A THESIS Submitted to the English Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S.Pd Degree




(An Experimental Study at the XI Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1

Padamara in Academic Year 2012/2013)



Submitted to the English Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for S.Pd Degree


Arranged by:

NUR HARYANI 0801050048







  ♣ Never put of f unt il t omorrow what

you can f inish t oday

  ♣ Be t he change you want t o see

(Mahat ma Gandhi )

  ♣ Some of t he best wisdoms have

come f rom t he mist akes which are


  Dedication I am dedicated this thesis for my beloved people who have meant and continue to mean so much to me.

  ♠ My beloved father

You don’t only raise and nurture me but also taxed yourself dearly

over the years for my education and intellectual development

♠ My mother


Thanks for your endless love, support and encouragement

♠ My brother

Thanks for your love and support; make a good change in our


  ♠ My second family

Thanks for all who give me chance become your family and give me

support to finish this thesis. Special for Agus Prhiyo Utomo, thanks

for all of your helping

  ♠ My lectures and my supervisor

Thanks for your support and guidance

♠ My best friends in English Department

Thanks for giving me a wonderful moment. I will not forget you

  ♠ All of my friend in Afi Kost

Wonderful moment during our togetherness make my days fun.


Thank a lot, friends…..



  Praise to be Allah SWT, the most merciful and graceful who has given the writer guidance, so that the thesis is accomplished as partial for S.Pd. Degree at English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  The writer would like to take opportunity to give special thanks to:

  1. Drs. Suwartono, M. Hum, as the first consultant who gave guidance, encouragement, advise, support, suggestion and helpful correction.

  2. Rina Agustina, S.S, MApplLing TESOL, as the second consultant for her advice guidance, correction, suggestion and information from the beginning to the completion of this research with her patiently and wisely.

  3. Drs. Ahmad, M.Pd. the Dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, who has given permission to do this research.

  4. Endang Kusrini, S.Pd. M.Hum, the Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty for giving the facility and permission to do this research.

  5. The late Drs. Suhan, as the head master of SMA Negeri 1 Padamara, who gave permission in accomplishing the research. As if, nothing words that are able to replace my thanksgiving for all of your helping. I just want to get back close again to you at the heaven.

  6. Suhestiyah, S.Pd, Sri Suharti, S.Pd, Ariani Roosilawati Dewi , S.Pd, as the English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Padamara who helped in conducting the research.

  7. All of the students of SMA Negeri 1 Padamara who have given good participation during the research.

  8. Family and friends who support to finish the thesis.

  Although, this thesis is still far from being perfect, constructive, critism and suggestion are welcome to make this work. This thesis hoped will give positive contributions and be useful to this field study.

  Purwokerto, February 2013 The writer




  (An Experimental Study at the XI Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Padamara in Academic Year 2012/2013)





  This study is aimed at knowing the effectiveness of using cartoon narrative in teaching speaking competence toward the eleventh grade students in Padamara Senior High School. This research was conducted using experimental design. The data were obtained from speaking test and questionnaire. It was found that the students enjoyed the learning process and engaged in the classroom activities. Moreover, the cartoon narrative could be applied in speaking activity to enhance students’ motivation to speak English spontaneously.

  The result of the test indicated an improvement at 39.35%. In addition, the students’ grammar during retelling story activity improved significantly at 26.2, it means that p>0.05. Furthermore, the results of questionnaire which represented whole students’ perceptions indicated that 71% of students agreed with the twelve statements about the effectiveness of cartoon narrative. In conclusion, the use of cartoon narrative helped the students to learn to speak English better.


TITLE ......................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ............................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................... v

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................. viii

LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDIX ............................................................................................... xiii

  14 B. Media 1. Nature of Media .........................................................................................

  25 7. Cartoon Narrative as a Media ...................................................................

  22 6. Nature of Narrative ....................................................................................

  20 5. Nature of Cartoon .......................................................................................

  19 4. Nature of Audio Visual ..............................................................................

  18 3. The Function of Media ...............................................................................

  17 2. The Criteria of Choosing Media ................................................................

  13 4. Speaking Test .............................................................................................

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of Study ................................................................................

  11 3. Teaching Speaking .....................................................................................

  5 2. Speaking Competence ................................................................................

  A. Speaking 1. Nature of Speaking .....................................................................................


  4 D. Aims of the Research .......................................................................................

  4 C. Problems of the Research .................................................................................

  1 B. Reason for Choosing the Topic ........................................................................


  8. Teaching English Using Cartoon Narrative ...............................................

  42 3. Inter-Rater Reliability ...............................................................................

  56 B. Discussion ........................................................................................................

  56 7. Questionnaire ............................................................................................

  53 6. T-Test .........................................................................................................

  50 5. The Result of Scoring Speaking .................................................................

  48 4. The Comparison of Test’s Result ...............................................................

  46 3. Experimental Class.....................................................................................

  44 2. Control Class ..............................................................................................

  A. Data Description 1. Inter-rater Reliability ..................................................................................


  41 2. The Data Analysis of Questionnaire ..........................................................

  31 C. Basic Assumption .............................................................................................

  39 E. Technique of Analyzing Data 1. The Data Analysis of T-Test ......................................................................

  38 2. Questionnaire ............................................................................................

  38 D. Technique of Collecting Data 1. Test ............................................................................................................

  37 3. Sampling....................................................................................................

  37 2. Sample .......................................................................................................

  36 C. Subject of The Research 1. Population..................................................................................................

  36 2. Time ..........................................................................................................

  34 B. Place and Time 1. Place ..........................................................................................................

  33 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Method of the Research ....................................................................................

  33 D. Hypothesis ........................................................................................................


  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, LIMITATION OF THE RESEARCH, PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATION, FUTURE DIRECTION A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................

  66 B. Pedagogical Implication ...................................................................................

  68 C. Limitation of the Research and Future Direction .............................................

  69 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................

  70 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................


  LIST OF TABLES 1. Table 1. The Timetable of the Research ............................................................

  36 2. Table 2. Framework of the Students’ Questionnaire ..........................................


  LIST OF FIGURES 1. Figure 1. The results of pre-test and post-test in control class ...........................

  46 2. Figure 2. The results of pre-test and post-test in experimental class .................

  48 3. Figure 3. The comparison of pre-test results ......................................................

  50 4. Figure 4. The comparison of post-test results ....................................................

  52 5. Figure 5. The results of scoring speaking in experimental class ........................

  53 6. Figure 6. The results of scoring speaking in control class .................................

  55 7. Figure 7. The results of questionnaire in response to the speaking ....................


  8. Figure 8. The results of questionnaire in response to the speaking competence .........................................................................................................

  58 9. Figure 9. The results of questionnaire in response to the cartoon narrative .......


  10. Figure 10. The results of questionnaire in response to the cartoon narrative for developing speaking competence .................................................................



  1. Appendix A. Lesson Plan

  2. Appendix B. Instrument for Pre-Test

  3. Appendix C. Instrument for Post-Test

  4. Appendix D. Criteria of Assessment

  5. Appendix E. Questionnaire

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