An Error Analysis on student's learning in present perfect tense






A Case Study at the First Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. in English

Language Education


Erka Cahyanti

NIM. 105014000335












A Case Study at the First Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. in English

Language Education

Approved by advisor:

Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil, M.Ag NIP. 19560506 199003 1 002








The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

certified that the ‗Skripsi’ (Scientific) entitle “An Error Analysis on Students’

Learning in Present Perfect Tense(A Case Study at the first Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat) written by Erka Cahyanti, student’s registration number: 105014000335, was examined at examination session of state Islamic university (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on Wednesday, 8 June, 2011, and was declared to have passed. This “Skripsi” has fulfilled one of the requirements for academic title of “S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art)” in English Language Education at the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, 8 June 2011 Examination Committee

Chairman : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. NIP: 19641212 199103 1 002

Secretary : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

NIP: 19730625 199903 2 001

Examiners : 1. Drs. H. Bahrul Hasibuan, M.Ed

2. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd.

NIP: 19700611 199101 2 001

Acknowledged by:

Dean of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training Faculty

Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA.




Erka Cahyanti. “An Error Analysis on Students’ learning in Present Perfect Tense (A Case Study at the First Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang- Ciputat)., Strata 1 (S1). English Education Department,

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State

Islamic University, Jakarta, 2011. Advisor : Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil, M.Ag

Key words: Error analysis, learning, present perfect tense

This study describes the students’ error in learning present perfect tense at the first grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang – Ciputat. The objective of this research is to find out some errors in form and usage of present perfect tense. In doing the research, the writer used quantitative method and the technique to collect the data are test, observation and interview. The responden of this research is the first grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat. The writer gave the forty students the test that consists of 25 items, 15 items in the form of present perfect tense and 10 items in the usage. Finally, The finding of the research is that the first year students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani did some errors in using the form of present perfect tense and the usage. The result is from overall responded that 48% students did errors in the form of have/has, 28% students did errors in the form of

regular verb, 55% students did errors in the of irregular verb and 58.75% students did errors in the usage of present perfect tense. In short, from the data got it showed that the students did errors most is in the usage of present perfect tense (they did mistake in differentiating between the use of present perfect tense and past tense).




Erka Cahyanti. “An Error Analysis on Studentslearning in Present Perfect Tense (Studi kasus di Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang- Ciputat) Strata 1 (S1). Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2010.

Advisor : Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil, M.Ag.

Key Words: Analisa Error, Belajar, Present Perfect Tense

Penelitian ini menggambarkan kesalahan siswa dalam belajar present perfect tense di kelas satu Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang- Ciputat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui beberapa kesalahan siswa dalam belajar present perfect tense khususnya dalam bentuk dan penggunaanya. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini penulis mengunakan metode kuantitatif dan teknik yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan test, observasi dan interview sebagai instrumen. Adapun responden penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas satu Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang- Ciputat. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, penulis memberikan butir soal test bahasa inggris yang terdiri dari 25 butir soal pilihan ganda (15 butir soal tentang bentuk present perfect tense dan 10 butir soal tentang penggunaan present perfect tense dan past tense). Dari penelitian ini penulis menemukan bahwa siswa kelas satu Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani melakukan kesalahan dalam bentuk present perfect tense dan penggunaannya. Dengan perolehan hasil yang didapatkan dari keseluruhan responden bahwa 48% siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam bentuk have/has, 28% siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam bentuk regular verb, 55% siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam bentuk irregular verb dan terakhir 58.75% siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam penggunaan present perfect tense dan

past tense. Kesimpulan dari data yang diperoleh yaitu kesalahan siswa yang paling banyak adalah dalam penggunaan present perfect tense (dalam membedakan penggunaan antara present tense dan present perfect tense).




In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful

Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the writer thanks to Allah SWT, Lord of the universe who has given the writer some mercies and blessing until the

writer could finish the “Skripsi” entitled “An Error Analysis on Students’

Learning in Present Perfect Tense” at the first year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang- Ciputat properly. Moreover, peace and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW and his family, his companions, and his followers.

This “Skripsi” is proposed as one of the requirements to have Strata 1

degree (S1) of English Education (S.Pd.)

In this lovely opportunity, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and thanks to her beloved mother Darojah and her beloved father almarhum Darkiyan who have given her greatest love, prayer, financial,

motivation and support in finishing this “Skripsi”. Her lovely sisters Windaroh,

Wiwit Andriyani, Siti Suci Rahayu, and lovely brothers Saefuddin, Imam Sahara, and Riza Ade Saputra for their love and kindness. The writer also would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her advisor Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil M.Ag. for his guidance, corrections, suggestion, and kindness in compiling this


In finishing this “Skripsi” the writer gets much valuable help from many much grateful to:

1. All lecturers of English Education Department who have dedicated themselves for education and taught the writer during her study in State Islamic University.

2. The chairman of English Education Department, Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and his secretary, Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

3. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA. As the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and



4. The headmaster of Madrasah Aliyah Mantofani, Drs. M.Cholil, who allowed the writer to do research in his school.

5. The English teacher Mr. Yadi S.Pd., who allowed and helped the writer to do research

6. The staffs of all libraries; the faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

library, the Catholic University of Atmajaya’s library and PKBB (Pusat

Kajian Budaya dan Bahasa) Atmajaya. She thanks them for providing the sources to fulfill the references of the writing

7. All friends in English Department especially class B for academic year 2005 for their cheerfulness, support and prayer, may Allah bless them all 8. My friends who give contribution: Anita, Mimin Haryati, Oim, Sri rizki. I

do appreciate it. Thank you

9. All people who have given their help in writing this “Skripsi” that writer could not mention one by one, may Allah bless all of you

May this “Skripsi” can be useful for the writer in particular, and for the readers in general. The writer realizes that this “Skripsi” is far from

being perfect. Therefore, the writer would like to accept any suggestion for valuable improvement in another research. Finally, the writer thanks very much to them all.

Jakarta, 20th November 2010















CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ...1

B. Limitation of the Problem ...4

C. Formulation of the Problem ...5

D. Significant of the Study ...5

E. Organization of Writing ...6


1. The Understanding of Error ...7

2. Cause of Error ...7

3. Distinction between Mistake and Error...10

4. Goal of Error ...11



6. Procedures of Analysis ...15

B. Tense ...16

1. The Understanding of Tense ...17

2. The Types of Tense ...17

C. Present Perfect Tense ...19

1. The Understanding of Present Perfect Tense ...19

2. The Form of Present Perfect Tense ...21

3. The Usage of Present Perfect Tense...27

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Objective of Research ...31

B. Place and Time of Research ...31

C. Method of the Research ...31

D. The Subject of the research ...31

E. Instrument of the Research...31

F. The Technique of Data Collection ...32

G. The Technique of Data Analysis ...32


B. Data Analysis ...36

C. Data Interpretation ...44


B. Suggestion ...47





Table 2.1 : Procedures of Error Analysis ... 16

Table 2.2 : Example of affirmative sentence ... 22

Table 2.3 : Example of affirmative sentence with be ... 23

Table 2.4 : Example of negative sentence ... 24

Table 2.5 : Example of negative sentence with be ... 24

Table 2.6 : Example of Interrogative sentence... 25

Table 2.7 : Example of interrogative sentence with be ... 25

Table 2.8 : Example of interrogative- negative sentence ... 26

Table 2.9 :Example of interrogative-negative sentence with be ... 27

Table 2.10 : The Difference between Present Perfect and Simple Past .. 28

Table 4.1 : Areas tested of form and usage in present perfect tense ... 34

Table 4.2 : Students’ score of test result ... 35

Table 4.3 : Frequency of Error in the form of present perfect tense ... 36

Table 4.4 : Frequency of Error in the usage of present perfect tense.... 38

Table 4.5 : Specific frequency of errors in the form of present perfect tense ... 39

