The influence of materinal instincton sister regina`s personality development as seen in lavyrle spencer`s then came heaven - USD Repository





A Thesis

  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education













A Thesis on

The Influence of Maternal Instinct on Sister Regina’s Personality Development

as Seen in Lavyrle Spencer’s Then Came Heaven

  By Paulina Gupta Wijaya

  Student Number: 031214021 Approved by:

  Major sponsor Dr. Wigati Yektiningtyas Modouw, M.Hum. December 7, 2007 Co-sponsor


The Influence of Maternal Instinct on Sister Regina’s Personality

Development as Seen in Lavyrle Spencer’s Then Came Heaven


  Student Number: 031214021 Defended before the Board of Examiners

  On 22 January, 2008 And Declared Acceptable


Board of Examiners

  Chairperson : A. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. ________________ Secretary : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ________________ Member : Dr. Wigati Y. Modouw, M.Hum. ________________ Member : Drs. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A.________________ Member : Markus Budiraharjo, S.Pd., M.Ed. ________________

  Yogyakarta, 22 January, 2008 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education

  Sanata Dharma University Dean,



  I honestly declare that this thesis which I wrote does not contain the works or part of the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and bibliography, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, December 7, 2007 The writer,

  Paulina Gupta Wijaya Take your time Think a lot Think of everything you’ve got For you will still be here tomorrow

  But your dreams may not… (Anonymous)




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma : Nama : Paulina Gupta Wijaya Nomor Mahasiswa : 031214021

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul : THE INFLUENCE OF MATERNAL INSTINCT ON SISTER REGINA’S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT AS SEEN IN LAVYRLE SPENCER’S THEN


  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 11 Februari 2008 Yang menyatakan (Paulina Gupta Wijaya)



  First of all, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to God the Almighty,


Jesus Christ for giving me the strength, courage, and compassion so that I could

finish this thesis. I thank Him for always being there for me.

  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my major sponsor Dr.


Wigati Yektiningtyas Modouw, M.Hum. for her suggestions, kindness, and

  especially for her patience in helping me finish this thesis. Next, I am very grateful to Drs. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A. as my co-sponsor for sparing his time to correct my thesis as well as give suggestions and inputs.

  I would like to thank to all lectures for their guidance. My thanks also go to all staffs in the secretariat especially Mbak Dani and Mbak Tari for their support.

  I also want to give my gratitude to my beloved family: my father Markus


Dwi Agus; I know he loves me with his own way and I am thankful for all those

  love. I want to say thanks to my mother Maria Goreti Sutriasih, who always loves and supports me. My thanks also go to my brother Adek Gupta. I am thankful for all the love, laughter, jokes, and criticisms. I really have such good time with him. I also extend my thanks to my sweet cousin Mbak Lia, and my aunt Tante Aas. I am thankful to her for loving me.

  To my special friend, Danang Senggoto, thanks for all love, jokes, and smiles. I cannot say anything to explain my feeling. I can only quote a lyric from 311, ‘whenever I’m alone with you, you make me feel like I am home again’.

  My sincerest thanks also go to my beloved old friends, Ellen, Tia, Yanti, crazy teenagers at that time. My thanks also go to my best friends, Alene and


Arum. Alene has taught me to be a confident and tough woman. Meanwhile, Arum

  has taught me to be a moderate and patient woman. I am grateful for having funny, sometimes, crazy friends like them.

  I would also want to give my thanks to Retha, Ozzy, Miertah, Tika manis,


Dita, Ipat, Dame, Edu, Indra, Bayu, Dhea-wamin ‘05, Unga ‘05, and all of my

  friends in PBI. I am thankful because they are willing to share the great times with me in our lovely campus. Those people have taught me so many things about life.

