Perencanaan usahatani karet dan kelapa sawit berkelanjutan di DAS batang pelepat kabupaten Bungo provinsi Jambi

(Plemtus osjreut~lr)DAN AMONIASI

RJ!WN SANGADJI. Opthizing the Use of Sago Meal As Ruminant Feed
through Oyster mnshroom (PCe1cfotus ostrwtus) Biofementation and
Amrnoniatioa Under direction of AMMJDDM PARAKKASI, KOMANG G.
A series of experimentson the use of sago waste has been carried out 6om
May 2006 until April 2008 in Bogor. The objectives of the experiments were (1)
to utilize sago by product as 1 4 feedstug (2) to study nutritive value of
P h m t r r p o s t r e n l l ~fermeated
and urea-ammoniated sago waste (3) to study the
effect of ration using treate&sago waste as ingredient. Tbe first experiment was
to investigak the effect of biofermmtation length of time with Plewwfus oslmahrs
and manganese (Mn) supplementation into media of incubation at 0,200,400 and
600 ppm. The experiment was carried out in a 4x4 facbrial anangffneot The
r e d & indicateh that time of bioferrnentation of sago was& increased the protein
content only chtring myceUium formation stage, fiber component daxeased at all

treatments, and increased the dry matter loss as tbe time passed Whereas levels of
Ma stpplmentalion did not affect t
k protein content, fiber component nor tbe
dry matter loss. There were no significant interaction effect between time of
biofennentation and Mn supplementation. The second experiment was to
evaluate the use of treated sago waste on the digestibility and fementabdity in an
in v i m nmien system (10 treatments). The result indicated the use of treated sago
waste improved the digestibility of feed, concentration of ammonia and VFA
within a normal range. The third experiment was designed to study the effect of
using treated sago waste as ingredient of ration for cattle to substitute a part of the
grass. The treatment of sago meal was either by biohentation with Plewvhrs
osfmzms or urea treabnent -(ammoniation). ift teen approximately 18-month old
male Bali cattle were used in the present experiment. Native g a s wvas used in the
experiment. The result sbowed that substituting SPA of the grass with treated
sago waste gave the g m b s t weight gain as compared to tfre dber txatments
Intake of dry matter and organic matter were significantly different . Digestibility
of dry matter, organic matter and fiber component were not significantly different
among tnabnents. However, the digestibility of ADF were greater when 15% and
300/0 of the g&s were substhted with fermented sago waste . The feed to gain
ratio was most efficient m the animal receiving 50% biofennented sago waste as

substitute for native grass. The m e n characteristic showed that pH,
concentration of NH3 and VFAs were not significantly d i f f i n t among
tn%ments. It was conctuded that biofermentation of sago waste using PleurOhr~
osh.emw and ammoniation with urea improved its nutritive value and could be
used to substitute native grass for cattle.
Key words : sago meal,biofermentation, PIeurohrs osimmu, immonialjon, beef

hasil penelitian t a b i k pada penelitian I, ampas sagu yang belm diohb dan
ampas sagu arnoniasi. Pemlitian ini bettujuaa untuk mengetahui produk
pengolaban ampas sagu t e d d c clan d i b d i g k a n d e n p m p u t lapanganRancangan yang digunakaa adalah Rancangan Acak Kelornpok (RAK) dengaa 10
pedransum dan 3 kelompok waktu pengambilan cairan m e n . Periakuan
rarwm adalah rarwm kontml, ransum yang meupdung ampas sagu fmeatasi
15% 30% dan 45% rarwrm yang mengandung ampas sagu amoniasi 15% 3Wh
dan 45% dan ransum yang mengandmg ampas sagu tanpa pengolahan 15% 30%
dan 45%. Penggmaan ampas sagu baik fennentasi. arnoniasi maupun tanpa
pengolahan dalm ransum menggantikan mput rumput lapangan. Uji ianjut
rnenggunakan uji Duncan. Peubab yang diukur adalah kectanaan babm k&g,
bahan organik, kadar NI& kadar VFA total dan pH cairan nunen. Penelitian
tahap IU: Pengujian subSitusi m p u t laprigan dengan ampas sagu dalam

ransum sapi Bali Penelitian ini juga rnmggmhn basil penelitian teh& pada
penelithn sebelumnya yaitu ransum kontrol, ransum yang rnengandung ampas
sagu fmentasi 15% 30% dan nrnnrm yang merigandung ampas sagu amoniasi
15% 30%. Temak yang digunakan adalah 15 &or sapi Bali jantan much yang
1.5 tahun, yang dikelompokkan b e d a s d m b o b badanRammgan yang digunakm &ah
Rancangin Acak Kelompok dengan 5
perlakuan ransum dan 3 ketompok temak Uji lanjut meaggunakan uji Duncan.
Peubah yang diukur ad& konsumsi bahan kering, bahan organik, pertambahan
bobot badan,konversi ransum, kecemaan (bahan ka'mg, bahan organik, protein
ADF, NDF clan Selulosa), brfftf NH3, kadar VFA total dan p;usial, clan income
overfeed wst (IOFC), retemi N dim lcadar kolesteml feses.
Hasil penelitian tahap I; rnenunjukkan bahan kering, hahan organik,
protein dan semua komponen sera baaya dipengaruhi oleh wakhr inkubasi dan
tidak dipengaruhi oleh dosis Mn. Demikian juga tidak ada interaksi antara
keduanya Hasil penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian selanjulnya -adalah
perlakuan dengan
inkubasi panen pertama dan panen ke