





Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanity UIN Sunan Ampel


By :

Wahyu Riski

Reg. Number : A03212070









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Risky, Wahyu 2017. Analysing of Main Character depicted in Leo Tolstoy’s God Sees the Truth, But Waits. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. States Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Abu Fanani, S.S., M.Pd.

This thesis talks about Tolstoy’s life which is found Leo Tolstoy’s God

Sees the Truth, But Waits Short Story. This thesis focuses on Aksionov as

one of main characters in the Story. The aim of this thesis is to describe Aksionov character and Conflict influencing Aksionov.

It uses library based study to collect books, journals and internet sources having related with this analysis. Besides, the study used New Criticism theory.

The result of this thesis finds Aksionov is a seller having handsome face with yellow gray hair. Besides that, Aksionov undergoes internal conflict when is accused as killer, while external conflict happens when Aksionov meets the real killer. So it influences Aksionov to become someone receiving life to stay in prison.

Key words: Character; internal Conflict; external.




Risky, Wahyu 2017. Analysing of Main Character depicted in Leo Tolstoy’s God Sees the Truth, But Waits. Skripsi. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. States Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Abu Fanani, S.S., M.Pd.

Skripsi ini menceritakan tentang perjalanan hidup yang ditemukan dalam novel karya Leo Tolstoy’s berjudul Good Sees the Truth, But Waits.

Skripsi ini fokus pada karakter Aksionov. Tujuan dari skripsi ini menjelaskan penggambaran Aksionov dan pengaruh konflik terhadap Aksionov.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan yaitu mengumpulkan buku-buku, jurnal dan referensi internet yang memiliki hubungan dengan analisis ini. Disamping itu penelitian ini juga menggunakan teori New Criticism

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aksionov adalah seorang pedagang yang memiliki wajah yang tampan dengan rambut bergelombang berwarna kekuningan. Selain itu, Aksionov mengalami konflik internal ketika dia dituduh sebagai seorang pembunuh, sedangkan dia mengalami konflik eksternal ketika bertemu pembunuh sebenarnya. Sehingga hal itu membuat Aksionov menjadi seseorang yang menerima kehidupan di penjara.




Inside cover page ... . i

Declaration page ... . ii

Dedication ... . iii

Motto ... . iv

Approval sheet ... . v

Examiner sheet ... . vi

Acknowledgements ... . vii

Table of Contents ... . ix

Abstract ... . xi

Intisari ... . xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem... 3

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 3

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 4

1.5 Significance of the study ... 5

1.6 Method of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2. Theoretical Framework ... ....8

2.1 New Criticism Theory ... ....8

2.1.1 Character ... .... 10

2.1.2 Characterization ... .... 12


x Exposition ... 17 Conflict ... 18 Climax... 24 Anti Climax ... 24 Denouement ... 25

2.2 Review of Related Study ...25


3.1 Characterization of Aksionov ... 27

3.2 Conflict ... 31

3.2.1 Internal Conflict ... 31

3.2.2 External Conflict ... 34






1.1. Background of the Study

Literature has been generally known and used by many people all around the world as the reflection of human imagination. The writer built or imagined her story by using her life experience. Taylor states that literature is essentially an imaginative act; that is an act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering and interpreting life experience (1981:1). So, a literary development cannot be

separated from human life because literature has been part of it.

In literature, there are fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is a sort of literary work showing; plays stories, novel, drama based on imagination of the author. Further, non-fiction is the real world or based on factual events, for example: newspaper, journal article, text book, and legal document. Fiction is a narrative work that tells something that is imaginative, something that does not exist and happen in the real world. As a work of imaginary, fiction directs various problems of man and humanity, life and living. Fiction tells the various problems of human life in the interactions with the environment and others.

According to Oxford Dictionary (2011: 68), character is person in a play, novel, short story, etc. It means that character is the agent who participates in particular incidents of the literary works. Character is one of the part in intrinsic elements that has many contributions in short story as the part of prose fiction. One of its contributions is as the role of the sequence events at whole short story.


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By having well understanding to the character, we will understand everything which are going to be presenetd and delivered by an author in exploring the works. Besides that, there is also conflict which happens as result of character action. Cuddon says that conflict is the tension in a situation between characters, or the actual opposition of characters (1999:175). Conflict is a part of plot. The presence of plot in a story, it has connection with character in the story because it shows the conflicts happening in the story. According Luken (2003:97) says that plot is the sequence of events showing characters in conflict.

An event that occurs in a story certainly will not be separated by the presence of the characters as actors in the story. Through the plot, every event is described and the characters involve in there because plot and character are interdependent (Abrams: 1999:224). The characters are the main actors experiencing these events that make the story become clear through the conflict depicted by the characters of the work.

Plot has some of parts and one of them is conflict. There are two types of conflicts. The first type is internal conflict. The conflict occurs between a character and himself / herself. The second is external conflict. The conflict is a character versus other characters, a character versus society and a character versus nature. In literary work such short story, the two conflicts can be found in the characters in the story like God Sees the Truth, but Waits written by Paulo Coelho.

There are some ways to analyze the intrinsic elements in literary works especially for character. One of the ways use New Criticism as the tool to analyze character. By applying this theory, it will feel easier to understand well to the


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specific characteristics in character which is explored by an author explicitly and implicitly. It is also applied in short story which is written by Russian author Leo Tolstoy first published in 1872. Leo Tolstoy's short story titled 'God Sees the Truth, but Waits' centers on the theme of forgiveness.

The thesis writer chooses this story God Sees the Truth, but Waits because this story tells about the struggle of the main character to survive of his

life.Basically, this story tells about the own life of Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov. Aksionov was a merchant and he has a bad past. A long time ago, Aksionov was a drunker and he frustrated society, but he realized and did not want to frustrate society after he owned a wife. When he went trading, his wife reminded about a bad evident that would happen to him in the middle of his journey of trading.

Aksionov was interrogated by some people because he was subjected of killing his friend’s merchant. Aksionov was then settled to the jail. He was sentenced for 26 years. But, what makes the story more interesting was Aksionov could control his ego when he was subjected of killing someone, while he knew the killer was a new prisoner. Aksionov knew about the murder but he tried to be patience although he wanted to revenge. But, after thinking and musing for some times, Aksionov forgave the murder, Makar. Makar also realized his mistake and he apologized to Aksionov.