  I also want to say thanks to all my friends in Kos 9C; Lala, Helmi, Siska,


Mbak Iin, Mbak Dewi, Mbak Chika, Mbak Byti, Mbak Ambar, Eli, Yanita,

Nia, Desi, Betha, and Agnes. they are so precious for me. My thanks also go to the

  members of Kos Super Kumpo. I am thankful for their silly things, unpredictable thinking, etc. They have taught me how to face this life simply.

  For other friends whom I cannot mention one by one, I would like to thank them for all of the great time and experiences we have been through together. I love you all.

  ─ Paulina Gupta Wijaya ─



  TITLE PAGES ......................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGES ...............................................................................



BOARD OF EXAMINERS ..................................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY...................................... iv

MOTTO PAGE ........................................................................................ v

DEDICATION PAGE.............................................................................. vi

STATEMENT OF PUBLICITY............................................................. vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................... x

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. xiii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................

  1 1.1 Background of the Study............................................

  1 1.2 Objectives of the Study ..............................................

  4 1.3 Problem Formulation .................................................

  5 1.4 Benefits of the Study..................................................

  5 1.5 Definition of Terms....................................................


  8 2.1 Theory of Critical Approach ......................................

  8 2.2 Theory of Literature ...................................................

  9 2.2.1 Theory of Character .......................................

  9 Definition of Character ...................

  10 Kinds of Character ..........................

  10 2.2.2 Theory of Characterization ............................

  11 Meaning of Characterization...........

  11 Method of Characterization.............


  2.3.1 The Meaning of Personality ...........................

  14 2.3.2 Theory of Personality Development ..............

  14 2.3.3 Freudian Psychoanalysis ................................

  16 2.4 Criticism.....................................................................

  17 2.5 Theoretical framework ...............................................

  18 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY .........................................................

  20 3.1 Subject Matter ............................................................

  20 3.2 Approaches.................................................................

  21 3.3 Procedures ..................................................................

  21 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS ......................................................................

  23 4.1 Sister Regina’s Personality ........................................

  23 4.1.1 Religious ........................................................

  23 4.1.2 Patient.............................................................

  25 4.1.3 Creative ..........................................................

  26 4.1.4 Caring about Children ....................................

  27 4.1.5 Diligent...........................................................

  29 4.1.6 Being Sensitive...............................................

  32 4.1.7 Introverted ......................................................

  35 4.1.8 Lack of Courage .............................................

  38 4.2 Sister Regina’s Maternal Instinct ...............................


  4.3 The Influences of Maternal Instinct on Sister Regina’s Personality Development ..........................................


  4.3.1 On Sister Regina’s Perception of Serving God


  4.3.2 On Sister Regina’s Way in Dealing with a Problem .........................................................

  49 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION ...............................................................

  60 5.1 Conclusions ................................................................

  60 5.2 Suggestions ................................................................

  61 5.2.1 Suggestions for Further Researcher ...............

  61 5.2.2 Suggestions for Teaching Speaking ...............

  62 The Teaching-Learning Activity in Speaking Class Using Then Came

  Heaven ............................................

  63 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................

  65 APPENDICES ..........................................................................................

  67 APPENDIX 1 Summary of Then Came Heaven ...................................

  68 APPENDIX 2 LaVyrle Spencer’s Biography ........................................

  70 APPENDIX 3 The Works of LaVyrle Spencer......................................

  73 APPENDIX 4 The Implementation of Teaching Speaking IV Using Some Parts of the Novel Then Came Heaven for the Fourth Semester Students of English Language Education Study Program ...........................................................................

  74 APPENDIX 5 Speaking Class Material Taken from Then Came Heaven




Wijaya, Paulina Gupta. 2007. The Influences of Maternal Instinct on Sister

Regina’s Personality Development as Seen in Lavyrle Spencer’s Then Came

Heaven . Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program.


Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teachers Training

and Education. Sanata Dharma University.

