Background of the study

Eko G. Samudro, 2015 ONLINE VOCABULARY GAMES: POTENTIAL ENCHAN CEMENTS OF STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY ACQUISITION Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | information receiver and written exercises doer. Moreover, this type of vocabulary learning prevents the students in expressing the use of the vocabulary itself, especially in communication. In accordance with this, for many learners studying English as a foreign language, vocabulary learning is considered as boring, as they have to memorize unfamiliar words and spelling and is typically asked to complete lots of exercises Nguyen Khuat, 2003. This boredom may prevent learners to learn English, especially vocabulary, effectively. For that reason, they proposed that the CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning is considered important, especially the use of online vocabulary games. The existence of online vocabulary games are believed in providing various learning enhancement compared to the traditional vocabulary learning method since they provide more engaging learning processes for the students. Research to date on the use of virtual environments and online games in language learning has found benefits in increasing student motivation and engagement Sykes, Oskoz, Thorne, 2008; Thorne, Black Sykes, 2009; Zheng, Young, Wagner Brewer, 2009, enhancing vocabulary use Bytheway, 2011; Rankin, Morrison, McNeal, Gooch, Shute, 2009, expanding opportunities for intercultural communication Thorne, 2008. Regarding language teaching and learning process, as Gee 2005 believes, games are understood as conceptual models working across formal and informal learning contexts. The online vocabulary games are usually accessed through web-sites directly. Vocabulary learning through Web-Site games improves learning and retention while making learning fun and arousing interest. Another advantage of using games is the opportunity to practice vocabulary informally Uzun, 2009. Moreover, Yip and Kwan 2006 in their study entitled Online vocabulary games as a tool for teaching and learning English vocabulary sound that learners playing online vocabulary games tend to learn more appropriately and could retain the new words for a longer period of time and retrieve more words compared to those who aren’t provided with vocabulary games. If the games are fun, motivating, Eko G. Samudro, 2015 ONLINE VOCABULARY GAMES: POTENTIAL ENCHAN CEMENTS OF STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY ACQUISITION Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | relaxing the students, the learners’ interest will increase and boost their confidence. Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that online vocabulary games may affect students’ motivation in learning English, especially in acquiring English vocabulary. Regardless the negative effects of online games, which is giving addiction towards a game, this study tries to investigate the use of online vocabulary games as potential enhancements of students’ vocabulary acquisition. Most online games provide contextual situation, vocabulary, events that can be related to each other. It will be more meaningful or even a fun way to learn English; at least the students do not miss that opportunity. By engaging in students’ favorite online games or even offline games, the students may raise their excitement in learning English. Asking their past events, the vocabulary games in a classroom, communication related to online gaming will be more interesting using contextual learning to invite their eagerness to learn English. Hopefully, this study can give some contribution for language teaching and learning in a classroom.

1.2 Research Questions

The study is conducted to answer the problem formulated in a question below: 1. How do online vocabulary games help students to learn and retain vocabulary? 2. What are the students’ perceptions towards online vocabulary games on vocabulary learning in the classroom?

1.3 The purposes of The study

Based on the research questions provided, the purposes of this study are as follows: 1. Identifying the way online vocabulary games help students learn and retain vocabulary. 2. Investigating students’ perceptions towards online vocabulary games on vocabulary learning in the classroom. Eko G. Samudro, 2015 ONLINE VOCABULARY GAMES: POTENTIAL ENCHAN CEMENTS OF STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY ACQUISITION Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.4 Scope of the study

This research focuses on identifying ways of online vocabulary games towards the development of English ability, especially in acquiring English vocabulary, based on the theories stated by Sykes, Oskoz, Thorne, 2008; Thorne, Black Sykes, 2009; Zheng, Young, Wagner Brewer, 2009; Bytheway, 2011; Rankin, Morrison, McNeal, Gooch, Shute, 2009; Thorne, 2008 and the most appropriate media which is online gaming-based language learning to acquire English vocabulary meaningfully.

1.5 Significance of study

The present research can be seen through several significances for theoretical, practical, and professional aspects. 1. Theoretical aspect The research findings can be used as the enrichment towards the future research about online vocabulary games affect students’ opportunity for English vocabulary acquisition in a classroom. 2. Practical aspect The research findings will contribute to the application of the techniques provided in a classroom. The importance will be useful for the teachers and for those who are interested in applying teaching and learning atmosphere based on the online vocabulary games effect to increase students’ English vocabulary acquisition. 3. Professional aspect The research problem and the result later can be useful to help teachers improving their professionalism in teaching English vocabulary, creating collaborative learning, and providing and interesting classroom atmosphere to acquire English vocabulary meaningfully.

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