The influence of parents` abuse on Anson`s personality development as seen in Dean Koontz`s The Husband.



A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Berlina Budi Utami Student Number: 051214093






A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Berlina Budi Utami Student Number: 051214093








I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, September 25, 2009

The Writer

Berlina Budi Utami 051214093



Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds

through Christ Jesus

Philippians 4:6-7


This thesis is devoted especially to my beloved family and those who have

introduced me to the wonderful life





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Yogyakarta, 25 September 2009 Yang menyatakan

Berlina Budi Utami 051214093




Utami, Berlina Budi. (2009). The Influence of Parents’ Abuse on Anson’s Personality Development as Seen in Dean Koontz’s The Husband. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study is concerned with the influence of the abusive parents on the minor character in Dean Koontz novel entitled The Husband. The abuses which happen to Anson have shaped his personality development into adulthood. This novel contains many meaningful lessons of life. Moreover, it is interesting to discuss the influence of parents’ abuse on children because it can give some information both to children and parents. Therefore, child abuse can be prevented and reduced.

There are three problems analyzed in this study: (1) How is Anson described in Dean Koontz’s The Husband? (2) What kinds of abuses does Anson experience in Dean Koontz’s The Husband ? (3) What are the influence and the effect of Anson parents’ abuse to Anson’s personality development?

This study used psychological approach in order to analyze child abuse and Anson’s personality development. Library study was also applied in this study. This study used two main sources. The primary source is a novel The Husband written by Dean Koontz. The secondary sources are some books and internet sources related to child abuse and personality development. This study used theory of character and characterization, theory of abuse and theory of personality to answer those problems formulation.

After analyzing the novel, there are three points that can be concluded. First, Anson is described as a person who has round character. He is obedient, smart, kind, masculine and ambitious. Second, there are two kinds of abuses which happen to Anson, namely physical and psychological abuse. Third, parents’ abuses influence Anson’s personality development. The abuses which have happened to him change him to be more ambitious and leave psychological scars on Anson’s life. Abuses happen to him affect his ambition to get the freedom. It makes him evil, arrogant, self-loving, and self-pitying. Moreover, he brings his heart to kill his parents to take revenge the bad treatment in his childhood.

This study is expected to add some information for the future researches who analyze the same novel or topic. Besides, this study is suggested for English teacher. This novel is proposed for the implementation of literary works in teaching learning activity, as one of materials to teach Intensive Reading I in English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Keywords: character, personality, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and psychological approach.




Utami, Berlina Budi. (2009). The Influence of Parents’ Abuse on Anson’s Personality Development as Seen in Dean Koontz’s The Husband. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini menganalisa pengaruh kekerasan dari orangtua pada tokoh pendukung dalam novel The Husband karya Dean Koontz. Kekerasan yang terjadi pada Anson membentuk perkembangan kepribadian ketika dewasa. Novel ini mempunyai banyak pelajaran hidup yang berarti. Selain itu, pengaruh dari kekerasan orangtua pada perkembangan kepribadian, menarik untuk dibahas karena bisa memberi informasi bagi anak-anak dan orangtua. Sehingga kekerasan pada anak dapat dicegah dan dikurangi.

Ada tiga pokok bahasan yang dibahas dalam studi ini : (1) Bagaimana Anson dideskripsikan dalam The Husband karya Dean Koontz? (2) Jenis kekerasan apa saja yang dialami oleh Anson dalam The Husband karya Dean Koontz? (3) Apa pengaruh dan dampak kekerasan dari orangtua pada perkembangan kepribadian Anson?

Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologi untuk menganalisa kekerasan orangtua dan perkembangan kepribadian Anson. Studi pustaka juga diterapkan dalam studi ini. Studi ini menggunakan dua sumber. Sumber utama adalah novel The Husband karya Dean Koontz. Sumber pendukung adalah buku-buku dan sumber internet yang terkait dengan kekerasan anak dan perkembangan kepribadian. Untuk menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan diatas, studi ini menggunakan teori karakter, teori kekerasan, dan teori kepribadian.

Setelah menganalisa novel tersebut, ada tiga hal yang bisa disimpulkan. Pertama, Anson dideskripsikan sebagai tokoh bulat. Dia patuh, pintar, baik, maskulin dan ambisius. Kedua, ada dua jenis kekerasan yang terjadi pada Anson yaitu kekerasan fisik dan psikologi. Ketiga, kekerasan dari orangtua mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Anson. Kekerasan yang dialami Anson merubahnya menjadi lebih ambisius dan meninggalkan bekas luka psikologis dalam kehidupan Anson. Kekerasan yang terjadi pada masa kecilnya mempengaruhi ambisinya untuk mendapatkan kebebasan. Hal ini membuatnya jahat, angkuh, cinta diri, dan mengasihi diri. Bahkan, dia tega membunuh orangtuanya sebagai balas dendam atas perlakuan buruk mereka pada masa kecilnya.

Studi ini diharapkan bisa menambah informasi bagi peneliti-peneliti berikutnya yang menganalisa novel atau topik yang sama. Disamping itu, novel ini diusulkan sebagai penerapan karya sastra dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sebagai salah satu bahan untuk mengajar Intensive Reading I di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kata kunci: karakter, kepribadian, kekerasan fisik, kekerasan psikologis, dan pendekatan psikologi




I would like to express my greatest gratitude to my savior, Jesus Christ. His unlimited love and his sacrifice are the best gift in my life. I could accomplish my

thesis because of His blessing and grace. Thanks for His chance that I could finish it.

My deepest appreciation goes to my major sponsor, V. Tripihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A. who has guided and helped me in giving suggestion, correction, feedback, and advice. I thank her for devoting her time and her effort to improve my


My gratitude goes to all lecturers and PBI staff. They have given me a chance to study and guided me until the end of my study in Sanata Dharma


My sincere gratitude goes to my beloved parents FX. Suyoto and Sayekti, my sister Atin Kristiyaningrum and my brother in-law Wisnu Widjajayanto who always support and love me. I also give my gratitude to Handita Adhi who always gives me love, prayer, and motivation.

My special gratitude goes to Rindang Kurniasari, Room Mawardi Yohanes, Nancy Paula, Patrice, Chandra, and Andreas Aris Ardianto who have helped me in giving suggestion and correction to my thesis. My next gratitude goes to

my friends, Gregoria Antris Dewanti and Arum Kusumawardhani for their kindness and beautiful smile for me.



I would like to express my appreciation to my classmates Gregoria Mayang Dwiandhesti, Andreas Indra Pangarsa, Yb Agung, Anasthasia Erlita Putri, Maria Stefani Taju, Koko Adityanto, and all managers in Golden Compass

Rinanti Nur Oktapuri, Dinar Ratnasari, Kris Widiastoto, and Intan who have taught me about friendship, loyalty, and team work. My gratitude also goes to Dedy Agung Kris who always supports and cares to me.

I would like to express my gratitude to all people who have helped me in

accomplishing my thesis.





