
















This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to

achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education








This thesis was written by Ainnanur Amika Delima Sugeng Putri and was approved on February 5th,2015


Advisor II Advisor I


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on February 5th, 2015

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. Ponjojari Wahyono, M. Kes

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Bayu HendroWicaksono, M.Ed., Ph.D. 1. ……….

2. Erlyna Abidasari, M.A, M.Ed 2. ………..

3. Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M 3. ...




The undersigned :

Name : Ainnanur Amika Delima Sugeng Putri Student ID number : 201010100311246

Program of Study : English Department

Faculty : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

I declare that the work presented in this thesis was carried out by my self and does not incorporate without acknowledgement any materal previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge this thesis does not contain any materials previously publish or written by another person except where due reference is madein text.

Malang, February 5th



Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan

sabar dan shalat

(QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 153)

Someday, everything will make a perfect sense. So for now, laugh at all the

confusion, smile through the tears, and remind yourself that everything happens for

a reason


Live is a great pleasure because it has many corners. Some corners are dangerously

thrilling, some corners are filled with surprise. Whether it will be surprise or

dangerous thrill, if you don’t walk over there, you definitely won’t know

what you

will meet at the next corner. Corners are filled with stories, regardlesss, of whether

it’s on a person’s path in life or on a crowded street. It might be mine and it might

be yours

(Qin Lang – Corner With Love)


I Dedicate this thesis to:

My super father (Tri Soegeng) and mother (Gina Erliyati),

My younger brother(Rendy) and all my family,

My housemates ( Sapril, Bellund, Tante El, Weni, Titin and Ucik)

My classmate “E” class 2010

and all people who love and support me.




Alhamdulillahi robbil alamin, all praises be to Allah SWT who has already given me the mercies and blessing during the process of my thesis writing. Peace and salutation may always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW. I would like to thank to several contributive people in finishing my thesis entitled An Analysis on Register Used By Guest Relation Officer in Front Office Departmen in HARRIS Hotel And Conventions Malang.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and thank to My Super Father,Tri Soegeng and My Amazing mother, Gina Erliyati, for their prayer, support andlove. Both of you are the most motivating people for me. My beloved brother Rendi, thanks for your kindness, cheerful, spirit and support. I am happy and proud of being your oldest sister.

Secondly, my greatest gratitude also sends to all of lecturers in general, and especially in the English Department who has guided me in the learning process. In addition, I want to give the deepest thanks to my advisors, Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M as my first advisor and Rahmawati Khadijah Maro, SPd, M,PEd as my second advisor, who have carefully guided me through out the entire process of the thesis writing and helped me to finish this study.

Finally, special thanks is given to the big Family of “E” class year 2010 (Rebecca, Manda, Fajar Risda, Firda, Nita, Tacik, Amanda, Rety, and all of you that cannot be mentioned), my housemates (April, Bella, Ela, Weny, Titin and Ucik), FO Team of HARRIS Hotel and Conventionns Malang, and everyone for giving me their support, love, and pray until I can finish this thesis well.

Malang, Februari 5th,2015 Writer,


Table of Contents

COVER ... i








CHAPTER I-INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The Study ... 1

1.2 Research Problem ... 3

1.3 Research Purpose ... 4

1.4 Significance of The Study ... 4

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Key Terrms ... 5


2.2 Language and Society ... 8

2.3 Language Variation ... 9

2.3.1 Kinds of Language Variation ... 10 Dialect ... 10 Slang ... 10 Argot ... 11 Jargon ... 11 Register ... 11 of Register ... 12



2.4 Meaning ... 15

2.5 Hotel ... 15

2.5.1 Types of Hotel ... 16 Hotel Classification Based on Price ... 16 Hotel Classification Based on The Function ... 17 Hotel Classification Based on The Location ... 18 Hotel Classification Based on The Market Segment ... 19

2.5.2. Kinds of Department in Hotel ... 19

2.5.3 Kinds of Facilities Offered in Hotel ... 22

2.6 Guest Relation Officer ... 23

2.7 Description of HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang ... 24


3.2 Research Subject ... 28

3.3 Data Collection Techniques ... 29

3.3.1 Observation ... 29

3.3.2 Interview ... 30

3.4 Data Collection ... 31

3.5 Data Analysis ... 32

CHAPTER IV-RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Findings 4.1.1 The Register Used by Guest Relation Officer in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang ... 33

4.1.2The Meaning of Register Used by Guest Relation Officer in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang ... 37

