Analysis 1 Conjunction ANALYSIS AND FINDING



In this thesis the writer analysis about thirteen kinds of conjunctions that are found in Charles Dickens’novel “Oliver Twist”. They are: and, now, or, but, yet, then, so, for, that, as, if, when, and after. In analizing this thesis, the writer analysis the usage of conjunction and the relation to any parts of grammar. The writer also determines the most dominant kind of conjunction by making percentage of each kind of conjunctions.

4.1 Analysis 1 Conjunction

and From the source of data, the writer found 55 sentences used conjunction and, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are: 1 And the Dodger busied himself removing the contents of Oliver’s pockets.p.36 2 Why didn’t you write, my dear, and say you were coming?p.36 3 That’s mine, Fagin, mine and Nancy’s.p.37 4 Fagin and the boys came back, pulling Oliver between them.p.37 5 Charley, show Oliver to bed and help him take off his good clothes.p.38 6 He left, rolling up the new clothes under his arm, and locking the door behind him.p.38 7 Alone in the dark, sick and weary, Oliver fell asleep.p.38 8 One dark, wet, windynight Fagin stole away from the miserable house of Oliver’s imprisonment in Whitechapel and with his coat collar well 25 pulled up about his ears to hide his face, slunk through the streets to visit Bill Sikes and Nancy in Bethnal Green.p.39 9 Jew, speaking very low and pulling his chair nearer.p.40 10 Nancy saw him and said,” Go on, Fagin.”p.40 11 And with his bargain, bidding them good night, the Jew left the house and went out into the darkness.p.42 12 She looked very ill and seemed anxious.p.43 13 One of Fagin’s boy,” said sikes and whispered in Crackit’s ear.p.44 14 They hurried through the little town of Chertsey and about a quarter of a mile beyond they stopped out side a detaced house surrounded by a high hall.p.45 15 In a moment all three were over the wall and creeping silently towards the house.p.45 16 He uttered an exclamation of horror and sank shivering to the ground.p.45 17 “Get up” Murmured Sikes, trembling with rage and drawing the pistol from his pocket.p.45 18 Let me run away and die in the fields.p.45 19 Oh, pray have mercy on me and do not make me stealp.45 20 Sikes stood on Crackit’s back and put Oliver through it, feet first.p.47 21 Go softly up the steps straight before you and along the little hall to the street door, unfasten it, and let us in.p.47 22 He had a desperate plan in mind to take a dash up the stairs and warn the family.p.47 26 23 Scared by the sudden noise, Oliver dropped his light and stood rooted to the spot.p.47 24 There was a loud cry and two terrified half-dressed men stood at the top of the stairs with a lamp.p.47 25 Dodger and Charles Bates Playing cards with another boy.p.48 26 The Dodger wore his hat and smoked a clay pipe: he always won at cards.p.48 27 ” First and foremost, Fagin,” said the house breaker,”how’s Bill?”p.48 28 Sikes and the boyp.48 29 They fired and hit the boy.p.48 30 We fled over the fields at the back with the boy between us, over hedge and ditch.p.49 31 Bill took the boy on his back and ran like the wind.p.49 32 Oliver’s head hung down and he was cold.p.49 33 And the boy too?p.49 34 The sight of him turns me against my self and all of you.p.49 35 Fagin left her and set out for home.p.49 36 Why not have kept him here with the rest and made a sneaking pickpocket out of him at once.p.50 37 Dodger and Charley?p.50 38 I saw a shadow of a woman, in a cloack and bonnet.p.51 39 Trembling from cold and exhaustion he tried to rise, only to fall back unconscious again.p.52 40 He got slowly to his feet and staggered away, the world spinning round him.p.52 27 41 He tottered across the lawn, up some steps, knocked feebly at the door and sank to the ground.p.52 42 Carry him upstairs; we must get him in to bed, and you, Brittles,” turning to the other manservant,” saddle the pony and go and fetch a doctor quickly.p.54 43 Rose, her adopted niece, the beautiful young lady, was gentle and intelligent and only seventeen.p.54 44 And you too, Miss Rosep.54 45 He was gone a long time; a large flat box was fetched out of the gig; the bedroom bell rang very often and the servants ran up and downstairs frequently.p.54 46 And he gently drew back the curtains of the bed.p.55 47 On it, instead of the black-faced ruffian they expected to see, lay a mere child, worn out with pain and exhaustion, sunk in a deep sleep.p.55 48 And he led the ladies to another room.p.56 49 And he pointed to a ruined house on the river bank.p.58 50 Mrs Mayle and Rose shut up the Chertsey house and moved with Oliver to a cottage in the country some distance away.p.59 51 Roses and honeysuckle climbed up the cottage walls; the garden was full of sweet-smelling flowers and he walked with the ladies over green fields listening to their conversation.p.59 52 He was taught to read better and to write and he worked hard to please such a kind master.p.59 53 He loved Mrs Maylie and Rose and was loved by them in return.p.60 28 54 He had finally fallen to the ground in a short of fit and Oliver had to summon help from the nearest inn.p.60 55 It had been a warm day and he was tired and fell into a day dream.p.60 Sentence number 1 And the Dodger busied himself removing the contents of Oliver’s pockets. Conjunction and, in the sentence is used to show adition. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two independent clauses or more and linked by coordinating conjunctions like and, for, nor, but, or, yet, so, etc. The sentences consist of two independent clauses, they are : The Dodger busied himself. Independent clause. Removing the contents of Oliver’s pockets. Independent clause. The same things are found in the following sentences: 4 Fagin and the boys came back, pulling Oliver between them. 5 Charley, show Oliver to bed and help him take off his good clothes. 6 He left, rolling up the new clothes under his arm, and locking the door behind him. 7 Alone in the dark, sick and weary, Oliver fell asleep. 9 Jew, speaking very low and pulling his chair nearer. 