TITLE PAGE ..………... i





ABSTRACT ………..………. vii

ABSTRAK ….……… viii


TABLE OF CONTENTS ………... ... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ………...……… xiv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ………... 1

B. Problem Formulation ………….………...…….. 6

C. Objectives of the Study ………..………. 6

D. Benefits of the Study ……… 7




A. Review of Related Theories……….……….... 10

1. Critical Approach………... 10

2. Theory Character and Characterization………….. 12

3. Kinds of Abuses……… 16

4. Theory of Personality ……… 21

B. Theoretical Framework……….. 27

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ………..………. 29

B. Approach of the Study………. 30

C. Method of the Study ………. 31

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS A. The Personality of Anson………... 33

1. Obedient ……… 34

2. Smart ………..….. 35

3. Kind ….. ……..………. 37

4. Masculine ……….. 38

5. Ambitious.……….. 39



B. The Abuses of Anson’s Parents ………... 40

1. The Background of Anson’s Parents Abuse Him…… 41

2. The Kinds of the Parental Abuse towardAnson…….. 43

C. The Influence of Child Abuse to Anson’s

Personality Development………... 50

1. Anson’s Personality Development……… 50

2. The Factors Influence Anson’s

Personality Development ………... 58


A. Conclusions ………. 60

B. Suggestions

1. Suggestion to Future Researchers ……… 63

2. Suggestion for Teaching Intensive Reading I

Using Literary Work ………... 64

REFERENCES ……….………... 66




APPENDIX 1 Cover of The Husband ……… 68

APPENDIX 2 Summary of The Husband ………. 69

APPENDIX 3 Biography of Dean Koontz ……… 72

APPENDIX 4 Lesson Plan for Teaching Intensive Reading I ………. 74

APPENDIX 5 Learning Material for Teaching Intensive Reading I ……… 77




This chapter consists of five parts. First, the background of the study

discusses the important topic. Second, the problem formulation mentions the main

problems that will be analyzed. Third, the objectives of the study explain the aims

of this study. The next part is the benefits of the study. The last part is the

definition of terms. It describes several terms significantly related to the topic of

this study.

A. Background of the Study

There are many problems related to the children personality development.

Abuse is one of problems which often happens to children. It can happen in a

family, especially in the process of rearing child. According to Crosson Cynthia

and Tower, “the parents-child relationship, they contend, is the basis on which a

child’s emotional growth depends. Only when parents fail to nurture that child’s

growth in the most minimal way should intervention be considered” (40).

In the family, especially in early age, children build their self-concepts. In

this period, they begin to build their character, emotion, and further to develop

personality. The children build their personality by grasping the information and

knowledge around them and put it in their mind. If the information has a good



However, if the children put the bad experience in their mind, it will usually

build bad personality development in their adulthood.

According to Craig, “two of the strongest influences on a child’s

personality development arise from his relationships with siblings, peers and from

his parents’ attitudes toward child-rearing” (394). Therefore, child’s experience is

one of factors which can influence personality development. Parental abuse is one

of children problems which can be found around us. The example of parental

abuse is parents who ask their children with rude words and they sometimes force

their children to follow parents’ instruction or parents’ expectation. Therefore,

children lose their freedom to build their own imagination and to enjoy their


The story of the novel is usually the reflection of human life. Therefore,

the atmosphere and the plot of the story in the novel are created as natural as

possible. The problems in the novel are also close with the human life. The

phenomenon about child’s problems especially abuse also happens in Indonesia.

Lombok is one of beautiful islands in Indonesia. Behind its beauty, it hides the

issue of child abuse. Melati (not her real name), eight years old, lives there with

her family. One day her mother notices that Melati does not walk correctly and

bringing her to the health clinic. The doctors find that she is bleeding, and after an

internal exam, it becomes clear that she has been sexually abused

(http://indonesiabuse.html). Abuse, which happens to Melati, is only one of the


happen every time and everywhere, therefore this case needs more attention and


Sexual abuse, which happens to Melati, is only one of examples of the

kinds of child abuses. The kinds of child abuses and the effects should be known

in order to decrease and solve the problem of child abuse gradually. There are

many kinds of child abuses. Those are physical, emotional or psychological abuse,

and sexual abuse. Some factors can change the personality and this study concerns

to examine parents’ abuse as one of the factors which can change the personality

as seen in Dean Koontz’s The Husband.

This study will discuss about parents’ abuse which happens to Anson in

Dean Koontz’s The Husband. Koontz is one of America’s authors of thrillers and

The Husband is one of the fiction novels written by him. Generally, this novel

tells about love, criminals and thriller which happen to Holly, Mitch Rafferty’s

wife, the main character of this novel. However, this study will concern about

Anson’s abuse experience in the childhood which has relationship with Anson

personality development and the cause of kidnap case happened to Mitch,

Anson’s brother and Holly.

Anson is the oldest childof his siblings. He has one brother named Mitch,

twenty eight and three sisters named Connie, thirty one , Megan, twenty nine, who

has highest IQ, and Portia, the youngest sister. His parents, Dr. Daniel and

Katherine Rafferty are both doctors of behavioral psychology at UCI (University

of California Irvine-ed). His father always emphasizes about self-sufficient. His



room to isolate them from the society. It is like a home schooling, but it is stricter.

As a mother, Kathy has no firm opinions in the rearing child. However, she wants

to prove the method used by her husband. In other words, Anson’s parents use

their children for their experiment of learning room in the rearing child.

Daniel and Kathy also ask Anson to play the shame game. He should be

naked twenty-four hours for seven days while his families remain clothed. His

parents make him not have sensibility and shame. It appears in the novel that the

parents think that modesty is related to diffidence, and diffidence is related to

shyness. Shyness is a synonym for timidity. Anson is clever. Anson’s score is

always close to Megan’s score. However, he feels so depressed, he does not like

the child-rearing system applied by his parents.

According to his parents’ opinion, fantasy is a doorway to superstition.

Therefore, his parents never permit him to read fairy tale. Anson dreams of one

day owning a sailing yacht. Anson begins to dream of sailing because his parents

suffer motion sickness and aversion to the sea. He wants to free himself from his

parents and he thinks that the sea is the place in which he can get his freedom and

no one can drive him. As the oldest, Anson always tries to give motivation to his

siblings through the childhood.

His parents always force him to have confidence and to follow their

expectation, because he is the oldest child in his family. The parents expect that

Anson can give good example to his siblings. However, in adult, his personality

has changed. His ambition to get his freedom influences him to do such kind of


prove he that is the hardest and strongest and brings his heart to kill his parents.

He takes revenge for bad treatment of parents’ abuse in his childhood.

The writer chooses this novel because there are many aspects which can

be dug out. This novel does not only tell about love and criminal conflicts but also

tells that childhood experience can effect the personality development. The

parental abuse is described in this novel especially which happens to Anson. In

the novel, he is described as a character who has been abused by his parents in his

childhood. Child abuse is not always physical or sexual abuse but it can be

physical abuse, which is followed by psychological abuse, as seen in Anson’s

experience. In his childhood, he is an obedient child. Anson always tries to fulfill

his parents’ expectation. He becomes parents’ favorite son because of his

achievement. However, his personality has changed. He does everything to reach

his dream. He collects a lot of money and even does such kind of criminality to be

free from his parents. Referring to Anson’s experience, this study focuses on

Anson’s character described in the story, the kinds of abuses happen to him, and

the influence of parents’ abuse to Anson’s personality development.

The phenomenon about parental abuse and its effects are the interesting

topics to be analyzed. These topics are closer with our life and often happen to the

children. One possible reason why children behave or have bad personality is their

experiences which happened in their childhood especially in early year, as stated

by Craig above. In the early year, children begin to build self-concept. Some



experience during their childhood do not feel happy, as happens to Anson, one of

minor characters in Dean Koontz’s The Husband.

As one of students of English Education Study Program, who concerns

about children and education, the writer wants to know about parents’ abuse and

its effects for children personality development in order to protect the children and

avoid parents’ abuse to happen. The writer tries to discuss this novel from

psychological aspect.

B. Problem Formulation

Related to the background of the study, this study is going to answer three

problems. Those are:

1. How is Anson described in Dean Koontz’s The Husband?

2. What kinds of abuses does Anson experience in Dean Koontz’s The Husband ?

3. What are the influence and the effect of Anson parents’ abuse to Anson’s personality development?

C. Objectives of the Study

This part states the purpose of the study undertaken in relation to the

research questions. There are three objectives in this study. The first objective is

to describe Anson’s character in the novel, the second is to find out the kinds of

abuses which influence to Anson. The third one is to know the influence and the


Having found the answer of those problems, this study is expected to give

the information about child abuse to the readers of this thesis. Therefore, the child

abuse can be prevented and can be solved.

