The Leading Character’s Expression To Become An Idealist Portrayed In Jon Krakauer’s “Into The Wild”




Christopher Johnson McCandless was born February 12, 1968 in El Segundo, California. His parents are Walt McCandless and Wilhelmina Johnson (who was known as Billie) and his sister is Carine.

Walt also had children from his first marriage and they were living in California, although Walt was still legally married to his first wife when Chris and Carine were born. (This is something that Chris found out later which infuriated him to the point where he thought his life had all been a lie).

In 1976, Walt was offered a job with NASA as an antenna specialist so they moved to Virginia and his mother worked as a secretary at Hughes Aircraft. Later Walt and Billie started a consultancy firm which became very successful. But it seems working and living together affected their marriage resulting in arguments in front of Chris and Carine which cause them to distance themselves from their parents.

Chris was a good student with “A” average grades and he was also a good runner leading a team of cross country runners.But, he was very stubborn and strong willed. He would train his cross country team mates hard taking them on practise runs in places where it was easy to get lost. But he saw it as a challenge and saw running as a form of spiritual exercise. An example of his stubbornness was receiving an “F” for one subject because he refused to write an article in the particular way that the teacher had asked.

He graduated from High School in 1986 and shortly after took off on an solo adventure for the summer arriving back 2 days before he was due to start college. He arrived at college scruffy compared to his well-dressedroommate. His roommate dropped out several weeks later but Chris went on to get excellent grades. He graduated from Emory University in 1990 but saw titles and honours as immaterial


and irrelevant. Later he would say that university is a 20th century fad and not something to aspire to.

Shortly after graduation, he gave the remaining money from his education fund to Oxfam. The cheque written by Chris on 15th May 1990, totalled $24000. He then left quietly from home to begin his adventures and assumed the name Alexander Supertramp of which he got from the book The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp by William H. Davies from 1908. When asked by someone where his family were, he would reply that he didn't have a family anymore.

He travelled through various states of America in his car (which he left after it was caught in a flash flood) and by train, hiking, canoeing and of course walking. The challenge to himself was to travel with the least amount of belongings as possible and as little money as possible. He had no map and no agenda, just the will to travel.

His dream was the Alaskan adventure and he would tell this to those he met along the way. Some people he worked for on odd jobs would try to convince him to stay and some would insist on giving him supplies to help with the journey, He seldom accepted.

He reached his final destination on April 28, 1992 in Fairbanks Alaska.Four months later he would perish from a combination of errors and his body was found in an abandoned old FairbanksCity Transit Bus numbered 142 which was located on the Stampede Trail.

He kept a journal along the way and took self-portraits now and then. His final self-portrait was a picture of him holding a farewell note in his left hand and waving with his right hand. He was but 30kg in weight and eventually died of starvation and possibly poisoning from fungus on some fruit he had eaten.

His body was found by hunters 19 days after he died and later his parents would visit Bus 142 to leave a memorial. Jon Krakauer (A writer from Outside magazine) did an article on Chris in January 1993 and later wrote the novel which in 2007 became the movie 'Into the Wild' by Sean Penn.


Chris'es actions have caused many different debates on safety in the wild and what not to do and many have said that what he did amounted to suicide. But, he has also had a lot of praise for his courage and spirit of adventure. Bus 142 has become somewhat of a tourist attraction, with many visiting every year and posting Youtube vidoes and pictures on the internet.



Into The Wild is the true story of Chris McCandless, a young Emory graduate who is found dead in the Alaskan wilderness in September 1992, when he is twenty-four. McCandless grows up in wealthy Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., and is a very gifted athlete and scholar, who from an early age shows deep intensity, passion, and a strict moral compass. After graduating from high school McCandless spends the summer alone on a road trip across the country, during which he discovers that his father secretly had a second family during Chris’s childhood. McCandless returns home and starts as a freshman at Emory, but his anger over this betrayal and his parents’ keeping it from him grows worse over time.

By the time that McCandless is a senior at Emory, he lives monastically, has driven away most of his friends with his intensity and moral certitude, and barely keeps in touch with his parents. He lets his parents think that he is interested in law school, but instead, after graduating with honors, he donates his $25,000 savings anonymously to charity, gets in his car, and drives away without telling anyone where he is going, abandoning the use of his real name along the way. He never contacts his parents or sister, Carine, again.

Not too long after leaving Atlanta, McCandless deserts his car in the desert after a flash flood wets the engine, and from then on, he hitchhikes around the Northwest, getting jobs here and there but not staying anywhere for long, often living on the streets, and keeping as little money and as few possessions as he can. During this time he gets to know a few people rather closely, and everyone admires his intensity and willingness to live completely by his beliefs, but he avoids true intimacy.

After about two years of itinerant travel, McCandless settles on a plan to go to Alaska and truly live in the wilderness, completely alone, and with very few supplies, to see if he can do it, to push himself to the very extremes. He spends a few months preparing, learning all he can about hunting, edible plants, etc, and then he leaves South Dakota, where he’d been working, and hitchhikes to Fairbanks. Those


whom he tells about the plan all warn him that he needs to be better prepared, or should wait until later in the spring, but he is adamant and stubborn.

In April of 1992 McCandless gets dropped off near Mt. McKinley, and hikes into the wilderness. He spends the next sixteen weeks hunting small game, foraging, reading, and living in a deserted bus made to be a shelter for hunters, not seeing a single human the entire time. He is successful for the most part, although he loses significant weight. In late July, however, McCandless probably eats some moldy seeds, and the mold contains a poison that essentially causes him to starve to death, no matter how much he eats, and he is too weak to gather food anyway. McCandless is quickly incapacitated by the poison. Realizing he is going to die, he writes a goodbye message, and a few weeks later some hunters find his body in the bus.



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The important part of a research in analyzing the data is a method of research. By using method of research it will be easier for the writer in understanding the concerns expressed in a work that is going to be analyzed, to solve the problem and find a solution for the problems. In this study, the writer also uses method to analyze the object of the study, to understand all the data and finally transform it into a complete study. The writer tries to analyze the characteristic of the main character in“Into The Wild”novel as the main object of the analysis.

3.1 Research Method

The method that is used to collect and analyze the data of this research is descriptive qualitative method. Nazir (1998:75) describes “Descriptive method is a method of research that makes the description of the situation of the events or occurrences, so that the method has an intention to accumulate the basic data”. According to Azwar (2004:126):

“Analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data dari variabel yang diperoleh dari kelompok subjek yang diteliti dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk pengujian hipotesis”. (Descriptive analysis is aimed to give a description about a research subject which is based on the data taken from some variables which are obtained from the group of subject and is not aimed to examine a hypothesis).


19 Therefore, the writer will explain the data by using words or sentences instead of using statistic. Qualitative methods are developed in the social sciences to enable research to study social and cultural phenomena (Myers, 1977). According to Sukmadinata (2005) the primary thing about qualitative research is constructivism which assumes that reality is multi- dimensional, interactive and an exchange of social experience is interpreted by each individual. Qualitative research is an inductive approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of person’s or group experiences.

Source of the data divided into two parts, the subject and object research. The subject is “Into The Wild” novel itself and other references to support the research. The Object is the leading character’s personality and the factors that make the leading character become and Idealist.

In collecting the data, the writer chose and collect important information related to the object of the research from novel itself and read another novel or book from another author which have relation to the object of the research. Further information about the research are found out from other sources such as internet and so forth.

In order to analyze the data the writer uses descriptive method to describe the main data of the novel which presented int the form of quotation. And after all, in presenting the data, the writer will put several examples of events / that occur related to problems.


20 3.2 Source of Data

3.2.1. Subject Research

The subject of research of this thesis is “Into The Wild” novel. The novel was written by Jon Krakauer and published in 1996 with 215 pages. The secondary data areother reference books used by the writer to support the subject of research, which are books about the psychology of literature theory, the human personality, and other books that support this research, which are used by using psychology of literature approach.

3.2.2. Object Research

The object of study in this thesis is the character's personality and the factors that influence the personality of the main character psychologically from “Into The Wild” novel. Thematerial object that is investigated or discussed is the main character itself.

