nted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters

Student Number: 07 4214 060





(Michael Jordan)



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(Risang Hanuraga)




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Yogyakarta, August 31, 2012

Risang Hanuraga




The first and foremost, I would like to bestow my deepest gratitude to Allah

SWT whom I believe always guides me through the finishing of my thesis. My
greatest appreciation goes to my beloved parents: Suryaningsih and Suroso for

their unconditional love, prayer, patience, inspiring figure, and support. My thanks
go to my siblings: Kian Sinanjung and Nadyan Winastan who never forget to give
their spirit for me. My thanks are also given to my nephews: Afshan Arsalan
Setiawan and Afareen Anahita who always make me happy.
I am heartily thankful to my advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka,
M.Hum., whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final
step enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject. My deepest gratitude
also goes to my co-advisor Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M.Hum. Without their
knowledge and assistance this study would not have been successful.
My special thanks are given to people who directly or indirectly are
involved in the making of this thesis. My thanks go to Megasari Chitra Adhisty
who always gives the sprit and support for me. My thanks also go to my best-ever
friends: Martinus Bangkit Riandito, Harry Sucianto, Rohmannursyawal S who
always give their best wishes for me. Last but not least, I would like to thank to the
lecturers, the kind librarians and all my friends in English Letters department. I am
proud to know them all who are always in my heart.

Risang Hanuraga.




TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................ ii
ACCEPTANCE PAGE ...................................................................................... iii
MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION PAGE ........................................................................................ v
PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ............................................. vi
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................. vii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... ix
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xi
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ xii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study..................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation........................................................................... 5
C. Objectives of the Study ....................................................................... 6
D. Definition of Terms ............................................................................. 6
CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ..................................................... 8
A. Review of Related Studies .................................................................. 8
B. Review of Related Theories ................................................................ 10
1. Theory of Character and Characterization .................................... 10
2. Theory of Setting .......................................................................... 12
3. Theory of Messages ...................................................................... 16
4. Theory of Moral ............................................................................ 17
5. Theory of Moral Teaching of Islam .............................................. 19
6. Theory of the Five Basic Moral Teachings of Islam .................... 20
7. Theory of the Relation Between Literature and Moral ................. 24
C. Theoretical Framework ....................................................................... 25
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 27
A. Object of the Study ............................................................................. 27
B. Approach of the Study ........................................................................ 28
C. Method of the Study............................................................................ 29
CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 31

A. The Characterization of Zarri Bano .................................................... 31
B. The Characterization of Fatima .......................................................... 36
C. The Description of the Setting ............................................................ 39
D. The Characters and Setting Reflects the Five Basic Moral Teachings of
Islam ................................................................................................... 45



CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 52
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 56
APPENDIX: The Summary of Qaisra Shahraz’s Holy Woman .......................... 60




RISANG HANURAGA. The Five Basic Moral Teachings of Islam As Seen in
Qaisra Shahraz’s Holy Woman Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters,
Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2012.

This thesis discusses Qaisra Shahraz’s novel entitled Holy Woman This
novel tells the story of Zarry Bano as the major character, a girl who is oppressed
by her culture. She is forced by the culture to be a holy woman (woman who is
unmarried) till the end of life. In the end of the novel, she marry with man who was
a husband of her sister.
In this thesis, there are three main questions to answer. They are (1) How
are Zarry Bano and Fatima’s characters portrayed in Shahraz’s Holy Woman? (2)
How is the setting described in Shahraz’s Holy Woman? (3) How do the characters
and setting in Shahraz’s Holy Woman reflect the five basic moral teachings of
The approach used for analyzing this literary work is moral-philosophical
approach. The method of this study is library research. The primary source is the
novel entitled Holy Woman by Qaisra Shahraz as an author. The secondary data are
some critics from theses and some books of theories. The very important source is
Al Qur’an.
The first result is Zarry Bano is described as a religious, responsible,

earnest, patient, and educated woman, and Fatima is described as responsible,
hardworking, and kind woman. The second result is the setting of place is described
in the province of Sind, a small town in Pakistan, the setting of time of the novel is
in the last day of Hajj and the setting of social circumstance is that woman is
restricted in some events and socio-economic class is divided into two: upper and
lower class. The writer concludes three social ethics described in the novel. They
are Islamic teaching is dominant in the life of society, woman has to keep her
sanctity and there is mutual assistance between the poor and the rich. The third
result is (1) The characteristic of Zarri Bano which is religious reflects Akhlaq
towards God. (2) The characteristic of Fatima, which is responsible to her family
and the characteristic of Zarri Bano which is responsible, reflects akhlaq towards
family. (3) In the description of social circumstances about mutual assistance
between poor and rich and the characteristics of Fatima and Zarri bano are kind
women is an akhlaq towards neighbors in this novel. (4) All characteristics of Zarri
Bano and Fatima reflect akhlaq in leadership. (5) The characteristic of Zarri Bano
which is an educated woman and the description of setting which woman protects
her sanctity reflect akhlaq towards self.