D. Benefits of the Study

There are four benefits of this study. They are for the English Education

Study Program in Sanata Dharma University, for the other researchers, for the

readers, and for the writer. The first is for the English Education Study Program in

Sanata Dharma University. This study is expected to describe the Anson’s

personality in the novel clearly and to implement literary work such as novel in

teaching learning activity like in Intensive Reading I.

The second is for the other researchers, especially the students of English

Education Study Program. By reading this thesis, the students will find out the

types and the influence of abuses as seen in Dean Koontz’s The Husband. Further,

this study can be used as the reference for the researchers who will analyze the

same topic or same novel. This study is expected to add some information for the

next researches.

The third is for the readers of this thesis. Generally, this study aims to give

some information about abuses and know the effects of parents’ abuse to the

children personality development. The last is for the writer. This novel inspires

some lessons of life and enriches the writer about the information related to



E. Definition of Terms

This part presents several terms and the definitions dealt with what the

writer needs to discuss in this thesis. The aim of this part is to avoid

misconception and misinterpretation. Those terms are:

1. Influence

According to Horace B. English and Champney English, “influence is

part-cause of an event or condition that which has effect on an even” (108). In this

study, the word “influence” refers to the Anson’s experience in his childhood

which causes his bad personality development.

2. Abuse

According toCrosson and Tower, “Abuse refers to the use or treatment of

something (a person, item, substance, concept, or vocabulary) that is harmful”

(10). In this study, abuse is focused on physical and psychological abuse done by

Anson’s parents.

3. Personality

Allport as cited in Hurlock states that

Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical system that determine his unique adjustments to his environment. Personality type refers to the psychological classification of different types of people. Personality types are distinguished from personality traits, which come in different levels or degree (462).


Ernest R. Hilgard states “Personality is the characteristic patterns of

behavior and modes of thinking that determine a person’s adjustment to the

environment” (383). In this study, the word “personality” refers to the Anson’s

characterization in the novel as the result of his early year experience factor

4. Effect

According to Horace B. English and Champney English, “effect is a

phenomenon or event that in variably follows a certain other phenomenon and

never occurs except in such sequence” (170). In this study, the word “effect”

refers to the result of the rearing method applied by Anson’s parents to Anson’s





This chapter is divided into two main divisions. The first part is the review

of related theories. These are the theories which are relevant with the study. The

second one is theoretical framework. It explains the contribution on each theory in

solving the problems.

A. Review of Related Theories

The review of related theories consists of the theory of literary approach,

theory of character and characterization, theory of abuse, and theory of

personality. The review of related theories reviews the theories applied in

conducting the study.

1. Critical Approach

According to Rohrberger and Woods the critical approach is divided into

five approaches to analyze a work of literature. Those are “formalist approach,

biographical approach, sociocultural-historical approach, mythopoeic approach,

psychological approach” (6). The first one is the formalist approach, “this

approach concerns with demonstrating the harmonious involvement of all the

parts to the whole and with pointing out how meaning is derived from structure


not necessary to study the author’s life, the social background and the

psychological aspects, or any sources related to the work.

The second approach is the biographical approach, “this approach asserts

the necessity for an appreciation of the ideas and personality of the author to an

understanding of the literary object” (8). Therefore, it puts an emphasize on the

author’s life and background to get a good understanding about literary works

because sometimes the literary work produced by the authors is based on their life

experiences. However, the reader cannot judge any moral value of the writing

based on the life of the writer.

The third one is the sociocultural-historical approach, “it investigates the

social milieu in which a work was created and which it necessarily reflects” (9).

Establishing the validity of the text is evidence to support the readers in analyzing

a work of literature. Literary works can be a portrait of events at a certain moment

in time.

The fourth one is the mythopoeic approach, “it seeks to discover certain

universally recurrent pattern of human thought, which they believe find

expression in significant works of art” (11). The universally recurrent patterns are

those that found first expression in an ancient myths and folk rites. Those are very

basic to human thought that they have meaning for all men.

The last one is psychological approach. It involves the effort to locate and

to demonstrate certain recurrent patterns. It draws on a different body of

knowledge, “one of the most powerful of the conflicts arising from the interplay



Atkinson states that psychoanalytic theories explore the private

personality; the unconscious motives that direct behavior, “psychoanalytic theory

is also concerned with the way in which personality develops” (395). Both Woods

and Atkinson have the similar idea about psychological approach. They

emphasize the way personality develops. Since the topics in this study, character,

abuse, and personality are parts of psychological knowledge, psychological

approach is the proper approach as a base in analyzing this study.

2. Character and Characterization

a. Definition of Character and Characterization

According to Abrams, character can be defined in two. First, “character is

the name of literary genre” (23). It usually draws as a short and amusing in prose

of a distinctive type of person. Second, “character is the person presented in

dramatic of narrative work”(23). This character is interpreted by the reader as

being gifted with moral, dispositional and emotional qualities. Those are

expressed in what they say the dialogue and by what they do the action. In this

study, the second definition is the appropriate definition to define the character of

the novel.

Rohrberger and Woods state, “character involves person who acts out in a

particular time and place some kind of conflict in a pattern of event” (20). This

study needs theory of character because characters have particular personalities

and physical attributes that distinguish them from other characters. The process by


According to Abcarian and Klotz, “characterization is the process by which the

character is rendered to make them seem real to the reader” (6).

Murphy states “characters and personality are conveyed to the readers to

make them understand” (161). Both Abcarian and Murphy have similar idea to

conclude the character and characterization in the story. Both of them aim to make

the readers understand each character appears in the story. This theory can be used

to analyze Anson’s character in Dean Koontz’s The Husband.

b. Types of Characters

Forster, as quoted in Abram’s, divides character in two parts. They are flat

and round characters. “A flat character is presented without much individualizing

detail and can be fairly adequately described in a single phrase or sentence” (24).

A round character is complex in temperament and motivation is represented with

subtle particularity. Guth and Rico states, “A flat character is a one-dimensional

character, which has a one-tract personality” (70). Flat character is simpler than

round character, because a round character has a combination of traits. This

character usually undergoes changes in some aspects.

Murphy states that there are nine ways, in which an author attempts to

make each character in the story understandable and come alive for the readers.

Those are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life,

conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism. First is

personal description, “the author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes”



information to the readers about the appearance such as hair, scar, and skin.

Therefore, the readers are helped to imagine the character which is pictured in the

novel from the body or appearance.

The second is character as seen by another. Instead of describing a

character directly, “the author can describe him through the eyes and opinions of

another” (162). The author describes one character from another character’s

opinion. It describes the impression of one character to the other. In this method,

the readers are helped to understand the character in the story from another’s point

of view.

The third is speech, “the author can give us an insight into the character of

one of the person in the book through what that person’s says” (164). How the

person says in the novel can be used as a clue to know the character. The way the

person gives opinion can be used to know the character, as seen from their diction

to deliver the message or information and how they give comment or suggestion.

The fourth is past life. “by letting the readers learn something about

person’s past life, the author can give us a clue to events that have helped to shape

a person’s character” (166). The person’s character can be seen from the past life.

What happened in the past life and how the past life may influence in building the

character. Therefore, the readers can conclude the person’s character from the

person’s background in the past.

The fifth is conversation of others, “the author can also give us clues to a

person’s character through the conversations of other people and the things they


always come directly from the author. It can be concluded from the conversation,

how people give opinion to someone.