But, on the other side, Aksionov must be sincere of losing his family. Because he has been accused as a murder and spent many times in the prison. He decided to stay in prison because in the prison, Aksionov realized that only God


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who could help him at the time. But finally he was dead in the prison before he released. Therefore, the writer emphasizes that Aksionov can change his behavior to be a better character. The conflicts happens in Aksionov will be analyzed by applying New Criticism. After the writer reads this book carefully, the writer find that Leo Tolstoy as the main character undergoes conflicts.

Therefore, the writer chooses the topic about the Character, Aksionov, in

God Sees the Truth, but Waits. Leo Tolstoy not only tells the tragedy, but who

also tells about a painful memory happens to the main character (Aksionov). The story god sees the truth but waits makes him have many conflicts that lead him in to depression and anxiety.

That is way the writer is interested in discussing about the dominant topic of the story which is using conflict theory to analyse. The writer prefers to take it as the issues in this thesis, because conflict always happens in life that will be faced by every human being. How people deal with conflict is very important. However, for some people, it is not easy to deal with the situation. Therefore Aksionov experience conflict problems in this life because of the story .After suffering from conflicts, a person will try to find a way out to handle this situation..

Through this research of the study, the writer is going to analyze Aksionov with conflicts happening which is refleceted in God Sees the Truth, But Wait’s by applying New criticism.


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1.2. Research Problem

Referring to the background of the study, the writer attempts to provide the research problems as the following:

1. How is Aksionov characterized in Leo Tolstoy’s God Sees the Truth, but Waits?

2. What is the conflict experienced by the main character in Leo Tolstoy’s God Sees the Truth, but Waits?

1.3. Objective of The Study

As the stated following research problem above, the objectives of the research can be seen as the following below:

1. To describe Aksionov character in Tolstoy’s God Sees the Truth, but Waits.

2. To describe how conflict influence of Aksionov in Tolstoy’s God Sees the Truth, but waits.

1.4. Scope & Limitation

Based on the statement in research problem, the writer is going to analyze the intrinsic element of literary work by focusing on the main character and the crucial moral values which is reflected in using New Criticism as the theory used to explore and develop the research.


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1.5. Significance of the study

There is some significance that will be gained through this analysis, especially in literary field. Then, the researcher divides the significance into two categories. Both are theoretically and practically categories.

Theoretically, the results of the study are expected to give contribution to develop the study and analysis on literary study related to New Criticism theory on the story Good Sees the Truth, but Waits by Leo Tolstoy’s. The researcher expects that it can give knowledge about the characterization, characters and conflict.

Practically, the researcher also expects this study will give an inspiration for other studies especially in English Letters Department of State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Also, the researcher hopes that this study can be a helpful reference for other writers who are interested in conducting further research on analyzing story God Sees the Truth, but Waits by Leo Tolstoy’s.

1.6 Method of the study

This research is library base. Therefore I make good use of some books including the novel itself as the primary sources and reads information of some internet sources and other sources such as magazines and journals that support this study to improve the knowledge. In presenting the analysis, I use some steps based on qualitative methods:


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1. Reading the story The God Sees the Truth, but Waits by Leo Tolstoy’s.

2. Taking a note and understanding the intrinsic element of the story The God Sees the Truth, but Waits by Searching for data related to the statement of problems.

3. Making conclusion based on the result of the data analysis.

1.7 Technique of Data Analysis

In research method, the data is obtained from various sources by using various techniques of data collection, and it is done continuously up to the final and considered-sufficient data. By this, in this research proposal, the writer deals with several techniques in analyzing the data by referring to the technique of data collection.

a. Quoting and analyzing the main character’s problem in Leo Tolstoy in God Sees the Truth, but Waits

b. Stating moral values which can be a compass for life in Leo Tolstoy in God Sees the Truth, but Waits





2. Theoretical framework

In this chapter, the writer will discuss main theory to support the description in the next chapter: In order to analyze the statements of the problem in thesis, the writer uses new criticism theory. It focuses on the influence of the conflict of the character.

2.1 New Criticism

New criticism introduced to America and called “close reading “, which has become a standard method in high school and university and use it when they study about the literary since several decades. So in this sense, new criticism is still a real presence among us and probably will remain so for some time to come (Tyson 135). At the time New Criticism became standard when doing literary studies in high school and college .At the past people analyze literary text based on author’s life and book’s history. According to Tyson’s that previously, biographical -historical

criticism was popular among literary critics (136).

The New Criticism is an Anglo-American variety of Formalism that emerged in the early decades of the twentieth century and dominated teaching and scholarship until the early 1960s (Castle, 2007:122). Some of New Critics are David Daiches,


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I.A. Richards, Renne Wellek dan Austin Warren, Alan Tate, T.S. Eliot, Cleant Brook, John Crowe and etcetera (Teuw, 1984: 133-134).

Unlike biographical historical criticism, new criticism focuses its analysis on the literary text, instead of on the author’s life and time (Tyson 136). Further, Tyson explained that new critics believe that a literary text is sometimes more meaningful and complex than its author’s intention. The text’s meaning could be dissimilar with the meaning which was constructed by the author (137). Wrong impression about the literary text might be constructed if the focus of analysis is put on the author’s

background. Then, the best way to get an understanding of a literary text is by examining its own details.

Although the author’s intention or the reader’s response is sometimes mentioned in New Critical readings of literary texts, another people are the focus of analysis. For the only way we can know if a given author’s intention or a given reader’s interpretation actually represents the text meaning (Tyson 137).

New Criticism appears as reaction to give refusal toward previous criticism which focused on external material of literary works, such as the biography of the author. New Criticism is clearly characterized in premise and practice: it is not concerned with context – historical, biographical, intellectual and so on; it is not interested in the ‘fallacies’ of ‘intention’ or ‘affect’; it is concerned solely with the ‘text in itself’, with its language and organization (Selden, Widdowson, Brook,


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2005:19). It means that New Criticism claims that the text in self is enough to make interpretation and we do not need other outsides of text to get the true meaning of it.

New Criticism asserts that text of literary works is a complete system or structure. As complete structure of literary works, text of literary works is constructed by elements of literary works which have correlation each other to make a meaning. In this way, a New Critic attempts to study the “formal elements” of the text, such as characters, setting of time and place, point of view, plot, images, metaphors and symbols to interpret the text.