Formal objects refer to specific aspects of the material object are the behaviour, human culture, social life, and so on. Within this study, the formal object is experienced by the main character's personality, factors that affect the personality of the main character and inner conflict and the factors that influence the inner conflict experienced by the main character.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

The primary source of the data is the novel itself and the data are the sentence in the novel that related to the problems. There are some steps that the writer used in doing the analysis. Firstly, the source data is taken from Jon Krakauer’s Into The Wild and read the novel to get better understanding about it. Secondly, the important


21 information related to the factors that make the main character become an Idealist are chosen and collected. Thirdly, further information about all those things above are found out from other sources such as novels, internet and so forth.

3.4 Data Analyzing Procedure

After collecting all the data, the next step is to analyze all those selected data to prove what are written in the objective of this thesis and finally the writer can draw the conclusion for this thesis. The descriptive method is applied in analyzing the data. Descriptive method is used to describe the main data from the novel. Those main data are presented in the form of quotation to prove the analysis.

3.5 Presentation of Data

Presentation of data is presenting the data that have been gathered from the data analyzing. The presentation of data is related with several examples of events / that occur in line with quotations related to the factors of the main character to become an Idealist




After reading the novel, the writer got that the novel tells a story about a young man’s way of life and psychology that fulfilled with rejection and madness that he got from everywhere, with society, especially his family and drive him into an idealistic point of view although his family really loved him then choose to abandon everything that he had and start his journey into the wild to fulfill his emotions.

In this chapter the writer will discuss thepersonality of the main character, Christopher McCandless, and analyze the factors of the main character to become an Idealist in “Into The Wild” novel. In the analysis phase, the analysis will be arranged into several sections in whicheach section will be attached quotations in accordance to the theory as well as the elaboration of these quotations.

The novel is written from the perspective of Jon Krakauer, the author, he investigate the early life of chris, and not just like the other autobiography, Krakauer meets directly with those people who haddirect contact withchrisonits way toAlaska,

he insertstories andopinion onChrisin the book,He

translatedeverysituationexperienced by Chrisfromthe point of view ofan adventurer. Helpful enough forthe readers tounderstandwhatChris doinginAlaska.

This analysis used the theory of Convergence, this theory by William Stern states that the establishment or development of personality of a person is determined by innate and also the surrounding environment factors. this theory is chosen due to


23 the problem of the study which has personality discussions and the factors that affect it, Theory of Convergence is used in analyzing the conflict and factors that affect the main character’s personality.

4.1 Character

Allport in (Psikologi Kepribadian, 1983) states that “Character is personality evaluated, and personality is character devaluated”. Abramsin (Nurgiyantoro, 2007:165) states that thecharacteris afigureshown in a work ofnarrativeordrama, whichbyreadersinterpreted to havecertainmoral qualitiesandtendenciesas expressed inspeech andwhat is donein action.

In this novel, Christopher McCandless is the main character. He was born in California, US at February 12 1968 and died at August 18, 1992. He is an American Hiker, He ventured into the Alaskan wilderness in April 1992 with little food and equipment, hoping t McCandless' death occurred in a converted bus used as a backcountry shelter, along th personality.

4.2 Personality of Christopher McCandless

Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent character anda unique character that gives consistency as well individuality fora person's behavior (Feist&Feist, 2009). Allport in (Friedman &Schustack, 2006), states that personality


24 isdynamic organization of individual psychophysical systems that determine their unique adjustmentto the environment.

In this novel, Christopher McCandless is a main or major character because the novel itself tells about Christopher McCandless life since he graduates from Emory University until his death in his highly desirable place, in Alaskan wilderness. Below the personalities of Christopher McCandless found in Into The Wild novel:

a) Brave

In the novel that is very clear that Christopher McCandless is an brave man. He walked, hitched, and explored America for two years before he died from starvation in Alaska, even his fearless personality are shown since he were young, this personality is shown so much in the novel that actually the writer do not even need to describe every single of the events. it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 29, 37 and 106:

McCandless tramped around the West for the next two months, spellbound by the scale and power of the landscape, thrilled by minor brushes with the law, savoring the intermittent company of other vagabonds he met along the way. Allowing his life to be shaped by circumstance, he hitched to lake Tahoe, hiked into the Sierra Nevada, and spent a week walking on north on the Pacific Crest Trail before exiting the mountains and returning to the pavement.(Krakauer, 1996: 29)

He lived on the streets with bums, tramps, and winos for several weeks. Vegas would not be the end of the story, however. On may 10, itchy feet returned and Alex left his job in Vegas, retrieved his backpack, and hit the road again, though he found that if you are stupid enough to bury a camera underground you won’t be taking many pictures with it afterwards. Thus the story has no picture book for the period May 10, 1991-January 7, 1992. But this is not important. It is the experiences, the memories, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in


25 which real meaning is found. God it’s great to be alive!

Thank you. Thank you. (Krakauer, 1996: 37)

His bravery has appeared since he was young, Carine his sister said that one night, Chris went out from the house and wander to a house down the street just to stole neighbor’s candy drawer. He did everything when he wanted it, he is a kind of kid who does not need a reason to do something.

It is impossible to know what murky convergence of chromosomal matter, parent-childdynamics, and alignment of the cosmos was responsible, but Christopher JohnsonMcCandless came into the world with unusual gifts and a will not easily deflected fromits trajectory. At the age of two, he got up in the middle of the night, found his wayoutside without waking his parents, and entered a house down the street to plunder aneighbor's candy drawer. (Krakauer, 1996: 106)

b) Independent

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (1974:433), independent is the quality of someone which is not dependent on or controlled by other person or things, not relying on others; no need to work for a living. Chris didn’t want his family to give him too much comfort, he want to afford everything by himself, this personality can be seen when his parents want to give him a new car to replace his old car, but he refused , it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 20-21:

Chris only recently upbraided Walt and Billie for expressing their desire to buy him a new car as a graduation present and offering to pay for a law school if there wasn’t enough money left in his college fund to cover it.

He already had a perfectly good car; he insisted: a beloved 1982 Datsun B210, slightly dented but mechanically sound, with 128,000 miles on the odometer. “I can’t believe they’d try and buy me a car,” he later complained in a letter to Carine. (Krakauer, 1996:20)


26 Few moments before his graduation, he did not write or make any call at all and because he had no phone, his parents cauld not easily contact him, it leads his parents to write him about he completely dropped away from his family and what were he doing there, of course by the way that make him offended. In his graduation later he talk to his sister Carine about that, and showing that he really didn’t like it anyway and one thing led to another.

"We were all worried when we didn't hear from him," says Carine, "and I think myparents' worry was mixed with hurt and anger. But I didn't really feel hurt by his failureto write. I knew he was happy and doing what he wanted to do; I understood that it wasimportant for him to see how independent he could be. And he knew that if he'd writtenor called me, Mom and Dad would find out where he was, fly out there, and try to bringhim home."

c) Friendly

Chris is a friendly person, friendly personality can simply by looking on how somebody threat the other in the proper way. In this novel we can find that Chris met many people and he can be easily close to everyone he met in his journey from south to the north, furthermore they very like him. it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 1 & 30:

He didn’t appear to be very old: eighteen, maybe nineteen at most. A rifle protruded from the young man’s backpack, but he looked friendly enough; a hitchikker with a Remington semiautomatic isn’t the sort of thing that gives motorist pause in the forty-ninth state. (Krakauer, 1996: 1)

“We got to talking. He was a nice kid. Said his name is Alex. And he was big-time hungry. Hungry, hungry, hungry. But real happy. Said he’d been surviving on edible plants he identified from the book. Like he was


27 real proud of it. Said he was tramping around the country,

having a big old adventure. He told us about abandoning his car, about burning all his money. I said, ‘Why would you want to do that?’ Claimed he didn’t need money. (Krakauer, 1996: 30)

From the quotations above we can see that Chris is a friendly man. He met so many people along his journey and always can be easily close to them, he makes relationship with everyone without any discriminations, he able to learn from everyone, humble and friendly to all of them.

d) Intellectual

Chris is a person with some kind of intellectual brain, it is indisputable simply from how the way he think about everythings, Chrissaid to besmart becauseheisa manwho likes to readso much heusesdifficult wordsin communicatingwith others and always tried to think really hard about stuff that unnecessary to think about, it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 18:

“You could tell right away that Alex was intelligent,” Westerberg reflects, draining his third drink. “He read a lot. Used a lot of big words. I think maybe part of what got him into trouble was that he did too much thinking. Sometimes he tried too hard to make sense of the world, to figure out why people were bad to each other so often. A couple of times I tried to tell him it was a mistake to get too deep into that kind of stuff, but Alex got stuck on things. He always had to know the absolute right answer before he could go on the next thing.”(Krakauer, 1996: 18)

In his early life, Chris already hold his own mindset, also the indicator that he is actually brilliant, but selfish at the same time, his parents can do nothing against his selfishness.