The sixth is reaction. The author can also give us a clue to a person’s

character by letting us know how that person reacts to the various situations and

events. The people’s character can be seen from not only how they speak but also

how they react to something. The reaction indicates their quality, because what

they react is the reflection of their mind. The readers can know the person’s

character from their reaction.

The seventh is direct comment. “the author can describe or comment on a

person’s character directly” (170). The author directly helps the readers to know

the character in the novel by giving the information and clue about the person’s

character. The author describes each character in the story so that the readers can

imagine the description of the character in the way.

The next way is thought, “the author can give us direct knowledge of what

a person is thinking about” (171). What the character thinks is the clue of forming

the character. Therefore, by knowing the person’s thought the readers can decide

his character in the story. The last method is mannerism, “the author can describe

a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies which may also tell us something

about his character” (173). What the person usually does can reflect his character,

for example someone’s character who loves jazz music may be different from the

one who loves rock music. Therefore, mannerism can be used to identify the

character in the story. Those methods above are the attempts to analyze the



can be used in understanding and analyzing Anson’s character in Dean Koontz’s

The Husband.

3. Kinds of Abuses

According to Pritchard Colin, there are three kinds of abuses. Those are

“physical, emotional or psychological, and sexual abuse” (11). In child abuse

cases, there are two main factors those are the abuse and abuser, and the impact of

child abuse. Theory of abuse is needed to describe the kinds of abuses and the

abuser and the influence of abuse. This theory is needed to identify and categorize

the kinds of abuse which happen to Anson.

a. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the most obvious abuse, which can be detected and

observed. Physical abuse often leaves scar, therefore it is easier to be recorded.

According to Pritchard Colin there are many forms of physical abuse, such as

“frequent or severe hitting, slapping, beating, shaking, punching, kicking” (12)

Crosson and Tower states, “the cause of physical abuse can be categorized

in three. Those are the psychodynamic or character-trait models, the interactional

models, and the environmental/ sociological/ culturally based models” (97). First

is the psychodynamic or character-trait models, both of them attribute the abuse to

characteristics of the abusive parents. Second is the interactional models. It

considers how the interactions between the victim and the abuser or the dynamics


sociological/ culturally based models, which focus on the part that the milieu, and

stressors within the milieu, plays in the abuse.

Physical abuse is the easiest abuse to be observed and to be taken action to

against, because it usually leaves scars. It causes damages and injures the body.

Sometimes in some cases of abuse, discipline is often used as the reason to give

punishment. The frequent punishment such as hitting, kicking, or slapping can be

categorized as physical abuse because the aim is not to make the children

discipline but more to make the children trauma. The punishment which related to

body or a treatment which limits the space to move and develop his body can be

categorized as physical abuse. The traumatic experience happens to the victim

leaves indelible memory. Therefore, in some cases physical abuse has related to

the psychological abuse.

b. Psychological Abuse

Garbino et al. as cited in Pritchard Colin states, “the presence of one of

these types of emotional abuse is sufficient to cause long-term psychological harm

if it is profound and repeated in nature” (12). Psychological abuseis difficult to be

observed because it is related to the emotion inside. It cannot be seen physically.

However, sometimes it relates to physical abuse too, if the physical abuse gives

long traumatic to the victim.

There are some treatments which can be categorized as psychological



away or destroying toys; forbidden to speak or play; scapegoating; favoritism to

siblings; locked in room or confined space” (12)

Crosson states, “Emotional or psychological maltreatment underlies all

types or neglect” (216). Psychological abuse is more difficult to observe than

physical or sexual abuse. Therefore, it is unnoticed or untreated. The effect of

emotional abuse can be detected if the victim shares or if the victim demonstrates

behavior problems such as anger, depression or maladjustment. Garbarino as cited

in Cynthia Crosson and Tower states that today psychological is not an

inaccessible event, but rather a pattern of physically destructive behavior that may

include rejecting, isolating, terrorizing, ignoring, and corrupting (216)

First is rejecting. When the adult refuses to acknowledge the child’s worth

or the legitimacy of the child’s need is the kind of rejecting. Second is isolating.

Isolating is one of the patterns of physical destructive, which can cause

psychological abuse. It happens when the adult isolates the child from normal

social experiences, prevents the child from forming friendships and makes the

child believes that he or she is alone in the world.

Third is terrorizing. It happens when the adult verbally assaults the child,

creates a climate of fear, bullies and frightens the child. It makes the child

believes that the world is hostile and unsafe. It can make the children afraid and

even traumatic. Fourth is ignoring. This is the physical behavior which can make

the child feels desperate because of parents’ carelessness. It can happen when the

adult blocks the child from having prompt, stifling emotional growth and


connect in destructive and antisocial behavior, reinforces the deviance and makes

the child weak for normal social experience.

Psychologically, this abuse implies rejection or in some manners impedes

the development of a child’s positive self-concept. There are some factors which

can be the roots of psychological maltreatment. Psychological abuse is difficult to

prove or document and thus may go unnoticed because there are many factors,

which can influence this abuse.

The children who are abused in their family especially by their parents or

adult usually give some reactions and effects especially in their behavior and

personality. Children who are abused usually feel that they are isolated,

inadequate, unwanted, moreover unloved and face maladjustment.

Crosson Cynthia and Tower state “The children respond to such messages

in one of two ways: they fight back, becoming hostile, aggressive, and exhibit

behavior problems, or they run their anger inward, becoming self-destructive,

depressed, withdrawn, or suicidal” (219). This study focuses on the influence of

child abuse on Anson’s experience, which influences his emotion and behavior.

Psychological abuse concerns an abuse, which is characterized by a person

subjecting or exposing another to behavior. It is psychologically harmful.

O’Hagan cited in Pritchard defines,

Psychological abuse as the sustained, repetitive, inappropriate behavior which damages, or substantially reduces, the creative and developmental potential of crucially important mental faculties and mental process of a child; these include intelligence, memory, recognition, perception, attention and moral development (15).



Psychological abuse is one of abuses which happens to Anson. His parents

do such kinds repetitive and inappropriate behavior which limit his imagination

and influence personality development.

c. Sexual Abuse

According to Pritchard Colin there are some actions which are considered

as sexual abuse. Those are “interference with and needless touching of child’s

genitalia, forcing child to view or touch or sexually manipulate adult, penetration

attempted or achieved of genital or anal area, showing or making pornography”


Crosson and Tower states, “sexual abuse refers to the use of a child for the

sexual gratification of an adult” (124). There are two types of sexual abuse. Those

are intrafamilial abuse and extrafamilial abuse. First is intrafamilial abuse, “it is

sexual abuse by a blood relative”(124). They are part of the child’s nuclear family.

It may also encompass members of a child’s extended family such as uncles,

aunts, grandfathers, and cousins. The second is extrafamilial abuse. Extrafamilial

abuse is done by someone outside of the child’s family.

Every abuse happens to children will give effect. Sexual abuse is one of

abuses which often happens to the children. According to Pritchard, sexual abuse

gives some effects such as “impaired self-esteem, chronic depression and

suicidality, anxiety phobias and post-traumatic stress, runaway and acting-out

behavior, sexual terror, sexual promiscuity, eating disorders and various


4. Theory of Personality a. Definition of Personality

According to Davidoff , “personality is a summary construct that includes

thoughts, motives, emotions, interests, attitudes, abilities and the like” (443).

However, Hjelle states, “a personality theory is descriptive in that it serves to

organize human behavior systematically to render it intelligible” (2). This theory

provides a meaningful framework for simplifying and integrating all that is known

about a related set of events. In this study, theory of personality is needed to

understand the meaning of individual differences and to know how personality

changes or develops.

