THESIS Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Department By: BUNTAR TRI ANGONO C0307013

Analysis of Translation Technique and Quality Assessment as Part of Software Localization:

UCweb Browser


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Department


Analysis of Translation Technique and Quality Assessment as Part of Software Localization:

UCweb Browser


Approved to be Examined before the Board of Examiners Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University

Thesis Supervisor:

Prof. Drs. M.R. Nababan, M.Ed., M.A.,Ph.D. NIP. 1963.0328.199201.1001

Head of English Department

Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A.,Ph.D.

Analysis of Translation Technique and Quality Assessment as Part of Software Localization:

UCweb Browser


Accepted and approved by the Board Examiners Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University August 2012

The Board Examiners

: Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D.

: Ardianna Nuraeni, S.S, M.Hum

NIP. 19820927 200612 2001

First Examiner : Prof. Drs. M.R Nababan, M.Ed.,M.A., Ph.D. ......................

NIP. 19630328 199201 1001

Second Examiner : Ida Kusuma Dewi, S.S, M.A. .....................

NIP. 19710525 199802 2001

The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University

Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D. NIP. 19530514 198506 1001

Name: Buntar Tri Anggono NIM : C0307013

Stated whole-heartedly that the thesis entitled “Analysis of Translation Technique and Quality Assessment as Part of Software Localization: UCweb Browser” is originally made by the researcher. It is not plagiarism, nor made by the others. The things related to other people’s work are written in quotation and included within the bibliography.

If it is then proved that the researcher cheats, the researcher is ready to take the responsibility.

Surakarta, July 2012 The researcher

Buntar Tri Anggono


beca use tommorow is to la te


This thesis is dedicated to you, who are willing to take the time to read it.


I thank to The God, Allah SWT for everything

given to me, so I can finish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of graduating requirement of Sarjana Degree. In finishing this thesis, I realize that without supports from the people surrounding me, I am sure that I cannot finish it successfully. I would like to give my deepest gratitude to all the people who have given valuable contributions. My special thanks to:

1. All my families. Thank you for all supports given to me. I could not be here without you all.

2. My thesis supervisor, Prof. Drs. M.R. Nababan, M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D., , for his assistance.

3. The Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D., for approving this thesis.

4. The Head of English Department of Sebelas Maret University, Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D., for giving me admission to this thesis to be examined.

5. My academic consultant, Fitria Akhmerti, P, S.S, M.A., for guidance during my study.

6. All the lectures in English Department who have taught me well and shared their knowledge and experiments.


8. Himawan, Rizky, and Nita, for being my respondents.

9. All my friends in English Department, especially ED’07, thanks for

togetherness. Graduation is not the finish line, it is the starting one.

10. Google TM and any other websites that provide me online-helping. It is hard to imagine work without them in this era.

11. UCweb Mobile Ltd. Thank you for the precious product that I can use as my object of research.

12. My ‘more than a friend’, Nitha, thanks for all support given to me.

13. Last but not least, thanks to all parties those have contributed in writing this thesis.

I do realize that this thesis is far away from being perfect. Any supporting criticism and suggestion will be kindly accepted. I hope this thesis will be beneficial for the people especially student of English Department who are interested in translation study.

Surakarta, July 2012

Buntar Tri Anggono

D. Software Localization ..............................................................

E. UCweb Browser.......................................................................


A. Type of Research .....................................................................

B. Data and Source or Data...........................................................

C. Sample and Sampling technique ...............................................

D. Method of Data Collection .......................................................

E. Technique Data Analysis .........................................................

F. Research Procedure ..................................................................


A. Introduction .............................................................................

B. Analysis ...................................................................................

1. Translation Techniques .....................................................

2. Translation Quality............................................................

C. Discussion ...............................................................................

A. Conclusion ...............................................................................


B. Recommendation .....................................................................


BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................


APPENDICES ........................................................................................


Table 2.1 : Grade scale of quality assessment aspect ...........

22 Table 3.1

: The scale of translation accuracy .......................

34 Table 3.2

: The scale of translation acceptability .................

35 Table 3.3

: The scale of translation readability.....................

: Discursive creation ............................................

: Linguistic amplification .....................................

45 Table 4.1.6

: Linguistic compression ......................................

46 Table 4.1.7

: Literal translation ..............................................