4.1.3 The Types Of Register Used By Guest Relation Officer In HARRIS Hotel And Conventions Malang ... 41

4.2 Discussion ... 46



5.2 Suggestion ... 51 REFERENCES




Agha, Asif. 2007. Language and Social Relations. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Anggraini, Arfian Putri. 2012. An Analysis of Register Used by FOCUS in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. UMM : Unpublished Thesis

Ary, D., Jacobs, C., L., Chris Sorensen. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education Eight Edition.USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Barrows, Clayton. W and Tom Powers. 2009. Introduction to The Hospitality Industry. USA : John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Biber, Douglas and Edward Finegan. 1994. SociolinguisticPerspectives on Register. USA : Oxford University Press, Inc.

Blot, Richard. K. 2003. Language and Social Identity. USA : Preager.

Coulmas, Florian. 1998. The Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Cornwall : Blackwell Publishing.

Coupland, Nicolas. 2007. Style, Language Variation, and Identity. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Creswell, John. W. 2012. Educational Reserach : Planning, Conducting, and

Evaluating Quantitave and Qualitative Research. Boston : Pearson Education, Inc.

Edwards, John. 2009. Language And Identity : The Key Topics in Sociolinguatics. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Ferguson, Charles. A. 1996. Sociolinguistic Perspectives : Papers On Language In Society,1959-1994. USA : Oxford University Press, Inc.

Flick, Uwe. 2009. An Introduction to Qualitative Research (Fourth Edition). London : SAGE Publications Ltd.

Fromkin, Victoria., Robert Rodman., and Nina Hyams. 2010. An Introduction to Language (International Edition). Canada : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning Holmes, Janet. 2012. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.New York: Routledge.


Hunt, Elent. 1999. Register ; Literature, History and Culture. am/1914-/language/register/register.htm

HARRIS Hotels Team.2013. HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang. From HARRIS Hotels website: on December 5th, 2014, at 09.45)

Meiliya, Dwi Putri. 2014. An Analysis on Register Used by Hotel Employees on Kusuma Agro Wisata Hotel. UMM : Unpublished Thesis.

Mesthrie, Radjend. 2002. ConciseEncyclopedia ofSociolinguistics. Oxford : Elsivier Science Ltd

Munawaroh, Maghfirotul. 2013. Linguistics Study Of Code Mixing used in „Expose‟

Rubric of Teen Magazine at 281-288 edition of April – August 2012. Salatiga : STAIN

Prosad, Litton. 2009. Seven Types of Meaning in Semantic. From Litton Prosad website: on December 24th, 2014 at 20.33) Rutherford, Denney. G., and Michael. J. O’Fallon. 2007. Hotel Management And

Operations (Fourth Edition). USA ; John Wiley and Sons, Inc

Sari, Intan Widya. 3013. Figurative Language Analysis Used In Song Lyric of

“Visible Idea of Perfection” Album by The Sigit. UMM : Unpublished Thesis Soenarno, Adi. 2006. Front Office Management. Yogyakarta : CV. Andi Offset. Susanti, Amanda. G.F. 2014. An Analysis of Figurative Language in Demi Lovato

Song Lyric in The Album Demi. UMM : Unpublished Thesis

Tobing, Septika. S. 2010. Semantic Change And Meaning Shift Analysis On Film Making Terms. Semarang : Universitas Diponegoro

Untari, Nugrahenny Putri. 2010. The Roles of Guest Relation Officer in Handling

Guests‟ Needs in Novotel Hotel. Surakarta : Unpublished Thesis.

Vanderstoep, Scott. W., and Deirdre D. Johnston. 2009. Research Methods For Everyday Life. Blending Qualitative And Quantitative Approaches. USA : Jossey Bass

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2009. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Cornwall : Blackwell Publishing.



Yin, Robert. K. 2011. Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. The Gilford Press.

New York. London.

Yule, George. 2006. The Study of Language. Forth Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.



This chapter in this research presents some topics such as background of study, research problem, research purpose, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each topic is presented as follows.

1.1Background of Study

Language is very important for human life to create an interaction in social life. According to Blot (2003:208), language is an arbitrary system of symbol which serves to categorize the world in some socially agreed upon fashion. Edwards (2009:53) also stated, language is a set of arbitrary elements which is created into a communication system and has an agreed-upon significance within a community. Further, Agha (2007:ii) stated that people are connected with language in social relationship and allowed to parcipate in a variety of activities in everyday life by using language. From those statements, it can be concluded that language has been existed since a long time ago and develops as the time goes by as a communication tool for human in this changing era to have an interaction with other people in their daily live.

