The Object of the Research Place and time Method of the Study Population and Sample Instrument of the research



This chapter presents the description of the research method used in this research, includes the objective of study, place and time of research, method of the study, population and sample, instrument of research, and technique of data collecting.

A. The Object of the Research

The object of the research is the third year student of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. First grade consists of 120 students which divided into three classes; second grade consists of 136 students which divided into three classes. Third grade consist of 121 students. So the write just consist third grade A consist of 36 student. In the field research, to make the writer easier in analyzing the data. The writer did the observation, by giving the test and questioner to find out some difficulties face by students in learning present perfect tense.

B. Place and time

The writer did the research at SMP Puspita Bangsa that is located at Aria Putra Street no 9 Ciputat, Tangerang. The writer did the research from January 27 th up to February 24 th 2010. 29

C. Method of the Study

This paper is written based on case study and field research: In this case the writer took SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat Tangerang as place for investigation to be discussed. In field research the writer observed some difficulties and problem of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat the third year student in learning process of Present Perfect tense after collecting and processing the data the writer did the observation and gave the test to the students by giving the question to find out some data from the students. The would like to offer an alternative to solve the problem.

D. Population and Sample

In this research the writer took the population of the third year students of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat consisting of 3 classes 3a, 3b and 3c. The total population is about 121 students. In sample. The writer did not take all the population. The writer took one class as a sample that is in the third class A of 36 students when the writer was doing the research.

E. Instrument of the research

In this study, the writer used instruments to get the data needed, they are : a. Observation. It is used to see exactly the classroom atmosphere of class IX-A in teaching-learning activities by observing the English teaching, the 30 textbook that used by teacher and students, English teaching-learning process included the problem faced by students in understanding the English lesson, especially present perfect tense. b. Test. The test helps to the teacher understand, the students, plan learning experiences for them, and determine the extent to which the instructional objectives are being achieved. c. Questioner. The data of this study is also collected by using questioner, such as the reasons why the students find difficuties in learning present perfect tense.

F. Technique of Data Collecting