2.1.1 Character

In a literary work as well as in the work of fiction; drama, short story and the novel, the character is an important element which will always be present to build the story in the work because some elements that form the shape of a literary work one of them is a character. Characters are another element of fiction vital to the enjoyment of a story (Tomlinson, 1999:29). Besides that, Nurgiyantoro says that character is one of important elements in fiction story (2013:246).Therefore, the role of a character in building a storyline is absolutely something because it is not possible in a story without presenting a character that make up the story so it makes the story becoming interesting.

According to Abrams (1999:32) Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the


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persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue— and from what they do—the action. It means that the characters in novel can be stated as a verbal representative of human being because the characters in novel can do action, speech and qualities like people in real life and also pass the way of the life of real human

Character is the single most important intrinsic element in the literary works. The things that characters do and say are more obvious than are the logic and

meaning of the pattern in which they say and do them. Character is showing at perpetrator of presented story or the player of the story, whereas characterization is portraying of clear picture about someone who present in a story. (X.J.Kennedy 47)

There are 2 (two) kinds of character based on their function, they are: main character (major character), they have good and bad qualities. Their goals, ambitions and values change. A round character changes as a result of what happens to him or her. A character that changes inside as a result of what happens to him is referred to in literature as dynamic character and minor (supporting) character; they have only one or two striking qualities. Their predominant quality is not balanced by an opposite quality. They are usually all good or all bad.

Such characters can be interesting or amusing in their own right, but they lack depth. Flat characters are sometimes referred to as static characters because they do not change in the course of the story. Beside that, characterization can classified into 2, they are; protagonist is the main character, who is not necessarily a hero or a heroine. Antagonist is the opponent; the antagonist may be society, nature, a person, or an aspect of the protagonist. (in Rendra 25).


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In the novel appear conflicts which occur among the characters. They are internal conflict that appear from inside of the main character that influence d the characteristic of the main character in the novel and external appear among the main character and other character or even with the environment. And also have a simple (flat) character, is less representation of a human personality than the embodiment of a single attitude, or the other word the reader only sees one side of this characters, but different to complex (round) character that the character show their all side, sometime good even sometime bad (26).

2.1.2 Characterization

We knew about the meaning from some opinion and all types of characters. So, after that we should know more exactly about characterization as one of elements in fiction. Characterization means that writers present and reveal character, by direct description, by showing the character in action or by the presentation of the other characters that help to define each other (Element of Fiction). From Literary Devices, characterization is the act of creating and describing characters in literature.

Characterization includes both descriptions of a character's physical attributes as well as the character's personality. It can be said that the way that characters act, think, and speak also adds to their characterization. Character and characterization can not be separated, but they are different each other.


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In other definition, characterization is the creation of these imaginary person, so that they exist for the reader as real within the limits of the fiction and have ability to characterize the people of someone imagination successfully is a primary attribute of a good novelist, dramatist, or short story writer (Holman, 1986:75).

Tomlinson (1999:29) says that characterization refers to the way an author helps the reader to know a character. By this characterization the authors try to describe the physical appearance and personality of characters in their works. Sanger (2003: 47) says that a writer’s use of speech for a character can obviously be very important to indicate what that character thinks, feels or believes. Through

description of every character in the story, it makes clearer about the position of the characters in the story and also characterization makes the story more interesting. Card (1999:52) says that characterization is not needed, except to make the characters entertaining.

There are two types of characterization, direct characterization and indirect characterization. According to Bernardo (2001) direct characterization refers to what speaker or narrator directly says or thinks about character, the reader is told what the character is like. It means, the author telling the audience what a character is like. A narrator may give this information, or a character in the story may do it. Meanwhile, indirect characterization refers to what the character says or does. The reader then infers what the character is all about, the reader who is obligated to figure out what


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the character is like. It can be said that indirect characterization consists of the author showing the audience what kind of person a character is through the character's thoughts, words, and deeds. This requires the reader to make inferences about why a character would say or do those things.

Holman (1986), also states that there are three fundamental methods of

characterization in fiction: (1) the explicit presentation by the author of the character through direct exposition, either in an introductory block or more often piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by action; (2) the presentation of the character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, in the expectation that the reader will be able to deduce the attributes of the actor from the actions; and (3) the representation from within a character, without comment on the character by the author, of the impact of actions and emotions upon the character's inner self, with the expectation that the reader will come to a clear understanding of the attributes of the character (76). According to Pooly (1967:538) through Astutik thesis, he argues that the authors may use any or all of four different methods in characterizing their characters. Those methods are:

1. He may describe the character's physical traits and personality, in terms of physical traits, the author may use the adjective such as beautiful, short, blond hair, etc. to desribe her character.


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2. He may show the character's speech and behavior, in this point, the

characterization is shown by the behavior and speech of the character such as when the character speaks in a loud tone, the author maybe wants to show the reader that his character is bad-tempered.

3. He may give the opinions and reaction of other character toward and behavior, in this point the characterization of character is show through other's character opinion toward the certain character.

4. He may show the character's thought and feelings, in this point the

characterization of certain character is show a certain character always think that no one in the world is smart than him, by this thought, the reader can determine that his character is arrogant.

In this study, the writer prefers to description the characterization of the character based on Pooly (1967:538) methods. In description Aksionov’s

characterization, the writer will asses her physical traits and personality, her speech and behavior, her thought and feeling, and what other characters opinion toward her.

2.1.3 Plot

Plot is the structure of the happenings or events so it has important position in the story. Hall says that plot is what happens in the story, the story organized

development, usually a chain linking cause and effect and Plot is the first and most obvious quality of a story (1928: 27-28). Moreover, Tomlinson says that the events


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of the story and the sequence in which they are told constitute the plot of the story (1999:26). A story of literary works can be understood through the sequence of the plot chosen by the author to tell his or her story. Nurgiyantoro (2013:164) says the clarity of the plot represents the clarity of the story; the simplicity of the plot denotes the simplicity of the story to be understood. So plot is one of important fiction elements in the story.

Plot is found in novel or short story but is not in human life. Plot is the events that make up the story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect, how the reader views the story. Dietch states that plot is the series of actions or conflicts that occur in a narrative. Broadly defined, plot includes not only physical action, but also words and thoughts (2003:433).