In short, language is a tool for people to have communication with other people. Not only as a communication tool, but it is also used to convey someone’s idea or thought by spoken or written. The existence of language is very important



since without it we cannot make an interaction with other people around us because people use language in their daily conversation and social interaction.

In daily life, there are many phenomena which have relation with language. These phenomena are discussed in sociolinguistics. Wardhaugh (2005:13) declared that sociolinguistics concerns with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages functionin communication. So that, sociolinguistics discusses about the way people use language in social interaction, how someone speech and show their social status, and also concerns about anything in daily life, such as we see a written sign on the road.

In sociolinguistics, we learn about term of word or phrase which is used by people who have similarity in the job field and it is called register. As Holmes (2012:262) said that register is language which is used by groups of people with common interests or jobs, or the language used in situations associated.

Furthermore, Eckert and Rickford (2002:239) explained that the function of register is to represent language varieties characteristics of particular situation of use. It is clear that register is used to have communication with other people who have the same field of interest and make it as their characteristic when having a conversation.

In previous research done by Meiliya (2014), in her study about register used by hotel employees in Kusuma Agro Wisata Hotel, it is found that there are 80 registers used by hotel employees in Kusuma Agro Wisata Hotel from four different departments and it is divided into 58 formal registers and 22 informal registers. Moreover, in 2012, another research about register is also done by Anggraini in “An



analysis of register used by FOCUS in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. It is found that there are 50 registers which have different meanings from Standard English meaning, 2 registers which cannot be found in English Dictionary, 4 registers which is adapted from English and changed into Indonesian Language, and 1 register which is created by FOCUS member.

Related to those previous researches, the writer wants to take a discussion about register and shares the meaning of register which is used by Guest Relation Officer in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang to all people. The writer hopes, at least, people know the meaning of the register which is used when they come to the hotel as a guest. As the consideration, the writer chooses Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang as the subject because they use some register when handling over with their partner in the next shift and since the registers which is used by them are from English. Because of those reasons, the writer chooses HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang is one of the most popular hotels in Malang which offers a four stars hotel services and there are many foreign tourists come to this hotel.

1.2Research Problems

1. What are the registers used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang?

2. What are the types of registers used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang?

3. What is the meaning of register used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang?



1.3Research Purposes

This research aims at finding :

1. Registers used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in

HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang

2. Types of register used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang.

3. The meaning of registers which are used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang.

1.4Significance of The Research a. Theoritically,

The writer hopes that this research will give some contributions such as supporting sociolinguistics theory about language variation, especially about register. Moreover, it is expected to increase the knowlwedge about language variation in sociolinguitics theory deeply about register.

b. Practically

It is expected to give a lot of contribution to the English lecturers and English teachers as an additional teaching source and one of references when they teach sociolinguistic as a branch of linguistic about language variation theory particularly in register.

Moreover, the writer hopes it can give more information as a reference to the English further researchers when taking about the same topic of research about register. Further, it is also expected to give information for



college students in English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Malang who join apprenticeship in hotel. Also, this research is expected to give information about register which is used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in the chosen hotel.

1.5Scope and Limitation

From the explanation above, this research focuses deeply on register which is used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang. The researcher also makes a limitation on type and meaning of register used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang.

1.6Key Terms

1. Registers : a conventional way of using language that is appropriate in a specific context, which may be identified as situational (e.g. in church), occupational (e.g. among lawyers) or topical (e.g. talking about language). (Yule, 2006 : 259)

2. Guest Relation Officer : a person who has main duties to welcome the guest, conduct guest’s check-in process hospitably and efficiently, help and escort the guests in finding their room, give accurate information to the guest,handle and solve guest’s problems (complaints), especially for special orparticular services, during their stay at hotel. (Sugiarto in Untari, 2010 : 8)



3. HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang : Peacefully situated in the “green” of reverside, nearby Malang – Surabaya main road with an easy access to the bus station and to the airport, HARRIS Malang is the place for a constructive seminar or to simply and naturally relax. ( HARRIS Hotel Team:2013)



This chapter in this research presents some topics such as background of study, research problem, research purpose, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each topic is presented as follows.