28 In the third grade, after receiving a high score on a

standardized achievement test, Chris was placed in an accelerated program for gifted students. "He wasn't happy about it," Billie remembers, "because it meant he had to do extra schoolwork. So he spent aweek trying to get himself out of the program. This little boy attempted to convince theteacher, the principal—anybody who would listen—that the test results were in error, thathe really didn't belong there. We learned about it at the first PTA meeting. His teacherpulled us aside and told us that 'Chris marches to a different drummer.' She just shook herhead." (Krakauer, 1996:106)

Another evidence in the novel that showing Chris has intellectual brain when he graduated from his university with good marks, even though he is active in organization and also become a columnist and editor of the student newspaper, it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 20:

In May 1990, Chris graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, where he’d been a columnist for; and editor of, the student newspaper; The Emory Wheel, and had distinguished himself as a history and anthropology major with a 3.72 grade-point average, He was offered membership in Phi Beta Kappa but declined, insisting that title and honors are irrelevant. (Krakauer, 1996: 20) Although Burres was concerned about McCandless, she assumed he’d come through in one piece. “I though he’d be fine in the end,” she reflects. “He was smart. He’d figured out how to paddle a canoe downn to Mexico, how to hop freight trains, how to score a bed at inner-city missions. He figured all of that out on his own, and I felt sure he’d figure out Alaska, too.”

From the quotations above we can see that Chris tried too hard to understand the world, why people act so bad to each other and the reality about his high grade are enough to tells alot about his intelligent.


29 e) Ambitious

Christopher McCandless is an ambitious man, although for some other sight, he is called selfish in many ways, but he still an ambitious, when he wanted to do something, he just did it. He didn’t care about his own family members who care for him. His main problem of his ambitiousness come from his relationship with his father, Walt McCandless, it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 64:

Westerber’s latter conjecture, as it turned out, was a fairly astute analysis of relationship between Chris and Walt McCandless. Both father and son were stubborn and high strung. Given Walt’s need to exert control and Chris’s extravagantly independent nature, polarization was inevitable. Chris submitted to Walt’s authority through high school and college to a surprising degree, but the boy raged inwardly all the while. He brooded at length over he perceived to be his father’s moral shortcomings, the hypocrisy of his parent’s lifestyle, the tyranny of their conditional love. Eventually, Chris rebelled-and when he finally did, it was with characteristic immoderation. (Krakauer, 1996:64)

Chris have ambition to against his father by disappearing, Chris learns of what his father did and grows angry at the hypocrisy of his father’s expectations. Attempting to teach his parents a lesson as well so he decided going into the wild in Alaska.

At the conclusion of his preparations in Fairbanks, McCandless loaded up his packand started hiking west from the university. Leaving the campus, he walked past theGeophysical Institute, a tall glass-and-concrete building capped with a large satellite dish.The dish, one of the most distinctive landmarks on the Fairbanks skyline, had beenerected to collect data from satellites equipped with synthetic aperture radar of WaltMcCandless's design. Walt had in fact visited Fairbanks during the start-up of thereceiving station and had written some of the software crucial to its operation. If theGeophysical Institute prompted Chris to think of his father as he tramped by, the boy leftno record of it.


30 From the dialogue above, we know that going into the wild is Chris’ biggest ambition. It is like a mission in his life and the mission to teach his to teach his parents a lesson. Chris is very ambitious in his mission in planning it seriously.

f) Idealistic

Another personality of Christopher McCandless is an idealist. In his life Chris measures himself and around him with the high standard of morality, eventhough he didn’t just get it suddenly, but he hold it real hard and become one of his prominent personality, it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 44:

McCandless had been infatuated with London since chilhood. London’s fervert condemnation of capitalist society, his glorification of the primordial world, his championing of the great unwashed-all of it mirrored McCandless’s passions. Mesmerized by london’s turgid portrayal of life in Alaska and the Yukon, McCandless read and reread the Call of the Wild, White Fang, “To Build a Fire,” ”An Odyssey of the North,” “The Wit of Porportuk.” He was so enthralled by these tales, however that he seemed to forget they were work of fiction, constructions of the imagination that had more to do with London’s romantic sensibilities than with the actualities of life in the subarctic wilderness. (Krakauer, 1996:44)

The quotation above are one reason of Chris Idealism come from, Another proof from his selfish idealism can also be seen from his dialogue between Chris and Mr. Franz, it is shown in “Into The Wild” page 51:

After attending the church that Sunday, Franz decided to talk to Alex “About how he was living. Somebody needed to convince him to get an education and a job and make something of his life”.

When he returned to McCandless’s camp and launched into the self-improvement pitch, though, McCandless cut him off abruptly.”Look, Mr. Franz,” he declared, “you don’t need to worry about me. I have a college education. I’m not destitute. I’m living like this by choice.” And


31 then, despite his initial prickliness, the young man

warmed to the old-timer, and the two enganged in a long conversation. (Krakauer, 1996:51)

You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only or principally from human relationships. God has placed it all around us. It is in everything we might experience. We just have to have the courager to turn against our habitual lifestyle and engange in unconventional living. My point is that you do not need me or anyone else around to bring this new kind of light in your life. It is simply waiting out there for you to grasp it, and all you have to do is reach for it. The only person you are fighting is yourself and your stubborness to engage in new circumstances. (Krakauer, 1996:57-58)

From the quotations above we can conclude that his idea and morality are so strong, he refuse all the thing that are opposite from what he believes, he lives his life by his own rule, he answers all the question from people around confidently as his belief is all right and nothing to change, allthough many seems wrong and selfish from the side of society.

4.3 Conflict

Meredith & Ftizgerald in (Nurgiyantoro, 2007:122), states that conflictissomething that isnot pleasantincurred orsuffered bythe charactersthatif thecharacteritselfhas the freedomto choose, he wouldn’tchoosethe eventshappened to him. Form ofconflictcan be dividedinto twocategories, that is: a) physicalconflictsandinner conflicts, b) external conflictandinternalconflict.

AccordingWalgito(2004: 51-52), theconvergencetheorystatesthat the environmenthas an important roleinpersonality development. In broad outline,environmentdistinguished as follows.


32 a) Physical Conflict

Physical conflictinvolvingphysical activity, there is an interactionbetweenthecharacterswith somethingoutsidehimself(another character orenvironment). Thisnoveltells the story ofChristopherMcCandless, a smart young manwhocomes from a capable family, buthechose to leavehis lifeandlivewith is shown in “Into The Wild” page 1:

Immediately after graduating, with honors, from Emory University in the summer of 1990, McCandless dropped out of sight. He changed his name, gave the entire balance of a twenty-four-thousand-dollar savings account to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet. And then he invented a new life for himself, taking up residence at the ragged margin of oursociety, wandering across North America in search of raw, transcendent experience. (Krakauer, 1996:1)

This is donebecause he thinksthe peopleliving a lie. His familyishonorable. His father is anantennaspecialistwhoworksforNASAandhis mother is averysuccessfulconsultant. His parentsare known asa successful partneras well as theidealfigurefor thesocial environment.But forChris, his parentsjust afigure ofmiddle-class peoplewhoare full ofhypocrisy.

In truth McCandless had been raised in the comfortable upper-middle-class environs of Annandale, Virginia. His father, Walt, is an eminent aerospace engineer who designed advanced radar systems for the space shuttle and other high-profile projects while in the employ of NASA and Hughes Aircraft in the 1960s and '70s. In 1978, Walt went into business for himself, launching a small but eventually prosperous consulting firm, User Systems, Incorporated. His partner in the venture was Chris's mother. Bill-lie. (Krakauer, 1996:19)


33 In fact, his fatheroftencommitsviolence againsther mother. Chrisalso knowshis fatherevidentlynot yetdivorcedfromhis first wife. WhenChrisandCarinehis sister,was born.