RISANG HANURAGA. The Five Basic Moral Teachings of Islam As Seen in
Qaisra Shahraz’s Holy Woman. Yogyakarta: Program studi Sastra Inggris,
Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2012.
Skripsi ini mendiskusikan mengenai sebuah novel dari Qaisra Shahraz yang
berjudul Holy Woman. Novel ini bercerita tentang seorang tokoh karakter utama
yang bernama Zarri Bano yang hidupnya ditekan oleh keberadaan budayanya. Dia
dipaksa oleh budayanya untuk menjadi perempuan suci (perempuan yang tidak
menikah) seumur hidupnya. Tetapi di akhir novel dia menikah dengan pria yang
sebelumnya menjadi suami adiknya.
Dalam skripsi ini ada tiga pertanyaan utama. (1) Bagaimana karakter Zarri
Bano dan Fatima yang digambarkan di novel Holy Woman. (2) Bagaimana seting
novel Holy Woman didiskripsikan. (3) Bagaimana karakter dan seting di novel yang
berjudul Holy Woman mencerminkan 5 ajaran moral dasar Islam.
Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis karya sastra ini adalah
pendekatan moral-filosofis. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan.
Sumber utamanya adalah novel yang berjudul Perempuan Suci yang dikarang oleh
Qaisra Shahraz. Data sekundernya adalah beberapa kritik dari tesis dan beberapa
buku teori. Sumber yang sangat penting adalah Al Qur'an.
Hasil yang pertama adalah Zarry Bano digambarkan sebagai, agamis,
bertanggung jawab, wanita yang selalu berusaha, sabar, dan berpendidikan,
kemudian Fatima digambarkan sebagai seorang perempuan yang bertanggung
jawab, pekerja keras, dan baik. Hasil yang kedua adalah seting didiskripsikan di
provinsi Sind, sebuah kota kecil di Pakistan, seting waktu didiskripsikan pada hari
terakhir Haji dan seting keadaan sosial didiskripsikan bahwa wanita dibatasi dalam
beberapa peristiwa dan sosial-ekonomi kelas dibagi menjadi dua: kelas kaya dan
miskin. Penulis menyimpulkan tiga etika sosial digambarkan dalam novel. Yaitu;
ajaran Islam dominan dalam kehidupan masyarakat, wanita harus menjaga kesucian
dirinya dan ada saling membantu antara yang miskin dengan yang kaya. Hasil yang
ketiga adalah (1) Karakter Zarri Bano yang agamis mencerminkan Akhlaq terhadap
Allah. (2) Karakter Fatima, yang bertanggung jawab untuk keluarganya dan
karakter Zarri Bano yang bertanggung jawab, mencerminkan akhlaq terhadap
keluarga. (3) Dalam deskripsi keadaan sosial tentang bantuan timbal balik antara
miskin dan kaya dan karakter Fatima dan Zarri Bano yang baik mencerminkan
akhlaq terhadap tetangga di novel ini. (4) Semua karakter Zarri Bano dan Fatima
mencerminkan akhlaq dalam kepemimpinan. (5) Karakter Zarri Bano perempuan
yang berpendidikan dan deskripsi pengaturan yang wanita melindungi kesuciannya
mencerminkan akhlaq terhadap diri sendiri.