: Translation techniques .......................................

62 Table 4.2.1

: Accurate translations .........................................

Table 4.2.4 : Acceptable translation .......................................

81 Table 4.2.5

: Less acceptable translation ................................

87 Table 4.2.6

: Unacceptable translation ....................................

89 Table 4.2.7

: Readable translation ..........................................

93 Table 4.2.8

: Less readable translation .................................... 100 Table 4.3.1

: Borrowing & Translation Quality ...................... 101 Table 4.3.2

: Description & Translation Quality ..................... 101 Table 4.3.3

: Discursive creation & Translation Quality ......... 102 Table 4.3.4

: Generalization & Translation Quality ................ 103 Table 4.3.5

: Linguistic amplification & Translation Quality .. 104 Table 4.3.6

: Linguistic compression & Translation Quality ... 105 Table 4.3.7

: Literal translation & Translation Quality............ 105 Table 4.3.8

: Modulation & Translation Quality ..................... 107 Table 4.3.9

: Naturalization & Translation Quality ................. 107 Table 4.3.10

: Particularization & Translation Quality.............. 108 Table 4.3.11

: Reduction & Translation Quality ....................... 109 Table 4.3.12

: Transposition & Translation Quality .................. 110 Table 4.3.13

: Couplet & Translation Quality ........................... 110 Table 4.3.14

: Triplet & Translation Quality............................. 112

Buntar Tri Anggono. C0307013. Analysis of Translation Technique and Quality Assessment as Part of Software Localization: UCweb Browser. Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. 2012.

The study focuses on the translation of the user interface of a program UCweb mobile web browser. The purposes of this study are to find out the techniques used by the translator and to describe the effect of the techniques on the translation quality of the words of the user interface in the software UCweb browser

This research belongs to descriptive qualitative method. A purposive sampling technique was employed in this research. There are 132 data consisting of clauses, phrases, and sentences taken from the user interface of program UCweb browser and their translation. The other data were taken from the questionnaires assessed by three raters and three respondents.

The analysis shows that there are 14 techniques used by the translator in translating the user interface of program UCweb browser. They were borrowing, description, discursive creation, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, naturalization, particularization, reduction, transposition, couplet, and triplet.

The analysis on the translation accuracy indicates that 95 data (71.97%) from overall data are categorized accurate, 25 data (18.94%) are less accurate, and

12 data (9.09%) are inaccurate. The analysis on the translation acceptability shows that 99 data (75%) from overall data are categorized acceptable, 32 data

(24.24%) are less accurate, and a datum (0.76%) is unacceptable. The analysis on the translation readability indicates that 118 data (89.4%) are categorized readable, 14 data (10.6%) are less readable, and there is no data considered unreadable

The techniques resulting translation with the highest level of accuracy are borrowing and naturalization. The technique resulting translation with the lowest level of accuracy is description. The techniques resulting translation with the highest level of acceptability are borrowing, and modulation. The technique resulting translation with the lowest level of acceptability is particularization. Meanwhile, the technique resulting translation with the highest level of readability is modulation and the technique resulting translation with the lowest level of readability is generalization.

1. Student of English Department, Student Number C.0307013

2. Thesis Supervisor I

3. Thesis Supervisor II

Ida Kusuma Dewi, S.S, M.A. 3


2012. The study focuses on the translation of the user interface of a program UCweb mobile web browser. The purposes of this study are to find out the techniques used by the translator and to describe the effect of the techniques on the translation quality of the words of the user interface in the software UCweb browser This research belongs to descriptive qualitative method. A purposive sampling technique was employed in this research. There are 132 data consisting of clauses, phrases, and sentences taken from the user interface of program UCweb browser and their translation. The other data were taken from the questionnaires assessed by three raters and three respondents. The analysis shows that there are 14 techniques used by the translator in translating the user interface of program UCweb browser. They were borrowing, description, discursive creation, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, naturalization, particularization, reduction, transposition, couplet, and triplet. The analysis on the translation accuracy indicates that 95 data (71.97%) from overall data are categorized accurate, 25 data (18.94%) are less accurate, and 12 data (9.09%) are inaccurate. The analysis on the translation acceptability shows that 99 data (75%)

The techniques resulting translation with the highest level of accuracy are borrowing and naturalization. The technique resulting translation with the lowest level of accuracy is description. The techniques resulting translation with the highest level of acceptability are borrowing, and modulation. The technique resulting translation with the lowest level of acceptability is particularization. Meanwhile, the technique resulting translation with the highest level of readability is modulation and the technique resulting translation with the lowest level of readability is generalization.