12 She looked very ill and seemed anxious. 14 They hurried through the little town of Chertsey and about a quarter of a mile beyond they stopped out side a detaced house surrounded by a high hall. 15 In a moment all three were over the wall and creeping silently towards the house. 16 He uttered an exclamation of horror and sank shivering to the ground.use. 20 Sikes stood on Crackit’s back and put Oliver through it, feet first. 29 22 He had a desperate plan in mind to take a dash up the stairs and warn the family. 24 There was a loud cry and two terrified half-dressed men stood at the top of the stairs with a lamp. 29 They fired and hit the boy. 30 We fled over the fields at the back with the boy between us, over hedge and ditch. 31 Bill took the boy on his back and ran like the wind. 32 Oliver’s head hung down and he was cold. 34 The sight of him turns me against my self and all of you. 35 Fagin left her and set out for home. 36 Why not have kept him here with the rest and made a sneaking pickpocket out of him at once. 40 He got slowly to his feet and staggered away, the world spinning round him. 50 Mrs Mayle and Rose shut up the Chertsey house and moved with Oliver to a cottage in the country some distance away. Sentence number 2 Why didn’t you write, my dear, and say you were coming? Conjunction and in the sentence is used to show negative sentence by using interrogative statement. Sentence number 3 That’s mine, Fagin, mine and Nancy’s. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to join whole sentences together. The sentence uses possessive pronoun, mine. Sentence number 8 One dark, wet, windynight Fagin stole away from the miserable house of Oliver’s imprisonment in Whitechapel and with his coat collar well pulled up about his ears to hide his face, slunk through the streets to visit Bill Sikes and Nancy in Bethnal Green. 30 Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clauses. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consist of two independent clauses or more that are combined by coordinating conjunctions like and, but, or, for so, nor, yet, etc. The sentence consists of three independent clauses. They are: One dark, wet, windynight Fagin stole away from the miserable house of Oliver’s imprisonment in Whitechapel independent clause, and with his coat collar well pulled up about his ears to hide his face independent clause, slunk through the streets to visit Bill Sikes and Nancy in Bethnal Green independent clause. The same cases are found in the following sentences below : 11 And with his bargain, bidding them good night, the Jew left the house and went out into the darkness. 23 Scared by the sudden noise, Oliver dropped his light and stood rooted to the spot. 26 The Dodger wore his hat and smoked a clay pipe: he always won at cards. 39 Trembling from cold and exhaustion he tried to rise, only to fall back unconscious again. 41 He tottered across the lawn, up some steps, knocked feebly at the door and sank to the ground. 51 Roses and honeysuckle climbed up the cottage walls; the garden was full of sweet-smelling flowers and he walked with the ladies over green fields listening to their conversation. Sentence number 42 Carry him upstairs; we must get him in to bed, and you, Brittles,” turning to the other manservant,” saddle the pony and go and fetch a doctor quickly. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. Sentence 31 number 43 Rose, her adopted niece, the beautiful young lady, was gentle and intelligent and only seventeen. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to link phrase. The sentence is simple sentence, because consist of one independent clause. Sentence number 44 And you too, Miss Rose Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect subject, you and Miss Rose. The sentence is exclamatory sentence because using exclamation mark. Sentence number 45 He was gone a long time; a large flat box was fetched out of the gig; the bedroom bell rang very often and the servants ran up and downstairs frequently. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two independent clauses or more and some of them are linked by coordinate conjunctions like : and, for, nor, but, or, yet, so, etc. The sentence consists of four independent clause, they are : He was gone a long time independent clause; a large flat box was fetched out of the gig; independent clause; the bedroom bell rang very often independent clause, and the servants ran up and downstairs frequently independent clause. The same case is found in the following sentence : 47 On it, instead of the black-faced ruffian they expected to see, lay a mere child, worn out with pain and exhaustion, sunk in a deep sleep. Sentence number 46 And he gently drew back the curtains of the bed. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect the whole sentence. The sentence is simple sentence, because consist of one independent clause and connected by conjunction and. The same cases found in the following sentences : 48 And he led the ladies to another room. 49 And he pointed to a ruined house on the river bank. Sentence number 52 He was taught to read better and to write and he worked hard to please such a kind master. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to 32 show adition. The sentence use passive voice. Sentence number 54 He had finally fallen to the ground in a short of fit and Oliver had to summon help from the nearest inn. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence is past perpect tense. It is known from the pattern: S+had+v3+o, and it is also combined by auxiliary modal had to. It is the past form of modal have to. Sentence number 55 It had been a warm day and he was tired and fell into a day dream. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence is compound sentence with 2 independent clauses. It uses past perpect tense. Sentence number 10 Nancy saw him and said,” Go on, Fagin.” Conjunction and in the sentence is used to show direct speech because the sentence uses quotation mark. The same cases are found in the following sentences: 13 One of Fagin’s boy,” said sikes and whispered in Crackit’s ear. 27 ” First and foremost, Fagin,” said the house breaker,”how’s Bill?” Sentence number 17 “Get up” Murmured Sikes, trembling with rage and drawing the pistol from his pocket. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. Sentence number 18 Let me run away and die in the fields. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence uses verb let followed by infinitive without to. The sentence is compound sentence because consists of two independent clause. Sentence number 19 Oh, pray have mercy on me and do not make me steal Conjunction and in the sentence is used to show request. The sentence is exclamatory sentence because it uses exclamation mark. Sentence number 21 Go softly up the steps straight before you and along the little hall to the street door, unfasten it, and let us in. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. Sentence number 25 Dodger and Charles Bates Playing cards with another boy. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two 33 subjects Dodger and Charles Bates. The sentence is simple sentence because consists of one independent clause wit one main verb, the main verb is playing. Sentence number 28 Sikes and the boy Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two subjects, the subject are Sikes and the boy. The sentence is exclamatory sentence because using exclamation mark. Sentence number 33 And the boy too? Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect subject the boy. The sentence is interrogative sentence by using elliptic sentence “too”. Sentence number 37 Dodger and Charley? Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two subjects, they are : Dodger and Charlie. The sentence is interrogative sentence because using question mark. Sentence number 38 I saw a shadow of a woman, in a cloack and bonnet. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two noun, they are a cloack and bonnet. The sentence is a simple sentence by using simple past tense. Sentence number 53 He loved Mrs Maylie and Rose and was loved by them in return. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two objects. The sentence is simple past and combined by passive voice. 2 Conjunction now From the source of data, the writer found 6 sentences used conjunction now, taken from chapter 6, 7, 8 and chapter 9, they are: 1 ”She’s all right now,” said Sikes, laying her down in a corner.p.38 2 He’s safe now, he’s been in training these last few weeks and it’s time he began to work for his bread.p.41 3 ”Now said Sikes,” give us some food and drink to put her in us while we wait.p.44 4 He ‘s all right now.p.45 34 5 The now heavy rain roused him and he looked around and saw a house, which he knew he must reach to get help.p.52 6 ”Now, my boy, which house is it?”p.58 Sentence number 1 ”She’s all right now,” said Sikes, laying her down in a corner. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show present condition. It is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark that is used. Sentence number 2 He’s safe now, he’s been in training these last few weeks and it’s time he began to work for his bread. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show present tense. The sentence is compound sentence because compound sentence is a sentencence that consists of two or more independent clauses, they are : He’s safe now. Independent clause. He’s been in training these last few weeks. Independent clause. It’s time he began to work for his bread. Independent clause. Sentence number 3 .”Now said Sikes,” give us some food and drink to put her in us while we wait. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show the time to give food and drink. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark. Sentence number 4 He ‘s all right now. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show present tense. It is a simple sentence. Sentence number 5 The now heavy rain roused him and he looked around and saw a house, which he knew he must reach to get help. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show the time of heavy rain happen. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: The now heavy rain roused him independent clause, and he looked around and saw a house, independent clause, which he knew he must reach to get help dependent clause. Sentence number 6 ”Now, my boy, which house is it?” Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is interrogative sentence by using relative pronoun which. 35 3 Conjunction or From the source of data, the writer found 3 sentences used conjunction or, taken from chapter 6, 7, 8, and chapter 10, they are: 1 ”Get up, or I’ll spill your brains on the grass”.p.45 2 Or I’ll do it my self with a knock on the head.p.45 3 Alive or dead, that’s all I know about him.p.49 Sentence number 1 ”Get up, or I’ll spill your brains on the grass”. Conjunction or, in the sentence is used to show choice. The sentence is compound sentence and connected by coordinating conjunction or. Sentence number 2 Or I’ll do it my self with a knock on the head. Conjunction or, in the sentence it means to show choice. The sentence is a compound sentence and it is connected by coordinate conjunction or. The sentence uses reflexive pronoun my self. Sentence number 3 Alive or dead, that’s all I know about him. Conjunction or, in the sentence is also show choice. The sentence is compound sentence which is connected by coordinate conjunction or. 4 Conjunction but From the source of data, the writer found 11 sentences used conjunction but, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are: 1 But they’re clever in our business.p.38 2 These lads spent much time trying to persuade Oliver to join them in their chosen profesion of thieving, but always he refused.p.39 3 Nancy quickly brought a bottle from a well-filled cupboard, but the Jew took only a little and seemed uneasy.p.39 4 But Nancy must have read this thoughts.p.43 5 But Toby knocked the pistols from his pocket.p.45 36 6 He went to several of Bill Sikes’s normal meeting places but no one had seen or heard him.p.49 7 Monks finally agreed it must be his imagination, but he would talk no more and finally went away.p.51 8 He was conscious only of pain, but he kept on until he reached a road.p.52 9 But there is a poor creature upstairs, whom Aunt wishes you to see.p.54 10 He has not washed recently, but he doesn’t look at all fierce.p.55 11 But search as they might, they found nothing.p.62 Sentence number 1 But they’re clever in our business. In the sentence conjunction but is used to show contrast. It is a coordinate clause because it is connected by coordinating conjunction “but”. Sentence number 2 These lads spent much time trying to persuade Oliver to join them in their chosen profesion of thieving, but always he refused. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show complex sentence. Complex sentence is a sentence that consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clause subordinate clause at least one dependent clause Complex sentences use subordinating conjunction. It consists of one independent clause, they are : These lads spent much time trying to persuade Oliver to join them in their chosen profesion of thieving. Independent clause, but always he refused subordinate clausedependent clause. The same things are found in the sentences, they are: 3 Nancy quickly brought a bottle from a well-filled cupboard, but the Jew took only a little and seemed uneasy. 6 He went to several of Bill Sikes’s normal meeting places but no one had seen or heard him. 37 7 Monks finally agreed it must be his imagination, but he would talk no more and finally went away. 8 He was conscious only of pain, but he kept on until he reached a road. Sentence number 9 But there is a poor creature upstairs, whom Aunt wishes you to see. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrast. It is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consist of two independent clauses ore more that are linked by coordinating conjunctions like, and, or, but. In the sentence there are two independent clauses, they are: There is a poor creature upstairs. Independent clause. Aunt wishes you to see. Independent clause. Sentence number 10 He has not washed recently, but he doesn’t look at all fierce. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrast. It is compound sentence. It shows negative statement. It uses present perpect tense. It is known from the pattern S + has + not + V3 + adv of time. Sentence number 11 But search as they might, they found nothing. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrary. It is compound sentence. Sentence number 4 But Nancy must have read this thoughts. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show a must. Sentence number 5 But Toby knocked the pistols from his pocket. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrary. 5 Conjunction yet From the source of data, the writer found 2 sentences used conjunction yet, taken from chapter 8 and chapter 9, they are: 1 ”Not yet,” said Fagin, smiling.p.50 2 ”No, not yet,” replied the old lady.p.55 Sentence number 1 ”Not yet,” said Fagin, smiling. Conjunction yet in the sentence it means to show negative statement. It is direct speech because the 38 statement use quotation mark. Sentence number 2 ”No, not yet,” replied the old lady. Conjunction yet here is also means to show negative statement. It is direct speech, it is known fom the quotation mark. 6 Conjunction then From the source of data, the writer found 9 sentences used conjunction then, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are: 1 Oliver looked wildly round for help, then made a sudden dash from the room, followed by Fagin and the two boys.p.37 2 The Jew then left him with the cheerful companionship of the Dodger and Charley Bates.p.39 3 Then give me a boy,” said sikes,” and he mustn’t be a big one.p.40 4 Then there was a flash, a loud noise, smoke, a crash and Oliver staggered backwards.p.47 5 Then came the loud ringing of a bell, a noise of firearms and shouts and a sensation of being carried rapidly over uneven ground.p.47 6 He then went to Sikes’s house and found Nancy crying and miserable.p.49 7 “Then I think we can help him,” said the doctor.p.56 8 Then they were gone.p.62 9 ”Then they are in the ditch,” said Harry.p.62 Sentence number 1 Oliver looked wildly round for help, then made a sudden dash from the room, followed by Fagin and the two boys. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentence. The sentence is a complex sentence. Complex sentence is a sentence that consist of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The sentence above consist of one independent clause and 39 two dependent clauses, they are: Oliver looked wildly round for help independent clause, then made a sudden dash from the room dependent clause, followed by Fagin and the two boys dependent clause. Sentence number 2 The Jew then left him with the cheerful companionship of the Dodger and Charley Bates. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to expain subject, the Jew. The sentence is a simple sentence because consist of one independent clause. The sentence is showed here: The Jew then left him with the cheerful companionship of the Dodger and Charley Bates one dependent clause. Sentence number 3 Then give me a boy,” said sikes,” and he mustn’t be a big one. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentence. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the pattern uses quotation mark. Sentence number 4 Then there was a flash, a loud noise, smoke, a crash and Oliver staggered backwards. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link subject. The sentence compound sentence by using simple past tense. It is known from the pattern: S+was+ 0+c. Sentence number 5 Then came the loud ringing of a bell, a noise of firearms and shouts and a sensation of being carried rapidly over uneven ground. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentences. Sentence number 6 He then went to Sikes’s house and found Nancy crying and miserable. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link subject predicate and object. The sentence is compound sentence because consist of two independent clause, they are : He went to Sikes’s house. Independent clause. Found Nancy crying and miserable. Independent clause. The sentence is linked by coordinating conjunction then and and. Sentence number 7 “Then I think we can help him,” said the doctor. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentence. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark that is used. The same case is found in 40 Sentence number 8 Then they were gone. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to explain subject they. The sentence is simple past tense by using conjunction then. sentence number 9 ”Then they are in the ditch,” said Harry. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to explain subject they. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark. 7 Conjunction so From the source of data, the writer found 9 sentences used conjunction so, taken from chapter 6, 8, 9, and chapter 10, they are: 1 ”So you wanted to get away, did you my dear?”p.38 2 “So it is,” said Sikes.p.40 3 They were catching up on us, so we left the boy in a ditch and parted company.p.49 4 They entered an empty room on the first floor, leaving the candle outside, so as not to show light through the shutters.p.50 5 So the evil couple parted.p.51 6 He was so weak he could hardly sit up.p.52 7 ”Oh very much so, indeed, Doctor Losberne,” said Rose interrupting him.p.54 8 So they are all three climbed the stairs together.p.55 9 Oliver was so frightened that he roused at once.p.60 Sentence number 1 ”So you wanted to get away, did you my dear?” Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show result. It is compound sentence because consist of two independent clauses, they are : You wanted to get away. Independent clause. Did you my dear? Independent clause. It uses simple past, by using interrogative sentence. Sentence number 2 “So it is,” said Sikes. 41 Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show result. It uses direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark. Sentence number 3 They were catching up on us, so we left the boy in a ditch and parted company. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show effect. It is compound sentence by using past continuous tense. It is known from the pattern: S+were+ v-ing+o. Sentence number 4 They entered an empty room on the first floor, leaving the candle outside, so as not to show light through the shutters. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show effect. It is compound- complex sentence, because it consists of two independent clauses and one dependent clause. They entered an empty room on the first floor. Independent clause. Leaving the candle outside. Independent clause. So as not to show light through the shutters. Dependent clause. Sentence number 5 So the evil couple parted. Conjunction so in the sentence is also show effect. It is a simple sentence, because it consist of one independent clause. Sentence number 6 He was so weak he could hardly sit up. Conjunction so in the sentence is to show condition. It is compound sentence, because it consists by two independent clause, they are: 1. He was so weak. 2. He could hardly sit up. The sentence uses simple past. The pattern is : S+was+o. Sentence number 7 ” Oh very much so, indeed, Doctor Losberne,” said Rose interrupting him. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show effect. it is direct speech, it is known by quotation mark. Sentence number 8 So they are all three climbed the stairs together. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show cause. It is a simple sentence because consist of one main verb. The main verb is climbed. Sentence number 9 Oliver was so frightened that he roused at once. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show result. The sentence is complex sentence, because it consists of one independent clause Oliver was so frightened and one dependent clause That he roused at once. 42 8 Conjunction for From the source of data, the writer found 15 sentences used conjunction for, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are: 1 We’d have got something warm for supper.p.36 2 For many days after these events Oliver was kept imprisoned in the empty, filthy old house with shuttered windows.p.38 3 They’ve been with the old lady for twenty years.p.40 4 He though deeply for several minutes.p.40 5 ”He’s the boy for you my dear,”said Fagin, grinning horribly.p.41 6 This is not the time for you to get free.p.43 7 Quickly she led him from the house in to a house in to a horse cab, which seemed to be waiting for them.p.43 8 Sikes, cursing Fagin for sending Oliver on such a job with him, silently removed a shutter from a window, using one of his tools.p.45 9 ”I haven’t eaten for three days.p.48 10 Each man for himselfp.49 11 ”I’m glad to know the worst is over for him.”p.49 12 ”I’ve been wating for you for two hours.p.49 13 Treat him gently, for my sake.p.54 14 Oliver lay in bed for many weeks.p.57 15 Oliver stood still with terror for a moment, then leaped from the window, shouting loudly for help.p.62 Sentence number 1 We’d have got something warm for supper. In the sentence conjunction for is used to show purpose. It is a simple sentence. Sentence number 2 For many days after these events Oliver was kept imprisoned in the 43 empty, filthy old house with shuttered windows. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. It is complex sentence, because it consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause. Filthy old house with shuttered windows. Independent clause. For many days after these events Oliver was kept imprisoned in the empty. Dependent clause. Sentence number 3 They’ve been with the old lady for twenty years. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. In the sentence conjunction for is used to form present perpect tense. It is known from the pattern : S + havehas + been + oc. Sentence number 4 He though deeply for several minutes. Conjunction for in the sentence is also to show duration. It is a simple sentence by using simple past tense. It is known by the pattern : S + V2 + Oc. Sentence number 5 ”He’s the boy for you my dear,”said Fagin, grinning horribly. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show possession. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from quotation mark. Sentence number 6 This is not the time for you to get free. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show negative sentence. The sentence is compound sentence because consists of two independent clauses. Sentence number 7 Quickly she led him from the house in to a house in to a horse cab, which seemed to be waiting for them. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show result. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and one dependent clause, they are: Quickly she led him from the house in to a house in to a horse cab independent clause which seemed to be waiting for them dependent clause. Sentence number 8 Sikes, cursing Fagin for sending Oliver on such a job with him, silently removed a shutter from a window, using one of his tools. . Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show reason. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: Sikes, cursing Fagin for sending Oliver on such a job 44 with him independent clause, silently removed a shutter from a window dependent clause, using one of his tools dependent clause. Sentence number 9 ”I haven’t eaten for three days. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. The sentence is present perfect tense by using negative sentence. It is known from the pattern: S + have + not + V3 + C. Sentence number 10 Each man for himself Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show result. The sentence is exclamatory sentence. It is known from exclamation mark. Sentence number 11 ”I’m glad to know the worst is over for him.” Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show cause. The sentence is simple present tense by using superlative degree. It is known from the pattern: S+tobe am+adjective+v1+superlative degree+obj. Sentence number 12 ”I’ve been wating for you for two hours. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. The sentence is present perfect continuous tense. It is known from the pattern: S+have+been+v-ing+o+c. Sentence number 13 Treat him gently, for my sake. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show purpose. The sentence is imperative sentence. Sentence number 14 Oliver lay in bed for many weeks. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. The sentence is simple sentence because consist of one main verb, lay. Sentence number 15 Oliver stood still with terror for a moment, then leaped from the window, shouting loudly for help. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: Oliver stood still with terror for a moment independent clause. Then leaped from the window dependent clause. Shouting loudly for help dependent clause. 45 9 Conjunction that From the source of data, the writer found 12 sentences used conjunction that, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are: 1 His pleasure in seeing these was quickly dispelled by Fagin telling him that he was to be taken to Bill Sikes’s house that night.p.42 2 There was a chance that some one might believe his tale.p.43 3 I was almost afraid that you’d given it up, in which case I should have done the job alone.p.44 4 That makes no noise.p.45 5 Alive or dead, that’s all I know about it.p.49 6 We had enough of that the first time.p.50 7 ”That wasn’t my doing,” observed Monks.p.50 8 Remember that I had no hand in it.p.51 9 ”That house sir, that’s the house the thieves took me too”.p.57 10 That one therep.58 11 What was that? p.60 12 ”That way replied Oliver.”p.62 Sentence number 1 His pleasure in seeing these was quickly dispelled by Fagin telling him that he was to be taken to Bill Sikes’s house that night. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show apposition. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two or more independent clauses. The sentence is : His pleasure in seeing these was quickly dispelled by Fagin. Independent clause. Telling him that he was to be taken to Bill Sikes’s house that night. Independent clause. Sentence number 2 There was a chance that some one might believe his tale. Conjunction that in the sentence is used 46 to show purpose. The sentence uses simple past tense. It is known from the pattern: S+was+o. Sentence number 3 I was almost afraid that you’d given it up, in which case I should have done the job alone. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show apposition. The sentence is a complex sentence that consist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: I was almost afraid independent clause, that you’d given it up dependent clause, in which case I should have done the job alone dependent clause. Sentence number 4 That makes no noise. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show apposition. The sentence is a simple sentence because it consists of one main verb, that is ” makes”. The sentence uses simple present it is known from the pattern: S + V1+ O. Sentence number 5 Alive or dead, that ’s all I know about it. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show apposition. The sentence is compound sentence because consist of two independent clause, they are : Alive or dead. Independent clause. That’s all I know about it. Independent clause. Sentence number 6 We had enough of that the first time. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show apposition. The sentence is a simple sentence which consist of one main verb had. The sentence uses simple past tense. It is known from the pattern: S+v2+o+c. Sentence number 7 That wasn’t my doing,” observed Monks. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show negative statement. The sentence uses past continuous tense. It is known from the pattern: S+was+not+o. Sentence number 8 Remember that I had no hand in it. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show negative statement. The sentence is simple sentence by using simple past tense. Sentence number 9 ”That house sir, that’s the house the thieves took me too”. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show location. The sentences is demonstrative pronoun. Demonstrative pronoun is a sentence that is used to showdescribe things or people that we state. It shows how 47 far a things. Sentence number 10 That one there Conjunction that in the sentence is also used to show location of something. The sentences is exclamatory sentence by using demonstrative pronoun that. Sentence number 11 What was that? Conjunction that in the sentence is used to know information of something. The sentences is interrogative sentence by using simple past tense. Sentence number 12 ”That way replied Oliver.” ? Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show direction. The sentence is simple sentence by using simple past. 10 Conjunction as From the source of data, the writer found 8 sentences used conjunction as, taken from chapter 6, 8, 9, and chapter 10, they are: 1 Enquired Sikes, stepping forward as the Jew took the note.p.36 2 Sikes’s dog growled as Fagin entered and was cursed by his master when he saw who the visitor was.p.39 3 ”I didn’t know if you might be ill as you were the other night, my dear,” said the Jew.p.40 4 The air grew colder as the day came and the mist rolled along the ground like a dense cloud of smoke.p.52 5 As he drew nearer to it with feeble footsteps, he recognised it.p.52 6 As they talked, a gig drove up and out jumped a fat gentlemen, who rushed into the room a moment later.p.54 7 I’ll look in again, as I come down, Mrs Mayle.p.54 8 ”Yes they will do as I say ,” replied Mrs Mayle.p.56 Sentence number 1 Enquired Sikes, stepping forward as the Jew took the note. Conjunction as in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is complex sentence. Complex sentence is a sentence that consists of one independent clause and 48 one ore more dependent clause at least one dependent clause. The sentence consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause, they are : Enquired Sikes, stepping forward independent clause. As the Jew took the note dependent clause. The same case is found in the sentence below: 4 The air grew colder as the day came and the mist rolled along the ground like a dense cloud of smoke. Sentence number 2 Sikes’s dog growled as Fagin entered and was cursed by his master when he saw who the visitor was. Conjunction as in the sentence is used to show time, as here is the same with when. The sentence is complex sentence that consist of 1 independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: Sikes’s dog growled Independent clause. As Fagin entered and was cursed by his master dependent clause. When he saw who the visitor was dependent clause. Sentence number 3 ”I didn’t know if you might be ill as you were the other night, my dear,” said the Jew. Conjunction as in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is simple past tense by using direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark. Sentence number 5 As he drew nearer to it with feeble footsteps, he recognised it. Conjunction as in the sentence is used to show time, it is the same with when. The sentence is complex sentence that consist of one independent clause and one dependent clause. They are : He recognised it. Independent clause. As he drew nearer to it with feeble footsteps. Dependent clause. Sentence number 6 As they talked, a gig drove up and out jumped a fat gentlemen, who rushed into the room a moment later. Conjunction as in the sentence is used to show cause or reason. The sentence is a complex sentence that consist of one independent clause and two dependent clause, they are: A gig drove up and out jumped a fat gentlemen independent clause, As they talked dependent clause, who rushed into the room a moment later dependent clause. Sentence number 7 I’ll 49 look in again, as I come down, Mrs Mayle. Conjunction as in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence uses simple future. It is known from the pattern: S + will + V1 + OC. The sentence is complex sentence with consist of one independent clause and one dependent clause. They are: I’ll look in again independent clause, as I come down, Mrs Mayle dependent clause. Sentence number 8 ”Yes they will do as I say ,” replied Mrs Mayle. Conjunction as in the sentence is used to show cause. The sentence is simple future, combined with direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark. The sentence is complex sentence that consisist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: ”Yes they will do independent clause, do as I say dependent clause, replied Mrs Mayle dependent clause. 11 Conjunction if From the source of data, the writer found 7 sentences used conjunction if, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are: 1 ”He’ll do all you want if you frighten him enough,” said Fagin.p.41 2 ”Mine if you like, Bill”p.41 3 This one’s got the looks to help him if he gets into trouble.p.41 4 Besides,” the Jew went on, recovering his self-possesion,” he could harm us as all if he got free again.p.41 5 I’ll shoot you if you don’t.p.47 6 He may never have known a mother’s love, or the comfort of a home, if he has been wicked.p.56 7 Will the servants keep quiet about him if we ask them?p.56 Sentence number 1 ”He’ll do all you want if you frighten him enough,” said Fagin. Conjunction if in the sentence is used to show condition. The sentence is 50 direct speech, it is known by quotation mark. Sentence number 2 ”Mine if you like, Bill” Conjunction if in the sentence is used to show requests. The sentence is direct speech by using commands. It is known from the quaotation mark and exclamation mark. Sentence number 3 This one’s got the looks to help him if he gets into trouble. Conjunction if in the sentence is used to show condition. The sentence is compound sentence, because consists of two independent clause. Sentence number 4 Besides,” the Jew went on, recovering his self-possesion,” he could harm us as all if he got free again. Conjunction if in the sentence is used to form complex sentence. it