As quoted in Atkinson, Freud divides personality structure in three. Those

are “Id, Ego, and Superego” (395). The Id consists of the basic biological

impulses: the need to eat, drink, eliminate waste, avoid pain and gain sexual

pleasure. Unreasoning and irrational are the Id characteristic. A newborn baby is

the example of pure Id. The Ego develops as the young child learns to consider

the demands of reality. The Ego obeys the reality principles: the gratification of

impulses must be delayed until the appropriate environmental conditions are

found. The Ego handles the realities of as situation. The Superego is the

internalized representation of the value and morals of society as taught to the child

by the parents and others. The Superego judges whether an action is right or


As quoted in Davidoff, Freud says, “in mature, adjusted individuals the Id,



not completely accurate, a popular way of describing maladjustment is to say that

adults who gratify all their desires have given in to the Id. People who satisfy

none of their desires because of over concern with the reactions of society are

dominated by the Ego. However, people who are driven by a Superego over, they

lose control to have an insatiable conscience. The interaction of the Id, Ego and

Superego are unconscious.

b. Personality Determinant

According to Hurlock there are twelve factors determining one’s

personality. Those factors are “early experiences, cultural influences, physique,

physical condition, intelligence, emotion, the child name, success and failure,

social acceptance, status symbols, school influences, family influences”


The first factor is early experiences, “early childhood experiences and the

memory of these experiences are highly influential because children leave an

indelible impression on the child’s self-concept” (471). Parents have the main role

when children build self-concept, because children spend much time in the family

especially with their parents. Early childhood can influence the child’s

self-concept, because in this period, the children try to grasp the information surround


The second factor is cultural influences, “in every culture, children are

subjected to pressure to develop a personality pattern that will conform to the


them cannot be separated. Culture can influence the personality, because it forces

children to adapt.

The third factor is physique. Directly it determines what the child can or

cannot do. Indirectly, it determines how the child feels about his body. The

physique can influence the children if they are aware that people regard it as ugly.

This factor depends on how good the child can receive the body’s condition (fat,

thin, tall, short, blonde, or dark).

The fourth factor is physical condition. This factor is similar with the

physique one. Physical condition influences personality directly, like how a

person acts or reacts to something. Indirectly, physical condition influences

personality through the degree of satisfaction, as when a person compares his

physical condition to others. Therefore, the indirect influence gives greater effect

than the direct one, because it is hard for people to get satisfy.

The fifth factor is intelligence. It gives direct and indirect effect through

human’s personality. Human’s intelligent influences personality directly through

the kind of life adjustment the individual makes to the environment around them

and himself. Intelligence indirectly gives effect when others make the judgment to

someone’s intellectual achievements. Intelligent sometimes makes someone feels

inferior if he is not confidence with what he has.

The sixth factor is emotion. The emotion determinant influences in

functioning of physical and mental. It is related to the reaction of events which are

faced. The seventh factor is the child’s name. It may influence the child who



name elicits unfavorable, the treatment the children receives from others will be

less pleasant, and, as a result, he will develop an unfavorable self-concept” (474).

The eighth factor is success and failure. How the child reacts to what he

regards as his success and failures will influence his personal and social

adjustments and affect his self-concept. The harmful of failure effects come from

the child’s realization of the unfavorable evaluations of others as well as from his

own self-evaluation. Success leads a good future adjustment. However, it cannot

be assumed that the more success the child has, the more favorable the effects on

his personality. The achievement can satisfy or not it depends on whether the

person is judged as fail by others or only by himself. If the child can survive from

his failure, he may become stronger but the opposite he may become more


The ninth factor is social acceptance. Any social group wants its member

to meet its expectation as a standard whether or not the group can accept him.

Social judgment will be the basis for self-evaluation. Children who are accepted in

the social group develop self-confidence and poise, by contrast children feel

inferior. The tenth factor is status symbols. Status symbols influence one’s social

acceptance. Children should be aware of the symbols that are valued by the group.

Directly or indirectly, it can damage child’s personality. Status symbol only

affects in the group which judges from symbols of the family possess. The

example of status symbol is cloth. Sometimes people judge others from their


The next factor is school influences. In this case, a teacher has main role to

students’ development. School is the first opportunity to assess their knowledge

and to know the strengths and the weaknesses. However, how great the education

institutions’ influences on personality development, is largely determined by the

children’s attitudes toward schools and colleagues and toward the value of

education. The chances of a child developing a healthy personality will be greatly

increased if the teacher is a well-adjusted person.

The last factor is family influence. Family members are the most

significant people in the child’s life during the years in which the foundations of

his personality are being laid. Children often imitate what the parents or siblings

speak and act. It will directly influence the children’s personality development.

However, indirect influence comes from family members who evaluate them.

Family background is one of factors of personality development.

According to Berk, there are two dimensions of parenting behavior. Those

are “control or demand, and responsiveness or child-centeredness” (605). The first

is control or demand. The parents establish standards for what they expect of their

children and insist that their youngsters meet those standards. The second

dimension is responsiveness or child-centeredness. The parents responsive to their

children, they often open discussion and verbal give-and-take. The contrast is they

do not responsive to their children social initiatives.

Based on two dimensions above, the parents’ types can be divided into

four combinations. Those are “authorative parents, authorian parents, permissive



who control and demand their children. This type of parents has high expectation

to their children. Therefore, they enforce the children by using commands and

consequences for disobedience. They use a rational, democratic approach to

rearing child in which the rights of both parents and children are respected.

The authoritarian parents also control and demand their children.

However, they put the value of conformity and obedience that they are

unresponsive. This type is biased in favor of parent’s needs, and the children get a

little independent self-expression. The third type is permissive parents. They are

communicative. However, they avoid asserting their authority of any kind. They

are overly tolerant and permit children to make virtually all of their own decision.

The last type is the uninvolved parents. This type gives little attention, because

they are not only low in control and undemanding but also unresponsive. These

differences in child rearing can be the factor of spurring abuse. Therefore, they

should be careful in rearing the children because every child has different

character. Those determinants are used to analyze how the personality is shaped.

It can be concluded that personality determinant can be from others and ourselves

and it depends on how the individual is proactive to such kind of situation.

c. Changes in Personality

According to Hurlock “the changes in personality classifies in three major

categories; better versus worse, quantitative versus qualitative, slow versus rapid

changes” (120–122). The first major category is better versus worse. Personality


personality at the time. However, personality may change for the worse when

human fails to make adjustments.

Second is quantitative versus qualitative. In quantitative changes, the

characteristics that are already presented are strengthened or weakened. Those

may create changes in personal self-concept, whether it is weakened or

strengthened. A qualitative change replaces the desirable ones with the

undesirable ones or vice versa. Third is slow versus rapid changes. Slow changes

happen if a person is barely apparent, while rapid changes are readily apparent to


B. Theoretical Framework

The theories that have been stated are very helpful to answer the problem

formulation and do the analysis in this study. The writer applies some theories and

approach in this study. The writer uses theory of character and characterization to

get a deeper understanding of the literary work. Besides, it is used to analyze the

Anson’s character which is discussed in this study. Some methods to identify

character and characterization proposed by Murphy are used to classify Anson’s

character in Dean Koontz’s The Husband. The theory of personality is used to

analyze Anson’s personality changes and know the factors of shaping personality.

This theory emphasizes the factors which can influence personality changes.

This study employs the kinds of abuses. It is used to analyze the kind of



the psychological approach proposed by Rohrberger and Wood Jr. This approach




This chapter consists of three main parts. The first part is object of the

study. It describes the work to be studied. It mentions briefly, what the work is

about generally. The second part is the approach of the study. It presents the

approach which is used to analyze the study. The third part is the method of the

study. It describes the steps taken in analyzing to report data.

A. Object of the Study

This study analyzes a novel entitled The Husband. It was written by an

American writer named Dean Koontz. This novel was published by Bantam Dell,

A Division of Random House, Inc. New York, in January 2006. This novel

consists of 68 chapters with 415 pages. This book is published in 38 languages.