A. Background of the Study
There are many ways for human beings to express their ideas and
thoughts. One of them is in the form of literature. Literary work is something
precious that gives pleasure and knowledge for those who read it. There are some
kinds of literary works such as drama, novel and poem. By reading a literary
work, we can get some experiences of life because so many authors use their own
experiences of life in their works. C.S Lewis stated that literature adds to reality,
it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily
life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives
have already become ( In other words, literature is a
part of human’s life that describes what happenings in reality and draws it with
Literature is the reflection of a real life; it consists of characters and
interaction in form of dialogue, and it creates a value based on those elements.
People may also see the reflection of their experience in real life through
literature. In other words, a literary work is created by using a very creative and
interesting story to represent the social reality. Through the messages contained in
the literature, people who enjoy reading literature can get something intended by
the author. Some knowledge would also be given in novel. Wellek and Waren




says a literary work does not only please the readers, but also gives them a kind of
knowledge. (1956:94)
Everything presented in the novel can be learned or taught as a guide to
deal with this world. Henkle also says that “Novels deal with many kind of
characters, society, and even philosophic idea. The readers can obtain lessons
through the characters, societies, and ideas that are presented in the novel.” (1977:
21). The way the author writes the story is sometimes based on his own sight
about life and reality. The message as an intrinsic element of the story can be the
reflection of human’s life problems. They are sometimes experienced by human
being, adults, women, men, and children.
Message is defined as an idea that someone tries to communicate to
people. It also the meaning, thought or idea that is intended to express (Sinclair,
1988: 490). The message here can be moral form that the author wants to share to
the readers. Moral messages can be found implicitly or explicitly in the novel.
Moral is a very interesting issue that gives us such a guideline for doing
something. When our moral is not good, the action will be not good. In daily life,
we have read all problems that are ethically not appropriate done by someone
because the effect does not give any good for people around but only good for
himself. This action is done by someone for his own sake instead of other’s
happiness. Utilitarian says the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers. If this
understanding of moral could be done by everyone in the world, someone would
respect personal life of people around. The effect from the action which is done
will not hurt people feeling.



Islam as a religion that gives a complex moral system until the root of
living aspects is a guidance for believers. In this age, it is difficult to differ
between good and evil because both of them are often looked at as relative
concepts. However, Islam holds that moral positions are not relative, and instead,
defines a universal standard by which actions may be deemed moral or immoral.
Islam’s moral system is striking where it not only defines morality, but also
guides the human race to achieve it, at both an individual as well as a collective
level. (

Some people in the world have not heard of Islam and others have heard of
the word Islam but they know nothing about it. Some people know the religion of
Islam more than just a word but some have received a bad information about
Islam and make them disliking Islam. They evaluate the religion by considering
the actions taken by extremists who do not know the real Islam especially in
moral teaching. The people easily believe when the issue of Islamic extremists
rises on some news and the effect is some people judge a religion easily. Ridarson
Gallingging says that the terrorists that operate in Indonesia are hiding behind the
banner of Islam. They often claim that any government effort to discredit them
will discredit Islam. This circumstance has made it difficult for the government to
aggressively arrest, detain the radicals and ban their organizations for fear of
being labeled as anti-Islamic (Jakarta Post; 2006). The quotation above gives an
insight of the impact on the counter terrorism efforts of the government by the
religious organizations in the country. It causes bad opinion, from people about



Islam and the worse thing is some suspects who did terrorism do not know the
real Islam but they hide behind the banner of Islam.
Aware of this reality. the writer will focus on the moral message which is
seen in Qaisra Shahraz’s Holy Woman, because the writer believes that Qaisra
Shahraz, through Zarry Bano and Fatima as major characters, states some moral
messages. The writer believes that the moral messages can give knowledge to the
readers which can be used as a kind of guidance in their life. In this novel, Qaisra
Shahraz tries to show the moral message from the behaviors of Zarry Bano and
Fatima. This is shown by many acts given to the character of Zarry Bano and
Fatima and their dialogues with other characters. They are shown in almost every
Qaisra Shahraz tries to show the moral message from the behaviours of
Pakistan’s society at that time. Shahnaz Khan says that “Traditionally, comments
by native informants have reinforced stereotypes of the third-world woman and
the muslim woman.” (2006:17). This book tells that in this modern life there is
still a tradition that a woman should carry and obey to, even if she has already
spent many years in school. There are several interesting Pakistani tradition are
told in this novel, especially regarding to marriage and family matters.
The reason why this novel is good to read is because the novel has been
printed in 41 different languages and selling at least fifty-five million copies as of
May 2007. In addition, Qaisra Shahraz’s Holy woman has won literary awards,