  This study discusses the personality changes of Sister Regina, the main character in Lavyrle Spencer’s Then Came Heaven. The novel was firstly published in 1997. This study aimed to find out how the maternal instinct affects a person’s personality development, and to get a clear illustration about the changes. In order to achieve the aim, the study discusses three problems, they are: 1) how Sister Regina’s personality is described in the novel, 2) how Sister Regina’s maternal instinct is described in the novel, and 3) how Sister Regina’s maternal instinct influences her personality development.

  The theories of character and characterization were used to answer the first problem formulation. The theory of psychology was used to analyze the character more deeply. In this study, psychological approach was used because this study discusses the personality of Sister Regina. Furthermore, it was used to answer the second and third problem formulation.

  The result of the analysis shows that Sister Regina is a patient and religious woman. She is also a creative, diligent, and caring person. At first Sister Regina is sensible. She is also introverted and lack of courage. Later, when she feels the growth of the maternal instinct in herself, she improves her personality. The results of Sister Regina’s personality development can be seen at the end of the novel. She becomes sure in choosing the kind of life she is supposed to do. Because of the influence of her maternal instinct, she develops into a better and assertive person.

  Finally, this study ends with suggestion for English lecturer in implementing Then Came Heaven in Speaking IV class. There are also some suggestions for further researcher who would like to study the novel.



Wijaya, Paulina Gupta. 2007. The Influences of Maternal Instinct on Sister

Regina’s Personality Development as Seen in Lavyrle Spencer’s Then Came

Heaven. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Departemen

  Pendidikan Bahas dan Seni. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Studi ini membahas tentang perkembangan kepribadian yang dialami oleh Suster Regina, tokoh utama dalam novel karangan Lavyrle Spencer yang berjudul Then Came Heaven. Novel tersebut diterbitkan untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1997. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu tentang pengaruh insting keibuan dalam perkembangan kepribadian seseorang, dan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang perkembangan tersebut. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, studi ini mendiskusikan tiga masalah, yaitu: 1) bagaimana kepribadian Suster Regina digambarkan di dalam novel, 2) bagaimana insting keibuan Suster Regina digambarkan di dalam novel, dan 3) bagaimana insting keibuan Suster Regina mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadiannya.

  Teori mengenai karakter dan pengkarakteran digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah pertama. Kemudian teori psikologi digunakan untuk menganalisis kepribadian dengan lebih baik. dalam studi ini, pendekatan psikologi digunakan karena studi ini membahas tentang kepribadian Suster Regina. Lebih jauh pendekatan ini digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah kedua dan ketiga.

  Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Suster Regina adalah wanita yang sabar dan beriman. Dia juga seorang wanita yang kreatif, rajin, dan juga penyayang. Pada mulanya Suster Regina adalah wanita yang sensitif. Dia juga seorang wanita yang tertutup dan penakut. Kemudian, saat dia merasakan pertumbuhan insting keibuan dalam dirinya, dia memperbaiki kepribadiannya. Hasil perkembangan kepribadian dari Suster Regina dapat dilihat pada akhir novel ini. Dia menjadi yakin dalam memilih jenis hidup yang dia rasa harus dia lakukan. Karena pengaruh insting keibuannya, dia berubah menjadi orang yang lebih baik dan tegas.

  Akhirnya, studi ini menyertakan beberapa saran untuk dosen Bahasa Inggris dalam menggunakan Then Came Heaven dalam mata kuliah Speaking IV. Di samping itu, terdapat pula beberapa saran untuk peneliti lain yang hendak mempelajari novel ini.

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter is divided into five parts. The first part is background of the

  study, the second part is objectives of the study, the third part is problem formulation, the fourth part is benefit of the study, and the fifth part is definition of terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

  Reading literature can give us many experiences. Little (1981: 1-2) says that literature is the chief art of mankind because it can effectively express one’s idea to others. The author tries to convey his/her experiences, vision, or problem through literary work. Through a deep understanding in a literature work, we can get knowledge which the writer believes that it is worthier than anything. Enjoying literature as a matter of pleasure gives us not only a chance to have imagination or to drive us into new a world at a moment, but also gives us moral values that will be beneficial for us to learn and understand about life.