Ida Kusuma Dewi, S.S, M.A. 3 kurang akurat, dan 12 data (9.09%) tidak akurat. Analisis pada keberterimaan terjemahan menunjukkan bahwa 99 data (75%) dari


keseluruhan data dikategorikan berterima, 32 data (24,24%) kurang berterima, dan 1 data (0,76%) tidak berterima. Analisis pada

2012. Penelitian ini mengfokuskan pada terjemahan dari antar tingkat keterbacaan terjemahan menunjukkan bahwa 118 data ( muka pengguna dari sebuah program peramban jaringan perangkat

89,4%) dari keseluruhan data memiliki tingkat keterbacaan tinggi, bergerak UCweb. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk

14 data (10,6%) memiliki tingkat keterbacaan sedang, dan tidak menemukan teknik yang digunakan oleh penerjemah dan untuk

ada data yang memiliki tingkat keterbacaan rendah. menjelaskan efek dari teknik terhadap kualitas terjemahan pada

Teknik yang menghasilkan terjemahan dengan tingkat keakurasian kata-kata yang terdapat pada antar muka di dalam perangkat lunak

tertinggi adalah teknik peminjaman dan naturalisasi. Sedangkan peramban UCweb.

teknik yang menghasilkan terjemahan dengan tingkat keakurasian Penelitian ini menggunakan metode qualitatif deskriptif. Teknik

terendah adalah deskripsi. Teknik yang menghasilkan terjemahan penarikan contoh digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Ada 132 data

dengan tingkat keberterimaan tertinggi adalah teknik peminjaman terdiri dari klausa, phrasa, dan kalimat yang diambil dari antar

dan modulasi. Sedangkan teknik yang menghasilkan terjemahan muka pengguna dari program peramban UCweb dan

dengan tingkat keberterimaan terendah adalah partikuralisasi. terjemahannya. Data lainnya diperoleh dari kuisioner yang dinilai

Teknik yang menghasilkan terjemahan dengan tingkat keterbacaan oleh tiga penaksir dan tiga responden.

tertinggi adalah teknik modulasi. Sedangkan teknik yang Analisis menunjukkan ada 14 teknik yang digunakan oleh

menghasilkan terjemahan dengan tingkat keterbacaan terendah

penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan antar muka dari program adalah generalisasi.

peramban UCweb. Terdiri dari teknik peminjaman (borrowing),

deskripsi (description), kreasi diskursif (discursive creation), generalisasi (generalization), amplifikasi linguistik (linguistic

amplification) kompresi linguistik (linguistic compression), penerjemahan harfiah (literal translation), modulasi (modulation),

1. Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris dengan NIM C.0307013

2. Dosen Pembimbing I

3. Dosen Pembimbing II


A. Research Background

The usage of mobile web browser increases year by year globally because it is easy in use, and high mobility. The condition also happens in Indonesia. Indonesia has a great number of Internet mobile users. Considering the fact, some developers provide their product with the Indonesian version. The purposes are to get more costumers in Indonesia and to make the costumer easier in using their product.

Software localization is the best way for a product to reach global market. Web Collins in her journal (2002:1) argues that in 2001, less than 15 percent of US Corporation offered non-English content. In the same time, approximately 65 percent of users were non-English speakers. Moreover, previous studies showed the costumers were as much as three times more likely to purchase products that use their native language.

An article written in Avangate ( -localization_66.htm) explains that localization of software including translation is the best-case to do before the software even written. Unfortunately, that way takes more work hours and tremendous effort, so the developer only translates words from the finished program. It will affect in the acceptability and readability of the user interface in the program.

good knowledge in the technical field. A translator also should be skilled with the specific vocabulary. It is essential for the translator to be familiar with the software in order to fully understand the context of the phrases. For the best result, the translator should collaborate with the development team continuously.

