The Benefits of Using Board Game in Teaching and Learning Process

21 students must negotiate meaning, use communication strategies and avoid communication breakdowns. The exercise types and activities in CLT as an approach are unlimited. The one of them is a variety of games Richard and Rodgers, 2003. Incorporating games in learning process can be a good technique. It can give benefits both for the teacher and students because games in the classroom can increase student-learning experiences, make materials more current and relevant. Furthermore, the games encourage active participation among players and consequently boost confidence and self-esteem Lee, 2012. Even according to Chen 2000 games make the learners more willing to ask questions and think creatively about how to use English to achieve the goal. Games also provide language practice and create a meaningful context for language use where promote fluency Su Kim, 1995:35. One of the board games is the snakes and ladders board game. Using board game according to Chang 2008 is an effective, low anxiety, and fun war for the students learn and practice communication skills as well as develop their own communication strategies that can be readily applied to the real world. Hence, in order to help students improve their speaking ability, suitable method which have communicative activities must be conducted. Therefore, in this study, the researcher attempts to investigate how the Snakes and Ladders board game can improve the students‟ speaking ability at the eleventh grade of Cookery Department of St. Pius X Vocational High School Magelang in academic year 2015-2016. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22


This chapter focuses on the methodology applied in this study. The discussion involves the research method, research setting, research participants, instruments, data analysis technique, and procedures.

A. Research Method

This study was intended to find answer to the problem formulated. The writer tried to investigate how board game can increase the students „speaking ability at the eleventh grade of Cookery major of Saint Pius X Vocational High School Magelang in 2015-2016. In order to solve the problems, the writer needed to employ a method. The method used Classroom Action Research CAR. The Classroom Action Research designed to help a teacher to find out what is happening in his or her classroom, and to use that information to make wise decisions for the future. According to Aqib 2006 CAR is “a scrutiny of the activities that deliberately raised and occurs in the classroom ”. Moreover, he added that CAR is a strategic way for teachers to improve educational services which must be held in the context of classroom learning process and in the school improvement as well. In short, CAR is a research that is conducted by the teachers in their classroom or school where they are teaching in order to achieve improvement of learning process. CAR is aimed to continually improve and enhance classroom activities and practices, therefore the improvement of the quality of instructional,