Dean Koontz’s The Husband is the story of love and thriller.

Generally, this novel tells about the husband, named Mitch Rafferty who

tries to save his wife, Holly from the kidnappers. The kidnappers ask Mitch to

meet his brother named Anson Rafferty to get the ransom. Mitch always thinks

that his brother is a kind person, because in their childhood, Anson always helps

and protects his siblings. At the first time, Anson offers to give Mitch the two

million dollars ransom amount and promises to save both Holly and Mitch. Then

they go to Julian Campbell’s residence, Campbell is Anson’s friend. After



not give the ransom to save neither Mitch nor Holly. Mitch surprises knowing the

fact that Anson has trapped him.

Holly is being kidnapped because of Anson. Anson also tries to trap

Mitch. He kills his parents by using Mitch’s gardening tools, so that the police

think that Mitch is the person who plans this criminality. His ambition makes him

do such kind of criminality. He traps his own brother just to prove that he is the

hardest and strongest. Anson can deceive many people for a long time. Anson

who has been believed as a kind, successful, and low profile person is not more

than a bad guy who brings the heart to kill the parents to take revenge for bad

treatment in his childhood.

Anson, Mitch and three sisters, Connie, Megan and Portia have had an

unusual upbringing. Anson has been brought up to be self-sufficient, depended on

no deity and does not have moral code. Daniel and Katherine Rafferty use

learning room to educate their children. They make their children to follow their

expectation and inhibit children freedom. This kind of rearing child is the kind of

psychological abuse and this study focuses on the influence of parents’ abuse on

Anson’s personality development.

B. Approach of the Study

This study focuses on three parts. Those are character, parents’ abuse, and

personality development. This study needs an approach, which explores them.

Therefore, psychological approach is needed because all of them are part of


personality develops. The approach used in this study is psychological approach,

proposed by Rohrberger and Woods, Jr (13-15). Using the psychological approach

means that the writer used the psychological theories to analyze the work of


Literature and psychology have close relationship. The problems in the

literary work are usually the reflection of human life and some of human’s

problems can be identified by using theory of psychology. Therefore, this study is

using psychoanalysis to analyze Anson’s personality.

C. Method of the Study

This study was conducted by applying library study. The primary data of

this study is The Husband, written by Dean Koontz (2006). There were also some

secondary sources. Those were some other sources to support the primary data.

The secondary sources were obtained from the books related to the character,

child abuse, and personality.

Some of the books were taken from Abcarian’s Literature Reading and

Writing The Human Experience Seventh Edition, Abram’s Glossary of Literary

Terms, Murphy’s Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English Poetry and

English Novel for Overseas Students. Hurlock’s Child Development, Crosson’s

Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect, and Pritchard’s The Child Abusers

Research and Controversy. The writer also used Reading and Writing About

Literature which was related to the psychology and psychoanalysis proposed by



books, but it was also taken from internet. It was used to complete the information

related to the study.

There were some steps in analyzing this novel. The first step to start this

study was reading for several times to gain better understanding of the content of

the story, in order to get some ideas to choose the topic for the study. After getting

the proper idea, the second step was determining the problem formulation, which

was appropriate, related to the topic and then consulting it with the sponsor. After

choosing and deciding the topic and problem formulation, the third step was

trying to find out the literature books, internet sources, and some theories which

related to the study.

The fourth step was determining the approach which would be used to

analyze the data. In this study, psychological approach was chosen as the basic

approach. Fifth step was applying the theories and analyzing the data in order to

find out the answer of the problems formulation. The last step was reporting the




This chapter presents the analysis of the novel to find out the answer of the

problems formulation mentioned in the first chapter. The first analysis deals with

the personality of Anson. The second one is the types Anson’s parents abuses to

him. The last is the analysis of the influence of child abuse to Anson’s personality

development. Those problems formulation will be answered by using the theories

presented in the chapter two.

A. The Personality of Anson

Personality in the story is needed to make the readers understand so that

they can differentiate between one character to the others. This study uses theory

of character because characters have particular personalities and physical

attributes that distinguish them from other characters. Character and personality

have the same idea to describe a person in a story.

Character can be categorized in various types. Forster, as quoted in Abram

(25), divides character in two parts. They are flat and round characters. Flat

character has simpler description than round character. Flat character does not

need detail information, however round character has combination characters,

which come from many aspects from both inside and outside of the individual.

According to this theory, in Koontz’s The Husband, Anson is categorized as the



to worse. His personality is described as a warm and kind individual in the

childhood. However, bad treatment in the childhood has influenced his personality


The child rearing method applied in the childhood has destructed him in

building self-concept. Murphy states that there are nine ways, in which an author

attempts to make each character in the story understandable and come alive for the

readers. Those are “personal description, character as seen by another, speech,

past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thought, mannerism”

(161-173). Referring to those methods proposed by Murphy, Anson character in

Dean Koontz’s The Husband can be analyzed. The writer is not using all those

methods, because there are some methods, which are not appropriate to

characterize Anson’s character. The writer applies personal description, character

as seen by another, speech, past life, reaction, and direct comment to portray

Anson character in Dean Koontz’s The Husband.

1. Obedient

In childhood, Anson is the most dutiful child to his parents than his

siblings. Therefore, his parents are always proud of him. He is the only one who

can prove that rearing-child’s method applied by his parents has fruit success. As

the oldest brother he is regarded to give good example to his siblings.

Anson, Mitch’s only brother, at thirty-three the oldest of the siblings, was the most dutiful to Daniel and Kathy.

In fairness to Mitch and his sisters, Anson had long been his parents’ favorite, and he had never been rebuffed…. (111)


The author gives direct comment to Anson’s character. He describes

Anson as the oldest brother who is the most dutiful child to his parents. The

author gives information about Anson’s childhood to build Anson’s personality

Anson always tries to fulfill what his parents expect. He has never against

his parents. His parents’ opinion is that the method, which they used to rear the

children, is proved as the good method. Anson has never made his parents

disappointed to him. “in fairness to Anson, he had earned his status by fulfilling

his parents’ expectation. He had proved, as had none of the others, that Daniel’s

child-rearing theories could bear fruit” (111).

Compared with his siblings, Anson is described as good son who can

make his parents proud of him. He has showed to his parents that he can fulfill

their expectation. Moreover, according to his parents, Anson has proved the

theories used by his parents give good achievement.

2. Smart

Anson Rafferty is portrayed as a smart student. He is not only intelligent in

science but he is also good in physical intelligent. He is a star in the football team

in senior high school. However, he is more emphasizing to his brilliant brain, it is

seen when he prefers scholarships, which respects to his excellence mind to the

football. “top of his class in high school, star quarterback, he declined football

scholarships. Instead, he accepted those offered only in respect of the excellence



The reaction in making decision points that he bends to improve the

knowledge in academic rather than his skill in sport, in this case football. Anson

has tried to focus on his education. He was firm to what decision he made. The

way he makes decisions indicate his intelligent and his quality.

Anson is good in grasping the knowledge. He has good motivation in

studying, therefore he has never fatigued to get more and more knowledge. The

academic world is only piece of cake for Anson, therefore he can earn bachelor’s

degree in two years, a master’s in one, and a Ph.D. at the age of twenty-three. He

succeeds in academic field in his young age.

The academic world was a chicken yard and Anson a fox. He did not merely absorb learning but devoured it with the appetite of an insatiable carnivore. He earned his bachelor’s degree in two years, a master’s in one, and had a Ph.D. at the age of twenty-three. (111)

Anson has high IQ, although it is not as high as Megan’s. Megan has the

highest IQ among her siblings. However, Anson is good in exploring his

capability and his score is not far from Megan. He has proved that he can reach

his success although he is not the one who has highest IQ in his family.