  Literary work can be in form of novels, dramas, prose and poems. Novel, as one of the products of literary works, reveals people’s story in lives. De Laar (1963: 163) defines a novel as a book that tells a story concerning people. Novel is a way of an author to introduce readers into a living world. Therefore, in the novel we can find that the events are close to our life and may happen to us.

  LaVyrle Spencer’s work Then Came Heaven is an interesting novel. It tells influences her personality. It also tells us about how a young woman like Sister Regina lives in a religious community and how she thinks of the rule within the community.

  The setting of time of the novel was during 1950, seen as the exploration of human personality development. In this story, Sister Regina as the major character is confused whether staying in her religious community or leaving the communal living to reach what she means as ‘better life’ outside. Her experiences with those doubts lead her to be a mature woman. A new situation that is her attraction to a man in her environment and her dissatisfaction of her community’s rules also influence her personality development.

  To be a nun at young age is not an easy decision to be made. However, Jean Potlocki or Sister Regina has entered the postulate since she was eleven years old.

  In Browerville, Minnesota, it is a pride if one of their families becomes a nun or a priest. During her childhood, she grew up in a Catholic community and all of her family admired her to be a nun.

  Not all young women had a bravery to enter the postulate, but Jean, an eleven-year-old girl, did it without any regret. She left her family and joined the community with its vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity. As a nun, she becomes a teacher in a St. Joseph’s Parochial School and she teaches the third and fourth grade students. She is a committed and fine teacher.

  In her twenties, being a teacher makes her close to children’s world. However, the Holy Rule of the Church forbids the nuns from so much as touching the seculars. In class, she has special students, Anne in the third grade and Lucy in though Sister Regina longs to hug Eddie Olсzak’s little girls, she must hold back. Since that time, she has begun doubting her life as a nun. She prays to God, does retreat and penance in order to solve her problem. She battles within herself to find the highest moral answer for her. At the first, it is very difficult for her to decide to leave the community since this choice would make a big change in her life later.

  The change is about her personality that is developed because of the influence of her special affinity for Ol сzak’s children.

  All people’s personality can change all times. Like what happens to Sister Regina, there is a factor or even more than one factor that can influence ones’ personality. Considering those factors, a person may change into the better one or even the worse one, depending on how the person deals with the matters. Hurlock (1976: 7) says that personality development is a stage in growth of a constantly changing and evoking process within an individual. Here, the development of one’s personality can be said as one’s effort to be a mature person and to find the identity.

  This study is going to analyze Sister Regina’s personality development in its relation with the maternal instinct a woman like Sister Regina has. The maternal instinct here, as the factor that influences Sister Regina’s personality, means the feeling of a mother-to-be that haunts the unassailability of her faith. This is how Sister Regina suddenly feels strange with her routines in the community. Sister Regina has decided to be a nun since she was eleven years old and tied her life with the Community’s Holy rule since that time. She cannot accept what is said in the Holy rule anymore; obedience, poverty and chastity. A strong feeling of motherhood comes out of Sister Regina’s heart and the Holy rule cannot prevent her problems. Every woman should have maternal instincts. Burnett, as cited by Fleming (1974: 234), states that the wish to bear and nurture a child is biologically anchored in her uterus and breasts, and its fulfillment normally brings a sense of well being, wholeness, and completion that may dispel lingering feeling of inferiority. It is very difficult for every woman to deny that feeling, especially if it happens to a sister like sister Regina who has never been close to any children because of her community’s rule. Here, the influences of her maternal instinct and the courage to answer the call of love towards the Olсzak’s family make her develop and able to face all the consequences she will face after leaving the religious community. She has to face all her family who has expected her to be a nun. Moreover she could not teach in any Catholic schools anymore because the church frowns on letting former nuns teach in their school. The last but not least, this study would like to know the values of the novel as seen in Jean’s personality development for people, especially for Protestant community. The community can see an example of the nun’s inner life. Hopefully, it will give us more respect for those who choose to be priests or nuns.