There were eight children in the extended family: a younger sister, Carine, with whom Chris was extremely close, and six half-brothers and sisters from Walt's first marriage. (Krakauer, 1996:20)

Chrisconsidersboth parentshadlied to him, and this situationmotivatedChristo leavehis lifeandgoadventure.

b) Inner Conflicts

Inner conflictis something that happensinwardof a character. This conflictis based on theevents experiencedby themain characterthat causesthe main characterhasthoughts in his mindwhichraises conflictwithin him.

He had just finished reading Doctor Zhivago, a book that incited him to scribble excited notes in the margins and underline several passages:

"NATURE/PURITY," he printed in bold characters at the top of the page.

McCandless starred and bracketed the paragraph and circled "refuged and nature" in black ink.

Next to "And so it turned out that only a life similar to the life of those around us, merging with it without a ripple, is genuine this was most vexing of all, "he noted, "HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED".

It is tempting to regard this latter notation as further evidence that McCandless long, lonely sabbatical had changed him in significant way. It can be interpreted to mean that he was ready, perhaps, to shed a little of the armor he wore around his heart, that upon returning to civilization, he intended to abandon the life of a solitary vagabond, stop running so hard from intimacy, and


34 become a member of the human community. But we will

never know, because Doctor Zhivago was the last book Chris McCandless would ever read.(Krakauer, 1996:188-189)

The quotationabovetellsthe incident whenChrisfinished reading the book ofDoctorZhivago. From the bookthat he read, Chrisbegins to realizethat lifewill behappierwhensharedrather than to livealone. Hebegins to realizethat he was wrong in choosing to run away fromhis former lifeandchooseto live by himself. Heeventuallytorturedwithhis currentlife.

Two days after he finished the book, on July 30, there is anonimous entry in the journal: "EXTREMELY WEAK, FAULT OF POT SEED, MUCH TROUBLE JUST TO STAND UP. STARVING. GREAT JEOPARDY." Before this note there is nothing in the journal to suggest that McCandless was in dire circumstances. He was hungry, and his meager diet had pared his body down to a feral scrawn of gristle and bone, but he seemed to be in reasonably good health. Then, after July 30, his physical condition suddenly went to hell. By August 19, he was dead. ( Krakauer , 1996:189)

There has been a lot of conjecture about what caused such a precipitous decline. In the days following the identification of McCandless remains, Wayne Westerberg vaguely recalled that Chris might have purchased some seeds in South Dakota before heading north, including perhaps some potato seeds, with which he intended to plant a vegetable garden after getting established in the bush. According to the one theory, McCandless never got around to planting the garden (I saw no evidence of a garden in the vicinity of the bus) and by late July had grown hungry enough to eat the seeds, which poisoned him. (Krakauer ,1996:189-190)

Finally, he realizesthathe is doingwrong, then he regrets it, but heis too late. Hedied ofstarvationandpoisoning. His idealisticpersonalitybrought him intodestruction.




He signed the note "CHRIS MCCANDLESS. AUGUST?" Recognizing the gravity of his predicament, he had abandoned the cocky moniker he'd been using for years, Alexander Supertramp, in favor of the name given to him at birth by his parents. (Krakauer, 1996:198)

4.4 Plot

The storylineof the novelInto TheWildismixture(forward-backward). The storybeginswith the story ofChriswho metwithGallien, aunionelectricianinAlaska. Then the storyback totime whenChrisgraduated from collegeatEmoryUniversity

inAtlanta. Thenthe story goesbacktoChrisin

theadventuretoAlaskaandthenbackagainto thestory ofhis past,and continuesuntileventuallythe story endswhenChrissaid to bediedinAlaskadue to starvation andpoisoned.

4.5 Factors that Influence the Leading Character’s Personality to Become an Idealist

The factorsthatcanaffectpsychologicalconflicts ofphysic including physical,social and cultural environment, andself-factorthemselves. In general, there aretwo major factors thatinfluence the development ofpersonality; it isinternal


36 factorsand external factors.Internal factoraffectingChrisbecamean idealistisself-factor. Whiletheexternal factorsinclude the environment, other people andsociety.

a) Internal Factor

Internal conflicts are conflicts that occur in the heart, the soul of the characters. So, it is the conflict experienced by humans with themselves. For example, it happens due to a conflict between two desires, beliefs, different options, expectations or other problems. (Nurgiyantoro, 2007: 124)

Internal factors that make Chris became an idealist is come from the books he read. Chris really loves to read. His thinking always influenced by quotations from great figures such, Thoreau, Emerson, Jack London and Tolstoy homage to romantic with high moral standards. This was reflected in the"Into The Wild"novel, where Chris often use the phrase he quoted from these figures.

Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterway. The trees had been stripped by a recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean toward each other, black and ominous, in the fading light. A vast silence reigned over the land. The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness. There was a hint in it of laughter, but of a laughter more terrible than any sadness-- a laughter that was mirthless as the smile of the Sphinx, a laughter cold as the frost and par-taking of the grimness of infallibility. It was the masterful and incommunicable wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of life and the effort of life.It was the wild, the savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild- Jack London (Krakauer, 1996:9)

The quotation aboveshowsthat Chris really enjoys reading books, and hold many quotations from some figures that have nearly the same point of view of this


37 world, another quotation that influence the mind of Chris to become an idealist also reflected in “Into The Wild” page 15:

I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quite life- Leo Tolstoy (Krakauer, 1996:15)

Chris does not want a flat life, he want to show his existence to the world, he wants something exciting always happened to his life, he feel that in his former life he does not get any chance to fulfilled his redundant energy.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth, I sat a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, an obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. The hospitality was as cold as the ices- Henry David Thoreau (Krakauer, 1996:117)

From thequotationsaboveappears thatChrisassumesthat happinessitselfcould be createdwithout havingmaterial.Andhappiness isnotdetermined bythe relationshipbetween humans, as ifhewants todenythe factthat human beingsaresocial creatureswho their lives dependon others.

b) External Factors

External conflict is a conflict between a character with something outside themselves, perhaps with the environment or with other people. Chris idealistic personality is influenced by the lies were made by society which finally affects the inner and mindset of Chris. Where the first lies he saw coming from his family.


38 Harmonious family that looks outside turned out to save lies therein. He found out that his father had not divorce his first wife when he and his sister, Carine was born. Chris and Carine also proved to have six half-brother who lives in California from his father's first marriage.

In truth McCandless had been raised in the comfortable upper-middle class environs of Annandale, Virginia. His father, Walt, is an eminent aerospace engineer who designed advanced radar systems for the space shutle and other high profile projects while in the employ of NASA and Hughes Aircraft in the 1960s and 70s. In 1978, Walt went into business for humself, launching a small but eventually prosperous consulting firm, User Systems, Incorporated. His partner in the venture was Chris's mother, Billlie. There was eight children in the extended family: a younger sister, Carine, with whom Chris was extremely close, and six half brothers and sisters from Walt's first marriage. (Krakauer, 1996:19-20)

Families who have beenlied to himis what becomeone of the factorsthatChrishas theidealisticpersonality. He becomesnolonger trust inanything.As inhis words, he quotesfromThoreau. "Ratherthanlove, thanmoney, thanfaith, thanfame, thanfairness, ...give metruth. (Krakauer, 1996:117)

4.6 Findings

From the analysis above, it is knownhow thepersonality ofthe maincharacterandwhatfactorsthat influence thepersonality ofthemaincharacterto becomesomeone who isidealistic. Here's the explanation:

1. Chris has some personalities, which is Adventurer, Independent, Friendly, Clever, Ambitious and Idealistic.


39 2. Idealism is a self-faith of something that someone’s believe that it is true, where they will hold their belief really hard and will never be influenced by other’s response.

3. Factors thatmakeChristo becomeidealistdivided intotwo;there areinternal factorsand external factors. Internalfactoris afactor that comes fromhimself, while theexternalfactorisa factorthatcomes from the environment, other peopleandsociety.

4. Internal factor comes from the literary works he read, that the mindset of Chris is affected based on quotations from figures whose books he read such as, Thoreau, Jack London, and other great figures.