Megan had the highest IQ of the Rafferty children, but Anson had always scored a close second to her. Holly’s situation remained as dire now as it had been half an hour ago, but Mitch took comfort in the fact that his brother had joined the fight (139).

Anson’s character is portrayed as a good student. He loves to study. He

always gets good achievement in academic world. He has high motivation to


3. Kind

Anson is described as a kind and warm brother. Therefore, his siblings

love him. His siblings are never jealous with his achievements, the opposite they

feel that he is the kind person who fairness becomes favorite in the family. He

becomes the favorite son for his parents and favorite brother for his siblings.

Anson was neither resented by his siblings nor in any slightest way alienated from them. On the contrary, if Mitch and his sisters had taken a secret vote for their favorite in the family, all four of their ballots would have been marked for their older brother. (111)

In the childhood, Anson guides his siblings to be patient in facing the

problems. He always gives support to his siblings by giving them a joke in order

to restrain their emotion to his parents’ method in rearing their children. He has

done a good job as the oldest brother in guiding his siblings through childhood.

Throughout their childhood, Anson had counseled Mitch and his sisters against anger, urging patience, teaching the value of humor as defense against their father’s unconscious inhumanity. And now Daniel inspired in Mitch nothing but indifference and impatience (113).

Anson is the brother who always helps his siblings. He is the brother who

protects his siblings and gives them motivation and spirit in their childhood. His

siblings regard him as a brother who can be relied on. They trust to him, because

he always guides them and makes them strong when they should face the difficult

situation. He is available when his parents carry away their freedom as the


Throughout their beleaguered childhood, Anson had been the reliable rope that kept Mitch tethered to a mooring. Always it was Anson who raised the sails of hope when there seemed to be no wind to fill them.

To his brother, he owed the peace of mind and the happiness that eventually he had found when at last free of his parents… (125)



Mitch argues that his brother is good instructor. Anson guides him,

especially in the difficult situation. Anson’s character is described through

Mitch’s opinions as a brother who can make his parents proud.

Through the formative years of Mitch’s life, his brother had been a trustworthy pilot, bringing them through storms, or a wingman flying defense as it was needed. He seemed overreaching now, however, when he promised a safe landing, for surely Holly’s kidnappers controlled this flight (137).

Anson has made good impression to his siblings and his parents. Good

character as brother and son has been built in the childhood. His character in his

childhood can be seen from his sibling’s point of view.

4. Masculine

Physically Anson is characterized as a handsome man. He has good body

like a sportsman. He is strong like a bear, he has well built body and dashing

appearance. In senior high school, he was the athlete of football team. Compared

with Mitch, Anson is more charming and looks masculine.

Although as fit as an athlete, Anson was a different physical type from Mitch: bearish, barrel-chested, bull-necked. That he had been a star quarterback in high school testified to his quickness and agility, for he looked more like a middle linebacker.

His handsome, broad, open face seemed always to be anticipating a reason to smile. At the sight of Mitch, he grinned (129-130).

Anson’s masculine character is also reflected to his house decoration. His

house style is emphasized on nautical decorative. He loves fairy tale stories,

especially pirate’s story and he dreams that one day he can be a pirate. In the

nautical decorative, he describes himself as conceited vessels tossed in storms.


decorative items. Painting of sailing ships portrayed proud vessels tossed in

storms and others making way under radiant skies” (130).

Koontz gives personal description on Anson’s appearance. The author

describes Anson’s character from his body and his appearance. Koontz gives

detail information about Anson’s face and the body’s shape. Koontz also adds

some information related to Anson such as the way Anson decorates his house.

5. Ambitious

Anson is described as a man who has ambition to free himself especially

from his parents. His ambition to get freedom comes from childhood, but he

cannot do anything to urge. It is sure that, in his childhood, Anson is obedient, but

it is because he is forced by his parents. When he knows that his parents have

seasick, he begins to build his dream to sail. Anson dreams to go far away from

the shadow of his parents.

From childhood, Anson had believed that perfect freedom could never be found on land, only at sea, under sail.

He’d been a fan of pirates yarns, stories of naval battles, and tales of adventure on the bounty. He’d read many of them aloud to Mitch who had sat enthralled for hours. Daniel and Kathy suffered motion sickness in a rowboat on a pond. Their aversion to the sea had been the first thing to inspire Anson’s interest in the nautical life (130-131).

Anson’s past life shapes his character. His dreams in the past give the

clues that Anson has big ambition to get his freedom. His past life may influence

in building the character. Anson’s background in the past indicates that he is free



6. Hard Worker

Through his conversation between Anson and Mitch, Anson is portrayed

as person who is responsible with his job. He is good worker. He is success man.

However, his goal is not popularity or status. He prefers to get freedom to become

famous by having his picture in the society pages. His willingness as pirate

motivates him to get the freedom in the sea by sailing. Anson’s statement implies

that the sailing yacht is a life on the sea.

“I’m good at what I do, and I’ve worked hard.” “I’m sure you’re good at what you do, you’re good at everything you do, but you don’t live like a rich man.” “Don’t want to. Flash and status don’t interest me.” “I know some people with money keep a low profile, but…” “Ideas interest me,” Anson said, “and getting real freedom someday, but not having my picture in the society pages.” (143-144)

Through the way Anson gives opinion seems that he is very optimistic. He

believes that he will get his freedom. Anson is also described as ambitious person.

This character influences his personality development in the negative way in

mature, because he only thinks about how to get his pleasure. A popular way of

describing maladjustment is to say that adults who gratify all their desires have

given in to the Id.

B. The Abuses of Anson’s Parents

According to Colin, abuse can be categorized in three. Those are

“physical, emotional or psychological, and sexual abuse” (11). Based on Anson

experience in the childhood, this study will emphasize in psychological abuse and

physical abuse. This part discusses two main parts; those are the cause Anson’s


1. The Background of Anson’s Parents Abuse Him

Anson is the oldest brother. His parents have high expectation to him.

Moreover, his parents have ambition to generate the proper child rearing system.

The child rearing system applied by his parents changes his personality.

Therefore, in this novel Anson is portrayed as round character. His character in

this story can make the readers surprised. His ambitions to get freedom and his

experience in the childhood have changed him. He is warm and kind person.

However, his childhood experience has changed his personality development. He

can bring himself to do criminality and even brings his heart to hurt his brother

and kills his parents.

Berk states that there are four types of parents. Those are “authorative

parent, authoritarian parent, permissive parent, and uninvolved parent” (606).

Related to Anson’s experience, his parents can be categorized as the authoritarian

parents. In his childhood, Anson’s parents always control and demand him. They

have high expectation to their children achievement. In their opinion, learning

room is the proper tool to optimize the children’s achievement. However, they

limit their children to express and to build their imagination.

His parents, both Daniel and Kathy have good education background.

They are the doctors of behavioral psychology. Anson’s father has ambition to

generate a method of child rearing. Therefore, he is very strict and has strong view

to choose the appropriate method in rearing his children.

Mitch’s Parents were both doctors of behavioral psychology, tenured professors at UCI. Those in their social circle were mostly from what academic types recently had begun to call the human sciences, largely to avoid the term soft science. (106)



Kathy, Anson’s mother does not have resolute attitude, because she only

follows her husband, she does not have firm opinion in rearing child and she

wants to know whether the method applied by her husband will bear fruit or not.

As a mother, she does not try to think about her children development but she

more focuses on the method’s result.

As a young man, Dr. Daniel Rafferty had held strong views about proper child-rearing. Kathy had no firm opinions on the subject, but she had been intrigued by Daniel’s unconventional theories and curious to see if they would prove successful. (107)

Educationally, Kathy has good achievement. However, as the mother she

does not have sensibility through the children’s need. She is unresponsive to her

children. In this novel, she is described as a mother who displays little

commitment to her role as caregiver.