consists of two dependent clauses and two independent clauses, they are : Besides,” the Jew went on dependent clause, recovering his self- possesion independent clause, he could harm us as all independent clause, if he got free again dependent clause. Sentence number 5 I’ll shoot you if you don’t. Conjunction if in the sentence is used to show condition. It is complex sentence because it consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause, they are : I’ll shoot you. Independent clause. If you don’t. Dependent clause. Sentence number 6 He may never have known a mother’s love, or the comfort of a home, if he has been wicked. Conjunction if in the sentence is used to show complex sentence. It is known from one independent clause and two dependent clauses. That is : He may never have known a mother’s love. independent clause, or the comfort of a home dependent clause, if he has been wicked dependent clause. Sentence number 7 Will the servants keep quiet about him if we ask them? Conjunction if in the sentence is used to show condition. The sentence is future tense by using interrogative sentence. The pattern is: Will + S + V1 + OC. 51 12 Conjunction when From the source of data, the writer found 7 sentences used conjunction when, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are: 1 She’s uncommonly strong when she’s angry.p.38 2 ”Don’t you know the devil when he’s got a great coat on?”p.39 3 When is it to be done?p.40 4 ”It’s a sad thing, my dear, to lose so much when we’d set our hearts on it,” he said.p.40 5 Why do you bother so much about one white faced kid when there are so many others?p.41 6 Accordingly, one morning when Oliver was really better, he set out with the doctor in Mrs Mayle’s carriage.p.57 7 When they came to Chertsey Bridge, Oliver gave a loud cry and turned quite pale.p.57 Sentence number 1 She’s uncommonly strong when she’s angry. Conjunction when in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is complex sentence. It consists of one independent clause and one dependent cluse with linked by subordinate conjunction when. The clauses are : She’s uncommonly strong. Independent clause. When she’s angry. Dependent clause. Sentence number 2 ”Don’t you know the devil when he’s got a great coat on?” conjunction when in the sentence is used to show interrogative sentence. The sentence is complex sentence. Sentence number 3 When is it to be done? Conjunction when in the sentence is used to show time by using interrogative sentence. It is a simple sentence because consist of one independent clause. Sentence number 4 ”It’s a sad thing, my dear, to lose so much when we’d set our hearts on it,” he said. Conjunction when in the 52 sentence is used to show time to do something. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark that is used. Sentence number 5 Why do you bother so much about one white faced kid when there are so many others? Conjunction when in the sentence is used to show interrogative sentence by using wh question. Sentence number 6 Accordingly, one morning when Oliver was really better, he set out with the doctor in Mrs Mayle’s carriage. Conjunction when in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is simple past tense. It is known from the pattern : S+was+adj. Sentence number 7 When they came to Chertsey Bridge, Oliver gave a loud cry and turned quite pale. Conjunction when in the sentence is used to give information about time. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and one dependent clause. The sentence is : Oliver gave a loud cry and turned quite pale. Independent clause, When they came to Chertsey Bridge Dependent clause. 13 Conjunction after From the source of data, the writer found 7 sentences used conjunction after, taken from chapter 6, 7, 8, and chapter 9, they are: 1 ”I planned the night after tomorrow with Toby,”said Sikes in a surely voice.p.42 2 After a miserable wait, Nancy came to fetch Oliver.p.43 3 After more walking, the weary Oliver was led into a ruined house beside a river, where they were greeted by a man whom Bill called Toby Crackit.p.44 4 After that, there was much activity.p.44 5 He fired his own pistol after the two men and dragged Oliver up.p.47 6 ”Listen”He cried after some time.p.48 53 7 The door was opened after some moments by a man servant, with another behind him.p.52 Sentence number 1 ”I planned the night after tomorrow with Toby,”said Sikes in a surely voice. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show complex sentence by using subordinating conjunction after. It consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause. The sentence are : ”I planned the night after tomorrow with Toby,” independent clause said Sikes in a surely voice dependent clause. It is direct speech, it is known from the quotation mark. Sentence number 2 After a miserable wait, Nancy came to fetch Oliver. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show complex sentence. It consists of one dependent clause and one independent clause, They are : After a miserable wait dependent clause, Nancy came to fetch Oliver independent clause. The same cases are found in the following sentence below, they are : 4 After that, there was much activity. 5 He fired his own pistol after the two men and dragged Oliver up. Sentence number 3 After more walking, the weary Oliver was led into a ruined house beside a river, where they were greeted by a man whom Bill called Toby Crackit. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show complex sentence. It consists of 1 independent clause and 2 dependent clauses, they are : After more walking dependent clause, the weary Oliver was led into a ruined house beside a river independent clause, where they were greeted by a man whom Bill called Toby Crackit independent clause. The same case is found in the sentence number 7 The door was opened after some moments by a man servant, with another behind him. Sentence number 6 ”Listen”He cried after some time. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is exclamatory sentence and combined by simple past tense. 54

4.2 Finding