka’s memory of someone who disturbs his factory. When Augustus Gloop falls into chocolate river Mr. Wonka does not react to help him.

“Save him!' screamed Mrs.Gloop, going white in the face, and waving her umbrella about. 'He'll drown! He can't swim a yard! Save him! Save him! 'Good heavens, woman,' said Mr. Gloop, 'I'm not diving in there! I've got my best suit on!' (Dahl, 1964:56)

Willy Wonka at this time does not like people who interrupt his factory. He becomes the person who treasures his factory more and people’s safety. As the result of isolating himself for years, his becomes an impulsive person. Because of the isolation and his hidden hatred to stranger made him do such a thing. Augustus’s action makes Willy Wonka remember the spies who disturb his factory long time ago. The stimulation gives an order to Wonka’ defense mechanism, so Willy Wonka does not repress his feeling anymore. Wonka’s mind tries to let the desire out by taking revenge to the people who disturbs his factory.

When Mr. Wonka tries to help Mr. and Mrs. Gloop to find his kid he even gives them a sarcastic joke for them. “I'm joking,' said Mr. Wonka, giggling madly behind his beard. ‘I didn't mean it. Forgive me. I'm so sorry. Good-bye, Mrs. Gloop! And Mr. Gloop! Good-bye! I'll see you later . . .” (Dahl, 1964:60). Mr.


Wonka’s jokes about how Augustus is treated in chocolate processing room shows how careless he is toward other people. After Mr. Wonka asks his loyal servants, oompa-loompa, to accompany Mr. and Mrs. Gloop finding Augustus, he continues his tour as nothing serious ever happens.

Willy Wonka has to deal with an arrogant kid named Violet Beauregarde. Factory laboratory is the place where Wonka’s inventions are being tested. Before they go to the all over the world, Wonka always tests his products in his laboratory. Violet Beauregarde, who has an obsession with gum, is very excited to try Wonka’s new secret recipe. But her action makes her in dangerous situation. The gum which she chews made her body swollen and turns her into an enormous round blue ball. Mr. Wonka, who knows something went wrong, warns her but he does not tell the reason. 'I told you I hadn't got it quite right,' sighed Mr. Wonka, shaking his head sadly. ‘I’ll say you haven't!' cried Mrs. Beauregarde. 'Just look at the girl now!'(Dahl, 1964:75). He does it on purpose so that people who do not obey his command will be eliminated from his factory. They will be sent out because Wonka thought they might be dangerous for his business. People who do not obey him will lead him to the betrayal event in the past, because he does not want to keep them in his factory too long. Willy Wonka’s mind is struggling when the kids disturb his factory. He unconsciously trying to get rid all of them from his factory.

When people ask what happened to Violet after oompa-loompa brought her to juicing-room, Mr. Wonka said:”They'll de-juice her in no time flat!' declared Mr. Wonka. “They'll roll her into the de-juicing machine, and she'll come



out just as thin as a whistle!” (Dahl, 1964:80). Willy Wonka tells them by ending the sentence with exclamation mark as he shows a warning to them. Willy Wonka’s desire to get rid all the people, who have betrayed him, is projected to people who try to disturb his factory.

Mr. Wonka shows them his squirrels who work for him as the nutcracker. Veruca Salt is the only child in her family, as the only child in her family she always gets what she wants. When she looks the squirrels she wants to make it hers, but Mr. Wonka does not let her. She starts to jump to the squirrels and tries to grab one as hers, but the squirrels attack her first.

She reached out her hands to grab the squirrel . . . but as she did so . . . in that first split second when her hands started to go forward, there was a sudden flash of movement in the room, like a flash of brown lightning, and every single squirrel around the table took a flying leap towards her and landed on her body (Dahl, 1964:87).

When the squirrels try to attack Veruca, her mother screams and ask Mr. Wonka to save her. Mr. Wonka does not care about what happen to Veruca. He just said: ”They're testing her to see if she's a bad nut,' said MrWonka. ‘You watch” (Dahl, 1964:87). He does not care about how the squirrels treat Veruca. His defense mechanisms make him do such a thing. His mind does not let him to interact with other people who it thought to be dangerous. Wonka’s unconscious mind succeeded to avoid Wonka’s nerves system from getting hurt by decreasing his empathy to other people.

After the squirrels throw her into the pit, where the bad nut is thrown, Mr. Wonka tell her parents that the pit ended in incinerator, the place where the garbage being destroyed. But he says there was a possibility that the machine does not operate at that time. His carelessness shows his displacement toward other people. His desire to get rid of other people who came to his factory goes stronger.



Wonka acts careless and rude to them. He acts like that in order to get rid people who do not obey him from his factory.