This research was conducted to find out the translation techniques and the quality assessment of the user interface in the program: UCweb mobile web browser. UCweb is one of web browser developers that provide their product with Indonesian version. Certainly, most of Indonesian people prefer to use the English version of software rather than Indonesian one. It is caused of the Indonesian version has some user interface and instruction that are unable to understand by the users. Some Internet and computer terms in the program are translated literally. Below are some examples of the terms in the program user interface.

Access Point

Titik Akses

The Encarta dictionary notes that ‘access point’ isa transceiver in a wireless local area network that connects a wired local area network to wireless devices. The target text is accurate and acceptable. Somehow it lacks the readability because it is not specific enough. People who do not familiar about Internet and computer terms will not understand the real meaning of titik akses and eventually they will not understand how to use the program.

My shortcut

Kunjungan Cepat

The sites of notes that shortcut is a file contain address (as of a document or Web site) on the computer or Internet. ‘My shortcut’ is translated into kunjungan cepat. Both source language and target language have similar meaning in a way that they both refer to the same thing. However, they have the different degree of meaning since my shortcut is more specific than kunjungan cepat.

Cache Size

Pengaturan Cache

Cache is a computer memory for storing or hiding data with a very short access time ( In here, the word “cache” is not translated into target text since the translator uses borrowing technique. The word “size” is not accurately translated as “pengaturan”. However, both source language and target language refer to the same thing: how to manage the cache.

Considering the premises above, the researcher is interesting in investigating the technique and quality assessment of user interface in the software UCweb mobile web browser.

This study is limited to the words and terms of the user interface in the software UCweb mobile web browser English and Indonesian version. The focus of analysis includes the types of translation techniques used by the translator, and the effect of the techniques to the translation quality.

C. Problem Statement

Considering the research background, the problems are formulated as follows:

1. What techniques are the translators used to translate words of the user interface in the software UCweb browser?

2. What are the effects of the techniques on the translation quality of the words of the user interface in the software UCweb browser?

D. Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To find out the techniques used by the translator to translate words of the user interface in the software UCweb browser.

2. To find out the effect of the techniques on the translation quality of the words of the user interface in the software UCweb browser.

It is expected that the study will be beneficial to:

1. Translators

Translating is not only transferring the message from the source text into the target text, but also considering the cultural background of the target readers.

A translator must be having at least bilingual ability, mastering translation theory, and noticing the cultural background of the target readers. From this research, it is supposed that translators will get a response or additional information, it hopes they will aware and be more careful in localizing software.

2. Lectures

Most of Indonesian people still prefer to use English as user interface language in software or program. It is for whom access to English. For them who do not know about English, they will get difficulties in using a program. From this research, it is expected that lectures can get additional information about Internet and computer terms that can be used as a material source to teach their students, especially those who interest in translation study.

3. Students and other researchers

Conducting research to investigate the translation of Internet and computer term in software is an interesting activity since this topic brings a challenge for the researcher himself. From this research, it is supposed that this research will inspire other researchers to take further research on translation of software since Internet and computer take essential part in the living now.

This thesis is arranged into five chapters;


In the chapter I, the researcher introduces the Background of The Research, Research Limitation, Problem Statement, Research Objectives, Research Benefits, and Thesis Organization.


Chapter II is about literature review that discusses the theory and studied related to the research. This chapter consists of Definition of Translation, Translation Techniques, Translation Quality Assessment, Software Localization, and UCweb Browser Profile.


Chapter III is the method used by the researcher in conducting the research. This chapter discusses the Type of The Research, Data and Source of Data, Sampling Technique, Method of Data Collection, and Method of Data Analysis.


Chapter IV is the main part of this thesis. It is divided into two parts which are analysis and the discussion. It covers Translation Techniques, Translation Quality, and Discussion.


Chapter V is the summary of the data analysis. It is divided into two parts; the first part is Conclusion, and the second part is the Recommendation.


A. Translation Definition

Some experts have provided definitions concerning translation. Roger T. Bell (1991: 5) states that translation was the expression in another language of what has been expressed in another source language, preserving semantics and stylistic equivalence. Bell's concept was concerning equivalence in both semantics and stylistic aspects corresponds very well with the idea given by Nida and Taber (1974:4) "translating consists of reproducing the receptor language the closest natural equivalence to the message of the source language first in meaning and secondly in style". Both expert definitions underline the equivalence of translation not only as meaning but also style.