Table 4.6 : specific frequency of errors in the usage of present perfect tense ... 40




Appendix 1 : The instruments test ... 49 Appendix 2 : The key answer ... 52 Appendix 3 : Instrument Interview/ wawancara ... 53 Appendix 4 : Surat Pernyataan telah melakukan Penelitian di sekolah .... 54 Appendix 5 : Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ... 55 Appendix 6 : Pengajuan Judul Skripsi ... 56









Background of the Study

English is known as one of the International language in the world. It is a tool or an aid to communicate with other people. In community life, language is very important, because language is means of communication for mutual making relationship or sharing experience.

Moreover, in present day, English language becomes the language learnt by people in every country over the world, such as Indonesia. Teaching English language is known as teaching of foreign language. It could be said that Indonesian language is as the mother tongue language of students; and English language is as the target language studied by the students.

In Indonesia, English language must be learnt and it is one of compulsory subject in every education level, that is Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) or Junior High School, Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) or Senior High School, and even in Universities. In addition, English language includes as local content subject in education level of Sekolah Dasar (SD) or Elementary School in the country. The teaching process in education levels is based on the guideline of rules that stated by the government in the curriculum. The latest one named Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

(KTSP) or School Based Curriculum.

This curriculum provides some rules about teaching English for each level of education. It states the objective of the teaching learning process that


held in Draft of Badan Standarisasi Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) 12 April 2006 which consists of Standar Kompetensi (SK) or Standard Competence and Kompetensi Dasar (KD) or Basic Competence for each language skill – Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. They exactly explain about minimum materials should be reached as the out comes of the teaching process. It can conclude that the final objectives in teaching English are that students have competence in communicating both spoken and written.

Then, based on BSNP, for Senior High School level (the level in which the writer takes as the population, with its first year as the sample) there are some Standard Competences completed by their Basic Competences in each aspect of the four skills. Besides the four skills, the language components or sub-skills such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation etc. One of the sub skills that should be mastered in learning English by the learner is grammar.

Grammar should be taught appropriately because it is the basic element of the language and without the proper knowledge of grammar; the learners will find many problems to build up sentences to express their ideas in communication among the people. Scoot Thornbury in How to Teach Grammar stated: ”Grammar is partly the study of what forms (or structures)

are possible in a language. Traditionally, grammar has been concerned almost exclusively with analysis at the level of the sentences. Thus, a grammar is

description of the rules that govern how a language’s sentences are formed.”1 Penny Ur said in A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory that

“Grammar is a set of rules that define how words (parts of words) are

combined of changed to form acceptable units of meaning within a language” 2

and in another source stated that ”Grammar is the system of a language.”3 The students who learn English meet a number of problems, one of them is grammar. Some students think of grammar as rather boring subject


Scoot Thornbury, How to Teach Grammar, (United Kindom: Bluesstone Press, 1999),p.1


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1996), p. 87




when they learn English, they try to avoid the grammar because it is confusing and hard to understand. For some students who have lack of knowledge in grammar, of course they will become confused why the verb of a sentence must change; either it is Present, past or future. In talking grammar, one of the most important part to be learn is “tense”. “Tense is usually defined as relating to the time of an action, event or state”4. By tense, the students can know when the time action occurs, and their concept of time.

W. Stannard Allen in Living English Structure stated: “English has

three main divisions, past, present and future…”5

. Absolutely, the verb in English is influenced by the “time”, when it happens or will happen (past, present, or future). So, a verb should be related with the time. When the students want to tell a verb that is used to indicate an action that took place at an indefinite time or over a period of the time in the past, but still has

relevance in the present”6. It is called the present perfect tense.” And the most

common time expression is prepositional phrase beginning with for and since. Other such expressions include up to the present /now, many times, often, frequently, finally, already, etc.7

Indonesian language and English are different. In Indonesian language, there are no tense used as in English. When students say something happened in the past in Indonesian language, they used adverb of time to show the definite time (there is no change in the verb). Meanwhile, in English language, to show something happened, it could be used adverb of time to follow past tense (it is a must) and also could used none of adverb of time -or it is not important- to follow present perfect tense. Therefore, Indonesian students often do mistakes in differentiate the usage of both tense, past tense (finished time) and present perfect tense (unfinished time). For example the students usually say: “I have done my homework yesterday.” for present


Laurie Bauer, English Word Formation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), p.157.


W. Stannard Allen, Living English Structure, (London:Longman, 1987), p.175 6

George E. Wishon &Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, Revised edition, (New York: Litton Educational Publishing International, 1980), p.206



perfect tense, which grammatically is wrong, because that is because present perfect form is not stressing the time of the action. To express something happened in the past but still true at present is better to say “ I have done my

homework”. The most important things to remember about the present perfect is that it can never be used with adverbs which describe finished time periods, such as yesterday, five minutes ago and at three o’clock. If a time adverb is used with the present perfect, it should describe a time period which is unfinished.8 On the other hand, the most important in past tense form is stressing the definitive time of the action.

Then, from the student’s sentence above it means that when using the

verb as ”I have done my homework”, it must not be followed by the adverb of time “yesterday”, because it indicates the present perfect tense. Whereas in the use of present perfect tense, the adverb of time is not “important” to be used. It is different from past tense that is usually followed by adverb of time. As it

is stated by Martin Parrot in his book that is” learners generally have far more difficulty in using present tense correctly than in understanding them”.9

Consequently, learning present perfect tense is really important for the students in order to understanding its usage correctly, how they use it in sentences and to do not change into past tense. So, when the students want to make sentences that have happened or have done they should use the present perfect tense, for example: “I have done my homework”, without using past time. In this case, the writer is interested to analyze the students’ problem in

learning Present Perfect Tense”, because there are many students who still

have difficulties in understanding the simple perfect tense, and also they still have difficulty in using the right form of simple present perfect like the use of

have/has and the use of verb form like regular and irregular verb, and the usage (the use of time expression) of present perfect tense, and some students are still lack of knowledge of regular and irregular verb.


Oktober 2009 9

Martin Parrot, Grammar for English Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.162



Based on the problem mentioned above, the writer would like to

discuss about “An Error Analysis on Students’ Learning in Present Perfect Tense” ( A Case Study at the first year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat).


The Limitation of the Study

To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem, it is necessary to make the limitation of the problem; The writer limits the problem only on the students’ English difficulty in form and usage of present perfect tense done by students at the first grade of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang- Ciputat.


