Process Modeling Conceptual Model


The final stage of this research is to develop database based on the physical design, construct code to develop web page and coding to develop decision support system tool.

4.3.1 Process Modeling

The basic requirements of the process model are data input, processes and data stores. Data Flow Diagrams DFD were used to structure the components. On the first step of building DFD, data flow is presented in general together with system user identification and also the contribution and influence that the user can make to the system. This process is presented in Context Diagram Figure 4.1. The main process of this system is the development of mining company evaluation system, where there are three groups of user: • Directorate of Mineral and Coal Technique as the representation of Government. The role of this user is to evaluate mining company performance based in the GMP components. • Mining Company who is the actor of the system. This user will use this system to submit their report to the government through Internet. • Others Observer, NGOs, Academician, Local community. The role of this user is to give input and also as mining company evaluator. This user will be bounded based on their expertise and capabilities. 50 Figure 4.1 Context Diagram of the system After context diagram has been drawn, the next step is to draw the process, user external entity and data store into detail in a Data Flow Diagram Level 1 as seen in this Figure 4.2 below. Figure 4.2 DFD Level 1 of the system Each process in DFD Level 1 can be decomposed again into more detail processes as described in the next figure below. 51 Figure 4.3 DFD Level 2 – Process 1 Figure 4.4 DFD Level 2 – Process 2 52

4.3.2 Conceptual Model

A conceptual model describes the essential semantics of system data. A conceptual model consists of a number of symbols joined up according to certain conventions. Commonly, conceptual modeling use symbols from a modeling method known as entity-relationship analysis. This method was first introduced by Chen in 1976 and now is widely used Hawryszkiewycz, 1994. Conceptual modeling deals with the question on how to describe in a declarative and reusable way the domain information of an application, its relevant vocabulary, and how to constrain the use the data, by understanding what can be drawn from it. Recently, a number of conceptual modeling languages has emerged as de-facto standard, in particular we mention EntityRelationship ER for the relational data model, UML and ODMG for the object oriented data model, and XML, RDFS, DAML+OIL and OWL for the web semi-structured data model Franconi, 2003. Entity Relationship Analysis uses three major abstractions to describe data. These are: • Entities , object that have independent physical or conceptual existence. • Relationship, which are meaningful interactions between the entities, and • Attributes, which are the properties of the entities and relationship. The Entity Relationship Diagram of this system is presented in Figure 4.5 below.

4.3.3 Logical Model