2. Anggota PKPMI 3. Anggota KKIM - Hubungan Antara Perkalian Produk Kalsium dan Fosfat Serum dengan Penyakit Arteri Perifer Pada Pasien Hemodialisis Reguler

  Lampiran 1. Riwayat Hidup


  Nama : Reenosha Bijen Tempat/ Tanggal LAhir : Perak, Malaysia / 25 Februari 1989 Agama : Hindu Alamat : No 36, Jalan Kangkung, Medan 20153 Riwayat Pendidikan : Sekolah Keb Seri Pangkor 1996-2001 SMK Meth ACS 2002-2008 President College 2008-2009 Universitas Sumatera Utara 2010-sekarang Riwayat Pelatihan : - Riwayat Organisasi : 1. Anggota PM USU

  2. Anggota PKPMI

  3. Anggota KKIM

  Lampiran 2 Lembar Penjelasan


  Saya yang bernama Reenosha Bijen adalah Mahasiswa Fakultas

Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara yang akan melakukan penelitian yang

berjudul “Hubungan antara Produk Kalsium X Fosfat dengan Penyakit Arteri Perifer

pada Pasien Hemodialisis Reguler di KSGH Rasyida,Medan”. Penelitian ini

dilakukan sebagai salah satu kegiatan dalam rangka menyelesaikan proses belajar dan

mengajar pada semester ketujuh.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara produk

kalsium x fosfat serum dengan penyakit arteri perifer pada pasien HD reguler.

Adapun manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menambah pengetahuan pasien HD

tentang penyakit arteri perifer dan hubungannya dengan produk kalsium x fosfat,

sehingga dapat melakukan tindakan pencegahan.

  Adapun hasil penelitian ini tidak membahayakan dan Bapa/Ibu tidak dikutip biaya apapun dalam penelitian ini. Untuk keperluan tersebut saya mohon kesediaan Bapak/ Ibu menjadi

responden dalam penelitian ini . Partisipasi Bapak/ Ibu dalam penelitian ini bersifat

sukarela sehingga Bapak/ Ibu bebas mengundurkan diri setiap saat tanpa ada paksaan

dari pihak manapun. Data pribadi dan jawaban yang diberikan akan dirahasiakan dan

hanya digunakan untuk penelitian ini. Jika Bapak/ Ibu bersedia menjadi responden,

silahkan menandatangani lembar persetujuan.

  Atas perhatian dan kesediaan Bapak/ Ibu menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini saya ucapkan terima kasih.

  Medan,2012 Peneliti, (Reenosha Bijen)


  Saya yang betanda tangan dibawah ini : Nama : Umur : Jenis Kelamin : Alamat : Telp/ HP : Setelah mendapat penjelasan dari peneliti tentang manfaat penelitian “Hubungan antara Produk Kalsium X Fosfat Serum dengan Penyakit Arteri

Perifer pada Pasien Hemodialisis Reguler ” dan telah memahaminya, maka saya

  menyatakan secara sukarela dan tanpa paksaan bersedia untuk ikut serta dalam penelitian ini. Demikian surat pernyataan bersedia ikut dalam penelitian ini saya buat untuk dapat dipergunakan sepenuhnya.

  Medan, 2013 Saksi Peserta

(.................................) (................................)


  1) Karakteristik pasien Nama : Jenis Kelamin : Tanggal Lahir : Tgl mulai HD 1x : Frekuensi HD : (1). 2x seminggu (2). 3x seminggu Alamat/HP/Telp : 2) Data Penyakit dan Pengobatan BB/TB : Riwayat Merokok : (1). Ya (2). Tidak Penyakit ginjal primer : (1). Glomerulonefritis kronis (2). Nefropati diabetika (3). Nefropati lupus (4). Nefropati hipertensi (5). Ginjal polikistik (6). Nefropati asam urat (7). Nefropati obstruksi (8). Pielonefritis kronik (9). Tidak diketahui Riwayat Penyakit penyerta : (1). DM (2). Hipertensi (3). Dislipidemia

  3) Anamnesis menurut Kuesioner Rose : No Pertanyaan Jawaban yang diharapkan bila diagnosis (+)