Formulating of the Study

Based on the limitation above, the writer would like to state the problem as follows: “What are the common mistake that is made by the students in learning present perfect tense?”


Significance of the Study

The finding (result) of this study are expected to give useful

information on students’ error which in turn, it can help teachers to correct the

students’ errors and also to improve methods or ways of their teaching.

The writer hopes this research will be useful for everyone who reads this research especially those interested in English education. Besides that, for the students, it could become a motivation to make better in future. It can also to encourage teachers to pay more attention on explaining the form and the usage of present perfect tense especially in distinguishing past tense and perfect tense. Moreover, it is as inputs too for the writer to identify what part of the language programs found difficult for students.



Organization of Writing

The writing of the skripsi will be systematically divided into five chapters. The first chapter will discuss about Introduction that conclude the background of the study, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, significance of the study and organization of writing.

The second chapter will explain about the theoretical framework. This chapter consists of three parts. Part one describes about Error Analysis which covers the definition of error, cause of error, distinction between error and mistake, goal of error, types of error, and procedures of Analysis. Part two is tense which covers the definition of tenses and the types of tense. The last is part three; it discusses about the present perfect tense which covers definition of Present Perfect, the form of Present Perfect and the Usage of present perfect tense.

The third chapter will discuss about research methodology. It consist of objective of the research, place and time of research, method of research, population and sample, instrument of the research, and the technique of data collection.

The fourth chapter will discuss about Research findings. It consists of data description, data analysis, and data interpretation.

The fifth chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion. It contains of the conclusion and suggestion.






Error Analysis


The Understanding of Error Analysis

Learning foreign language is different from learning one’s mother

tongue. Therefore, learners in the teaching process often made error and it is not only inevitable but also a necessary part of the language learning process.

As the learner of foreign language error can’t be a void ever the most

intelligent, conscientious and motivated students do some error and sometimes the native speaker also. The error made by students indicated that they are in the process of learning.

There are some definitions of error analysis. One of them is as stated by Carl James stated that “error analysis is the process of determining the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language”.1and Valentine Rido (2007) stated that when the children learn mother tongue sometimes use improper pronoun, ambiguous words, or incorrect word formation.2 It seems that, the learners are not only made error in foreign


Carl James, Error in Language and Use, (New York: Longman, 1998), p.1 2

Valentino Rido Rasmodjo, Types of Correction Supporting the Learner- Centered Learning in English Classes, (Fourth Conference English Studies: 26-27 November 2007), p.44


language, but also in their mother tongue, because error is a process of learning.

Error analysis is part of the methodology of psycholinguistic investigation of language learning.3 Thus, error analysis is significant in

developing students’ competence. Moreover, Brown wrote: the fact that learners do make error, and that these error can be observed, analyzed, and

classified to reveal something of the system operation within the learner’s

error, called error analysis.4

Based on the definitions previously, it can be concluded that error analysis is an investigation methodology in language learning for analyzing,

observing, and classifying learner’s error to give us indication in learning


2. Cause of Error

Errors occur for many reasons. One obvious cause is interference from the native language. One of strategies to prevent students from making the same error is by looking at the causes of error itself.

Pit Corder claims that there are three major causes of error, which he

labels ‗transfer error’, ‗analogical error,’ and ‗teaching-induced errors’. While Hubbard proposed the same categories with different names, they are.5 a. Mother-tongue interference

Although young children appear to be able to learn a foreign language quite easily and to reproduce new sound very effectively, older learners experiences considerable difficulty. The sound system (phonology) and the grammar of the first language impose themselves on the new language and

this lead to a “foreign” pronunciation, faulty grammatical patterns and,

occasionally, to the wrong choice of vocabulary.


S.p Corder, Error Analysis and Inter Language, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), p. 45


Brown, principle of language learning and teaching (New York: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1987)., p.206


Petter Hubbard, et al., A Training Course for TEFL, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983)., pp. 140-143



b. Overgeneralization

The mentalist theory claims that errors are inevitable because they reflect various stages in the language development of the learner. It claims that the learner processes new language data in his mind and produces rules for its production, based on the evidence. Where the data are inadequate, or the evidence only partial, such rules may produce incorrect pattern.

c. Error encouraged by teaching material or method

The teaching material or method can also contribute to the students errors. Behaviorism says error is evidence of failure, or in effective teaching or lack of control. If material is well chosen, graded and presented with meticulous case, there should never be any error.

The similar idea comes from Douglas Brown, he distinguishes the causes of error into four causes. He labels; inter lingual transfer, intra lingual transfer, context of learning and communication strategies.6

a. Inter lingual Transfer

Inter lingual transfer is a significant source of error for all learners. The beginning stages of learning a second language are especially vulnerable to inter lingual transfer from the native language, or interference. In these early stages, before the system of second language is familiar, the native language is the only previous linguistic system upon which the learner can draw.

b. Intra lingual Transfer

Intra lingual transfer (within learning a second language) is a major factor in second language learning. Researcher have found that early stages of language learning are characterized by a predominance of interference ( Inter lingual transfer), but once learner have begun to acquire parts of the new system, more and more intra lingual transfer. Generalization within the target language – is manifested. As learners progress in the second language, their previous experience.

c. Context of learning



In a classroom context, the teacher or textbook can lead the learner to make faulty hypothesis about the language. Students often make errors because of misleading explanation of the teacher, faulty presentation of a structure or word in a textbook, or even because of a pattern that was rottenly memorized in a drill but improperly contextualized.

d. Communication Strategies

Communication strategies were defined are related to learning style. Learners obviously use production strategies in order to enhance getting their message across, but at times these techniques can make themselves become a source of error.

Mean while, Richard distinguishes three causes of error as follows: a. Interference errors as a result of the use of element from one language

while speaking another.

b. Intra lingual errors reflect the general characteristics of rule learning such as faulty generalization, in complete application of rule and failure to learn condition under which rules apply.

c. Development errors occur when the learner attempts to build up hypotheses about the target language on the basis of limited experience.7

3. Distinction between Mistake and Error

Most of people misunderstanding about errors and mistakes; they think they are in the same meaning. So we need to distinguish errors and

mistakes. Errors reflect gaps in a learner’s knowledge; they occur because the

learner does not know what is correct. Mistakes reflect occasional lapses in performance; they occur because, in particular instance, the learner is unable to perform what he or she knows.

Brown defines error and mistake. According to him an error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflects the


Rod Ellis, Second Language Acquisition, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 58



competence of the learner. And mistake is a “slip,” a failure to utilize a known system correctly, and mistakes can be self-corrected.8

Based on the definition above the writer concludes that students make error because they do not know of the knowledge about what they write, and they can not recognize it unless other people, their friends or their teachers tell and correct them. And for mistake, actually the students have known

about what they write but they just ‗slip up’ and do mistake. In this case,

students are able to correct and realize their own mistake.

4. Goal of Error Analysis

According to Heidi Dulay and his friends, there are two major

purposes in studying learners’ errors:

1)Provides data from which inferences about the nature of the language learning process can be made

2)Indicates to teacher and curriculum developers which part of the target language students have most difficulty producing correctly and which

error types detract most from a learner’s ability to communicate


Rod Ellis states that helping learners to learn a L2 by evaluating errors is the purpose of error analysis.10 It means that after the research found the error that students make, it is important to evaluate them and explain to learners so they will not do the same errors in another time. And then, they will understand and learn L2 better than before.


Douglas Brown, Principle of Learning and Teaching, (New York: Prentice hall, Inc, 1987), p.217


Heidi Dulay, Marina Burt, and Stephen Krashen, Language Two, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), p. 138



5. Types of Error

There are three main types of errors. They are lexical errors, grammatical errors, and phonological error.11

According to Muhammad S. Haded in his book The Merit of

Exploiting Error Analysis in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, “

types of error are divided into five:”12 a. The Omission of Auxiliary

This type of error is likely caused by mother tongue interference. The error that figured prominently in the students’ answer, either in the progressive or perfect structure.

Example: Mary eaten while Rosale do washing up Please wait till w finished our work b. Incorrect verb forms

Includes the wrong formation of past tense of finite verbs and verb. Phrases that have the participle past auxiliary. The error that appeared to be a systematic is the over-generalization of pas tense form.

Example: When we arrived to the city, We all feeled tired They leaved just now.

The students sometimes have problem with past participle formation. This fault could be attributed to intra-lingual confusion since in some cases the subjects applied the past tense marked” –ed” of regular form to irregular ones.

c. Unmarked third person singular verb

The students are also sometimes fail to mark the third person singular verb in the simple present tense.

Example : He wash his clothes by himself Most of children like candy.


Valentino Rido Rasmodjo, Types of Correction Supporting the Learner-Centered Learning …


Moh S. Haded, The Merits of Exploiting Error Analysis in Foreign Language Teaching andLearning, (RELC. Journal, vol.29, Singapore: SEAMEO Regional language Center, 1998), pp. 60-63



Haded think that errors is not a case of mother tongue interference but it can be attributed to intra lingual difficulty. He also says it make be a consequence of the influence of teaching technique in the sense that Error =( in the speech or writing of a second or foreign language learners) they use of linguistic item( e.g. a word, a grammatical item, a language regards as showing faulty or incomplete learning. Distinction is sometimes made between errors which result from incomplete knowledge and mistake made by a learner when writing or speaking and which is caused by lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other aspect performance.13

As an addition Carl James states that an error arises only when there is no attention to commit one. He also draws distinction between error and

mistake, he says, “the learner is inclined and able to correct a fault in his /her out put, it is assumed that the form he /she selected was not the one intended, and we shall say that the fault is mistake. If, on the other hand, the learner is unable or in anyway disinclined to make the correction, we assume that the form the learner used was one it intended and that is an


On the other hand, Corder defines, “an err or Is a breach of the

language’s code, resulting in an unacceptable utterance: with L2 learners

occur because the learners have not yet internalized the information rules of the code. While mistakes or lapses are the result of some failure of performance. They occur when the language user makes a slip such as false star or a confusion of structure.15

For this paper the writer adopts the definition of error as a noticeable deviation resulting from incomplete knowledge which reveals a portion of

learners’ competence in the target language. While a mistake refers to performance error that is either a random guess or a “slip”, in that it is a


Jack Ricard, et al, Longaman Dictionary of Language Teaching and appliedLinguistic, (London: Longman, 1992), p. 127


Carl James, Error in language learning and use: Exploring Error Analysis, (New York: Addision Wesley Longman limited, 1998), p.78


Keith Johnson and Helen Johnson, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistic


failure to utilize a known system correctly. Classroom drills of the form do not make sufficient distinction between marked and marked forms.

d. Wrong tense sequence

In this case, the wrong tense sequence is coordinate structure. Many students often make wrong tense application.

Example: He does not go to school yesterday

Rebecca has always been a good girl before she got married. This type of error is not mother tongue inference but mostly due to ignorance of target language restriction on tense sequence.

e. Miscellaneous

Another type of errors gathered from the study demonstrate a

systematic use, for example the use of “be+ infinitive” in: 1) Honey bee are attack people who approach their lives. 2) Almost every child is like ice cream.

Betty Azar in her book understanding and using English grammar give guidance for correcting writing errors. In the book, the types of error are explained more details. The errors are classified as:

Singular-plural, word form, word choice, verb tense, add a word, omit the word, word order, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, article and meaning not clear, in complete sentence, and run-on sentence.16

Nicos N. Michaelides also draws the types of error. According to him the types of error are:

1. Error of performance

Performance is what actually occurs in practice. Errors performance are errors that occurs in speaker’s performance. This types of error is the result of the mistake language use and manifest themselves as:

a. Repeat, for example; they asked me to keep to keep the bottle away. b. Anticipation, for example; on Wednesday he always buys two loaves of



Betty S. Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey: Prentice hall, Inc, 1989), p.29



c. A correlation and repeated, for example; they wanted they said they wanted to leave.17

These error are unsystematic and not very serious problem because the student themselves can correct. These errors are attributed to carelessness, lapse of memory, sick or emotion state.

2. Error of competence

Competence is knowing what is grammatically right. Errors of competence are the result of application rules by the learners of the language that do not (yet) correspond to the foreign language norm. these errors are persistent and systematic and in consequence serious and their treatment calls for careful analysis to discover their causes.

6. Procedures of Error Analysis

In the language teaching, either a native language/ a second language

teaching, study about students’ errors is very important. There are some

procedures in error analysis, namely:

1) Identification of errors, the first step in the process of analysis is recognition/ identification of errors. In this step teachers recognize the

students’ errors from the task give by the teachers.

2) Description of errors, the next step is the describing errors. It begins when an identification stage has taken place. The description of student errors involves classification of kinds of errors made by the students.

3) Explanation of errors, the third step in the process of analysis is the explanation of error that can be regarded as a linguistic problem. This step attempts to account for how and why the students’ errors happen.

4) Evaluation of errors, in this step, the teacher gives evaluation from the task done by the students depends on the task that teacher will be giving to the students.


Ratnawati, Error Analysis on Students Narrative Writing, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2004), p.8


5) Preventing/ correction of error, finally the last step in the process of analysis is correction of error when the teacher checks the result from the task done by the studesnts. And then the teacher gives the correct answer from the errors has been done by the students.18

Table 2.1

The Procedures of Error Analysis

Identification of error

Description and error classification

Explanation Correction

I watch TV


Simple past tense -Omission of –ed

The verb “watch”

should be past form.

I watched TV yesterday.

He is owing me six thousands rupiah.


- Inappropriate verb construction

“owe” is a stative verb and doesn’t require

the -ing participle.

He owes me six thousands rupiah.




The Understanding of Tense

The word “tense” is derived ultimately from the Latin word ”tempus” meaning “time”.19 Tense commonly refers to the time of the situation which relates to the situation of the utterance or at the moment of speaking.