1.2. Objectives of the Study

  There are three objectives the writer will obtain. The first objective of the study is to find the description of Sister Regina’s personality in the novel. The second objective is to find out the maternal instincts emerging through Sister Regina’s heart. The third objective is to find the influence of the maternal instinct towards Sister Regina’s personality development.

  1.3. Problem Formulation

  To analyze the novel, this study focuses on three problems:

  1. How is Sister Regina’s personality described in the novel?

  2. How is Sister Regina’s maternal instinct described in the novel?

  3. How does Sister Regina’s maternal instinct influence her personality development?

  1.4. Benefits of the Study

  This study offers benefits both for readers and literary world. For the reader and the literary world, this study can help them get better understanding about literature knowledge. It may also offer them to get more knowledge about the life and the value of life that is hidden in this novel. This story tells us about the effort of a nun to solve her interpersonal conflict and about her courage to let her conscience lead her life although there are many consequences waiting for her. We often think that a nun lives happily ever after. However, by reading the novel, we are reminded that nun is the same as other human beings. A nun may have problems that sometimes make her decide to leave the nun community. Here, it is hoped that the readers will understand about Sister Regina’s personality in the novel and it is important for us to follow our conscience no matter what happens.

  1.5. Definition of Terms

  1. Personality According to International Encyclopedia of Psychology (1996:1228), “personality” individual distinct from others.

  2. Development In Human Development (1961:22), Pikunas defines “development” as a series of sequential changes in an organism to lead to its maturity as a result of experience. In this study, “development” refers to the increasing of the maturity as the result of the maturity and better understanding.

  3. Personality Development According to International Encyclopedia of Psychology (1996:1228), “personality” is defined as the unique combination of thought, feeling, and behavior that make individual distinct from others. Pikunas (1961: 22) defines development as a series of sequential changes in an organism to lead to its maturity as a result of experience.

  In this study, development refers to the increasing of the maturity as the result of the maturity and better understanding. Therefore, personality development can be said as a process of a person in adjusting to his/her world, his/her feelings, his/her value, his/her problems, and the ways in which she/he deals with these problems. Sister Regina’s personality development happens when she tries to adjust herself to her world, feelings, value, problems during her doubt.

  4. Maternal Instinct According to Oxford English Reference Dictionary (2003: 891), “maternal” is defined as ‘of or like mother’. Besides, “instinct” is defined as similar behavior in human beings to act without conscious intention (p. 731). In addition, according to Deutsch (1937: 2), motherhood is the expression not only of a biologic process but memories, wishes and fears that have preceded the real experience by many years. Therefore, “maternal instinct” is said as an unconscious motherly act that happens in human being. This study discusses about the maternal instinct growing up in Sister Regina’s personality.

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter is divided into five parts. The first part is Theory of Critical Approach, the second part is Theory of Literature, the third part is Theory of Psychology, the fourth part is Criticism, and the fifth part is Theoretical Framework.

2.1 Theory of Critical Approach

  Novel is one of literary works that offers us not only pleasure but also knowledge and values that it implies. To get knowledge of the meaning that it implies, it is important for us to broaden our knowledge so that we could understand the novel deeper. More than that, a novel also contains characters that are usually a reflection of human’s real life. Therefore, in the novel we can get knowledge of the psychology side such as personality from its main character’s personality.

  To understand deeper about the main character’s personality development, in this case is Sister Regina, we need some approaches to analyze the novel. There are five kinds of critical approaches stated by Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 6-15). They classify several approaches that can be used in analyzing literary works.