Staton (2007:26-29) states that plot is a series of the events in a story. How a certain event affecting another event that cannot be ignored, since the event will be affecting for all the story. Plot is very close to the existence of the character. The simple plot deals with one character or a single group of characters, and it follows their fortunes to the conclusion. (Jones, 1986: 83). If the story only has a little in character, there will be more close and simple to plot, in contrast a novel that has many characters in the story the plot will be more complicated.

Plot also helps the reader in understanding the story of the novel. The clarity of the plot makes the reader easier in understanding the story. Luken says plot is the sequence of events showing characters in conflict where this sequence is not


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2003:97). Moreover, plot refers to the sequence of events or action in a story which a good plot produces conflict to build the excitemen and suspense that are needed to keep the reader involved (Tomlinson,1999:26).

Perrine (1974:41) says that plot is the sequence of incident or events which the story is composed by and it may conclude what character says or thinks, as well as what he does, but it leaves out description and analysis and concentrates ordinarily on major happening. Kenny (1966: 14) says that the plot as the events are displayed in a not simple story, because the author set the events was based on a causal connection. The plot is basically sequences of events in logical and chronological relations are interrelated and are caused or experienced by the characters. The plot outline is divided into three parts, namely early, middle, and end. The first part contains the exposition that contains instability and conflicts. The middle part contains the climax which is the height of the conflict. The final section contains troubleshooting.

According to Gustav Freytag quoted in Abrams (1999:227) divide plot into five parts known as Freytag pyramid, these part are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Exposition states the explanatory information a reader needs to understand the situation in the story. The exposition introduces all of the main characters in the story. It shows how main characters relate to one another, what their goals and motivations are, and the kind of person they are. Exposition establishes the setting, the major


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characters and perhaps some minor ones, the situation, and any necessary background information about what happened before the story began. (Gordon and Kuehner, 1975:3). Most importantly, in the exposition the audience gets to know the main character, and the main character gets to know his or her goal and what is at stake if he fails to attain his or her goal. This phase ends, and the next begins, with the introduction of conflict.

Conflict is an inseparable part of human life. There are no people live without any conflict around them. It can be said that conflict is the "color" of human life. Conflict is one of social process which happened in our life which involves some of people or group of people which challenge each other which has inviolacy impact. Conflict always happens in human life. According to Luken (2003:99-100), a conflict is a struggle againts opposing forces, occurs when the protagonist againts an

antagonist, or opposing force. While Gordon and Kuehner (1975:2) say, “Conflict is an internal or external struggle between main character and an opposing force”.

Conflict happened when there is a clash between at least two opposites side. Potter (1967:26) describes conflict as follows: The term conflict is familiar; it is the result of an opposition between at least two sides. Without this opposition there is no conflict may overt and violent, or implicit and subdued; it may be in visible in action, or it may take place entirely in a character's mind, it may exit in different and


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it is inherent in the concept of plot. However, Writer Just focus on analyzing the character and internal conflicts that occur in this story.

The existence of conflict in literary work is caused by action. It happens in character‘s life in story, whether internal and external conflict. Conflict is divided into two categories as the following: Conflict is clash of action, ideas, desires, or

will‖. Character may be pitted against some other person or group of persons (conflict

of person against person); they may be in conflict with some external force physical nature, society, or fate‖ (conflict of person against environment); or they can maybe in conflict with some elements in their own natures (conflict of person against himself or herself). The conflict may be physical, mental, emotional, or moral (1984: 42).

The statement above explains that conflict can be classified into two types: internal and external conflict. Internal conflict is a conflict that happened inside the character itself. This conflict happens in character's mind and feeling. According to Meyer (1990:46), conflict may also be internal such as case some oral or

psychological issue must be resolved with the protagonist. Inner conflicts frequently accompany external mess". It relates with relationship between one and another characters. According to Meyer (1990:46), "external conflict may place the protagonist in opposition to another individual, nature, or society". In line with Meyer, Drubeck (1982:26) also classifies conflict into two main streams such as follows:


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External and internal conflict, the term internal conflict refers to the conflict that took place within the character own mind and consciousness. The battle in the internal conflict takes place in his consciousness. Imagine when the world has no conflict. Everything is flat, peaceful, maybe it can be described as imagine song that we could be living in the piece of harmony. However, if we had no conflict, maybe there will be no God where people depend on, there will be no wept, there will be no violence, there is no wars, and may be there will be no literary work. Conflict is important to literary work because it provides the basic materials for the construction of the plot. Without conflict nothing would happen.

In a novel, a novelist arranges a story about human life where is in the story we can find some events that correlate each other, and that is conflict. Where conflict is something that to assess the somebody behavior or a group of people in each every their life. In the appeared as the result something unpleased of in our interaction with another people. Therefore, we can see that conflict as one important element that determines a story in the novel is interesting for the reader.

According to Adrian H. Jaffe and Virgil Scott, conflict is a backbone of the story. It is the conflict that provides us with pattern and direction and gives us the sense of a story going somewhere (Jaffe&Scott 3). For the writer, the existence of conflict is the important part for the reader of the story to understand the whole story better.


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Conflict must exist if we want to analyze the character, and it usually involves studying conflict as well. If someone talks about conflicts, it means “the struggle” or the problem that is usually brought about, because of something the character face in the story (Christensen, 1977:152). However, conflict itself is not only implying the existence of some motivations for the conflict or the goal to be achieved (Holman, 1986:108). Moreover, Holman states that conflicts provide interest, suspense, and tensions, which keep the story becomes interesting to be read.

Based on Literary Glossary, conflict (conflict in a work of fiction) is the issue to be resolved in the story. It usually occurs between two characters, the protagonist and antagonist, or between the protagonist and society or the protagonist and himself or herself. Nurgiyantoro said (2009, p.123), “conflict is the accident that is important, the essential element in plot development”. Based on these statements, it can be said that conflict can be main part of a novel in order to make the plot of the story more interested. It means that, plot is necessary to use and develop in order to make the story become interested.

Perrine (1993), classifies conflict into three types. That are: mental, physical, and moral. Mental conflict emerges when the main character pitted against some other person or group of person or in other words, it is man against man. Physical conflict emerges when the character is in conflict with some external forces, such as physical nature, society and fate. Moral conflict emerges when the character is in


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conflict with some elements in his own nature or in short, it is a conflict against himself.