In conclusion, Traumatic experience gives influence Willy Wonka’s personality. From the characteristics of his personality at the beginning which are creative, affable, reliable, and intelligent, the researcher can conclude his personality as a sociable person. His personality starts to change when he experiences his traumatic event. Every time he encounters with other people, his defense mechanisms tries to protect his psychological condition from getting hurt. People as the trigger of Wonka’s traumatic memory become the stimulation that attacks his mind. As the defender of his mind the defense mechanisms make protection in order to avoid the trigger. After the traumatic event, the characteristics of his personality become rude, self-centered and sarcastic. From these characteristics, the researcher concludes that Willy Wonka becomes an un-sociable person.




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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of the greatest Roald

Dahl’s works. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tells about the genius in sweets

and chocolate production, Willy Wonka. Willy Wonka is friendly and kind to his workers. Every worker loves to work with him and sees the magic in candies happen. He is a great and good person until someone betrays him. Other companies that look upon Wonka’s success start to send their spies to steal Wonka’s secret recipes. Every company starts to sell candies and chocolate like Wonka’s company. Willy Wonka does not trust anyone because of this betrayal. He fires all of his workers and closes his factory from outsiders. Even shuts down his factory for several years. His factory finally starts to work again but his workers remain unknown from the people around the factory. Willy Wonka does not have good relation with other people because of the betrayal. In the end, he has to open his factory for five lucky persons who have a golden ticket to have a tour for a day in his factory. He finally opens his factory in order to find his heir. This novel shows how Willy Wonka has to face other people in order to get his goal.



BAKTI, PANJI PUTERA. The Influence of Willy Wonka’s Traumatic Experience on His Personality in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Psychoanalysis Study. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

The object of this study is a novel entitled Charlie And The Chocolate

Factory. It is one of the famous works of Roald Dahl and it was first published in

1964 in America. The original book sold over 20 million copies worldwide and translated into 55 languages.

There are three objectives of this study. The first objective is to depict the characterization of Willy Wonka as the main character in the novel. The second

objective is to analyze the cause of Willy Wonka’s traumatic experience. The third

objective is to find out the influence of Wonka’s traumatic experience on his personality.

The research method applied in this study is library research. The primary

source is Roald Dahl’s novel entitled Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. The

secondary sources are taken from books and thesis that are related to the theory applied in this study. Theories which are applied in this study are the theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of trauma and defense mechanism theory. Psychological approach is used to analyze the influence of traumatic

experience on Wonka’s personality.

The result of the study shows that the characteristics of Willy Wonka are intelligent, creative, reliable, and affable at the beginning of the story. He has sociable personality. Willy Wonka experiences an interpersonal traumatic experience. This traumatic experience makes it hard for him to communicate with other people. The influence of traumatic experience is obviously seen through the struggle done by Willy Wonka against his stimulation of his traumatic experience.

The traumatic experience changes Willy Wonka’s personality. In the end he



BAKTI, PANJI PUTERA. The Influence of Willy Wonka’s Traumatic Experience on His Personality in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory: Psychoanalysis Study. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Objek penelitian ini adalah novel Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. Novel ini merupakan salah satu karya terkenal dari Roald Dahl dan pertama kali dipublikasikan pada tahun 1964 di Amerika. Novel ini telah terjual lebih dari 20 juta kopi di seluruh dunia dan diterjemahkan dalam 55 bahasa.

Penelitian ini bertujuan: pertama, menggambarkan penokohan dari Willy Wonka sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel. Kedua, menganalisis penyebab terjadinya pengalaman traumatis dari Willy Wonka. Ketiga, menganalisa pengaruh pengalaman traumatis terhadap kepribadian Willy Wonka.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian pustaka dengan sumber utama novel karya Roald Dahlr berjudul Charlie And The

Chocolate Factory. Materi penunjang adalah buku dan makalah-makalah yang

berhubungan dengan teori yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini. Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut, teori tentang tokoh, teori penokohan, teori trauma, dan teori mekanisme pertahanan. Pendekatan psikologis digunakan untuk menganalisa pengaruh pengalaman traumatis terhadap kepribadian Willy Wonka

Hasil dari studi menunjukan karakteristik Willy Wonka di awal cerita adalah kreatif, dapat dipercaya, ramah, dan pintar. Willy Wonka memiliki kepribadian yang bersahabat. Willy Wonka mengalami pengalaman traumatis interpersonal. Pengalaman traumatis ini membuat dia sulit berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Pengaruh dari pengalaman traumatis dapat dilihat melalui perjuangan yang dilakukan Willy Wonka melawan stimulus dari pengalaman pribadinya. Pengalaman traumatis mengubah kepribadian Willy Wonka. Pada akhir cerita ia menjadi kasar, egois, dan sarkastik.

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