1.1Background of Study

Language is very important for human life to create an interaction in social life. According to Blot (2003:208), language is an arbitrary system of symbol which serves to categorize the world in some socially agreed upon fashion. Edwards (2009:53) also stated, language is a set of arbitrary elements which is created into a communication system and has an agreed-upon significance within a community. Further, Agha (2007:ii) stated that people are connected with language in social relationship and allowed to parcipate in a variety of activities in everyday life by using language. From those statements, it can be concluded that language has been existed since a long time ago and develops as the time goes by as a communication tool for human in this changing era to have an interaction with other people in their daily live.

In short, language is a tool for people to have communication with other people. Not only as a communication tool, but it is also used to convey someone’s idea or thought by spoken or written. The existence of language is very important


since without it we cannot make an interaction with other people around us because people use language in their daily conversation and social interaction.

In daily life, there are many phenomena which have relation with language. These phenomena are discussed in sociolinguistics. Wardhaugh (2005:13) declared that sociolinguistics concerns with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages functionin communication. So that, sociolinguistics discusses about the way people use language in social interaction, how someone speech and show their social status, and also concerns about anything in daily life, such as we see a written sign on the road.

In sociolinguistics, we learn about term of word or phrase which is used by people who have similarity in the job field and it is called register. As Holmes (2012:262) said that register is language which is used by groups of people with common interests or jobs, or the language used in situations associated.

Furthermore, Eckert and Rickford (2002:239) explained that the function of register is to represent language varieties characteristics of particular situation of use. It is clear that register is used to have communication with other people who have the same field of interest and make it as their characteristic when having a conversation.

In previous research done by Meiliya (2014), in her study about register used by hotel employees in Kusuma Agro Wisata Hotel, it is found that there are 80 registers used by hotel employees in Kusuma Agro Wisata Hotel from four different departments and it is divided into 58 formal registers and 22 informal registers. Moreover, in 2012, another research about register is also done by Anggraini in “An


analysis of register used by FOCUS in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. It is found that there are 50 registers which have different meanings from Standard English meaning, 2 registers which cannot be found in English Dictionary, 4 registers which is adapted from English and changed into Indonesian Language, and 1 register which is created by FOCUS member.

Related to those previous researches, the writer wants to take a discussion about register and shares the meaning of register which is used by Guest Relation Officer in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang to all people. The writer hopes, at least, people know the meaning of the register which is used when they come to the hotel as a guest. As the consideration, the writer chooses Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang as the subject because they use some register when handling over with their partner in the next shift and since the registers which is used by them are from English. Because of those reasons, the writer chooses HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang is one of the most popular hotels in Malang which offers a four stars hotel services and there are many foreign tourists come to this hotel.

1.2Research Problems

1. What are the registers used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang?

2. What are the types of registers used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang?

3. What is the meaning of register used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang?


1.3Research Purposes

This research aims at finding :

1. Registers used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang

2. Types of register used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang.

3. The meaning of registers which are used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang.

1.4Significance of The Research a. Theoritically,

The writer hopes that this research will give some contributions such as supporting sociolinguistics theory about language variation, especially about register. Moreover, it is expected to increase the knowlwedge about language variation in sociolinguitics theory deeply about register.

b. Practically

It is expected to give a lot of contribution to the English lecturers and English teachers as an additional teaching source and one of references when they teach sociolinguistic as a branch of linguistic about language variation theory particularly in register.

Moreover, the writer hopes it can give more information as a reference to the English further researchers when taking about the same topic of research about register. Further, it is also expected to give information for


college students in English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Malang who join apprenticeship in hotel. Also, this research is expected to give information about register which is used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in the chosen hotel.

1.5Scope and Limitation

From the explanation above, this research focuses deeply on register which is used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang. The researcher also makes a limitation on type and meaning of register used by Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in front office department in HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang.

1.6Key Terms

1. Registers : a conventional way of using language that is appropriate in a specific context, which may be identified as situational (e.g. in church), occupational (e.g. among lawyers) or topical (e.g. talking about language). (Yule, 2006 : 259)

2. Guest Relation Officer : a person who has main duties to welcome the guest, conduct guest’s check-in process hospitably and efficiently, help and escort the guests in finding their room, give accurate information to the guest,handle and solve guest’s problems (complaints), especially for special orparticular services, during their stay at hotel. (Sugiarto in Untari, 2010 : 8)


3. HARRIS Hotel and Conventions Malang : Peacefully situated in the “green” of reverside, nearby Malang – Surabaya main road with an easy access to the bus station and to the airport, HARRIS Malang is the place for a constructive seminar or to simply and naturally relax. ( HARRIS Hotel Team:2013)