5. External factor comes from his family. Chris assumes his family had lied, so he cannot trust anything.

Chrisis known to havean interesting personality, butbecause of a conflictthat happened to him, he becomesidealistic. Idealisticpersonalityis notbad, butifit is wrong inunderstanding andapplication inour life, or even put the ego in it,theidealismcould eventuallyharm us.




5.1 Conclusion

Into the Wild is a 1996 non-fiction novel, it is adopted from the true story of Christopher McCandless which is made into a biography by Jon Krakauer. This novel discusses about a young man’s way of life and psychology that fulfilled with rejection and madness he got from everywhere, with society, especially his family although his family really loved him then chooses to abandon everything that he has and starts his journey into the wild to fulfill his emotions.

From the discussions that have been described in previous chapters, the writer comes to the conclusion that Christopher McCandless is an idealist. It is one of his personality. His personality divided into several kinds, it is intellect, friendly, brave, ambitious, independent and idealistic. He is an intellect, where he use a lot of big words when he speak with other people frequently and he also becomes a cumlaude at his university. He is a kind of sociable and friendly person, he can easily close to the strangers, he never discriminate strangers by their oddity, he can easily enjoy going with them as long as they are doing nice. His bravery can simply be seen along his journey to everywhere, not many people have that kind of bravery, going everywhere without any preparation, even when he is still a kid, he wandered in the night to the neighbor’s house just to steal their candy. His ambitious personality comes along his perseverence in doing everything especially when he want it, not when he need it, that is him, he is simply doing everything when he want it. Not to dependent to his parents is one of his personality, he is such an independent young


41 man, he dislike when his parent seems to ease his life too much, he love to live his life by his ability, then when people try to help, they need to ask him first, and he is said to be an idealistic because he measures and wants himself and the people around him to have a high moral standards, which means besides to be a knowledgeable, a man must respect each other or become a perfect man without blemish as he found from literary works that he loves to read along his life, he is not fit to live in society because he thought it is hypocrite and they will be well ahead of everyone else but when in behind, they will come back again as before, too many lies. That's what made him run away from his comfort life and choose to isolate himself into the wild, although he must abandon all that he has even his own family, because he thinks if he lives in the society too long, he will live a life of lies.

Then from the previous discussion the writer found that the factors that influence him to be an idealistic one of which is derived from the family and literary works that he read. It is said that Chris saw a lot of lies going on in the community, and the first lie he saw coming from his own family, where his parents have a problem, they look good in the eyes of the public even though the household is in mess. Chris is a smart kid who really likes to read, and almost all of the books that he read are telling about ideas how to live freely and exciting adventures. from the books, he got motivated to become a better human beings and closer to nature, so that he became an idealist.


42 5.2 Suggestion

Based on theconclusions above, the writer would like to give some advice to the readers. The writer hopes the readers become someone who is smarter in filtering sciences they gained because other people's thinking is not always suitable to be applied to the conditions of our lives. Problemsanalysis above teach and remind us that nothing is perfect in this world. Each person definitely has its own advantages and disadvantages, we can not push what we think is good and what we think are wrong to others. Every person has a right and their own thoughts. Because if we push our will too hard, we will end up like Chris in IntoThe Wildnovel.

The writer also hopes this thesis can provide additional knowledge to the readers and further researchers about idealism, how the application of these idealism and how the influence it gives to our life.




This chapter discusses about the related literature of this thesis. The writer has chosen some important books related to the psychology of literature. Some of the books are explain about the theory in analyzing psychological factors in literary works. In order to produce an interesting discussion to be studied in this thesis, the library material chosen should be relevant to the problems which are being analyzed, while the information should originally support the analysis of the problem.

2.1 Literature

Literature is derived from Latin littera; letter, is the art of written works. It is related to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situation, express emotions, and analyze ideas. The ‘compositions’ is synonymous to fictitious writing which is far from scientific writing. Literature, in general, is life experience which is uttered become a beautiful writing. Its beauty may gives sense to the reader even gives strong effect to the reader. The statement is supported by Taylor in his book Understanding the Element of Literature (1981:1) who says that: Literature, like the other arts, is essentially an imaginative of fact, that is, an act of the writer’s imagination in selection, ordering, and interpreting life- experience. It means that the raw material of literature is experience. Literature is also containing more feeling than reasoning. As what Wellek (1965: 1) has stated that the subject matter of literature is irrational or at least contains strongly irrational elements.


8 Sometimes there are some literary works that can not be understood simply when we are reading it because the contents are based on the opinion of the writer. We should know who the writer is and the background of the writer. Literature has large insight to see. Its connection to philosophy, sociology and even psychology has made literature full of ideas which are not easy to understand simply.

Roberts (1995: 1) suggests that literature helps us grow, both personally and intellectually. It provides an objective base for knowledge and understanding. It makes a connection between culture, philosophical and religious world which are apart. It enables us to recognize human dreams and struggle in different places and times. It also helps us develop maturity, sensibility and also compassion for the condition of all living things, like human and animals.

Literature can be also said as a product of mind. It has its own system for its own world. The way literature comes is not like the wind passes by. It may be based on observation through imagination which is shaped systematically. Thus, literature is a kind of knowledge or science at the very base, though it is not objectively arranged. Literature is also like philosophy or history which belongs to humanly social knowledge. For that reason, it is worthless arguing literature whether it is science or not. At least, it offers understanding of what man is. In short, we could say that literature is a kind of mirror to see our own faces in terms of humanity understanding.

As Wellek says in Theory of Literature (1977: 75-135), literature has two approaches: intrinsic and extrinsic method. The intrinsic approach is the analysis of literary works which focuses merely on the text of literary work. The most common


9 intrinsic elements which are very important in literature or fiction are character, theme, plot and structure.

2.2 Novel

Novelin English is callednovel, in ItalianNovella, andin GermanNovelleliterally means"a newsmallstuff" andtheninterpreted as"short story in prose" Abrams in(Nurgiyantoro, 1995:9). Almostthe opposite ofshort storiesthat arecompressing, expandsthe noveltends to be"widespread". If theprefer theintensityof short stories, novelstend toemphasizethatboththe emergenceof complexity"complexity" (Sayuti, 2000:10).

Nurgiyantoro(1995: 10) states, inanovela writercanexpresssomethingfreely, presentingsomethingmore, more detailedandinvolvemore complexissues.Includingthe variouselements ofthe novel'sstory building.FurtherStanton in (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:11) revealedthat thenoveldistinctiveadvantagesisits abilityto conveycomplex issuesin full andcreatingaworldthat is"finished". Thismeansreading thenovelbecomes easierbecause it does notrequire usto understand thecomplex issuesin the form(and time) thata little.

A novel in particular has enough opportunity to question the characteristic of a character in a passage of time and chronology. Novel also allows the presentation widely about the place (certain rooms). Therefore, it is not surprising that the man's positions in society are at issue which has always attracted the attention of novelists. Society has dimensions of space and time. A society clearly related to the dimensions of the place but the role of a person (character) in society change and evolves in time (Sayuti 2000: 10-11). A novel is the totality comprehensive and artistically. Novelhas


10 an element of the word the language which became one entity are closely interrelated and mutually dependent.

a) Fiction

(AcengHasani, 2005:21), states thatfiction is an essay in which have the imagination of the author. The intent of the statement is that an essay can be classified into fictional composition when in it is the result of the author's imagination or fantasy, both in terms of events, characters, settings, and other elements.

While (Sudjiman, 1984: 17), states that fiction is the narrative that has character, acting, and the flow generated by the imagination or the imagination, in a variety of prose. In this case, Sudjiman explained that the fictional composition is the result of an author's imagination that contains elements such as character, plot, and others. The elements are mutually sustainable so that the occurrence of a story.

b) Non Fiction

(AcengHasani,2005:21) states that thenonfiction essayistheform of dataandfacts. So there is noelement ofthe author's imagination. In this case, AcengHasaniprovides limitationthatanessaycan be classifiedintononfictionifthere aredata thatcanbe verified inside. Besides, nonfictionessayhave also been preparedbythe factsthatactually occurredin the field withoutany element ofimaginationof the author.

