The Way Teachers Delivered English Teaching Materials in SMA NEGERI I BANTUL The Way Teachers Delivered English Teaching Materials in SMA STELLA

57 learning of grammar so that teachers had to be sensitive with the students’ grammatical weaknesses. It was because the skill of grammar was important for the future learning. For example: in attending university, the skill of grammar would be needed to do the examination as it considered as one of the important points in the test to check the comprehension of the test taker.

2. How Teachers’ Perceptions Are Enacted in Their Teaching

a. The Way Teachers Delivered English Teaching Materials

1. The Way Teachers Delivered English Teaching Materials in SMA NEGERI I BANTUL

The data analysis showed that the implementation of Text-based syllabus were lack of variations. There was only one teacher who used media of teaching and let the students experienced the teaching materials. It could be seen when the first teacher asked the students to make a drama to be performed in the next two meetings. This group work could help the learners experienced the material. However, the use of the teaching media was not really effective, as the teacher wasted too much time to play the tape recording. The other two teachers did not make any variation in their class. The second teacher always referred the teaching-learning activities to the textbook. However, the students’ motivation in joining her class was low. Besides, teacher had to be careful in choosing the level of the text given as the materials that would be discussed in the class. It could influence their motivation in following the class discussion. The students became passive in answering the teacher’s questions and responding the class activities. This behavior might be a response to lack of Text-based material the material was not 58 appropriate with the students’ level. However, the students still followed the class and paid attention to the teacher’s explanation.

2. The Way Teachers Delivered English Teaching Materials in SMA STELLA

DUCE BANTUL The students’ characteristic of this educational institution was varied. Some of them were highly motivated to learn and some others were not. The teacher should be able to facilitate all of his students to learn the materials so that they would achieve the knowledge optimally. Therefore, teacher should consider the importance of teaching variations so that students would have higher motivation in learning the subject study and they could be able to grasp the material better. Based on the study data the implementation of Text-based syllabus in this educational institution was also lack of variations. The ways teacher taught the students were always referred to the text-book. The class activity was monotone, which is reading and discussing the material in class. However, the students especially students from XI IPA and X classes gave good responses to the class activities. They could cooperate well so that the teaching learning activity could be conducted successfully. The different condition happened in XI IPS. In this class students looked passive in responding the teacher’s explanation. Although the teacher perceived that the students needed more chances to practice their skill of speaking so that they would be familiar using the language, he did not totally use English in his teaching. He considered the level of the students’ ability. He adjusted the condition of the class that would be taught. Therefore, he decided to 59 frequently use English in two classes only and in another class he decided to frequently use Bahasa Indonesia. It meant that his perception did not relate with the real condition of the teaching-learning process.

b. Students’ Involvement in the Learning Process