









This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education






“Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat”

(Q.s. al-Mujadalah : 11)

“Barangsiapa yang menempuh satu jalan untuk mendapatkan ilmu, maka Allah menudahkan baginya jalan menuju surga.”



I dedicated this thesis to: My beloved father and mother, My friend, And my future.



Alhamdulillah, all praise due to Allah SWT, the merciful and Charitable. Because of His guidance, blessing and affection, the writer can finish this thesis.

The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Dr. Masduki M,Pd, his first advisor and Taufik Burhan M,Pd, his second advisaor, for their suggestion, invaluable guidance, and advice during the consultation period, and their comments and correctionduring the competition of this thesis.

Finally, special thanks to my beloved father (Suyono Hadi), mother (Mujiati), and also my beloved friend (Dino, Vito Citra, Rey, Widy, Fitri, Novita, Rina, Wiwid, and others friend that give me support).

Malang, April 2013



Approval ... i

Legalization ... ii

Motto and Dedication ... iii

Abstract ... iv

Acknowledgments ... v

Table of Content ... vi


1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of problem ... 4

1.3 Research Objectives ... 4

1.4 Scope and Limitation ... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 5


2.1 Language ... 7

2.2 Sociolinguistic ... 8

2.3 Language Varieties ... 9

2.3.1 Idiolect ... 9

2.3.2 Dialect ... 10

2.3.3 Style ... 11

2.3.4 Register ... 12

2.4 Bad language ... 12

2.5 Meaning ... 14

2.6 Movie ... 16

2.6.1 Element of Movie ... 16 Imitation ... 17

(8) Characterization ... 18 Character ... 18 Action ... 19 Dialogue ... 19


3.1 Research Design ... 20

3.2 Research Object ... 21

3.3 Research Instrument ... 22

3.4 Data Collection Procedures ... 22

3.5 Data Analysis Procedures ... 23


4.1 Research Finding ... 24

4.1.1 The Kinds of Bad Language Used on Crank 2 Movie ... 24

4.1.2 The Meaning of Bad Language Used on ‘Crank 2’ Movie. ... 41

4.2 Discussion ... 55


5.1 Conclusion ... 58

5.2 Suggestion ... 59 References



Adeoye in Iwuchukwu. 2008. Mastery of Literature Vol 3. Lagos: Macckho Ricckho Press,

Allan, K. and Burridge, K. 2006. Forbidden Words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Andersson, L. and Trudgill, P. 1992. Bad Language. New York: Penguin Book. Ary, D. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education (6th ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth. Bogdan, R.C., & Biklen, S.K. 2007. Qualitative research for education: An

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Chaer, Abdul & Leonie Agustina. 2004. Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Chaika, Elaine. 2007. Language the Social Mirror. Massachusetts, USA: Newbury House Publishers.

Hagener, M and Toteberg. 2002. Film: An International Bibliography. Habertshausen, Germany: verlag for filmschriften.

Halliday in Sumarsono & Pratana, P. 2007. Sosiolinguistik. Yogyakarta: SABDA. Hartmann, Michael. 2008. The Sociology of Elites. Campus Verlag: Frankfrut am main.

Holmes, Janet. 2001. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Learning about Language. England, UK: Pearson Education Ltd.


Iwuchukwu, Chinweikpe. 2008. Mastery of Literature Vol 3. Lagos: Macckho Ricckho Press.

Jay, T. 2007. Cursing in America. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Longman Advanced American Dictionary (2000). Essex, England: Pearson Education.

Johnson, E. 2001. Analysis of Messy Data. New York: Chapman and Hall.

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Pride & Holmes in Sumarsono & Pratana, P. 2007. Sosiolinguistik. Yogyakarta: SABDA.

Trudgill, P in Sumarsono & Pratana, P. 2007. Sosiolinguistik. Yogyakarta: SABDA. Setyono, Agus. 2007. An Analysis of Bad Language Used on “8 Miles” Movie.

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Spolsky, Bernard. 1998. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wardhaugh, Ronald.2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics 6ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Blackwell Publishers

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This chapter discusses about background of study, the statements of problem, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Language is important for human life. Language has many functions; to communicate with each other, to show the one’s mind, and to express the human needs. Wardhaugh (2006:1) has stated that language is a system of arbitrary verbal symbols by which members of speech community use as a means of communication to interact and express their ideas, feeling and thoughts. We will have difficulty to do anything without using the language. So, we can imagine how important language is.

Language and society cannot be separated. When humans are born, they will have their own language, and then become a part of the society, and they will interact and do a communication with their society. There is no human society that does not depend upon, is not shaped by, and does not itself shape language (Chaika, 2007: 1). We cannot shape a language by ourselves; we need a society to create a language. So, languages are made by human society and then it is used to communicate to each other, to show their mind and needs in that society.