For all her academic achievements, Kathy was clueless about the needs of children and the bonds of motherhood. She believed in the cause-and-effect principle of human interaction, the need to reward desired behavior, but the rewards were always materialistic. (114-115)

Family should be the place which provides the foundation in building

children’s characteristics. Emotionally, the parents should give emotional support

to their children and foster them a sense of commitment. Therefore, the parents

have main role in giving attention and giving emotional support to their children.

Abuse happened to Anson is begun by his parents ambition to give proper rearing


2. The Kinds of The Parental Abuse toward Anson

This part discusses about the kinds of abuses which happen to Anson

through his childhood. There are two main parts which are discussed. Those are

physical and psychological abuse.

a. Physical Abuse

Anson’s parents create learning room as the method in rearing their

children. This is the room which is used to make the children focus. It is the room

for studying. It is designed as a room for isolation, because it is designed with no

noise penetrated from the outside world, dark and silent. Anson’s parents expect

that by isolating their children from outside, they will focus in thought and clear

in mind. Automatically, the children have no contact with the outside. It is sensory


He looked up to the single window of the learning room. When he was eight years old, he had spent twenty consecutive days there, with an interior shutter locked across that window. Sensory deprivation focuses thought, clears the mind. That is the theory behind the dark, silent, empty learning room. (104-105)

According to Daniel, learning room is the most proper technique in rearing

the children. In his opinion, learning room is not an isolation room to punish, but

it is more the method to make the children discipline and focus. Therefore, finally

they can reach self-discover. Learning room is designed so that the children

cannot see and hear something outside which can destruct their mind. In this

room, they learn how to focus to the mind. The way Anson’s parents construct



space to move and all senses need the space to optimize their ability. The dark and

silent room makes those senses dull.

… the black material that upholstered every surface, densely woven and without sheen, soaked up the beam of the flashlight.

Modified sensory deprivation. They had said it was a tool for discipline, not a punishment, a method to focus the mind inward toward self-discovery a technique, not a torture. (239)

The learning room designed by Anson’s parents has taken Anson’s

freedom to see, to listen and to speak. This room has limited the space to get

interaction with others. Furthermore, it has relationship with the psychological

abuse. The physical abuse happens to Anson is not directly physical contact. In

this discussion, physical abuse is the method applied by his parents. This method

limits the body movement and the interaction with his society. This is the

unforgettable experience, which cannot be erased from his mind. Therefore, in

this study, physical abuse happens to Anson gives effect in his psychological

adjustment, especially in personality development.

b. Psychological Abuse

Anson’s parents use learning room to control or demand their children.

However, his parents do not follow this control with good responsive.

Emotionally, they cannot build harmonize relationship between parents and

children. Anson is the oldest brother in the family. Therefore, his parents have

high expectation that the method of child rearing applied to him gives good

achievement. It appears from the novel that Anson is the first child who is used by

his parents as an experiment, in order to provewhether the method applied to him









Utami, Berlina Budi. (2009). The Influence of Parents’ Abuse on Anson’s Personality Development as Seen in Dean Koontz’s The Husband. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study is concerned with the influence of the abusive parents on the minor character in Dean Koontz novel entitled The Husband. The abuses which happen to Anson have shaped his personality development into adulthood. This novel contains many meaningful lessons of life. Moreover, it is interesting to discuss the influence of parents’ abuse on children because it can give some information both to children and parents. Therefore, child abuse can be prevented and reduced.

There are three problems analyzed in this study: (1) How is Anson described in Dean Koontz’s The Husband? (2) What kinds of abuses does Anson experience in Dean Koontz’s The Husband ? (3) What are the influence and the effect of Anson parents’ abuse to Anson’s personality development?

This study used psychological approach in order to analyze child abuse and Anson’s personality development. Library study was also applied in this study. This study used two main sources. The primary source is a novel The Husband written by Dean Koontz. The secondary sources are some books and internet sources related to child abuse and personality development. This study used theory of character and characterization, theory of abuse and theory of personality to answer those problems formulation.

After analyzing the novel, there are three points that can be concluded. First, Anson is described as a person who has round character. He is obedient, smart, kind, masculine and ambitious. Second, there are two kinds of abuses which happen to Anson, namely physical and psychological abuse. Third, parents’ abuses influence Anson’s personality development. The abuses which have happened to him change him to be more ambitious and leave psychological scars on Anson’s life. Abuses happen to him affect his ambition to get the freedom. It makes him evil, arrogant, self-loving, and self-pitying. Moreover, he brings his heart to kill his parents to take revenge the bad treatment in his childhood.

This study is expected to add some information for the future researches who analyze the same novel or topic. Besides, this study is suggested for English teacher. This novel is proposed for the implementation of literary works in teaching learning activity, as one of materials to teach Intensive Reading I in English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Keywords: character, personality, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and psychological approach.



Utami, Berlina Budi. (2009). The Influence of Parents’ Abuse on Anson’s Personality Development as Seen in Dean Koontz’s The Husband. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini menganalisa pengaruh kekerasan dari orangtua pada tokoh pendukung dalam novel The Husband karya Dean Koontz. Kekerasan yang terjadi pada Anson membentuk perkembangan kepribadian ketika dewasa. Novel ini mempunyai banyak pelajaran hidup yang berarti. Selain itu, pengaruh dari kekerasan orangtua pada perkembangan kepribadian, menarik untuk dibahas karena bisa memberi informasi bagi anak-anak dan orangtua. Sehingga kekerasan pada anak dapat dicegah dan dikurangi.

Ada tiga pokok bahasan yang dibahas dalam studi ini : (1) Bagaimana Anson dideskripsikan dalam The Husband karya Dean Koontz? (2) Jenis kekerasan apa saja yang dialami oleh Anson dalam The Husband karya Dean Koontz? (3) Apa pengaruh dan dampak kekerasan dari orangtua pada perkembangan kepribadian Anson?

Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologi untuk menganalisa kekerasan orangtua dan perkembangan kepribadian Anson. Studi pustaka juga diterapkan dalam studi ini. Studi ini menggunakan dua sumber. Sumber utama adalah novel The Husband karya Dean Koontz. Sumber pendukung adalah buku-buku dan sumber internet yang terkait dengan kekerasan anak dan perkembangan kepribadian. Untuk menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan diatas, studi ini menggunakan teori karakter, teori kekerasan, dan teori kepribadian.

Setelah menganalisa novel tersebut, ada tiga hal yang bisa disimpulkan. Pertama, Anson dideskripsikan sebagai tokoh bulat. Dia patuh, pintar, baik, maskulin dan ambisius. Kedua, ada dua jenis kekerasan yang terjadi pada Anson yaitu kekerasan fisik dan psikologi. Ketiga, kekerasan dari orangtua mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Anson. Kekerasan yang dialami Anson merubahnya menjadi lebih ambisius dan meninggalkan bekas luka psikologis dalam kehidupan Anson. Kekerasan yang terjadi pada masa kecilnya mempengaruhi ambisinya untuk mendapatkan kebebasan. Hal ini membuatnya jahat, angkuh, cinta diri, dan mengasihi diri. Bahkan, dia tega membunuh orangtuanya sebagai balas dendam atas perlakuan buruk mereka pada masa kecilnya.

Studi ini diharapkan bisa menambah informasi bagi peneliti-peneliti berikutnya yang menganalisa novel atau topik yang sama. Disamping itu, novel ini diusulkan sebagai penerapan karya sastra dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sebagai salah satu bahan untuk mengajar Intensive Reading I di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kata kunci: karakter, kepribadian, kekerasan fisik, kekerasan psikologis, dan pendekatan psikologi