The more comprehensive definition concerning translation was provided by Brislin (1976:1)

"Translation is the general term referring to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the languages are in written or oral form: whether the languages have established orthographies or do not have standardization whether one or both languages are based on signs, as of language of the deaf."

Brislin's definition involves translation not only in the written form, but also in the oral form or can be called interpretation. The term translation covers in forms of both written and oral, but when it comes together with interpretation, translation has only written meaning.

the way of underlining the notion of equivalence. They are given by Newmark (1981:7) and Catford (1965:20). Newmark uttered that translation was a craft consisting effort to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language, and Catford stated that translation was the replacement of textual material equivalently in one language to another language.

Considering the statements above, it can be concluded that translation is a process of transferring message from source language to the target language, which should consider the content of the messages, the language structures, and the style as well. To a large extent, the different linguistic and cultural systems between source and target languages can cause the problem of equivalence.

Overall the process of translating a source text, a translator is exceptionally required to understand the content of the text then to produce the equivalence in the target text, as natural and close as possible.

B. Translation Techniques

Translation techniques according to Molina and Albir (2002:509) were procedures to analyze and classify how translation equivalence works. Translation techniques affect the result of the translation and micro unit of text. Those techniques are classified by comparison with the original and by nature discursive. The contextual translation technique is the specific textual procedure used by the translator when transferring the message of the source language into the target Translation techniques according to Molina and Albir (2002:509) were procedures to analyze and classify how translation equivalence works. Translation techniques affect the result of the translation and micro unit of text. Those techniques are classified by comparison with the original and by nature discursive. The contextual translation technique is the specific textual procedure used by the translator when transferring the message of the source language into the target

1. Adaptation

Adaptation according to Molina and Albir (2002:509) is a technique that replace a source text element with one from the target culture. In some case, a cultural or social element from the source text is replaced with a different one, but corresponding element in the translation. It is usually something that is more familiar to the intended audience.

Example: ST: Alvin and friends play baseball in the school yard. TT: Alvin dan teman-teman bermain sepak bola di halaman sekolah. ‘Baseball’ is not a common sport in Indonesian and the term cannot be

found in the target language, so the translator replaces with sepak bola that is well known for the target readers.

2. Amplification

Amplification technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that introduces details that are not formulated in the source text. It can

be written directly or type in the footnote. This technique gives an explanation about the source language term, so it can be understood by the target reader .


TT: Mary memberiku sepotong pizza (roti bundar yang terdapat irisan

daging dan sayuran diatasnya). For the readers who are not familiar with any foreign word or term in this case is the word ‘pizza’, the translator gives a brief explanation about it as roti bundar yang terdapat irisan daging dan sayuran diatasnya.

3. Borrowing

Borrowing technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a translation technique that takes word or expression straight from another language. The translator makes a conscious choice to use the same word in the target text as it is found in the source text. This is particularly the case when there is no equivalent term in the target language. It also allows the translator to put a text clearly within a particular cultural context through the register of used vocabulary.

Example: ST: Pair cellphone and computer through Bluetooth. TT: Hubungkan telepon genggam dan computer dengan Bluetooth. The term “Bluetooth” is written directly because there is no equivalence

in Indonesian.

Naturalization technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is similar to the borrowing technique, but with any changes to fit the spelling rules in target language. According to Newmark (1988), naturalization technique transferred and adapted the source language word to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology (word-forms) of the target language.

Example: ST: John is a taxy driver. TT: John adalah seorang sopir taksi. The word ‘taxy’ is borrowed and modified into taksi where consonant –x-

is changed into –ks- and consonant –y is changed into vowel -i to fit on Indonesian spelling rules.

5. Calque

Calque technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a literal translation of foreign word or phrase. It can be lexical or structural. Calques are special kind of borrowing where a language borrows a word or an expression from another language and translates literally each of its elements.

Example: ST: The rescue team is looking for the black box of the plane. TT: Team penyelamat sedang mencari kotak hitam pesawat.

device used in various forms of transport is borrowed and translated literally into target text becomes kotak hitam.

6. Description

Description technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that replaces a term or expression with a description of its form or/and function. This technique is similar to amplification technique, but in here the source text element is removed.

