Climate Change and Influence on Water Resources

5. Climate Change and Influence on Water Resources

Global climate models predict an increase in precipitation and evaporation between 3 and 15 percent when CO2 is doubled in the atmosphere. According to a 2014 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the annual greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reached 49.5 billions of tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2010 and continue to increase (IPCC, 2014a). The climate models also predict severe weather events, such as major storms, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and ice melts in the near future. It is well-known that changes and variability in climate will lead to a shift in the availability and distribution of water, which are being noticed in many regions in Canada (Figure 8). Rising temperatures, increasing ice melt and evaporation will affect the seasonal variability of water and will further increase the competition among municipal, industrial and agricultural use of water in Canada in the near future (IPCC, 2014b). Water resources are already overused due to rapid economic and population growth in Southern Canada, and climate change will exert additional water stress.

One of the main climate change induced water problems in Canada is the melting glaciers of the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada (British Columbia, western edge of Alberta, and eastern Arctic) and the drought it is intensifying in Prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba) (Hipel et al, 2013). Approximately 2% of Canada is covered by glaciers and after Antarctica and Greenland, Canada has the highest amount of glacial ice (CCME, 2003). Glaciers store water as ice in the winter and slowly release the melting water in the summer when it is needed most for municipal, agricultural and industrial use. Melting of glaciers has significantly changed the seasonal flow patterns of rivers that flow across the Prairie provinces, and 20-84% of reduction in summer flows were reported (Schindler and Donahue, 2006). Warmer temperatures, increasing precipitation and


snow melt, and extreme weather events also impact Climate caused changes on water systems can the water quality by increasing the carriage of have important consequences for the environment, sediments, nutrients and a wide range of pollutants

economy and public health (TRCA and ESSA, 2012). (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides, endocrine disrupting The cost of flooding in southern Alberta in 2010 compounds) into surface waters and aquifers. In

was $956 million and the impact of the 2001-2002 addition, the increased frequency and strength drought in Saskatchewan was the loss of $6 billion of rain and storm events will increase the sewer

in GDP and 41,000 jobs. In 2005, a summer storm overflows and discharge of untreated sewage to

in southwestern Ontario and the flooding followed surface waters, which is already a big problem in

resulted in insurance claims of $500 million. Severe most Canadian cities. The negative impact of climate

rain and storms have also played a role in the change on water quality is seen in many provinces,

waterborne disease outbreaks in Walkerton, Ontario particularly in Ontario and Quebec, where nutrient-

(2000) and North Battleford, Saskatchewan (2001), enriched lakes and warmer temperatures have and numerous boil water advisories in remote resulted in toxic blue-green algae blooms making

regions and aboriginal communities.

the water unsuitable for human consumption. Based on the increased severity and frequency Other impacts of warmer temperatures on of weather and water hazards that are seen globally, water systems include rising sea levels on the Pacific

it is clear that countries need to rethink and revise coast, potential flooding in low-lying areas and their approach to water management (IPCC, 2014a; heavily populated deltas, pre-spawning mortality of

TRCA and ESSA, 2012). Canada is taking steps the Pacific salmon, increased number of forest fires,

towards developing an adaptive, flexible, and risk- more frequent droughts in Prairies, temperature based approach to water management that requires increase in Great Lakes and decrease in water levels,

an integrated analysis of water and wastewater disappearance of wetlands, gradual melting of infrastructure as well as adopting new policies and permafrost, and contamination of aquifers with salt

management practices for all water resources. water and pollutants (Environment Canada, 2014).

Figure 8. Melting iceberg and glacier at the Jasper National Park (Alberta, Canada). Photo credit: ©



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