In A Handbook to Literature, Holman (1986) divides conflict into four different kinds of conflicts. The first is conflict of struggle of a man against nature. The second is the struggle of a man against man. The third is the struggle of a man against

society. These three kinds of conflicts are called “The external Conflict.” The other kind of conflict is called “Internal Conflict,” that is the conflict of two elements within a man who is in struggle for mastery (Holman, 118). in a short sentence according to Holman (118) conflict can be divided into two main conflicts that are internal conflict and external conflict. In internal conflict, it involves an opposition between a person against himself. Then, in external conflict, it can be an opposition between a character and an outside force; man against man, man against society or man against nature. Hurtik and Yarber support Holman is thought of conflict, they said that a conflict the result of a need for both excitement and meaning, it may be internal or psychological, within the main character himself, or between the character and outside force, including other individual, nature, society, fate, or any combination of these (7).

Another statement, Muller and John A William (1982:44) divides conflict into two kinds. The conflicts are external and internal conflicts. External conflict deals with struggles against other characters, nature, and society. Whereas an internal


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conflict deal with struggle between desires within a person. Thus, it happens in the mind of character.

From the explanation above the writer can conclude that the point of the idea in classifying the conflicts are the same actually. In other words, that classify of conflict into two kinds, internal and external conflicts. Internal conflict is conflict between man against himself, where the main character conflict with himself. Character conflict with himself caused by character usually has something to do with a choice (choosing between right and wrong) or it may have to do with overcoming emotions or mixed feelings. .

Meanwhile, external conflict is conflicts between man against man, man against society and man versus nature. A conflict that occurs between the character and the character here, where a character against his opponent, usually the conflict that took place between character with character here between the protagonist and antagonist. The conflict between characters with social, in this conflict occurs between the character with those who are around them, either friends or even his family. And the last follows character with nature, in this conflict occurs between human against nature, such as floods and so forth. In this study, the writer focuses in the some of internal conflicts that faced by Aksionov in the . God Sees the Truth but Wait’s.


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A story climax often requires the main character to choose some form of action that will either worsen or improve his or her situation. The point of climax is the turning point of the story, where the main character makes the single big decision that defines the outcome of their story and who they are as a person. Climax is a consequence of the crisis. It is the story’s high point, which may take the shape of a decision, an action, an affirmation or denial, or an illumination or realization. It is the point when the protagonist completes the growth of her character arc, coming into her new figure. Climax

Freytag called this phase "falling action" in the sense that the loose ends are being tied up. However, it is often the time of greatest overall tension in. Falling action is what happen after the main problem of the story has been solved, simply ended directly after the climax, at the height of the action. it deals with everything shifts then, everything is different afterwards and the falling action shows that. It leads the reader to the denouement of the story. Without the falling action, the

audience would be left wondering what happens next. It is important because it gives the audiences satisfaction.


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In the final phase of Freytag's five phase structure, there is a final confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist, where one or the other decisively wins. This phase is the story of that confrontation, of what leads up to it, of why it happens the way it happens, what it means, and what its long-term consequences are. This means it is the end in story.

The action and even character traits of the main character affects the resolution. Resolution is how the story finally ended as a result of what the character did or discovered during the climax.

2.2 Review of Related Study

In writing this thesis, the writer uses some review studies having relation with the topic about Analysis of Main Character depicted in God sees the truth, But Waits from other universities.

Firstly, Riska Melia Siregar is student of North Sumatera entitled the analysis of plot used in paulo coelho’ novel aleph. In her thesis, she explains the cause and effect relation happening in the plot of the novel which consist of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Secondly, Yulia Dewi is student of North Sumatera entitled An Analysis Of The Main Characters Conflict In New Moon By Stephenie Meyer. In her thesis,


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she analyses conflicts including internal conflicts and external conflicts occurring in main character in the novel.

Thirdly, Kartika Sari is student of North Sumatera entitled Analysis of conflict in Alexandre Dumas the Count of Monte Cristo. In her thesis, she describes the events happening in the plot which relate with conflicts. It explains how the conflict begins because of the disagreement of satisfaction to a choice in the novel.

Fourthly, Tuti Wardani is student of North Sumatera entitled An Analysis Of Conflicts In Erich Segal’s Love Story. In her thesis, she analyses conflicts happening in main character including internal conflict and external conflict.

Based on the review studies above, the writer knows that writer’s

analyzing has similarity and difference. The similarity focuses on analyzing conflict happening in the story while the difference is novel which is used to analyze.




The focus of the chapter is to answer all the statement of the problem in chapter one. this chapter is divided into two parts. First, study analyzes type the character of Aksionov and second the study analyzes the conflict influence Aksionov

in the God Sees the Truth, but Waits.

3.1 Characterization of Aksionov

Abrams says that character are the person represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their distinctive ways of saying in the dialogue and from what they do the action. (33).

The short story God Sees the Truth, but Wait is written by Leo Tolstoy has several characters which have their own positions and roles in the story. Based on the degree of involvement of the characters in various events in the story, it could be determined that Aksionov is the main characters in this story. Aksionov is considered the major character because he functions to determine where the story goes. From the beginning until the end, Askionov dominantly plays an important role and determines the flow and progress of the story.

Beside that Askionov is a protagonist character. Altenbernd and Lewis state that protagonist character has similarity with human living; with the problems that are faced is like the problems that human face generally. It makes readers to feel really involved in and


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readers give empathy totally to that character (Nurgiysntoro, 179). So, Aksionov is the protagonist character because the problem and struggle of Aksionov can influence too much about reader response.

“In the town of Vladimir lived a young merchant named Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov. He had two shops and a house of his own. Aksionov was a handsome, fair-haired, curly-headed fellow, full of fun, and very fond of singing. When quite a young man he had been given to drink, and was riotous when he had had too much; but after he married he gave up drinking, except now and then” (1).

The quotation above the narrator tells that Aksionov is a seller in Vladimir. The narrator also explain some problems of Aksionov when he was young like his drink habbit until make noisy sensation. From that explanation the problem that is faced by Askionov is a comman problem that occurs in the life of community or other.

Aksionov is also a dynamic character. He has some expressions of her life. A dynamic character changes in the course of the work and gives expression of any personality, living and identity. Dynamic character exhibits the full range of human emotions and reactions to people and events. They have histories and more than one possible future. They have hopes and fears (Altenbernd Lewis 183).