Example: ST: I will make you a cup of cappuccino. TT: Aku akan membuatkanmu secangkir kopi dengan susu yang ditaburi

bubuk coklat. The translator deletes the word ‘cappuccino’, and replaces it with the description of cappuccino itself in the target text.

7. Generalization

Generalization technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that uses more general or neutral term. It happens when there is no equivalence word in the target text, so the translator generates it into super ordinate or general term.

Example: ST: Some flake in the morning.

‘Flake’ is a small piece of snow. It is translated into salju because there is no subordinate of the word salju in the target language.

8. Modulation

Modulation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that changes the point of view, focus or cognitive category in the source text; it can be lexical or structural. Although the main characteristic of modulation is a change of point of view, it may also involve a change of grammatical categories. It is used when the other techniques would generate a text that is grammatically correct, but unsuitable, not idiomatic, or awkward.

Example: ST: Barack Obama will rule the US country. TT: Barack Obama akan menjadi presiden Amerika serikat. The words ‘will rule’ is translated into akan menjadi presiden that

changes the point of views that also involves the change in the grammatical category.

9. Particularization

Particularization technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that uses more precisely or concern term. It opposes the generalization technique. In some case, the element in the source language is general and when Particularization technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that uses more precisely or concern term. It opposes the generalization technique. In some case, the element in the source language is general and when

acceptable. Sparingly most of the people do not enjoy the rain, but in any case, few people enjoy a situation of the little rain with their partner.

10. Reduction

Reduction technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that suppresses the information item in the target language. It opposes to amplification. It happens when the addition element of the source text is familiar to the target reader.

Example: ST: I will back to Indonesia in Ramadan (the month of fasting) TT: Aku akan pulang ke Indonesia saat Ramadhan. The information added in the source text is deleted because the target

readers have been familiar with the term Ramadhan.

11. Compensation

Compensation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that introduces a source text element of information, or stylistic effect in Compensation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that introduces a source text element of information, or stylistic effect in

Example: ST: Kill two birds with one stone. TT: Sekali mendayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui. The element in the source text cannot be reflected into the target text, so it

is replaced with element in the target text having similar meaning.

12. Discursive Creation

Discursive creation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is

a technique that technique establishes a temporary equivalence that totally unpredictable out of context. This technique is usually used in translating book, or film title.

Example: ST: Tears of the sun (Antoine Fuqua) TT: Perang sipil Afrika barat The movie entitled ‘Tears of the Sun’ transferred freely into Perang

Sipil-Afrika Barat. It is based on the story of the movie.

Established equivalent technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that uses a term or expression recognized by dictionaries or language in use as an equivalent in the target language.

Example: ST: Black rose TT: Mawar Hitam The word ‘black rose’ is translated into mawar hitam and that is listed in

the dictionary.

14. Linguistic Amplification

Linguistic amplification technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that adds the linguistic elements in the target text. This is often used in consecutive interpreting and dubbing.

Example: ST: Let me see. TT: Biar aku saja yang membukakan pintunya.

In the example above, a target language element yang membukakan pintu added that has correlation with the context.

Linguistic compression technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is a technique that reduces the linguistic elements in the target text. It is often used in simultaneous interpreting and in subtitling.

Example: ST: You can eat all the meal. TT: makanlah.

The target text is reduced linguistically by deleting subject ‘You’ and objects ‘all the meal’, and then translated into makanlah.

16. Literal translation

Literal translation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:510) is

a technique that translates a word or an expression word for word. Literal translation occurs when there is an exact structural, lexical, even morphological equivalence between two languages. This is only possible when the two languages are very close to each other. Example: ST: He reads a book. TT: Dia membaca sebuah buku.

The source text can be translated literally because it is equivalent with the target text.

Substitution technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:511) is a technique that changes the linguistic elements into paralinguistic element (intonation, gestures) or vice versa. It is used above all interpreting.

Example: ST: I cross my finger for your successful English test. TT: Aku mendoakanmu semoga berhasil dalam ujian Bahasa Inggris.

The paralinguistic element in the source text ‘cross my finger’ transferred into linguistic element to the target text mendoakan.

18. Variation

Variation technique according to Molina and Albir (2002:511) is a technique that changes linguistic or paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) that affect aspect of linguistic variation: changes of textual tone, style, social dialect, geographical dialect, etc.

