Job Training Activities DISCUSSION

commit to user 3. Develop the skills to conduct training as local content.Mengembangkan keterampilan dengan menyelenggarakan pelatihan sebagai muatan lokal 4. Seriously service in a good learning activities with the PAKEM and cooperate with other parties. Pelayanan yang sungguh-sungguh dengan kegiatan belajar yang baik dengan “pakem” serta bekerjasama dengan pihak yang lain 5. Ensuring that learners can receive the lesson well and obtain achievements. Mengusahakan agar peserta didik dapat menerima pelajaran dengan baik dan memperoleh prestasi belajar yang membanggakan

B. Job Training Activities

1 Class Observation The writer observed the students and the class condition in the first day of the job training. The job training started on February 22 nd 2011. The writer taught the third grade and focused this class in doing observation. The condition of the classroom is good enough and support in teaching and learning process. The classroom has two doors, one as prime door, and the other one as way to the students to go to the toilet and canteen that located in back of the school, it annoyed the teaching and learning process because the students were always out of the class. There are also some windows in this classroom. commit to user Besides that, it has a daily presence board, a list of study group, and a list of team work. In the third grade has 20 desks and 40 chairs, it is suitable with the number of the students, that are 40 students, consisting of 20 male students and 20 female students. During the English lesson, sometimes the class was noisy and crowded, they were still talking each other or busy with their own activities when the teacher were explain the lesson. However, when the writer warned them, they were silent and listened to the explanation. They are very happy when the writer gives them the tasks. From the class observation that explained above the writer concludes that the teacher’s control management is very important to make the class manageable. 2 The Teaching Material Teaching material is the most important thing in teaching and learning process. It is a means that is very helpful for teachers to deliver the material to the students. Besides, it also provides a stimulus in learning. For the handbook that was used by the writer for 3 rd grade students is Fokus, published by CV Sindunata. 3 Making Lesson Plan A lesson plan is important. It has important function in teaching activities. Before presenting the material, teacher has to make a lesson plan for each topic. It consists of teacher and student’s activities in teaching and learning process. commit to user Besides, the allocation of time can be arranged according to schedule that has been determined. One lesson plan consists of one material used for one or two meetings. The lesson plan is divided into four section, they are: BKOF Building Knowledge of Field, Modeling, Joint Construction of Text and Independent Construction of Text. LESSON PLAN Topic : Things in the Kitchen Grade Level : 3 rd grade student Alloted Time : 1 session 1 hour Discussion Focus : Things in The Kitchen Communicative Skills : -What is that? , What is this? -That is a.... , This is a.... Goals : The students knows many kinds of Things in the Kitchen The students can pronounce the names of Things in The Kitchen. The students can differ many kinds of means of Things in The Kitchen. commit to user 1. BKOF Building Knowledge of Field a. Greeting b. Checking students’ attendance c. Introducing through short story with pictures about Things in The kitchen. d. Asking the students to respond by answering questions about Things in The kitchen. 2. Modeling a. The teacher introduced some vocabulary of Things in The Kitchen. b. The teacher read the vocabulary, then the students repeated after the teacher, then repeated several times. c. The teacher explained The use of “What is that?” and “What is this?” questions. The answer of the previous questions. “That is a....” , “This is a....”. d. The teacher gave examples of the dialogue. 3. Joint Construction of Text Student worked in pairs Filling in the blanks Arranging words into good sentences 4. Independent Construction of Text Homework : students fill in the blanks the dialogues. In the next meeting, students should practice the dialogues. commit to user

C. The Process of Teaching English Vocabulary to the 3