In the begining of the story he tells as rich man which like drunk and make chaos. But, that habbit was gone after he got married. In the middle of the story he has conflicts and he was taken prisoner twenty six years, without knowing what is his matter. While in the end of the story in the prison Aksionov must over his life and before he free from the prisoner he was dead.


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Aksionov is one of characters who is described as a seller. He is handsome with yellow wavy hair and funny person. Besides that, He like to sing even though

Aksionov is famous as a seller but he also has good voice but it is only hobby to comfort himself.

Aksionov was a handsome, fair-haired, curly-headed fellow, full of fun, and very fond of singing. When quite a young man he had been given to drink, and was riotous when he had had too much; but after he married he gave up drinking, except now and then (Tolstoy 1)

But in other side, when Aksionov was young, he spent his time to drink. Aksionov also made disturbance when he drank overly.

When Aksionov begins to realize that he has bad habit during this time. He finally decides to stop it indirectly because sometimes he still drinks it little.

Aksionov also realizes that he has a family and must be responsibility because he is a man having still respect by society although he was young liking to drink.

One day in summer, Aksionov has a plan to go in Nizhy Fair to make his business. When he wants to leave his house, his wife forbids him to go out because on night his wife got a bad dream about him. His wife says that his husband must not leave. Aksionov only laughs when his wife forbids him and he say his wife that she only is afraid if Aksionov will drink again when arriving the place.

His wife answers “ I don’t know that you do after you arrive there and I don’t know what I am afraid. But something right that I have bad dream about you. I


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dream that when you come back home you have gray hair. Because of that his wife forbids him to leave.

Aksionov say his wife that it is a luck without thinking twice. Aksionov is optimism when he is back with good which have been sold, He promises his wife to take a present.

When he undergoes a half of journey, he meets another seller. After Aksionov talk little, they search a lodging to stay a night. After finding it, they come in a place to drink tea together to disappear weary. In the night they go back to the room to take a rest which their place is near but Aksionov cannot be sleep because in the condition, he decides to continue her journey even though it is still late night. She meets a coachman and wake up and asks him to prepare his horse. Then he walk to the owner of lodging to pay it and continue his journey.

In the story the narrator tells that Aksionov is honest person as the quotation below. In this quotation the other chracter give assesmnet about his honest


At last the Governor turned to Aksionov whom he knew to be a just man, and said: "You are a truthful old man; tell me, before God, who dug the hole?" (7).

Askionov also describes as forgiving man. He forgives Makar which make him prisoner.

When Aksionov heard him sobbing he, too, began to weep. "God will forgive you!" said he. "Maybe I am a hundred times worse than you." And at these words his heart grew light, and the longing for home left


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him. He no longer had any desire to leave the prison, but only hoped for his last hour to come.” (8).

Quotation above explains that Aksionov is kinds person. He was forgive the fault that Makar do to him although Makar make him suffer and lost his family for twenty six years.

3.2 Conflict

3.2.1. internal conflict

Internal conflict is a conflict that happened inside the character itself. This conflict happens in character's mind and feeling. According to Meyer (1990:46), conflict may also be internal such as case some oral or psychological issue must be resolved with the protagonist. Inner conflicts frequently accompany external mess". It relates with relationship between one and another characters.Here Askionov faced some internal conlicts with the other characters.

First Askionov faced conflicts with his wife when his wife reminds him about her bad dream.

One summer Aksionov was going to the Nizhny Fair, and as he bade good-bye to his family, his wife said to him, "Ivan Dmitrich, do not start to-day; I have had a bad dream about you."

Aksionov laughed, and said, "You are afraid that when I get to the fair I shall go on a spree."(1)

In this quotation when Aksionov go to Nizhny Fair to sell. His wife forbiden him to go because she has bad dream about him las night. But when she tells the


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dream Aksionov just lough and not believe in her dream. And Aksionov said that it is a good sign for him after back from Nizhny Fair.

In other hand, Conflict inmates incipient sign one day a bunch of new inmates dating there, in the evening, the inmates come together and ask each other what the case is indicted to get into the jail while Aksionov just sitting near the prisoners newly come, and listen to the expression sad to what is told by them.

One of the new convicts, a tall, strong man of sixty, with a closely-cropped grey beard, was telling the others what be had been arrested for.

"Well, friends," he said, "I only took a horse that was tied to a sledge, and I was arrested and accused of stealing. I said I had only taken it to get home quicker, and

had then let it go; besides, the driver was a personal friend of mine. So I said, 'It's all right.' 'No,' said they, 'you stole it.' But how or where I stole it they could not say. I once really did something wrong, and ought by rights to have come here long ago, but that time I was not found out. Now I have been sent here for nothing at all... Eh, but it's lies I'm telling you; I've been to Siberia before, but I did not stay long."

"Where are you from?" asked some one.

"From Vladimir. My family are of that town. My name is Makar, and they also call me Semyonich."

Aksionov raised his head and said: "Tell me, Semyonich, do you know anything of the merchants Aksionov of Vladimir? Are they still alive?" "Know them? Of course I do. The Aksionovs are rich, though their father is in Siberia: a sinner like ourselves, it seems! As for you, Gran'dad, how did you come here?" Aksionov did not like to speak of his misfortune. He only sighed, and said, "For my sins I have been in prison these twenty-six years.(Tolstoy 4,5)


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The conflict was beginning of conflict of new inmates started to feel curious and when Makar semyonich heard that inmates can only be silent by thinking still curious about what happened between them, and then out of that conversation Aksionov increasingly convinced that men have killed merchants for the other. Makar Semyonich know about murder the account after the evening Aksionov began to contemplate what was heard before he felt hurt and began to emerge thoughts about the past of them thought that time was his wife who had advised and her children who was still small but the other he also remembers where and how it feels to be whipped by the executioner and witnessed by another inmate who suffered for twenty-six years and all the thought it made her very sad and was thinking of suicide. Character Aksionov is the vengeful anger at Semyonich was great as he wants to avenge though she realizes later be punished for doing it on a it. After Only go i Aksionov looks nervous because he cannot do anything and when the night could not sleep and it was made more miserable.

"Just you keep quiet, old man, and you shall get out too. If you blab, they'll flog the life out of me, but I will kill you first." Aksionov trembled with anger as he looked at his enemy. He drew his hand away, saying, "I have no wish to escape, and you have no need to kill me; you killed me long ago! As to telling of you--I may do so or not, as God shall direct."