  1 Apa pernah merasa sakit pada kaki ketika Ya ( ) berjalan?

  2 Apa rasa sakit mulai ketika berdiri atau Tidak ( ) duduk?

  3 Apa rasa sakitnya pada satu betis atau Ya ( ) keduanya?

  4 Apakah rasa sakitnya dialami ketika Ya ( ) berjalan posisi menaik/buru-buru?

  5 Apakah rasa sakit dialami ketika berjalan Ya/ Tidak ( ) pada permukaan yang datar?

  6 Apakah rasa sakit ini menghilang ketika Tidak ( ) berjalan?


  7 Apakah yang dilakukan ketika atau jalan lebih mendapatkan rasa sakit ini ketika lambat ( ) berjalan?

  8 Apakah yang terjadi pada rasa sakit jika Membaik kurang lebih berhenti berjalan dan hanya berdiri? 10 mnt. ( ) Klasifikasi PAP menurut Rutherford :

  a. Tanda rubor : (1) Ada (2) Tiada








  I II

  b. Tanda palor : (1) Ada (2) Tiada

  h. Kulit kering : (1) Ada (2) Tiada i. Fisura : (1) Ada (2) Tiada j. Rasa dingin di tungkai bawah : (1) Ada (2) Tiada Grade Kategori Klinis

  g. Kulit kaki atropi : (1) Ada (2) Tiada

  f. Perubahan warna kulit kaki : (1) Ada (2) Tiada

  e. Distrophia kuku ibu jari : (1) Ada (2) Tiada

  d. Bruit pada femur : (1) Ada (2) Tiada

  c. Bulu kaki : (1) Ada (2) Tiada

  6 Asymptomatic

Klaudikasi ringan : jika terdapat <3 jawaban yang positip Klaudikasi sedang : jika terdapat 3-5 jawaban yang positip Klaudikasi berat : jika terdapat >5 jawaban yang positip

Rasa sakit waktu istirahat kerana iskemia Hilang sebagian kecil jaringan Ulserasi atau gangren k. Palpasi denyut nadi perifer

  • Poplitea : (0) tidak ada pulsasi (1)berkurang/lemah (2) normal
  • dorsalis pedis : (0) tidak ada pulsasi (1)berkurang/lemah (2) normal 5) Rekapitulasi hasil ABI Tekanan darah sistolik arteri brakialis tangan kanan : ( ) Tekanan darah diastolik arteri brakialis tangan kanan : ( ) Tekanan darah sistolik arteri brakialis tangan kiri : ( )

  Tekanan darah diastolik arteri brakialis tangan kiri : ( ) Tekanan darah sistolik dorsalis pedis : ( ) Tekanan darah diastolik dorsalis pedis : ( ) = P_____ P = *P Leg = Tekanan darah sistolik dorsalis pedis.

  • P Arm = Tekanan darah sistolik tertinggi arteri brakialis.

  Interpretasi nilai ABI menurut:

American College of Cardiology / American Diabetes Association (ACC/ADA) :

  > 1,3 : dugaan kalsifikasi arteri 0,91 – 1,3 : normal 0,9 – 0,8 : ringan 0,79- 0,5 : sedang < 0,5 : berat 6) Data Laboratorium Kadar Kalsium : ( ) Kadar Fosfor : ( ) Kadar Produk Kalsium x Fosfat : ( ) Hb : ( )

Lampiran 5. Hasil Analisis SPSS Analisa Univariat

  [DataSet1] C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Reenodata.sav


  Riwayat Diabetes Kelamin Mellitus Riwayat hipertensi Lama Hemodialisis

  N Valid 113 113 113 113 Missing

  Frequency Table Kelamin

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Laki-laki




  62.8 Perempuan


  37.2 37.2 100.0 Total 113 100.0 100.0

  Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus

  Percent Valid Positif

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

  Frequency Table ankle brachial index 2

  23.0 23.0 100.0 Total 113 100.0 100.0


  77.0 Negatif




  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

  Riwayat hipertensi

  83.2 83.2 100.0 Total 113 100.0 100.0


  16.8 Negatif




  Percent Valid Positif

  Percent Valid normal




  53.1 tidak normal


  46.9 46.9 100.0 Total 113 100.0 100.0

  produk kalsium fosfor

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid <55




  68.1 >=55


  31.9 31.9 100.0 Total 113 100.0 100.0



  [DataSet1] C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Reenodata.sav


Descriptive Statistics

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Umur 113


  84 54.57 9.737 Kalsium 113

  3.60 12.90 8.9230 2.21428 Phosfor 113

  1.20 10.90 5.3434 2.20385 Produk kalsium fosfat 113 7.44 101.65 47.5525 21.38326 Ankle brachial index 113 .45 1.25 .8967 .17834 Haemoglobin 113