There are many definitions of tense. One of them is as stated by Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik stated that by tense we understand the correspondence between the form of the verb and our concept of time ( past, present, or future).20 And Michael Swan stated that “the verb-forms which show differences in time are called tense. Tense are formed either by


Theo Van Els and friends, Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages, (London: a Division of Hodder & Stoughton, 1983), p.47


John Lyons, Linguistics Semantic An Introduction, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1995), p.312


Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar of English, (London: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), 3rd ed., p.415



changing the verb (e.g know, knew; work, worked),or by adding auxiliry verbs (e.g will know; had worked)”.21

In Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, tense is defined as a form taken by a verb to indicate the time at which the action or state is viewed as accruing.22 In another source it is said that “tense is the form of a verb that shows us when the action or state happens (past, present or future). The name of a tense is not always a guide to when the action happens. The "present continuous tense", for example, can be used to talk about the present or the future.23

Tense refers to the indication of time by the form of the verb or verb phrase, ie whether an action is a present, past or future one.24 Based on the definitions above, the writer concludes that tense is a verb-form that is indicates the time at which a state happens or the action.

2. Types of Tense

Tense is used to show the relation between the action or state described by the verb and the time, which is reflected in the form of the verb. There are two basic tenses in English; the present tense and the past tense.25 The present is like the base form, although the verb of the third person singular is added -s. Regular verbs are added -ed or -d to show the past tense, while irregular verbs change in many different ways, or not at all in some cases.

The time that a verb shows is usually called tense. The most common tenses are the simple present, past and future. In addition, there are nine other


Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980), p.604


Silvia Chalker and Admund Weiner, The Oxford of English Grammar, (NY: OUP, 1998), P.395

23,16 th of November,2009 24

Kam Chuan Aik and Kam Kai Hui, Longman Dictionary of Grammar and Usage, (Singapore: Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd, 1992), p.294



tenses, that enable to express more specific ideas about the time.26 Furthermore, Azar stated in more detailed overview the English verb tenses as the simple tense, the progressive tenses, the perfect tenses and the perfect progressive tenses.27

There are four types of verb tense in English: the Simple, the Continuous, the Perfect, and the Perfect Continuous. Each type of tense has a Present, a Past, and a Future form, as well as other modal forms.

Thus, just as there are four present tenses in English, there are also four past tenses: the Simple Past, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect, and the Past Perfect Continuous.28

Based on the explanation above, the writer agrees with the statement of John Langan. So, the writer concludes that there are twelve verb tenses, and examples of each tense. They are :



Present I work

Past Howard worked on the lawn

Future You will work overtime this week

Present perfect Gail has worked hard on the puzzle They have worked well together

Past perfect They had worked eight hours before their shift ended

Future perfect The volunteers will have worked many unpaid hours

Present progressive I am not working today, you are working the second shift

Past progressive She was working outside


John Langan, Sentence Skills, form A, (New York: Mc. Graw Hill Companies, Inc, 2003), 7ed, pp. 188-189


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989), pp.2-7




The plumbers were working here this morning

Future progressive The sound system will be working by tonight

Present perfect progressive Married life has not been working out for that couple

Past perfect progressive I had been working overtime until recently

Future perfect progressive My sister will have been working at that store for eleven straight months by the time she takes a vocation next week.

The perfect tenses are formed by adding have, has, or had to the past participle (the form of the verb that ends, usually, in –ed). The progressive tenses are formed by adding am, is, are, was, or were to the present participle (the form of the verb that ends in –ing). The perfect progressive tense are formed by adding have been, has been, or had been to the present participle.




The Understanding of Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect tense is one of the more difficult English tenses to use well or even correctly. However, it is not as difficult as it is often made, and many of the problems students have with it are the result of the inadequate explanations usually given in material books.

In linguistics, the perfect tense is the past tense used to describe completed (thus "perfect") actions in the past.29 According to Betty Azar

stated that ”the present perfect expresses the idea that something happened ( or never happened) before now at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time it happened is not important. It also, expresses the repetition of an activity before now. It also when used for and since, expresses a situation that began in the past and continuous to the present.30

29 30


The present perfect simple tense is used to talk about a past time, which has very strong meaning for the present.31

Figure 2.1

Present Perfect Simple Timeline

Present Perfect Simple

Used to show unfinished time

I have studied English twice this week.

For example:

Q) Where's Jane?

A) She has gone out. She should be back in an hour.

The present perfect tense expresses an action that began in the past and has recently been completed or is continuing in the present.32 The present perfect tense is a perfect tense used to express action that has been completed with respect to the present. (The word perfect in its name refers to the idea of completion—of being now finished—rather than to perfection in the sense of "no flaws".).33 "I have finished" is an example of the present perfect. The present perfect is a compound tense in English (and in many other languages), meaning that it is formed by combining an auxiliary verb with the main verb. For example, in modern English, it is formed by combining a present-tense form of the auxiliary verb "to have" with the past participle of the main verb.

31,thrusday,18 th of Juni 2009


John Langan, Sentence Skill form A ..., p.190 33



In the above example, "have" is the auxiliary verb, whereas the past participle "finished" is the main verb. Another example:

The boy took an English test. (Emphasis is on the fact that the boy took an English test.) The boy has taken an English test. (Emphasis is on the present state of the boy, resulting from the fact that he saw the car.)

Actually, the present perfect tense and simple past tense are used for past actions or states, but the present perfect describes the present state of the subject as a result of a past action or state (i.e., the subject is being talked about in the present), whereas the simple past describes solely a past action or state of the subject (i.e., the subject is being talked about in the past).

From the definitions above the writer concludes that the present perfect tense is used to expresses a situation began in the past and continued to the present or it designates action which began in the past but which continues into the present or the effect of which still continues.

2. The Form of Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect tense is a rather important to learn for students because the students have to know the difference between the regular and irregular verbs. Some of the students have confused in using of the present prefect tense. In fact, the structure of the present perfect tense is very simple. The problems come with the use of the tense.

Structurally the term perfect signifies that a form of have accompanies a verb as an auxiliary.34 In addition, George E. Wishon and Julia M. Burks

stated that “ the present perfect tense is a construction made up the auxiliary

have+the past form of the main verb”.35

The simple present perfect is formed with the auxiliary verb “have” in the corresponding form for the subject of the sentence, followed by the


Marcela Frank, Modern English: a Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall), p.77


George E.Wishon and Julia M.Burks, Let Write English, Revised Edition, (New York: Linton Educational, 1980), p.206


participle of the main verb.36 And Raymond Murphy stated that,” the present perfect tense is formed with have/has + the past participle.”37

According to A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet ”the present perfect tense is formed with the present tense of have/has + the past participle, for negative is formed by adding not to the auxiliary. The interrogative is formed

by inverting the auxiliary and subject”.38

Basically, the present perfect tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb of have and the past participle from of the main verb (have/has+ past participle (the form of regular and irregular verb) and it is commonly accompanied by definite time words such as since and for.