  There are five approaches. The first is formalist approach, which investigates the work of literature itself. The second is biographical approach, which focuses on the author’s personality, life, and development to understand the social structure or way of life of the author so that the readers can draw conclusions which investigates place or society that is reflected in the literary work. The fourth is mythopoeic approach, which emphasizes the universal patterns of human behavior and thought underlying literary work. The last is psychological approach, which reflects life and representation of human motivation and behavior. Here, the psychological approach is used to discover and demonstrate certain repetitive patterns; hence, from the knowledge of psychology, the critics who apply this approach to dissect literary works use psychological theories to explain human motivation, personality, and behavior pattern written in literary objects. The approach finds what the work tells us about the human mind and involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent pattern. Thus, the knowledge of psychological fields is in order to study further some kinds of literary works.

  To conduct the analysis of this novel, the writer uses psychological approach based on the theory of psychology. Rohrberger (1971: 5) says that psychological approach analyzes a novel based on theory of psychology. This approach analyzes the characters described in the novel deeper through the lens of psychology. The writer uses psychological approach to analyze the main character, Sister Regina, more deeply so that it helps to understand the character through her personality.

  Further discussion on the theory of psychology is put on section 2.3 (p. 13).

2.2 Theory of Literature This part consists of theory of character and theory of characterization.

2.2.1 Theory of Character

  Theory of character discusses two main things. Those are definition and Definition of Character

  Characters take an important role in the work of literature. De Laar (1959: 163) says that a novel is a book that tells a story concerned with people. He defines a novel as an art work which introduces readers into a living world. Based on that description, we know that novel tells us a story consisting of various elements. There are two main elements in literary work; plot and character. Since the story is concerned with people, character becomes one of the main elements of a novel that helps the reader to get better understanding about the character in the novel itself.

  According to Abrams (1981: 20), character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who is represented by the reader as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what the character says (the dialogue) and what the character does (the action). Character in a novel could liven up the story. The author builds a character that is usually as the reflection of real people’s life. Considering that, through its characters, the author could make the readers get involved in the story.

  Since the study focuses on the main character’s maternal instinct, we need to know character in depth. Therefore, character becomes a very significant element of the novel. Kinds of Character

  Perrine (1974:71) classifies character into two categories: static character and dynamic character. Static character does not undergo any changes in his or her outlook or personalities during the course of story as at the beginning. On the other aspects of the character: personalities, ways of thinking, or outlook from the beginning until the end of the story.

  Likewise, Forster (1981: 20-21) differentiates two kinds of character. They are flat and round characters. A flat character never changes until the end of the story. “A single idea or quality” usually represents a flat character. In a flat character, there are no much individualizing details. The personality of a flat character is not described in details. A round character is complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with subtle particularly. It means that the character may change in significant ways, usually in dealing with its conflict. Round character makes the readers hard to guess and often surprise the readers.

  Not different from what has been stated by Forster, Holman and Harmon (1986: 81) divide the characters into static and dynamic. A static character is a character that has little changes or does not change at all when a thing happens to her/him. Not like the static character, a round character changes whenever a thing happens. We can say that the changes are the consequences of the action.

  Here, the theories of character (such as flat and round character, dynamic and static character, etc) are needed to analyze how Sister Regina serves as a character in the novel Then Came Heaven.

2.2.2 Theory of Characterization Meaning of Characterization

  One character is different from one to another. Every character has its particular personality. Here, the way to understand each character is through is the process by which an author creates a character. Through characterization, the author uses some methods to show what the character looks like in the story. Methods of Characterization

  Murphy states nine methods of characterization (1972: 161-173). These methods describe how an author conveys to the readers about the characters and the personalities so that the characters understand them. Those are:

  a. Personal description The author describes a person’s appearances and clothes. It tells the details; build, skin, hair, eyes, and face, in accurate description (1972: 161).

  b. Characters as seen by another character The author describes a character through the eyes and opinions of another. The reader gets it, as it were, a reflected image (1972: 162).

  c. Speech The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what the person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving us some clues to his character (1972: 164).