Example: ST: He cuts the head of enemy with his sword. TT: Dia membunuh musuhnya dengan pedang.

The element of the source text ‘cut the head’ is changed into membunuh to make it acceptable for the target reader when adapting text for the children.

19. Transposition 19. Transposition

Example: ST: My sister brings the book. TT: Buku itu dibawa adikku.

The element category in the source text is changed grammatically. ‘my sister’ as subject in the source text become object in the target text and so does ‘book’ as object in the source text becomes subject in the target text. Verb is also changed into V3/ passive in the target text.

20. Couplet

Couplet according to Newmark (1988:91) occurs when the translator uses two techniques to translate a single unit of translation.

Example: ST. High capacity memory TT. Memori kapasitas tinggi The data is translated using two techniques. Naturalization technique

in translated memory to memori by changing the suffix –y to –i to fit the spelling rules in the target language, and high capacity is translated literally into kapasitas tinggi. The combination of both techniques is called couplet.

Triplet according to Newmark (1988:91) is a combination of three techniques that are used in translating a single unit of translation. Example: ST: An expensive green computer mouse TT. Sebuah mouse komputer berwarna hijau daun yang mahal The data is translated using three techniques. The word ‘mouse’ is

borrowed from the source text. The word ‘green’ is expanded into berwarna hijau daun, and the word ‘computer’ and ‘expensive’ are translated literally into komputer and mahal. The combination of three techniques is called triplet.

C. Translation Quality Assessment

Translation quality assessment is an evaluation of the translation product. The purpose for doing the assessment is to make sure that the target text contains the same idea, thought, and message as the source language. Al-Qinai (2000:499) states that the assessment of a translated text sought to measure the degree of efficiency of the text with regard to the syntactic, semantics, and pragmatic function of source text within the cultural frame and expressive potentials of both source language and target language.

Nababan (2008: 85-92) states that the purpose in the assessment was to analyze the strength and weakness point of translation product. Translation assessment focuses on three aspects; accuracy, clarity, and naturalness. Nababan also explained that quality of translation associated with accuracy and readability Nababan (2008: 85-92) states that the purpose in the assessment was to analyze the strength and weakness point of translation product. Translation assessment focuses on three aspects; accuracy, clarity, and naturalness. Nababan also explained that quality of translation associated with accuracy and readability

Nababan in his journal (2010:4) presented that every aspect of quality assessment has different scale of grade. Table 2.1. Grade scale of quality assessment aspect


Graded quality aspect

1 Taken from Nababan (2010:4) Accuracy has the highest scale (three) because the basic concept of translation is a message transfer from source text to target text accurately. Acceptability has scale two relating to norm, and culture in target text. In some case, acceptability influences in accuracy. In other words, if a translation is less acceptable, it will be less accurate too. Readability has the lowest scale (one) because the problem is not related whether the text is easy to understand or not for the target reader. The target reader has no access to the source text. They only expect the target text to be much readable for them.

Accuracy is a measurement of correctness. Accuracy in assessment of translated text is correctness in transferring message from the source text to the target text. Shuttleworth and Cowie in their Dictionary of Translation (1997:44) put into words:

"Accuracy is a term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original. While it is usually refers to preservation of the information content of source text in target text, with an accurate translation being generally literal rather than free, its actual meaning in the context of a given translation must depend of the type of equivalence."

Shuttleworth and Cowie explained that accuracy deals with the content or the message of the text. Referring to the definition, it can be said that there are two things considered in accuracy. The first thing is the degree, and the second one is correctness.

2. Acceptability in Translation

Accept means agree to take. Acceptability in translation quality assessment is the ability of the transferred information to be recognized by the readers based on knowledge and environment surroundings in their language. It relates to the naturalness of translation text to the target reader. Acceptability deals with the linguistic and the cultural bounds of the target reader.

A translator needs to comprehend the norms of the source language and

the target reader before he/she translates a text. The translation text will consider acceptable if it is to read as an original written in target language and sound natural to the target readers. Nida and Taber state “the best translation does not sound like a translation” (1974:4). The major factor of the acceptability is the the target reader before he/she translates a text. The translation text will consider acceptable if it is to read as an original written in target language and sound natural to the target readers. Nida and Taber state “the best translation does not sound like a translation” (1974:4). The major factor of the acceptability is the

Another statement about acceptability is defined by Toury (1980:80) “Translations which lean towards acceptability can thus be thought of

as fulfilling the requirement of ‘reading as an original’ rather than ‘reading as the original’ and consequently generally have a more natural ‘feel’”.