2.2.1 Character

Allpor in (Psikologi Kepribadian, 1983) states that “Character is personality evaluated, and personality is character devaluated”. Abramsin (Nurgiyantoro, 2007:165) states that thecharacterisfigureshown in a work ofnarrativeordrama,


11 whichbyreadersinterpreted to havecertainmoral qualitiesandtendenciesas expressed inspeech andwhat is donein action.

2.2.2 Personality

Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent character anda unique character that gives consistency as well individuality fora person's behavior (Feist&Feist, 2009). Allport in (Friedman &Schustack, 2006), states that personality isdynamic organization of individual psychophysical systems that determine their unique adjustmentto the environment.

2.3 Idealism

Idealism is the metaphysical view that associates reality to ideas in the mind rather than to material objects. It lays emphasis on the mental or spiritual components of experience, and renounces the notion of material existence. Idealism is the philosophical theory which maintains that experience is ultimately based on mental activity. Epistemological idealists (such as Kant) claim that the only things which can be directly known for certain are just ideas (abstraction). In literature, idealism refers to the thoughts or the ideas of the writer. Idealism sometimes refers to a tradition in thought that represents things of a perfect form, as in the fields of ethics, morality, aesthetics, and value. In this way, it represents a human perfect being or circumstance.

Ahmad Agungin (Juhaya S. Pradja, 1987: 38) divided idealism into three kinds, below are the explanations:


12 1) SubjectiveIdealism or also called Immaterialism, Mentalism, and Phenomenalism.A subjective idealist would say that the mind, the soul, and perceptions-perceptions or ideas are everything that exists. An object of experience is not a material object;object of experience is the perception. Therefore objects such as buildings and trees that exist, but only in the sense that perceive it.

SubjectiveIdealismisidealist minded philosophyandstartsonthe ideaof manorhis own ideas. Nature and societyiscreated fromthe ideaof man. Everything thatarisesandoccursin natureorinsocietyisthe result oforbecause ofthe creationof manorhis ownideas, orin other words,nature and societyis just an idea/mindofthemselves orthe humanidea.One of thefamous personalitiesofthis genreisanEnglishbishopnamedGeorgeBerkeley(1684-1753AD), according toBerkeley, everythingcaught by oursensation/feelingisnotrealandis notmateriallyexistobjectively.

2) ObjectiveIdealism, which issaidthat theminddiscoverwhat is alreadycontained in thenatural order. Objectiveidealismisanidealist minded philosophyviewschools of philosophy, and theidealsisopposite fromthe idea ofuniversal(Absolute Idea-Hegel/Plato's LOGOS) beyond theidea ofhumanideas. According toobjectiveidealismeverything iseither innatureorsocietyisthe resultof the creation ofa universalidea. This kind ofphilosophical viewbasicallyadmit to somethingthat is notmaterial, that iseternallybeyondhuman, something that did notexistbefore theworldismaterialuniverse, including the human beingsandall thoughtsandfeelings.Famousfiguresofthisphilosophyare: JohannesErigena(833 AD), ThomasAquinas(1225-1274 AD), DunsScotus(1270-1308 AD), etc.


13 Then in modern times around the 18th century came a new system of objective idealism philosophy, which is proposed by George.WF Hegel (1770-1831 AD). According to Hegel the essence of this world is "absolute idea", which is absolute and "objective" in all things, and infinite in space and time. This "The idea of absolute", in the process reveals itself in the form of natural phenomenon, the symptoms of society, and the symptoms of the mind.

3) Individual Idealism or PersonalIdealism/Personalism, is the values and the struggles are to perfect himself. This personalism appear as a protest against mechanical materialism and monistic idealism.

Any man who carries his theoretical doubts or denial of the external world so far that even in his everyday experience he is forever reminding himself of the purely subjective character of his perceptions will simply find himself flung out of the natural course and direction of life, stripped of all normal feeling and interest, and sooner or later confronted with the danger of losing his mind completely.

The strongest characteristic of Idealism is that nothing is accepted on faith alone, this will help them to make the best decision regardless if it conflicted with the religious doctrine or not. However this is weak because the status quo mechanisms of discovery are not advanced enough to explain everything that seems phenomenal.

The Idealist pictured the world as an all-inclusive absolute mind, of which individual human minds were fragmentary parts. To understand the world was to see it, almost mystically, as a systematic and indivisible whole. It followed from this that the analytic way of looking at things to be found in science must inevitably misrepresent its subject-matter.


14 2.4 Psychology of Personality

Yusuf in (Perilaku Manusia, 2008:1), states that Psychologyis a

knowledgeabout the soulwhich proves thatinthe wordscontainedsomesoulandspiritualqualitiesof man, so that itgave birth toavariety

oftheories. Diversitystrongly influencedbypersonalaspects(personal reflection) of religious life, socialenvironment, culture andphilosophyespousedthe theory.One ofpsychological studywhichwasbased ona of thought, researchorfindings ofexpertsin the form ofpersonality(personality). The behaviorshown byword and deedisempiricaldataor factswhich are indicators ofmentalormentalconditionof a person.

(Sujanto, 2004:2) states that psychology of personalitycan be formulated aspsychologywhich specifically talk aboutpersonalityas a whole,Itstudiedthe entirepersonality, not just the thoughts, feelings, andso forth, but overallas ablendbetweenthe physical and spirituallife. Complex, because in theprocess ofgrowth isaffectedbyinnate factorswhichconsists ofvariousinborndispositionwiththe factorsofthe environmentthat consists ofvariousthings.

Meanwhile, according toPoerbatjarakain (Saleh, 1995:4-5), personality asa wholeofthe subjectiveattitudesthat characterizethe emotionalandmentalcharacter of the individualto the environment, andthe wholeofthe reactionsthat arepsychologicallyand socially. Thus it canbe seenreflected in thepersonalityof itsattitudes.

Human personalityis influencedby various factors, in this casethere are threetheoriesarediscussed. First, the theory ofnativism, states thatinnatefactorsare


15 strongerthan thefactors thatcome from outside. Second, the theory ofempiricism, states thatthe development ofan individual willbe determined byempiricismorthe experiencesgained duringthe development ofthe individual isstill ongoingor walking. Third, theconvergencetheory, this theoryis a combinationoftheory ofnativismandempiricismtheoryproposed byWilliamStern.

WilliamSternin (Sujanto, 2004:4-5), statedthat the establishment ofa personalorcharacterdeterminedbyinsideandoutside factors. Inside FactororInnate factorsiseverything that has beenborn withbothpsychologicalandbodilynature. Whileexternalfactorsor environmental factorsare all things thatexistoutside of humans, both the living andthe dead.

2.5 Theory of Convergence

William Louis Stern, a German psychologist and noted as a pioneer in the field of the psychology of personality, he was born at April 29th, 1871 in Germany and died at March 27th in Durham, USA. He introduced the theory of convergence, it is the combination between the theory of Nativism and theory of Empirism.

Theory of convergence by William Louis Stern isthe theorywhich statedthat the establishmentordevelopment ofpersonality of a personis determinedbyinnatefactorsandalsofactorsinthe surroundingenvironment.

AccordingWalgito(2004: 51-52), theconvergencetheorystatesthat the environmenthas an important roleinpersonality development. In broad outline,environmentdistinguished as follows.


16 1. The physical environment, namelyin the form ofthe

naturalenvironment, such as soil conditions, seasonal conditionsandso on. Different natural environmentwillgive adifferenteffectto the individual. For examplemountain areasgive different effectwhen compared toothercoastal areas.

2. The social environment, which issociety. Inthese communitiesthere areinteractionsbetweenone individual withanother. Society conditionswillgivea certain influenceon the development ofthe individual. The social environmentcan be divided intotwo, they are: a)PrimarySocialEnvironment, which issocial environmentwithclose relationshipbetween thememberswith the other members for example family.

b) SecondarySocialEnvironment, which issocial environmentof thememberwithother member’s relationshipis ratherloose for example distant neighbors.

In social lifesometimes peopledo notfit inwith the normsof society. People canattemptto be ableto change thebad normsintoa goodnorm. Sothe individual is activelygivingeffect to theenvironment.

AccordingWalgito(2004: 48-49), the development ofindividualwill be determinedbyInnate factors(basic) orendogenous factors, as well as byenvironmentsfactors orcircumstances orexogenous factors. Endogenous factorsare factors thatbroughtbyan individualfrom conceptionto birth. Endogenous factorsinclude, asfollows.


17 1. Innate personality which related to physical factor, such as skin color.

This personality usually cannot be changed

2. Psychological innate personality which closely related to the spiritual state in the form of temperament. Temperament is an innate personality associated with physiological functions such as blood, glands, and other fluid contained in the human body and is constant or cannot be changed.

3. Innate personalityin the form ofthe character, which formedthe entirety of theindividualpersonalitythatappearinthe dailyactionsas a result ofinnateand the environment.So thatcharacteris the onlyinnate personalitythat can bechanged orcan beinfluenced from outside.

Exogenous factorsare factors thatcomefrom outsidethe individual,in the form ofexperiences, environment,educationandso on. This factordistinguished onnon-social factors and onnon-socialfactors. Social factorsinclude the family, school, andcommunity. While thenon-social factorsincludethe living and thedead(organic andinorganic).




1.1 Background of the Study

Into the Wildis a 1996 non-fiction novel, it is adapted from the true story of Christopher McCandless which is made into a biography by Jon Krakauer. This novel discuss about a young man’s way of life and psychology that fulfilled with rejection and madness he got from everywhere with society, especially his family although his family really loved him then choose to abandon everything that he had and start his journey into the wild. The writer interested to choose the title because want to give information to the readers about everything we learn, read or believe, we should filter it with everything we got as best as we can, or we just end up drowning into someone’s mindset.

graduate who is found dead in the Alaskan wilderness in September 1992, when he is twenty-four. McCandless grows up in wealthy Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., and is a very gifted athlete and scholar, who from an early age shows deep intensity, passion, and a strict moral compass. After graduating from high school McCandless spends the summer alone on a road trip across the country, during which he discovers that his father secretly had a second family during Chris’s childhood. McCandless returns home and starts as a freshman at Emory, but his anger over this betrayal and his parents’ keeping it from him grows worse over time.

By the time that McCandless is a senior at Emory, he lives monastically, has driven away most of his friends with his intensity and moral certitude, and barely


2 keeps in touch with his parents. He lets his parents think that he is interested in law school, but instead, after graduating with honors, he donates his $25,000 savings anonymously to charity, gets in his car, and drives away without telling anyone where he is going, abandoning the use of his real name along the way. He never contacts his parents or sister, Carine, again.

Not too long after leaving Atlanta, McCandless deserts his car in the desert after a flash flood wets the engine, and from then on, he hitchhikes around the Northwest, getting jobs here and there but not staying anywhere for long, often living on the streets, and keeping as little money and as few possessions as he can. During this time he gets to know a few people rather closely, and everyone admires his intensity and willingness to live completely by his beliefs, but he avoids true intimacy.

After about two years of itinerant travel, McCandless settles on a plan to go to Alaska and truly live in the wilderness, completely alone, and with very few supplies, to see if he can do it, to push himself to the very extremes. He spends a few months preparing, learning all he can about hunting, edible plants, etc, and then he leaves South Dakota, where he’d been working, and hitchhikes to Fairbanks. Those whom he tells about the plan all warn him that he needs to be better prepared, or should wait until later in the spring, but he is adamant and stubborn.

In April of 1992 McCandless gets dropped off near Mt. McKinley, and hikes into the wilderness. He spends the next sixteen weeks hunting small game, foraging, reading, and living in a deserted bus made to be a shelter for hunters, not seeing a single human the entire time. He is successful for the most part, although he loses significant weight. In late July, however, McCandless probably eats some moldy seeds, and the mold contains a poison that essentially causes him to starve to death,


3 no matter how much he eats, and he is too weak to gather food anyway. McCandless is quickly incapacitated by the poison. Realizing he is going to die, he writes a goodbye message, and a few weeks later some hunters find his body in the bus.

Another information that we should know, After leaving his things, before he starts his adventure, Chris changed his name into “Alexander Supertramp” in order to avoid his family to tracking him.

Driving west out of Atlanta, he intended to invent and utterly new life for himself, one in which he would be free to wallow in unfiltered experience. To simbolyze the complete severance from his previous life, he even adopted a new name. No longer would he answer to Chris McCandless; he was now Alexander Supertramp, master of his own destiny. (Krakauer, 1996:23)

All the story above show that the main character has idealism belief, Idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial.Epistemologically, idealism manifests as a skepticism about the possibility of knowing any mind-independent thing, or in simple meaning, Idealism is the ideas, values, or essences. the external, or real world cannot be separated from some people, Idealism or the unrealistic belief in perfection mostly ends in frustration.

From the explanation above, this thesis discusses about what are the factors that make the leading character become an Idealist. In this analysis the writer use the library research, some related references such as books and thesis are used to support


4 the theory. The data are obtained from “Into The Wild” novel and the other books that related to the problems. This analysis deals with descriptive qualitative method.

In order to answer the problems above, the writer will apply psychological approach and the theory of convergence. Psychological approach can focuses on the author, the characters, the audience and the text. For author, the theory is used to analyze the author and his/her life, and the literary work is used to supply evidence for this analysis. This is often called "psychobiography." For the characters, the theory is used to analyze one or more characters; the psychological theory becomes a tool to explain the character’s behavior and motivations. The closer the theory applied to the characters, the more realistic the work appears. For the audience, the theory is used to explain the appeal of the work for those who read it; the work is considered embodying universal human psychological processes and motivations, to which the readers respond more or less unconsciously, and for the text, the theory is used to analyze the role of language and symbolism in the work.

Theory of Convergenceisthe theorywhich statedthat the establishmentordevelopment ofpersonality of a personis determinedbyinnatefactorsandalsofactorsinthe surroundingenvironment.

As we knowthere are some peoplewhoadoptidealismandbecome successful, but this novelshows thatifour understanding ofsomethingwrongortoo muchwill only make usbecome a victim. Thisnovelteaches us tonotonly rely onthe ego, but alsomust be balancedwith the reality,Whichis alsoso importantour livesare regulated bya parentor advice, dueto thefreedomto livewithoutthe attentionofthe parentsmay not be ableto bringusinto abetter and morecomfortabletolive freely. It is not even a good thing to leave your parents whatever the reason is,It could even bea


5 boomerangforuswhenweneedhelpfrom the others,andhoweverthe parentswill surely givethe bestfor their children.

There is nothing wrong with Idealism, but everything that we believe combined with ego and anger, will only bring us to a confusion. In confusion, people will lose their mind and will do something stupid in the name of Idealism. And this what the writer wants to explain in the thesis and become the significance of the study.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Followings are the problems of analysis in the thesis:

1. How is the leading character’s personality as reflected in Into The Wild? 2. What are the factors that influence the leading character’s personality to

become an Idealist man in Into The Wild?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To describe the personality of Christopher McCandless in Into The Wild 2. To explain the factors that make Christopher McCandless become an Idealist

man as found in Into The Wild

1.4 Scope of the Study

In order to avoid excessively large discussions, based on the identification of the problem, the scope of the study is limited to analyze the personality and the factors that make the main character become an idealist according to the psychology of literature.


6 1.5 Significance of the Study

With this research, it is expectedwillbe obtainedthe followingbenefits. 1.TheoreticalBenefits

This research isexpected to be usefulfor the developmentof Psychologyin Literature.Findingsandnew objectsthat existin this studyshouldbeused asadditionalscience, especially in the fieldsof Literatureand the restfordevelopment ofpersonality psychologyin English literature.


This research isexpected to contributeknowledgeabout thepersonalitiesthat will beable to serve asan evaluationfor readersand researchersin attitude andaction.Besides,for the purposes ofteaching, knowledge ofprospectiveeducatorspersonalityobtainedfrom this studyare expected tobe equipped tounderstand the variouscharacters thatare owned bytheir students or children.



Skripsi ini berjudul THE LEADING CHARACTER’S PERSONALITY TO BECOME AN IDEALIST IN JON KRAKAUER’S INTO THE WILD. Skripsi ini mengenai analisis kepribadian terhadap karakter utama dalam buku "Into The Wild", dimana membahas tentang karakter dan kepribadiannya, konflik, plot, dan faktor-faktor yang membuat karakter utama menjadi idealis. Novel ini ditulis oleh John Krakauer. Novel ini diangkat dari biografi Christopher McCandless, kisah hidup tragis seorang petualang idealis. Didalam skripsi ini, penulis ingin memaparkan bagaimana kepribadian dari karakter utama dan apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepribadiannya tersebut. Adapun metode yang digunakan penulis dalam menganalisis kepribadian dari tokoh utama pada novel ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.



