Background of the Study


A. Background of the Study

Advertisement is a message of a product delivered through media, supported by sponsors to some or all people. In making a product of advertisement, language an important part, because language is the system of sound and word used by human to express their thoughts and feelings, the particular way or style of speaking or writing, and the words and phrases used by a particular group or profession 1 . In the other word language is a tool to send an idea, information, and express a feeling in communication. Communication about information of product is one of social communication activities which have a commercial objective. Communication itself is a process in forming, delivering, receiving, and processing messages in one or two persons or more. Communication is a process to explain “who?”, “telling what?”, “in which channel?”, “to whom?”, and “with what result or effect?”. Communication is a process involving four components, they are: 1 Hornby, AS. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English New York: Oxford university press, 1995, p. 662. ix 1. Source or communicator is a person or a group who send a message. 2. Message is a symbol using words in writing or oral, pictures, numbers, and gestures. 3. Channel or medium is an instrument to send a message. For example, electronic medium, such as television, radio, and printed medium, such as newspaper, magazine or interpersonal communications. 4. Receiver or audience is a person or a group become message receiver target. The components above introduced by David Berlo are commonly called by S-M-C-R model. 2 For an effective communication, someone should use appropriate language that is easily understood by others, especially receivers, based on the grammatical structures. “The advertisement also should use language that is easily understood by receivers.” 3 The advertisement must be able to influence the audience or receiver and make them change their perceptions of the product and finally they will take positive action to buy the offered product. “Advertisers themselves say that ads are a mixture of rational and emotional appeals.” 4 Therefore, some of people claim that advertising’s nature as another form of human communication. Regular conversation illustrates how all human communication, including advertising. In regular conversation how something is said is as important as what is said. In printed advertising, art, 2 Dinas Pertanahan dan pemetaan, Laporan Pendahuluan Jakarta: PT. Pratama Pola Cipta, 2005, h.7-8. 3 Asmah, Bahasa Iklan Perniagaan: Suatu Kajian Bahasa Retorik Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1984, h.5. 4 David Bernstein, Creative Advertising. London: Longman, 1974, p. 295. x layout, typeface, and magazine are carrying the emotional messages just as important as the rational content of what the communicator says. A magazine is one of printed medium which offers the product through advertisements. The advertisers should pay attention more to choose an appropriate language. Therefore the usages of language style or figure of speech such as Alliteration, Assonance, Simile, Personification, Hyperbole, Ellipsis, etc., are one of choices often used in a headline of their advertisements. One of a headline, for example a product of advertisement uses style of language in magazine below; xi SOME CURLS HAVE ALL THE LUCK The advertisement above is taken from Cosmopolitan magazine. It is a hair serum advertisement of Fizz Ease. The language style that is used in the headline’s advertisement above is personification, because the phrase of headline implies as if curls are personified. In this case, the headline uses curls as substitution of human being which has all the luck. Therefore, the writer is interested in using English magazines such as Cleo, Vogue and Cosmopolitan magazines to be analyzed, because there are many advertisements using language style in their headline, so that she is challenged to identify any language style used in advertising of the magazines.

B. Focus of the Study