Toury was using the term “acceptability” to criticize the traditional theory of translation, which is oriented to the source text. He suggested the target-text- oriented approach, and recommends the translation belongs primarily to the target literary system.

3. Readability in Translation

The word “read” means understand. Readability in translation quality assessment is the ability of a target text to be understood grammatically as the original by the target reader. According to Richard et al. in Nababan (2008:62) readability was ‘how easily written materials can be read and understood’. In here, the readers are the readability determinant of a translated text.

Dale and Chall (1949 in Dubai 2004:3) provide the detail being lacking in general definition about readability:

“The total (including all the interactions) of all those elements within

a given piece of printed material that affects the success a group of readers have with it. The success is the extent to which they understand it, read it at an optimal speed, and find it interesting.”

Readability relates to competence of the readers in understanding the element of the text. It means the higher of readability level, the easier for the readers to read and understand the translation. Readability can be determined by

difficult vocabulary, the length of the sentence, the grammatical and language complexities used in the text, and text organization. In short, readability is closely related to how easy a target text can be understood by the reader about the grammar and the structure. Richard et al. in Nababan (2003:63) states that there are factors influencing readability level in translation. They were average sentence long, the total of new words, and complex grammatically used language. Nababan (2003:64-78) adds several factors in readability; new words, vernacular, foreign language, equivocal words, incomplete sentence, average length of sentence, Incoherent train of thought, and complex sentence.

a. New words Sometimes new words make the reader difficult to understand the messages. New words are words that are strange or uncommon for them. It will decrease the readability level of a text. For example the words sangkil and mangkus that are introduced by linguist only known in several groups of people.

b. Vernacular There are many texts use vernacular including newspaper and magazine. For some readers, they will confuse because they cannot understand the meaning of the vernacular.

Sometimes, foreign language found in a text, especially in short story or novel. For example, novel entitled Ayat-Ayat Cinta tells about an Indonesian student who studies in Al-Azhar, Egypt. In the story, there are several dialogues using Egyptian. It will make the reader cannot understand the text well.

d. Equivocal words Equivocal word has more than one meaning. Susilowati (2010:43) provides an example of equivocal; “The truck driver stopped at the pub and drained the dragon”. The sentence has two meanings, the truck driver stopped at the pub and drained the radiator, or the truck driver stopped at the pub and go to the toilet. In Australia, drained the dragon is a euphemism of go to the toilet.

e. Incomplete sentence

A complete sentence commonly consists of subject, predicate, object and adverbial. If one of the components is missing, the sentence will become incomplete. Incomplete sentence can lead the readers in reading the text. For example is Panji, murid paling nakal di kelas. The sentence is not complete because there is no predicate in it, and it makes the sentence ambiguous.

f. average length of sentence Average length of sentence deals with how many words in every sentence. Long sentences are not always hard to understand. In several cases, short f. average length of sentence Average length of sentence deals with how many words in every sentence. Long sentences are not always hard to understand. In several cases, short

g. Incoherent train of thought In some cases, there are texts that written in good grammar, but have no coherent in the train of thought. It will make the text difficult to understand.

h. complex sentence Complex sentences have more than one idea written in a sentence. It also determines the readability level of a text.

D. Software Localization

Software localization is the process of redesigning the software to fit the requirements, so it can be received by the target market. Software localization according to Web Collins: (2002:74) is the translation and adaptation of software, including the software itself and all related product documentation, making the software more usable to target customers.

Software localization is more than just the translation of the user interface of the product. Translation process usually spends a lot of work hours and huge effort from the development teams. Some localizations process outsourced to specialized companies to reduce costs.

Software localization gives beneficials to developers and users. For the developers, software localization helps them to enter the global market and sell their product in other countries. For users, they can understand a product and manage it more properly, use it more efficiently and less in making mistakes.

software. The translator ignores localization and their specific elements like date and number format, address structure, etc., and the translator fails to use simple and familiar text to the most people.

E. UCweb Browser

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