The writer formulates the form of Present Perfect Tense into three types of sentences, they are: affirmative, negative, and interrogative.

a. Affirmative

1) To make an affirmative statement of the verb other than be, it is used design of the following formula:


Table 2.2

Subject Have/has Past participle

I Have finished my homework You Have seen the movies

We Have had eaten

Selly Has studied English Fahri Has played football


November 2009 37

Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 2nd ed., p.14


A.J Thomson A.V Martinet, A practical English Grammar, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986) 4th ed., p.165



2) To make an affirmative statement of the verb be, it is used the design of the followingformula


Table 2.3

Subject Have/ has


I have been here since morning You have been sick for a week They have been in Japan since 1997 Mr. Brown has been to Moscow

Alisya has been married twice

The basic form of the present perfect tense: S + have/has + past participle. The auxiliary of have is used when I, you, we, they, or a plural noun (e.g., students) as subject. The auxiliary of has is used when she, he, it, or a singular noun (e.g. Daniel) as subject. With pronouns, have is contracted to apostrophe + ve (‗ve ) and has to apostrophe+ s (‗s),39 ( e.g. He’s worked

as teacher and they’ve played football) b. Negative

1) To make a negative statement of the verb other than be, it is used the design of the following formula:


Betty S. Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents, 1986), 2nd ed., p.33

S + have/has + been + …



Table 2.4

Subject Have/has Not Past Participle

I have not seen the movie You have not gone to Bali The kids have not played the dolls Linday has not studied English It has not broken

2) To make a negative statement of the verb be, it is used design the following formula:

Examples :

Table 2.5

Subject Have/ Has

Not Been

I have not been here for a year You have not been in the library

We have not been in Mexico

Mr. John has not been Married for two year Mrs. Mita has not been here since


c. Interrogative

1) To make an interrogative statements of the verb other than be, it is used the design of the following is the formula:

S + have/has + not +been + …



Example :

Table 2.6

Have/has Subject Past participle

Have you watched the horror movie? Have they gone to Bali?

Has she studied English? Has fanny finished the test?

2) To make an interrogative affirmative statement of verb be, it is used the design of the following is formula:

Example :

Table 2.7

Have/has Subject Been

Have you been here for two days? Have they been at hospital since 9 am? Have the children been at school since morning? Has Margarita been to


this afternoon?

Has Mr. John been to Bali this holiday?

3) To make an interrogative negative statement of verb other than be, the following formula is used:

Have/has + S + been + …?


Example :

Table 2.8

Haven’t/hasn’t Subject Past participle

Haven’t I studied English ?

Haven’t we played the card?

Hasn’t uncle visited to mother’s house?

Hasn’t Mrs. Tuti taught history since 2 p.m? 4) To make an interrogative negative statement of verb be, the auxiliary

the negative haven’t/hasn’t is put before the subject. The formula is:

Example :

Table 2.9

Haven’t/hasn’t Subject been

Haven’t the students been at school Since morning?

Haven’t we been in the garden for half hour?

Haven’t they been to the museum today? Hasn’t Fahri been at home since 2. p.m?

Hasn’t She been to England this holidays?

The present perfect tense can be used to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now, the exact time is not important. It cannot be used with specific time expression such as: yesterday, last week, a three years ago; in the other hand, it can be used with unspecific expressions such as: never, ever, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.

Therefore, from the description above the writer can conclude, the present perfect tense is result that can still felt after the something have done, for example: I have already eaten, and the result is “that’s why I don’t feel

hungry anymore”.



3. The Usage of The Present Perfect Tense

The perfect tenses are used when an action or situation in the present is linked to a moment in the past. It is often used to show things that have happened up to now but are not finished yet or to emphasize that something happened but is not true anymore.

In addition, the present perfect tense is used to talk about experience that have done it in his/her life and it is not important if she/he did it. And adverb of time to talk experience are ever and never, beside that the present perfect tense is used to talk about an action which started in the past and continuous up to now, the adverb of time is often used with since and for to say how to long the action has lasted and it is used to talk about action that has the result in the present, the adverb of time often used is just, already and yet.

Perfect tenses are never used something happened such as yesterday, last year etc. But can be used when discussing the duration of something i.e.

often, for, always, since etc. The most important thing to remember about the present prefect is that it can never be used with adverbs which describe finished time periods, such as yesterday, five minutes ago, and at three o’clock. If a time adverb is used with the present prefect, it should describe a time period which is unfinished. As an example including today and this week. They are:

I’ve been to the shops twice already today

I went to the shops before Toy arrived

Thomson and Martinet pointed out, that “present perfect tense may be used to be a sort of mixture of present an past, it always implies a strong connection with the present and is chiefly used in conversation, letter,

newspaper, and radio reports”.40

Michael Swan in Practical English Usage stated that: the use of the present perfect are:


A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A practical English Grammar, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), p.166


a. The present perfect simple is often used to talk about finished actions and events. This normally happens when the past events have some present importance, and when we could make a present tense sentence (with a similar meaning) about the same situation

b. The present perfect is also used to talk about past actions which are not

recent, but which are ‗still with us’ as part of our experience and


Here is the time expression in present perfect tense

a. the present perfect tense is often used with ’indefinite’ time expressions which mean “at any time up to now” or “by now”. Example are: ever, never, yet, already, before.

In negative sentences, when we say that things have not happened, since and for are often used. e.g. I haven’t seen a film for weeks, she hasn’t written to me since September

b. ‗definite’ time expressions(like today, this week, this morning) are not often used with the present perfect when we talk about finished even. The present perfect is not used when are thinking about a particular finished point of time.41

From the discussion above it can be known that present perfect tense is focused on the action that happened in the past but related to the present moment. It is used commonly to show that the action has just been completed, or at least the effect of the action is still felt at the moment of speaking.

Here is the table about comparison between present perfect and simple past

Table 2.10

The Difference between Present Perfect and Simple Past


1. The present perfect always connects the past and the present

a. we use the present perfect to talk about something which started in the past and continues up to the

1. the past simple tells us only about the past

a. we use the past simple to talk about something which started and finished in the past.





10 years

Past present

I’ve lived in London for ten years. (= I still live in London now.)

b. We also use the present perfect when the result of past action is connected to the present.

I have lost my wallet.(= I have not got the wallet now.)

- we often use the present perfect to

announce ‗new’.

e.g. someone has stolen my motorbike

10 years

Past Present

I lived in Manchester for ten years.(= I do not live in Manchester now.)

b. We use the past simple when the result of a past action is not connected to the present.

I lost my wallet, but I have got it back again now.

- we use the past to give details of the news.

e.g. I left the bike outside for a few minutes and when I came back, it

wasn’t there.

2. When we say a definite past time e.g. yesterday, last week, six weeks ago, we always use the past simple ,never the present perfect.

e.g. I lost my wallet yesterday. (not: I have lost my wallet yesterday )

- we use the present perfect to talk about an indefinite time up to the present e.g. ever, never, recently. Compare :


Have you ever seen ghost ? Did you see your friend yesterday?

I have never been to New York. I went to London last week

- in conversation, we often begin indefinitely, with the present perfect, then we use the past simple when we think about the definite time that something happened.

have you ever been to the Unites States?’ ‗ yes, I went there in 1985.’ ‗Did

you go to New York (= when you were there in 1985)?’

I’ve seen that film. I enjoyed it (= when I saw it)very much.


with the present perfect when these with the past when these periods of time periods of time are not finished. are finished

e.g. I’ve seen peter this morning. e.g. I saw peter this morning.

(It is still morning.) (It is now afternoon, evening, or night time)

1. we normally use a past tense, not the present perfect, to ask when something happened.