Next day, when the convicts were led out to work, the convoy soldiers noticed that one or other of the prisoners emptied some earth out of his boots. The prison was searched and the tunnel found. The Governor came and questioned all the prisoners to find out who had dug the hole. They all denied any knowledge of it. Those who knew would not


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betray Makar Semyonich, knowing he would be flogged almost to death. At last the Governor turned to Aksionov whom he knew to be a just man. and said:

"You are a truthful old man; tell me, before God, who dug the hole?" Makar Semyonich stood as if he were quite unconcerned, looking at the Governor and not so much as glancing at Aksionov. Aksionov's lips and hands trembled, and for a long time he could not utter a word. He thought, "Why should I screen him who ruined my life? Let him pay for what I have suffered. But if I tell, they will probably flog the life out of him, and maybe I suspect him wrongly. And, after all, what good would it be to me?"

"Well, old man," repeated the Governor, "tell me the truth: who has been digging under the wall?"

Aksionov glanced at Makar Semyonich, and said, "I cannot say, your honour. It is not God's will that I should tell! Do what you like with me; I am in your hands." However much the Governor! tried, Aksionov would say no more, and so the matter had to be left. That night, when Aksionov was lying on his bed and just beginning to doze, someone came quietly and sat down on his bed. He peered through the darkness and recognised Makar. (Tolstoy 7,8)

3.2.2 External Conflict

According to Meyer (1990:46), "external conflict may place the protagonist in opposition to another individual, nature, or society". Here Askionov faced some external conlicts with the other characters.

…Then the official, calling the soldiers, said, "I am the police-officer of this district, and I question you because the merchant with whom you spent last night has been found with his throat cut. We must search your things."

They entered the house. The soldiers and the police-officer unstrapped Aksionov's luggage and searched it. Suddenly the officer drew a knife out of a bag, crying, "Whose knife is this?"


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Aksionov looked, and seeing a blood-stained knife taken from his bag, he was frightened. "How is it there is blood on this knife?"

Aksionov tried to answer, but could hardly utter a word, and only stammered: "I--don't know--not mine." Then the police-officer said: "This morning the merchant was found in bed with his throat cut. You are the only person who could have done it. The house was locked from inside, and no one else was there. Here is this blood-stained knife in your bag and your face and manner betray you! Tell me how you killed him, and how much money you stole.? (Tolstoy 2)

This quotation explains Aksionov decided to rest well because they already feel exhausted and Aksionov entered into a warm shop .To order a drink, and then he pulled out his guitar and then he began to sing to entertain

themselves and relieve a tired and then shortly afterwards a carriage stopped in front of the bar, and came down a detective with two police officers from the train and walked Aksionov and begin to ask and interrogate him. He asked about who and where it came from. Aksionov answered all the question and then said, "like some tea with me?" But did not heed his words detective, he was constantly interrogated and asked, 'Where did you stay last night? "Are you alone or with someone? Did you meet with a dealer this morning. And why did you leave them all at the inn before dawn?

The police-officer ordered the soldiers to bind Aksionov and to put him in the cart. As they tied his feet together and flung him into the cart, Aksionov crossed himself and wept. His money and goods were taken from him, and he was sent to the nearest town and

imprisoned there. Enquiries as to his character were made in Vladimir. The merchants and other inhabitants of that town said that in former days he used to drink and waste his time, but that he was a good man.


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Then the trial came on: he was charged with murdering a merchant from Ryazan, and robbing him of twenty thousand rubles. (Tolstoy 3)

This quotation tries to describe external Aksionov conflict to the

police-officer. Here, Aksionov try to explain and could have sworn that he was at the murder and he also said that he was not with her anymore after tea because they can not stay up too late at night and then he left the merchant and then decided to continue running even though he realized that time was still late night but when Aksionov deliver it all with a hoarse voice, pale face and his whole body shook as if feeling guilty fears. The cop then catch Aksionov and tied him and took him into the wagon in the train was Aksionov seen curled up and crying. all the money and goods confiscated by the police because he will be input into the prison located in the nearby town of the police was looking for evidence and investigate to find out who Aksionov, and began to move to Vladimir. Info obtained from the public and traders there that when young Aksionov drunk and throw away their time, but on the other hand Aksionov is a good person. After that day arrives Aksionov court convicted on charges merchants did kill somebody and rob the money as much as twenty rubles.

When news Aksionov was known by his wife, was desperate and confused and did not know to whom he should trust with the state of the mindless and their children are still very small and still need a father, not long after she took her children to visit her husband who was in the jail. After begging beg to the eventual arrest his wife and children authorized to view Aksionov when she saw her husband wearing a


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prisoner, and chained in a room along with the thieves and other criminals he fainted while.

One day a fresh gang of convicts came to the prison. In the evening the old prisoners collected round the new ones and asked them what towns or villages they came from, and what they were sentenced for. Among the rest Aksionov sat down near the newcomers, and listened with downcast air to what was said.(Tolstoy 4)

Character of newly inmates and the character the family of Aksionov. here this person characterized by traits of body height and body stocky and about sixty years old he told me what he had done so to sign in prison, he just took the horses were abandoned for reasons that quickly got home and he'll even let go of the horse's back, after the horse is owned by a friend who had known but she still accused of stealing the horse., though on the other hand she was once committed a crime and he should have been from the first he was taken to prison, from where he realized what indicted probably is a reply to the ever commit a crime like him.

