Gigin Rahmat Ginanjar, 210110080050, Socialization of Traditional
Market’s Revitalization Program, Main Advisor Dr. Asep Suryana, M.Si.
Assistant Advisor Agus Setiaman, S.Sos., M.Ikom. Department of Communication
Management, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University.
This study was conducted to determine why and how the socialization of
traditional market’s revitalization program done by stakeholders of pasar sehat
Cileunyi, Bandung Regency, West Java.
The method used is descriptive research . Techniques of data collection
through observation and in-depth interviews with informants who are Related
Units head of Diskoperindag , traders and market managers in Pasar Sehat
Cileunyi. Then the study of literature related to this research
The results of this study illustrate the process of socialization itself is done
with advance notice through a circular to all the traders and also the holding of
meetings between traders with relevant stakeholders where the meeting to explain
clearly the information on the revitalization of traditional markets . and the
background alone is to market conditions become better , and also a healthy
market as a means to strengthen biosecurity Cileunyi food in the market . Then
the meaning of the revitalization itself is a government attempt to add value or to
optimize the functioning of the market back in certain ways between the use of the

only ways to renovate or rebuild from scratch