When did you arrive home last night? (Not: when have you arrived home last night? 42


Digby Beaumont & Colin Granger, The Heinemann English Grammar with Answer Key, ( Oxford: Heinemann, 1989), pp.25-26





A. Objective of the Research

In this purpose of the research, the writer would like to find empirical evidence of errors in learning present perfect tense made by the first year students of senior high school at Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat in terms of form and usage. In addition, the writer expects that this skripsi will be useful for herself, English teacher and another people in general.

B. Place and Time of the Research

The research was held at the first year students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat which is located on Jl. Sumatra Jombang– Ciputat. The writer conducted this research from May 17th until May 26th 2010. In the first day she came to school and asked for permission to the head master to do the research. Then, she continued her research by reviewing the material about present perfect tense. Next, she interviewed the English teacher in the school related to the teaching learning process. Finally, she gave a test about Present perfect tense on May 26th to the first year students in the school.


C. Method of the Research

This skripsi is written based on field researchsupported by library study; in this case she takes Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang as the place in which the research was held. She observes some difficulties and problems that are faced by the first grade students Senior High School in learning present perfect tense.

In the library study, the writer visited some libraries such as Faculty of Tarbiyah library, the Main library of State Islamic University, Atmajaya library and other sources to collect the data. She also read and analyzed kind of books which are relevant to the topic.

In the field research, the writer observed the first grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang by giving the test about Present Perfect Tense as data of this study to the students.

D. Population and Sample of Research

The population of the study is the students of Madrasah Aliyah Soebono Mantofani Jombang. And the writer took the first year students as the sample of this research which consists of 40 students; they are from two classes, class A (19 students) and class B (21 students).

E. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of the research used by the writer is English test given to the students to find out the difficulties in present perfect tense. The test is multiple choice form. This test consists of 25 items which are asking about two main areas of the difficulties in present perfect tense. The first is the form area (15 items). It is divided into three categories, they are the form of have/has, regular verb, and irregular verb. The second is the usage area (10 items). It is



discussed about the distinguishing of using the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.

F. Technique of Data Collecting

The writer uses two techniques of collecting data in this research, they are test and interview.

1. Test

Test is a technique in collecting the data to find out the students’ difficulty in

learning present perfect tense. The test consists of 25 questions in multiple choice form; 15 questions for measuring the form difficulties of Present Perfect Tense and 10 questions for measuring the usage of Present Perfect Tense.

2. Observation

It is done to get real and accurate data about location and population where the research is carried out.

3. Interview

This technique is used to supplement the data needed which are not covered by technique previously. The writer asked some questions to the English teacher in the school in order to know how the English teaching-learning process is done in the class.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis that is used by the writer in this research is descriptive analysis technique (percentage), which is described in the table percentage. In this table percentage she used the formula:

P= F x 100% N


F = frequency P = percentage

N = number of sample which is observed.1

After getting the frequency and percentage of difficulty, the writer analyzed the average mark by using formula:

P = percentage

F = frequency of false answer N = number of students n = number of items


Anas Sujiono, Pengantar Statistic Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,2006), p.43

P= F x 100% Nx n





A. Data Description

In this part, the writer is going to provide description about instrument of data used in this study. The data are English test result about present perfect tense. She gave the test to the forty students of the first grade senior high school which consists of 25 items (15 items for form and 10 items for usage). The instrument is enclosed in appendix 1.

However, the instrument of this research is divided into two parts of area discussed in present perfect tense, and the distributions are described in the following tables:

Table 4.1

Area tested of form and usage in present perfect tense

No Error in present perfect Question Number Total Items

1. The form of present perfect tense a. have/has

b. Regular verb c. Irregular verb

1,4,10,11,14 3,5,7,9,13 2,6,8,12,15

5 5 5 2 Distinguish the usage of present

perfect tense and simple past

16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25


Table 4.2

Students’ Score of Test Result

No Sample Score No Sample Score

1 Student 1 4,8 21 `Student 21 8,8 2 Student 2 7,2 22 Student 22 3,6 3 Student 3 4,0 23 Student 23 3,6 4 Student 4 3,6 24 Student 24 4,0 5 Student 5 7,6 25 Student 25 7,2 6 Student 6 7,6 26 Student 26 7,6 7 Student 7 5,6 27 Student 27 5,6 8 Student 8 4,0 28 Student 28 1,6 9 Student 9 7,2 29 Student 29 3,6 10 Student 10 3,2 30 Student 30 3,6 11 Student 11 4,4 31 Student 31 3,2 12 Student 12 7,6 32 Student 32 4,0 13 Student 13 6,8 33 Student 33 4,4 14 Student 14 5,6 34 Student 34 4,0 15 Student 15 4,4 35 Student 35 5,2 16 Student 16 7,6 36 Student 36 3,6 17 Student 17 6,4 37 Student 37 5,2 18 Student 18 100 38 Student 38 3,6 19 Student 19 3,6 39 Student 39 4,4 20 Student 20 3,2 40 Student 40 4,07



B. Data Analysis

In this part, the writer intends to analyze the instruments of data of this research. She is going to discuss the test items per area of difficulties which is divided into two areas. They are form and usage.

1. Form

In this area, there are three categories including to form area in present perfect tense. The areas are form of has/have, regular verb, and irregular verb. Each area consists of 5 questions, the instrument of the test can be seen in appendix

2. Usage

In the usage area the students are asked to distinguish the usage of present perfect tense and simple past tense. In each area consists of ten questions, the instrument of the test can be seen in appendix.

The frequency of the difficulty of present perfect tense, both in the form and the usage, could be seen in the following table:

Table 4.3

Frequency of Error in the Form of Present Perfect

No Present perfect tense Items number

Frequency of error


1 Form of has/have 1 7 2.81% 2 Form of has/have 4 31 12.45% 3 Form of has/have 10 17 6.83% 4 Form of has/have 11 20 8.03% 5 Form of has/have 14 21 8.43% 6 Form of regular verb 3 10 4.02% 7 Form of regular verb 5 10 4.02%


8 Form of regular verb 7 14 5.62% 9 Form of regular verb 9 8 3.21% 10 Form of regular verb 13 0 0% 11 Form of irregular verb 2 14 5.62% 12 Form of irregular verb 6 18 7.23% 13 Form of irregular verb 8 28 11.24% 14 Form of irregular verb 12 23 9.24% 15 Form of irregular verb 15 28 11.24%

Total 15 249 100%

To find out of the whole average is by using formula as follows: P = F x 100%

N x n

= 249 x 100% 40 x 15

= 249 x 100% 600

= 41.5%

The table above explains about errors made by students in the form of present perfect tense such as form of has/have, regular verb and irregular verb. The whole average from the form of present perfect tense is 58.75%.

Table 4.4

Frequency of Errors in the usage of present perfect tense



error 1 Present perfect tense

and simple past tense

16 21 8.94%

2 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

17 17 7.23%

3 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

18 21 8.94%

4 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

19 25 10.64%

5 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

20 30 12.77%

6 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

21 19 8.09%

7 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

22 28 11.91%

8 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

23 22 9.36%

9 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

24 17 7.23%

10 Present perfect tense and simple past tense

25 35 14.89%

Total 10 235 100%


P = F x 100% N x n

= 235 x 100% 40 x 10

= 235 x 100% 400

= 58.75%

The table above explains about the whole average of errors made by students in the usage of present perfect tense (present perfect tense and past tense). The percentage is 58.75% of students made errors in both.