  5.0 16.9 9.888 1.4238 Kreatinin serum 113

  6.9 18.1 11.611 1.9794 Lama Hemodialisis 113 1 168 35.85 28.299 Valid N (listwise) 113



  [DataSet1] C:\Users\user\Documents\reeno baru.sav


Case Processing Summary

  Cases Valid Missing Total

  N Percent N Percent N Percent Kelamin * ankle brachial index 3 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus * 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% ankle brachial index 3 Riwayat hipertensi * ankle 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% brachial index 3 usia * ankle brachial index 3 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% lamaHD2 * ankle brachial index 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0%



  ankle brachial index 3 tidak normal normal Total Kelamin Laki-laki Count



  71 % within ankle brachial index 3 54.7% 70.0% 62.8%

  Perempuan Count



  42 % within ankle brachial index 3 45.3% 30.0% 37.2%

  Total Count

  53 60 113 % within ankle brachial index 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

  Chi-Square Tests

  Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- Point Value df (2-sided) sided) sided) Probability


  Pearson Chi-Square 2.815 1 .093 .119 .069


  Continuity Correction 2.198 1 .138 Likelihood Ratio 2.820 1 .093 .119 .069 Fisher's Exact Test .119 .069 Linear-by-Linear


  2.790 1 .095 .119 .069 .039 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 19.70.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table c. The standardized statistic is -1.670.

  Risk Estimate

  95% Confidence Interval Value Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Kelamin (Laki- .518 .239 1.122 laki / Perempuan)

  For cohort ankle brachial index .715 .487 1.049 3 = tidak normal

  For cohort ankle brachial index 1.380 .926 2.057 3 = normal

  N of Valid Cases 113

Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus * ankle brachial index 3



  ankle brachial index 3 tidak normal normal Total Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus Positif Count



  19 % within ankle brachial index 3 20.8% 13.3% 16.8% Negatif Count



  94 % within ankle brachial index 3 79.2% 86.7% 83.2%

  Total Count

  53 60 113 % within ankle brachial index 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

  Chi-Square Tests

  Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- Point Value df (2-sided) sided) sided) Probability


  Pearson Chi-Square 1.108 1 .292 .323 .212


  Continuity Correction .641 1 .423 Likelihood Ratio 1.108 1 .293 .323 .212 Fisher's Exact Test .323 .212 Linear-by-Linear


  1.098 1 .295 .323 .212 .116 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.91.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table c. The standardized statistic is 1.048.

  Risk Estimate

  95% Confidence Interval Value Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus (Positif / 1.702 .628 4.615 Negatif) For cohort ankle brachial index

  1.296 .831 2.021 3 = tidak normal For cohort ankle brachial index

  .761 .436 1.329 3 = normal N of Valid Cases 113

  Riwayat hipertensi * ankle brachial index 3



  Value df Asymp. Sig.



  .097 1 .756 Likelihood Ratio .287 1 .592 .658 .379 Fisher's Exact Test .658 .379 Linear-by-Linear Association


  1 .593 .658 .379 Continuity Correction


  Probability Pearson Chi-Square .286

  Exact Sig. (1- sided) Point

  (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2- sided)

  Chi-Square Tests

  ankle brachial index 3 Total tidak normal normal

  53 60 113 % within ankle brachial index 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  26 % within ankle brachial index 3 20.8% 25.0% 23.0%



  Negatif Count

  87 % within ankle brachial index 3 79.2% 75.0% 77.0%



  Riwayat hipertensi Positif Count

  1 .594 .658 .379 .154 N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 12.19.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table c. The standardized statistic is .533.

  Risk Estimate

  95% Confidence Interval Value Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Riwayat 1.273 .526 3.082 hipertensi (Positif / Negatif)

  For cohort ankle brachial index 1.141 .693 1.879 3 = tidak normal

  For cohort ankle brachial index .897 .609 1.320 3 = normal

  N of Valid Cases 113

  usia * ankle brachial index 3 Crosstab

  ankle brachial index 3 Total tidak normal normal Count



  37 Expected Count




  1 % within ankle brachial

  26.4% 38.3% 32.7% index 3 kelompok umur




  76 Expected Count




  2 % within ankle brachial

  73.6% 61.7% 67.3% index 3 Count

  53 60 113 Expected Count

  53.0 60.0 113.0 Total

  % within ankle brachial 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% index 3


Chi-Square Tests

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- sided) sided) sided)


