Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Menyimpan dan Menggunakan Obat

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Title of the Thesis
Name of Student
Student ID Number
Academic Year

: People’s Behavior in Storing and Using Medicines
: Chindy Elina Siregar
: 141121132
: S-1 (Undergraduate) Nursing (S.Kep)
: 2016

Using and storing medicines in an appropriate place will endanger public health.
Therefore, they have to be informed by knowledge of medication, especially about
storing and using medicines. The objective of the research was to identify
people’s behavior in storing and using medicines at Kelurahan Menteng, Medan
Denai Subdistrict. The research used descriptive method with cross sectional
design. The population was 339 people who lived at Kelurahan Menteng, and 77

of them were used as the samples’ respondents. The data were gathered by using
questionnaires about people’s knowledge, attitude, and action in storing and
using. The result of t he research showed 47 respondents (61%), 54 respondents
(70.1%) had positive attitude, and 48 respondents (62.3%) had good action in
storing and using medicines. The conclusion of the research was that most of the
people had good behavior in storing and using medicines. This behavior was not
only related to their educational background but also to their age, income, and
health information obtained by the people. Therefore, nurses as educators should
provide health education in order to increase health standard.

Keywords: People’s Behavior, Storing Medicine, Using Medicine

Universitas Sumatera Utara