After explaining the genaral frequency of errors above, the writer would like to explain about the specific frequency of errors that were made by the students. Here are the tables of specific frequency.

Table 4.5

Specific frequency of errors in the form of present perfect tense

No Items number Error made Frequency Percentage 1 1 Omission of auxiliary 7 2.81% 2 4 Omission of auxiliary 20 8.3%

Third person singular verb

11 4.24%

3 10 Third person singular verb

17 6.83%

4 11 Omission of auxiliary 20 8.3% 5 14 Omission of auxiliary 21 8.24% 6 3 Omission of auxiliary 10 4.2% 7 5 Incorrect verb form 10 4.2% 8 7 Incorrect verb form 14 5.62% 9 9 Omission of auxiliary 8 3.21%

10 13 - 0 0%



Incorrect verb form 4 1.2% 12 6 Omission of auxiliary 8 3.21%

Incorrect verb form 10 4.2% 13 8 Incorrect verb form 28 11.24% 14 12 Incorrect verb form 23% 9.24% 15 15 Incorrect verb form 28% 11.24%

Number of Error 249 100%

It can be seen from the table above that the specific errors made by the students in the form has/have is the ommision of auxiliary and correct verb

form. The students mostly use” has” in the third person like in sentence the children has found the lost puppy and They leaved just now. Beside that, it is also caused by mother tongue interference. And The error that appeared

to be a systematic is the over-generalization of pas tense form.

The students sometimes have problem with past participle formation. This fault could be attributed to intra-lingual confusion since in some cases the subjects applied the past tense marked” –ed” of regular form to irregular verb.

Table 4.6

Specific frequency of errors in the usage of present perfect tense

No Items number Error made Frequency Percentage 1 16 Omission of auxiliary

and incorrect verb form

21 8.94%

2 17 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


17 7.23%

3 18 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb



4 19 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


25 10.64%

5 20 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


30 12.7%

6 21 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


19 8.09%

7 22 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


28 11.91%

8 23 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


22 9.36%

9 24 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


17 7.23%

10 25 Omission of auxiliary and incorrect verb


35 14.89%

Number of Error 235 100%

The table above shows that errors made by the students are mostly omission of auxiliary verb and incorrect verb. They made errors in the usage of present perfect (present perfect tense and past tense). The students still get confused the present perfect tense and the simple past tense because both of them has the same meaning that is they are used to refer to an event or state in the past. In addition, both can be used to refer to a state of affairs that existed for a period of time.


50, 16th of November 2009, 16th November 2009, 18th of October 2009,thrusday, 18th June 2009


Test Instruments

Name : Class :

Choose the best answer by using present perfect tense!

1. They….(go) to a rock concert

a. have gone c. gone

b. had gone d. has gone

2. I … (see) my new teacher

a. have seen c. has seen

b. has see d. have saw

3. Rani has (work)……. for last December a. worked c. work

b. works d. workn

4. The children … (find) the lost puppy

a. has found c. had found b. have found d. found 5. We have… (live) here for a year

a. Life c. lived

b. living d. live

6. Alan … (be) married twice

a. has been c. has be

b. have been d. has being

7. They have (move)…….in a new apartment

a. move c. movent

b. moved d. movn

8. Andrew : “have you ... many people since you came here?”

Serly : “yes, I have.”

a. Met c. meted


9. …. They …. (fix) the car ?

a. have – fixed c. had fix b. has – fixed d. had fixed

10.Our parcel … (not arrive) yet

a. haven’t arrived c. arrived

b. hasn’t arrived d. hadn’t arrive

11.... Fahry already ….( speak) to you ?

a. has – speaked c. has -spoken b. have – spoken d. had – speaked 12. I … (write) any letter yet

a. hasn’t written c. hasn’t writed

b. haven’t written d. haven’t writed

13.Mary has …(stay) in Jakarta for three years

a. staye c. stayes

b. stayed d. stay

14.Rahman : “oh my god! Someone ... my motorcycle!” Andri :”call the police!”

a. Have stole c. Has stolen b. has steal d. Has stole 15.Maria has….(teach) English since 1998

a. taught c. taughted

b. teached d. teaching

Choose the suitable tense the present perfect or the simple past tense in the following sentence!

16.George ... (go) to the store yesterday

a. has gone c. go

b. have gone d. Went

17.Rafli ... (read) the newspaper for two hours

a. has read c. Have readed


18.Amir ... (study) English last week

a. Studied c. Has studied

b. Study d. Have studied

19. …….Ali ....(visit) his grand father since January ? a. Have - visited c. did- visit

b. Has - visited d. does - Visit 20.Mary and Calissa.... (sleep) for four hours

a. Has slept c. slept b. Have slept d. Sleeped 21.I .... (know) Greg Adam for ten years

a. Has known c. Has know

b. Have known d. Have knew

22.You ... (break) my watch last week !

a. Break c. broke

b. Have broken d. Has broken 23. He .... (finish) the exercise since this morning

a. Have finished c. Has finish b. Have finishing d. Has finished 24.... you ever... (smoke) a cigarette ?

a. Has – smmoked c. Have - smoke b. Have – smoked d. Has – smoke 25.He ... (eat) pizza three days ago

a. Ate c. Have eaten





















































Interviewee : Mr. Yadi S.pd. Hari/ tanggal : Rabu, 26 Mei 2010 Tempat : Ruang guru

1. Sejak kapan bapak mengajar disekolah ini? Saya mengajar disekolah ini sejak tahun 2008

2. Bagaimana antusias siswa terhadap pelajaran bahasa inggris dikelas XS? Pada dasarnya mereka semua antusias terhadap pelajaran bahasa inggris, ketika dikelas mereka memperhatikan apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru 3. Metode apa yang digunakan oleh bapak dalam mengajarkan grammar?

Saya menggunakan berbagai metode sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkankan seperti GTM, TPR, drilling dan formulation

4. Fasilitas penunjang apakah yang tersedia disekolah ini khususnya pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

Buku paket seperti focus, LKS dan buku Acuan pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA dan buku lain seperti English modul special edition for the first grade

5. Menurut bapak, seberapa pentingkah pengajaran grammar bagi siswa? Sebenarnya, grammar merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk berbicara, menulis, dan membaca bahasa Inggris

6. Kendala-kendala apa saja yang bapak hadapi dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris khusus nya dalam pengajaran grammar?

Kendalanya adalah mereka tidak serius dalam menanggapi pelajaran, ketika mereka diminta untuk mengerjakan soal dan hapalan mereka bisa, tapi ketika ganti materi mereka lupa pada pelajaran yang lalu ( yang sudah diajarkan)

7. Kesalahan- kesalahan apa saja yang dilakukan siswa dalam pelajaran grammar, khusus dalam pelajaran present perfect tense?

Kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh mereka adalah biasanya dalam penggunakan kata kerja nya antara regular verb dan irregular verb

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