Technique of Collecting Data

problem is unfinished in the first cycle or still might have found some problems, so they should plan again a second cycle with the same concept as the first one; re-planning, re- acting, and re- observing. Hence, all the data should be analyzed by the writer.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

Techniques of collecting data in this research are using qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative is derived from observation within the physical activity in the classroom and interview to be presented for the teacher. On the other side, the quantitative data in this research uses questionnaire and test in which the test consists of pre- test and post- test. Here are the explanations:

a. Observation

The writer carried out two sessions of the observation. First, when she tried to find and to understand what problem should be solved immediately. The method of this observation is real- time observation. This means that the observation is observed and analyzed as the teachinglearning actually happened without using any electronic means of recalling the data. This is done by simply taking notes. Second, the observation is held during the CAR. The observation covered three categories during the teaching learning process such as the students’ activities, the students’ involvement and the teacher response. Here, the English teacher becomes the observer and uses unstructured or opened observation.

b. Interview

Before implementing CAR, the writer asks the teacher considering students’ problems in using the simple past tense and the method usually the teacher uses in teaching the simple past. After conducting the CAR, the writer also carried out the interview to investigate the teacher’s views and experience about the ideas of Contextual Teaching Learning. In this study, the writer uses structure interview.

c. Questionnaire

Another way to get the data, the writer also carried out the questioner in two sessions, before and after the implementation of CAR. The writer used yes no response as the design of the questioner. The writer wants to know students response and experience about the ideas of Contextual Teaching and Learning. Each questionnaire consist of ten questions which cover 3 categories; they are the students’ feeling toward understanding the simple past tense, the implementation of the method and the effects of Contextual Teaching Learning to knowledge improvement and grammar skill.

d. Test

This study uses pre-test and post test for collecting the data. The pre- test is conducted before the implementation of Contextual Teaching Learning in teaching simple past tense. Meanwhile, the post test is conducted after the implementation of each cycle. Because of in this research the CAR consists of 2 cycles so the post-test had already delivered in the final action of each cycle. Furthermore, the tests are done in form of multiple choices and fill in the blank type.

E. Validity of Data

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