Conflict Motivation Character Definition of Terms


b. External Conflict

Hammond 2010 also claims that an external conflict, which exists outside of a character, tends to deal with bigger problems. He claims that an external conflict might occur from other characters or other being, such as, society, nature, and government. Hammond also states that an external conflict can take many forms, for example, verbal, swear words and mean words, physical, fights and violence, nature, earthquake and snowy storm. Furthermore, he also states that a physical fight between one character and another is a conflict which often presents. In short, an external conflict is more complicated than an internal conflict.

3. Theory of Motivation

As a push that makes someone to do something, a motivation plays a big role in a novel. According to Thompson 2014, there are two types of motivation, namely

a. Intrinsic Motivation

According to Thompson 2014, an intrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from within a character which forces and encourages a character to do something to achieve his goal. Furthermore, she claims that when a character is intrinsically motivated, he enjoys the process of achieving the goal while determined to make himself more competent and qualified. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10

b. Extrinsic Motivation

Thompson 2014 declares that because extrinsic means from outside of, an extrinsic motivation means a motivation that comes from outside of a character. She also states that a character that is extrinsically motivated acts based on a reward that he will get when he achieves his goal. She declares that an extrinsic motivation drives a character to be able to achieve something which will benefit himself. However, this kind of motivation is usually followed by a reward rather than an enjoyment.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this study, the writer uses two main theories to conduct the study. The two main theories are the theory of conflict by Hammond 2010 and the theory of motivation by Thompson 2014. The writer uses the theory of conflict to analyze the types of conflicts faced by Buck, the main character. The writer also uses the theory of motivation to analyze the motivations of the main character to go into the wild. By analyzing the types of conflicts using the theory of conflict from Hammond 2010, it leads the writer to find out the things which underlie Buck’s wishes to live freely and go into the wild. Furthermore, the writer will look closer into the motivations themselves and analyze them using the theory from Thompson 2014. Basically, the writer holds an understanding that a motivation is yielded from a conflict. When there is a conflict, there will always be a 11 motivation afterward, because while a character encounters a conflict, he tries to overcome it and therefore motivated to succeed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI