Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

many Third World feminists emphasize that even though gender issues are of concern to them, economic and political issues tend to occupy the centre of their stage. They stress that their oppression as members of a Third World people are often greater than their oppression as women per se 2009: 215. The criticism, therefore, explores works of literature from the perspectives of the native woman in a colonised society. This criticism is chosen to analyse The Home and the World to see the struggle of native Indian woman in the novel. Indian society is oppressed by two power called double colonisation. Double colonisation is a condition when people are governed in an unfair way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom. In this case, it is patriarchal system and imperialism power that bound the Indian people especially native Indian women, as the most oppressed object. The term ‘double colonisation’ derived from the terms used by Kirsten Petersen and Anna Rutherford in the book Beginning Postcolonialism , ‘a double colonisation’ which refers to the fact that women are twice colonised by colonialist reality and representation, and by patriarchal system 2005: 172. This criticism is suitable for this research because postcolonial-feminism criticism is a reaction against colonialism in patriarchal society. Postcolonial- feminism tries “to analyse the perpetuation of gender bias and ‘double colonization’ even in post-independence states, seeing the persistence of ‘neo- colonial’ domination of women in national patriarchies” Ashcroft, 2007: 67. This research deals with the experiences of the native Indian woman and focuses on the woman character as the representation of native Indian woman’s during the Swadeshi Movement as depicted in the novel.

C. Method of the Study

This research is a library research. The primary source used in the research is The Home and the World by Rabindranth Tagore. The secondary sources used are divided into two categories. The first categories are books as Abrams‘ A Glossary of Literary Terms , Murphy‘s Understanding Unseen: An Introduction of English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Student, A Handbook to Literature by Holman and Harmon, Beginning Postcolonialism by McLeod, Rosmarie P. Tong’s Feminist Thought, Easton’s A Handbook of Literary Terms, ColonialismPostcolonialism by Ania Loomba, British Empire in India by Ryan Brown, Post-colonial Studies: Key Concepts by Bill Ashcroft, The Postcolonial Studies Reader by Hellen Tiffin, and Gender in the World History by Stearns. The second ones are journals to detect the woman main character’s ambivalence in the novel as mentioned in the previous chapter. There were some steps done to complete this writing. First step was close reading and understanding the object of the study, The Home and the World. During the first step, the writer also tried to interpret the novel and search the interesting things within the primary source. Afterwards, the writer was making a research mapping such as choosing the topic of the study, making the problem formulation, and doing the library research. In conducting the library research, the writer collected the data and information needed to analyse further the primary source. The last step was analysing and systematising the writing to answer the problem formulations. Eventually, the writer was to go into the conclusion of analysis after answering the questions in the problem formulation.