ICT Innovations for Effective Fisheries Management

29 This activity also feeds into the Year 1 national policy dialogues see section 1.2 and sets the stage for Small Pelagics Management see section 4.1. Table of Key Activities and Milestones Who Activity 2.1 Scientific and Technical Working Group Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CRC Establish the STWG through the FC meeting in Accra office for 12 pax X X X CRC Prepare mission statement and action plan X CRC Periodic meetings of STWG 4 meetings in the Accra office for 12 pax X X X CRC Terms of reference for stock assessment [based on existing information only] X X CRC Review draft report of stock assessment and released by FC. X CRC Participate in national policy dialogues Chair and 3 members STWG X CRC Peer review meeting with international experts on stock assessment report Collie, NOAA. Meeting at FC – 20 X CRC Presentation of the SA report at the national dialogue 1. X List of Key Outputs • Letter of appointment to STWG w role and responsibilities of STWG • Terms of reference for stock assessment • Small Pelagics Stock assessment review [SCI001] • SP stock assessment presentation at the national dialogue.

2.2 ICT Innovations for Effective Fisheries Management

Activity Lead: SSG Activity Team: Lazar, MFRD, HM The development of partnerships in the information and communications technology ICT space will be critical to the fulfillment of SFMP objectives, particularly as they relate to enhanced enforcement opportunities. ICT also represents a priority sector for partnerships focused on enforcement of illegal fishing, vessel and fisher registration and possible linkages to the provision of insurance to vessel owners. Other ideas include provision to fishermen and fishmonger information on fish prices, weather alerts, mobile phone payments and invoicing, product traceability and other activities for improving coastal resource management and coastal livelihoods. 30 SSG Advisors has been instrumental in developing similar efforts in the USAID Philippines ECOFISH Project. If a number of these ideas shows high promise and stakeholder interest and potential for private sector partnerships see Section 6 of the work plan some will be piloted and, if successful, brought to full scale. Following the completion of the RPA see section 6, Partnership Prioritization and other initial SFMP baseline assessments, SSG will deploy an ICT Specialist together with the Senior Partnership Advisor and the Partnership Specialist to develop an SFMP ICT Partnership Strategy during the second half of Year 1. Through the strategy, SSG will develop action plans for engaging mobile carriers and ICT firms to explore web-based and SMS solutions to address IUU fishing, data collection, and improving alternative livelihoods for women and marginalized fisherfolk communities. Table of Key Activities and Milestones Who Activity 2.2 ICT Innovations for Effective Fisheries Management Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 SSG Establish working group, X X SSG Meetings: ICT applications in vessel and fisherman registration, landing data collection and reporting, traceability of products, IUU enforcement and reporting infractions. Weather, price and market conditions, X X X SSG Review State Dept hackathon, WARPF ITC efforts X X X SSG Preparations and strategy report with recommendations on options, presentation at the 2 nd National Dialogue see 1.2.2 X X SSG Validation Meeting X List of Key Outputs • ICT Strategy report [SCI002] • 2 nd Dialogue presentation

2.3 UCCDFASCCM Capacity Development