one of them is The winner of Jubilee Award 2002. It was also awarded the title
“Best Book of the Month by Waterstones.
Holy Woman become the object of this study because this novel contains
of some moral teachings that can be revealed from Zarri Bano and Fatima’s
experiences from the beginning to the end of the story and the setting. This is the
third reason why this book is worth to read because it contains some goodness in
form of moral messages. This novel rises a dramatic story of family intrigue,
religious, passions and rip-roaring romance. (Michele Roberts, 2001). Using
moral philosophical criticism, the moral messages revealed by the character and
setting will be analyzed. By reading this novel, the writer is sure that the reader
will get a better thought about this life through the characteristics and setting. So,
the readers will know the religion of Islam more than just a word and although
some have received bad information about Islam it cannot make them disliking
B. Problem Formulations
Referring to the background of the study above, there are three main
questions formulated that will be discussed in this study. The questions are:
1. How are Zarry Bano and Fatima’s characteristics portrayed in Shahraz’s
Holy Woman?
2. How is the setting described in Shahraz’s Holy Woman?
3. How do the characteristics and the setting in Shahraz’s Holy Woman
reflect the five basic moral teachings of Islam?



C. Objectives of the Study
Based on problem formulation above, the aim of this study is to reflect the
five basic moral teachings of Islam in the novel. The objective can be found by
answering the three questions in the problem formulation.
The first one, the writer will find out the characteristics of Zarri Bano as a
major character in this novel and Fatima. Then, the writer moves to the next
objective, the second objective is the writer tries to know how the setting is
described. The third or last objective is the writer tries to know. How do the
characteristics and the setting in Qaisra Shahraz’s Holy Woman reflect the five
basic moral teachings of Islam.

D. Definition of Terms
In this part, the writer tries to give some definitions in order to help the
readers to understand this thesis because there are some key terms that are used in
the next parts and to avoid ambiguities and misunderstanding in meaning. These
definitions are mostly taken from the book and they are qualified.
1. Islamic Moral
According to Azim Nanji, “the translation of term moral in Arabic as
Akhlaq is suitable translation (1991:3). According to Azim Nanji “akhlaq was
eventually shaped as a successful amalgamation of the Qur'anic teachings, the
teachings of the Sunnah of Muhammad” (1991:4). Dr. Marzuki, M.Ag.,et al. says



that human behavior that distinguishes good and bad, then good is loved and
chosen to be practiced in deed, but a bad act is hated and removed based on Al
Quran and Al Hadith. (2002:72). Montgometry says that a person's behavior
which appears automatically based on obedience and submission to the message
of Allah Almighty.(1953:90)
2. The Five Basic Moral Teachings of Islam
According to Dr. Marzuki, M.Ag.,et al based on Al Quran and Al Hadith,
there are five basic moral teachings of Islam: akhlaq towards Allah SWT, akhlaq
towards family, akhlaq towards neighbors, akhlaq towards self, akhlaq in
leadership. (2002). According to Syaikh Abu Bakar Jabir Al-jaza’iri, good
muslims have to believe in Allah and surrender to him, have to respect both
parents, have to improve the quality of ourselves, have to maintain the
relationship of human being properly, and have to keep a trust as a leader
(2006:191). Basic moral teaching is also stated by Samina Ali that greating each
other, loving Allah, staying clean and sharing our things are the characteristics of
good akhlaq. (2006:8)



In conducting this study, presenting some theories which are relevant to
the analysis of the novel. This chapter consists of three sections to be discussed.
They are review of related studies, review of theories, and theoretical framework.
A. Review of Related Studies
The writer does not use the similar novel for review of related studies
because this novel is a new book, it was published in 2001 and published to the
world in different languages in 2007. The analysis on this novel has not published
yet, so the writer uses the similar topic as review of related studies.
1. The Significance of Dorine in Revealing Moral Messages in Moliere’s
Tartuffe By Bondan Adhi Wibowo (2008).
The result of the analysis of this thesis shows five of Dorine’s
characteristics. In the play Tartuffe, Dorine is described as a brave, unselfish,
calm, wise woman and caring to the family. Those characteristics are the
characters which make Dorine able to help this kingdom family save from
destruction. While the messages which can be concluded in this thesis after
analyzed Dorine’s characteristics are; firstly, people should have bravery so that
people will be firm and steady, especially when they have to defend for the sake
of truth. Secondly, people should be unselfish so that people can have a passion of
belonging a family and growing the feeling of togetherness. Thirdly, people are