  Pearson Chi-Square 1.815 1 .178 b

  Continuity Correction 1.314 1 .252 Likelihood Ratio 1.830 1 .176 Fisher's Exact Test

  .229 .126 Linear-by-Linear

  1.799 1 .180 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17.35.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Risk Estimate

  Value 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for kelompok .577 .259 1.288 umur (1 / 2)

  For cohort ankle brachial .737 .462 1.177 index 3 = tidak normal

  For cohort ankle brachial 1.277 .908 1.796 index 3 = normal

  N of Valid Cases 113

  lamaHD2 * ankle brachial index 3 Kelompok lama hd * ankle brachial index 3 Crosstabulation

  ankle brachial index 3 Total tidak normal normal Count



  95 Expected Count




  1 % within ankle brachial

  84.9% 83.3% 84.1% index 3 Kelompok lama hd




  18 Expected Count




  2 % within ankle brachial

  15.1% 16.7% 15.9% index 3 Count

  53 60 113 Expected Count

  53.0 60.0 113.0 Total

  % within ankle brachial 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% index 3


Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- sided) sided) sided)


  Pearson Chi-Square .052 1 .820


  Continuity Correction .000 1 1.000 Likelihood Ratio .052 1 .820 Fisher's Exact Test

  1.000 .513 Linear-by-Linear

  .051 1 .820 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.44.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Risk Estimate

  Value 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Kelompok 1.125 .408 3.099 lama hd (1 / 2)

  For cohort ankle brachial 1.066 .610 1.863 index 3 = tidak normal

  For cohort ankle brachial .947 .601 1.493 index 3 = normal

  N of Valid Cases 113



Case Processing Summary

  Cases Valid Missing Total

  N Percent N Percent N Percent Kelamin * produk kalsium fosfat 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus * 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% produk kalsium fosfat Riwayat hipertensi * produk 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% kalsium fosfat USIA * produk kalsium fosfat 113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% lamaHD2 * produk kalsium

  113 100.0% .0% 113 100.0% fosfat

  Kelamin * produk kalsium fosfat



  produk kalsium fosfat >=55 <55 Total

  Kelamin Laki-laki Count



  71 % within produk kalsium fosfat 58.3% 64.9% 62.8%

  Perempuan Count



  42 % within produk kalsium fosfat 41.7% 35.1% 37.2%

  Total Count

  36 77 113 % within produk kalsium fosfat 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

  Chi-Square Tests

  Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- Point Value df (2-sided) sided) sided) Probability a

  Pearson Chi-Square .458 1 .499 .535 .318


  Continuity Correction .219 1 .640 Likelihood Ratio .454 1 .500 .535 .318 Fisher's Exact Test .535 .318 Linear-by-Linear


  .454 1 .501 .535 .318 .131 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 13.38.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table c. The standardized statistic is -.674.

  Risk Estimate

  95% Confidence Interval Value Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Kelamin (Laki- .756 .336 1.702 laki / Perempuan)

  For cohort produk kalsium fosfat .828 .482 1.424

  = >=55 For cohort produk kalsium fosfat

  1.095 .835 1.437 = <55

  Risk Estimate

  95% Confidence Interval Value Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Kelamin (Laki- .756 .336 1.702 laki / Perempuan)

  For cohort produk kalsium fosfat .828 .482 1.424

  = >=55 For cohort produk kalsium fosfat

  1.095 .835 1.437 = <55 N of Valid Cases 113

Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus * produk kalsium fosfat

  Chi-Square Tests

  .703 1 .402 Likelihood Ratio 1.306 1 .253 .298 .203 Fisher's Exact Test .418 .203


  1 .268 .298 .203 Continuity Correction


  Probability Pearson Chi-Square 1.229

  Exact Sig. (1- sided) Point

  (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2- sided)

  Value df Asymp. Sig.



  produk kalsium fosfat Total >=55 <55

  Total Count

  94 % within produk kalsium fosfat 88.9% 80.5% 83.2%



  Negatif Count

  19 % within produk kalsium fosfat 11.1% 19.5% 16.8%



  Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus Positif Count

  36 77 113 % within produk kalsium fosfat 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Linear-by-Linear Association



  1 .270 .298 .203 .123 N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.05.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table c. The standardized statistic is -1.103.