When we are learning a foreign language, it is better to know about the society where the language is used. The study of the relationship between language and society is called Sociolinguistic. Hudson in Sumarsono (2007:4) has described


sociolinguistics as the study of language in relation to society. In other words, sociolinguistic is the study of language deeply by knowing more about the society.

Language variation is one of the main discussion in the study of Sociolinguistics. Language variation is the variation of language. Language has so many variations, because not only every country but also every district has their own language. And it is become larger by the new generation who create a new language. Besides, there are formal and informal languages in every society. Also, almost every society has their bad language.

Bad language is a kind of language that is used for certain purpose that may be dangerous to be used. It refers to negative meaning, impolite, explosive and interior among the speech community (Andersson and Trudgill. P, 1992 :4). Bad language is usually used to express the strong emotion, disappointed, anger, dislike, and etc. Also it is used to abuse somebody else. But, bad language is natural and common language for some community or society which usually uses that language. They will not be offended or angry when other people use bad language while they make a conversation with them.

Many kinds of language variation can be categorized as bad language. For example: Slang, taboo, Vulgar, and Swearing. Some of these bad languages have already existed from long time ago. And the rest occur when the new generations


To learn about the real foreign language in the society, we do not need to go to that country where that language is used. We can do it by watching the movie which is created and made in that society and show about the society real language live. Because almost all movies show their society real language, activity, culture and habits.

In the previous research, Setiyono (2007) who discuss about “An Analysis of Bad Language Used on ‘8 Mile’ Movie” found that the bad languages in that movie were used to insult someone, express their anger, abuse someone, curse someone, and to show intimacy. Dominantly most of bad languages that were found in that movie were used to express badness or negative meaning.

And now, in this study the writer wants to analyze about bad language found in Crank 2 movie. Crank 2 movie is an American action movie. This movie tells about someone named Chev Chelious who has a strong heart. Then, his heart is stolen by gangster who wants to change their leader’s heart with Chelious’s heart because their leader’s heart is broken. By using imitation heart, Chelious try to find his heart. On the way to find his heart Chelious must pass many struggles. As an action and emoticon movie, this movie uses many bad languages for their conversation. By watching that movie we will know about how the American society use their language and know how “bad language” used by the “crank 2” movie characters.


1.2 Statement of problems

Based on the explanation in the background of study above, the problems are stated as follows:

1. What kinds of bad language are used on Crank 2 movie?

2. What are the purposes of the bad languages used on Crank 2 movie?

1.3 The Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the study should be stated clearly from the beginning as the principle guidance. They are formulated as follows:

1. To know the kinds of bad language that used on Crank 2movie. 2. To know the purpose of the bad language used on Crank 2 movie.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The writer wants to analyze Crank 2 movie because in this movie almost all characters use bad language and it is very interesting to analyze. The scope of this study is focused on the bad languages that are used in Crank 2 movie. And the writer limits this study on the kinds of bad language, that is slang, taboo, swearing,vulgar, and the meaning of each languages used in the Crank 2 movie.

1.5 Significance of the study

First, the writer expects the result of the study can give contribution to the readers to develop their knowledge about bad language. This is also important for the


Second, the result of this study is expected to be used as reference for the teachers who want to teach their students about bad language from American culture.

Third, the result of this study is also expected to give contribution to the next researchers who want to analyze about bad language from the movie especially American movie.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

There are some key terms used in this study that must be clarified in this chance in order to avoid misunderstanding. The writer defines the key term as follows:

1. Analysis is better approach as longer works and the prose work than an application. (Johnson:2001)

2. Bad language is a damn language. It is used to show the expression or strong emoticon and attitudes. Besides, it refers to something that is taboo or stigmatized in the culture and should not be interpreted literally. Taboo words are things or ideas that are not supposed to say or forbidden or discourage by the people. (Andersson L and Trudgill, 1992)

3. Movie is field that encompassed motion picture as an art form or as a part of the entertainment industry, because photographic film historically has been primary medium for displaying moving images, academic often refers to this field as a study of film. (Hagener M and Toteberg, 2002)


5. Emotion is a moving of the main and soul, excitement of the feelings, whether pleasing or painful, disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a specific exciting cause and manifested by some sensible effect on the body. (Hartmann, 2008)





This chapter discusses about background of study, the statements of problem, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Language is important for human life. Language has many functions; to communicate with each other, to show the one’s mind, and to express the human needs. Wardhaugh (2006:1) has stated that language is a system of arbitrary verbal symbols by which members of speech community use as a means of communication to interact and express their ideas, feeling and thoughts. We will have difficulty to do anything without using the language. So, we can imagine how important language is.