taught to be calm in everything people do so that people will able to think clearly
in solving problems. Forth, people are taught to be wise so that people will know
how to do and to act. Fifth, people should care to their family so that people
understand the essence of a family. From these messages, the moral message of
this play is that people must tell the truth in every situation and condition.
2. Moral Lessons as Seen in Dorian Gray’s Character Development in John
Osborne’s The Picture of Dorian Gray : A moral Entertainment by Bob
Morison S (2010).
There are some moral lessons that can be attained from the character
developments in this thesis. The most observable moral lessons in this thesis that
can be achieved are that we should work hard and do not give up easily to reach
our dreams. The other is that we should be responsible for all of our actions, and
ready to accept the mistake and the consequences of our deed. The analysis of this
thesis is about character developments and their relations with moral lessons that
will strengthen the notion that literature gives its readers a deeper and richer
knowledge of human life.
Basically, the writer agrees with Bondan and Bob says that there are many
messages that are revealed by the author of the novel through the characters. The
messages rises because the author has experiences about that. Some messages will
give the readers information or guideline for being good person or getting a better
life. Therefore, in this thesis, the writer would like to do a research about the
moral lessons that can be taken from novel Holy Woman.



B. Review of related Theories
1. Theory of Character and Characterization
Graham Little in Approach to Literature states that character may be
presented mainly through description and discussion, or, in a more dramatic
manner, by the author’s simply reporting the character’s speech and action
(1981: 89).
In addition, according to Ian Milligan in The Novel in English (1983: 155),
characters can be distinguished based on their role in the story. Those
characters are major and minor characters. Major characters are characters that
become the focus of the story from the beginning to the end, while minor
characters are characters that only appear in certain setting, and only become
the background of major characters and have less important role.
Holman and Harmon in A Handbook of Literature stated that
characterization is the creation of imaginary person so that they exist for the
reader as if the people in the real life (1986: 81). While in order to understand
the characteristic of a character, M.J. Murphy in his Understanding Unseen: An
Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students
stated nine important points that are needed to understand (1972: 161-171).
They are:
a. Personal Description
The author describes the character by his/her physical appearance. The
character can be thin, fat, handsome, or bad looking. The clothes can describe



the character’s economical condition. For instance, the rich character can be
shown by the good quality of his/her clothes.
b. Character as Seen by Another
The author describes the character from the eyes and opinions of the
other characters’ opinion.
c. Speech
The author describes the character in the novel through hat the
character says in the novel. It includes how is the character speak, whenever
the character is in the conversation with another, and how the character puts
forward an opinion.
d. Past Life
The author can describe the character by letting the reader know
something about the past life of the character. This way can be described by
direct comment from the author, the character’s thought, his/her conversation,
or through the medium of the another characters.
e. Conversation of Others
The author can describe the character through his/her conversation
with other character and the things they say about the character.
f. Reactions
The author can describe the character by letting the reader know how
he/she reacts to various situations or events.



g. Direct Comment
The author can describe the character directly.
h. Thought
The author can describe the character by letting the reader know what
the character is thinking about.
i. Mannerism
The author can describe the character’s manner and habits.
According to C.Carter Colwell in A Student’s Guide to Literature,
character as personality is important in literature because, as most authors have
discovered, people are interesting. Since the first requirement of any work of
art that it becomes interesting enough to stimulate the audience to continue
reading, looking, or listening, artist portray interesting people. Frequently, of
course, morality and personality blend. (1968: 175)
2. Theories of Setting
Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms give definition about setting of
narrative or dramatic work as follows:
the overall setting of a narrative or dramatic work is the general locale,
historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs; the
setting of a single episode or scene within a work is the particular physical
location in which it takes place (1981: 175).
Holman and Harmon in their A Handbook to Literature mention that there are
four elements forming a setting, namely:
(1) the actual geographical location, its topography, scenery, and such
physical arrangements as the location of the windows and doors in a



room;(2) the occupations and daily manner of living of the characters; (3)
the time or period in which the action takes places, for example, epoch in
history or season of the year; (4) the general environment of the
characters,for example, religious, mental, moral, social, and emotional
conditions through which the people in the narrative move (1986: 465).
From the quotation above, we can see that the setting is the environment of
the events in the story and the immediate world in which they occur. There are
many things that can be included into setting and those have important roles in the
story. The setting can influence the behaviors and the mindset of the characters in
the novel. The characters can have bad or good behaviors and mature or childish
thinking based on the environment where they live. For example people who have
bad attitude live in the environment which has good custom inside, their bad
attitude may changes into good attitude.
Holman and Harmon also defined setting as the physical, and sometimes
spiritual, background against which action of a narrative takes place. (1986:465)
According to Harvey in Character and the Novel, the social environment
basically refers to the society that is taken mostly in the novel. The social
environment shows a social condition of people who live there. (1965:56)
Meanwhile, Langland explaines that society is understood not merely as
people and their classes, but also customs, conventions, beliefs and values, their
institutions – legal, religious, and cultural – and their physical environment. In
brief, society remains everything we have seen it to be – norms, conventions,
codes, backgrounds, places, people, institutions – but its particular manifestations
in a novel will be determined by its role within the work (1984:6-7). Moreover,
Genette in Narrative Discourse explained that society or social setting refers to