  d. Past life By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author can give us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. This can be done by direct comment by the author through the person’s thought, through his conversation or through medium of another person (1972: 166). e. Conversation of others The author gives us clues to a person’s character through the conversations of other people and the things they say about him. People do talk about other people and the things they say often give us clue to the character of the person spoken about (1972: 167).

  f. Reactions The author gives us a clue to a person’s character by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events (1972: 168).

  g. Direct comment The author describes or comments on a person’s character directly (1972: 170).

  h. Thoughts The author gives us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. In this respect, he is able to do what we cannot do in real life. He can tell us what different people are thinking (1972: 172). i. Mannerism

  The author describes a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies which may also tell us something about his character (1972: 173).

  These methods are used by an author to make character understandable and come life to the readers. Thus, it can be used to find out the description of sister Regina’s character in the story of novel Then Came Heaven.

2.3 Theory of Psychology

  This part consists of meaning of personality, theory of personality

  2.3.1 The Meaning of Personality

  A certain situation may produce different reaction through a person to another. A person may act destructive when the person is broken heart and others may not take the problem seriously and let it flow. Kalish (1972: 52) says that “Personality is the dynamic organization of characteristics, which determines people’s behavior and distinguishes one to another”. Meanwhile, Allport (1961: 10) defines personality as “the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought”.

  According to Woodworth (1957: 88), personality is “total quality of an individual’s behavior”. Here, it means that the personality of a person shows the quality of the person itself. It can be said that when a person has bad personality, the person shows his/her low quality as an individual. In contrast, when a person has good personality, the person shows his/her high quality as an individual.

  2.3.2 Theory of Personality Development

  This study relates to the theory of personality development. Elizabeth Hurlock (1976: 7) defines that personality development is “a stage in growth of a constantly changing and evoking process within an individual”. The personality pattern cannot be stable because it changes all the time. The change can either be better or even worse. Changes in personality do not occur by themselves. Still based on Hurlock (1974: 137-354), there are eight determinants which can determine one’s personality pattern.

  The first determinant is physical determinant. It is known that body size and is intellectual determinant. Intelligence makes people able to meet and solve the problems adjustment to life requirements. The adjustment here means how a person can adapt well to the situation of his/her environment. Whether a person is successful or not in adjusting to life is based on how he uses his intellectual ability.

  The third is emotional determinant. Emotions color individual’s life in relation to the perception of himself and his environment and affect his behavior. The fourth is social determinant. Every social group has its own standards to every person who wants to be the member of the group. The member is expected to play and approve the role of a social group. The fifth is aspirations and achievements determinant. In this part, achievements are used as the parameters to measure the quality of people.

  How the person evaluates himself and how others evaluate him affect his personality. The sixth is sex determinant. The effects of sexuality come from the sex hormones that influence the growth rate of the individual, the body formation and functioning, and quality of behavior. The seventh is educational determinant.

  Educational institutions bring some effects to the development of one’s personality. It is because children in their early life spend more time in school than other places. The eighth is family determinant. Family influences the personality development of a person by communication, behavior patterns, unconscious imitation of attitude, etc.

  From the eight determinants proposed by Hurlock, the writer adopts one determinant that is emotional determinant. The direct effects of the emotion on personality come from social judgments on how the person controls his emotion. Emotion can build pleasure to a person’s life and attract a motivation to improve his and therefore, the person will fail to adjust life. Here, the writer adopts this determinant because the writer sees that Sister Regina’s personality development is affected by her emotion especially her experiences in facing her community and problems.

2.3.3 Freudian Psychoanalysis

  Psychoanalysis is a science of personality. It is all about the theory of personality. The pioneer of psychoanalysis is Freud Sigmund (1856-1939). The psychoanalysis theories that are discussed here include instinct, the major systems of personality; Id, Ego, and superego; the conscious, and the unconscious.