Language and society cannot be separated. When humans are born, they will have their own language, and then become a part of the society, and they will interact and do a communication with their society. There is no human society that does not depend upon, is not shaped by, and does not itself shape language (Chaika, 2007: 1). We cannot shape a language by ourselves; we need a society to create a language. So, languages are made by human society and then it is used to communicate to each other, to show their mind and needs in that society.

When we are learning a foreign language, it is better to know about the society where the language is used. The study of the relationship between language and society is called Sociolinguistic. Hudson in Sumarsono (2007:4) has described



sociolinguistics as the study of language in relation to society. In other words, sociolinguistic is the study of language deeply by knowing more about the society.

Language variation is one of the main discussion in the study of Sociolinguistics. Language variation is the variation of language. Language has so many variations, because not only every country but also every district has their own language. And it is become larger by the new generation who create a new language. Besides, there are formal and informal languages in every society. Also, almost every society has their bad language.

Bad language is a kind of language that is used for certain purpose that may be dangerous to be used. It refers to negative meaning, impolite, explosive and interior among the speech community (Andersson and Trudgill. P, 1992 :4). Bad language is usually used to express the strong emotion, disappointed, anger, dislike, and etc. Also it is used to abuse somebody else. But, bad language is natural and common language for some community or society which usually uses that language. They will not be offended or angry when other people use bad language while they make a conversation with them.

Many kinds of language variation can be categorized as bad language. For example: Slang, taboo, Vulgar, and Swearing. Some of these bad languages have already existed from long time ago. And the rest occur when the new generations create it. Every language in society will be developing larger and some of them are included in Bad Language.



To learn about the real foreign language in the society, we do not need to go to that country where that language is used. We can do it by watching the movie which is created and made in that society and show about the society real language live. Because almost all movies show their society real language, activity, culture and habits.

In the previous research, Setiyono (2007) who discuss about “An Analysis of Bad Language Used on ‘8 Mile’ Movie” found that the bad languages in that movie were used to insult someone, express their anger, abuse someone, curse someone, and to show intimacy. Dominantly most of bad languages that were found in that movie were used to express badness or negative meaning.

And now, in this study the writer wants to analyze about bad language found in Crank 2 movie. Crank 2 movie is an American action movie. This movie tells about someone named Chev Chelious who has a strong heart. Then, his heart is stolen by gangster who wants to change their leader’s heart with Chelious’s heart because their leader’s heart is broken. By using imitation heart, Chelious try to find his heart. On the way to find his heart Chelious must pass many struggles. As an action and emoticon movie, this movie uses many bad languages for their conversation. By watching that movie we will know about how the American society use their language and know how “bad language” used by the “crank 2” movie characters.


4 1.2 Statement of problems

Based on the explanation in the background of study above, the problems are stated as follows:

1. What kinds of bad language are used on Crank 2 movie?

2. What are the purposes of the bad languages used on Crank 2 movie?

1.3 The Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the study should be stated clearly from the beginning as the principle guidance. They are formulated as follows:

1. To know the kinds of bad language that used on Crank 2movie. 2. To know the purpose of the bad language used on Crank 2 movie.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The writer wants to analyze Crank 2 movie because in this movie almost all characters use bad language and it is very interesting to analyze. The scope of this study is focused on the bad languages that are used in Crank 2 movie. And the writer limits this study on the kinds of bad language, that is slang, taboo, swearing,vulgar, and the meaning of each languages used in the Crank 2 movie.

1.5 Significance of the study

First, the writer expects the result of the study can give contribution to the readers to develop their knowledge about bad language. This is also important for the students who learn about sociolinguistic especially on the bad language from American culture.



Second, the result of this study is expected to be used as reference for the teachers who want to teach their students about bad language from American culture.

Third, the result of this study is also expected to give contribution to the next researchers who want to analyze about bad language from the movie especially American movie.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

There are some key terms used in this study that must be clarified in this chance in order to avoid misunderstanding. The writer defines the key term as follows:

1. Analysis is better approach as longer works and the prose work than an application. (Johnson:2001)

2. Bad language is a damn language. It is used to show the expression or strong emoticon and attitudes. Besides, it refers to something that is taboo or stigmatized in the culture and should not be interpreted literally. Taboo words are things or ideas that are not supposed to say or forbidden or discourage by the people. (Andersson L and Trudgill, 1992)

3. Movie is field that encompassed motion picture as an art form or as a part of the entertainment industry, because photographic film historically has been primary medium for displaying moving images, academic often refers to this field as a study of film. (Hagener M and Toteberg, 2002)



5. Emotion is a moving of the main and soul, excitement of the feelings, whether pleasing or painful, disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a specific exciting cause and manifested by some sensible effect on the body. (Hartmann, 2008)