everything related to the society’s life in a certain place, which is being described
in the story. It includes the customs, tradition, belief, ideology, the way of
thinking, and behaving, and perhaps the social status of the character (1980:33,
Murphy in his Understanding Unseens, also has some points about how
the setting is important. He says that setting of novel has great effects upon
personalities, action and way of thinking of the characters (1972: 41). According
to Murphy, there are four kind of setting of time as stated below
a. Present time
Murphy explains that an author may write a story about his or her own time, the
things that are happening around him or her, or the events about them.
b. Past time
An author may choose to go backwards in time and write about historical events
in order to light up the past to readers. Some imagination may be used to go back
to past historical times.
c. Future time
An author may also take readers to the future through his imagination. The story
may deal with the condition of the world free from any economic-social-political
pressure (totalitarian tyranny, anarchy, capitalism), or with the development of
human civilization exploring other planets in the universe or dealing with robots.



d. No specific time
An author has the right to give the readers no indication of the time in which the
story takes place. The story is something like the old fairy stories; they happen
‘once upon a time’ (1972: 143-144).
In addition, Murphy also states some points on the setting of place. He
says that a story may have three kinds of place as the settings. The first is a
familiar place, which is considered by the author to be familiar to most of the
readers, either from experience or by close acquaintance. Thus, a British writer
may choose to write about events that take place in London or any other part of
Britain. The second place is an unfamiliar place that is likely to be unfamiliar to
many of the readers of the author’s own nation. Then, the third is imaginary place.
It is a place which is not familiar to anyone at all may be used as well by the
author to be the setting of his or her work of literature. However, in this thesis, the
writer will only focus on the setting of place and social circumstances.

3. Theories on Message
Henry Hudson in his book “An Introduction to the Study of Literature”
states that a good message is a message that discloses new a large possibility they
do not realize, most writers would try to tell and to show those possibilities by
using their work. In fact, he even tries to create those possibilities themselves. A
good message does not tend to follow general pattern or norm but it creates new
pattern based on human values (1958: 23).



John Sinclair in Collins Cobuild Essential Dictionary defines messages as
an idea that someone tries to communicate to people (1988: 490). The message
can be in form of valuable of words, advice, and God’s commandment as
guidance to give advice and the like.
According to Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature, message is the
real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized
inside a work of art (1988: 899). This statement has meaning that inside a literary
work there is something that an author wants to give or share which is can be
stated or summarized through a work of art.
Sometimes, message has a relationship with moral. It means that if we are
talking about message, we are also discussing moral. It can be said that, in
general, moral means a teaching of good and bad (Kenney, 1966:89). However,
people’s point of view about moral and values from one place to another is not
always the same. Usually their point of view is influenced by their way of life.
Based on preceding paragraph, it can be said that every work of literature
may offer a moral message and there are many types of moral lesson conveyed.
The type of message occurring in a literary work depends on the author’s belief,
wish, and interest. Moreover the messages have not been involved by the
interpretations that come from the readers. Message in a work of art usually
reflects the way of the related author. Message in a story is intended as a
suggestion related to practical lesson that can be taken by the readers through the
story. They are closely related to problems in life, such as attitude, behavior, and



the like. The readers can find them in a real life, in the same manners as they are
reflected in the story through its characters.
The message is distributed through those various ways. By contrast, if the
readers want to understand or interpret the message, they should do it based on the
story and the character’s life.
4. Theories on Moral
Moral comes from Latin word moralis which means customs or manners.
Moral is about the relationship among human being. Thiroux in his book Ethic
Theory and Practice states that the area of moral concentrates on human conduct
and human values (Thiroux, 1995: 3). The moral of a person depends on their
action and their relationship between one and another in the society.
Another theory is taken from Gardner’s book On Moral Fiction, which is
appropriate in this thesis. Gardner says that art is essentially and primarily moral –
that is, life-giving-moral in its process of creation and moral in what it says.
Gardner also says that the “Good for man, which rightly understood cannot be
divorced from what is good for his society and environment, is by another
formulation (whenever action is called for) the moral.” Morality is the body, or
engine, of the Good. The Good is form: morality is function or at any rate form
can no more exist independent of function than time can exist without a natural or
man made clock (1933:134)
Gardner still, he has statement that morality is definitely complex to be
reduced to any code, which is why it is suitable matter for fiction, which deals in
understanding, not knowledge (1933: 135). That theory is also supported by