  Based on Freud, there are three major systems of personality such as id, ego, and superego. The seat of the instinct is the Id. According to Freud, as cited by Hall (1954: 39), the Id is the center of instinctual drives. Here, instinct is defined as an inborn condition which imparts direction to psychological processes. An instinct is like a river that flows along a particular river way. Jung (1948: 271) says that instincts have their unconscious motives, their infirmity and regularity in common with the reflexes. The Id can also be said as an inner world that exists before the individual has experience of the external world. The ego is the executive or the strategy of the personality. Freud (1993: 161) says that the ego is the agency which represents the subject’s identifications and mediation with the external reality.

  Meanwhile, the superego, which represents internalized parental and social injunctions or the conscience, consists of standards (1993:163-164). It is part of personality that portrays the moral standards of the society.

  To Freud, mental life is divided into three levels; the conscious, the preconscious and the unconscious. Consciousness is the psychological term commonly used to indicate a state of awareness of self and environment. It is defined as those mental elements in awareness at any given point in time. It is the only level of mental life directly available to us. Psychoanalytic suggests that much of our behavior is motivated by unconscious influences. Unconsciousness relates to phenomena that we are unaware of and cannot become aware except under special circumstances.

  The concept of the unconscious suggests that there are aspects of our functioning of which we are not fully aware. According to Freud, as cited by Feist (2006: 24), unconscious contains all those drives, urges, or instincts that are beyond our awareness but that nevertheless motivate most of our words, feelings, and actions. For example, a man may not fully understand all the reasons for the attraction, some of which may even seem irrational.

  This study focuses on the instinct and the unconscious mental life proposed by Freud. Here, the story includes maternal instincts that grow unconsciously in the main character. By using these theories, it helps this study to analyze the instinct that changes Sister Regina’s personality.

2.4 Criticism

  In doing the analysis of my study, the writer gathers some criticisms on LaVyrle Spencer’s Then Came Heaven in order to get a better understanding of the novel. Criticism does not always mean bad; furthermore it can be compliment

  Meg, a fan of Spencer’s novel (, accessed


  on March 25 , 2007) says that Then Came Heaven is a beautiful love story. There is love in this book: love for God, love for church, marital love, family love, community love; and, of course, the pure sweet love that slowly grows between Jean and Eddie. Ms. Spencer shows us, in a clear yet respectful way, just what nuns prior to Vatican II had to give up for their love of church and God. It's clear that changes in regards to the vows a nun takes were needed.

  Moreover, a reader form Ohio (


  reviews/discussions/start-thread.html, accessed on March 28 , 2007) says that this novel is a totally unique romance novel. Set in a Midwest Polish Catholic community in the 1950s, it is a beautifully crafted glimpse of a time when the world was simpler and more innocent. The primary characters are a grieving widower and a nun who is struggling with her vocation. In her opinion, Spencer always does a wonderful job of drawing the reader into the emotional lives of her characters, and these two are particularly sympathetic. The majority of the book focuses on their individual struggles before turning to the romance that springs from their mutual respect and support. The love story is very sweet and handled with great sensitivity. She also enjoyed the glimpse into the inner life of the nuns.

2.5 Theoretical Framework

  In this part the writer wants to explain some theories used in this study and also the reason why those theories are needed in this study. The first theory is the theory of character and characterization. This theory is used to help the process of novel. The second theory is the theory of personality development by Hurlock (1976). The writer uses this theory to understand the changes of Sister Regina’s personality. Another theory of psychology the writer uses in this study is the Freudian psychoanalysis. The writer uses this theory in order to know how a maternal instinct influences Sister Regina’s personality development. Hopefully, the writer can answer her problem formulation by using these theories.

CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter is divided into three main parts; they are subject matter, approaches, and procedures. The subject matter explains the object of the study. The approaches explains the approach used in this study. The last states the procedures that explain the steps in conducting this study.

3.1. Subject Matter

  The subject matter of this study is LaVyrle Spencer’s novel entitled Then


Came Heaven . It was written in 1997. It has 332 pages and is divided into 22