Time and Place of the Research



In this chapter, the writer will clarify the previous research that used the same object as the writer does but uses different theory and cite the differences with the writer analysis. The writer will also describe the theory that used in this research. The writer uses two theories which are; character and characterization theory by Joseph M. Boggs and representation theory by Stuart Hall. Furthermore, to make the reader clear about the differences between Princess Merida and other classic Disney’s princesses, the writer will also put a classic Disney’s princess representation in this subchapter. The explanation about all above will be described on the sub-chapters below.

A. Previous Research

The writer found two journals which discussed about Brave movie. First, the writer found the journal in the ProQuest. The author of this journal is Kelly Oliver and the title of the journal is Hunting Girls: Patriarchal Fantasy or Feminist Progress. This journal compares the old Hollywood fairy tales movies and the new ones. They describe how the female characters changes attitude in the movies in recent years. This journal said that movies nowadays showing that girls are tough, fearless, and can provide as well as a man by showing them hunting. Oliver explains that in Brave movie, Princess Merida shows active and athletic princess, who enters man’s world as equals. Things that makes this research different with the writer does is because Oliver only talks about Brave movie in her background of study. While in her analysis, she deeply analyzed and 12 compared the other princess like Cinderella versus Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games movie and Beauty and the Beast versus Bella Swan from Twilight movie using gender role theory. The second journal that the writer found is from University of Indonesia. The writer is Anniza Rizkita Mulia Putri. The journal entitled Analysis of Woman’s Roles and Stereotypes, is discussed about the role of Princess Merida and her mother, Queen Elinor which have more power than King Fergus in Brave movie. This research is using feminism method in analyzing the movie. The difference from this journal and the writer’s thesis is, in Anniza journal, she analyzed Princess Merida’s gender role and stereotype as a woman in general, not as a princess. She does not mention that Princess Merida was different with another Disney’s princesses. Besides in this thesis, the writer tells Princess Merida difference with other Disney’s classic princesses with mentioning what are the differences. Also, in this research, the writer will use representation theory and character theory to help the writer seeing how princess represented in the movie.

B. Character and Characterization

1. Character

When we talk about characters in our analyses of movies, we should consider it as beings have discernible traits, habits, and dispositions and as formal elements that help develop the story and stories cannot exist if character is missing. 13 It means that character is very important in the story either it is narrative, like novel and short story, and film. In the story, a character is a person 13 Richard Barsam, Looking At Movies: An Introduction To Film Third Edition London: W.W. Norton Company Inc., 2010, p. 134