Daniel C. Maguire in his book The Moral Choice states that morality is relational.
It means that morality depends on the relation between people. He also says that
what is moral for one person may be immoral for another because of the diversity
of circumstances (1978: 63). From those statements from Gardner and Daniel
above the writer can conclude that people could see morality in different ways and
moral is different for one person to another.
Another source from Harold C. Gardiner which is also related with
statements above in the book Norms of The Novel stated that:
In Aristotle’s concept, art is essentially, if indirectly, a moral activity-the
individual act captured in the creative activity always implies a
relationship towards ends and purposes. Such a relationship is a moral fact
and the portrayal of such relationship is a moral activity (1953:121)

The quotation made the writer believes that moral found in art is different
from each person’s perspectives or ways. It depends on the relationship among
people, and the circumstances in which the character lives in the novel, or if
related to the readers, then it will depend on the circumstances in which the
reading. In this thesis, theory on moral here is used to help the reader how to
know the moral through the character and setting from this novel.
Every literary work contains and offers moral teaching. There are many
types of moral teaching. Fiction, like novel, sometimes may have more than one
moral teaching. Roth states that moral teaching is "a learning that results
advancement in thought and emotions from a self-centered orientation to socially
responsible and ethically mature" (1998: 571). In this analysis, the writer analyzed
the moral teaching based on two characters and setting from the novel. Then the



writer finds out the messages in the novel to conclude the moral teaching. Moral
teaching in literary work can be in the form of message but not all messages are
moral teaching. Therefore, the writer also uses theories of message to analyze the
moral teaching inside the novel.
5. Theories on Moral Teaching of Islam
The famous word in Islam that used to represent moral word is akhlaq.
According to Azim Nanji, “the translation of term moral in Arabic as Akhlaq or
even as Ilm al Akhlaq, which means the science of Akhlaq, is suitable translation
(1991:3). Islamic akhlaq comes from divine sources (the Qur'an and the Sunnah).
According to Azim Nanji “akhlaq was eventually shaped as a successful
amalgamation of the Qur'anic teachings, the teachings of the Sunnah of
Muhammad (1991:4). Dr. Marzuki, M.Ag.,et al says that human behavior that
distinguishes good and bad, then good is loved and chosen to be practiced in deed,
but a bad act is hated and removed based on Al Quran and Al Hadith. (2002:72).
Montgometry says that a person's behavior which appears automatically based on
obedience and submission to the message of Allah Almighty.(1953:90). Harun
Yahya says “The Qur’an orders people to be dignified, modest, trustworthy, kind,
faithful, mature and responsive.”(1999:9). Hammuda says “Muhammad was only
a mortal being commissioned by God to teach the word of God and lead an
exemplary life,” writes Hammuda Abdalati. “He stands in history as the best
model for man in piety and perfection. He is a living proof of what man can be
and of what he can accomplish in the realm of excellence and virtue.” (1978:8)



6. The Five Basic Moral Teachings of Islam
In the book Minhajul Muslim, the five basic moral teachings of Islam had
been stated implicitly. Good muslims have to believe in Allah and surrender to
him, have to respect both parents, have to improve the quality of ourselves, have
to maintain the relationship of human being properly, and have to keep a trust as a
leader (2006:191). Good akhlaq is also stated by Samina Ali that greating each
other, loving Allah, staying clean and sharing our things are the characteristics of
good akhlaq. (2006:8). Dr. Marzuki, M.Ag.,et al (2002) says that in Islam there
are five basic moral teachings. These morals are listed in the Al-Quran and Al
Hadith that will be described below.
a. Akhlaq towards Allah SWT (God Conciousness)
`Moslems must have only one God, is Allah SWT and they are prohibited to
equate others with their Lord. It has to be done by witness and implementation of
Shahada. There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah. In
this statement imply that moslem believe in Allah and they have to obey the rule
of Allah has decided in Al Quran such as doing shalat, zakat, and so on and they
have to follow the teaching of prophet Mohammad, it’s called as Al Hadith. This
point has been written in Al Quran surah Al An’am : 150
Say, [O Muhammad], "Bring forward your witnesses who will testify that
Allah has prohibited this." And if they testify, do not testify with them.
And do not follow the desires of those who deny Our verses and those who
do not believe in the Hereafter, while they equate [others] with their Lord.
(Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali)