Makar Semyonich laughed, and replied: "It must have been him in whose bag the knife was found! If some one else hid the knife there, 'He's not a thief till he's caught,' as the saying is. How could any one put a knife into your bag while it was under your head? It would surely have woke you up." When Aksionov heard these words, he felt sure this was the man who had killed the merchant. He rose and went away. All that night Aksionov lay awake. He felt terribly unhappy, and all sorts of images rose in his mind. There was the image of his wife as she was when he parted from her to go to the fair. He saw her as if she were present; her face and her eyes rose before him; he heard her


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speak and laugh. Then he saw his children, quite little, as they: were at that time: one with a little cloak on, another at his mother's breast. And then he remembered himself as he

used to be--young and merry. He remembered how he sat playing the guitar in the porch of the inn where he was arrested, and how free from care he had been. He saw, in his mind, the place where he was

flogged, the executioner, and the people standing around; the chains, the convicts, all the twenty-six years of his prison life, and his

premature old age. The thought of it all made him so wretched that he was

ready to kill himself. "And it's all that villain's doing!" thought Aksionov. And his anger was so great against Makar Semyonich that he longed for vengeance, even if he himself should perish for it. He kept repeating prayers all night, but could get no peace. During the day he did not go near Makar Semyonich, nor even look at him. A

fortnight passed in this way. Aksionov could not sleep at night, and was so miserable that he did not know what to do. (Tolstoy 6 )

Character of plots like threatening because it is found by Aksionov which is making secret hole for a way out of prison even in threatening to kill Aksionov not afraid even she was silent, who initially hated treason finally he can hold the guards prisoners gather inmates and asked the neighbor Aksionov the hole, but he remained silent with her trembling lips cover up what has been done by those in the story Makar Aksionov protect Makar because he has been steadfast with the decisions that have been taken.

Night when Aksionov daydreaming him and turns Makar, Makar already regretting what he has done for this to him after Aksionov protect all crimes committed then


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Makar apologizes sincerely and full of regret and eventually both cry and forgive each other. Although Aksionov now lost all his family, because the act Makar.





Based on the analysis above, there are some results that is concluded. The first is about description of Aksionov. Aksionov is one of main character that is described as a seller. He is handsome with yellow wavy hair and funny person. Besides that, He like to sing even though Aksionov is famous as a seller but he also has good voice but it is only hobby to comfort himself.

The second is about conflict which influences Aksionov. Aksionov gets prison for 26 years because he is accused killing another seller when he stayed in Prison, Aksionov learns to receive a life and tries to give forgiveness for someone making him to stay in prison.

The third is an unconscious of Aksionov’s behavior. In this story, Aksionov’s unconscious started when he was declared as defendant on seller’s died. The pain whis occurred to Aksionov made him became a good man. Finally, he knew who has made him become in prison. It was made by Makar. Nobody knew why Aksionov could apologize Makar who has made all have done. Then, they apologized each other.




Abrams , M.H . 1999. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Boston, Massachusetts : Heinle. Bennet, Andrew. Literature Criticism and Theory. Third Edition. Pearson Education

Limited. Great Britain. 2004.

Cuddon , J.A . 1999. Dictionary of Literary Terms & Literary Theory. Published in Penguin

Book Group.

Carter , David . LiteraryTheory. Harpenden , Herts : The Pocket Essential. Gillespie, Tim.2010. Doing Literary Criticism. Stenhouse Publishers.

Gloria mason Henderson, et al., Literature and ourselves: A Thematic Introduction for Readers and Writers (United States: Pearson Education Inc, 2006), fifth edition,

Cuddon, J.A, 1998: The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. London: Penguins Books

Holman, C. Hugh and William Harmon. A Handbook of Literature 5 Ed. New York:


Publishing Company. 1986.

Karen, Bernardo. Characterization in Literature. Artikel

Luken, J.Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Handbook of Children’s Literature. Pearson Education,



Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. 2007.

Nurgiantoro, Burhan . 2013. Teori Pengkajian Sastra.Yogyakarta :

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Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, Fourth Edition. 2011.Oxford University Press.UK.

Roberts, Edgar V. 1995. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta

Sanger, Kanger. 2003. The Language of Fiction

Selden, Widdowson, Brook. 2005. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Britain: Pearson Logman.

Taylor, Richard. 1989. Understanding the Elements of Literature.

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Tyson, Luis Critical Theory Today ,New York : Routladge.2006. Teeuw. A. 1984. Sastra dan IlmuSastra. Jakarta: PT Pustaka Jaya.

Tomlison, Carl, M and Brow, Carol Lynch. 1999. Essentials of Children’s Literature.

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X.J.Kennedy. Literature: An Introduction to fiction, poetry, and Drama (New York: Harper Collins Publisher, 1991), third edition,



(1905). in Pelican Freud Library, vol. 7, trans. James Strachey. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1977.


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speak and laugh. Then he saw his children, quite little, as they: were at that time: one with a little cloak on, another at his mother's breast. And then he remembered himself as he

used to be--young and merry. He remembered how he sat playing the guitar in the porch of the inn where he was arrested, and how free from care he had been. He saw, in his mind, the place where he was

flogged, the executioner, and the people standing around; the chains, the convicts, all the twenty-six years of his prison life, and his

premature old age. The thought of it all made him so wretched that he was

ready to kill himself. "And it's all that villain's doing!" thought Aksionov. And his anger was so great against Makar Semyonich that he longed for vengeance, even if he himself should perish for it. He kept repeating prayers all night, but could get no peace. During the day he did not go near Makar Semyonich, nor even look at him. A

fortnight passed in this way. Aksionov could not sleep at night, and was so miserable that he did not know what to do. (Tolstoy 6 )

Character of plots like threatening because it is found by Aksionov which is

making secret hole for a way out of prison even in threatening to kill Aksionov not

afraid even she was silent, who initially hated treason finally he can hold the guards

prisoners gather inmates and asked the neighbor Aksionov the hole, but he remained

silent with her trembling lips cover up what has been done by those in the story

Makar Aksionov protect Makar because he has been steadfast with the decisions that

have been taken.

Night when Aksionov daydreaming him and turns Makar, Makar already regretting


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Makar apologizes sincerely and full of regret and eventually both cry and forgive





Based on the analysis above, there are some results that is concluded. The

first is about description of Aksionov. Aksionov is one of main character that is

described as a seller. He is handsome with yellow wavy hair and funny person.

Besides that, He like to sing even though Aksionov is famous as a seller but he also

has good voice but it is only hobby to comfort himself.

The second is about conflict which influences Aksionov. Aksionov gets

prison for 26 years because he is accused killing another seller when he stayed in

Prison, Aksionov learns to receive a life and tries to give forgiveness for someone

making him to stay in prison.

The third is an unconscious of Aksionov’s behavior. In this story, Aksionov’s

unconscious started when he was declared as defendant on seller’s died. The pain

whis occurred to Aksionov made him became a good man. Finally, he knew who has

made him become in prison. It was made by Makar. Nobody knew why Aksionov

could apologize Makar who has made all have done. Then, they apologized each



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