  Risk Estimate

  Value 95% Confidence Interval

  Lower Upper Odds Ratio for Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus (Positif / Negatif)

  .517 .158 1.686 For cohort produk kalsium fosfat = >=55

  .618 .248 1.544 For cohort produk kalsium fosfat = <55

  1.197 .910 1.574 N of Valid Cases 113

  Riwayat hipertensi * produk kalsium fosfat Crosstab produk kalsium fosfat >=55 <55 Total

  Riwayat hipertensi Positif Count



  87 % within produk kalsium fosfat 86.1% 72.7% 77.0%

  Negatif Count



  26 % within produk kalsium fosfat 13.9% 27.3% 23.0%

  Total Count

  36 77 113 % within produk kalsium fosfat 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

  Chi-Square Tests

  Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- Point Value Df (2-sided) sided) sided) Probability


  Pearson Chi-Square 2.481 1 .115 .152 .088


  Continuity Correction 1.783 1 .182 Likelihood Ratio 2.652 1 .103 .152 .088 Fisher's Exact Test .152 .088 Linear-by-Linear


  2.459 1 .117 .152 .088 .057 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.28.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table c. The standardized statistic is 1.568.

  Risk Estimate

  95% Confidence Interval Value Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Riwayat 2.325 .798 6.775 hipertensi (Positif / Negatif)

  For cohort produk kalsium fosfat 1.853 .802 4.278

  = >=55 For cohort produk kalsium fosfat

  .797 .624 1.017 = <55 N of Valid Cases 113

Usia * produk kalsium fosfat Crosstab

  produk kalsium fosfat Total >=55 <55




  37 Expected Count




  1 % within produk kalsium

  33.3% 32.5% 32.7% fosfat kelompok umur




  76 Expected Count




  2 % within produk kalsium

  66.7% 67.5% 67.3% fosfat Count

  36 77 113 Total

  Expected Count

  36.0 77.0 113.0

  % within produk kalsium 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% fosfat


Chi-Square Tests

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- sided) sided) sided)


  Pearson Chi-Square .008 1 .927


  Continuity Correction .000 1 1.000 Likelihood Ratio .008 1 .927 Fisher's Exact Test

  1.000 .546 Linear-by-Linear

  .008 1 .928 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11.79.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Risk Estimate

  Value 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for kelompok 1.040 .448 2.412 umur (1 / 2)

  For cohort produk kalsium 1.027 .580 1.818 fosfat = >=55

  For cohort produk kalsium .988 .753 1.294 fosfat = <55

  N of Valid Cases 113

Lama HD * produk kalsium fosfat Kelompok lama hd * produk kalsium fosfat Crosstabulation

  produk kalsium fosfat Total >=55 <55




  95 Expected Count




  1 % within produk kalsium

  86.1% 83.1% 84.1% fosfat Kelompok lama hd




  18 Expected Count




  2 % within produk kalsium

  13.9% 16.9% 15.9% fosfat Count

  36 77 113 Expected Count

  36.0 77.0 113.0 Total

  % within produk kalsium 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% fosfat


Chi-Square Tests

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- sided) sided) sided)


  Pearson Chi-Square .164 1 .685


  Continuity Correction .017 1 .897 Likelihood Ratio .168 1 .682 Fisher's Exact Test

  .788 .458 Linear-by-Linear

  .163 1 .687 Association N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.73.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Risk Estimate

  Value 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper

  Odds Ratio for Kelompok 1.259 .412 3.848 lama hd (1 / 2)

  For cohort produk kalsium 1.175 .528 2.612 fosfat = >=55

  For cohort produk kalsium .933 .678 1.283 fosfat = <55

  N of Valid Cases 113


  77.0 % 32.1% 100.0% 68.1%

  59.280 1 .000

  .000 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association

  56.721 1 .000 Likelihood Ratio 74.922 1 .000 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .000 Continuity Correction


  Exact Sig. (1- sided) Pearson Chi-Square 59.809

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (2- sided)


Chi-Square Tests

  53.0 60.0 113.0 % 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

  53 60 113 Expected Count

  Total Count

  Cases Valid Missing Total

  N Percent N Percent N Percent produk kalsium fosfat * ankle brachial index 3 113 100.0% 0.0% 113 100.0%


  77 Expected Count



  <55 Count

  36.0 % 67.9% 0.0% 31.9%



  36 Expected Count


  >=55 Count

  ankle brachial index 3 Total tidak normal normal produk kalsium fosfat


  40.9 N of Valid Cases 113 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 16.88.

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Risk Estimate

  Value 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper

  For cohort ankle brachial 4.529 2.977 6.891 index 3 = tidak normal

  N of Valid Cases 113