This thesis entitledTHELEADINGCHARACTER’SPERSONALITY TO BECOME AN IDEALISTINJON KRAKAUER’SINTOTHEWILD. This thesis discussedaboutthe analysis ofpersonalitiesof themain characterin the novel"Into TheWild", While it is discuss about thecharacterandhis personality, conflict, plot, and thefactors thatmakethe maincharacterbecomesan idealist. This novelis writtenbyJohnKrakauer. It is based onthe biography ofChristopherMcCandless, a tragiclife story ofan idealistadventurer. Inthis thesis, the writerwould like toexplainhow thepersonalities ofthe maincharacterandthe factors affecthis personality. Themethodsused by the writerin analyzingpersonalities ofthe main characterinthisnovelis adescriptive qualitative method.


The Leading Character’s Personality To Become An Idealist Portrayed In Jon Krakauer’s Into The Wild


Faishal Hafizh

REG. NO. 110705089








Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. Dra.SwesanaMardiaLubis,M.Hum. Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara,Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara onThursday January 21, 2016

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara

Dr.H.Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. MuhizarMuchtar, MS. ………..

RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. ……….. Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. ……….. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum. ………..




First of all I would like to give my biggest gratitude to Almighty Allah SubhanahuwaTa’ala for blessing and endowments in my life, especially during the process of finishing this thesis. Nothing is impossible to happen without his permission.

I am also grateful to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatra Utara, Dr. H. SyahronLubis, MA, for giving all students facilities to support their study. The gratitude is also expressed to the Head of English Department Dr. H. MuhizarMuchtar, M.S and the Secretary of English Department RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. for the easiness and the facilities given to me during my study. I am proud to be a student of this Department.

I also would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. andDra. SwesanaMardiaLubis,M.Hum. as my supervisor and my Co-Supervisor respectively. I am thankful for helps, guidance, and contributions in my thesis.

My lovely thanks are due to my beloved family, Edison and Mery Yuslaina for giving me the good times and hard times too, so I can stand here as myself today. Next, I would like to thank to my beloved sisterUlfa Ramadhani and Fathiya Zahra.


ii Big thanks to those friends who has been giving me the helps, joy, laughter and many other things, Febby Priscilla, Dedhad Anugerah,Putri Rizkiyah, Moti, Aprizal Marpallaung, Yasir Keju, Arifin, Ryan Syahputra Gultom, Tebi,Anggie Enji, Haverius, Alessandro, Andus, Haris Fadillah and Harry Santoso. Thank you for sticking with me for all these years. Hope our friendship can last for many more years. Next, thank you for every person whom I cannot mention one by one in this limited space, who has given and contributed their ideas and excellent knowledge, before, during and after writing on this thesis.

May Allah SWT compensate whatever you have given to me.

Medan, Januari 2016




Signed :









Signed :



Skripsi ini berjudul THE LEADING CHARACTER’S PERSONALITY TO BECOME AN IDEALIST IN JON KRAKAUER’S INTO THE WILD. Skripsi ini mengenai analisis kepribadian terhadap karakter utama dalam buku "Into The Wild", dimana membahas tentang karakter dan kepribadiannya, konflik, plot, dan faktor-faktor yang membuat karakter utama menjadi idealis. Novel ini ditulis oleh John Krakauer. Novel ini diangkat dari biografi Christopher McCandless, kisah hidup tragis seorang petualang idealis. Didalam skripsi ini, penulis ingin memaparkan bagaimana kepribadian dari karakter utama dan apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepribadiannya tersebut. Adapun metode yang digunakan penulis dalam menganalisis kepribadian dari tokoh utama pada novel ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.



This thesis entitledTHELEADINGCHARACTER’SPERSONALITY TO BECOME AN IDEALISTINJON KRAKAUER’SINTOTHEWILD. This thesis discussedaboutthe analysis ofpersonalitiesof themain characterin the novel"Into TheWild", While it is discuss about thecharacterandhis personality, conflict, plot, and thefactors thatmakethe maincharacterbecomesan idealist. This novelis writtenbyJohnKrakauer. It is based onthe biography ofChristopherMcCandless, a tragiclife story ofan idealistadventurer. Inthis thesis, the writerwould like toexplainhow thepersonalities ofthe maincharacterandthe factors affecthis personality. Themethodsused by the writerin analyzingpersonalities ofthe main characterinthisnovelis adescriptive qualitative method.










1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study... 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study... 5

1.4 Scope of the Study... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study... 6


2.1 Literature... 7

2.2 Novel... 9

a) Fiction... 10

b) Non Fiction ... 10

2.2.1 Character... 10



2.3 Idealism... 11

2.4 Psychology of Personality... 14

2.5 Theory of Convergence... 15


3.1 Research Method... 18

3.2 Source of Data... 20

3.2.1 Subject Research...20

3.2.2 Object Research... 20

3.3 Data Collecting Method... 20

3.4 Data Analyzing Procedure... 21

3.5 Presentation of Data... 21


4.1 Character... 23

4.2 Personality of Christopher McCandless... 23

a) Brave... 24

b) Independent... 25

c) Friendly... 26

d) Intellectual... 27

e) Ambitious... 29








Signed :



Skripsi ini berjudul THE LEADING CHARACTER’S PERSONALITY TO BECOME AN IDEALIST IN JON KRAKAUER’S INTO THE WILD. Skripsi ini mengenai analisis kepribadian terhadap karakter utama dalam buku "Into The Wild", dimana membahas tentang karakter dan kepribadiannya, konflik, plot, dan faktor-faktor yang membuat karakter utama menjadi idealis. Novel ini ditulis oleh John Krakauer. Novel ini diangkat dari biografi Christopher McCandless, kisah hidup tragis seorang petualang idealis. Didalam skripsi ini, penulis ingin memaparkan bagaimana kepribadian dari karakter utama dan apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepribadiannya tersebut. Adapun metode yang digunakan penulis dalam menganalisis kepribadian dari tokoh utama pada novel ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.



This thesis entitledTHELEADINGCHARACTER’SPERSONALITY TO BECOME AN IDEALISTINJON KRAKAUER’SINTOTHEWILD. This thesis discussedaboutthe analysis ofpersonalitiesof themain characterin the novel"Into

TheWild", While it is discuss about thecharacterandhis personality, conflict, plot, and

thefactors thatmakethe maincharacterbecomesan idealist. This novelis writtenbyJohnKrakauer. It is based onthe biography ofChristopherMcCandless, a tragiclife story ofan idealistadventurer. Inthis thesis, the writerwould like toexplainhow thepersonalities ofthe maincharacterandthe factors affecthis personality. Themethodsused by the writerin analyzingpersonalities ofthe main characterinthisnovelis adescriptive qualitative method.










1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study... 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study... 5

1.4 Scope of the Study... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study... 6


2.1 Literature... 7

2.2 Novel... 9

a) Fiction... 10

b) Non Fiction ... 10

2.2.1 Character... 10



2.3 Idealism... 11

2.4 Psychology of Personality... 14

2.5 Theory of Convergence... 15


3.1 Research Method... 18

3.2 Source of Data... 20

3.2.1 Subject Research...20

3.2.2 Object Research... 20

3.3 Data Collecting Method... 20

3.4 Data Analyzing Procedure... 21

3.5 Presentation of Data... 21


4.1 Character... 23

4.2 Personality of Christopher McCandless... 23

a) Brave... 24

b) Independent... 25

c) Friendly... 26

d) Intellectual... 27

e) Ambitious... 29



4.3 Conflict...31

a) Physical Conflict... 32

b) Inner Conflicts... 33

4.4 Plot... 35

4.5Factors that Influence the Leading Character’s Personality to Become an Idealist... 35

a) Internal Factor... 36

b) External Factor... 37

4.6 Findings... 38


5.1 Conclusion... 40

5.2 Suggestion... 42


Appendix A Biography of Christopher McCandless Appendix B Summary of “Into The Wild”