Islamic people have the correct aqeedah and strong, good moral duty to
Allah SWT, by maintaining a willingness to align tauhid, obeying Allah orders,
sincere in all charity, khusu' in worship, praying and hoping in God SWT, every
kind of thought in the name of God, tawakal after having the willingness and
determination, gratitude, and repent when making mistakes.
b. Akhlaq towards family
People have obligation to give good treatments to their parents because
they cannot live without them. Respect and care of parents is very much stressed
in Islam. Individual has to do what parents ask though it is not easy to do and
Islam prohibits every individual saying “ah” or “uff” (dislike expressions). This is
equal and fair with the struggle of parent in birthing process. This statements has
been listed in Al quran surah Al Isra :23-24
And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to
parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age
[while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel
them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of
humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they
brought me up [when I was] small."( Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din AlHilali)
Akhlaq to the family can be done by doing devoted to both parents,
praying for them, doing good treatment to them, if we are the parents we have to
give nafkah as best as we can and teach our children a good moral.
c. Akhlaq towards Neighbors
Islam gives freedom for the people to do their human right. Moslem has to
do justice and good treatment to everyone. There should be no oppression in one
to another. Every person has to care and help each other. When one person has a



trouble, the others should be ready to help. This statements also has listed in Al
Quran surah Al Nahl : 90
Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and
forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you
that perhaps you will be reminded.
Building an akhlaq towards neighbors is very important, because the
neighbor is the closest friend. Even the Prophet Muhammad explains that Jibril
never stopping to told me to do good treatment to neighbors, until I feel like the
neighbors are heirs" (H.R. Al Bukhari:1976). Prophet Muhammad also describes
the rights of neighbors as follows: getting a loan if necessary, getting help if
asked, being visited when ill, being assisted if necessary, having poor should be
helped, getting congratulations if they received a victory, being accompanied if
they have a difficult situation, and giving some foods to the neighbors.(HR Al
Bukhari:1976) It can be concluded that to be kind to everyone is a must.
d. Akhlaq in leadership
In principle, every leader needs to be decorated with akhlaq karimah.
Therefore the leader should have the following characteristics: knowledge so that
matters can be handled in a professional manner and mismanagement does not
happen, having the courageous, graceful, trustworthy, honest, diligent, and
patient. (HR Al-Bukhari:1976)
. They are listed in Al Quran Surah Al-Mukminun 8-11. The following
quotation will strengthen them.



And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive and they who
carefully maintain their prayers. Those are the inheritors who will inherit
al-Firdaus. They will abide therein eternally. (Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din
In this quotation above, Allah will give a reward to people who keep
promises. The reward is heaven al Firdaus. The second characteristic of the leader
in Al Quran is described in surah As sajdah 24
And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when
they were patient and [when] they were certain of Our signs (Dr.
Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali)
The quotation above tells about good leader should has a patient. There are
many handicaps in life so the people should be patient to face them. Another
characteristic of the leader in Al Quran is described in surah Al anfal 58
If you [have reason to] fear from a people betrayal, throw [their treaty]
back to them, [putting you] on equal terms. Indeed, Allah does not like
traitors. (Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali)
The quotation above tells about honesty. The leader should be honest in
every action. Allah tells honesty by using the sentence throw back to them on
equal terms. It means that people should return back goods on equal, honest in
terms of quantity, depends on the treaty. The fourth characteristic of the leader in
Al Quran is described in surah Fathir 29-30
Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend
[in His cause] out of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly,
[can] expect a profit that will never perish that He may give them in full
their rewards and increase for them of His bounty. Indeed, He is Forgiving
and Appreciative. (Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali)



The leader should consider in the greatest happiness of the greatest
numbers. The leader should think about people interest than self interest. The fifth
characteristic of the leader in Al Quran is described in Surah Al Imran 159
So by mercy from Allah , [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them.
And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have
disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them
and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely
upon Allah . Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]. (Dr.
Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali)
e. Akhlaq towards self
Humans have been created by Allah SWT. Therefore humans have an
obligation to maintain the sanctity of physical and spiritu